#theirwolf rambles
see my problem is, I want to read all the Predator related novels, but then I get attached to so many of the yautja and I get very Distraught when bad things happen.
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I either have food poisoning or a stomach bug and fuck it hurts
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theirwolfbicanthrope · 3 months
the lack of Thomas Hewitt/Erin or Thomas/Chrissie fic for the platinum dunes Chainsaw verse makes me sad
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this summer was going so decently (work wise - obviously the agony of my toothache was not decent) and then august hit and we're getting smacked with assholes who set my anxiety off almost every. single. shift.
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theirwolfbicanthrope · 2 months
praying we get the storms predicted by the weather cause i have not had a proper thunderstorm all summer and i am sad i want the rumbly wet weather :(((
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theirwolfbicanthrope · 4 months
read a book that had a similar moment to a previous book I ranted about here except this one handled it soooooo much better it was chef's kiss there was groveling and talking and processing just CHEF'S KISS mwuah love it
also this book was about serial killers of serial killers falling in love and there was a Leatherface knockoff and a Hannibal Lecter knockoff AND it referenced my favorite Katee Robert book (so far) so, yeah, potential favorite of the year
plus it reminded me of Dating & Dismemberment to an extent which is always a plus imo
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I know I'm not super deep into Predator/AVP fandom but even still, AVP: Thicker Than Blood feels like a gross mischaracterization of the yautja and also decided that since one of the main characters was a synthetic it was fine for the other one to basically physically abuse them?? I get she was freaking out but she showed nothing besides nastiness and contempt for him in the (admittedly very limited) time before the shit hit the fan - but it's okay really they love each other it's just typical sibling stuff...yeahhh...the plot was interesting and there's potential, but for a simple idea, it still felt far too rushed in just four issues. like an hour's worth crammed into ten minutes.
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theirwolfbicanthrope · 2 months
I will be so glad when this tooth gets pulled and I can get some pain meds
can't even pretend to write with this pain never fully going away
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I am still recovering from the food poisoning by my stomach no longer constantly feels like it's trying to destroy itself! eating food is still a struggle though as now my brain, mouth, and stomach have all decided that 99.9% of what I think of eating or attempt to eat is now THE GROSSEST THING TO EVER EXIST which is
not fun
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am slooooooowly getting through my drafts
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I think one of the biggest drawbacks of being the primary writer for a ship/fandom is you can get so caught up in your own interpretations and headcanons. and it's not even that those are bad or wrong but having other people's takes on what you love is healthy and can even help your own grow and evolve. it opens up new avenues, things you might never have thought of on your own. that is truly my biggest frustration with some of my niche pairings and fandoms.
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my ultimate wish (since Feral is dead so can't come back for a sequel) is that we get a sequel to Prey with Naru that has a female yautja - it is about damn time we get a female pred in live action media already.
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theirwolfbicanthrope · 2 months
started a trashy horror erotica novella on KU and returned it before even getting to the good stuff
if you wanna convince me a friendship means something only to then drop the bomb that MC's BFF is trying to hook up with the dude that helped force her to listen to her ex cheating on her and drags her along on an activity that makes her fight off panic attacks while being in close proximity with said dude
maybe don't bother
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theirwolfbicanthrope · 2 months
the tooth? gone. the pain? so much better. the drugs? are actually for the most part working.
the unhinged fic? hopefully on the way after some decent freaking sleep lmao
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theirwolfbicanthrope · 2 months
Guess who went to urgent care and is being put back on antibiotics as well as some stronger pain meds for this damn tooth
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theirwolfbicanthrope · 2 months
listening to Jason by The Midnight and the lyrics just made my brain go on the train of thought that in 2015's The Final Girls, Billy Murphy, our obvious Jason stand in slasher, is not the Jason character but in fact Max Cartwright, our ultimate final girl, is actually the Jason character - desperately trying to stop and then avenge the death of her mother. she cannot become the final girl, she doesn't have the strength to go against Billy (with the machete) until her mother dies, much like Jason doesn't - can't - become the killer until his mother dies. in this essay I will -
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