pwormtail-blog · 7 years
“ let me carry you ”
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“Are you out of your mind?” Peter wasn’t about to do that, no way in hell. But he did have an idea, he shifted his form to that of a rat. An injured rat but a rat none the less and then climbed into James’s pocket. That-- was more familiar than he wanted to admit. Sure he was hurt but..
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Could be worse.
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deadlydolohov-blog · 7 years
❝ Why do you think I want to keep an eye on you? ❞
“So you can learn something?”
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MOODBOARD & AESTHETIC MEME | currently; legit always accepting these
Send me a ☽ for a Moodboard of our characters or a  ☀ for an Aesthetic
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sybilltrxl · 7 years
[ ☻ ]
Sybill did not go to parties. They were too loud and too vibrant and too much effort. But here she was, because Lily had invited her, because maybe for once she should make an effort. Through the night Sybill rotated through basically every room of James’ house, always seeking out the quietest and most low key zone to be in at any one point.
It was exhausting, to be frank. Everyone was kinda drunk- including Sybill- and all it served to do was make her head pound. Not even in time with the music, just a relentless throbbing behind her left eye. At some point it all just gets a tad much, and Sybill secludes herself in the downstairs closet space. Where all the noise is muffled and there is a heavy wooden door between her and the other party guests. It’s warm and piled high with coats. 
And then that was it. Sybill didn’t remember falling asleep, just the deep and solid laughter of James as he opened the closet door the next morning, to the sight of her curled up among coats and scarves. 
Apparently when she vanished people just assumed she had gotten sick of the party and gone home, which didn’t offend Sybill, really. She probably would’ve done had she not fallen asleep in a fucking closet. It would’ve been mortifying had anyone else found her. but as it happens, James- for as annoying as he can be- was a gracious host, even hungover. So Sybill got breakfast and a cup of tea before she left, with a teasing promise that next time James would leave a blanket in the closet for her, just incase.
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regulcs-black · 7 years
[ ➤ ]
SEND A SYMBOL MEME | currently; accepting
[ ➤ ] my muse accidentally punches your muse in the face.
Regulus was exhausted as he sat at a small table outside of the coffee shop. There was  a cup of coffee in his hand but he couldn’t find it in himself to drink it. There was something bitter in the aftertaste that he couldn’t stand. He put the cup of coffee down and outstretched to the sky, leaning back as he did so, his closed fist making contact with someone’s face. Spinning around to see James Potter behind him. There was a slack jaw as he took in what he had just done, he had dreamed of doing that one or twice but it certainly didn’t feel as good as he had hopped. 
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raspberry passion fruit
raspberry: favorite flower?
answered here.
passion fruit: how would you describe your style?
Since she left home has style has definitely evolved, it now includes loads of muggle clothing and she reads the latest fashion magazines to try and stay in style. It’s a bit of worry of hers that she’ll look outdated and attract undue attention after living all her life as pureblood.
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thetedtonks-blog1 · 7 years
Get a letter from my muse |  ☮: For a written apology
Dear James,sorry for insulting your hair.Your hair is a majestic beast, truly untamed and wild.Long may he reign.       -Ted
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“Hey, man, I hate to tell you this, but I think your dog’s cheating on you..”
“Stop feeding him snacks and he wouldn’t love you more than me. This is bullshit. I take such good care of him and he loves everyone else more than me.” 
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“ i’m a being of pure power, i don’t need sleep. “
3AM SENTENCE STARTERS | currently; accepting
“Yeah, a being of pure power that’s going to hit the floor if you don’t get some proper shut eye.”
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sybilltrxl · 7 years
’ times are shitty, but i’m pretty sure they can’t get worse. ’
“I hear that.” Sybill huffed, taking a long sip of wine. “Ever consider just running away? Just throwing your clothes into a bag and heading off to somewhere sunny to live out the rest of your days as like, a beach bum?”
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regulcs-black · 7 years
“ this stuff never gets to you?”
DEXTER STARTERS | currently; accepting
If Regulus was going to be honest to anyone it would be a day to mark down on a calendar but given that the company was James Potter -- the bloke he only knew as the brother his own brother preferred -- he wasn’t going to start today. “Never.”
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It can be found here
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❝I want in on the scam.❞
“Okay listen, if you want in the first thing you need to do is stop calling it a scam. This isn’t a scam. It’s just... A little... Um... It’s not a scam okay?” 
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It was five in the morning. Five in the bloody morning and she wasn’t even on her way to St. Mungo’s. She held in one hand her coffee and in the other was a cigarette that she had a feeling she was going to need in order to not kill James. Before apparating to his flat she tucked it behind her ear, landing with a thud before she switched to her mouth and lit it. Her arse plopping onto the counter top with a muttering under her bread, “Five in the fuckin’ morning and I’m not even drunk.”
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sybilltrxl · 7 years
’ what’d you forget? ’
Sybill hummed as she drifted around the living room “I forgot....” Her hands trailed over surfaces idly “oh! Now I remember. My lavender!” She laughed, picked up the small bag from where it sat under the table. “Can’t leave this behind, I’ll not get to sleep without it.”
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