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I used to watch a lot of insanity videos and just remembered how much I love this monster 🎶
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alianarepasa · 8 months
So one of my friend @englyuiiil was watching the new video from the SMG4 team, TheInvertedShadow and...
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Now before you say that they may have used a fan model, there is one way to disprove it that it is the legit official model they are using!
You see, the fan model has 5 fingers when in canon, he has 4
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my-little-eoi-blog · 5 months
Elements of Insanity : More Chaos!
This blog is dedicated to putting a twist on, and making our own story out of the EOI series by TheInvertedShadow on YouTube. Please check it out!
We plan on putting more emphasis on the chaos of the characters, as well as making them more twisted and evil.
With that in mind, please heed these warnings!
Unsettling content, gore, horror, death, drug abuse, addiction, trauma, bullying(?), manipulation, unhealthy relationships, etc.
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We are a team of 2 mods who run this blog : 
Mod 💎
Main Writer and Main Artist
You can call me 💎, Gem, Gemma, or just G! I go by any pronouns but just use they/them if you’re unsure. I will be doing the majority of the art and writing for the main story!
Mod 🍎
Blog Owner, Writer, and Artist
Hello, I’m one of the mods of this blog. I go by 🍎 or Esther and use she/they pronouns. I will be in charge of managing the blog, updates, and answering most of the asks we receive. 
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Be kind! Respect us and each other, please! Any comments or asks that are genuinely rude or hurtful will be ignored and deleted. (You are welcome to play a mean role within an ask, but make it obvious that it is only a role).
Give Credit! We would prefer that you do not repost our artwork anywhere without our permission, but at the very least credit us please. 
Shipping and Headcanons are Okay! We’d love to see what ideas you can come up with for these silly little characters! We don’t own them (obviously) but we’d like there to be NO EXPLICIT NSFW of the versions/designs of these characters in this story. (Again we don’t own MLP or EOI, just the idea of this retelling/AU and the specific designs we give to each character).
DNI!!! Homophobes, Transphobes, Racists, Proshippers/Comshippers, Pedos/Preds/Zoos, Basic DNI Criteria!!!
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#refsheet - each character's current official design and description 
#retired - any old designs, art, or refsheets that aren’t being used anymore
#narrative - the main story (start here)
#ask - answers to our ask box
#stuff - random art, updates, or whatever doesn’t fit in any other tag
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Thank you for reading! We hope you enjoy! - 💎 and 🍎
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If you remember the elements of insanity then you’re the goat ong
(The pony freaks belong to theinvertedshadow, but these designs were made by me)
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rosecrystailline · 3 months
I remember loving the Elements of Insanity by TheInvertedShadow on yt when I was a kid and mlp was my first fandom I got in to ((I can't draw ponys and have them as humans))
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ac1d--tr1p · 1 year
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!!!SC3N3M0 4SS P4NC4K3S!!!
!!!H3'S G0NN4 B0NK Y0U!!! O_o;
i've been in the freak fortress 2 wikipedia reading and watching the freaks origins and their powers, they're so silly i love them!!! ^_^ ass pancakes (c) theinvertedshadow
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uupdirector · 9 months
The Eve Cometh Again
"Another day, another Christmas" is what I would be saying if I hadn't been doing all I could to bring my life to a point where I'm not only working hard at bringing the best possible life for myself, but also slowly but surely regaining the love I had for all the hobbies that kept me sound enough to enjoy said life. It's been a long journey to reach this point, and while I'm still fairly nervous about what the future beholds, I'm not going to let that hold me back on reaching the goals I have laid out for me. There's far more excitement than anxiousness, and sometimes I have to tell myself that so I don't end up getting pulled back into the gutter, but it's because of that excitement that I'm fairly happy this Christmastime.
I have something big planned not just for myself, but to everyone that's continued to see my journey and enjoy all the stories and goofs I've had to share. But today, I want to take the time to provide some letter-like notes to a few of my closest friends that have continued to help me smile over the years.
Let's start with my chums from the Joy Charged Gamerz Crew - first of all, sorry again for not being active on the channel this year xD I know the channel is meant to be more laid back and should only be obliged when we feel comfortable enough to do so. It doesn't change the fact that even now, I'm forever thankful to have been granted the opportunity to not only help and see the channel grow, but also create some fantastic memories with great friends. With the new year on the horizon, I hope we get the chance to create some more memories, and since I've been taking some time to play more games again, I hope that this spark will give me the chance to continue charging others with joy. Merry Christmas, lads, and love ya'll 💛
To many of the new friends that I've had the joy of hanging with a TON this year - @soybeanzoffical, @onyxcolonyart, Slime Guy/mrmendezgamer1, Rambles, Namor, @sparxsiris, Nate, @rubyshimmer0x, and many others, thank you all for being a supportive bunch of lads. Even though we've had a lot of bullying escapades in the past year, I can look back and get a little chuckle out of 'em x3 Much love to ya'll, and here's to another year of my dumbass shenanigans! Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays, buds :'3 🩷
To one of my good buds in animation, TheInvertedShadow (@asktheshadows), I know we've not spent as much time together, and we've both been going through our own fair share of down moments, but I just wanna leave another reminder for ya; you are always loved and cared for by thousands - if not millions of people, and as one of them, I'm glad to have seen your talent grow since I first laid eyes on your EoI video 10 years back. And if I knew we were going to be a chaotic duo of friendship back then, I'd probably call myself crazy xD But to be serious - you've always been such a supportive friend since we first spoke together back in 2016, and for that, I can't thank you enough, and I'm happy to call ya one of my best friends. Thank you so much for all the great memories, and here's to many more in the future - we both got a lot ahead of us, for sure ;) Merry Christmas, lad ❤️
And speaking of which, to another one of my best buds; Will Ryan (DAGames). Man - what a year it's been, hasn't it? Since the start, you've been constantly moving yourself up higher and higher, and being along with ya for the ride has been nothing short of a blast. I'm legitimately proud of you for all the accomplishments you've made - from the release of HOAA:R (btw to everyone else, bls stream Castle that Burns, kthxbai xD ), the launch of Solitude: Subject Placement, and all the conventions you attended. On that note, it was fucking amazing to be able to see ya again at MomoCon this year, and not just for a day, at that! The experience itself was already amazing as it was, but to be able to hang out with you, the crew, and some of our other friends was probably one of the best memories from this year. I still get choked up thinking back to the concert when Living Life Without The Cord and Gold: SSD played, and I'm so happy that it turned out so well. I know the year hasn't come without it's downsides either, but the fact you persevered regardless and brought some great times with it is something you can't knock. On that note, I also have my own share of thanks to give. I'm wholeheartedly grateful of all the support you've given me during the production of Scarlet Combine leading up to the launch of Storm Before The Calm. To be in a similar pair of shoes that you've worn, it's given me some semblance to the feelings and experiences you've had when you first released HOAA. It can't entirely be compared - that much I know, but to have made something of this calibur has shown me that the work of an artist of any kind isn't to be taken lightly, and while I too wish there were things I could have done better with my album, it doesn't change the fact that I'm proud to have made it possible regardless, and I have you to thank as one of my pillars of inspiration. And even though we may not have had the same experiences with our projects, one thing I can say is that it's helped me understand enough to have your back even more than I have before. It may be difficult to push out the negative thoughts that came from releasing Resurrection, but once you understand the obstacles in your Pursuit of Hope are meant to guide you to the joy you're seeking, it all comes slightly more naturally. I haven't given up on my own pursuit, so don't give up on yours. Thank you for everything, Will, and I love ya to fuckin bits. Merry Christmas, bud 💚
Now, to all the fans that have kept up with my bullshit for so long (sorry by the way xD ), thank you all for being so supportive and patient with me as I work towards the new year - a lot has been on my mind during this long break, and thankfully I'm pushing ever closer to a brighter end where I can be happy with the things I've enjoyed doing for years. There's a lot to look forward to, and I can't wait to talk about some of it when the Resolution of 2024 rolls in on January 15th. I love you all, and I hope you all enjoy the holiday season leading up to the new year.💙
And finally, I have one last person I'd like to speak to; my love, @aspennightray (Shut up, I know it's gay xDD). Words can't express how happy I am to have you in my life. I know this year has had it's struggles for the both of us, and I know that my dumbassery has caused its fair share of frustration with you in fixing some of those things, but this year has also brought some great memories as well. When we first met face-to-face for MomoCon, it was admittedly weird to continue from there like it was just another Discord call, but if anything, it helped make the transition to our time spent in the following 2 weeks all the more comfortable. I won't beat around the bush, but that was by far the best time of my life in such a long while, and has made me confident enough that you are the one I want to be with. While there's been quite a few potholes making the journey to that point fairly difficult, I still haven't given up yet, and I don't plan to anytime soon. You've done so much for me in the past year we've been together for, and while I know many of them were things I could have done myself or many other friends could have done for me, but I suppose it just has more meaning to me knowing it comes from you, especially with how much it's helped me get off my ass and take care of myself. Despite the tail end of this year feeling a bit off for a multitude of reasons, none of that overshadows the fact that it's been an amazing one, and i can't thank you enough for it. I also can't thank you enough for all you've done to bring my ideas to life - no matter how beautiful they've turned out (and they certainly ARE beautiful <3 ), none of that matters as much as the fact that you made it possible. Sure, they may have been "jobs" at the end of the day, but your fascination, interest, and support for Scarlet Combine has been a core spark in ensuring that I completed it, and that means so much to me. Despite the jokes, bullying, and a few moments of irritation, I know you've always believed in my ability to create this new world of mine, and though it will take a good while before I continue it again, I'm excited for what we'll do with it together. Thank you so much for everything, hon, and I hope this Christmas turns out well for you. Even if it doesn't, know that I'll still be here to help make it just a little bit brighter. I love you so much 💜
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and here's to an even Happier New Year to you all 🎄
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 1 year
Teufort Forlorn
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48874108
by Fallingintotragedies
The meaningless battles between RED and BLU are forced to cease as a new threat emerges from the ashes of their conflicts; The Freaks. The two opposing forces join together as one as the Amaranth Association, working towards one goal - rid their land of the Freaks. As the new war commences, a far more sinister conspiracy is conceived, and the line between human and monster begins to blur for both sides.
Words: 15, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Team Fortress 2
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: Christian Brutal Sniper (Kekas), gentlespy, Spyper (minifett), intelligent heavy - Character, Armeni, Fiammetta, Lord DeGroot, Nightmare medic, piss cakehole, Ass Pancakes (TheInvertedShadow), weaselcake, Original Team Fortress 2 Character(s), soupcock porkpie, dic soupcan, Vagineers (J16FOX2), demopan, scombine, soldine, dr schadenfreude, creepy medic, Seeman, Seeldier, snyphurr
Relationships: Heavy/Spy (Team Fortress 2)
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48874108
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moonflower-pies · 5 months
Curious to know if anyone else ever watched these videos (all by TheInvertedShadow):
Elements of Insanity
One Night of Insanity
Luck of the Lyrish
Another Stroke of the Lyrish
Last Call of the Lyrish
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minusgangtime · 1 year
(“P-Please!..I just want my papa!..I just wanna go home!..”)
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(“Mi-mi?…oh hell no!..”)
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(Sooo I thought of another RP idea based on “the elements of insanity” a web series on YouTube made by theinvertedshadow and it goes like this:
Shelby shows the kitties and the gang a portal she finds but she accidentally activates it and it sucks everyone into a world full of “freaks” humans with supernatural powers with no moral,a lot of the gang and kitty crew were transported to a grave yard,where they were fused with the ghosts of freaks,where they required their powers but also thier insanity,however cause they are fused with the gang,they still have thier kindness and moral in tact,so after they find each other they notice some of them are missing,so the freaked up kitty crew and minus gang search and try to find them.
This picture focuses on freaked up MB (or mean shout) finding midnight about to get attacked,possibly killed by some freaks,and even in more of a unstable state,he ain’t having his mi-mi getting hurt.)
-mod Shelby
(If MB/Mean Shout is in Fluttershout's place, who's taking place for Rarifruit, ApplePills, Rainbine, Pinkis Cupcake, Brutalight and the other pony monsters?)
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yipzy6 · 1 year
* Colored Durkin Mammals
⚠️Flash +🩸 blood + cursing ⚠️ TF2 crated by Valve Corporation, Eddsworld crated by Edd Gould and Elements of insanity Is created by Theinvertedshadow. Audio and songs aren't mine.*
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vantastic-villian · 3 years
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Elements of Insanity Was going thru my computer files and found this cringy unfinished art piece. started making this years ago and spent hours making it with a mouse. So I finished it up. And posting here cuz I lost access to my deviantart account ages ago. I was into some weird shit as a teen.
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Happy New Year everyone!!
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From me,The Elements of Insanity and TheInvertedShadow! Link to the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y7Dos80-4o the video is gonna premiere at Midnight :D 
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jt2zemax · 4 years
Jasper's Answering Machine 2: Electric Voodeedoo!
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
♡ alison's mlp oc ♡
I would love to introduce you to my My Little Pony OC I made five years ago as the love interest for both Rainbow Dash and Rainbine! Meet
Legendary Symphony
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Here's a little excerpt of the story I made up for her!
Legendary Symphony is known as part of the Mane 7, harnessing the Element of Passion. She is a beautiful pegasus with a soft cream coat, silky blue moon mane and tail, and a little gold piercing on her ear. When she became a part of the Elements of Harmony, she bonded with all the other ponies nicely, but especially with Rainbow Dash. The two mares began to fall in love (this even applies in the Equestria Girls universe too) and things were well when suddenly the Mane 6 disappeared into a portal, leaving Legendary Symphony and Spike behind. Rumors began spreading around town that the Elements of Harmony had turned into the Elements of Insanity, but they were still waiting for their last element to join them.
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Legendary's love for Rainbow Dash had been so strong that she decided to go through the portal in search of her. Once she got to the graveyard, however, Rarifruit, Fluttershout, and Brutalight found her and decided to fix her up so that their group could be complete once again. But once they found some hosts who were willing, two began to bicker over who should get to harness her body. So to solve the issue, Brutalight and Rarifruit put two souls inside of Legendary as well.
She was no longer Legendary Symphony. She was now Nightmary Skinphony, a mix of Nightmare Medic and the Skintaker.
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With their group finally complete, they decided to go show off their final member to Pinkis Cupcake, Apple Pills, and Rainbine. But as soon as Rainbine laid eyes on Nightmary, her eyes turned to Rainbow's for a second.
"Legendary?" She had whispered. "What have they done to you?"
"Legendary? Who's that? It's Nightmary now."
And it goes on from there, but if you guys are interested in me writing something about her, feel free to request away! I would love to share her and Rainbow's story with you because MLP honestly doesn't get written about enough. Let me know guys!
♡ a.a.
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preciousskipy · 5 years
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A Birthday pic for TheInvertedShadow
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