vegan4jesus · 7 years
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#TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil #Demexit #GreenEnter #GoGreen
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vegan4jesus · 8 years
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#Demexit #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil
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vegan4jesus · 8 years
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@OccupyDemocrats, the most #hypocritical voice online! #OccupyDemocrats #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil
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vegan4jesus · 7 years
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#Demexit #GreenEnter #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil
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vegan4jesus · 7 years
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#Demexit #GreenEnter #GoGreen #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil #Hillary was able to bring the #Democrats SO far to the right, they match #Reagan era #Republicans in almost everything. Anti environment, gay rights, POC, immigration, pro war... All because the lesser of two evils mentality allowed her to openly cheat her own party with no recourse.
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vegan4jesus · 7 years
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#Demexit #GreenEnter #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil
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vegan4jesus · 7 years
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#BernieWouldHaveWon #Demexit #GreenEnter #GoGreen #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil
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vegan4jesus · 7 years
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#BernieWouldHaveWon #Demexit #GreenEnter #GoGreen #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil
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vegan4jesus · 7 years
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Just thinking about Trump's first 100 days, and how all this could have been avoided... But you know... lesser of two evils, blah blah blah... #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil #Demexit #GreenEnter Repost @peopleforrevolution
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vegan4jesus · 8 years
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#Demexit #GreenEnter #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil Bernie Sanders Wins Over Crowd Of Rural #Trump Supporters By Exposing The Truth About #Trumpcare The Vermont senator went into tough terrain, but he was able to show West Virginia Trump supporters how the #GOP is conning them. #BernieSanders went into hostile territory for progressives and convinced the president’s supporters in West Virginia that #DonaldTrump’s campaign was a massive con job and his policies would hurt the voters he promised to help the most. This is particularly true in McDowell County, West Virginia, one of the poorest counties in the country that overwhelmingly supported Trump in last fall’s presidential election. Despite their support for Trump, those living in the deep red county will likely be hurt the most by what Republicans are trying to do, especially with health care. During the town hall event with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, Sanders laid out how Trumpcare will hurt those who need coverage the most, like coal miners in West Virginia, and mainly benefit the wealthy. Sanders said: "What [Trumpcare] should be seen as is a huge tax break for the wealthiest people in this country. At a time when we have a massive level of income and wealth inequality, where the rich are getting much richer while the middle-class shrinks, this legislation would provide, over a ten-year period, $275 billion in tax breaks to the top 2 percent. So when people tell you that we don’t have a money to invest in McDowell County or rebuild our infrastructure nationally, but we do have $275 billion to give to the top 2 percent who are already doing phenomenally well – when they tell you they don’t have the money, don’t believe them." Not only did Sanders debunk the myth that Trump and Republicans constantly feed to their base of supporters that there isn’t enough room in the budget to help those who need it most, but he also convinced one coal miner – a man who voted for Trump – that it’s time to make health care in the United States a universal right.
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vegan4jesus · 8 years
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#Demexit #GreenEnter #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil
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vegan4jesus · 8 years
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#Demexit #GreenEnter #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil
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vegan4jesus · 8 years
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#TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil #Demexit #GreenEnter
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vegan4jesus · 8 years
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#Demexit #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil
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vegan4jesus · 8 years
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#Demexit #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil
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vegan4jesus · 8 years
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#Demexit #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsStillEvil
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