#them competing in the middle of a boss battle is truly good for my soul
creamiceandsugar · 6 months
the kid, law and luffy interactions bring me such joy because it'll just be
captain: no i have to do this stupid thing because otherwise They'll win
crew members: win WHAT
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 4 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 30 – Wrong Start
“I give you 10 seconds for you to confess, whoever it is.”
Muzaka’s statement resonated in the air, left unanswered by his closest and most trusted warriors.
None of the four warriors could fancy what was in their lord’s head, and they were busy exchanging looks among themselves, until Garda, as the most experienced of all warriors, decided to be the vanguard.
“Pardon me, my lord, but... I am afraid we have no idea what you want to discuss with us.”
“Isn’t it obvious? I mean, can I make it any more obvious?”
Muzaka sighed from the bottom of his guts, as if he just encountered the gravest tragedy he has ever witnessed.
“Don’t you hear that? Our little girl throwing a raging, hissy fit as we speak.”
No mouth in the area ever moved, but an identical sound rang in their heads in synchronization.
In fact, questions had been ringing in their heads even before Muzaka summoned them.
‘What on earth had happened to Lunark?’
‘Why is she so mad?’
‘Shouldn’t we stop her? At this rate, she’ll blow up at least 10% of our land.’
By the time damages caused by Union’s biological weapons were almost as good as gone, out of the blue thundered new cacophony undeniably from a work of destruction.
It turned out Lunark was to blame, slashing and trashing like a bull that has spotted a red flag, as reported by two rookie warriors that were dispatched to find out the cause of it.
And she was doing one hell of a job, so vicious that they could not even get close, let alone ask her what was wrong.
“But it seems her reasons are still functioning. She’s wreaking havoc at that infamous forest. But really, does anybody have any idea what’s gotten into the girl? Whether it is condolence or understanding or reprimand that she needs, I’ll be able to choose one only when I find out why she’s doing... All that. Anybody? Please?”
Nobody moved a muscle to Muzaka’s inquiry-slash-request, for they were just as clueless as he was.
That is, all except one.
Garda learned about Lunark’s rampage from new warriors, who were already throwing a talk party of their own regarding the grey-haired warrior’s behavior, and she ran to the spot right away to check what was going on.
And she could pick up Lunark’s voice even before reaching the forest, from which the former usually stays away.
She managed to catch a glimpse of the younger warrior from afar, who was screeching an array of unrecognizable vowels and syllables, with her hands shifted into battle stance as she was hurling towards whatever she could reach, air, trees, or leaves afloat.
Garda had no choice but to retreat, partially because she got scared for her own life, and partially because she was beyond puzzled, never having seen Lunark so unbridled.
Luckily, she could spot Lunark’s face right before she turned away, which left a concerning impression in her head.
‘It looks to me she isn’t mad. She’s whipping up embarrassment from the depth of her soul. Just what could mortify and set her off like that?’
Few days later, Frankenstein’s island
‘Just what did he do?’
The white-haired man had been asking himself ever since the lord of the island returned at last.
He did remember that Frankenstein said he would be visiting wolfkind; however, he was wondering whether he ate the Dark Spear on his way.
Because the atmosphere from the blonde human was so dark, so violent.
That was when 3rd Elder’s experience with mind games from Union kicked in, and he attempted to analyze Frankenstein’s mental state based on what he could make out of his islemate’s facial expressions.
As a result, he could identify a number of emotions: extreme irritation, fury just as extreme, remorse greater than either of the two, and, most importantly, self-hate.
Because of which, 3rd got highly conscious of his every breath and step, despite the fact that he was lodging on this island upon Frankenstein’s permission and consent.
On the other hand, unbeknownst to the scientist, he terrified that the former could have noticed his alliance with Helga.
So he ended up asking Frankenstein if there was something troubling him, ready for a lethal slap in the face.
It’s nothing.
Came a reply with a face that THERE IS DEFINITELY SOMETHING, before the speaker fled the scene.
That did not do any good to relieve 3rd Elder of his fear, but at least he was convinced that the reason behind Frankenstein’s foul mood lay not with him.
When he walked away, Frankenstein’s steps were immediate, rushed as if he never wanted to talk about it ever again.
‘That just made it more curious for me, but I guess it’s none of my business, whatever it is. What matters is that Frankenstein knows nothing about my deal. Speaking of which, looks like the recorder and tracker in me really didn’t work.’
He already knew the answer; had they worked properly, upon his return Frankenstein would have cornered him almost as if he were going for a round of a full torture.
So all in all, regardless of what had taken place with the wielder of Dark Spear, 3rd Elder could not deny that it was all good for him.
It was so good to know Helga’s promise came with a reason.
It was very good to find out her accomplice was truly talented.
‘And I’d say she’s also talented, having discovered and won over such competence, especially considering the original alliance of the said competence.’
Though Helga did relay to him the course through which her accomplice had agreed to act as an accomplice, 3rd Elder was still mystified.
‘Anyways, I’d say nobody knows about my ‘betrayal.’ Which means I should focus on my job and do it right, on the day she mentioned.’
Time never stopped its magic, and at last came the day marked on everyone’s calendar.
<I was wondering whether we could make it...>
<But here we are.>
“Haha, amen to both of you.”
Tao, who had found himself in front of computers for once, laughed at the screens hosting virtual conversation with four recipients at once.
Nonetheless, the man’s face held a hint of anxiety, and Adne somehow detected it like an X-ray.
<Mr. Tao, was it...? There’s no need to be so anxious.>
“Haha, was it that obvious? How embarrassing. And I have been calling myself an expert, with tons and variety of experience when it comes to computers.”
Tao laughed, scratching a side of his head, when Adne offered a word of comfort.
<Experiences does not really grow on par with poise. Besides, anxiety is not so bad, although this is from someone who just told you not to be so anxious. It’s a proof that you are responsible and conscious of the weight of your task.>
“My, I’m starting to feel small in your presence. We should be calling you the real expert.”
<An expert? Me? That’s preposterous. I am no expert.>
But I wanted to be one.
Tao blinked, wondering if he had just heard the werewolf doctor whispering.
Before he could ask if he had said something, however, Adne beamed in satisfaction.
<Most importantly, Mr. Frankenstein recommended you. And that’s more than enough reason for me to trust you.>
“Aww, come on, boss! You should really stop being a proud daddy.”
<I dare you to shout that in my face one more time.>
Tao felt his body turning rigid as a biting voice speared his eardrums.
So did Takio and M-21, watching the scene right next to his chair.
Frankenstein’s face, lighting up an entire monitor that was assigned to him, was brimming with annoyance.
<Thanks a lot, Tao. I’m already starting to think that I really shouldn’t have volunteered as an audience.>
“Aww, don’t be so mean, boss. There’s no way we’re leaving you out for the grand premiere of the event.”
<I would like to second that.>
Said Lascrea, who had been listening like a rock until then.
Because she was standing next to Yuhyung, who decided to be the operator for Lukedonia, only part of her face was visible.
The only one who has not spoken was the doctor from KSA.
Or rather, he decided not to speak, overwhelmed by the presence of werewolves, nobles, Frankenstein, and a group of people who had shared with him blood and sweat in battles.
But of course, that did not mean KSA would be left unspoken for the duration of the event, though it was because Tao directed a word to everyone at the scene.
“So, are we all ready? Status report, please.”
<Yep! All set!>
<Uh, same here...>
<...I believe we are ready as well.>
Adne was the last to send an okay, after a bit of delay, to which Tao responded with a nod completely void of a smile.
“So, shall we begin?”
Right on cue, Yuhyung took the invisible mike from Tao.
<Now, please follow the instructions I had left for you. First, run the program I installed for you.>
Tao’s fingers danced across the keyboard, for he had fully memorized Yuhyung’s instruction manual; and Adne and KSA’s doctor followed suit.
The two humans provided feedback whenever things were lost or stuck in the middle, and they reached step by step closer to the initiation of the QuadraNet.
By then M-21, Takio, and even Lascrea were having a hard time hiding their excitement.
“Okay, we’re almost there! Just a little bit more!”
Tao’s encouragement fueled everybody to the last stage.
<Now, once this file is activated, all four servers will be linked. And like I told you a number of times, we must activate the file at the exact same moment.>
“On a count of three. One... Two...”
Four fingers stabbed the enter key in unison, and not long after they held their breath in waiting, pleasing hum of machines and blue light began their duet.
<...Well? It looks like things went okay here.>
Asked a voice from monitor connected to the KSA’s headquarter, somewhere between anticipation and concern.
<W-w-we’re okay!>
<Uh, same here...>
Came voices wild with wonder, and Tao was about to laugh in reply, when an eerie whirring noise, pitched so high and so ominous, began to bore through everyone’s ears.
The fact that it took place just when they were literally less than an inch away from completion was horrifying enough, but they had yet to realize the real horror was yet to reveal itself.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Monitors linking Lukedonia, KSA, and wolfkind also emitted similar noises, and soon Tao found his screens being painted with tiny numbers and alphabets one by one.
“Tao? What is it?”
“What’s going on?”
Barked Takio and M-21 in alarm; they did not define themselves as computer-friendly type, but they had enough knowledge to tell that such phenomenon takes place usually when there is a technical issue or its sort.
Not to mention Tao’s face was all they needed to see that something has gone terribly wrong.
“No, no, no...! Our server...!”
Tao yelled as he was slamming the keyboard with his entire fingers.
And right then Murphy’s Law decided to spit in their faces.
Everyone’s face blinked off as if promised, and instead the monitors were refilled with noises that made the RK’s eyes bleed just by staring.
“What the heck is going on...?!”
“Tao? Mr. Jang? Doctor? Dr. Adne?”
Frankenstein was almost wailing for everyone’s name as well.
To no avail, of course.
“What is it? Just tell me what the hell it is!”
Frankenstein’s cry scattered into an echo unreciprocated, as he was clutching onto his monitor.
So he had no idea there was a pair of blue eyes watching him from his back.
‘Stage 1 is complete.’
Cause disturbance with everyone’s server the moment QuadraNet comes alive.
Therefore, make sure no one can pay attention to anything other than the sudden technical chaos, including what he and Helga will stir up in the future.
It was not an easy task, but they made it.
The 3rd Elder silently removed himself from the back of the stage, his mind winding back to the face of their accomplice, who happened to be featuring on one of Frankenstein’s monitors just a while ago.
(next chapter)
Perhaps it would feel a little rushed to bring about trouble so soon, when the previous chapter featured Frankenstein and Lunark’s first kiss, but now things will start taking the wrong turns. I mean, it’s no fun if there are no troubles or challenges in a fic lol. By the way, I started adding links on each chapter that can take you to previous/next chapter (you can find the link to previous chapter at the top, and the link to the next chapter at the bottom). I’ll add the links to all previous chapters very soon!
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