#them swapping funny faces in the bonus gif is just A+
attractedtopeoples · 9 months
Jake Webber NSFW Headcanons
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NSFW Alphabet
Tags/Warnings: mdni, smutty/suggestive stuff below the cut, don’t like don’t read, written with afab!reader in mind
Johnnie’s version here, Tara’s version here
A/N: hiya, im going insane should I do a Tara version???
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Aftercare (what’re they like afterwards)
King of post-sex sleepy cuddles but will definitely make sure your cleaned up and comfortable before he falls asleep, his head is most definitely on your chest as he sleeps too btw.
Body part (favourite of their partners, favourite of their own)
With a afab Partner, their tits. I’m really not going to explain this one too much bc I think it’s obvious (my guy mentions them every second video) but yh.
And it’s a touch odd but he loves his lower stomach, mainly bc you always trace the stars and now he mainly relates that tattoo with those memories of you.
Cum (all things to do w/ cum)
Opposite of Johnnie, loves to make a mess on you. Your stomach, back, tit’s, face- doesn’t matter, he loves it all. He does love being able to ‘clean up’ your tits though (he gets to leave hickeys and lovebites on his favourite part of you, he loves that shit)
Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Absolutely a sucker for your nails scratching the back of his neck, or down his back. A bit of a masochist in the sense that he likes small twinges of pain. small enough to not hurt badly- but enough to remind him of you whenever he traces them.
Experience (are they experienced? do they know what they’re doing? etc.)
I’d say average amount of experience, but doesn’t ever brag (other than silly jokes abt getting more bitches than Johnnie), however he has assets, and he knows how to use them, and he uses them well.
Favourite Position (Self-explanatory)
Definitely a sucker for you riding him (cowgirl), and loves to watch your tits bounce along with you.
After a bit he’ll lose patience and help you out a touch, pulling you down onto his chest or swapping positions so your legs are around his waist as he’s pinning you down.
Goofy (are they more serious or silly during the moment?)
Again I feel like a mix between both, but more of a lean into silly, and he loves to tease at the same time.
Hair (are they groomed, do they care if you’re groomed, does the carpet match the drapes, etc)
Doesn’t care if your shaved and doesn’t bother shaving unless you specifically ask him too, he simply doesn’t see the point in shaving- it’s just hair.
again, it’s a touch darker than his natural hair, but o her than that it does match.
Intimacy (are they romantic in the moment?)
He’s definitely the type to mutter love confessions into your neck- either as you cuddle or fuck- it doesn’t matter, he loves being so close to you and being able to be honest with you about his feelings- plus the ability to give you a few hickeys as he does is a bonus.
Jack Off (Masturbation headcanons)
Horny bastard, but he’s usually confident/comfortable enough to tell you so it’s rare that he jacks off, but it’s not entirely uncommon
maybe once/twice a week as a most/average
Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Face Sitting- loves to have you on his face, it’s quite simple. (He also loves your thighs, so win-win)
Praise- he likes to give and receive this one, but you’ll find it more common to receive this one after a good day, and giving it to him after a bad one
Bondage- rarely but he likes to have his hands tied together behind his back- not being allowed to touch you as a form of punishment- a truly cruel one bc he’s naturally a very touchy person, especially so in these moments.
Switch- he leans more towards dominance but is fine with subbing every now and then.
Location (preference in terms of place)
Does not care. At all. (That’s a lie, there are obviously some no-no’s but you get the point). He does prefer places where you can both be comfortable (mainly you)
Motivation (what turns them on)
He’s such a simp it’s not funny (it is), and he’s so sensitive to touch as well, a truly incredible combo- especially if you feel like being a bit of a tease.
No (turn offs/hard no’s, what they won’t do)
Similar to Johnnie, nothing that he fees could seriously injure you, and definitely nothing where you’d be even slightly uncomfortable. He might try but he doesn’t really understand why. (No matter how much he jokes about Johnnie spanking him)
Oral (preference in giving/receiving, skill, etc)
A bit if both honestly, great at giving, and extremely careful not to hurt you when receiving. A very ‘in-the-middle’ guy when it comes to giving and receiving head.
Pace (what pace do they go at during sex)
He tends to do slightly above average speed, but always deeper- and sweet Jesus is he good at knowing what you want. Whether it be wanting more or less he is very observant and is usually able to adjust rather quickly to what you need/ask for.
Quickie (opinions on quickies)
Dislikes them, only because he likes the patience he can have as he kisses you and your body, borderline body worship every time because ‘that’s what you deserve’ (his words)
Again, wouldn’t say no but would simply prefer to wait until you guys could be alone and take your time with each other.
Risk (are they down to experiment? Do they take risks in their sex life?)
I think he is willing to try anything you ask, but otherwise would default to what he knows. And in terms of doing something in public, well he wouldn’t say no.
Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This guy has some stamina, I’d say 3-4 rounds before he starts to tire out, but similar to Johnnie he’s very willing to give head if your not done.
Toys (do they own them? do they use them?)
I think he owns them, but hasn’t really used them on himself. If his partner wanted to use them on him- go for it, but he’s never found the need to use them himself. He is also fine with using them on his partner.
Unfair (do they like to tease?)
Definitely. This man might not be exceedingly patient, but in terms of this, he could tease/edge for hours before giving in to what you’re asking.
Volume (how loud are they? What sounds do they make, etc)
I feel like he isn’t overly loud, but not overly quiet either. It entirely depends on the situation and what’s going on. Definitely a groaner but I’m not really gonna describe sounds more than that.
Wild Card (random headcanon)
I loves when you trace his tattoo’s, both in the moment and outside of it, he loves watching your face as you focus on tracing each one.
X-Ray (what’s going on under the clothes)
7 inches, slightly leans to the right, no more explaining.
#E7D8C0 > #F2CFBE
Yearning (how high/low is their sex drive?)
Above Average, about 4+ a week, but if yours is higher or lower he adapts to it easily.
Zzz (how quick they fall asleep after)
He makes sure that your comfortable and all aftercare has been sorted out, but then the second he closes his eyes he’s out like a light.
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
Hi! Me again with another Bill x reader request.
Bill borrows reader’s jacket/ sweater/ t-shirt (or they can both be swapping out clothes in like a “this doesn’t fit me, do you want it?” Kind of way, whatever is good with you) and likes it. Cue heart eyes when he realises it kind of smells like the reader, and also cue a bright red face when reader sighs and says “I knew it’d look better on you.”
Bonus points if it’s a mutual “oh no, I have a crush on you” revelation kind of thing because who doesn’t love that?
Thank you in advance!!!
Clothes and Feelings
Bill S Preston Esquire x Reader
TW: One curse word
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You were shuffling through your closet, occasionally tossing some clothes onto the bed where Bill was sitting, leaning against your headboard. He glanced up from his guitar as another shirt flew past his peripheral, blinking as if it actually hit him. 
He noticed the small pile that was slowly forming into a mountain before looking at you, “How many did I say I needed?” He may forget certain things, but he certainly remembered only needing a few shirts. 
You paused, looking at a shirt as you gave a sheepish smile, “Only a few but I couldn’t help myself. I have some shirts I don’t want and was hoping you wanted them.” You put the shirt down before walking over towards the pile of clothes consisting of shirts and a few jackets. 
“I have a few crop tops that I don’t want anymore, I think they would look nice on you!” You added. 
Bill couldn’t help the small blush that appeared on his cheeks hearing your compliment, putting his guitar to the side so he could scooch over to the small pile, sitting closer to where you were standing. He looked through a few shirts and smiled, 
“These look great!” He said, picking up a shirt that was made with your favorite color, putting it up against himself. 
God, he looked so damn cute. 
You couldn’t help your own face feeling a little warm, imagining him wearing your favorite color and hoping that he was willing to try it on for you. It would really compliment him and it almost made you feel like you were claiming him in some way. You shook away those thoughts from your head, Bill was simply just a friend. A friend that happened to be really sweet, caring,  funny, a little air headed, and…really cute. 
“I wanna try this one.” He looked up at you with a smile before growing a little nervous, “Is that okay?”
You hummed, staring at him before your brain finally comprehended what he just asked. You quickly nodded your head, “Yeah! Yeah, that’s fine!” You looked around your room before glancing back at him, “Knock yourself out.” 
Bill stood up before grabbing the hem of his own crop top and slowly pulling it over his head. He couldn’t help but feel nervous. He always felt that way whenever he was shirtless around you. He always wondered if you happened to like what you saw. It left him feeling confused, he shouldn’t be feeling and wondering if you happened to like his physique.
Friends don’t really think that stuff, do they? 
You flushed more realizing what was happening and your heart began pounding. You should be used to him being shirtless, going with him and Ted to Waterloo and having fun in the water but maybe you’ve never been used to it and your heart was finally playing catch up. 
You quickly turned around, giving him privacy and staring at the wall as he began pulling your own shirt over his head. He straightened it up before he paused a little, his hands touching the fabric that grazed against his own sternum. He glanced at you before pulling the collar of your shirt up and against his face, taking a small inhale. 
Holy shit, you smelt amazing. 
If anyone were to see him, they undoubtedly would have seen his pupils form into hearts as his mind processed your sweet smell that was ingrained into the shirt. He couldn’t help taking another, deeper inhale, hoping to have your scent ingrained into his own set of lungs.  
“Are you done yet?” You asked, beginning to turn around to help him, in case he got himself stuck in another shirt again. He sometimes had a habit of doing that. 
Bill quickly stopped, pulling the shirt back down and fixing the collar, placing his hands on his hips in order to look casual. Despite that, his cheeks still felt warm and he knew that they would be flushed pink. “Y-Yeah!”
You fully turned and smiled gleefully, your gaze following his exposed stomach until reaching his own eyes. Your heart felt like it was stuck in your throat as your words practically faded away. You were honestly left speechless, he looked so damn cute in your favorite color, you wanted to melt. 
“Y-You look amazing! I knew it’d look better on you!” You gushed, your hand coming to your lips in order to hide the pleased smile on your face. If Bill wasn’t so oblivious, he may have noticed your own pupils form into their own set of hearts, your gaze turning loving. 
You both stared at each other, not saying anything but you both didn’t notice or care about that. The person in front of you both was definitely more important as your feelings began to settle in your hearts and your minds could only whisper one thing, 
‘Fuck, I like you,'
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
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Date video was published: 03/09/2016 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 300
This first DNP joint video of 2016! There had been a pretty big gap between videos again, but DNP were busy hosting the BRIT Awards at the end of February, which they shared a lot of content from (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).
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I adore Phil’s galaxy shirt. I wish he would have worn it for more things.
On to the video...
0:00 - for some reason their faces already look weird to me. So much shaky-Phil cam.
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0:05 - Phil always gives the credit to who’s similar videos he saw!
0:13 - “highbrow video” 😂 self-aware Dan as usual. Phil does not care.
0:28 - well that spin was something. i love that he left the phone drop in, lol
0:35 - it’s removed the slightest bit of both of their fringes and transferred that too. I’m already disturbed by this.
0:43 - “let’s never have a child” ...ummm
0:45 - much more steady camera holding from Dan
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0:48 - a “middle-aged mum” or a “mii” not sure I see either of those things
0:50 - when Dan smiles big it’s even more disturbing on Phil’s head
0:52 - the synced lip movements are great 😂
0:54 - they are not holding it together at all and I love it
1:05 - it’s so disturbing help 😨
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1:09 - the head-tilting definitely makes it worse
1:14 - Dan doesn’t even know what Phil’s going to say and then we get the full-hyena laugh
1:18 - Phil throwing in clips from different angles all mixed together
1:31 - Phil’s just amusing himself here
1:34 - and Dan, lol
1:42 - the disturbing voice does not help matters. Also the stuff piled at the base/on the floor of the wardrobe; not as messy as sometimes when we see a background glimpse, but it’s never neat. haha
1:46 - okay, this one is awful on Dan. I think the fact that he has a larger mouth makes it worse.
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1:56 - “Obama suits my hair” sure Phil. “I look hot” 😂
2:09 - “like my nightmares but worse” not sure I want to know what those nightmares are then
2:21 - love Phil trying not to laugh in the background and then Dan breaking as soon as he does
2:25 - Dan does not like it at all when it switches back to just his face
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2:29 - Phil just thinks he hair looks good, I think. “I look like a hot mum.” 😂
2:37 - cricket noises. The animal ones are really disturbing too.
2:51 - Dan really does think everything Phil says is hilarious
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2:53 - I like the ones less where they put their face on still pictures
3:02 - neither of them like that one!
3:26 - Furby! terrifying but a great idea for this
3:35 - “much nightmares” indeed
3:46 - anime of course. The chin is very triangular there
3:53 - of course Phil went straight to alien. Phil’s just amusing himself by making different expressions with that one.
3:56 - I think alien worked better
4:06 - ahhhh, do not like. they are very lean-y in by this point
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4:15 - Attack on Titan theme again. It’s literally almost every video that Phil’s singing that.
4:35 - “oil me” umm...sure Phil. Also a joke about something he had tweeted recently.
4:46 - Phil thinks he looks great as everyone 😂
5:05 - Phil gets so disturbing in these videos; I love it
5:21 - pretty sure they never watched Supernatural so it’s hilarious that they included this
5:24 - for some reason that does not look like Benedict Cumberbatch’s face on either of them
5:35 - disturbing because their cheeks move but the mask’s mouth doesn’t
5:52 - oh, that’s so weird with their own faces!
6:02 - Dan...WHAT.
6:24 - this outro is a mess and great
6:40 - yes much better. TATINOF US promo time!
This whole video is just them having a good time messing around with the app and laughing at each other. Not sure what the “challenge” part of this was, but it is definitely funny! And has THE PHOTO BOOTH CHALLENGE vibes, which I’m sure was the point, although I think that original one is better.
Also enjoy this disturbing face swap bonus image Phil posted for Mother’s Day.
(Side note: This is my 300th of these posts. 😱 It somehow doesn’t seem like that long at all.)
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clairecrive · 5 years
"Insecurities" - Eames x reader (Part 2) [Requested]
I'm sorry for the long wait. I made it super long to make up for it. Anon and @kingarthurscat I hope this is what you had in mind when you made the request or that at least you like it. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
requests are always open!
Tag list: @mollybegger-blog (let me know if you wanna be added)
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A/n: Prompts are in bold.
The very reason you had been picked to be a part of the group was your ability to became whoever they needed you to be. It wasn't quite like Eames who could really become that person, it was more like an interpretation of a character. Like an actor would do, only you wouldn't be performing in a movie or a theatre. Usually very shy and stubborn you weren't so keen on putting yourself out there the way they had asked you to. But the need for money and your acting skills collected through the high school years as a way of getting more credits did the trick and with a little convincing on Dom's part, you were one of them.
Tonight was no different, you left your shy and awkward self in your hotel room, ready to be Sandy, a confident outspoken entrepreneur, for the rest of the night. The job was very easy to be honest, even though you usually hated when they used you just for your "womanly weapons" as Dom called them. However, being the only woman on the team, your input was required and there wasn't much you could do.
The plan was very simple: distract the wealthy, sneaky Arabian entrepreneur while Eames took whatever information he needed and then make your exit quickly and smoothly when Eames would give you the signal that it all went according to plan.
Flirting with wealthy men was quite the same every time. If you asked them about their job or a thing they have that makes them proud you could have them talking for hours on end. You would just have to throw a smile or a small laugh at the right time and that would be it. Easy job right? The fact that sometimes the men would be smoking hot it's just a bonus. They were boring but at least they were pretty to look at.
Much to your delight, this night, Azir was not only very handsome but he had a few interesting ideas too. Maybe you had been enjoying yourself too much, really engaged in a conversation with him, that you didn't notice Eames trying to catch your attention at first.
Over the years, you had come up with a complex sign language that would allow you to communicate in tricky situations without making a sound. Just a movement of an eye or a finger and the message or warning had come across. So when you noticed the English lad walking towards you while scrunching his nose, you knew that he needed a diversion.
"What is happening here?" He approached you and Azir that was quite startled by Eames' appearance. Thinking he was going for an angry/jealous boyfriend you played along.
"What are you doing here?" You asked feigning a shocked expression.
"I told you that I had a business meeting tonight, but you failed to mention that you'd also be here flirting with a stranger." He explained getting worked up.
"First of all, this is not a stranger, his name is Azir. Second, I didn't tell you because I didn't think you'd have cared."
"In what twisted universe I would not care about my fucking fiancée flirting with a man that's not me?!"
"Wait, what? What are you talking about mate? She doesn't have a ring." Azir chimes in, apparently disturbed by the idea of being accused to flirt with an engaged woman. Nice to see you have morals Azir, not just a pretty face uh.
"Where is your ring Y/N?" Eames inquired staring intently at your naked ring finger
"Funny you should ask, still keeping up with this game I see. It's not endearing anymore, cut it."
"What the hell are you on about?" He looked at you as if you had suddenly grown three heads, glancing towards Azir for support.
"I was so thrilled that after eight years you had finally found the guts to propose to me, that I couldn't wait to share the news with everyone I have ever shared a word with. Also to let them see the beautiful ring you gave me. Imagine my surprise when Karen comes up to me and say: "Do you know that the diamond in your engagement ring is fake?" Of course, I didn't believe her, she had always been jealous of me. But she insisted so to prove her wrong, I stepped on it. Diamonds, real diamonds, are unbreakable. But the one you gave me fell apart like a bread crumble." For added emphasis you turned to Azir, "can you believe it? A fake engagement ring!"
The poor lad had been swapped in this mess and was so lost that if someone had asked him his name right now, he probably couldn't be able to answer right.
"So what if the diamond was fake? My intentions behind the gesture were not."
"Do you even still love me?" You asked scoffing at his words. Noticing three bulky men storming into the hall you were in, you gather your things and without glancing towards both men, you stormed off into a hallway on your right knowing that Eames was hot on your trail. You turn around to see if you were safe but before you could check his hand wraps around your arm and drags you into a dark room to your left. The door closed behind you leaving you standing in the dark catching your breaths.
"Were they still behind us?" You whisper just in case they were close. You couldn't see him in the dark but even if you felt him close to you, when he put his hand on your mouth to shush you it still caught you off guard. Well then, I'll take that as a yes. Even if you couldn't see his face, being this close to him that you could feel his breath on your cheek, made your mind wander and suddenly you were thankful for the dark otherwise your reddening cheeks would sorely stand out and Eames would tease you endlessly.
Turns out that you spoke too soon seeing as, while you were lost in your daydream, he must have drawn out his phone, because a light suddenly shone in the room. It was a janitor closet because at your feet there were cloths and buckets. It was indeed a small space as you've presumed, your chests were touching and if he wasn't taller than you, your noses or worse mouths would too. This realisation certainly didn't help your blushing situation.
"Is there a reason why you're blushing like that?" He asked and really, you knew it was coming.
"Can we get out, please? I think we're safe." You said trying to play it cool. The twinkle in his eyes made his amusement very clear to you, nevertheless he spared you and moved his hand to the door handle. Much to your dismay, it wouldn't budge, even when he tried with more force. Eventually, he had to stop and admit defeat. He turned to you and almost as if you had rehearsed it you exclaim at the same time:
"Well shit."
Groaning you lower yourself to the ground while he wrote something on the phone, probably asking for some help but you know that you'd be here for a while if you had to wait for one of the guys to rescue you. Sensing your discomfort he sat beside you and you knew that he was going to confront you about your weird behaviour. Being observant was part of his job, nothing went past him unnoticed, he was the best in his field for a reason after all.
"So, since we have a lot of time to spare, will you tell me what's wrong darling?" As you predicted he asked softly. Having worked alongside one another for quite some time together with his observant self, made Eames one of the person who knew you best. It wasn't something you were happy about but it was a fact.
"Oh that was Sandy, Eames. Don't need to worry about a fuss over a fake ring." You joked trying to deflect. Classic textbook move and he knew it.
"That was a good stunt out there, not going to lie, but you know I wasn't talking about that. You've been acting weird since we've come out of the room." He insisted. You knew Eames so you were conscious that if you told him to let it go he wouldn't press you but for some reason, you needed to know if he saw you. I mean even if he did, it wasn't a big deal right? No one was perfect and as you were painfully aware of his annoying habits now he knew that you hadn't a perfect body. You could live with that. Conforming to the standard norms of beauty wasn't something you had to do. Besides, nothing was ever going to happen between you. So even if you had a crush on the man and your constant bickering was more subtle flirting, why do you care so much about what he thinks of you? Yes, he probably has been with a lot of breathtaking women but that didn't mean anything. You couldn't compare yourself to other, imaginary in this case, women. It's not a healthy thing to do and besides everyone is beautiful in their own way. You knew that it's just that most of the times you have trouble applying that way of thinking to yourself.
Well then, here goes nothing. This pep talk is pointless if you don't address the elephant in the room. And so gathering all your courage, you did. But wait- how exactly am I going to go about this?
"So, you know that I'm usually very quiet and reserved right?"
"Yes, I know how important your private space is to you. I promised I've not touched anything." He said reminiscing that time when you literally went ballistic when you saw him entering into your room without your permission.
"I know you've learned your lesson don't worry, I wasn't referring to that."
"Then what's the matter?" 
"I'm not saying you did it on purpose but have you, by any chance, stumbled upon a very naked me early today in the bathroom?" I finally let out not meeting his eyes. I think it's a fair question to make, sure the answer won't change the fact that he saw me if he did but at least I'll stop wondering about it. However, Eames was known to be very unpredictable so you hoped that he wouldn't feel offended about it nor that he'd tease you for it. For a little while, he didn't say anything but you could feel his eyes on you. Knowing him he was probably studying you and thinking about what to say.
"Will you go mad hatter crazy on me if I tell you that I accidentally took a peak? I honestly thought that you were done and telling me that I could enter when you opened the door. However, I didn't do it maliciously or anything. It just happened, I'm sorry." He explained confirming your assumptions. So he did see you. Now what? However stupid it may sound, you believed him when he said that it was an accident. How different could my body from others anyway? Pretending to not be affected by his confession you just shrugged your shoulders muttering a quiet "it's okay". Needless to say, it was not okay. How were you going to look at him now that you knew he's seen you in your most vulnerable state? Ugh, why did you have to be so complexed? Couldn't you be just as easy going as Sandy? Life would surely be easier.
"If it's okay, then why won't you look at me, darling?" He insisted. Gosh, why won't he let this go?
"There's literally no light in here, how do you know if I'm not looking at you?"
"Because I know you and apparently this held a deeper meaning to you than you want me to know. You should know by now though, that I notice everything. Besides, how can we still work together if you refuse to look at me?"
"I can pretend to be a different person then so there's no problem." you mutter jokingly
"There's no need to pretend with me. We're room buddies!" He said making you laugh. He could be so silly sometimes.
"You can always be yourself with me you know. To be honest, you should never be afraid to be you but I know that that's a tough thing to do. However, I thought I was part of the gang now. That you trusted me and all."
"I do trust you, Eames. I wouldn't be working with you if I didn't. And yes you're part of the gang but neither of them has seen me naked you naked."
"And that changes things how?"
"You have seen me in my most vulnerable and truest form. No filter, no pretending no anything. I can't imagine I was a very pleasant view. I'm just ashamed, that's all."
"You shouldn't be. I didn't think you'd be so insecure about yourself, that only proves how good at your job you are, honestly, but if it makes you feel better, I really like what I saw." 
"Yeah sure. Don't need to flatter me to make me feel better. I'm not delusional."
"No, but it seems that you're blind. I thought that my scandalous and obvious flirting was a dead giveaway of me liking you."
"Oh shut up, you flirt with every living thing. It does not make me special." You sassed because it was true. You actually thought he was into Arthur before realizing that he was like that, flirting seemed to be the only way of communication he knew.
"You don't need my validation to consider yourself special. You are no matter what I or any other guy says. Although, you shouldn't really question me. You know I'm always right."
"Could your ego be bigger?"
"Hey, I'm trying to help you here. No need to insult my ego. But it's not the only big thing I have if you know what I mean."
"You know what? I really appreciate your wise words but I think it's best if we wait for whoever you called in silence. Your ego is already sucking up all the air in this cubicle." you said nudging his shoulder letting him know that you were joking. Who would have guessed that he could manage to make your doubts disappear just with a few silly words?
He seemed to have understood because he wrapped his arm around you and you rested your head on his shoulder, getting comfortable beside him. The silence between you now wasn't uncomfortable but very welcomed, you knew he wouldn't be quiet for long so you enjoyed it while it lasted, your insecurities long forgotten.
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