#then i took two footbaths one after another
haahka · 2 years
anyway went to a museum and there was a bear skull with lichen grown onto it and that was cool
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chatchalita · 7 years
My (almost half) Kyushu Trip
This trip is the most unprepared trip and the trip that “unlike me”
I like to spend more than 1 day in certain place, just to see the city, relax, and sightseeing at my own pace rather than move around every day.
This probably text-heavy rather than pictures heavy due to my laptop not cooperate and the pictures from my phone didn’t import properly and you probably will see pictures I posted before because of the above reason.
I went to Kyushu via Peach Aviation on Jan 15-20, 2018. A first trip of the year, yay.  On the 15th, I flew from Bangkok to Okinawa. And wow, I shook a little from cold weather in Okinawa.  The plane was so warm.  The flight supposed to arrive at 8am, but my flight was 15 minutes delayed. I was in a rush because I have another flight to catch at 9:50am, but it not a connection flight, which mean I have to check-out and check-in again. The immigration person keep asking me what am I doing here this time, I would like to think that he just doing his job to make sure he gives the right amount of days allowed in Japan rather than thinking that he suspect that I would ran away and overstayed in Japan.  I was really worried that I might miss the flight since most of the time the international flight and domestic flight are in separate building. When I got out, the check-in counter is right in front of my eyes and the gate is close by. Because the airline is low-cost airline. They have their own separate building that every single one of their flight will be here (to be fair, they share with another airlines). So, I made it in time and once I arrived at to Fukuoka, I rushed to Fukuoka City Museum to find that it close on that day. See  So on the first day, I went to Kokura Castle and Moji Port in KitaKyushu and then stay in Kitahama, Beppu.  
*Note I bought JR North Kyushu pass, 8500 yen for 3 days, I think it worth the money since I don’t have to buy ticket every time and I can ride Shinkansen
Second day, Jan 16.
The original plan was to visit Kitsuki castle and walk around the castle town because I came to love Japanese castle and later visit Beppu Hells, but I’m me, I can’t force myself to wake up early for the sake of sightseeing and ended up sleep in.  And I think it was the right choice...if the guide said 2-3 hours in sightseeing, I will took 3-4 hours or even longer than that.  I took a bus to Kannawa to see “Jigoku” or hells, the name was taken from that fact that all the hot springs here are too hot for human to enter and probably hot like hell.
I think I visited the place in different order than most ppl do, it seem like they usually walk for 10 minutes to reach the farthest hell first then go back to the same route to visit the rest.  Let’s just say I do the opposite...
*all the descriptions taken from English sign*
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The first hell I visited is called “Shiraike Jigoku or the white pond hell, whose boiling spouting up water turns blue-white colored when falling down upon surface of the water.  There is also a tropical aqurium where a ‘king fish’ of prarucu’ ‘man-eating fish’ of piranha and several other tropical fish have been raised.”
After I got out of this, I was hungry since I have not eat anything yet and it was 11am almost 12pm, and I just walk in the nearest store and order the first food I saw, which happen to be the food of that area
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Dangojiru, a ramen made from dango I think and this food is put together with Kyoto’s black ramen in the list of food I will never eat again.  It’s very plain and too much vegetable I guess, I rather eat a weird hint of burnt bitter sweet and super salty black ramen more than this.  Maybe I dislike it due to its plain taste and the lack of meat...
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Next stop, “Oniyama Jigoku (Oniyama Hell), the force of the steam is so strong here that about one and a half train cars can be pulled by its pressure, and it creates ideal conditions for breeding crocodiles.”  This place probably a place that I didn’t took a picture of onsen with its name because this place is known for crocodiles, the temperature of the onsen is 99.1 C
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And the real hell start here, “Kamado Jigoku (Oven Hell)  This jigoku derives its name from the fact that it used to be used for cooking foods long long ago.  The great red demon standing on an enormous cooking pot is the symbol of this jigoku”  That picture probably more appropriate than this picture, but the tour groups were there, there are a lot of people and they loud.  They also have a shop there for souvenirs and I just wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible.  Hey, I’m an introvert and I like quiet place.
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“Umi Jigoku (Sea Hell) so called because this jigoku looks like the sea, which emerged after an explosion of a volcano 1,200 years ago and because the color of the boiling water of the pond is cobalt-blue.”  
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Oniishi Bozu Jigoku, it seem like I forgot to take a picture of the sign, but the name came from the fact that the little bubble popping up looking like head of the monk.  This place was so relaxing and nobody there, there is a footbath in here, which they put some kind of citrus in it and it was really nice.  The previous two jigoku also have footbath but there are too many people around.  So these 5 jigoku are the one within walkable distance, the other two is 3km away and riding bus there is the best option
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Tatsumaki Jigoku (Geyser), I don’t have a trivia for this because I don’t remember and the sign was cut off otl  
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Chinoike Jigoku (Blodd Hell), it named after the redness.
Overall, I think the jigoku are pretty interesting, definitely a tourist trap, but it was fun to take pictures with all of them.  Not a place I would visit again unless I want more of their skin-care product :p
After I finish journey through hells, I decided to go for a sand bath, which I got covered in black sand.  The temperature is too warm, it not like hot like the sand bath in different prefecture that I saw in one of the youtube video, which is kind of disappointment since I expected sauna temperature in a cool weather.  Then I went back to my hotel to relax and go out again to find food; I ate seafood ochazuke and Tamayaki (like takoyaki, but use scallop instead), then I finally went to Family Mart to print out Ogo-tan’s conbeni print.
Asahi Tower Beppu Tower is located near my hotel, so I decide to go up there on my way back, I think I got sold because they said the tower was kind of old or something, but it was not worth it, there’s nothing up there, the night view can be seen anywhere, not unique to Beppu.
Third day,
It’s a day, I actually waking up early (to catch the train back to Hakata)  for the sake of everything yay.  The plan, was Nagasaki...and I was going to get through with this plan until I ride the train and changed my mind.  It was very last minute, I had no plan.  I thought that 3 hours in Nagasaki is not enough and not worth it to ride 4-6 hours of train (two-way) from Hakata.  I have to hurried back to Hakata before Fukuoka City Museum close.  So, I went to Kumamoto Castle, which happened to be under construction due to earthquake, like I said in one of my post before, I knew it was under construction, but I didn’t know it was all the area.  At that point, I was regretting the fact that Fukuoka City Museum closing on Monday ruined my plan, I could have ride a ferry from Kumamoto to Nagasaki and actually enjoy Nagasaki until night time, but I have my sword priority.  So, I went to Tamana to see Doudanuki since I already in Kumamoto.  The museum was really really nice, I enjoyed it a lot despite the fact that I couldn’t read Japanese.  The dedication that I rode taxi there because the bus do not reach that place.  And the station person in Tamana station was so helpful, what a good place.  And then, I rode shinkansen back to Hakata again and finally able to see Hasebe in Fukuoka City Musuem.  See I took better pictures of the swords, like zoom in and such, but I’m too lazy to post it so that post ended up with generic sword pictures.
My hotel is in Tenjin, which has Animate there, something I couldn’t find and ended up spent money in Book-off instead.  The food that day was Mos Burger during lunch (Idk why I craved for Japanese-western food, don’t judge me) and Oyster tempura-don plus karage.
Fourth day, another unplanned day
I flew back to Okinawa and sat at Naha airport for 2 or was it 3 hours because I don’t know what to do.  I was looking at the brochures and tried to come up with a plan for today.  My original plan was to go the south and go to Okinawa world and I just ended up too lazy to go.  In the end, I decided to go to my hotel and walk around that area.  My hotel happen to be within the walkable distance from Animate, I always picked the best location for my hotel eh?  The street that I was walking was Kokusaidori street, which is a shopping street for souvenirs.
Although, it’s unplanned it was great, I enjoyed looking in each shop and eat whatever food I found on my way Animate.
Fifth day, each day’s adventure is getting shorter and shorter
I bought a day tour to Okinawa’s aquarium because I’m too lazy to do my research for the bus.  This day tour is so rush, I didn’t spend enough time in the aquarium, two hours include lunch is not enough.  The taco rice in the aquarium was great though, I can see whale shark while I ate.  The other place include in the tours are Kadena, a place where you can see American’s air force plane, Cape Manza, a place that related to Urashima Taro (If my Japanese is corrected, I mostly sleep through the bus ride) and American Village, a shopping place that the tour let people be in for 50 minutes, I cannot do anything during that period of the time. Sadly, it was raining that day and I’m not feeling very happy about it.
Sixth day, visited 3 world heritage
The last day in Japan,  visited Shirikinaen Garden, Shuri Castle, Tamadun, and Naminoue Shrine - Beach.  Shirikinaen was beautiful, I loves Japanese garden.  Shuri Castle was too large and I was too tired to explore all the area, is I visit Shuri Castle on the first day of my trip, I probably able to finish the stamp rally.  Naminoue beach is the only beach I went although I went to Okinawa,
Overall, I did enjoyed this trip a lot.  There’s a point that I was worn out enough to just want to stay in the hotel and not going anywhere, but it was a fun alone time trip.  In all the prefectures I visited, I probably will visited them again some day because I feel like I didn’t see enough, but it probably won’t be my priority since I rather visit other prefectures and complete my bucket list (visit all prefectures in Japan)
Oita, definitely will visit again for onsen-escape, maybe not Beppu, maybe it would be Yufuin next time.
Kumamoto, in 2019 when Kumamoto Castle is complete, let’s do it since it one of Japanese’s greatest castle...and maybe Mt. Aso...
Fukuoka, if I have a chance, might have a proper sightseeing here in the future
Okinawa, if I go there again, I want to stay near Ocean Expo park or something, it seem there’s a lot of interesting place in there.  Might go there in Spring because Summer is too hot and probably too crowded.
4/8 Kyushu visited, need to clear the rest the next time.
When I read this in the future, I probably regretted this for writing too little haha.  But I’m kind of tired half way through and it ended up the way it is.
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imaginetonyandbucky · 8 years
Oooo maybe ummm shy sirenTony gently wooing or courting oblivious demonBucky cause he's afraid Bucky will reject him out right. Bucky totally misses the point, but loving all of Tony's attention until Tony gets discouraged. Bucky sees Sam or Steve flirting with Tony get super jealous and swoops in before he looses his chance?
Buckyyanked loose his tie and popped open the top two buttons of his shirt. Hegrumbled to himself as he fished out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Heslipped one out and blew on the tip. A tiny flame burst to life on the tip thendied out. The tip burned soft orange as it crinkled black.
With the cig lit, Bucky pocketedthe pack. He pressed the cigarette to his lips and ignored the angry growl fromthe damn werewolf twelve doors down from his apartment. The asshole kepteveryone up for three nights every month, the furball could deal with a littlesmoke.
Bucky was damn exhausted. Hemissed the days when being a demon didn’t require professional attire andactual contracts that humans had their lawyers look over. It was such a pain inthe ass.
Bucky puffed out a cloud of smokeas he reached his apartment. He dipped his fingers into his back pocket andpaused. He cocked his head over his shoulder.
Soft, melodic singing slippedthrough the door of his neighbor’s apartment across the hall.
Bucky’s shoulders sagged at thesound. A wave of relaxation washed over him and Bucky felt himself drawn to theapartment.
Tony’s presence alone could calmBucky--when he wasn’t panicking about how to ask Tony out that is. When Tonysang though, it was the best damn thing. It was like being transported to abeach with crystal waters, just the right amount of sun, and an alcoholicbeverage in his hand.
Debating whether he should givein to temptation or not, Bucky finally surrendered to his desire to see hisfavorite neighbor and siren. Bucky knocked softly on the door and the beautifulvoice fell silent. Bucky’s chest ached at the lack of singing, but theknowledge that Tony would soon answer the door was enough to tide him over.
The door opened and large, doebrown eyes blinked at Bucky.
Bucky’s lips curled upward as hetook in the sight of one of the loveliest sirens Bucky had ever seen. Soft,gold feathers crowned Tony’s head like laurels. Longer feathers of an equallybrilliant shade flared out from his neck right below the base of his skull. Theaforementioned feathers almost went unnoticed from the front because of the redand orange scales that speckled Tony’s shoulders. The dust trail of scales wentall the way down to his elbows then covered the rest of the arms all the waydown to the back of the hand, giving the illusion of bracers.
His arms matched his legs, whichhe currently showed off in his black boxers. The scales on his legs were damp,suggesting that he’d been taking a footbath before Bucky had knocked.
Two stunning, wings fanned outfrom Tony’s back. They stretched just a few inches past his arm span, makingthem only for show and not for flight.
Tony lit up at the sight of Buckyand opened the door wider. “You look like you’re about to murder someone.”
Bucky grunted. “I feel like I alreadyhave, and I spent way too much time trying to bury the bodies instead ofincinerating them.” Bucky ran his hand through his hair and blew out anotherpuff of smoke. “May I come in?”
“Like I’d say no to you.” Tonystepped aside, letting Bucky enter.
Bucky grunted his thanks andheaded straight for Tony’s couch. He didn’t know what the damn thing was madeof, but he suspected angel feathers--less holy though.
Bucky groaned as he sank into thecushions. “I love your couch. I’ll marry you for your couch.”
Pink crept along Tony’s cheeks.He plopped himself on the arm of the couch and reached down to brush the bangsout of Bucky’s face. He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “I’msurprised you haven't been forced to trim your hair.”
Bucky scowled. “They damn wellwould have to force me. I’m so sick of all of these coexistence laws. Most ofthem are good, but some of them are just too damn rigid and ridiculous. Why thefuck do demons have to form a company and gather souls like we’re selling thenewest smartphone but in exchange for human souls instead of money? Why can’twe be freelance?”
“At least you aren’t banned fromships and karaoke bars. Plus, you can be a pop star if you want.”
Bucky snorted and leaned intoTony’s hand; Tony’s touch was much cooler than a human’s and was exactly whatBucky needed. “Do you want to be a pop star?”
Tony sighed. “I just want theoption to be one.”
Bucky nodded sympathetically. Hereached up and squeezed Tony’s hand.
Tony smiled shyly down at Bucky.
Bucky sighed. He rolled over sohe could put his cigarette out in the ashtray Tony kept on his coffee table forhim then rolled onto his side so his face was turned toward the couch. “Mindsinging me a lullaby? I’m so tired but so fucking tense right now, I could usea little bit of that sweet siren voice.”
“Yeah. Sure.” Tony’s tone wasflat.
Bucky frowned and lifted his headup to look at Tony, but when he did Tony was smiling at him still.
Bucky shrugged off the flat toneand laid his head down.
A few seconds later, Tony sanghim a wordless melody. It was a soulful and loving croon that beckoned Bucky tosleep, and he did.
His sleep was glorious and deep.He didn’t want to wake from it, but the noise of two annoying voices soundinglike the were trying to flirt while Tony dragged him out of his slumber.
“Shh.” Tony chortled. “You twoare going to wake Bucky.”
“Aw, who cares about that lazyass?” Sam Wilson said. A true asshole. Also, an incubus. An incubus who lovedto flirt with Tony even though he knew Bucky had been trying to court Tony formonths now.
Bucky could admit he wasn’t thebest at courting, but he was trying, damn it! He used to be good, but he’d hita slump recently. Besides, Tony deserved more than some old pick up lines. Heneeded to be properly wooed and shown that Bucky wanted to date him and wasn’tjust in love with Tony because of his voice.
Asking Tony to sing him to sleephad probably not helped matters.
Bucky bit down a curse and pushedhimself up just in time to hear: “Tony, your feathers are a little ruffled.Would you like me to groom them for you?”
The question had been asked bysweet, baby-faced Steve, aka, the friggin’ Ganconer!
Bucky loved Steve like a brother,but that asshole was almost just as bad was Sam when it came to flirting withTony. Hell, in some ways he was worse. Steve could grow flowers in his hands.He’d literally once produced a bouquet of roses for Tony when Tony had beenfeeling sad a month ago.
How could Bucky compete withthat?
By shoving his foot in his mouthapparently. “I’m going to groom Tony.”
Tony startled and whirled towardBucky. He’d been standing in the kitchen with Steve and Sam (both of whom werelooking quite pleased with themselves). His face turned as red as his scalesand his mouth had opened to form a small “O”.
Bucky stood up in an attempt tofeign confidence. He may have just royally fucked up his chances with Tony forso many reasons, but he wasn’t going to let it show. “Feather grooming is onlydone between family, lovers, and the closest of friends. I’m closest to him, soI’ll help him.”
“Closest doesn’t refer to livingdistance.” Sam looped his arms around Tony’s and smirked at Bucky. “Justbecause you live the closest to him doesn’t make him all yours.”
Steve grinned and wrapped his armaround Tony’s shoulders. He winked down at Tony. “Yeah, I think Tony and I arereally close.” He gently placed his knuckle under Tony’s chin and encouragedTony to tilt his head up so they were gazing into each other’s eyes. “Don’t youthink so, Tony?”
Tony laughed nervously andstepped away from Steve and Sam. “No need to be possessive. There’s enough ofme to go around.”
Sam hummed. “Steve and I agree,which is why we wanted to ask you if-”
“I love you,” Bucky blurted out.He wanted to slap himself immediately afterwards. Couldn’t he have found someway to make his confession romantic, instead of being fueled by jealousy? Hereally was out of practise. There had to be something he could say or do afterblundering his confession like that.
“I would happily share my soulcollection with you,” Bucky mumbled and secretly wished he could dig a hole tothe underworld and hide there for centuries..
“But I don’t want any souls,”Tony stated, his voice soft and flat. He was still in shock.
“I’d do other things,” Buckyoffered lamely.
Steve and Sam snickered.
Bucky flipped them the bird. “Oh,fuck off. You two know I’ve been crazy about Tony for months now, and then yougo around flirting with him and asking him out. All I wanted to do was not fuckthis up, and you jackasses couldn’t leave well enough alone and-”
Bucky was cut off by Tonymarching up to him and cupping his face.
Tony’s smile was like the sun,and Bucky was so dazzled by it he almost missed the chaste and light kiss Tonypressed to his lips.
“I love you too,” Tony said, andBucky’s heart just about melted right then and there.
“Yeah?” he asked.
Tony nodded.
Sam huffed and slung an arm overSteve’s shoulders. “Well, guess the two of us aren’t wanted here. You want tograb a few drinks at the bar on the corner, Steve?”
“Sounds like a plan.” Stevesmirked at Bucky and Tony as he and Sam headed for the door. “Don’t forget touse protection and lot’s of lube.”
“I swear you two-” Bucky shoutedafter them, but just like before, Tony held his head gently and kissed him.
Tony chuckled as he broke thekiss. “Promise you’re not going to ruin the moment any more by shouting?”
Happiness pooled in Bucky’sstomach as he was reminded that he had someone more precious and special totalk to than his two idiot rivals in love.
“Keep kissing me, and we’ll see.”Bucky wrapped his arms around Tony and drew him in for another kiss.
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anavoliselenu · 7 years
Heart of stone chapter 22
I tightened the belt of the plush robe that I wore and followed a petite Asian woman down the main corridor of the Mandarin Day Spa. Allyson and I had only made it half way through the day, and I was already feeling like a pampered princess. My face felt revitalized after an herbal facial, and my bones were like liquid after the therapeutic oil massage. Next up was a hot stone pedicure and I could hardly wait.
 “This is our Serenity Suite, Miss Cole,” the Asian woman said once we reached our destination. “Please, take a moment to relax here while you wait for your friend. Miss Ramsey should be joining you momentarily. There is bottled water for you on the buffet, both sparkling and still. Feel free to help yourself to whatever you’d like.”
 “Thank you,” I graciously accepted.
 After getting a bottle of mineral water, I made myself comfortable on a sprawling chaise longue. I lay back and closed my eyes, taking note of the soft music that played from a hidden source within the suite. It sounded like a bamboo flute, the melody almost hypnotic.
 I could go to sleep right here.
 “Oh, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so good!” I heard Allyson exclaim through the tranquility of the room.
 Or not.
 I opened one eye to peer at her.
 “Good massage I take it?”
 “That masseuse was gifted the hands of a god!” she swooned. She tossed a wicked smile at me. “And he kind of looked like one too.”
 “You’re bad,” I laughed, shaking my head. I sat up and gave into a good stretch. “Things not going well with Jeremy?”
 “Oh, Jeremy is fine,” she said offhandedly. “However, we’re not til’ death do us part or anything. I’m still allowed to look.”
 The Asian woman that brought me into the room came in quietly behind Allyson. Her peaceful demeanor versus Allyson’s boisterous entrance was almost comical.
 “Would you like to relax here for a bit? Or are you ladies ready for your pedicures now?” she asked Allyson and me.
 “It’s up to Selena. I’m up for whatever.”
 “We could go now,” I said.
 “Then please, follow me this way,” the small woman said, motioning for us to follow her.
 “This place is amazing,” Allyson appreciated, taking in every detail of our surroundings as we walked.
 “I agree,” I concurred, sharing in her sentiments. “It’s just what I needed. It’s been a complicated couple of weeks.”
 We took our seats in the cushy chairs that would serve as our personal thrones during the pedicure. I relaxed back, trying to find that quiet place that I had in the Serenity Suite, while I enjoyed the feel of various oils and stones being rubbed over my feet and legs.
 “You okay?” Allyson asked after a while.
 I turned my head to look at her, confused by her question.
 “Of course I’m okay. How could I not be when I’m being pampered like this?” I laughed, pointing to the tub of swirling hot water in which my feet rested.
 “I was only checking. I thought you might still be stewing over that fact that Justin picked up the tab for all of this,” she said, motioning to our surroundings.
 “It was unexpected, but that’s just how he is. I shouldn’t have been the least bit surprised,” I said with a frown.
 “Well, if you’re sure that everything is okay…” she trailed off. “You just seem sort of quiet today, that’s all. I mean, you took some major steps recently. I just want to make sure that you’re handling it all right.”
 “I’m fine, Ally. Just taking it one day at a time…” I trailed off, closing my eyes again.
 I wished that I could tell Ally exactly how big those steps were, and for the first time in our friendship, I felt lost. She knew that I had a secret, but she had respected my boundaries over the years. It pained me to think of how hurt she would be if she knew that I had opened up to Justin before her.
 But I couldn’t explain my reasoning for telling Justin without filling her in on the rest of it. She wouldn’t understand the complicated layers that made up my relationship with him, as her worry for my wellbeing would overshadow all else. Telling Justin was a giant leap of faith, one that I had to take if I wanted to continue the path that I was on with him.
 Trust and honesty.
 That’s what he told me. Without that, we would never stand a chance.
 I heard someone say the word Justin, and my ears naturally perked up. I peeked around my chair to see two women walk into the room and take seats behind Allyson and I. They both looked familiar, but I couldn’t place either of them.
 Maybe customers from Wally’s.
 I dismissed the notion that I knew them from somewhere, and tried to resume relaxing. However, it was difficult because neither woman would shut up.
 “Suzy, I trust him, and so should you,” said one of the women.
 “I’m sorry if I have a slight trust issue when it comes to him,” the other woman spat out.
 “Ugh. You need to get over it. It was a long time ago. Besides, it never would have happened.”
 “I know that better than anyone. The man will never commit to anyone.”
 I heard Allyson groan beside me and I looked at her.
 “Those two sound like a couple of cackling hens. I wish they’d pipe down,” she complained, motioning her head back to where the two chatty women sat.
 “Yeah, tell me about it,” I agreed. “But, we are almost done anyways. Lunch should be waiting for us once our pedicures are finished.”
 “Good, because I’m famished. I discovered that I’m not a big fan of French food and I feel like I haven’t eaten in days. I never want to hear the words haute cuisine again!” Allyson finished with an exaggerated French accent that made me laugh.
 “No, I kept it light, with your appetite for American-fare in mind. We’re just having finger sandwiches and a green salad. Nothing too exotic.”
 “Sounds perfect,” she said, settling back against her chair and closing her eyes.
 I did the same, wanting to cherish the last few minutes of self-indulgence.
 However, as hard as I tried, I could not tune out the two women. They were still adamantly going at it.
 “But Justine, how can you be sure that what he did will work?” I heard one woman ask the other.
 Justine. I know that name.
 I turned again to take a closer look at the two women. Sure enough, there was no mistaking that glossy black hair. It was Justin’s sister. The other woman was a red head, the same woman that I saw photographed with Justin in the article that I had read online.
 What was her name? Suzanne Jacobs I think…
 It was strange to realize that I had only done that research a few short weeks ago. I quickly spun back in the chair, unsure of what to think about the unusual coincidence.
 I glanced at Allyson, still resting back with her eyes closed. By some miracle, she had managed to block out the two women. But now that I knew exactly who they were, any hope of ignoring them would be fruitless.
 “I know it will work because Justin said it would. His people are all over it. I can’t keep making myself sick about it,” I heard Justine say.
 “Charlie is nuts. I just hope Justin and his cronies know what they’re doing.”
 “Please, Suzy. Don’t you think I know that? And Justin knows too. Why do you think he’s building that women’s shelter?” Justine spat out bitterly. “I’m sure he’s hoping that one day our mother will waltz through the doors, and then we can have a big ole’ happy family reunion.”
 Wait. What? His mother?
 The room felt like it was buzzing, feeling overwhelmed with shock by the fact that Justin’s mother was alive. He had told me that his parents were dead.
 I respected his decision to not divulge his story to me, but telling an out right lie was another thing.
 Why did he lie about it? Is his father alive too?
 I tried to listen to the two women again, but the pedicurist announced that we were finished and began draining the footbath. She started talking some nonsense about our lunch, and I had to fight the urge to shush her. I just wanted to scream.
 Be quiet! I’m trying to listen!
 “Selena, what’s wrong?” Allyson asked.
 I blinked once. Then twice, forcing myself to focus on the people standing in front of me. Allyson and the pedicurist were looking at me with concerned expressions.
 “Nothing. I’m fine. It’s just a little warm in here,” I lied.
 Allyson shot me a look that might as well have said that I sprouted another head, but said nothing as I got up from my seat. The quiet Asian woman appeared again out of nowhere, and motioned for us to follow her.
 As we exited the room, I chanced a glance back at Justine and Suzanne. Unfortunately, they were no longer talking, but sitting back and enjoying their own spa treatments. A part of me wanted to go up to them and demand an explanation, but I thought better of it. This wasn’t the sort of place to risk making a scene. It would be best if I just waited and confronted Justin about it later.
 Allyson and I sat down to lunch. She chattered endlessly about her time in Paris. I listened and nodded at all the appropriate times, but I wasn’t fully into the conversation. I kept thinking about what I overheard in the pedicure room, as a million and one questions swirled in my head.
 What was Justin’s relationship to Suzanne Jacobs? Why didn’t she trust him?
 Who is Charlie?
 And what about Justin’s mother and the woman’s shelter?
 Should I demand truth from Justin? Or should I wait for him to come to me?
 My stomach was tied up on knots, causing the food to taste like cardboard. It was a real struggle pretending to enjoy the tiny sandwiches.
 My cell pinged with a text notification, distracting me from my thoughts. Allyson continued talking while I looked at my phone.
 “I wish that I had time to go and see the Eiffel Tower,” she said wistfully. “That would have made the trip worthwhile at least. But I was there for work purposes after all, so I guess –,”
 “Oh, no! Not now!” I exclaimed, unintentionally interrupting her.
 “What do you mean not now? What happened?”
 “It’s my mother. She had told me a while back that she was planning a trip in sometime soon. Apparently that time is now. She just sent me a text to let me know that she’s in town.”
 “So what?” Allyson asked. “It’s not like this would be the first time that she’s shown up unannounced.
 “True, but I had plans for the rest of the weekend. Now I either have to cancel them, or tell my mother about Justin.”
 “Oh…I didn’t even think of that,” Allyson said.
 Her eyes were round and full of dread, for she knew that once my mother found out that I was seeing someone, all hell would break loose.
When Allyson and I arrived home, we found Frank and my mother already inside of our apartment. My mother was ordering Frank to bring a bunch of packages into the guest bedroom, and neither once of them noticed that we had come in. By the looks of things, she had apparently been shopping.
 The living room was littered with bags from various retail shops throughout the city, making a disaster area out of the normally tidy apartment. I had half a mind to ask my mother to return her key. However, I knew that I couldn’t do that as long as Frank was paying the rent. So I defaulted to politeness, rather than throwing a fit about the mess that my mother had made.
 “Hi, mom,” I greeted.
 My mother was the only woman I knew that could pull of such casual elegance by simply wearing a cardigan and a pair trouser pants. She appeared to be examining her nails for a chip and looked up when she heard my voice.
 “Oh, good! You’re home! I didn’t hear you two come in!”
 “Hello, Mrs. Long,” Allyson said.
 “Allyson, you look marvelous as always,” my mother swooned. Her silver bracelets jangled as she came over to give Allyson and I a hug. “I’m so happy to see you both. It’s been too long since my last visit.”
 As far as I was concerned, it wasn’t long enough. It wasn’t that I wasn’t happy to see her, but I didn’t have the patience to deal with her today. After my day at the spa, I now had more pressing matters to attend to.
 “When you told me that you were planning on a visit, I thought you would have given me a heads up,” I said, perhaps a little bit too harshly.
 “I’m sorry, honey. But you know Frank’s schedule. Things come up at the last minute with the dealerships, which makes long term planning tough. The weekend was free, so we decided early this morning to take the drive in.”
 “Selena!” I heard from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Frank coming out of the guest room. I smiled when I saw him, and was happy to see him looking so well. He was a little grayer than when I had seen him last, but still looked trim and fit despite the fact that he was pushing sixty.
 “Hey, Frank,” I said.
 “Come here, girl. I missed you,” Frank said, pulling me into a fierce bear hug. “Thank goodness you’re home. I think your mother had me walk half the streets in the city in just a few short hours. We only came back here to drop off packages. It’s your turn now.”
 “I’m up for a shopping trip,” Allyson chimed in.
 “That’s a great idea!” my mother exclaimed. “The three of us girls can shop, then Frank can meet up with us for a late dinner afterward.”
 My mother’s face lit up like a roman candle at the idea, and I dreaded being the one to extinguish it.
 “I’m sorry, mom. But I can’t go shopping tonight.”
 “But, dear – why not?”
 “I have plans,” I said, deliberately evading the specifics. I looked to Allyson in a silent plead for help.
 “That’s okay, Mrs. Long. The two of us can go,” Allyson offered. “Besides, I’m way over due for a new pair of boots.”
 I was grateful to Allyson for jumping to take the reigns, but there was no fooling my mother. She saw the look that passed between Allyson and I, and her eyes narrowed in suspicion.
 “What sort of plans do you have tonight, Selena?” my mother asked. She tried to pose the question as being off the cuff, but I knew her too well.
 “There’s just something I have to do, that’s all,” I tried to shrug off. “If you’re up for more shopping tomorrow, I can go with you then.”
 My mother wasn’t falling for it, so she turned to Allyson instead.
 “Has she met someone?” my mother asked.
 Here comes the third degree interrogation…
 “I’m standing right here, mom. You don’t have to ask Ally.”
 “So? Have you?” she asked, staring pointedly at me.
 Allyson began to rummage through her purse with the pretense of looking for something, while Frank made a loud show of clearing his throat.
 “Um, I’m going to check the car to see if there are any more bags,” he announced. Moving quickly to the door, Frank made fast work of slipping his shoes on and out he went.
 Thanks for the support.
 I knew that there would be no putting this off. I had barely been home for five minutes, but my mother’s radar was already honed in.
 “I am talking to someone, but it’s nothing serious,” I admitted.
 “Selena, you barely just broke up with Trevor. You don’t need the distraction of another guy right now. You should be focusing on building a career.”
 I closed my eyes and tried to count to ten. Just once, I would like to have a normal mother daughter visit, one that I didn’t have to face a lecture or jump on the defense about my personal business. By the way my mother acted, you’d never know that I was a recent college graduate. She still treated me like I was in grade school.
 “Actually, it’s been two years since Trevor. And for your information, I found a job. It’s a good one, too. I start on Monday,” I said proudly.
 “I’m glad about that, but it’s even more of a reason why you shouldn’t be wasting your time on dating. You should be giving all of your attentions to getting ahead in life.”
 I should have known that she’d focus on the guy thing, rather than be happy that I landed the job that she had been hounding me about. I pursed my lips in annoyance.
 “I’m sure that I can manage to juggle both a career and a relationship,” I said dryly. It was a good thing that she didn’t know my new boss was the relationship.
 “Selena, I wish you would just take my advice for once. It’s like I’ve always said, you should wait to –,” she started, but I cut her off.
 “Yeah, yeah. I know. I should wait until I’m established in a career before
 I think about getting serious with anyone. I know your stance on the matter, mom.”
 Allyson, knowing that the situation was starting to spin out of control, decided to speak up.
 “Mrs. Long, would you like something to drink? Why don’t you sit down and relax for a bit? I’m sure you’ve had a tiring day, with the drive and full day of shopping and all.”
 “I’m fine, dear. But thank you,” my mother dismissed. Then without skipping a beat, she came at me again. “Selena, I just don’t want you to make the same mistakes that I did.”
 “Mom, I’m not you,” I said in a warning tone.
 “I know that, and I’m not comparing. I’m talking in general here. Too often women rely on men for support, only to be left high and dry when things don’t work out. I don’t want that for you.”
 “It won’t be,” I said through gritted teeth.
 “How can you be so sure? You never know if –,”
 “I know because I refuse to spend my life dwelling on the what-if’s!” I lashed out. “I refuse to walk around bitter at the world for things that are out of my control. I don’t want to grow old only to look back and see that I spent my life being a spiteful and untrusting human being! I can’t hate a person strictly because they have a penis! That’s who you are and I don’t want to be like you. I want to be happy!”
 Her head jerked back like I had slapped her. I watched all the color visibly drain from her face.
 “I have a good life, Selena Lynne,” she said quietly, using my middle name that she typically reserved for times when she was truly angry. Or hurt. Her eyes began to glisten with tears. “I gave you a good life. I don’t want you to ever forget where you came from.”
 Seeing her tears made me instantly regret losing my temper. I was in a foul mood because of the recent shock about Justin and the confusion I had surrounding our relationship. She didn’t deserve me taking it out on her.
 She just made it so hard.
 She was on constantly on my case, riding me about one thing after another. We have had more arguments than I could count in the past, but this was the first time I had truly spoken back. I knew that this day would eventually come, and I thought I would feel better for it. Instead, I felt terrible.
 “Look, mom –,” I started.
 A knock at the door cut me off, and I could hear Frank calling from the other side to be let in.
 “I’ll get it,” Allyson offered.
 However, when Allyson opened the door, Frank wasn’t alone. Justin was standing there with him.
 I suppressed a groan.
 Great…just what I need right now.
     To say that there was tension in the air would be an understatement. It was more like the after shock of a nuclear explosion.
 A leggy blond, who I assumed to be Selena’s roommate, stood in the kitchen with her brow furrowed in consternation. I guessed the other woman to be Selena’s mother because of their striking resemblance, although her eyes were red rimmed with tears while Selena’s face was flushed in anger.
 I looked to Frank Long, but he just shrugged and shook his head. The poor man looked like he’d rather be anywhere else. Having little choice in the matter, I did what I did best. I put on my game face and took control of the situation.
 Leading the way, I entered the apartment with Frank in tow.
 “Good evening, ladies,” I greeted. Stepping up to Selena, I planted a kiss on the top of her head and motioned over to Frank. “Look who I met in the elevator?”
 “Justin, I thought Hale was coming back for me later and I was going to meet you at your place,” Selena said. Her voice sounded strained.
 “After he dropped off you and Allyson, I gave him the rest of the night off. I happened to be out, so I decided to come by to pick you up instead,” I said easily. “How was your day at the spa?”
 I heard the subtle sound of one clearing their throat from somewhere behind me. When I turned to look, I saw the blond watching me carefully.
 “You must be Allyson,” I assumed. I flashed her my most disarming smile, but she wasn’t taking the bait. She only narrowed her eyes suspiciously.
 “And you must be the infamous Justin Stone. Selena’s told me a lot about you.”
 Hopefully not too much.
 “Sorry, I’m being rude. I forgot that you guys haven’t met,” Selena apologized. “Justin, this is Allyson Ramsey.”
 “Don’t believe half of what she says about me,” I joked to her roommate. She smiled at me in return, but her grin didn’t quite meet her eyes. “I’m happy to have finally met you. Selena speaks very highly of you. The two of you seem close.”
 “Of course we are. Like they say – opposites attract,” Allyson said.
 I tilted my head to the side in confusion.
 “She’s Aries, I’m Cancer,” Selena explained. “Ally’s really into to stuff like that.”
 “Sorry, ladies. I don’t know too much about zodiac signs,” I laughed.
 “It just means that we balance each other out,” Allyson said. “And that the ram is usually very protective of the crab.”
 “I’ll keep that in mind,” I responded, completely unruffled by her discernable warning. I smiled politely. If Miss Ramsey thought that she could intimidate me, she would be sadly disappointed.
 “Justin, you’ve already met Frank, my stepfather,” Selena continued her introductions, seeming oblivious to the undercurrent that flowed between the roommate and me. “This is my mother. Mom, this is Justin Stone.”
 Selena motioned to her mother, who had been noticeably quiet since I had come in. Turning to face her, I extended my hand.
 “Yes…um,” she stuttered, seeming to be caught off guard. “I’m Elizabeth. Elizabeth Long.”
 “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Long.”
 “Please, call me Elizabeth,” she offered.
 “Your daughter never mentioned that you would be in town this weekend,” I remarked courteously, throwing a sidelong glance at Selena.
 “They showed up unexpectedly,” Selena clarified. “Had I known, I –.”
 “If you two have plans, don’t let us get in the way,” Elizabeth Long cut in. “Go on ahead, honey. I’ll just go shopping with Allyson. Besides, Frank is wiped out. I think there’s a football game on that he wants to watch anyway. We’ll catch up later on, or perhaps tomorrow.”
 “Michigan State, my alma mater,” Frank chimed in. “They’re playing Iowa tonight.”
 “Wait, you want me to go out?” Selena incredulously asked her mother. She seemed completely floored.
 “Why wouldn’t I?” Elizabeth said innocently. A little too innocently in my opinion, and I was curious as to what went down before I arrived.
 “Because you just said…” Selena trailed off. She looked at me, seeming completely at a loss. It was if she was torn between visiting with her family and spending time with me. However, I sensed that there was more to it than just that.
 Much more.
 “Selena, if you want to go shopping, that’s fine with me,” I offered, trying to lighten her burden of making a choice. “I can stay here and watch the game with Mr. Long until you get back.”
 She looked absolutely appalled by the idea, and I had to stifle a smirk.
 “No, that’s okay,” she vehemently shook her head. “We can still go on as planned.”
 “Whatever works. But in the meantime, I have a suggestion. The night is young,” I stated, turning to address everyone else in the room. “Assuming that it won’t impede on the shopping trip, why don’t the five of us share a pre-dinner cocktail? I’m sure these ladies keep a decent stock, and I’ve been told that I can mix an excellent Manhattan.”
 Everyone just stared at each other awkwardly for a minute upon hearing my proposition. Frank was the first to speak up.
 “I think that’s a great idea, don’t you Lizzie?” he said to his wife. “We’ve come all this way, and I’d like to get to know this gentleman that Selena has taken a liking to.”
 “Sounds like a good plan to me,” Allyson agreed. She was still carefully scrutinizing me, and I knew that she was seizing the opportunity to get to know me as well.
 Deciding not to wait on the approval from mother and daughter, I went to the kitchen and began pulling out glasses from a cabinet.
 “Allyson, could you point me in the direction of your liquor stash?” I asked, using the occasion to engage Selena’s roommate. Allyson wasn’t the only one with an agenda. My hope was that after a drink or two, she would begin to warm up to me.
 “I’ll show him,” Selena offered, jumping up to assist me instead.
 Once we were out of earshot from everyone, Selena swooped in like a vulture.
 “What are you doing?” she hissed.
 “Well, as soon as you get me the things that I need, I’ll be mixing drinks.”
 She smirked at me and handed me a bottle of red vermouth that she had retrieved from a nearby hutch.
 “You know what I mean, Justin.”
 “Relax, angel. Everyone’s wound a little tight. I’m just helping to ease the tension in this place.” I took the liquor from her and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Because when we are done here, I thought that we might hit a club tonight.”
 To my satisfaction, her eyes grew big. She had caught my meaning.
 “A club?”
 “Yes, assuming that you’re up for it,” I taunted.
 “Well, yes…yes, it’s fine,” she stammered, sounding fairly stunned.
 “Good. I was hoping that you’d say that.” I finished pouring the whiskey and topped off each of the five drinks with maraschino cherries. Handing two glasses to Selena, I gave her a smile of reassurance and said, “Now, let’s go entertain your guests. Shall we?”
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