#then I talk to customer service and they go “oh this account isn't live yet” YEAH BECAUSE YOU KEEP CHANGING IT
the-tenth-arcanum · 1 year
I think my gas and electricity provider fucking hates me, specially
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*lying face-down on the floor* hello. i'm here to update you on my life.
after dropping out of my apprenticeship as a sales clerk i spent eight months looking for an apprenticeship in a different city and didn't find any,
looked for a job in that city, almost found one, then the whole move fell through,
then i got a letter from my insurance company asking for money, so i very quickly signed up with the temp agency that i was working for back when i was at university, but quickly got sick of working in factories,
so now i work at netto (do you have netto over there? it's like aldi a bit to the left),
but i'm also getting annoyed with that so i'm thinking about finding an apprenticeship or a duales studium in computer science. again.
oh, and i still live with my parents.
i hear you're going through it too?
Siiimon, my buddy, my pal, I've missed you <3 (I say, as though I had not been perfectly capable of reaching out to you myself... but you know how it is *joins you on the floor*)
I'm putting the rest under a read more because I got talkative and I don't wanna make everyone else read that
Man, I'm sorry things are still this shitty for you, you deserve way better than that. It sucks that everything costs money and that it's kind of necessary to get some form of education after finishing school or you'll be stuck at factories or dealing with customers.
But, judging from my own life, still living with the parents is easily the worst part of it, isn't it? And oh, how unfair is it that there is money required to get tf away from the parents, fuck if I can't relate.
If you're going for potentially an apprenticeship, what kinds have you been looking at? Anything in particular catch your eye?
We do not have Netto here, but I've heard of it before. We do have Aldi and Lidl, though, that's as far as German supermarket chains go here.
As for myself, well, I'm certainly going through it but not in a new or exciting way, just that some days are normal levels of shitty and some are pure dread wanting to stop existing kinda shitty, all the sorta things I hope will be fixed when I move out.
I was particularly dreading my bro finishing his military service (which is mandatory for men here, idk how it is for y'all folks over there) because he said he was going to move out once that was over, but then they liked him so much they made him stay another round (no joke, apparently they can just. Force you to stay) so he finally did finish at the start of November, but now he put off moving for the time being for various reasons and I'm so glad, I don't want him to be able to make a run for it whilst I'm still stuck here, and I particularly don't want to be stuck here with my parents alone.
So yeah the bro is staying, for now, and unfortunately so am I, but my apprenticeship is nearing its end, which means the problem of "what do I do with my life" is also coming closer once again, except now it's more along the lines of "where will I want to work and in what field". So far I liked the accounting department and the purchasing department, those are certainly options, and apparently boss man of the purchasing department (where I am right now) would like to keep me after finishing, which is certainly nice but I don't know if I want that yet, but it's also not an official thing yet, just something he apparently said to a coworker. But I think I'd also really like to work in IT somehow? Mostly because that's where the nerds are and I'd kind of really like some irl friends, and I like computers and stuff so yknow, IT sounds nice, definitely an option too. We'll see. Problem for future me, I guess.
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