#then all of a sudden an influx of insane callout posts
kezcore · 9 months
why is furry drama always the most insane shit
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pleuvoire · 1 year
curious about your reasons for saying mdzs worst fandom. i've spent a fair amount of time there & it's definitely in the running for my worst so i'm wondering if it's the same reasons
eh i think a lot of it was just it's possibly the biggest fandom i've been in ever (not counting a few in my younger years but i was barely involved in those so) and bigger fandoms all tend towards drama and obnoxious behavior 🤷‍♀️ no other fandom i'm in has had a fic with tags so irritating that ao3 rewrote their policy about it or had an infamous r/relationships fake story that was actually just fanfiction for their ship. like a lot of it was just statistically the fact that it's such a massive fanbase there was way more room for annoying people to surface
then there's the more specific stuff like when the live-action became super popular and was put on netflix there was this sudden massive influx of white people who had never watched a show that wasn't american or british in their life and created a whole wide sphere of the fandom that was completely out of touch with the source material culture.... the fact that so much of the fandom was sexually weird about gay men.... the smaller minority of the fandom (the part that i found myself in) that responded to the aforementioned sexual weirdness about gay men by going in the complete opposite direction and developing this weird "grr i hate fujoshis bl is evil" prudishness.... 2019-2020 tumblr mdzs fandom specifically being insane with the dnis and callout posts, the amount of anon hate and being-on-dnis i got just for saying i didn't think a badguy x goodguy ship was the height of evil.... it was just a lot 😅 though mostly i'm thinking of the wider fandom and all its various dramas and bad takes rather than the tiny circle i was in, cause i know the former is much more statistically relevant than the latter
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