weroyals · 2 years
Happy Valentine's day to Leo! To you Lance has left a set of marbles in a velvet bag. He just feels like you'll like the game.
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—   𝐎𝐇,      𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒      ...      that's   really   nice.      Leo   will   take   the   gift,      feeling   the   weight   of   the   bag   in   his   hands   before   gently   opening   it   into   them.      The   marbles   are   beautiful,      they   feel   nice   in   his   palms.      He   doesn't   know   the   rules   of   the   game   yet,      but   he   knows   how   to   find   out,      &&      then      ...      yeah,      he'll   give   it   a   go.   
It   makes   his   chest   feel   tight   to   know   that   Lance   was   thinking   of   him.
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weroyals · 2 years
Fenton: Doing anything special with a lucky 🍀 goose for Valentine’s Day? 💕
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❝   —   𝐎𝐇   𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐇.      I   am   going   all   out.      I   wanna   make   our   first   Valentine's   today   really   special.      Like,      dinner,      &&      a   movie,      &&      flowers   !      The   works.      Oh,      chocolate,      too   !      I   had   to   make   sure   that   he   hasn't   got   any   allergies   or   anything,      but   I   was   super   subtle   about   it.      I   wanna   show   him   how   happy   he   makes   me   !      So   yeah,      big   plans.      I   just   hope   it's   not   too   much,      eheh.   ❞
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weroyals · 2 years
—   𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒   𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆   𝐖𝐀𝐒   𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆   𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐎   𝐖𝐀𝐒   𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓.      There   could   be   no   fighting   a   natural   force   like   oil,      no   gritting   his   teeth      &&      breaking   through   this.      No,      he'd   be   lucky   if   this   was   even   going   to   be   something   he   could   scrub   out   of   his   fur.      He   didn't   know   how.      He   wasn't   sure   that   he   even   could.      Maybe   it   would   have   to   come   out   naturally.
His   amethyst   eyes   followed   the   line   of   Espio's   sight   to   the   hole,      &&      naturally   he   would   now   observe   the   same   ;         that   hole   was   now   good   as   certain   death.      Regardless   of   the   status   of   his   fur,      it   seemed   now   that   he   really   was   lucky   after   all.
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❝   Right.      There   must   be   an   alternative.      We've   got   to   get   in   there   somehow.   ❞            He   wasn't   addressing   the   way   he   was   drenched.      Too   impatient.      He   needed   to   get   to   Eggman,      &&      that,      as   far   as   Knuckles   was   concerned,      was   that.
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📬  » @weroyals
❝ i’m fine ! i’m perfectly fine ! ❞ — Knuckles to Espio
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‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ "No you aren't," Espio stated to the black-drenched Echidna, a twinge of concern in his usual stoic facade, but also a hint of scolding in his voice as well, similar to how he spoke to Charmy when he did something foolish and suffered the reasonable repercussions of.
"You shouldn't be trying to dig in such a oil-logged area, you could have drowned." He spoke, noting that the hole he had just drilled into was now completely filled with the polluting fossil fuel.
"I know you're eager to get back what Eggman took from you, but we can't be hasty like this."
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weroyals · 2 years
—   𝐒𝐇𝐄   𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒   𝐎𝐍,      𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆   𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐋𝐘   !      &&      after   a   moment   she   claps   her   hands   joyfully   in   support   of   her   wonderful   bear,      before   skating   right   up   in   big   swift   strides   to   join   him   !
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❝   You're   doing   great,      Sugarbear   !      Look   at   you,      tearing   it   up   !      You're   a   good   pupil,      for   sure   ~   ❞
@weroyals​​ - ROXY !! 🎶 🎶 !
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              Seems  Freddy’s  all  for  going  skating  after  everything  that  happened  that  day!  He’s  currently  skating  on  backwards  and  getting  a  few  people  clapping!  The bear wasn’t doing it for a show though, he  was  clearly  just  vibing  but  when  he sees  a  familiar  face  of  his  wolf,  Freddy’s  stopping  his  spinning  and  waving!
❝  Roxy !!  I  have  been  learning  those  moves  you  showed  me !  ❞
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weroyals · 2 years
—   𝐈𝐓'𝐒   𝐀   𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄   𝐓𝐎   𝐁𝐄   𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃   𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒   𝐖𝐀𝐘.      Or,      you   know,      at   all.      Jeremy's   job   is,      after   all,      one   very   necessarily   the   opposite   of   people   -   oriented.      He   doesn't   come   in   expecting   to   be   approached   by   a   stranger      —-      much   less   one   offering   up   a   handshake.      Weird   as   it   is,   though,      it'd   be   rude   to   refuse,      so   whatever   the   Mr.   Emily   wants,      the   only   proper   thing   to   do   is   to   take   his   hand      &&      give   it   a   firm   shake      (      taking   only   the   time   to   hang   his   jacket   up   first      ).
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❝   Jeremy   Fitzgerald.      Night   time   security,      yes,      sir,   ❞            he   answers,      his   voice   clear      &&      his   words   crisp.      He   has   the   manners   of   someone   who   was   brought   up   to   respect   others   regardless   of   caste,      but   also   are   they   those   of   a   young   man   who   would   wish   to   avoid   falling   afoul   of   another,      even      (      or   perhaps   especially      )      unintentionally.      He   meets   Harper's   eyes   unflinchingly.
❝   Is   there   something   I   can   do   for   you,      Mr.   Emily   ?   ❞            Naturally   he   does   not   assume   a   relation   to   Mr.   Henry   Emily,      the   owner,      although   he   thinks   there   may   be   some   features   in   common   between   the   two.      It's   probably   in   his   imagination,     though,     owing   to   the   suggestion   being   put   there   by   proximity.      The   owner   is   the   only   Emily   Jeremy   knows,      after   all.
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@weroyals ( Jeremy Fitzgerald ) ↪ starter call → accepting !!
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Harper   knows   that   he   should   not   be   here.      He   is   expressly   forbidden   to   be   here,   actually,      &&      he   is   not   a   troublemaker,   disinclined   to   break   rules   in   any   general   context.      But   there's   things   he   has   to   KNOW,   information   Uncle   Henry   just   isn't   giving   him,      &&      that   means   going   to   find   out   for   himself.      Even   if   he   isn't   supposed   to.
This   place   looks   so   different   from   how   he   remembers   it.      The   animatronics   are   different.      The   people   are   different.      The   decorations,   the   lighting,   even   the   scent      —      all   so   very   different.      It's   getting   late,      &&      they're   about   to   close   up,   parents   making   final   purchases,   kids   clustered   around   asking   why   they   have   to   go.      In   all   this,   he   spots   a   young   man   around   his   own   age,   seemly   just   arriving   as   he   takes   off   his   jacket,   wearing   a   Fazbear   Entertainment   pin   that   betrays   his   status   as   an   employee.
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It's   this   young   man   that   Harper   approaches,   fearlessly,   holding   out   his   hand   for   a   shake.      He's   got   to   look      &&      sound   like   he   has   permission   to   be   here   after   hours.      ❝   You're   the   night   security,   aren't   you   ??      I'm   Harper   Emily.   ❞
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weroyals · 2 years
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##LOVEASACHOICE   :      Come   meet   an   indie,   semi   —   selective,   mutuals   only   FNAF   OC   named   Harper   Emily.      A   study   in   finding   the   beginning   in   the   end,   the   meaning   of   unconditional   love,      &&      filing   Michael's   tax   returns.      OC,   crossover,      &&      multi   —   ship   friendly.      Gently   placed   in   front   of   you   with   both   hands   by   Joe.      Please   reblog   to help me meet more pals !!
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weroyals · 2 years
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     Can't   help   but   feel   like   I   belong   here      ;;                  Am   I   part   of   them,                                 [   𝙰𝚁𝙴   𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚈   𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃   𝙾𝙵   𝙼𝙴   ?   ]   ©
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weroyals · 2 years
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❝   —   𝐇𝐎𝐖   𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓   𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓   !      No   wonder   ya   didn't   wanna   take   responsibilty,      yeah   ?      I   didn't   peg   ya   for   th'   type,      takin'   bets      &&      goin'   up   on   roofs.      You're   a   daredevil,      ain't'cha,      like   me   !   ❞            Great   Hanzo   you   get   to   be   like   Jamie.
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weroyals · 2 years
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❝   —   𝐎𝐈   !      Lena   mighta   dared   ya,      but   you   still   did   it,     mate.      Can't   put   all   th'   blame   on   'er,      now   can   ya   ?   ❞         Menace   mode.
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weroyals · 2 years
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❝   —   𝐖𝐇𝐘   are   there   so   many   𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐒   !?   ❞
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weroyals · 2 years
Peach approached to Knuckles her, she might know him mostly for the Olimpic Games. But she adores the Echidna. He was a good friend and a great teammate. "Knuckles? Hello, sweet Heart. Just wanted to wish you a Happy birthday!" Said the blonde now revealing a Big cake that she hid behind her back all fresh baked of course the scent could have viven away her surprise. "Please accept this"
—   𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓   𝐀   𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐔𝐋   𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄   !      Oh,      it   doesn't   matter   if   he   could   smell   it   or   not.      He   couldn't   have   assumed   it   was   something   meant   for   him   in   all   honestly      —-      Knuckles   wouldn't   have   expected   such   a   kind,      thoughtful   gift,      even   from   someone   as   big   -   hearted   as   the   princess.      A   lot   of   effort   must   have   gone   into   making   a   cake   like   this,      &&      quite   frankly   he's   both   impressed      &&      touched   !
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❝   You   made   this   for   me   ?      Wow      —-      it's   beautiful,      thank   you   !      Would   you   like   to   have   some   together   ?   ❞
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weroyals · 2 years
—   𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊   𝐈𝐒   𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆   𝐓𝐎   𝐇𝐄𝐑.      He   doesn't   ...   talk   to   her   the   way   Wheatley   did,      or   treat   her   like   a   means   to   an   end.      He   makes   her   feel   like   she   matters   to   him,      &&      that's   pretty   darn   huge   all   things   considered.      It's   no   wonder   that   she   wants   to   trust   him,      even   after   so   recent   a   burn.      It's   like   when   she   looks   at   him,      she   sees   ...   an   equal.      A   partner.      A   friend.      Things   she   doesn't   see   in   others.      Not   just   cores   ...   she   probably   wouldn't   see   it   in   humans   even   if   there   were   any   for   her   to   see.
That's   why   it's   scary,      too.
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❝   Thank   you,   ❞            she   says,   soft   in   that   dusty   voice.            ❝   I'll   hold   you   to   that,      Rick.   ❞            &&      she   likes   saying   his   name.      She   hadn't   done   it   yet.      It   feels   nice.      Tastes   warm,      toasty   ...   like   coffee.
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weroyals · 2 years
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SACRIFICE AND SELF-MARTYRDOM / @weroyals​ / ACCEPTING !     Take me instead!   — Knuckles
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            THEY’D  BEEN  TAKEN  OFF  GUARD.  their  mission  had  been  a  simple  one:  investigate  rumours  of  straggling  SURVIVORS  in  the  city  and  escort  them  to  safety.  they’d  managed  to  do  that  —  but  only  BARELY  and  with  the  help  of  a  few  resistance  troops that  knuckles  insisted  TAG  ALONG.  halfway  in  ,  the  ground  had  SHAKEN  beneath  their  feet  ,  and  before  they  knew  it  the  resistance  had  been  ambushed  by  one  of  the  giant  ,  mass  produced  DEATH  EGG  ROBOTS  still  hanging  around  the  city  ruins.
           the  rest  of  the  forces  had  made  their  retreat  ,  with  sonic  and  knuckles  holding  the  line  just  long  enough  for  them  to  GET  AWAY.  they  were  too  many  people  for  sonic  to  shuttle  to  the  city  outskirts  ,  and  not  all  of  them  could  keep  up  the  pace.              and  it  didn’t  help  ,  that  six  months  of  being  cooped  up  RAN  ITS  TOLL  ,  no  matter  how  sonic  fought  through  it.  minutes  in  ,  and  his  stamina  was  already  giving  way  to  labored  breaths  and  slower  speeds.  knuckles  as  no  better  ,  having  to  PICK  UP  THE   SLACK  where  sonic  ,  for  all  of  his  feats   ,  was  suddenly  failing.
          the  gargantuan  bot  was  slow  ,  but  powerful.  and  with  the  wild  heat  of  its  optic  laser  ,  it  could  level  entire   buildings  in  a  single  blow.  sonic  had  noticed  ,  and  in  a  maneuver  based  solely  on  INSTINCT  ,  scaled  the  nearby  buildings.  if  he  could  just  crash  into  its  head.  get  rid  of  the  laser.  maybe  even  —
                                                                                                    WHAM  !
           a   crashing  of  body  into  dirt  and  rubble.  a  PAINED  CRY  as  the  hedgehog  curled into  a  defensive ball  as  tangle  of  twisted  debris  tore  into  the  side  of  his  leg.  he  shook  his  head  of  the  DAZE  that  blackened   the  edges  of  his  vision.  GRIT  HIS    TEETH  against  the  sudden  shock  of  pain  that  made  his  whole  body  freeze.  
            “—  SONIC!”  he  heard  knuckles   scream  out  from  somewhere  behind  him.  he  blinked.  his  ears  swiveled  to  the  sound  of  mechanical  WHIRRING  as  the  robot  turned.  sonic  struggled  to  his  feet  ,  IGNORING  THE  SHOCK  OF  PAIN  that  danced  up  his  side  with  the  effort.  too   slow.  he  berated  himself  ,  as  a  shadow  overcast  from  high  above  ,  and  —
          THE  BREATH  WAS  KNOCKED  OUT  OF  HIM   as  one    moment  ,   sonic  was  bracing   himself  to  ENDURE  or  RUN   —  and  the  next  he  had  been  HURLED  THROUGH  THE  AIR.  he  crashed  into  a  building  side  and  slid  into  the  concrete  ,  hissing  through  his  teeth  as  he  opened  his  eyes  and  squinted.  a  blur  of  motion  ,  a   red  silhouette.  wait.  WAIT–
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            ❝ —  KNUCKLES !   ❞  his  name  tore  through  sonic’s  throat  just   as  the  robot’s  fist  came  CRASHING  DOWN  ,  landing  squarely  on  the  echidna  and  causing  a  CRATER   to  split  the  earth.  bits  of  rubble  and  displaced  grass  fell  from  the  robot’s  arm  as  it  whirled  and  lifted  itself.  but  more  pressingly   —  knuckles  did  not  rise  with  it.            sonic’s  heart  leapt  into  his  throat.  he  grunted  ,  pain  shooting  through  his  leg  and  chest  as  he  struggled  into  a  crouch.  what’re  you   doing  ,  man  ,  GET  UP.   the  death  egg  robot  raised  its  fist  again  ,  crimson  optic  GLEAMING  down  into  the  divot  it  had  made.  still  no  knuckles.  
            as  the  bot’s  hand  came  CRASHING  DOWN  ,  the  battlefield  fell  into  s l o w  m o t i o n.
          in  a  whirlwind  sonic  had   scooped  up  his  friend  from  the  crater  and  skid  to  a  stop  on  the  other  side  ,  just  under  the  robot’s  BLIND  SPOT.  he  shuddered  as  his  legs  wobbled  and  gave  out  from  the  strain  and  the  WEIGHT  of  another  body  ,  and  knelt  in  the  small  reprieve.  ❝  knux?  ❞  he  called  out  ,  but  his  friend’s   head  simply  lolled  to  one  side  ,  propped  up  only  by  the  crook  of  sonic’s  arm.  ❝  this  isn’t  the  time  to  be  passing  out  ,  man.  ❞
         no  response  ,  save  for  the  echidna’s  WHEEZING  as  his  friend’s  chest  rose  and  fell.  his  breaths  came  too  shallow.  
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            ❝ …  ❞  a  deep  growl  reverberated  through  the  hedgehog’s  chest.  the  world  went  hazy.  his  ears  RANG.  every  nerve  in  him  jittered.  sonic’s  blood  ran  HOT  ,   boiling  beneath  his  skin.  gloved  fingers  curled  around  the  broad  shoulders  of  his  best  friend  ,  tucking  him  just  a  little  closer  to  his  chest  as  the  robot  stomped  its  massive  feet  and  turned   its  head  towards  them.  the  light  of  its  optic  gleamed  a  BRIGHT  and  CRIMSON  RED.  and  sonic  was  getting  real  damn  tired  of  that  colour.
            ❝  …  looks  like  we’ll  have  t’settle  the  score  a  different  time  ,  scrappy.  ❞  
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weroyals · 2 years
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Some Knuckles poses I drew back in August
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weroyals · 2 years
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Mutuals-only/selective, 18+, multi-versed blog for original character VIOLET as loved by Llord.
Carrd (about/rules/veres/connections) . . . . Interest checker Thread tracker . . . . Mains/connections call
Affiliated w @aamusedly, @aviiatrix, @draggeddowntothedark, & @weroyals
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weroyals · 2 years
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‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Usually, when someone got verbally aggressive like this, they would roll over, and apologise profusely, especially if it was a customer at their work. But this wasn’t a customer, they didn’t have a typical job, and, in fact, they had actually had a really bad day at work prior to coming on a hike to the mountains.
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      “Who the hell do you think you’re calling a moron?!” They barked back. “A simple ‘excuse me’ would have sufficed, y’know.”
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weroyals · 2 years
Scarlette is just gonna sit on Knuckles' lap. "Ready for a birthday kiss, big boy?"
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❝   —   𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓   𝐀𝐑𝐄   𝐘𝐎𝐔   𝐃𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆.   ❞            Deadpanned.      He's   not   impressed   with   an   evil   vixen   putting   the   moves   on   him.      Arms   crossed   over   his   chest,      he   is   neither   moving   her   nor   rising   to   her   taunt,      because   to   do   either   would   be   to   give   Scarlette   exactly   what   she   wants   out   of   him.
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