#then dogjeremy au will be ultimately closed plotwise
actualbird · 6 years
dogjeremy au: things that happen after michael now knows his dog is jeremy (part 1 to basically the resolution of this au plotwise)
see, michael now has a mission. he has a purpose. gone are the days of vague sulking and sorrow because dealing with a missing person’s case with no leads was awful, everybody was just searching blind. but now michael knows whole things 1) jeremy is a dog, 2) thats not normal, and 3) if he turned into one, there must be a way to turn him back. 
so it is time for michael to go into Research Overdrive: This Puzzle Must Be Solved So That I Can Save My Friend From Eternal Dog-itude. and research overdrive will vary depending on which route of squiptitude caused jeremy’s dogness, all rather entertaining in their own right. 
if this au is post-squip and the dog is a squip sideeffect, it’s likely jeremy has no idea and michael finds it out while combing thru squip information. he stumbles upon a weird forum buried under a bunch of internet mazes. the forum is basically like “SHES A DOG NOW AND MTNDEWRED ISNT WORKING PLS HELP” to which michael has to respond by like, taking deep breaths, because what the fuck is a squip even?? he does digging, establishes contact, finds out the dog was able to turn back, but comes up empty with how she managed it. “i turned back when i found peace” “k cool but wtf does that mean”. yes this means michael probably makes jeremy drink mtn dew red. it doesnt do anything sadly but it’s really funny watching a dog drink soda from the bottle.
jeremy was cursed by squipwitch or made a wish on a shooting s(quip)tar, jeremy has to fess up. when michael interviews him about all the events that led up to jeremy getting turned into a dog, he gets a little cagey before finally admitting that he, well. kinda wished for it. he didnt wish to BE a dog, he just wished to not be him (which breaks michael’s heart in so many ways, but one problem at a time.) curses/wishes are easier to work with because fairytale logic dictates that curses are mostly to teach lessons. theres something jeremy has to learn from being a dog, and once he learns that, he’ll turn back. now the only problem here is that...they have to figure out what that thing is.
(”you have like a hundred issues, dude, how are we supposed to find and fix one,” michael tells jeremy.
“hey!” michael jeremy a second later when jeremy nips at his arm.)
michael has a lot more energy though now that he knows. things are still bleak but now he’s working towards a goal and his best friend is no longer missing and by his side. it’s kinda like a fun few days for a while yknow. like the 2 minutes music montage in the movie with the pop song in the background and michael and jeremy are trying to figure things out either through squip testing (maybe if we fuck up the squip coding so much, itll just undog jeremy) or....weird talk therapy. weird because michael is quiet genuinely terrible with other people’s emotions and jeremy can only talk through an ouija board and pre-written index cards. 
im on the fence on whether or not michael would tell anybody else about jeremy. it’s ultimately jeremy’s choice, but michael thinks more people knowing might increase their chances of finding a solution but jeremy also doesnt want to like, do more damage (because what if nothing works? it wouldve been better off if people just...didnt know). so maybe they tell christine. or the rest of the gang. but the one jeremy is adamant about not telling is his dad. (and that hurts jeremy a lot but he doesnt think he could survive watching his dad not believe that hes jeremy. jeremy kinda wishes he could get michael to bring jeremy back to his place just so he could see his dad. maybe cuddle against him. but his dad’s allergies. also, his dad’s probably worsening depression under the brunt of jeremy’s disappearance. jeremy isnt strong enough to go through that.)
so they keep working to find a solution!! but the fun montage can only last for so long and every lead they try to follow comes up empty. things are starting to look bad again. michael tries to keep a brave face on for jeremy, but he realizes that kinda useless. jeremy’s already seen him break down countless times over his own disappearance and---
oh man
in the midst of all the research michael. kinda fucking forgot about all that. about everything he told jeremy. 
he told jeremy that he’s in love with him.
and now michael cant even seem to help him turn back so they can talk about it.
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