#then I grabbed my epipen and went ‘ah ha!’
spoofyleaf · 1 year
*whips out epipen in lab to use as a straight edge*
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ace-angel-judas · 6 years
Hola School
Pairing: Star/Day6 
Series: Day6 Additional Member AU 
Rating: Comedy 
Synopsis: Star with Day6 on Hola School. 
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“So, we need to pick my bae’s nickname,” Jae smiled to the camera, “Star, tell us about yourself,” 
Star smiled nervously, sitting between Young K and Jae. 
“Hola, My name is Star,” She began, “I’m a little bit shy, I play drums and vocal for the group, I really like to take pictures and draw, I also really like fashion and make up,” 
“Star always does really good make up,” Sungjin stated. 
“I already have the perfect nickname for her,” Jae smiled, lifting up the name tag, “Princesa,” 
Star began to giggle, covering her face as Jae handed her the name tag. 
“Princesa means Princess,” The person behind the camera. 
“Princesa Star!” Jae cheered. 
Dowoon and Young K both laughed, watching as Star clipped the name tag to her shirt just under her name tag. She clasped her fingers together, cheeks obviously red as she sat at the desk. 
“Star is our princess,” Wonpil smiled. 
Jae grinned, “If Star is the princess then that must make me her prince,” 
Star giggled more at Jae’s play flirting, nudging him slightly. As the rest of the group gained their nicknames, they soon went to get changed in aprons to make the Empanadas. 
She was still sat between Jae and Young K, staring at the desk in front of Jae. A jar of Nutella was just in her reach, Star snuck her hand out, grabbing a hold of the jar before Jae’s hand quickly grabbed. 
“Ah, No!” Jae shook his head. 
“Can I have the Nutella?” Star asked, pouting at him. 
“No, you’ll eat it all,” Jae whined, “This is why you had to move out of the dorm, you kept eating all of the Nutella!” 
Star groaned as Jae snatched the jar from her hands, raising it above his head and well above Star’s level of reaching. She let out a whine of complaint. 
“We have to keep Nutella away from Star,” Young K explained, “She is allergic to peanuts and she has a bit of a reaction to Nutella,” 
“Star can’t eat Candy, Ice Cream, Cookies and stuff like that,” Dowoon smiled, “Although I’ve seen her stab herself with an Epipen and then eat something that might have had peanuts in it,” 
Sungjin’s face furrowed together, “When did you do that?!” 
Star hid her face from Sungjin, her cheeks still red. 
“Let’s just make Enpanadas,” Star complained. 
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