papirouge · 4 years
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Christian on Tumblr dot com defends witchcraft media and when being called out about this, gets unnecessary defensive and block me. Color me shocked.
Who's on an ”incredibly high horse” to not even stand having their opinion discussed? You.
So witchcraft isn't an "heresy" or "evil" now? Glorifying casting spells, magic powers and shape-shifting isn't rehashing powers from hell? How dabbling in witchcraft isn't "living in sin"? HOW IS ENJOYING ENTERTAINMENT GLORIFYING "FICTIONAL WITCHCRAFT" ANY LESS SERIOUS THAN "FICTIONAL SEX" (PORN)???? You blocked me because you couldn't answer to that question exposing such an obvious hypocrisy.
Both are sins. There aren't double standards with sins. It's just that some Christians, for some reasons that I still don't get, unilaterally decided that witchcraft was somehow less dangerous or sinful than sexual immorality. And yet, sexual immorals and sorcerers are BOTH specifically cited in Revelations as those being shoved down in Hell (it's almost...as if God already knew that at the End times, witchcraft really was going to become a leading stumbling block leading to hell, even for Christians, and felt compelled to remind how sinful WITCHCRAFT was...🤔) - because these sins are equal in their condemnation in the eyes OF GOD. So no, it's not up to us to "determine" anything. Only God's opinion matters, and it's in the Bible - and according to the Bible, witchcraft is "objectively evil".
Why using "fiction" as an excuse to later on contradict yourself and say that fiction isn't the be all and end all of a sound media to consume? So we, wicked creatures, are now entitled to decipher from what's morally wrong or not...when there already are the Scriptures making clear statements about them? This doesn’t make any sense.
Again, some Christians on this website truly act like guru who literally cannot stand having their opinion discussed. The idolatry surrounding Entertainment and the baffling defensiveness some of you display whenever some remote criticism is made against it is astounding.
Not every Christian is gonna accept entertainment glorifying WITCHCRAFT as something unharmful (even based on the fact it's fIcTiOnAl)....Imagine finding this position so controversial you need to block them out of your blog, I-
See, this isn't just about "Harry Potter" at this point ; it's about Christians willingly refusing to see sins where they are, having double standards with sinful acts/practices, and refusing to have even a DISCUSSION to confront their statement with people -politely- disagreeing with them (I wasn't even mean in my reaction, just legitimately pointing out the double standards between sins too many Christians had). They end up in their "Christian club" echo chambers with everyone patting each others on their back without remotely questioning if their statements are scripturally backed up - by the BIBLE, not their 'Christian tumblr pal'..... That's why you end up with Christians unable to acknowledge witchcraft as something "objectively evil" anymore and pulling out all sort of argumentative gymnastics ("it's ficTi0N!!"🤪) to defend this type of heresy, because their reference isn't the Bible, but their flesh.
If you needed any more evidence that not every Christian claiming to be such actually is, this @theleftandbonch dude is clearly a good proof of it. They'll be all cute & 'tumblr funny' 99% of the time (I know cause I followed him until then) yet their true colors come back reaaaal quick whenever their idols are attacked & called out for preaching false teachings.
(btw some of you should really remain stuck rebloging anime, corny meme and answering silly asks because opening your mouths to blaspheme expose yourself to an even stronger Spiritual bewilderment, just saying.)
But what do I know, I'm probably just a self-righteous nasty legalist™ who reads the Bible and knows when to connect the dots? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ LOL
Congratulations on playing yourself dude but I'll always trust the Bible more than any other "Christian" on Tumblr dot com🙃
Revelations 21:18
"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."
2 Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.
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