#then ended up voting for The Devil and Homer Simpson
otterandterrier · 11 months
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kob131 · 5 years
New "So This is Basically X" video from Jello Apocalypse is on RWBY, and it's a bunch of pretty much crapping on the show.
(Note: read the Edit section for my recollected thoughts. I’d jus rewrite the post but that’d be like covering my mistakes)
… You know what? My dog just died so I am in no mood to tolerate this bullshit.
A. ‘Added into the show at the last minute’ he says as his own fucking image directly states that the ‘last minute’ was the fucking Red Trailer. AKA the fucking psuedo-pilot. He had so many other chances like Neo or ABRN or the fucking Maidens but nope decided to do the ONE wrong thing.
B. ‘Hoitty Toitty Princess’ Yeah, because she was abused by her dad for years as well as watched her mother degrade into a lifeless husk. Again, could have made an actual point but decided to just spew out the most basic shit ever.
C. ‘Lose every fight she’s been in.’
*cough* WHITE TRAILER *cough*
Also: Fucking Missed Oppritunity: 3 *ding*
D. ‘Weiss hates Ruby’
That stopped in Volume 1, try again
E. ‘How many ears do they have?’
2 or 4
‘Human ears?’
‘Animal ears?’
That’s you
‘Why do some of them only have tails?’
‘Humans are racist against the Lagoos’
Says the man who tried guilt tripping half the population through racism accusations.
Missed Fucking Opportunity: 4 *ding*
E. What couldn’t find say bullshit to spew about Yang? Missed Fucking Opportunity: 5 *ding*
F. Those are fucking one offs characters. Homer’s Vegas wife isn’t referred to as a side character, why should most of these be any different?
Also: ‘Never explores any of these!’ *shows team CFVY who are getting their own fucking book*
Good to see you still suck at making a point.
G. ‘Show isn’t about the characters!’
We get it, you’re slurping the anti-RWBY crowd’s cock. Make a valid point that not everyone and their grandmother’s grandmother made years ago.
H. *tries citing Neptune, a character that had about twenty minutes of screentime total as ‘eating up’*
Are you gonna do SOMETHING worthwhile? Because these jokes fall flat with a basic knowledge of the show.
I. ‘It’s about the over the top spectacle fights!’
Which not only were far less frequent in other ‘similar’ shows but they sometimes just #ate up screentime.
Missed Fucking Oppritunity: 6 *ding*
J. *butt metal!*
*cites Flynt, a fucking JAZZ musician*
What’s next? ‘Durr, marvel movie orchestra? BAD1′
K. ‘durr, clipping issues!’
*Slaps Fist Of The Blue Sky: Re:Genesis onscreen*
Come back when you make a point.
L. Jello, at the 2:10 mark you’ve done nothing but either say the same standard bullshit (which gets disproven within a minute of research*) or make shitty Take That! jokes.
About fucking RWBY. Egoraptor’s Ocarina of Time and ScottFalco’s Pokemon videos are mocking the shit out of you because you somehow made a worse version of both, about a less subjective medium with a fucking barrel full of fish. Guess that ‘Vote’ video must’ve fried them braincells huh?
M. Dust is elemental gunpowder, how is such a basic concept too complex for you to handle?
N. ‘Steal Dust and never bring it up again!’
Probably because the ending of Volume 2 was the END GOAL of stealing the dust you dumbass.
O. The magic comes straight from the fucking gods, Semblance and Dust have been used in Remnant science. Or is my cheap ass phone magic because someone from the 17th century doesn’t know how it works.
P. *points behind Jello at the massive burly man with the title ‘Lord of the Rings’ on it’s chest*
Have fun with him.
Missed Fucking Opportunity: 7 *ding*
Q. Wanna bet if the RWBY haters didn’t slurp Chibi’s cock he’d be bashing hibi instead of praising it.
R. *join the plot*
Ruby is the fucking plot.
S. So I’m guessing you’d call Hercules’ rage against Olympus and Hera ‘him getting a little mad?’
That’s okay, just like how you’d say your little ‘vote’ video was just ‘you having a little brainfart; amirite?
T. Ah yes, Volumes 1 and 2, which had the least defined characters, the most wasted screentime, the least plot, the least likablke versions of the heroes, the most side characters (INCLUDING NEPTUNE WHO YOU MOCK)-
Literally EVERYTHING you’ve spewed out your mouth was in the first two Volumes and 4 and 5 are the worst ones. Sure.
Missed Fucking Opportunity: 8 *ding* (Should actually be about 8001)
U. ‘Speaking of garbage *which is a segway I could put anywhere in this video’-
Good to know you’re aware of the piss poor quality of the video. Now if only you’d learn to keep your trap shut.
V. Ozpin was never suppose to be morally grey, next.
W. …
*pulls out Qrow and Ruby and replaces it with Yang and Liar Bitch McMass Murd-I mean Raven.*
Wow, context kicks your ass.
X. Jello.
What is the plot of RWBY?
No ‘Well there IS no plot’ bullshit. Tell me. What. The plot. Is.
… You can’t can you? This is the fucking Vote video all over again. You’re talking about a subject you have no clue about, spouting off whatever you think will get you the most positive PR and did no research whatsoever, Except with the video so infamous you had to DELETE it, politics is an inherently difficult subject matter that is easy to screw up (well, not to your extent.)
This is a web show.
Made by two drunk interns and an animator who took inspiration from BLAZBLUE.
And you have NOT made a SINGLE valid point.
The closest you got was the lip movements but you CLEARLY weren’t talking about the Volumes where it mattered so fucking credit.
Y. Blah blah blah ‘Bumbleby bullshit because pander’
Z. Qrow: ‘Oh ad my sister sold me and the daughter she abandoned twice before to the literal devil. Also why I am saying the bird thing is a curse? I defended Ozpin. My sister is the one claiming it to be a curse. Because she wanted to get away from the immortal pseudo-Greek villian which is a common feeling most people would think to do since it appeals to the inherent pragmatism in humanity but I overcame it through my niece’s determination to do the right thing in the end because just being pragmatic and doing what is most likely to succeed goes against one of the few things that make human beings what we are!
… Now I’m gonna go say my political opinions like I’m an important figure and not a walking punchline only known for mildly entertaining content that has suffered such a drop the Simpsons are looking at me in pity because I have a massive ego. And then when people call me out, I’ll delete the video and mock them like the child I am.’
*cracks open a beer* I don’t care if that’s cruel. He wants to talk like he knows shit? He can take it.
Well I owe him an apology. Over thinking he was pandering to the hate mob as well as my stupid attitude.
However I still stand by a lot of what I said: He missed a LOT of opportunities to make a good point and instead went with the lowest common denominator stuff. Like with making the joke about Weiss hating Ruby. It’s not funny because the joke is based on heavily outdated information and is just blatantly untrue.
There’s a reason why his ‘Welcome to *Website*’ videos are funny. Because while it is an exaggeration of what happens on the websites, it’s still basically true. Humor works when it strikes hard, either by throwing something so absurd at you that you’re forced to laugh because you don’t understand it, so raunchy that you laugh at the absurdity in which something so wrong was said so earnestly or by saying something so true that you’re forced to laugh to make light of the situation.
Jello’s video doesn’t do any of that. It either says a bunch of basic stuff that doesn’t work with knowledge or is saying things in a satricial way that people , EARNESTLY say, basically invoking Poe’s Law on himself. (The law of ‘Without a clear indication, a satire of X can easily been taken as an earnest belief in X.’)
This isn’t to say I was justified in what I did: it’s just even in a rational state of mind, the video is too flawed to be funny.
(Also no, I don’t regret what I said about the Vote video.)
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