#then BAM. three days later its going downhill.
sadorkable · 2 years
I had my snake for three days. And they squirmed out through the teeniest little slit in the lid that they shouldn't have been able to fit through. I've disassembled and searched through every piece of the room and the nearby rooms. Twice. It's looking like they went into the vents. Or the walls.
I've put out water and hides and pinkies in the vents and along the walls. I just want the little baby back and safe 💔
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myth-and-mischief · 7 years
Overwatch competitive
In yet more anecdotal proof that Overwatch’s competitive system and/or the universe DOES purposely matchmake you up with morons JUST as you’re about to rank up.  (Or more accurately, @assassin-yuki was SO CLOSE last night to ranking up to Platinum).
So: I’ve sworn since Season 2 that the Overwatch matchmaking system PURPOSELY matchmakes you with horrible teams OR up against a team that is going to kick your butt regardless.  You know, my season 2?  The one we placed high platinum but spent the ENTIRE season trying to get back up but only make it to ONE POINT under our placement rank? 
It’s like every.  single.  time. you either get close to ranking up, something happens.  You’ve been having a great run.  Doing well.  It’s been happening on our main account.  We’ll get halfway into Master, be doing really well, few more games and be close/in Grandmaster, then shit hits the fan.  Usually team up with players that you just want to throttle “how are you in this rank you’re terrible”. 
That’s what we ran into last night.  Doing really well, having some of the most fun games I’ve had playing my second account with @assassin-yuki.  Kept pushing her career high, a few more wins and I know she would have got platinum.  Like, I know she started later, but I’ve also played with her long enough to know she’s ATLEAST a platinum rank, but she got caught in the ELO hell when it got pushed down.  The whole reason I made the second account was so I could keep playing with her / get her out of it. 
Then we lost two or three games in a row due to just _wonderful_ teammates.  Like she and I are always on mic, right?  Once the match starts, its only match related stuff (enemy team comp, placement, ult status, strategize, etc).  One match a Genji player gets on mic and yells at us to shut up.  Like...??????  Or people who start matches tilted, grumbling into mics, or are clearly throwing.
Just, why game?  Just let her rank up for the love of everything.  We’ve been trying for one and a half seasons now.
EDIT:  Also one game last night where I just randomly got DNS/disconnected from the server!?  We attack on Route 66, push it almost all the way to the end.  I’m playing Rein on defense, doing pretty well, making them eat time before first checkpoint.  Then BAM.  No lag, no jittery.  Just IMMEDIATELY disconnects, giving me the DNS/disconnect/can’t access server screen.  Won’t let me log in.  So I do PS4 internet check, nothing wrong with it, log back in, they’re struggling to keep them away from the capture point (that’s how bad it went downhill).  We ALMOST kept them away from it until like 30secs in they caught it and we lost.  But it was so weird (I mean, I know its been announced that there ARE hackers on console and I don’t want to think that was it, but something like what happened last night I’ve never even seen before). 
(On the flip side:  I have to go through and shorten things, but I have some fun clips/highlights/POTG from the past few days.  Especially yesterday with our run of “I am Zarya and I AM DONE WITH YOUR BS” saves/wins)
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