banishingtheshadows · 7 years
(( @themasterofwuju when someone likes a really old post from like over a year ago and I’m like ‘HOW DID YOU FIND THAT’))
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masteredshadows · 8 years
// You know I gotta send my boi themasterofwuju
@ladybuvelle you know I gotta say that’s a damn good choice right there
yo @themasterofwuju
you’re pretty cool. your presence on my dash is genuinely a gift, whether ooc or ic. actually, though. I really, really appreciate how open you are with your followers – if I’m ever worried about you, or hell, just want to know where you’ve been, it’s easy to find out. I love seeing your thoughts on random things, or yi’s musings, or just the honesty, really. it’s… it’s a sense of trust, I guess? it’s amazing that you trust us with those thoughts, y’know? 
beyond that, you yourself are pretty cool. we have yet to talk too much, because, uh, I’m actually kinda awful at starting conversations with people literally ever, but every conversation we have had has been so, so entertaining. you’re so easy and enjoyable to talk to, and whether it’s plotting or just talking, I really do have a smile on my face with every message. both crack shenanigans and serious RPs with you are genuinely a delight, too.
– actually, speaking of your writing, lemme ramble about that, too!
I LOVE YOUR WRITING. Seriously. A lot of the time, when writing a thread as long as ours, it can end up feeling like a chore, even if you love the other person.
I haven’t felt that once yet. What we have going is hilarious, and a large part of that is due to the brilliance with which you characterise Yi. he feels like, well, yi, and he always does! really, at this point, if someone says master yi, I don’t think of what riot’s done, I don’t think of the ingame champion, I think of you. your characterisation is amazingly consistent, varying with age while staying true to him, and the development you do for him is astounding. you’ve managed to have a blog with a character that grows and evolves while remaining himself. your drabbles are a delight to read, and I’m continuously impressed by the way that you keep your blog feeling like, well, things are moving and changing.
just – man. your dedication to yi is amazing. your writing is brilliant, witty, and works well with both humour and drama, something that can be really, really difficult to do. I love reading your threads and drabbles, and I absolutely adore talking to you. you’re well-spoken (the way you handle discussions on your blog is so, so eloquent and respectful), dedicated, hilarious– like I said, genuinely a gift to have on the dash.
I hope things are going well for you. you deserve that. you really, really do.
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thepawnnoble-blog · 8 years
It was rare to see the noblewoman outside of her home without her retainer. However, today this was something she had to do alone. In her hands as she walked down the mostly vacant streets of the common area in Demacia was a small pack. Though she walked slowly and daintily, there was no mistaking the clinging of glass within her small pack as she made her way to the more sketchy areas of Demacia.
The woman seemed to travel without fear through the near empty streets as she approached a very large building within the area. The gates were shut but not locked. With minimal movement, she shifting the pack into one arm so she could open up the rusted gate. It groaned heavily as she squeezed herself between the gate before shutting it behind her.
With the groan of the gate, heavy footsteps were quick to meet her soft ones as a large man approached her, looking down at the small woman. She immediately held up the pack towards him. He took it with ease with his own softness, peering into the bag before looking back at her and nodded. He quickly made his way towards the large building as she made her way back to the gate.
With the gate groaning as it opened and closed, the woman made her way out of the area, looking down at her hands. It was uncharacteristic of her to have her hands dirty. She seemed mildly interested the way her light peach skin looked with the dark rust that was left on her hands as residue. She let her hands drop to her side as she continued her walk out of this particularly sketchy part of Demacia.
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//Muh url
Send me your URL and I’ll tell you
My opinion on;
Character in general: I love Master Yi. His lore is one of my favorites, and he was also my first “main.”How they play them: By far my favorite Master Yi blog, even though there aren’t necessarily many of them out there. Great headcanons, engaging events, and a real dedication to the character.The Mun: I’ve talked with the mun only a little bit, but they’re hella cool and also generally a very nice person.
Do I;
RP with them: I’ve done a thread with Yi once before, some chance meeting in a village along the Serpentine River, but other than that maybe only silly 1-ask interactions.Want to RP with them: Definitely! I believe Arkyn is in a similar state to pre-Wukong Master Y, with a lot of build up anger and frustration and no good outlet. Maybe more interaction could help him learn to come to terms with the past.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: 10/10 great muse, great mun who is immensely committed to Yi’s portrayal, and great talent when it comes to writing. Seriously, produces some of the best writing I’ve ever read when it comes to tumblr.
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yi-dashi-a · 6 years
//also new master yi blogs when?
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// * uhhh how about a Circus AU iunno pft
for an au, press star | accepting
(believe it or not, I have one)
When Fate was exiled, instead of running to the nearest cities and townships to try and find a place to stay, he was discovered by a traveling circus known as The Sullivan Twin’s Brigand. While it wasn’t a perfect setting, he did have a roof over his head and food to eat. He just had to demean himself and his talents to get it. 
He is known simply as the “Cardmaster” as his stage persona. Because none of Runeterra knows of Riverfolk magic, his use of cards and object manipulation is considered “exotic” and exquisite. He is the main act for the Sullivan Twins. 
He is also a major attraction because he is exotic himself, as terrible as that sounds. No one has seen a Riverman so close before, and he is amazingly powerful and also aesthetically pleasing. 
Because he is the major money-bringer for the circus, he gets the second biggest tent in the middle of the camp, rivaled only by the Sullivan Twins themselves. 
Eventually, a stranger from Bilgewater is dared to ask the Bearded Lady out to dinner, but mistakes Fate’s tent for her own. Though it leads to an awkward introduction and a compliment (”Really liked your performance.” “Thank you.”) Fate ends up giving the stranger one of his cards and a proposal -- “Come back tomorrow, I’ll be here.”
And that’s how Fate meets Graves in the Circus AU.
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fast-and-dumb · 8 years
☟ ☟ but I already thought Wukong was Yi's child :^)) ☟ ☟
Send ☟ to turn my muse into a child.
The small monkey climbed down from the tree onto the man’s shoulders. He started to poke and bit at the strange head gear. He’d never seen a creature  with so many eyes. He wondered what they were all for!
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disxwned-blog · 8 years
Black bird
Send me "black bird" for a darker memory of my muse's past         
He didn’t know how many days had passed underneath that bridge. Surrounded by the countless other people which had contracted the same disease.
It all started with some red dots on his skin.
High fever.
Strong headaches and he had thrown up some times.
He had contracted the disease curse. They all stopped to believe in their old Gods, that is why the curse ran like wildfire in the ionian city streets. Once they had found out that Shard contracted it, he had been thrown into that hell hole.
Everyone that was sick, were left under that bridge. Most of the time they were led by guards there, the city must maintain its beautiful and clean aspect after all.
Under that bridge, there is a river.
Shard was left there by his brother. Despite the warnings his brother would come everyday and leave for him some food and water. It was a miracle that he hadn’t got sick.
His days would consist of his mind being driven away by the high fever, making him unable to process his surroundings. And in the very few times that he was sane enough he would simply pay attention to his surroundings, he was too weak to move anyway.
The sight looked surreal, entire families, children, elders even monks found themselves crammed into that place. The smell is putrid- death rules that place. Corpses lay lifeless by the side of people that still live, they all seem to be unaware that they were dead.
But when they noticed that someone has died, they will push the corpse into the river.
The river will carry the countless corpses away.
With luck, and the countless prays from his older brother, Shard recovered from the disease. Leaving that place as quick as he could, his body still carries some scars from the disease he endured.
His mind also carries the image of the bodies being carried away. And the sick groans and cries.
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ladybuvelle · 8 years
// I can’t resist these things. And I just love Samurai Yi UGH @themasterofwuju
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banishingtheshadows · 8 years
((refreshes dash
#Yi looking at lux probably pfft (post)
SNRKS THANKS @themasterofwuju))
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masteredshadows · 8 years
x. @themasterofwuju gets to be zed’s babysitter, ‘cause kusho is too fed up with zed’s bullshit to do it himself anymore.
     Screw you, Kusho.
     Zed slumps against the window of the carriage, staring out at the rolling mountains and sparse grassland whizzing past him. Why do I have to go to the Wuju clan or-- whatever they’re called? Is that seriously how you think you should respond to someone disagreeing with you? If you want me to see the merits of balance, give me an actual explanation, don’t shove me off to Wuju daycare.
     He frowns. With every action that Kusho takes, Zed begins to doubt him just a little bit more. He is revered, yes, the type of man whose feats will be made legend, but...
     Zed narrows his eyes. When images of corpses arranged into horrific sculptures caressing limbs haunt his nightmares, it is difficult to see the reasoning behind his decision. In the window’s reflection, all Zed can see is the Golden Demon cowering before his blade. The Golde-- Jhin should be dead right now, not living a peaceful life behind Tuula’s bars. What good is balance if it allows monsters like him to survive?
     Zed blinks again, and the sight of mountains returns once more. I would be willing to hear Kusho out if the man would just talk to me. What reasonable adult would accept “Because that’s how it is” as a reason for neutrality, for restraining oneself, for the imprisonment of men as vile as Jhin?
     He is pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of a crack in the air and the feeling of the dilapidated carriage shuddering to a stop. Great. Zed is sure a week with the babysitters who didn’t even believe Jhin was human will do wonders to explain why balance is needed. He sighs, but stands up, heaving his bag off the floor and pushing the door open. So be it. He has no choice -- he might as well get this over with.
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World building Project: Shoutout to Ionian blogs
//Eyy wassup!
So - this is a shoutout to Ionian blogs just because of mutual interests, but it’s also valid for any blog who wants to participate.
Alright here goes. So, lately I have been trying to reach out to some blogs who I respect a lot as worldbuilders. Blogs such as @themasterofwuju, for example. The reason lies in something i have posted about some time ago. I have many plans for things I want to get accomplished, and one of them is having some worldbuilding going. However, as much as I think reblogging photos of scenery/clutter/whatever is nice I think it’s a little... impersonal for my tastes. It works. it’s certainly a valid way to go about it but I feel like it doesn’t connect muses to these pictures, so all you have there is just a bunch of (in ionia’s case) asian photos of temples and whatnot and... it’s all just lying there, you know.
The point of bringing this up is that I would like to know who of you are interested in worldbuilding Ionia. Headcanons, discussions and all that spicy stuff. I wanted to use some of that to flesh out Ionia in this hobo’s eyes (and also share some headcanons with those who are interested). I have said this before but, one of the perks of roleplaying a wanderer is he gets to be everywhere... well ok maybe not the placidium or places he’s as good as dead but hey I can appeal to his past yes?
Either way. To those who know about my headcanons, I have stated he paints (the samurai receive education on many aspects when they study their art, not just sword techniques) some of the scenery he finds around. Either because he needs to keep track of places for many purposes or simply because ‘hey this place looks damn good let me take a piece of it with me’ kind of thing. I have already started these series with this post over here and I am super satisfied with the result. In it you can notice Yasuo is the one who describes how things are (or rather, ‘were’ in this case) and there is the painting he did right below and I love to tie these things up with the muse. It adds a great deal of depth.
The reason I am so slow to continue varies. From commissions, personal shit thats making my mood plummet into a shithole and mostly worries about canon stuff. Riot hasn’t yet given us a map and I’m afraid all the hard work will go to the waste bin once they do. But hey, if I were to embrace this project and work with more people, maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing and we could adapt as lore progresses. Furthermore I think it’s a great way to bring some people close and it’s productive to everyone aswell.
Sooo yeah. Lemme know if anyone is interested please. I might even make a discord group for discussions, headcanon sharing, and a place for people who want to draw something to share their ideas and paintings overall. Please let me know what you think and reblog if you find the idea to be interesting and want other people to participate aswell!
Thanks a lot!
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✉: Any RPers the Mun admires.
Oop that’s a lot but leggo
@ladybuvelle @bask-in-the-glow @ask-quinn-valor @thedanceofblades @thedarkin-blade @themasterofwuju @ironfistofnoxus @prodigal-ezreal @king-of-the-freljord @noxian-rose @ask-hextechjanna @calix-daesyn @the-king-of-the-river @silvestreaelurus
just a list c: 
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9tails1goal · 8 years
Deadly Vision
Ahri had been on the hunt for only a few minutes; here the deer were fat, contented and not as fast as she was used to. She’d already feasted on one and was now tracking a second. In the hunt her focus was on her prey and not her surroundings, she ran through the new forest, unknown grounds but still feeling as if she’d known them her whole life. She clambered up a tree with ease jumping to the next before waiting.
The deer ambled forward nearby sniffing at the air, the woman dropped from the tree, her orb manifestation shooting out from her palm below her as she fell. Passing through the unexpecting deer in a burst of spiritual energy before it exited leaving the animal behind limp. She sighed softly crouching beside it. She was a true hunter and she would prepare and eat it’s mortal vessel too.
She didn’t get a chance to do this, as she came down from the high of the hunt another aura struck her; another energy; a suppressed but intense energy. She turned to face it unaware of how close her hunt had been to the man.
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disxwned-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Annd it is finally here!!
My three blogs are now 1 year old (So in other words- 2 years of me writing these three??) !! Thank you all for the amazing support guys!! I wished I could fit in this list every single one of you guys here- unfortnately that is imposible!
Here is my attempt to gather you all up in one single list- here we go!
𝓥ery special people to me.
My dearest fellow RPing partners and/or shipping partners and just very special friends for me!! You all always manage to brighten things up for me!! I am so thankful for meeting you. (In no special order)
@steel-fixes-all ◽ @bloodynumberfour ◽ @ask-thecardmaster ◽ @ask--theoutlaw / @fugeoni666  ◽ @zoiczeph ◽ @grumpyrunearchmage ◽ @plunderlords-decree ◽ @goldenmovement ◽ @hanzo-shimada-drgn ◽ @exiiile ◽ @samurai-spirit.
𝓢pecial mentions.
Either because we have barely talked or interacted with each other. But we happen to follow each other. Or just people who I am super thankful for their support, either on this blog or on any of my other two blogs. You guys deserve a spot in here!  (In no special order)
@without--sound ◽ @chaoticbydesign ◽ @theestrangedwandererr ◽ @highnoonkhadajhin ◽ @vermilion-bloom ◽ @generousalpacaart ◽ @virtucse ◽ @shadowofdarkin ◽ @shadow--master ◽ @askyourfavoritecrownguard ◽ @mercury-hammercannon ◽ @jaycetechmaturgics ◽ @themasterofwuju ◽ @icathiaism ◽ @the-evolution-comes ◽ @the-king-of-the-river ◽ @my-steady-blade ◽ @chrono-tempest ◽ @nunchuckpanther ◽ @nattjeger ◽ @ashe-olivia
I think I got most of you guys!
Thank you all so much for the support guys, Stay awesome and keep up with the great work!!
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ladybuvelle · 8 years
// ϟ ϟ ϟ I'm late but yolo can you give me some totally ''''random'''' thoughts that would come post bad present reception? XD ϟ ϟ ϟ
For every ϟ in my inbox I’ll tell you a random thought my muse has about yours. 
It’s all my fault... It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault, it’s all my fault...
Why can’t be be honest with me? I don’t understand...! I was so sure... I was so certain we understood each other. Was I deluding myself? Did I push him into things? I did, didn’t I? Perhaps he’s just too kind to tell me otherwise... surely it must be.
I thought perhaps this time would be different. He never wants anything. Half the time I feel like I’m forcing him just to take care of himself properly. Maybe he resents me for it... He’s an adult man who’s seen far more of the world than I have. He should know better. Have I treated him poorly without realizing it...?
Is it because I ruined his fasting period? Have I offended him? I didn’t... I didn’t mean to. I couldn’t help what happened...
I just want him to come home and tell me why...! Tell me if you hate me! Tell me if I’ve done something wrong...! Let me apologize, let me make it right... don’t throw me away!... I can’t take being alone anymore...
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