#then again a while back i had a crack hc that mccoy's ex was a vulcan so... you should not take me seriously unless i produce a 'serious'
lenievi · 2 years
I just also feel that it would be a tiny bit unrealistic if Sarek was the only Vulcan who would want to repeatedly marry humans
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thekoshertribble · 6 years
“Flattery will get you anywhere.” Women of Star Trek blog entry #11 “Court Martial” Areel Shaw
Hello, readers! Happy Thanksgiving! If you need a break from your relatives, head to the nearest closet and get your phone out because I’ve got another blog entry just for you!
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Today we’ll be covering another great episode from season 1: Court Martial. The court drama episode, in which Kirk is (falsely) accused of murdering a disgruntled officer.
When people come to me saying, “ugh, you like the Original Series? It’s so sexist, how can you watch it?” I simply counter by pointing out a character like Areel Shaw, saying, “remember historical context.” Then they shut up.
How many lawyers, in 1967, were women? I’m not going to google it, because I know that number was pretty damn low. That’s why it’s so cool seeing TOS showing a woman as a lawyer. We might take it for granted now, but back then it must have been remarkable.
We first see Areel in the bar/officers lounge of the starbase. She’s wearing some psychedelic dress and walking into the bar just as Kirk is leaving. He doesn’t see her, but she looks in his direction as though she’s trying to identify him. McCoy sees this and approaches her.
MCCOY: If you have any doubt, that was indeed Captain James Kirk of the Enterprise.
SHAW: Yes, I know. Are you a friend of his?
MCCOY: In these trying times, one of the few. Doctor Leonard McCoy. And you?
SHAW: Areel Shaw. And I'm a friend, too. An old one.
So we are led to believe from this short interaction that Areel is yet another former love interest of Kirk’s. Nothing particularly interesting there. Moving on to the next scene, again in the lounge, Kirk meets up with Areel (who is wearing the same crazy dress) and they have some drinks. Kirk is clearly happy to see her, having a casual, confident attitude despite everything that’s happening. Here is their conversation, with my commentary :
KIRK: Areel. Doctor McCoy said you were here. I should have felt it in the air, like static electricity.
SHAW: Flattery will get you everywhere.
KIRK; It's been, how long has it been?
SHAW: Four years, seven months, and an odd number of days. Not that I'm counting.
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So clearly these two used to be a thing. From their behavior we can infer that they hold no hard feelings since parting ways, but we get no further details. My guess is they were both Starfleet officers stationed together somewhere or on a certain ship, but their respective career ambitions drove them in different directions, and so they left on those terms. They look back on their time together with fondness, not pain or awkwardness. Let’s continue:
KIRK: You look marvellous. You haven't changed a bit.
SHAW: But things have changed for you, haven't they?
KIRK: Oh, you've heard about that, have you?
SHAW: I'm a lawyer in the Judge Advocate's office, remember?
KIRK: I remember. Let's forget it. We have a lot of lost time to make up for.
SHAW: You're taking it very lightly.
KIRK: The confidence of an innocent man.
So we learn for the first time who Areel is: a Starfleet lawyer. (She is the only one we encounter in TOS, making her unique). She is very aware of the hot water Kirk is in right now and is deeply concerned. Kirk tries to wave it off but she presses:
SHAW: Jim, this could ruin you. Will you take some advice?
KIRK: I never could talk you into anything. All right. Fire away.
SHAW: The prosecution will build its case on the basis of Kirk versus the computer. Now if your attorney tries to defend on that basis, you won't have a chance.
KIRK: What other choice is there?
SHAW: That's up to your attorney, and that's why he's got to be a good one.
KIRK: You, perhaps?
SHAW: No, I'm busy.
KIRK: Well, a girl with your ability should be able to handle two cases at once.
SHAW: Jim, be serious. You're not an ordinary human. You're a Starship Captain, and you've stepped into scandal. If there's any way they can do it, they'll slap you down hard and permanently for the good of the service.
I love how Kirk immediately asks her to be his defensive attorney, and is confident she can manage several cases simultaneously, like a lawyer boss. But she turns down the offer anyway, recommending a Mr. Cogley instead. After this she becomes more awkward, and turns to go as if she forgot the stove was on in her apartment, but Kirk stops her:
SHAW:. Jim, I've got to go.
KIRK: Areel, you still haven't told me how you know so much about what the prosecution's going to do.
SHAW: Because, Jim Kirk, my dear old love, I am the prosecution, and I have to do my very best to have you slapped down hard. Broken out of the service, in disgrace.
She starts to cry, and leaves quickly while Kirk just stares into space in disappointment and surprise.
Now, I don’t know much about law (I’m a blogger, not a lawyer) but I think there’s this thing called conflict of interest. I really don’t get why Areel was assigned to this case. Unless she was the only lawyer that Starfleet’s prosecution had available, wouldn’t they know that she would have some conflict? I mean, the court judges ask Kirk if he consents to her as the prosecution during the trial, and he agrees, for some reason, but they don’t seem to ask the same question of her. Additionally, Areel tells Kirk about the prosecution’s argument against him. Isn’t he not supposed to know that? I suppose you could be sneaky and point out that she tells him about the prosecution’s strategy before telling him that it’s actually hers, but still, she did tell him, and gave him the best lawyer she knew to defend him. It just seems really weird to me.
Anyway, despite this, Areel lives up to her statement. She does appear to do her “very best” to argue that Kirk is guilty. She acts very professionally, to the point that if we didn’t have the previous scenes telling us that she and Kirk were once romantically involved, we would have no clue they had some previous connection. We know how hard this is for her, though, what she’s feeling under that tough mask. Her emotional strength is admirable.
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The only time during the trial we see the slightest crack is right before she requests the Ship’s record playback, the damning price of evidence against Kirk. She looks to him for a brief moment, with a face that seems to say, “I am so sorry.” And then it’s gone, and the prosecutor brings forward the nail in the coffin.
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Luckily, through more investigation the truth is revealed that Kirk was framed and no one actually died. Areel happily states that she has no further objections and the court martial ends.
With the trial over and the ship repaired, the Enterprise is ready to depart onto its next mission. Areel visits the bridge one more time in the last scene of the episode.
SHAW: How long will it be this time before I see you again?
KIRK: At the risk of sounding like a mystic, that depends on the stars.
SHAW: Sam Cogley asked me to give you something special. It's not a first edition, just a book. Sam says that makes it special.
(And thus began Kirk’s fascination with old books - my personal HC)
SHAW: Do you think it would cause a complete breakdown of discipline if a lowly lieutenant kissed a Starship Captain on the bridge of his ship?
KIRK: Let's try. (a gentle but lingering kiss) See? No change. Discipline goes on.
SHAW: And so must the Enterprise. Goodbye, Jim.
KIRK: Goodbye, Areel. Better luck next time.
SHAW: I had pretty good luck this time. I lost, didn't l?
(She leaves, blowing him a final kiss.)
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So what do we take away from all this? 
Areel Shaw, like Kirk, is ambitious, hard-working, determined, and dedicated to her career. As this trial indicated, she is able to maintain her cool even under the most strenuous conditions (i.e. acting as prosecutor when the defendant is her ex), and she’s tough as nails in the courtroom. Although her choice of fashion is a tad bit questionable, she’s quite the lady!
Well, that’s all I have for you today. I hope you enjoyed it! 
Stay tuned for my next entry: Space Seed!
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