#their relationship wont just disappear cuz we get a sequel of deku having 3 kids and we follow the story of beku
kacchanrawr · 2 years
kind of a negative rant? sorry im tired
These past few months or whatever the mha fandom's been so tiring. As we get closer to mha's ending, there's so much discourse and discussion about what ship's endgame or what the characters' endgame will be or whatever and it's so tiring to look at. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble or anything. It's nice that you're hopeful for a bkdk ending and you can analyze whatever you want and all, but god how many months has it been of those discussions popping up every single day? Do you not get tired of this? Yes dudebros being homophobic and their views are so heteronormative and shit blahblah yes it could make sense with your analysis and all that bkdk would be canon. But seriously, I swear this is just a cycle.
How much media have queer people analyzed and shit to say hey it would make complete logical sense for these two to end up together only for the writers to go "lmao no here's the poorly developed het couple take it"? Every time we go "hey maybe this time it'll be different", and like well it's good to hope, it does end up being true sometimes, but some of you trust Hori too much lmao. Maybe it's just me being a pessimist, but the way I see it, it's "don't hope for shit when he hasn't given a reason to show he'll be different" and not "he hasn't done anything to lose my trust yet so yes"
He's given me no reason to think he's being some kind of genius that's subverting expectations and ochako's writing is supposed to be a critique of how shounen love interests are written blahblah. Would that be nice? Sure. But it's "he's not great until proven otherwise" and not "he's amazing until proven otherwise"
I get the feeling of wanting all that to be true and bkdk to be canon, I would also want that. But the way I see it, it's just a possible path that could make sense, not THE path the story's gonna go with. Like just because there could be dots to be connected for bkdk to end up canon, it doesn't mean the dots are gonna be connected that way. So the thing with beefing with dudebros or antis or whatever is that while some of you are convinced that path is THE path, but they don't even see it as one cuz you're not having the same train of thought? Idk how to put it, but I just think it's kinda pointless to try to reason with them and shit.
Anyways I'm kinda just waiting for the story to end already. I've already the lost the feeling of being excited for chapters every week to see what will happen next and think about the future, I just want to see how mha will end. So this is all just rants from a pessimist who doesn't really care anymore if bkdk doesn't become canon (or if izu//ocha becomes canon in a shitty way cuz lol what did we expect). I just want a satisfying end for bkdk and my fave characters really
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