#their singing together is absolutely beautiful and worth listening to even if you aren't and IEYTD fan
saucy-mesothelioma · 6 months
For my fellow IEYTD fans, y'all need to check this out
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Hello love ♡
First of all, I want to congratulate you on your 5500 follower milestone! That's incredible♡! I love your writings, Mera, and I think that your ship celebration is a wonderful idea!
Could I please request a male matchup for Marvel, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings/Hobbit? With the additional "What you did for your first date" and "Ways they show you they love you without words" headcanons for all three of them? I'm female, she/her.
To begin with, I'm full of contradictions, utterly boring, very insecure and highly complicated. I would say my strongest personality traits are my kindness, calmness and sympathy. It's almost impossible to scare or upset me, because I always see the good in a person and recognize where anger, frustration and despair come from. There's no cruelty in me at all. I'm open and impartial towards everything and everyone, without any judgment or prejudice. I also have a calming/grounding effect on other people and animals, which is great because I honestly love all sorts of animals (I'm also a vegetarian because I refuse to intentionally hurt any animal). I have a faszination for chaos and rebellion, but am quite submessive/timid and a clean-/control freak myself. I'm always well-meaning and there to help others. I despise people who enjoy the suffering of others, just because they have the 'power' to. I'm very open-minded and I think that every opinion matters and that whatever someone has to say is important, at least to them and therefore for me. I will never ignore someone's sorrows and suffering and I try my hardest to help and comfort as best I can. But, even though I see the good in everything, I'm very insecure myself and have little love and understanding for myself. I have a very bad self-esteem and not a particularly positive self-perception, which mostly defines my actions. It makes me believe that I'm a burden to others and that I annoy them. I feel like I'm not "worthy" of love/there's nothing lovable about me, that there are too many problems in contrast to the little good things. Nevertheless, I would never change myself for anything or anyone, I'm who I'm. For me, dealing and interacting with people is really difficult, because I'm so clumsy and nervous around them and easily feel like I'm making a fool out of myself. Another reason is that I fear to be rejected and thrown aside when someone sees how boring, problematic and annoying I actually am. You would be surprised how timid and reserved I'm; I'm sure you wouldn't notice me in a room full of people if it wouldn't be for my different appearance (I'm always wearing only black, have dyed my hair a little and two ear piercings). I almost never like the "typical" heroes and righteous characters. And somehow I have such a undergoing disdain for any figure in the police and law department. Because I'm easily sad and not a funny/joking person, I like and enjoy people who aren't too serious themselves. And I'm the most loyal person you'll ever find, once you earn my trust, I'll always be on and by your side, no matter what. I've always felt like I don't belong anywhere, like I'm the only cat in a room full of dogs. That's probably why I have a soft spot for the weirdos, outcasts, loners and "crazy" ones. Though, in my opinion, the definition of normal, crazy and real are very subjective. My whole life I've felt kinda judged, misunderstood and unwanted. People often falsely think that my unassuming nature is naivity and take my social-insecurity for aloofness and coldness. I'm also quite opinionated and aware of what I want, how I feel and who I am. I'm often questioning my surroundings, the traditions and rules and I have no problem challenging others, even authority. I'm a perfectionist, which often leads me to overthinking and that can be equally good and bad. I'm absolutely clueless in romance and totally oblivious to flirting because I'm 100% inexperienced in this stuff, but I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic.
-Luna 1/2
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Hey Luna, I hope you like what I came up with. You provided a bit more information than was necessary lmao, I forgot the word limit for asks was extended. BUT, it was enough to give me a good feel for who to ship you with, so I hope you like them!
All ships are under the cut: 
I ship you with Clint.
Clint was my immediate thought when reading your information. He is very loyal and kind-hearted and I think would be most drawn to those who are kind, loyal, and have strong morals. He would try his best to show you how great you are through your insecurities, he loves you for who you are and sees no flaws in you. He would be very good at showing his care and love for everything you are. He does not need words to know how you feel as he is very good at seeing through you and knowing what you feel without them.
What you did for your first date: 
You would have a fun yet casual day out date.
First you would go on a walk through a nearby park, talking and joking about everything and nothing. 
Then you would go to a musical instrument museum.
He loves music too, so this would be great for both of you.
You got to see the evolution of music and instruments and listened to various kinds of music.
You spent hours in the museum together.
To finish the date of you went to a restaurant, you chose the place to go too since he knew you were vegetarian and he wanted you to share your favorite place and meals with him. 
Ways they show you they love you without words: 
He loves physical touch as well, so he would often express himself through various physical actions. 
Placing a kiss to the back of your hand, or head. 
Hugging you close to him randomly. 
Wrapping you up in his arms on the couch when watching movies as he randomly kisses the side of your head or face. 
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Best Friend: 
I think your best friend would be Steve. He is a very kind and compassionate person and would be very brotherly to you. he would never force you out of your comfort zone and would often check in on you. He can sometimes be a bit serious, but it never pushy towards you. He is very caring and helps you to accept yourself and things around you. 
Harry Potter: 
I ship you with Harry. 
Harry is a very encouraging and accepting person and I think he would see the best in you and would never stop showing and proving to you that you are worthy of love and compassion. He would find you to be beautiful and never sees the flaws that you try to convince yourself that you have. I think he would be one of the best people to show you that you matter and are beautiful. 
What you did for your first date:
You first met at Hogwarts, and since there was not much choice in dates he chose something simple that he knew you would enjoy. 
You left during dinner and took an evening stroll around the grounds.
You stayed out past curfew and sat on a nearby hill watching the stars together.
When you began to get sleepy you snuck back in and he walked you back to your room.  
Ways they show you they love you without words:
He brings you your favorite snacks and drinks randomly. 
Randomly drapes his cloak or jacket over your shoulders when you are cold. 
Will take your hand in his and rubs his fingers softly over your skin. 
Hugs you from behind randomly. 
Will play your favorite music throughout the house when he knows that you are stressed or sad. 
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Best Friend:
Hermione. She is very good at making you feel better about the world and yourself. She is always open to going on long walks and listening to you rant about anything or just to talk when needed. She is good at giving advice and never lets you feel inferior to anyone. 
I ship you with Aragorn. 
Out of everyone, I think Aragorn would be the best suited for you. He is kind, and patient and sees the best in everyone. He would see the best in you and is very good at showing it to you too. He will always make you feel wanted and needed. He does not let anyone take you for granted and will always stand up for you. He loves that you love music and will sing for you when you are stressed or having trouble falling asleep. 
What you did for your first date:
Aragorn being Aragorn, woud take you on a horse ride to a beautiful forest.
You would go exploring and walking through the meadows.
He would share his knowledge of various plants with you and pick you flowers along the way, making you a small bouquet. 
Once it got late, you two sat on the top of a hill and watched the sunset, waiting for the stars to come out before making your way back. 
Ways they show you they love you without words:
Surprising you with flowers randomly. 
Holding your hand as you walk through town on a quiet evening. 
Bringing you various plants and taking care of them for you.
Planting you a garden with all of your favorite plants and flowers. 
Hand-making you a special pendant to wear or hang somewhere in your home. 
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Best Friend:
Out of everyone, I think you would form a bond with Eowyn. She is caring and quiet, and is very easy to get along with She is very good at making people aware of their worth and of feeling wanted. She would never make you angry or disappoint you. I think you two would become so close that you consider each other family. 
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smileyoongle · 5 years
I Really Really Like You (Kim Taehyung One Shot)
Requested by @adsku
So I am actually working on all your requests side by side. Don't worry, I'll definitely be doing all of them in case you thought I've only been focusing on all my series.
Summary: A one shot where Taehyung ends up setting his eyes on you during a fan meet. Oh but wait! You aren't actually a fan.
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Taehyung sighed, kicking the empty bottle that laid on the floor behind the stage that had been set up for the fan meet. He was exhausted with all the promotions that the band had been doing since the comeback. He wasn't complaining though, he loved this life, minus the lack of privacy that came with the job, of course. 
"Up in 2 minutes!" The manager yelled, sending all the make-up artists into action as they did the last touches on all the members' make up. Taehyung stood still, drowning in his thoughts while his make up was being perfected. He practiced his smile again and again, stretching his lips to get that boxy grin that the fans loved. They were very predictable and this left no element of surprise in Taehyung's life. He craved that. He wanted someone to catch him off guard and take his breath away. He wanted someone to look at him and pay him no attention. He wanted to fight for someone and chase her till the end of the earth, getting too tired of being chased himself.
"Tae, you alright?" Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts, Jimin's voice pulling him back to reality. He looked at his friend, smiling and nodding, covering up any traces of misery from his face. Jimin squeezed his shoulder, mirroring his smile before turning back towards the entrance of the stage, the manager's voice alerting everyone to take their positions. Taehyung inhaled deeply, pulling together his velvet pink suit jacket and stepping out on the set up stage, the fanchants overpowering his entire being.
"Look, I'm not even a fan so you don't have to worry about me leaking any kind of organizational secrets or whatever. Just...please give me my phone back." You pleaded, narrowing your eyes in desperation. The old and scary looking woman only glared at you in response, making you groan. You were attending a BTS fan meet with your best friend, even though you weren't much of a fan. These guys were everywhere so it was almost impossible to not know them. Besides, you had never said no to your friend, especially when she showed you those puppy eyes. And now, you regretted your lack of selfishness. You could have been at home, binging a random show on Netflix but here you were, arguing with a manager because your phone had been confiscated soon after the BTS members had stepped up on stage. But what were you to do? You hadn't listened to a single song from their new album.
"Sorry, young lady, but the instructions have been made clear from the start. You are not to use your phone during the first fan sign for the album and you did exactly that. Now you'll get your phone after the event ends." She said, walking away as you stared longingly at your phone that was clutched between her fingers. What a bummer!
You rolled your eyes and headed back to where your best friend stood, glaring at her but she was too busy listening to what the seven people on the stage were saying. You cursed under your breath, crossing your arms and waiting patiently for the event to be over.
Taehyung smiled at the crowd in front of him, speaking and singing occasionally on the mic in his hand. He recognised a lot of faces, having a special memory associated with each one. Every single person in the room was all smiles and laughs, making Taehyung think that maybe he would forget about his worries for a while. Yeah, that sounded good. 
But it's all good only while it lasts because the second Taehyung saw your annoyed face, he was back into his spiral. It wasn't because of how lonely he felt. It was because he witnessed what he could have instead. You.
It wasn't very hard to figure out that you weren't a fan, judging from the way your attention was fixed on the ceiling but Taehyung felt like his heart was gonna leap out of his chest. You were a sight for sore eyes, standing out of the crowd with your nonchalant eyes and restless gestures. As if things couldn't get worse, you slowly looked up at the stage, your eyes falling on his and Taehyung swore he was gonna pass out from the rush of adrenaline that ran down his spine. What was wrong with him?
You didn't know what was going on but you certainly knew that it wasn't normal for idols to just stare at someone without even blinking. For a second, you felt insecure, squirming in your place and looking around to avoid eye contact with the blue haired male but his gaze was too intense for you to ignore. So you ducked your head behind your friend's shoulder and began playing a game of hide and seek. Judging by his smile, he was enjoying this and you swore you had the strongest urge to wipe that stupidly handsome smile off his face.
Your knees rested against the carpeted floor, your eyes looking everywhere but the man in front of you. Jimin, wasn't it? 
You had already been past the other five members and now there were just two left. You weren't very nervous at first since all you had to do was get the album signed and make small talk but as you approached the blue haired guy, whose name was Taehyung, you started feeling anxious. You were still worried about getting your phone back but this seemed to be a bigger problem. 
He made you nervous for no reason.
Jimin signed your album and passed it to Taehyung, smiling at you and talking to you as and when you gave him a response. You could sense their demotivation upon your lack of fruitful responses but you were trying your best. Telling them that you weren't even a fan would probably be worse. Jimin waved at you, making you gulp as you dragged yourself to Taehyung, his eyes burning holes at the side of your head.
You saw your album lying untouched in front of him, your eyes refusing to look at him. 
"Hmm...you can look at me, you know? Don't worry about being awkward, I can tell you aren't really fond of us." His words had your eyes widening like saucers, your head immediately looking up at him. How? He gave you that sweet grin of his, making your heart swoon and your cheeks warm up. 
Y/N. Stop.
You narrowed your eyes at him, scrunching up your nose to let him know that you were really annoyed. "Of course you'd know. That's what the staring was for, wasn't it?" You barked, your voice hushed as to not draw too much attention. Taehyung laughed, throwing his head back and you swore you had never seen a sight so beautiful. Damn it. 
"Why? Can I not look at pretty girls?" Taehyung asked, his eyes showing clear signs that he was teasing you. And you just couldn't help the way your heart began racing. You crossed your arms, glaring at him in frustration. Taehyung frowned, not liking the way your eyes looked beyond disappointed. He was only playing around with you, with no intention of offending you.
"Is something wrong?" You looked at him, unsure. It was probably his manager or something that took your phone away. That's when you saw the woman standing behind him, her eyes fixed on you with a sour expression on her face. 
"Time to leave." She voiced, making Taehyung quickly turn around and ask her for a minute more. He was absolutely not ready to end this conversation. It was fun flirting with you but by the looks of it, you hadn't figured it out yet. 
"Come on, tell me. I won't sleep the entire night if you don't tell me." Taehyung whined, resting his chin on the back of his hands. You cleared your throat, glancing away from him to hide your flustered expression. "You should ask your...manager who has been holding my phone hostage." You nudged your head towards the woman, pursing your lips when she glared at you. Wow. Why so stuck up?
Taehyung looked back at the woman, one of the new managers who took her job absolutely very seriously. And that was a good thing, obviously. But she wasn't one for letting these things slide. If anything, Taehyung guessed you were just really unfortunate for having been caught.
It wasn't gonna be hard for him to get your phone back right at this minute but... where's the fun in that? If he stalled, he could maybe see you after the event too. And from there, things could definitely escalate in a good way.
Taehyung raised an eyebrow, humming before speaking up. "What do I get if I help you?" You scoffed, looking at him in disbelief. What could he possibly get from you? A star idol and a normal girl. He was definitely mistaken about your status.
"What do you want?" 
"A date."
You choked on your own spit, ducking your head down to hide the way your face was flushed in surprise. A date? Well, that was new. You patted your chest, breathing deeply to calm yourself down before looking at the man before you. He had an amused smirk planted on his lips, probably satisfied with the reaction you got. You shook your head.
"You know what? I'll just get it from her after the event, thank you very much." With that, you stood up and ran off the stage, your feet not being able to stop until you reached the exit. Finally, you looked back at him, his shocked expression sending waves of satisfaction crashing on you. He was crazy if he thought you'd actually fall for it, knowing that celebrities never took dates seriously until they were done with their starstruck lives. He was probably gonna fool around with you for a while before deciding that meeting you wasn't very fun. Or worse. Maybe he was gonna stand you up. 
You turned back to the exit and left the place, concluding that you were going to wait outside until this stupid event was over. That was probably a bad decision because you ended up waiting for hours before people were finally going back for good. Your best friend's refusal to stay with you made you wonder if she really was worth your time. You came to this fan sign for her and this was what you got. You groaned and leaned against a wall, your back hurting from your uncomfortable posture. The day was just not going in your favour. You huffed and went back inside the building, huffing on seeing everyone gone, leaving the crew there, of course. You looked around for that woman, standing on your tippy toes to get a good look at the far end of the hall. 
"Stop snooping around and get ready to pay the fine." You flinched, turning around to see the manager looking at you with an angry expression. But, did you hear her right?
Fine? When did that happen?
"What do you mean?" You asked, earning a shake of her head. Her eyes showed you just how disappointed she was and you wondered if she thought you actually cared. Because you certainly didn't. "You went around breaking rules so here's the consequence. Pay the fine and take your phone back." Your jaw went slack. Was this really happening? Maybe you should have just agreed to go on that stupid da-
NO! Absolutely not.
"Look, I don't have a lot of money on me, okay? So how about you give me the phone and I'll pay the amount some other time?" You suggested, mustering up your sweetest smile. Her eyes narrowed at you, staring you down like you were a piece of meat. She let out a sigh and took a step back.
"₩200,000 or you're not getting it back." Before you could protest, she was rushing back towards the other crew members, clearing up the equipment. You wracked your brain for things that you could do. Going home and getting the money was definitely an option but it was getting too late to be travelling back and forth. Leaving the phone here and just getting a new one was absolutely not acceptable. Coming back tomorrow, yeah maybe you could do that but you weren't sure you'd be allowed inside the company's building. 
You sighed, squatting down due to the ache in your feet. You had been standing for too long and you were on the verge of crying. Why was this even happening to you? You should have really agreed to go out with-
"Instead of running away, you should have just listened to me." Your thoughts, exactly. You ended up falling on your butt with a yelp upon seeing Taehyung standing in front of you, his outfit no more a bubblegum pink. You blinked at him, watching as he stretched his hand out to help you stand up. Everyone else was busy with something or the other, your little interaction with an idol going unnoticed. You placed your hand in his, letting him pull you up as you dusted off the dirt from the back of your jeans. Not like there was any. 
"I heard everything, you know." Taehyung gestured towards his manager, a faint smile playing at the corner of his lips. You sighed, rolling your eyes and placing your hand on your hips. You could tell he was here to throw this in your face. Who would miss this opportunity? 
"Go on, tell me how I should have just accepted your offer." You snapped, Taehyung's teeth digging into his bottom lip. He narrowed his eyes, thinking for a moment before shaking his head. "Can't say that, the offer's pretty much still available." He shrugged, his hands resting inside his pockets. Your ears perked up at that. Still available? 
If you were being serious, there wasn't much harm in going out with him other than the fact that this was absurd. As far as you knew, you hadn't heard of any of the members asking a fan out. This was probably a first. 
"Why do you want to go out with me so bad?" You retorted, firing him with questions because you needed to be sure about this. Mainly, your priority was the phone but okay. A handsome guy was coming along so why not, right? Wrong. 
Taehyung tsked and bent down to your level, his eyes looking right into yours with what you assumed was affection. Now that was just crazy. Your heart again picked up it's pace, your eyes looking down at the floor because he was just too intimidating. "You are one interesting person. And I want to deal with every single one of your moods to show you that I may or may not be fond of you already. So let me take you out." 
You gaped at him, eyes slightly wider than usual. No one had ever said anything like that to you. This was too nice for your heart to handle. You noticed how perfect his face was. No wonder, millions of people loved him so much. "Fine. I'll go out with you." You mumbled, your voice smaller and much more delicate. Your strong facade was all gone, vanished into thin air. 
Taehyung grinned, mumbling a 'yes' in accomplishment. You ended up smiling, your eyes crinkling at the edges and Taehyung had to stop himself from hugging you. It was a beautiful thing. Your smile. He realised this was the first time he had seen you smile since he saw you. He wanted to give you more reasons now that you were ready to go on a date with him. Taehyung was ecstatic. His first date with a girl who was definitely gonna make him chase her. Just like he had wished.
Taehyung pulled out your phone from his back pocket and held it out to you, wincing when you gasped out of shock. The fine thing was a lie that he had coaxed his manager into saying. 
"You had my phone all this time?" You exasperated, throwing your hands up. Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck, grinning sheepishly. You yanked your phone out from his hand and walked away, your angry pout faltering on hearing him groan behind you. 
"I hope you know you can't go back on your words now!" He yelled, making you shake your head. You had to suppress the smile that was threatening to take over. "You should have thought about that before!" You answered, leaving the building and peeking over your shoulder to see him crouching on the floor with his head in his hands.
"Why so cute?" You mumbled, your feet dragging you back to the bus stop and into your house.
Finally, you took a long shower and got into bed, unable to stop yourself from smiling. Everything was super bad but you thought it was worth it. You realised that an idol wanted the same things as any normal person. They wanted to travel, they wanted to fall in love, they wanted to have a family, they wanted to settle down and they just wanted to live. You felt honoured that Taehyung wanted to go out with you but in your eyes, he wasn't an idol. He was just a boy who lied so that he could get you to go out with him. And that was good.
Your phone dinged, your fingers immediately taking hold of it from the nightstand. It was a text, that too from an unknown number.
Unknown: Tell me, what do girls expect on the first date? 
You chuckled, figuring out that this was indeed Taehyung. You saved his number before going back to reply to his question. That started a chain of replies throughout the night, you and Taehyung texting back and forth continuously. Things were bubbling in your chest but you had to soothe it down. Too soon to say you were a goner. Taehyung on the other hand, was pretty sure he likes you. He was more than excited to see you again. Of course, he had to listen to his hyungs warn him about all this but he didn't care. If the media was gonna find out then let it happen. He just wanted one day to do whatever he wanted to do. It was his life and he didn't want to think that he gave away every bit of privacy he deserved. It was gonna be you and him for a day. And he was determined to see you smiling the entire time. He wanted you to tell him that you wanted to see him again. Because he knew he was gonna say that to you for sure.
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Personally, I think I didn't do a very good job with this one. Darling, I'm sorry if you don't like it but I didn't want to keep you waiting anymore!
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