mojavc · 4 years
@thelasttejada // cont’d.
Raul stared out the window of the old abandoned cabana. He had been reluctant to follow Sheila to the mutant-infested ski lodge because of his experience with the big green humanoids, but getting snowed in and trapped was the last on his list of concerns.
“So boss, about how long do you think until the snow will thaw?” Jacobstown was cold, but even in winter, the updraft of warm air from the Mojave desert would swathe in to disallow the snow to cling on for very long, keeping the area a cold, slushy place.
He wasn’t too worried, he’d give it a day tops.
this trip had certainly been full of surprises. to encounter ( what had raul called it again? ) snow in the middle of a desert was certainly a shock at first, the courier having initially panicked at the sight of white patches across the ground. it had taken a few minutes for the ghoul to convince her the sky was not in fact falling, after which she’d seemed to take it in her stride.
with snow starting to fall steadily, they’d opted to take shelter rather than brave the elements. “ honestly, i have no idea, ” sheila begins, voice almost distant as she focuses on the slowly falling snowflakes. “ keep in mind i didn’t know snow existed until... an hour ago. ”
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weroyals · 4 years
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“Questions, boss? Like you don’t already know all there is already?”  Raul asked the courier sarcastically. Yes, it felt like Twig had stopped to ask him something every five minutes, while Raul didn’t really mind, it felt like with each question he was getting more and more off topic.
“You know, usually, when a man gives you their name and leaves it at just that, that’s usually all they want you to know.”
           ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ So  Twig  was  a  little  curious.   He was maybe a year out of the Vault,  he didn’t exactly have a lot in the way of friends,  he was not terribly worldly,   &  he’d been absolutely delighted to have Raul join him along the way to New Vegas.  He would admit,  that did make him just a little bitty bit inquisitive.   &  maybe his questions had diverted gradually more  &  more from the Vegas area to Raul himself,  but could he really be blamed if he just wanted to get to know his one  &  only traveling companion  (  new  best  buddy  !!  )  ?
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           ❝ Well,  OK,  yeah.  I’m sorry,  am I asking too much ?  It’s just that ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒   well,  it’s like I said.  I wanna know more about you.  I mean,  we’re friends,  right ?   Even if the whole,  y’know,   ❛   mysterious  loner   ❜   thing is kinda cool for what it is. ❞    He made a gesture of waving both his hands when he said that,  to emphasize the point.
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cheatdeathsarchive · 4 years
@thelasttejada    /    sc.
She had probably been staring too intently over his shoulder as Raul worked. Watching him almost felt nostalgic for something she could only vaguely place. Something to do with a childhood she barely remembered, but one that pulled her deep into thought all the same.
Which was probably why he had stopped his work to stare at Six curiously, and all she could do was smile apologetically.
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“I ain’t too bad with fixin’ things myself... want any help?”
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cottonbelles · 4 years
Valentine’s Day RP Meme
“I’m so nervous about my date tonight. Maybe I should just cancel and say I was sick.”
【 💣 】—That earned Raul a firm slap on the cheek, quickly followed by the Courier grabbing and shaking the shorter ghoul’s shoulders lightly.
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       “You’re in too deep to back the fuck out now, Tejada!” She barked, the shaking then turning into massaging, as if to calm him from her own sudden outburst.
        “C’mon man, you need this, after the whole ‘heat stroke and near heart attack’ deal you had while waiting for me when I got teleported to Big MT, I owe you one, and I can’t repay you if you cancel the damn date I organized for you.” 
     Having no idea how to actually adjust a tie but still wanting to be helpful, she straightened and fastened the accessory according to what she believed to look proper, and gave him a pat on the shoulder.
      “Besides, what’s that gonna do to your dates self-esteem if a ghoul cancelled on her of all things?”
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Raul Tejada from Fallout New Vegas has played Fallout New Vegas! We are reaching meta levels that shouldn’t be possible!
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dyedmaxiian · 4 years
@thelasttejada​ ​ / sc.
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“I would tuck away the hat if you value it...”
HE TRAILS off, glancing up at the SKY, the ominous shift in the winds suggesting a storm was brewing. Rain wasn’t uncommon in the Commonwealth hence why he got so used to the idea of it that it nearly bored him. He would be lying if he said it wasn’t at least relaxing however. He glances up at the man, leaning back in his chair as he smokes a nice cigarette in the cloudy afternoon sun.
“...rain is coming and I am not certain a storm will be very forgiving to it. There’s a small hook on the wall inside that can keep it safe for the time being until the storm has passed if you so desire.”
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o-rusted-heart · 4 years
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“You look like you could use a breather.” The old synth gestured to the chair beside him. There wasn’t much around until one reached the gates of New Vegas-- not much outside of his Detective Agency, and him sitting outside on the porch. 
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nightwontlast-a · 5 years
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💘— @thelasttejada​ sent, ✊ ( to catch Nick in a fistfight ) sticky situations meme // eagerly accepting !
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            The fight could be heard from outside the bar,  no doubt,  even before it escalated into fisticuffs.  It takes a hell of a lot to get under Nick Valentine’s skin,  but some guys are just really good at being assholes.  A smashed glass,  & that was the signal before all Hell broke loose.
           He was in the middle of a brawl at this point,  holding his own in the chaos.  Hard to say just who was fighting whom at this point,  what with all the drunks fired up & excited to get into it,  but it was plain enough that the detective wasn’t well liked in this particular crowd.  He was quick & tough,  light on his feet with a mean right hook,  but he was also visibly outnumbered,  besides being at the heart of the conflict.  Dishing it out like the best of them,  but he was still just one man.
         It should not be thought that his metal skeleton spared him the pain of any blows struck on him,  because a well placed hit had him giving a snap of pain,  & it was like a bell had been rung.  He could be hurt.  & they were gonna take full advantage of that,  if he couldn’t best the bulk of them.
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build-em-up · 5 years
“Her story checks out. She’s cool, not evil.” -- Classichoovy
The movie had it everything his dad would not approve of him watching. 
Murder. Blood. Violence. Repeat.
The movie also had the opposite effect on his ‘baby sitter.’ Given a limited selection, he’d chosen one that had the most boring cover he could find in hopes that it would lull he Heavy to sleep giving him free range around the base. But no, he was still wide awake. Another shrill scream. Figures. He’d covered his eyes at first, visibly wincing at each death, paling as his appetite for popcorn was lost. That was about 20 deaths ago. 
Now he ate popcorn by the messy fistfuls. Funny, he never thought murder could be so mundane. But after watching so many teens fall like flies to their the scope of just 30 minutes he’d grown less shocked, simply ticking off the number in his head everytime someone died. The woman on the screen was blood-soaked, drenched in red, weapon held high yelling about ‘murderizing.’ Someone was always dying every second by some stupid mistake. Splitting up. Being stupidly bold. How they had even lived this long even with cinematic generosity was a wonder. The woman would literally yell bloody murder about murderizing someone before murdering off a teen. She wasn’t exactly stealthy like a Spy. 
He’d rate it a solid 4 at best. And that was being very generous. Not even aliens could save the movie. 
    “Wh– sir, her story is that she murderizes people t’ death. Her name’s Murder McMurder Face.” 
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stupiidrobots-blog · 5 years
@thelasttejada​ liked for YES MAN
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“I sure am pleased as punch to have you on board! Please make yourself at home. Here at the Lucky 38-- my business is your pleasure!” Was it weird that his face would appear on the monitors from time to time? Or on the faces of the securitrons? Not at all! He was simply being a good pal, keepin an eye on the Courier’s chums while they were out and about in the hot hot desert!
Why anyone would want to leave with someone like him around remained a mystery.
“Is there anything I can get for you, chum?”
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swolsolecole · 5 years
@thelasttejada liked for a starter!
Goodneighbor was -- an interesting enough place. KL-E-O had a great selection of weapons and so this was probably a definite place for Cole to stop when he was in the area. He was gazing over the collection of killer merchandise and pondering about what he needed. The man was hefting a missile launcher with little difficulty, and slightly mumbling to himself.
“How can I improve this?” and turning the weapon over he noticed some wear and tear. Though it might be fun, missile launchers were not melee weapons and this was taking a toll on the big gun.
He glanced around the shop area and saw a ghoul who seemed to know what they were doing with a weapons workbench. Cole approached, using a soft voice to try and get the other’s attention.
“Hey. You know how to fix weapons?”
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weroyals · 5 years
♛ @thelasttejada​ [ cont. ] ♛
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“Well, unless you’re willing to go all the way down to the Gulf Coast to get one, I don’t think you’re gonna find another uniform like mine, pal.” Raul replied. “Hell mine didn’t even come with my actual name.”
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          ❝ Well shit, if that’s the case, what’m I even doing here ? ❞    Ben asked slyly, and turned away with a wrench in hand like he was actually going to walk off.      ❝ No uniforms, the hell kinda job’s this ?  ❞
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tcxastough · 5 years
“Are you a magician? When I looked at you, everyone else disappeared.”
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【🔧】—  “Think that’s just yer cataracts, pardner.”
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cottonbelles · 4 years
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【 💣 】— “I’m so happy that you came back I made you a picture!”
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leondxs · 5 years
@thelasttejada replied to your post “facetime murder hamster”
i showed you my sunflower seed pls respond
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@thelasttejada liked for a rainy day in Boston
     Nick thought, not for the first time, that this whole thing would be a hell of a lot easier to deal with if he could ever attach a reason to it. A death on a case, some sordid anniversary or another, the latest blood and guts anecdote in Publick Occurrences - something he could point at and say, that’s what’s the matter here. That’s what I need to work on, that’s what I need to fix - but it was just as likely to come on him for no reason at all and stay as long as it damned well pleased, nothing he could do to fight it. No angle he could attack it from. 
     “It”, that miserable, strained sluggishness that had a way of catching up to him from time to time, hanging around him like radioactive smog - a “funk”, sure, but only if you’d never experienced one personally. Odds were good you’d know better by then. It was like having your brain shut up in a cage the size of a softball: leave any animal alone in a confined space long enough, they’d all start chewing off their own paws eventually. And that was what it felt like, at times like these - like his brain was eating itself alive, gnawing frantically on every terrible thing it could find like a sick old dog. 
     He’d left Diamond City before dawn the next morning. It was home, but whether he liked it or not, how he behaved and how he was perceived inside that Great Green Wall could and would have widespread consequences for every synth in the Commonwealth. All eyes were on him, and every time he opened his door he did it knowing that he had damned well better be prepared to play it like he was flawless, because mistakes would not be forgotten. He hadn’t had the energy to be anyone’s model synth, not that day. He’d needed to get out, had left an apology and an advance on Ellie’s desk and left, for who knew where or how long. 
     Thing about being alone, though, was that it was lonely. Funny, that. He’d given it a few days, wandering the old haunts - finding himself haunting ancient stomping grounds that had never been his. No such luck; this one was planning to stick around awhile. He’d been on his impromptu sabbatical a little shy of a week when he decided he couldn’t take the silence anymore, and he set his sights on Goodneighbor. Irma had a way with this kind of thing, always knew what to say, when not to say anything at all, and much as he hated to burden her with an old man’s faulty processing software, he wasn’t too proud to admit when he could use a helping hand. 
     There was something grimly comical about standing in a light, pattering shower in front of a locked door an hour later, ribbons of smoke curling out of his jaw as he read the CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE sign displayed on the door. Big Railroad hand-off happening today, probably - couldn’t afford random clients walking in and complicating what was already playing with napalm. In other words, a hell of a lot more important than his inability to get his circuits straight. 
     Not like he had anywhere else to go, though. Raul crossed his mind - he’d be getting off work soon, and he’d meant to make time to drop by...hell, last month. Funny how the last week had felt so interminable at the time, but barely seemed real to him now. He knew he ought to - he truly liked the guy, liked to believe he could call him a friend by now - but all he got out of the idea of mustering up the energy for banter he normally enjoyed was a sense of husked-out weariness. Hell of a thing, feeling tired at the thought of visiting a friend you genuinely wanted to see. 
     He ended up on a bench in the plaza across from the storefronts, smoking another cigarette. If he saw Raul coming off shift, he’d stick it out and put in a hello, maybe an apology for the long absence if it looked necessary - if Raul stayed in for overtime, or a personal project, or just went to bed, he’d leave it be and...go somewhere. Didn’t matter, really. 
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