#then realized ive never posted anything about this thing so i drew this real quick
harlethresher · 2 months
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that thing the kids call a Fan Troll beloved whimsical clown oc "jt"
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pinkykitten · 3 years
everything stays
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chapter 1 - blood on her hands :: gisela klein [ an aot oc story ] 
note: hey guys i know its been a rlly long time since ive posted anything and u may be rlly let down and underwhelmed that ive chosen to write a aot oc instead of fanfic but its what i want to write and i rlly love my oc and wanna give her some love and some praise and let u a little in how i see her. im sorry i havent posted a lot im going to try to write more and who knows i may or may not finish this but its ok imma try lol but life sometimes is a butthole. i hope you love her as much as i do an tysm for taking time out of ur day to read this story. enjoy!
Even though she knew that this day would have to come and that it was near, it still was a surprise for her. She was taken aback. It didn’t make sense and add up to her; she was trained for this since she was little; preparing mentally and physically for phase one of the plan; and the day appeared through the trees; past the wall; the opportunity was present; the fate of the people were waiting in their hands; and yet she felt a sense of evilness within her heart. Was this right? But there was no time. 
The day was written down in history. The stories were spread around like a disease. Heights, jaws, teeth, feet, stench, the screams. If they survived that nightmare they were seen as a tough soldier; as someone that was applauded because they probably had PTSD and had to see everyday as a reason within themselves or God that they were alive. That maybe just maybe they were saved for a reason; for a purpose. That is what Gisela Klein thought. Maybe there was something greater out there for her to do, to accomplish and that was why she saw another day; breathed another breath. 
But one thing was for sure. Forgiveness would never come her way; she would never expect it. To be a warrior she had to endure the horror; the pain; feelings of worthlessness; and friendships lost. 
This is the story of the 10th finding titan; the Slash Titan.
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The pounding of her heart rang through her ears. It had taken everything for her to keep going on this journey; to continue on the path to and through Hell. She felt a loss within her and the light in her eyes died out. The loss of her friend made it hard for her to function. To keep her head in the game and in the plan. 
She sighed as she stared at her hands. Broken and bruised like her heart; scars and scratches scattered on her skin. Her bite mark deeply engraved into her flesh. She heaved a huge sigh. Ready to give death a handshake and make a deal with the devil. Panic was rising in her chest from her stomach, almost ready to throw up. 
As she thought about her family back home she realized there was no other way; she had to do this. In order to be with her family, to save them she had to do the one thing she was trained to do. 
A lightning strike shot over the wall. The wall that kept the monsters away and at bay. Something was wrong; the air seemed to change. The lightning strike caused a boom, clap and the ground started to shake. 
Bertholdt drew his leg back and with full force swung his leg forward, knocking a hole into the wall that was impenetrable. Many people flew back from the wind of the blow and some were crushed by the debris of the wall. 
Many were going to die; but it’s what needed to be done. 
The titans were called. 
Finally the titans entered the devils homes and started to rip up their lives. “This is right, this is right.” Gisela had to keep reminding herself. “For my family.” And something snapped within her. The image of her mother, tortured, flashed in her mind. And suddenly everything was worth it. “No regrets.”
Gisela eyed Reiner, an agreement, a sign. She exhaled and in a quick motion placed her hand to her mouth and bit into it. In a spark she transformed into her titan form. Her eyes were much like a cats, sharp. She was made into the slash titan, she was chosen for this program. Her titans fingers were like sharp knives, able to cut any object or person. They hung a little past her knees. 
Reiner then transformed and both stomped past the hole. Many citizens glanced up, horrified. Gisela and Reiner were titans never seen before. 
She nodded to Reiner, bent down and started to pick up debris and pieces of houses to throw over the bigger wall. The chunks started to smash against people. Blood splattering everywhere. Gisela almost wanted to close her eyes from the immense amount of dead bodies piled on top of others, graves upon graves. 
She was hauling boulders as high and fast as she could. Her titan held a high amount of power and strength. Being slim, muscular and as tall as the armored titan and female titan. Reiner took a step back and gained his speed to go onward to destroy the bigger wall. 
“Fire!” Their soldiers cried out. Fear evident on their face. They shot their cannons, not even slowing down Reiner. Gisela continued flinging, wanting to create a path for Reiner. She was faster than before and many of her hits flattened the men in the front lines. Their screams and cries loud. 
“Close the gate!” They tried, it was their last hope to save humanity. But it was not enough. Reiner broke the wall and killed those running and they went flying. They reached even higher than Gisela. It astounded her almost, they seemed like helpless birds flying high in the sky; but that thought was quickly wiped clean because the second they flew up in the air they came straight down with much force that many parts of their bodies broke. 
Reiner did what he needed to do, he opened up a way for the titans to get in and they were swarming by the bunches. 
In the distance, the survivors fled in boats across the river to get into the other walls. Gisela put herself in their shoes for a second. They had reason to be scared. Everything they have ever known was gone; their houses, loved ones, food, a place to feel the most comfortable you can feel despite situations; it was all gone. Gisela shook the thought out, not caring about these cruel humans feelings. They had none. No emotions. Gisela had to believe that thought; what she was told, she had to believe it with all her heart, or else what was real?
They waited till they were able to not be seen and Gisela turned human first and then so did Reiner. The four of them hopped on the boat. Talking amongst themselves. The wind howled through the vacant homes. Destruction everywhere. Gisela looked around her setting and saw a little girl had been crushed because a tree fell on her, her doll mere inches away from her grasp. She died with her eyes open; almost looking into Gisela’s soul through the eyes. Gisela’s body trembled and she threw up. 
Gisela looked up to see Reiner wiping blood and debris off his clothes. He picked his sleeve and turned Gisela’s head to look away, he wiped her chin and mouth off the puke. He saw the trauma in her eyes and felt guilty. But it’s what needed to be done. He kept telling himself that the more he did this the more he would understand and get used to it. It was still all new to her and he had to be strong for her. He knelt in front of her small frame. “It’s not your fault. They needed to die. We are in this together. You don’t need them. Look at me.”
Gisela looked into his eyes, away from the sadness. His eyes carried the feeling of wanting to be wanted. That was always what Reiner wanted. But they also had fear in his eyes. 
“Stop acting like you’re in control when I know how sick you feel. I know how afraid you are Reiner.”
He paused and took a look at his hands and others surrounding him. “You’re right. But I made a promise to Marcel.”
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They joined the other citizens arriving at the food reserves. The master of disguise was needed in this mission. People needed to see four hungry, depressed children that survived the fall of their homes, not mass murderers. 
Annie was only able to fetch two loaves. “Alright, who's the most hungry?”
“You girls should eat, you’re more feeble.” Bertholdt sat on a crate, pointing to Gisela and Annie. 
Annie tsked, moving a bang from her eyes, “who says girls are more feeble? I recall kicking your ass all those times in training.”
“You guys can eat it, I’m not hungry.” Gisela sat on the other crate and saw the chaos of the crowds. A boy caught her interest. He had dark brown hair, tan skin, and light blue green eyes. He was having bread shoved in his mouth and he seemed to have such a strong personality to him. If only Gisela felt so strongly about her motive and her placement in this life. 
“You really should eat, you need your energy after all you did.” Annie broke all the loaves in half and shared it amongst the four of you. “It’s not much but at least it's something.”
Gisela sighed, “you’re right. Thanks.”
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After that day there was land given to only a few refugees but there were too many of them. Luckily the four of them had a piece of land that was enough until further inching themselves within society. Through that whole span each day was getting easier and easier living with the lies and day by day Gisela felt more at sure with herself and knowing that she could fulfill this mission. Pills and alcohol helped the pain and ease the thoughts. She taught herself to put a gap between what she came here to do and feelings. She told herself every day that nobody else mattered except her family and Reiner. She trained her brain to not care, to not have strings attached or any love for anything. It was all a play, all a rehearsal for when the curtain would fall. She was readying herself for that fall. Everyday she educated herself more on these scums. What they liked, wanted, needed, craved for, and what they craved more than ever in their life was freedom. 
She trained her body as if it were her last day, barely getting sleep. The face of her mother haunting her every night making her get up at three in the morning to do pushups or sit ups. Not only was her mind getting stronger but also her body. Even Reiner would make jokes noticing the muscles that would appear. The six pack that formed on her stomach. Her thighs growing tight and firm, her arms growing stronger. The sweat growing on her forehead longer. 
With her body growing her relationship with Reiner also changed. They no longer were the tiny children that didn’t understand anatomy or the air between two people. Reiner and Gisela’s relationship was of being flirty, sharing a few kisses here and there, trying to be a couple but then yelling at each other and breaking it up and realizing maybe this isn’t right a million times. Even Bertholdt and Annie were getting tired of their outbursts. But each time they made up to be friends only and then the cycle started where the feelings came in the way and they wanted to be more. They would tease each other, especially Reiner. They were each other's best friends. Gisela was like one of the boys, loud, obnoxious, burping all the time, Reiner would get a look at her and smirk thinking he taught her well. When Reiner looked at her he felt at home and that everything was going to be okay. Her nightmares continued and each time Reiner would come to her room and hold her, let her cry into his arms. She felt he was the only person that knew her pain. 
Gisela understood many things in life and for once she understood her life here, she understood why she was born and chosen. 
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It was the following year and in order to get closer to finding the founding titan the four became part of the 104th cadet corps. 
“Are you ready to train more?” Gisela nudged Reiner, eyebrow raised.
“What do you mean train more? This is going to be a new but scary experience honestly.” Reiner spoke as if he was a different person. As if he didn’t have a life outside of the walls. 
“Reiner?” Gisela placed her hand on his shoulder, steadying him. He looked fine on the outside but Gisela knew the issues were inside, his mind. She knew this was becoming disastrous to him, he was starting to have almost two personalities, two lives, two worlds, two people. Gisela tried to tell Annie or Bertholdt, they saw it too but there was nothing they could do. 
All that Gisela could do was smile as they made their way to the first day of training. 
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note: again ty y’all sm!!!! If u liked it lmk and this is kinda new for me cuz I usually don’t post my ocs stories here or much at all but I’m rlly excited for y’all to see her and for y’all to know this oc of mine and hopefully accept her ❤️
Taglist: @witchofinterest @chlobenet @eddysocs @fpxloomis @whctsherncme-archive @ocfairygodmother @fandomchick80 @ocappreciationtag
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Final Fantasy Review
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Year: 1987 Original Platform: Famicom Also available on: Nintendo (NES), GameBoy Advance (Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls), PlayStation One (Final Fantasy Origins), PSP (Anniversary Edition) Version I played: PSP
The world is in danger. Four monstrous fiends, each corresponding to an element of nature, have wreaked havoc on the world, causing each of the four elemental orbs (in later remakes, crystals) to turn dark. Four Heroes of Light, each holding their own orb, meet and band together to take on these fiends and restore nature to its proper balance.
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Gameplay: The original game introduced the Job System. The six jobs are Warrior, Thief, Monk, Black Mage, White Mage, and Red Mage. Each have their own stats. You are free to name each of your heroes. Later on the game, each job can be upgraded.
We are introduced to a classic setup of turn-based combat. Final Fantasy was notable for being the first video game RPG to show your characters on the right and the enemies on the left; all previous video game RPGs had a first-person view with the enemy directly in front of you.You choose your action between Fight, Magic, Drink, Item or Run. Then the enemy takes their turn.
It’s a simple system that at the time was already well-known. It was really the Job System that intrigued players. Black Mages perform destructive magic, White Mages heal and restore, Warriors are the powerhouses, Monks deal damage without weapons, and Thieves can run from battles successfully (they cannot steal, as later games would introduce that). The game can be quite difficult on the original Famicom and NES. It was made at a time when technology was limited, so developers had to make the game harder so that people spent more time playing it. There’s a gaming term that I’ll be using in many of these Final Fantasy reviews called “grinding”. Grinding is when you end up having to run around and fight monsters for the sake of leveling up your characters. There is a lot of that in this game, as well as the early Final Fantasy games in general. Unlike games today, the direction isn’t fully laid out. You are thrown into the world and wander about from town to town to figure out where to go next. Instead of games like today where other non-playable characters (NPCs for short) tell you what to do in cutscenes and whatever, you actually have to approach the NPCs and find out the information. The overall effect is more open-world. You walk across fields and oceans and deserts. There are caves and other secret places to find more items. From a modern gamer’s perspective, the exploring can be quite bare and – for lack of better word – boring. The remakes, like the PSP version that I played, brightened it up with updated graphics. They also added a couple extra dungeons. I actually spent time in those extra dungeons believing they were part of the story, appalled by how difficult they were, when I later found out they were extras put in for the PSP version. That has happened a lot to me with remakes of old RPGs (Chrono Trigger for the DS, another example). A little more obvious sign would have helped to make me realize that I didn’t need to finish those extra dungeons. The pace is definitely slower than the other Final Fantasy games. Most of your time is spent grinding. Grinding can sometimes be a wary word when talking about video game RPGs. If an RPG is too boring or tedious, grinding is the last thing you want to hear. But even when an RPG is fun, grinding means that you need to spend time battling enemies, and that means hopefully you don’t have a huge backlog of other video games. It's probably why I never got around to finishing the original NES version on an emulator. Once and a while I'd be pumped up about going through with it but then as I played I just. . .got distracted by other video games that I wanted to finish.
You definitely need time and patience. The most aggravating thing about the original version (Famicom/NES) is that if your character is set to attack an enemy but another one of your characters defeats it first, that character attacks nothing but air when it's their turn. It was a very annoying issue that they fixed in all subsequent remakes. When comparing the original to any other version, the original always is the best way to experience the game. It can also be the hardest and most time-consuming. You would need to pay attention to this game entirely and not be distracted by anything else.
The PSP version is watered down. I found it infinitely easier than the NES version. I actually played them side-by-side to figure out at what point the difficulty branched off. Right away when you venture to save Princess Sara, I realized that the PSP version gives more XP per battle than the NES version. Hence, you have to grind more in the original version.
Everybody loves some 8-bits, but let’s be honest here – there’s a whole lot of black empty space going on when you battle.
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But hey, that was due to the limitations at the time. Battles may seem more boring to you due to the lack of detail to catch your eye.
The later remakes added a floor or ground where appropriate. The PSP remake did a good job of giving a facelift to the original, as shown below. It has this cute, rounded feel to the characters.
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(My favorite battle background was in the final battle.)
The opening FMV sequence is ripped straight from the Playstation One remake. That didn’t age well. It’s awkward as hell. Want to see how awkward it looks? It looks mad awkward. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Just look it up. I don’t want to sully this post by posting a screenshot. In my opinion, they should have created a brand new opening FMV sequence for the PSP version.
Story: The first several minutes of the game acts as a prologue. The Four Heroes of Light save a princess - Sara - from the clutches of Garland, and then the King of Coneria allows a bridge to be built for them to enter the world and save it. It’s not until that bridge is built that the game truly starts and the title screen actually displays – much like a late opening title in a movie. In retrospect, saving a princess probably seemed like the most common trope in video games throughout the '80's. Gamers would have been used to it by then. That short prologue acts like a trope-breaker. The average gamer would have probably expected the game to be like Mario or Zelda. Oh yeah, save the princess from some evil fiend, okay, got it. They would have then maybe been perked with interest when they "defeated" Garland so quickly, and then when the King of Coneria lets them pass into the world and the title screen opens up with the theme song, they maybe were like, "Ooooh. NOW it starts." Final Fantasy then plunged them into a wide open world.
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The bulk of the story is mostly comprised of self-contained incidents. You run into someone who needs help with a thing so you do that thing and then you’re on your merry way again. You know what would be a great adaptation of this game? A Netflix series. It’s very episodic. First you deal with these pirates led by Bikke, then get a ship to sail across the land and go on a sort of delivery quest for a crown, a crystal eye, an herb, a magic key, until the main story picks up with defeating the Four Fiends and bringing light to the darkened orbs. There's no real huge spoiler other than the time travel paradox at the end, which had me wracking my head a bit. It's quite admirable that a game this early in video game console history produced a higher concept plot involving time travel. Music:
Composer Nobuo Uematsu created a legendary score that immediately became on par with the Mario and Zelda theme songs.  The Prelude/Crystal theme – the harp-like scale that we are all familiar with – was actually composed last. Uematsu had complete the score when Sakaguchi approached him at the last minute realizing they needed music for the game’s introduction. None of them had any idea that the theme would become a staple for Final Fantasy.
Due to the technical limitations at the time, you can imagine that the soundtrack is limited, but even so it was still quite expansive for its time. There are several individual tunes for dungeons, for sailing your ship and for flying your airship. The map theme will have you humming it without realizing it.
Uematsu drew his inspiration from two sources – classic rock and living in Shikoku, an island off Japan. The melodic world map theme in Final Fantasy (and the rest of the series) derives from the picturesque memories he has of the island. The town theme is reminiscent of the sleepy villages – as he was never a city person. Meanwhile, the battle theme has undertones of rock music.
There’s only one battle theme, even when fighting bosses and the final boss, but the amazing thing is that it never gets old.
Final Fantasy games are known for their great battle songs. The opening bassline always gets you in the groove to fight. You’re fighting but want to sing at the same time. Maybe that’s the brilliance of Uematsu; because of the fact that you need to grind many times in these old Final Fantasy games, he created a tune that you wouldn’t get tired of because it’s not so serious or mundane.
Not to crap on other great developers, but other video game RPGs at the time of Final Fantasy didn’t quite have memorable battle music. Just look up the battle theme to the first Dragon Quest game (released before Final Fantasy). You can imagine how that simple tune could get old really quick. I could be pulling this out of my ass, but after Final Fantasy, it seemed that battle music in video game RPGs suddenly got better. If you listen to the Dragon Quest IV battle theme, there is a portion that sounds similar to the battle theme of Final Fantasy.
The PSP version adds more tracks, specifically to the boss battles, and I like how they incorporate the original battle motif thrown into the new battle songs. The original battle theme has a guitar and drums added, which is the style that Final Fantasy battle music was known for by then.
There is one last thing to note about the score that I found very interesting for its day and age. You see, in a movie score, you have themes and motifs, just like a video game score. But in a movie score, other tracks reference those themes and motifs. For example, you have The Raider’s March in the Indiana Jones films; that’s the theme for the character Indiana Jones. Then in the movie, whenever Indy does something badass, you hear his theme blare in that instance. Obviously the entire theme doesn’t play, but it is incorporated in snippets throughout.
Uematsu actually does this with the Town Theme. He incorporates it at the ending music in the epilogue. It took me a while to try to understand why. Then it hit me. The epilogue mentions the heroes becoming legends as people talk about them. Legends are told and spread in towns.
It’s a very small detail. It’s such a small detail that it could be nothing but if it is what I think it is, then it’s cool that he was already in the mindset of passing on themes and motifs throughout the game, treating it like a movie.
Notable Theme:
I already posted the main themes in the introduction, but here’s the original battle theme:
A strong debut to the Final Fantasy series. To a modern gamer though, you may be spoiled by the fast-paced, eye-catching video games of today. When console games first hit the market, developers had to create games that took longer than the average arcade game to finish, or else kids would get bored with their games in minutes and gee, wouldn’t that be a waste since they paid way more than a quarter? Thus, that’s another reason why old games are harder. Given the technical limitations at the time, developers couldn’t expand much on the game, so there’s a lot of leveling up and grinding because what else could you do? You know? Ultimately, playing a video game back then was all about honing your skill with that game.
Ideally, you could play through every Final Fantasy game in order of their release, and that would give you a greater sense of the evolution of the gameplay and the series as a whole. However, most people reading this (and me) are probably more modern gamers – and as such, our perspective is biased on what feels “exciting” and “remarkable”. The first Final Fantasy game could feel boring and tedious to you now, but if you put it in the context of when it was made, this was entertainment for hours on end. This is basically like watching one of those silent adventure films starring Douglas Fairbanks. Yeah, you’ve been spoiled with more amazing stuff like The Matrix and Star Wars, but golly – this stuff blew people’s minds back in the day.
Direct Sequel? No. However, there have been multiple remakes, which I have already listed above.
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jadecringecomp · 5 years
jade, of course, is still trying to deflect rather than own up to anything at all. im too lazy for screenshots so youre going to have to deal with text for this one. you can see their post here though. and if receipts are needed they are most likely on the callout blog or you can come to me if you cant find them.
“uses their own dead grandma as leverage out of nowhere literally months after the original argument”
jade are you really that braindead. like youre still just proving my previous point. youre still practically shitting on me for it. i gave a reason as to why that night was so traumatic for me because you keep trying to make it seem “like it wasnt that bad” by your own words!
also like uh, jade. you yourself have used your aunt having cancer as a reason to just... excuse every single action youve done. so again, take that and choke.
“abuses their own bf/ex but its fine because he abused her first lolololol!!!”
jade i... honestly have no words. youre still defending a pedophile, and you even admit he abused me. like, yes, i cheated on him. but how does the fact he is a pedophilic abuser not process through your head. why are you so set on defending that. a genuine question.
“flips back and forth on whether they were actually abused or not whenever it benefits her“
theres... nowhere that even says that in the link you posted. are you posting that to still try and imply i lied about the abuse you inflicted upon me or...?
“refriends their own ‘abuser’”
ok well one jade, you still have no actual proof ive befriended broden at all. all you have is a like on a fucking post. really how braindead is it possible to be at this point.
and regarding bailey, i never called her my abuser. you were the one to do that. you said she abused me after i showed you screenshots of what went down between us. and whats worse after i even came to you and showed you the screenshots and you got involved with that mess?? you still wanna try and say what happened was fake. like you wanna call me two-faced, yet youre so quick to change your mind once you realize that person doesnt benefit you anymore. 
also! for someone whos a survivor of abuse, you sure as hell dont realize a common thing between us survivors is literally going back to those who’ve hurt them right?? like you keep bringing this up as if im fucking lying about the whole thing when im not since again, i came to you while we were friends with the proof. i can even post them if need be. and honestly it doesnt even fucking matter anymore ive broken contact with her after shortly realizing my mistake.
“denies other ppls abuse just because they doesnt like them and a few vent discord messages means they knows literally everything abt it“
i can admit to saying i denied your abuse because there is actual proof that you werent abused two years ago, not because i dont like you. do you really just think nobody will believe proof right in front of them jade??? do you think youre some perfect princess who can do no wrong???? like jade the proof is right @deeancie, @estweri, @honeykeis-callout, and even here. you really expect me to just not believe it if i didnt hate you. you honestly need some real fucking help if thats the case jade.
and really like. if you say your bf clams up when you go to him... what else am i supposed to believe. sure i can be wrong, but reading that shit can really make you wonder what is going on between you two. and jade you wanna say that like you yourself dont do that shit. remember all the times you read vague text posts and would go on a tangent as if you knew every little thing about what was going on in my life. yeah kinda what i thought.
“says grooming minors is talking to people One time“
i love how you fail to leave out the fact that these people were minors and that youre practically defending loli. so if youre still talking to these minors and since youre still defending loli, then yes youre grooming minors into thinking loli is ok.
“straight up let a minor into their porn server on discord (they can go as rabid about this as they want but they still straight up showed an actual minor graphic porn but IM a pedophile bc i rb anime sometimes lmfao)”
again its been resolved. like ive acknowledged it was wrong of me to do and ive changed it. and how can you say you just rb anime sometimes when. you literally are reblogging this kind of fuckshit. like do you not remember reblogging that obviously naked child in a collar or what. the difference is i realized my wrong and changed it while youre still rbing actual loli.
“lied about the relationship (the one where they abused each other and she cheated on him with her other abuser???) having elements of pedophilia because they lied about her age”
this is so... ive told you i forgot. the ages. i was literally an age off for the both of us. like what else do you want me to do about this.
“has sketchy as fuck ocs, including one thats physically ten who would force their adult self insert to be naked around them and also drew them being physically beaten“
while the first was true (but i dont have that oc anymore), where in the fuck did i draw them being physically beaten lole??? are you pulling this out of your ass to deflect you yourself rbing beaten children????
and i swear to god if you bring up this comic, im going to scream.
“is a stalker and an abuser. by their own logic“
ok like. a couple of things to this. jade when are you going to get it through your thick skull i didnt give a shit if you were lurking or not, it was the fact you would comment on my every move. which is stalking by the way and incredibly creepy like get a life!
and an abuser “by my own logic”. the link you shared, again, doesnt show that anywhere. also with how badly of a hypocrite you are, thats you. you told me it was abusive to call people delusional. you started doing that once i realized my wrong and stopped. you told me it was abusive. you told me making people relapse was abusive. yet once i relapse you still didnt give a shit and somehow that makes you in the clear (though i still dont give a shit we both literally did that to ourselves the point is youre an abuser too to your own logic). you said trying to gaslight people is abusive (which it is). look at the stacks of proof i have of you gaslighting me. like i could go on but all the proof if here on this blog.
“oh and dont forget they foamed at the mouth that i didnt instantly know when they changed their pronouns but has been proven to have Actually knowingly misgendered me for weeks“
jade the fact you were lurking should make it fucking obvious you should have known my pronouns. and for weeks?? jade i misgendered you in your callout, which i immediately changed once pointed out. will you please stop lying to make yourself look victim and just tell the truth for once in your life.
“also apparently i can call them rae and its not deadnaming because its not their birthname so“
oh my god youre literally fucking braindead it hurts to watch at this point. no rae isnt my deadname. but i do prefer not going my that. the whole point of that was that you tried screaming transphobia because someone called you by a previous name you went by. you fucking dumbass.
“claims to have bpd but doesnt even know what cluster b is holy shit!!!“
what do i even say to this jade?? what does the fact i didnt know what that was at first matter to me having bpd??? also are you just gonna shrug off the fact that you first claimed you got misdiagnosed with autsim, then suddenly you do? you claimed to have bipolar disorder, then later you suddenly decide you have bpd??? kind of sketchy if you ask me!
“tries to send anons under my name but forgot that their friend levi doesnt even have me blocked so why the fuck would i go on anon if i would ‘sign’ it anyway hm“
a....... are you implying i was the one to send those....? is it because you realized once you did so it backfired?? jade for someone who wanted to claim i was the one making up conspiracies, you sure make up a lot of them.
in conclusion: jade you still are just deflecting! you still havent defended any of the shit me or my friends have called you out for! the fact you still havent admitted to them or so much as even defended the claims sure does speak a lot! stop deflecting and lying and just fucking come out about it!
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personagf-moved · 7 years
celestial | v. crimson
There was a sharp rapping at the door.
Cassian woke with a start, untangling himself from Alma's embrace. Without thinking, he stumbled out of bed and swung open the door, greeting a more than curious General Draven.
"G-General," Cassian attempted a formal greeting, but knew he was failing miserably with his hair disheveled and no shirt on.
"Cassian," he nodded, eyes scanning the room over Cassian's shoulder. "She's still asleep?"
Cassian turned to follow his gaze. Alma was facing the wall, still sleeping soundly .
"I guess so," Cassian murmured, staring at Alma confusedly. There was no way she'd slept through his stumbling and flinging the door open. Alma was many things, but a heavy sleeper definitely wasn't one of them. "I can wake her if you need-"
"No, no" Draven interjected, "It's nothing urgent, I was just making sure she was settled in, that's all. I know it all must be rather overwhelming for her right now."
"Yes," Cassian sighed. "That's why I spent the night. Well, I mean -"
"Cassian," the General chuckled, "You don't have to explain anything to me. I've known you two since you were recruited. You're the last part of home she has, of course she'd want you to stay."
"I do intend to stay sir, I hope you understand."
"I do," he nodded. "Like I said, just checking in. As soon as she's awake, we'll brief her for her first mission."
"Her first mission?" Cassian was bewildered, "With all due respect, I don't think she's ready for that kind of work yet, General."
"And I agree. But while she's here her first and foremost purpose is to serve the cause. And we need her more than ever. You know that."
Cassian nodded solemnly. He knew it was a foolish thought, but for that night, being near her again, he truly felt that they could stay there forever, protected from the real world. But it was morning, and with the light came a brand new day.
"Lieutenant," Draven dismissed Cassian, before turning and continuing down the hallway. Cassian watched him go, feeling Alma's eyes on his back.
When he turned around, he saw her, sitting cross legged on the bed. She had an apprehensive look on her face, absentmindedly wringing her hands.
"You heard." Cassian murmured.
Alma simply nodded, looking down at the palms of her hands, now outstretched in front of her.
He wondered what she saw in them.
"It probably won't be anything too drastic," Cassian tried to soothe her, pulling on his shirt before sitting next to her on the bed, shoulder brushing hers . "Maybe some droid reprogramming, simple stuff."
Alma was still silent, eyes almost transfixed on the lines across her palms.
"Alma, please, tell me what's wrong." he urged, reaching out to hold one of her hands.
But when his skin met hers, she instantly drew back her arm, looking up in alarm. It was almost as if she had forgotten he was there.
"I-I have to get ready. I'll meet you after." She stammered, before standing up abruptly.
"Alma?" Cassian questioned, watching her hastily grab clothes from the bedside table.
"I have to get ready," she repeated, refusing to look him in the eye. "I'll meet you after."
Cassian was silent, dumbfounded by her sudden change in mood. But, he still got up, and left without a word. Before she slammed the door in his face, he saw her eyes. Tears were pooling over, her hands shaking as she fumbled with the clothes in her arms.
He wanted to stop the door, to force her to tell him what was wrong, but he knew that pushing her would only drive her away faster.
So he told himself that she would talk to him when she was ready. She always did.
Alma slammed the clothes down on the floor, following suit and dropping down to her knees.
She raised her hands again, looked at her palms, and could only see crimson against the morning glow as it broke through her window.
No matter how hard she wrung her hands, ran them down the fabric of her pants, she couldn't get the blood off her skin. It wasn't until she went to the bathroom and ran them under cool water that she realized there was no blood after all.
Alma looked up at her reflection in the mirror, watching how the soft pink skin on her side glistened under the lights. A voice rang through the recess of her mind.
"You can't hide forever," it chided her, "They found you here, and they'll keep on finding you."
Alma felt a pressure building in the pit of her stomach. It told her to scream, to punch the glass, watch as the pieces shattered and spilled onto the floor. But she only stared at the scars.
She was being weak, and Draven was right for wanting to throw her back in immediately. She needed to be in the war, she had to be.
There was too much fire in her belly to not fight. Holding it all in would burn her out.
The scars glistened and shone.
Never again, she thought.
And later, after she was done getting dressed — a loose fitting grey v-neck with black jeans and brown combat boots, her long brown hair braided and over her shoulder — Alma slid on her bracelet, and stared at the material.
It was a simple black cord, adorned by two beads at the top. In one bead were grains of sand from the Jedha, and in the other soil from Endor.
"For you,"  someone once told her. "hope from the hardest ground, and strength from the softest soil."
She adjusted the string on her wrist, and kept their words with her as she trekked through the base.
When she entered the main headquarters, Cassian was leaning against the large roundtable, removing himself from a conversation before making his way towards her.
"Am I late?" Alma asked, watching several emotions run through Cassian's face as he processed her greeting.
"No, not technically," he answered, "we weren't going to start without you."
"So what you're saying is that I'm late," she joked, cracking a smile.
Cassian exhaled, his shoulders relaxing as he grinned. "They'll deal with it," he shrugged.
Alma playfully nudged him with her elbow, and he quickly shoved her back. They began laughing to themselves before General Draven cleared his throat.
"Okay," his voice boomed over the crowd,  "let's begin."
Alma was wringing her hands again as they sat in the ship.
Cassian was next to her, bumping her shoulder with his in order to distract her. She sighed, settling to clasp her fingers together before turning to look at him.
"Can I help you?" she asked, an unamused look on her face as he grinned.
"Pay attention to me, I was telling you a story."
Alma let out a breathy chuckle, "I hate you."
Cassian only laughed, leaning back against the ship's walls. They were traveling to the outer rim territories, where Alma would help to uncover pertinent Imperial intelligence.
The planet they were traveling to was a known trading post, and a hotbed of Imperial troopers. With the help of Cassian and several other spies, they would navigate through the stronghold and give her a window to get into the database and obtain the information they needed.
When Draven was briefing them it seemed easy enough, but now, as they flew into outer rim territory, Alma felt uneasy.
Cassian had reassured her countless times that everything was going to be okay, but Alma still felt the pressure as the ship began its descent.
He was so convinced that Alma's first mission wouldn't be this difficult. Cassian was quick to pull Draven to the side after their meeting, to reprimand him for putting Alma in so soon. He knew that he was overstepping, but the more he yelled the less he cared about his rank. The General considered his words, but all he could say in reply was that it wasn't up to him, Bail Organa himself had organized the mission.
The ship shook as they touched ground.
Cassian rose to address the soldiers. There weren't many, only four others who listened intently to the higher ranking officer.
Alma stood next to him, nodding as he spoke words of strength and courage. It was so natural, his willingness to lead. As he dismissed everyone, she couldn't help but smile to herself. Cassian was one of the few that the war couldn't shake. He was meant to lead.
"Alma," A soldier walked up to her, breaking her from her thoughts.
She turned to face him. He was tall and lean, with tanned skin and dark hair that he kept cropped short. The one feature that seemed to captivate her was his eyes. They probed her own, and she couldn't seem to break his gaze.
"Yes?" she took a step back, regarding him with caution.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to introduce myself, seeing as I'm going to be escorting you with the Lieutenant." He replied, raising his arms to show that he wasn't a threat.
Alma nodded, already feeling the warmth crawling up her cheeks. Of course he wasn't going to hurt her. She exhaled, straightened her posture, and tried again, "It's no problem. Uh," she trailed off.
"Kes," he interjected, a warm smile as he outstretched a hand. "Kes Dameron."
Alma grabbed his hand, giving it a firm shake. They gave a slight nod to each other before he pulled back, greeting Cassian before joining the rest of the soldiers at the mouth of the ship.
"He's a good man. I chose him for a reason, Alma." Cassian spoke gently, both watching him crack  jokes with the rest of the men, their laughter resounding through the spacecraft.  
"I trust you," Alma said, "And I'll be okay, Cass. Now lead the way."
He nodded, a grin on his face he stepped in front of her, "All right, on me."
"All right, Alma. It's all you," Kes murmured, eyes scanning the room as she stopped at the door. A warm yellow glow spilled through the tinted windows, light against the jet black floor. They had made it into the stronghold with little resistance, a rare feat that Cassian took pride in.
Before them lay two troopers, bodies that Cassian and Kes would move once Alma was in. So she gave a slight nod, and quickly brushed Cassian's hand with her own before disappearing into the control room.
She had to stop to take it all in. At the center of the room, was a grand pillar, rising higher than she could see over the shadows. Lights from all sides of the post blinked in time with the computer's humming. It was a beast of a machine, and a puzzle all for her to figure out.
Without any other hesitation, she dove in, placing a small chip into one of the drives.
For a second, the entire room was red. An alarm prepared itself to go off, but Alma knew that there was no need to worry. She had made this system herself, after all.
And, right on cue, the lights went back to normal, a screen indicating to Alma that she would have her files soon.
"On your right," she heard Kes call out to Cassian, a faint shot resounding through the hall before a thud followed.
She listened as the body was dragged, watching as the percentage slowly reached its full capacity. When it was done she immediately pulled the device and scurried out of the room, desperate to make it back home.
But as soon as she stepped out from the frame, a shrill ringing burst through the silence. Alma quickly turned to look at the pillar. Her system wouldn't fail her, it couldn't have been her.
And she was right, because when she turned around the trooper who had set off the alarm raised his gun, ready to shoot Cassian.
"No!" Alma shouted, pulling up her blaster and gunning him down before he could blink. She glanced at Kes, who regarded her quick reaction with raised eyebrows; he nodded in approval.
But Cassian was less than impressed, immediately grabbing her shoulder, "Hey, look at me. We're gonna be okay, but I need you to stay focused, all right?"
She nodded vigorously, her breath already coming out uneven as she itched to raise her blaster again and take a few more shots at the wounded trooper.
He let go of her shoulders, and hesitated to say more, but before he could, Alma was moving forward, "Escape now, talk later. Gotta stay focused, right?"
Kes chuckled as he followed her lead. "Feisty one, isn't she?"
Cassian shook his head, "You have no idea."
They sprinted down the hallway, backup already clearing the way for them as they fell into formation.
Cassian bumped into Alma, their backs against each other as they shot down soldier after soldier.
When it was clear, they moved on, sunset washing their faces as they made it outside.
She was close behind Cassian and Kes before a soldier called out to her, "Alma, look out!"
Alma turned around just in time to watch as he flung himself in front of her, the blast hitting him in the chest as he crumpled to the ground. She cried out in shock, before looking up at the trooper who did it. As she raised her gun to retaliate, she sprayed shots across the vast array of soldiers. Her chaos was a fire, but she tamed the flames, shooting with a precision that took each man out row by row.
"Stop!" Cassian roared, grabbing her by the arm.
But Alma was lost in her anger, she shook him off, shoving him to the side before kneeling down by the soldier.
"It's okay," Alma tried to soothe him. He was choking on his own blood, eyes wide with fear as he outstretched a hand. Alma immediately grabbed it, shaking her head as tears began to run down his cheeks, mingling with the blood. "You're not dead, this isn't over. You hear me? You're gonna make it back home."
But he was shaking his head, trying to reach for something in his breast pocket with his free hand. Alma immediately moved to help him, feeling the familiar sensation of glossy paper as she pulled out a photo. It was him, standing outside of the base with a pretty girl, her strawberry blonde hair cascading over her shoulder as she leaned into him. She wore a pilot uniform and a beautiful smile, and when Alma flipped over the picture, the inscription read, 'remember what you're fighting for.'
"Make...sure..she gets it..." he whispered, words coming out strained and raspy.
Alma nodded, watching as he looked up to the stars, and saw no more.
All sound around her seemed to drown itself out as she stared into his eyes. She pocketed the photo, and when she looked down at her hands, she saw crimson, and knew that it wasn't her imagination this time.
Before she could scream, Cassian firmly grabbed her shoulders, practically dragging her back with him to the ship as the other men grabbed the fallen soldier.
As he sat her down on the bench against the ship's walls, he tried calling out to her, shaking her repeatedly as he said her name again and again.
But it was all just noise, a faint ringing in her ear. Alma stared down at her hands. It was all crimson. It was all blood.
Later, when they got back to base, Cassian made sure to inform Draven himself of what happened. He demanded that Alma rest, to be able to recuperate until she was ready to come back.
When they granted her permission, Cassian gently took her hand, the blood on hers now crusted and dry as it chafed his clean one. But Cassian couldn't care less. They passed by the soldiers as they dragged their fallen comrade from the ship. Alma heard a woman cry out in anguish, her hair dancing like flames as she pushed and shoved through the crowd.
She turned around and watched as the young girl slumped over his body, her cries echoing through the masses.
Alma stopped then, much to Cassian's disapproval. He told her to come back, but she was making her way over to the girl, the man's last words ringing in her mind.
She silently put a hand on her shoulder, watching as her tear stained face regarded her own. Alma reached for the photo in her pocket, and handed it to her. "I'm sorry," was all she could think to say, and the woman nodded, before looking down at the photo.
"Come on," Cassian murmured, grabbing her hand again as he led her away from the scene.
Alma held his hand tighter, leaning into him as he led her back to her room.  
When they were finally back, Cassian sat at the foot of Alma's bed, watching as her eyes saw right through him. She was only wearing her tank top and shorts, blood still on her skin as she refused to clean up just yet. Her hair was a mess, falling out of its braid and spilling over shoulder as the moonlight through her window shone against her scars and bruises.
Despite it all, Cassian could only see her beauty, radiating through her sorrow.
When she spoke, he had to strain to hear. She whispered it, then louder, looking at him with a vacant expression. "I helped them, Cass."
He furrowed his brow in confusion, "Who?"
Alma blinked. "The Empire. When they took me, they wanted revenge for what Barret did."
"You brother," Cassian breathed, remembering the stories he told them when they were kids. The base he infiltrated, how he worked undercover, how many lives were lost when he bombed the whole thing.
"I'm the reason they're dead. Rebels, like the one who died today. It's my fault," she whispered.
"No," Cassian shook his head, "Alma, it-"
"Don't tell me it's going to be okay!" She shouted, hands balling into fists.
Cassian was silent then, watching her slowly uncurl her hands, absentmindedly brushing the dried blood with her fingers.
"What have I done?" she breathed, looking out at the window and seeing nothing. "What have I done?"
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Emma Roberts Movie Week
It’s actually a bit unexpected. I didn’t plan this, I just watched Scream IV and her character made me love her even more, then I did after Chanel. So I thought, why not, no matter that I planned Brendan Fraser Movie Week.
 Day 1: Scream IV (2011)
It’s not the movie I want to talk about (because I plan to make a post about the whole franchise, after watching the TV Series), but about he character. I mean, how awesome is watching Emma Roberts as psycho killer. Especially a very convincing psycho killer, trying to kill Sidney. After watching Scream Queens and knowing how well she plays bitchy characters, so it was very entertaining. The third act of course. Watching her as a side character was just okay. That’s really all I can say. So yeah, there you go folks. Also the villain monologue was fun. Just read for yourself:
Favorite Jill quote:
Jill Roberts: My friends? What world are you living in? I don't need friends. I need fans. Don't you get it? This has never been about killing you? It's about becoming you. I mean, for fuck's sake, my own mother had to die, no great loss there, so I could stay true to the original. That's sick, right? Well, sick is the new sane. You had your 15 minutes, now I want mine! I mean, what am I supposed to do? Go to college? Grad school? Work? Look around. We all live in public now, we're all on the Internet. How do you think people become famous any more? You don't have to achieve anything. You just gotta have fucked up shit happen to you. So you have to die, Sid. Those are the rules. New movie, new franchise. There's only room for one lead, and let's face it, your ingenue days, they're over. A bit long, yeah, but how great. Isn’t that weird, that her monologue is longer then my text about her character?
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Day 2: Wild Child (2008)
A very linear teen drama, but in England. Why would I pick that? The real question is: Why not? I mean, yes, it’s stupid, and yes, I’m an adult, but I’m still a kid inside, and I know it’s a bad movie, but it was still entertaining sometimes. Again, watching Emma playing a bitch is fun, for 20 minutes, but it was still fun. If we got through the best part, let’s get to business. Her character growth was okay, her friends were okay, their relation was okay. The school bitch was awfully stereotypical, no matter that her first appearance said otherwise. I hoped at least that from that movie, but it didn’t even give me that, so...
The fun part tho was just turning my brain off for an hour and half, and just watch Emma hanging out with some teenagers with British accent. It’s still one of my favorite female celebrities. Also her name was Poppy! It could belike the flower, but hearing “Poppy” made me think about That Poppy. Which is always a little plus. Wow, that paragraph about the things I liked is too short. Hey, Nick Frost! 
The montage was awful... it broke me from the movie every 30 seconds, which was hard to watch. Also the scene quick before the end was so cringe. At least for me. They were losing, then made a dance, and magically they won! (The dance was cringe, if someone were wondering)
Well that’s all, it was between average and okay.
Favorite quote:
Poppy: I didn't start it, it wasn't my fault, and if this were America, I would sue.
That’s true, OMC. America is beautiful, I love it, I want to visit it someday.
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 Day 3: The Art of Getting By (2011) 
There is a thin line between being a good movie, and being pretentious. This movie sadly is on the wrong side of the line. 
Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed watching this movie, it got to me, I love the main character, George, I can see myself in him, somehow. I always wanted to be that weird guy on the side, or I just want it, because these guys (like in this movie) alwayse ended up happy at the end, and I want the same thing for myself. But that’s a theme for different post. I liked seeing the world through his eyes. The scene showing how he wanted to get over Sally was great. Or when she broke him with the weird sex questions, during their “date”. Freddie’s acting was very convincing, and I didn’t saw the actor, I saw a boy with problems. The relations between him and the other characters and the way he reacten to every rational thing, he should do, but just couldn’t. I can also say a good thing about the side characters. I really liked them. The way they were created, even if some of theme didn’t have a lot of screen time, I had still fun spendind time with them. Like when Sallys’s mother told her, that she should be with George or when the painter struggled to be with Sally. I could also say about how I liked the montage and directing, but who cares? Also I liked the “development” of Freddie’s character, like in the first and second part who was becomind worse and worse...
Sadly the thing I was most anticipating in this movie was Emma Roberts and... well, Sally totally blows. I disliked her after 5 or so minutes. I’m not really sure if she’s such a bad actress, or it was just like her character was written, but Sally was so wooden. She was pretty, yes, but that’s just one of two things, that I think George could see in her (the second is, that she really cared about him and liked him, for example the scene, when they were sleeping next to each other, or when she called him every 5 minutes, whe he left her). I also really, really disliked her, when she broke my precious George! I mean, who does she think she is? (that’s not a blame on the movie, just another reason to not like her character, which isn’t a bad thing) Sally was the second most important character, but she dind’t develop at all. It was painfull to watch her in some scenes, beacause I knew that she would hurt George, because he wanted to go forwrd in some way, but she was staying the same all the time. Another thing I didn’t like was most of the third act. How George suddenly (I know it was because of his mother, he didn’t to upset her any more) change his attitude to life and so quickly straightened everything. It just wasn’t convincing for me. Also it was very predictable. Him, getting the diploma, her, going back to him, the painting, being Sally. Sad. Sadly. They could work on that a little more.
Favorite qoute:
Sally Howe: What were you like as a child?
George Zinavoy: I was such a better person than I am now.
Sally Howe: Come on.
George Zinavoy: I'm serious. I was happy. I was open. I was curious. But I'll tell you this: I knew when it was ending. I was overwhelmed with sadness when I realized that I was going to change, and that it was all most likely going to get worse, like a nostalgia for the present. I couldn't shake it... 
And it’s sad to say, that I dind’t like her creation. It really is. I hope it’s not her acting and I can see her again in a small movie, but with more. More to play and that she actually does it well. For now I like her justas the bitchy/psycho type.
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 Day 4: Nancy Drew (2007)
Hey I’m actually keeping up! Only three das/movies left.
So I just looked up (on Wikipedia, I’m not a detective) that, as I thought, the movie is based on a book series for teenagers, with the same name. 
I start with the things I liked. And don’t let it fool you, there were’nt as many. The start was quite fine and fun to watch. The city and the charachters living in it. Just the world created around Nancy in her home town was adorable, just to be fine for a few minutes. I also liked Nancy at some point. I guess Emma can play charismatic characters, not just bitches. Which is good, but it wasn’t very good acting, since it also wasn’t a role that needed a good actress, just because the writting was so doll. Ahh, I wanted to say, what I liked first. So I also liked the side characters from her home town, like her father and Ned, or some of the LA characters: just Jane and Leshing. And the styling. I think the setting around our main characters was cute. Her dressing style, the style of that “hounted” house or her home town (I didn’t remember it, I’m really not familiar with the book series). Hey, Bruce Willis!
That’s sadly all, not many good things, that I could talk about. The writting tho. Ugh! It was so, so bad. Mished with that acting was just terrible to watch. Just because I liked some charachters, does not mean, I think they well written well, or that they were acted well. They weren’t. None of them. Maybe Nancy and her father a little, but that’s all. The story... Just meh. After half an hour I wasn’t feeling any mistery. And talk about tension, there was none of it. Even the scene when they were just about to kill Nancy, I was felling nothing. Oh wait, I was annoyed. Because the side characters from her new school had appeared on my screen! I hated them. Especially Corcky. uhh... I just felt like a story written by a teenager, and I think not a teenager has written it (no, it were two adult people). I mean, do they know, they can make a movie for children (and this, BTW, felt like a movie for 3-6 years old), that’s also entertaining for adults? Look at Teen Titans GO: To the Movies! (2018). That’s a good example.
Favorite quote:
Carson Drew: Phone call. Long distance from Scotland. Something about the Loch Ness Monster and some missing diamonds. Nancy Drew: Another case!
Well, despite how I disliked ths movie, I would definietly watch a sequel with Nessi. But it didn’t gross much, which I’m not suprised with.
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 Day 5:
Got distracted, by discovering “The Pitch” from ScreenRant. Totally got me. Binge watched like 20 episodes.
 Actual Day 5: Paradise Hills (2019)
What a weirdly boring movie. Maybe I didn’t pay to much attention as I should, but it didn’t get me at all.
I wanted to watch something new, to see how her acting “grow” with her, but... Again, she didn’t get much to play. Which is very dissapointing. 
To start with the good things. The movie is extreamly beautiful. It looks so magical. The movie has just a 6 million budget, but it was still enough to hire Emma Roberts, Milla Jovovich, Awkwafina and to build a gorgeous set. The CGI was very visible, but only in two scenes (like the car on the beginning for example). And... That’s all? The acting of most main cast fine, I guess. 
OMC, where to start even? Idea for the story: very, very unoriginal. It’s actually felt much like The Island (2005) and a little like Sucker Punch (2011) (although I don’t remember it very well), maybe a mix of bouth. It’s not bad, it’s just made not so well. The script: dull, slow and predictible. I don’t like saying this, because I mostly shut of my brain, try to have fun and don’t predict anything, but it was hard. The ending tho. Seriously, to predictable. And no, I didn’t predict, that Jovovich is playing a fucking rose witch/vampire. That actually suprised me. The characters: they we’re okay, but mostly still to stereotypical, like for eample Milla’s witch, Emma’s main and the sidecharacter singer. Again just complaining on the same things I complained the last three movies.
Favorite quote:
Duchess: *screams, while changing into a bush*
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I still have one critycally acclaimed drama (to see her acting on a good script) and a good movie to end the marathon happy :3
Day 6: Palo Alto (2013)
I can’t say. I liked this movie. Not a lot, but it was still enjoyable for me.
I thought Emma will play the main character, which she has and hasn’t in a way. She was one of the main characters with Teddy i think. Yeah, okay, I’m almost sure. I know I was supposed to watch a critically aclaimed movie, and this isn’t one, but, eh, it has 69% on RottenTomatoes, so not so bad. Also! It’s stars James Franco. I liked the acting. I’m still dissapointed, that Emma stil does not have much to play. I’m not sure if she’s just okay at acting, or she takes parts of empty blonds. I still love her, it’s just... it’s getting harder and harder to watch her as not charismatic characters. Anyway, I liked the acting, even much. I’m not sure if the actor playing Teddy (Val Kilmer’s son! and Val KIlmer played April’s father xD) was playing him self, but I’m happy with what I got. The same goes for Fred, the coach and April’s father. Finally after these few dissapointing movies, I got something, that dind’t speak to me much, but at least I liked the characters and had fun watching them get better, or worse, or not changing, or having a quick cameo. 
The story was... okay. But connected to this characters, I don’t really have much to complain. The tempo was a bit slow with April’s story, and a bit to fast with Teddy’s. Like The Art of Getting By (2011), this movie crossed a bit the thin line, of being too pretencional. But this doesn’t botter me that much.
Favorite quote:
April: I'm not depressed, why do you always think I'm depressed? I'm just tired.
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Day 7: It’s kind of a funny story (2010)
I absolutely loved this movie! It took me from teh beginning with that scene on the bridge. Totally my kind of humor. The main character was easy to equate with, at least for me, like, being a bit assholish on the beginnig, and then turning in a fully good and  empathetic person. The perfect character arc for a feel good movie, like this one. It hit me by suprise, how good it was. The movie has average ratings and is rotten on RottenTomatoes. I know why, but the things, that for others were a flaw, for me was a good quality. I dind’t read the reviews, but I saw flaws in the movie, and in the story. I know, I know, it’s a basic story, a bit (maybe a lot) predictable even. But I turned my brain off for one and a half hour and had a lot of fun. The charachters where, no, seamed 3-dimensional. Everyone, at some point even. I totally believed, these are not actors, these are people. Especially the main trio, obviosly. I dind’t know  Zach Galifianakis can play something more then a stupid fat guy, by playing a not so stupid fat guy with problems. And Emma, still not what I’m expecting from her, but a lot better, then the other movies I guess (with exceptions of course). Even Craigs parents felt so real, and his friend and his love interest in the beginning. The main advantage of the movie is, that, as I pointed out earlier, it makes you feel better. It made me thing, that there is something more for me, that I don’t have to be this sad, fat guy, working and sitting by the computer all the time. Also the acting, OMC. It was great. How thought, to bring Viola Davis to this project? Great idea, even for these few minutes. But, yeah, I also pointed that out already. And, I liked, how the movie was directed. The scene, where they sang together, fabulous.
So what’s the flaws? It was predictable, if you just try to think a little. I dind’t realise that, till after the movie. Also, some characters, from being fine written, turned to flat characters, to drive the plot. Yes, I mean Nia, that was so unnecessary. It was just so Noelle would get mad at Craig. And will winning Noelle back be hard? It’s gonna be (quoting the screenwriter from Pitch Meeting) “super easy! Barely an inconvenience.” Which is dissapointing. 
Favorite quote:
Craig: Do you like music?
Noelle: Do you like breathing?
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Bonus: A few words about Channel and whole Scream Qeens (2015-2016)
This series also took me by suprise, a bit. I loved Ariana Grande at that time, but since she quitted acting, and got mostly into music, I started to watch this show. And, as dissapointing as it was at that time, Chanel #2 was killed in the first episode. But since this was a slasher, and I do love those, I stayed. Who am I kidding. It dind’t stay because of the killing, but because of the story, characters and humor mostly. Jamie Lee Curtis is a wonderful actress and watching her going “against” bitchy Emma Roberts, was like watching a unicorn... I don’t a good compare, but you get it. It was extreamly entertaining. The world building, so caricature, it was so fun. Chanel killing a random lady? Yes please. These show was filled with mains driving the series with just themselfs and the sideones adding to it a lot. Even if they get killed eventually. Obviously the first season was way better, then the second. But the second was even more bizzare, which recompensed a bit the flaws of it. Do I like the decisions, who got the be the killers in both seasons? Yes, of course! For example, the chemistry between Dr. Cassidy and Chanel #3 was great in the second half of the second season. Just awesome.
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Oh, yeah, a few more about Chanel. Wonderful, stole every scene she was in. Not a character, you could lift a show on, but the definietly good to be one of the mains.
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Favorite quote:
Chanel: Good morning, sluts.
Chanel #2, #3 and #5: Good morning, Chanel
Like I could pick any other, than this.
So what do I think about Emma in the end?
She’s not a great, but a good actress, she could lift the whole movie, if she get’s a good character to play, like in Wild Child (2008), which was not much, but she was still a teenager then, and made it. 
Do I see her in drama roles?
Yes, actually. I love her, when she plays bitchy, charismatic, or even psycho characters, because she’s great at it, but I still want to see her other side. A hard part to play, in which she can shock everyone in how good of an actress she is. She didn’t have the chance yet.
I hope she gets more lucky and popular at some time. She’s still under 30 (28 years old), so she has most of her live before her, and already an impressive filmography. I wish her all the best.
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