#thelost-in-time answers: ☹ anon
thelost-in-time · 2 years
Me when y/n might not end up with Kazu and there's a 5% chance they will 🤭🤭🤭
- not so secret ☹️ anon
👀 those odd though
Kazuha takes the L era?
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
I'm giving him 3 more days before I give up and just start pulling for Thoma cons (he's so close to c6 I just need 2 more cons :D) Thoma's been with me since ar 5 and I never want to kick him off my team
- ☹️ anon
Plot twist, and then Kazuha decides to come home.
They always come home the moment you want someone else.
When I was pulling for C1 Xiao, I was genuinely expecting Qiqi since I don't have her.
And that's when this brat (affectionate) decided to finally return to me.
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
Lost are you okay? Nightmares can be scary and very disturbing. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it but if you ever do want to talk about your nightmares you can talk to me about it in dms
- not so secret ☹️ anon <3
I don't know why I had a nightmare, I don't even remember what it was about. Ig maybe there's just too much creepy dudes at my work. Idk what else it can be.
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
I'm going to church so if I'm not online for a while you know why
- not so secret ☹️ anon <3
That's okay haha. Take all the time you need ^^
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
If I'm late and you already deleted them it's okay
but if you haven't deleted some yet let me read them
- not so secret ☹️ anon <3
Most of the rambles stay. It's just some of the more... idk how to say this.
Stupid ones? Mindless ones? That's being deleted so far.
Like the Scaramouche one. That's kinda dumb tbh.
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
Omg I'm so lonely I sent an ask to myself
- not so secret ☹️ anon <3
I personally couldn't send you a message today because my boss came back to work and it was super busy and hectic because of that.
I just got off my shift now actually. Aka, unpaid overtime, BUT we can talk now if you wanna?
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
Take all the time you need to reply to my asks <3
Idek what's going on anymore apparently they're playing horror games on Roblox idk I find Roblox boring nowadays since I have nothing to play on there and I only have 45 robux left so I can't update my avatar
Spoilers will be in dms 🤭🤭
- not so secret ☹️ anon
Okay, cool. Thanks ^^
W h a t? How do you not get whiplash from how fast they change their minds? 😭
Wdym you don't wanna be Kazuha?
The spoilers are fun ngl 👀
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
Omg they deleted the messages from the argument and now idk if they made up or not
they probably did that so nobody talks abt it anymore
I made a chapter for my smau and I have lots of spoilers to give if you'd like them 🤭
- not so secret ☹️ anon
My ☹ anon, my sibling in Tumblr, I fell asleep and was messing with my masterlist stuff when I woke up. I am sorry for the late reply 😭
And rip, I'm hoping the matter blows over so that nobody else is distressed over it.
And if you want, we can exchange spoilers.
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
I've tried making them talk it out but they started arguing more and ended up ignoring me
Lots of people tried making them talk it out but they ignored all of them and they ended up continuing it in dms
they're ignoring each other now and everyone's quiet because they don't want another argument to happen
I don't get how they can keep aruging so much. It's over the littlest things too.
I think they need a break from each other
I don't wanna say anything tho bc they might start yelling at me
I'm pretty sure they know they need a break from each other so I'll let them handle it this time
I'm sure they'll forgive each other soon (and if they don't I'm stepping in)
I'll just do smth to take my mind off of it
- not so secret ☹️ anon
😭 that sounds really stressful to be around, so try and take it easy, okay?
If you need to temporarily separate yourself from that situation, if you think it does you good, then go for it.
If not, then maybe focus on stuff you like doing.
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
My friends are arguing again :')
This is the 5th time this week :((
- not so secret ☹️ anon
Aw no 😭
Do you think talking about it to them will help? It sounds like it's stressful to deal with 😭
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
I crawled all the way under my bed and he wasn't even there ☹️
the amount of times I sneezed under there
They weren't even mine 😢
I found socks under there tho
Aether if you're reading this please come back home 🙏🙏
Your siblings miss you especially Lumine
Lumine's actually having the time of her life
Can't believe I'm going out again but it's just for a bit this time (I think)
- not so secret ☹️ anon
Just remember to take care of yourself, okay?
And Aether, stop being so rude smh
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
I FINALLY GOT LUMINE AND NOW HE'S GONE??? Kazuha, Heizou, Xiao and Venti chilling without him.
they really aren't meant to be reunited 😔
- not so secret ☹️ anon <3
They will reunite one day, but not today 😔
But hopefully you find him soon 😭 it must be stressful to lose something.
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
I'm sorry I didn't interact with you yesterday ☹️
after hanging out with my friends they started arguing in the gc. (Drama again 😤)
Luckily we resolved it yesterday in the morning.
At around lunch I left to go somewhere and came back at around 11:00 so I was pretty tired. I also found out that my friend is a Ganyu kinnie. I give off Ganyu, Venti and Xingqiu vibes apparently.
If I'm not back later that means I'm going somewhere or I'm taking a break bc my head is hurting pretty bad and I feel dizzy (tbh I feel dizzy almost 24/7 so it's nothing new but I keep almost passing out so that's a bad sign)
You better be taking care of yourself or else ☺️🔪
- not so secret ☹️ anon <3
Uno reverse actually.
You should be the one taking care of yourself if you're dizzy 😭
Please just take a rest or smth when you can, it's okay!
You don't have to worry about not interacting with me or not, especially when you're not fully okay.
Take all the time you need, I understand. I just want you to be okay.
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
But I meant every word I said so if you would like to set up some rules I'm okay with that!!
Even if we talk in dms can I still be ☹️ anon? 👀
Yup! You absolutely can! Just be warned that on dms, I'm a bit... I jump topics a bunch.
The Lost you see on the blog is mainly the same as in dms, but more chaotic ig you can say?
And my only rules are just to be respectful and understanding 😅 other than the no personal info rule.
But dw, talking in dms still allows you to be an anon.
You only get removed as an anon for violating any rules, or if you ask to be removed bc you don't wanna be an anon.
Or even if you're just inactive for months on end to the point I wonder if you're still here or not.
Like this example below (to be further adjusted):
Tumblr media
Kaeya and Xiao didn't say if they're going to be returning, and they haven't interacted in months.
I asked if they'd return and got no answer, so I removed them bc I don't know if they're coming back or not.
If, however, they do return, I will re-add them.
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
I don't mind if don't talk in dms (I barely talk to ppl in dms anyways) I understand where you're coming from with getting overwhelmed easily (happens to me a lot especially in public) so I don't mind if we don't talk at all in dms. I'm okay with whatever you're comfortable with. I'm a very patient person and I'll wait for as long as you need me to <3
I won't ask any personal info because you don't want me to and I respect that since I don't like that either. Tell me when you want me to dm you if you ever decide that you're ready. Even if you're never ready I don't mind since I don't use dms a lot but if you'd prefer to keep it in dms I'm more than willing to talk in dms and what goes in there will stay in there. (Just in case you don't want anything in dms to be shared)
I respect your decisions and I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. I'll ask you before doing anything that might make you uncomfortable just in case it might. (No risks)
We can set up rules and boundaries if you'd like. (If you decide to add rules or not I'll still be respectful because I don't want you to be uncomfortable)
We can take baby steps since I don't want to rush you. I want you to be 100% sure that you want me to be able to dm you. If you ever say that you think you're ready I won't dm you until you're 100% sure that you're ready.
I'll go off anon on the next ask
- ☹️ anon
No, no. You can talk to me in dms. I was referring to the other people who may have been wondering 😅
Also bc this one time someone shot me a dm while asking me a bunch of personal stuff, and I got so overwhelmed that I blocked them....
You can 100% dm me if you'd like, but if you prefer going off anon instead, that's totally cool too.
Just lmk if you ever want me to answer any asks off anon privately or not 😅
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
Big sister Lost would you like me to go off anon? I wouldn't mind either way but I need help writing a 10k word fic 😵
it's supposed to be angst but I need ideas on how to start. It's a childhood best friends type of thing where reader likes said childhood best friend but reader's childhood best friend likes someone else in their friend group
I already know who the characters are gonna be I just need a starting sentence to get me going but I can't think of anything (sadly) it's been a week since I was supposed to start-
But I'm taking breaks and then I'll use maximum brain power once I get a starting sentence 👍
but aside from that my Kazuha's base atk is 820 (he died multiple times in the level 79 vv domain bc he's lvl 40 but we don't talk about that) I ACTUALLY GOT A GOOD GLAD PIECE FROM CHILDE THO (400+ resin spent yesterday)
Bullying a lvl 70 Childe was fun except for the fact I died before the third phase (I got one hit) my Kazuha died in the third phase Bennett had to carry. Good thing my friend was in co-op with me otherwise I would've failed
I enjoy talking to you big sister Lost :D
- ☹️ anon
I'm fine with either tbh. If you want some help with it, then you're also welcome to direct message me.
And I'm glad you're taking breaks. That's very good.
(And no, not everyone can direct message me bc I get overwhelmed easily. Talk to me first and get to know me more and then I'll tell you if you can send me direct messages. Just keep it respectful and ask me no personal info)
We don't talk about Bruno—I mean Kazuha dying.
Ah yes. Bullying Childe is my favourite thing too.
I'm glad you got a good piece though 🥺 those are hard to get
I enjoy talking to you too ^^
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