#then my orisa switches to mei because we lose the round
glassrunner · 5 years
imagine having to be boosted by your doomfist main eboy because you’re complete dogshit at sombra and rein and then flaming a teammate who actually did something. imagine.
#lauren plays overwatch#insights#holy shit i got with such a toxic team tonight#this dumbass bitch was like 'let me sombra i'm good at her'#she proceeds to emp twice when we're down 4 people#then my orisa switches to mei because we lose the round#i really didn't want to play solo tank with 3 useless dps so i just went hanzo#and i picked their widow so she swapped off instantly#but the shitty egirl sombra was like 'oh my god you suck you're so bad at the game you didn't do anything thanks for the loss'#but sure i was definitely the cause of the defeat#and the fucking mei got in my games later and was so fucking useless and flamed me in match chat the whole time#i usually don't care but i was so fucking tilted#yes please do flame teammates who are actually contributing to the game when you flank for 3 minutes and kill absolutely nothing#holy fucking christ people are so stupid#at least i won a lot of games for a net gain today after those losses#and i made this one guy eat his words because he was like 'we don't need ana'#WHEN WE HAD A FUCKING ZEN AND LUCIO#but i slept so many things and killed their reaper for the win#god i'm so fucking annoyed people today are both shit at the game and stupid#anyways if you're like this please either uninstall the game or get good and become self-aware#and if you think you're capable of being effective on dps but you accomplish nothing while flanking for 3 minutes#and playing the most meta heroes in the game at the moment#swap. you're useless.
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sweetsnidle · 6 years
Tales from Comp play (Mercy main story time)
So a few weeks ago after a couple days of procrastination, I finally forced myself to get around to start up placement matches for Season 15, not really expecting any good coming out of anything I was participating- already dreading the toxic players that I was bound to encounter as a Mercy main amongst the sea of DPS players that like to act like anything good that happens to the team was because of them (it usually wasn’t by the way), among other things toxic DPS mains are known for (like screaming at you after the match is over for not healing them well enough, despite never saying anything and them always being far away).
Anyways, enough with my rambling! On my first match of the season, were unsurprisingly bombed it- but for some reason, it didn’t really feel as serious as it usually was to lose a competitive match. Why? Well, everyone seemed to be in pretty good spirits. Everyone (mostly) used mics, and would often get distracted because everyone kept making jokes, making the entire match lighthearted and honestly really fun!
The next match I was with a  different team and we got super close to winning, but in the end we couldn’t get to the point in time because of the enemy Zara had used her ult, and that pesky D.VA that used her ult, just as we had all gotten free, resulting in a team wipe.
The last match I played was a disappointment when I had first started- another teammate had picked Mercy before me, so I was at a complete loss at what to do! At first, we were missing an extra tank so I stepped in as Orisa (and I’m afraid I was highly mediocre). One match passed, and we lost. The next match, a player who was playing Lucio switched to DPS so we were in need of another healer! 
At first, I was hesitant to switch, but contemplating what we were up against, and what type of hero would be most valuable to the team, I hesitantly picked Moria, hoping that I wasn’t too much of an utter disappointment- and much to my surprise, after we switched, we did a much better job and everyone was feeling a bit more confident! Even with no mics to really talk easily amongst ourselves, we all used the type chat to the best of our ability while playing, and we all pushed our hardest, which eventually led us to our victory! 
I have to admit, I was irritated that another girl had picked my favorite hero, but in the end, I realize what a wonderful job she did of keeping me alive, as well as everyone else! So to that player that decided to play Mercy that round, thank you so much for your hard work! It was much appreciated, and you did a wonderful job. To the Rein that kept everyone alive no matter the cost; thank you so much for sacrificing yourself many, many times just so we could get back to point and contest! Thank you to the Mei that’d always expertly block paths for the enemy, as well as continuously protect Mercy and me! It means a lot! And thank you to everyone else on the team (I forgot what heroes they played) for overall being wonderful! 
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dragon-of-sapphire · 6 years
To the wonderful Mercy and Lucio I met last night.
Warning: Long post.
This was last night, I neglected to record anything, and I also sadly forgot to send friend requests to the other two supports I was with, but it's thanks to them that I had the best night of Overwatch I've had in a long time.
I had been having a bad night, drifting in between groups looking for some harmony in my team. Nothing, until I met this random Mercy. Now I'm a very attentive towards other supports on my team, I try to go the extra mile to keep them alive, Mercy in particular because she's my second most played character and I hate falling off ledges with a passion and no one attempts to peek over the edge.
So I do this, for our first game together I keep a harmony orb planted on her whenever I notice a flanker or that she's in danger. I also yell into the Mic "NOT. MY. MERCY!" like a bad meme whenever I defend her. I keep somewhat close to edges for the above stated problem of slowly falling to your death as a mercy, so she has a safe escape.
Mid match I notice she's started to pocket me. Mainly because despite her doing her best, no one is protecting Mercy except for me. We lose the game and everyone except for me and Mercy leave the group. So, we try building up a new group. I like assigning roles, but I hate locking them for when we need to be flexible. We go through a few games and groups losing miserably. Both me and Mercy are ready to quit for the night when a Symetra joins our group for our last game of the night. This Sym is attentive as I and Mercy am when it comes to looking after supports.
When we’re in Gibraltar while trying to stop the Payload from moving forward, Mercy and I along with our Rein get caught in a grave and the enemy Pharah ults us. Before Rein's shield breaks Sym built a wall between us, right in front of the Pharah so she'd off herself. It was beautiful, but we were still losing the round.
As we're about to lose, Sym decided to switch to Lucio and suddenly the tables have turned. Lucio cannot be stopped, he is flying all over and around the payload to keep it contested, preventing it from moving another inch. When he needs it, our Mercy is topping him off, but otherwise it's just my harmony orb and she's damage boosting me to kill everything around. When it's finally overtime, Lucio jumps off the payload for the first time and boops the enemy team away from it as they're returning from spawn and their overtime finally expires! We barely won the round. 0/2 points their favor.
Finally, on the attacking side, we stay as triple support. Zen, Mercy and Lucio since we did so well last time. The round starts and We. Could. Not. DIE! Just the three of us, the other three people on our team were hardly any help and before we became an unstoppable support trio and didn't even bother to help us when we needed it, so screw them. It was the longest game I've ever played, at the very least 20 minutes into overtime. The payload moved slowly, it was almost constantly contested. Lucio stayed on it like a boss, never leaving it, Mercy was keeping us both alive, in full health, and I was destroying the other team preventing them from taking out Lucio or Mercy. The only people rezed were our DPS/Tanks because they kept dying.
The Enemy team did EVERYTHING they could to get us off the payload. Lucio would Drop the Beat whenever something could insta kill us came up, like a Riptire, High noon or D.Va bomb, I Transcended for every Hanzo, Genji Soldier and Pharah ult and Mercy would use Valkyrie for when we couldn't ult to save ourselves. I don't think I've ever heard my own heartbeat pounding in my own ears so loudly before. After the longest overtime I've ever experienced, we finally pushed the Payload to that golden marker on the ground and won.
Hardest match I've ever played, and I got a career high off this for healing, I used at least 10 transcendences to save our necks for that game, probably more.
Feeling pumped for the first time in the night, both me and Mercy decide to continue playing with our new Lucio friend. We destroyed every game after that!
Mercy would save her rez for either Me or Lucio, Lucio would escort either of us back from spawn to the objective, I would discord and destroy anything attacking them and we all kept each other topped off as best we could. It was beautiful.
I've hardly body blocked before with trans but I would gladly waste an ult if it meant keeping either one of them alive. They in turn, saved me from Rein, Hog, Reaper, Junkrat and more. I’d like to save special thanks to Mercy for topping me off after every time Sombra EMPed me on Kings Row, I was not her usual easy target anymore, and a special thanks for Lucio for saving my floating butt every time Mei froze me because she was pissed I picked her off at the start of the game in Dorado. I did everything I could against those annoying Reins and Hogs in Eichenwalde and Blizzard World, I didn’t make it every time, but most of the time I got them off your backs.
Lucio, I thought your best moment was when you got that PotM in Rialto, Mercy damage boosting you, and I’m transcending in the background keeping you from dying. You got off two headshots in a single shot and then promptly booped the rest of the enemy team off the bridge. Would have been a septuple kill had Zenyatta not landed on a boat and survived. It was still EPIC AF!
Mercy, I thought your best PotM was in Lijiang tower, our team was dead except for you and me. 2v5. You went full on Battle Mercy and brought the wrath of God with you, ulting and shooting nothing but headshots. I managed to Discord everything you were firing at. I would have gotten my pixel spray in that play if Orisa hadn’t put up her shield in the last moment, but you got her by the end of your highlight. BEST. TEAMKILL. EVER!
You both turned a rather crappy game night into one of the best and I will fondly remember it every time I come back to this post. I really wish I sent those friend requests, and I just hope you two stumble upon this thread and find me.
With love and best wishes, from the Golden Zenyatta that changed his skin every single match.
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trai-all · 7 years
Why do Overwatch QP games on the weekend always suck.
I pick healer or tank, other 5 pick dps. Eventually I just switch to Bastion because WTF not? The sniper brags that s/he has 3 golds & so was carrying. Which would have been impressive except I had 5 golds for elims (5) & objective elims (3) & obj time (:30s) & healing.
Or Im on attack on Eich against a group with Torb, Bastion, Orisa, Moira, McCree, Mei. Our Rein keeps dropping shield to swing at Bastion. I’m the only healer. Our Genji can’t figure out how deflect works. No one will go DVA to eat Moira orbs.
On attack on Horizon, no one can sticks together. I’m on Orisa. Our McCree & Mercy & Zen dont event attempt to use my shield. Everyone keeps rushing the point alone and dying alone.
One of the few good games (King of the Hill), that was going well and went to 3 round, with first two rounds being a very close match. On 2nd round (we secured objective) and a few moments before end of match, I hear enemy JR ult. I wait, wait, wait. Moving away from my group cause I’m healing and so will likely be JR’s target. It takes forever to get to me. I realize that the entirety of my team is clumped together behind Orisa’s shield and have a moment of panic. But the tire goes to me, not them and I die in slomo. Between 2nd round and 3rd round, I ask enemy JR if he ulterior from spawn cause the tire took forever. And my team’s tank starts insulting me? 3rd round is a map with objective on a cliff, so 1 opposing team healer switches to Lucio. My team decides they all have to approach via cliff side. The other healer (Mercy) on my team goes diving repeatedly. I stop flickering between silver & gold heals on Moira and stay locked on gold but because Mercy is almost never booped alone, we never retain control of objective. I ask repeatedly for them to stop approaching from the cliff. We lose 3rd round in a landslide.
These are people who are level 400-700. Are they all drunk or high on the weekends?
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