#then snow & white. kinda. raised oz.
meteor752 · 8 months
I rewatched ever after high with my girlfriend after like, six years
We had…thoughts
Do you guys think fairytale people look down on those who aren’t from a fairytale? Because, Ever After High seems to be the most like prestige school, but not everyone can go to it. Is there like racism going on between fairytale people and normal people?
It’s said many times that Apple will be like, the future queen, but when we meet Snow White she’s a fucking capitalist. Also Apple being queen means kinda nothing cause half the school are royalty and will grow up to become kings and queens. That title doesn’t mean anything
We had like, ten kids from wonderland, but no Oz kids? I feel like a Dorothy child would be very obvious, like what the hell, same with the witches
The school actively encourages evil people to be evil, then become surprised when they are evil. Like, Evil Queen cursing Wonderland and almost taking over the world? That’s on you, principal
Also can we place lock up the principal in jail? He lied and manipulated his students, stole from Raven, and kept his brother cursed and locked up in the basement. Like, ???? The brother comes back and is just like “Oh I missed you so much brother” like no!!!!!! Get that man out of here!!!!!
Do the fairytale people reproduce like, asexually, or do we have a ton of inbreeding between the royals? Well, it would be the most realistic aspect of the show
Hot take: Apple is a great character. Like yeah she’s a little selfish, but when we’re shown how she was raised it’s fully understandable that she’s so obsessed with fulfilling her destiny, but she’s never rude or bitchy, not ever really to Raven. Also she gets better! Active character development! She’s one of my favorites
Why the fuck is Allister frolicking in Wonderland. Bro Alice came back, she left that place, yet everyone is just like “Yep he’s a wonderlandian”, like no! Also he’s a royal? Bro you can’t be a royal, you were actively rebelling against your story by going to wonderland early
It’s a little messed up how many of the kids are like, being forced to die. Like Ramona? She will be fucking gutted after eating her sister if she goes with her story. Like what is this school, what are these rules?
Apart from Sparrow, surprisingly, everyone of the boy designs are so fucking boring. Ew
I love the direction they took for Briar. I think they kinda realized after the first episode that shit, it’s kinda weird that this girl who’s destiny it is to sleep for 100 years to just be fine with it. Briar is also one of my faves
Speaking of the sleeping beauty story tho, do you think it’s rare for the school to have a sleeping beauty? Cause we’re shown that this school has housed like, generations of fairytale characters, but since Sleeping beauty clocks out for a hundred years, and probably only had a child after that, they must only get her like, every fourth or fifth generation. Kinda interesting actually
Daring X Cerise > Daring X Rosabella. Like idk, maybe it’s that Cerise can like, fully challenge him in his views, forcing him to become better in a way. Like, with Rosabella it feels more like an “I can fix him <3” mindset, while with Cerise it’s more “I can knock him down a peg”. I just thought they had a better dynamic, idk
Speaking of the Charming family, gf and I fucking hate Dexter’s name. Like, Daring and Darlings names match each other so well, not just that they sound alike but that they have meanings. Dexter is just a boring name
We tried to come up with name ideas, Dating was the funniest one to us, but we thought Dastardly was kinda fun.
Like, our thought process was that he was meant to be like, the classic jealous twin brother, always looking to sabotage his perfect older bro, except he wasn’t that at all. Like, a running joke would be that it would look like he was sabotaging Daring, or like being mean, but then the camera would like zoom out or smt and show that he was like, playing a video game or just doing something completely different. It would have been more fun, plus it would have given Dexter like an actual personality instead of just, inferiority complex the person
Dashing could also have been an idea for a name
Kitty should have a tail. As should her milf of a mother have. Also like, real cat ears instead of just a hat or a headband. It feels obvious
I mean Bunny has actual bunny ears, plus she can transform into a bunny, but why is the cat just like A Girl
How can Hunter belong to both the Little red ringing hood story, and Snow White. Is his dad just a mad multitasker, or does he have two dads? I like the second option honestly
The storybeat of the characters all living through each others story honestly should have been like, an entire special. It’s the most interesting thing the show did, and I wish we could have seen more, cause it lasted only like seven minutes. But that gives us more time to see that thrilling book all storyline, amiright?!
Briar’s moment was especially heart aching, and I wish we'd gotten more of it
But like, since Briar as the evil queen saw Apple poisoned instead of her mum, does that mean that Raven was talking to herself in her story
But at the same time, Blondie saw the current queen of hearts instead of Lizzie, so like what's going on
Snow White and The Evil Queen have like the vibe of high school rivals/ex girlfriends, and they did go to school together, but like Queenie is literally her step mom. Like what. If Raven were to live out her story, would that mean that she would marry Apple's dad? Whoever that is?
The more you think about the lore of this world the more it doesn't make sense, but it also becomes like incredibly dark
The Pied Piper is one of if not my favorite fairytales, but I hate how he is represented in this show. Like he kidnapped children and then drowned them, that man shouldn't be a teacher!
Also white queen is a teacher at ever after, yet her daughter is still in wonderland. Like bitch just left her there, what the hell.
I love that they didn’t make any of the princesses stuck up bitches, like Descendants did. Like, the girls are all kind, with vibrant personalities and a lot of love for the people around them. The closest thing to the “mean girl” stereotype is Duchess actually
But Duchess makes total sense! She fucking drowns at the end of her story, of course she wants another one. Why is Raven’s rebellion praised but Duchesses scorned? Also why is she a royal, girlypop is literally trying to steal other people’s happily ever after, she a rebel
There is more I can say, but this post has already been deleted twice from my drafts, and I am scared of it, so it’s better to get it out now
Also, as a final little send off, here’s my ranking of the characters, and the ships
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toestalucia · 2 years
(twirls hair) have u considered the found family in mhyk
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corvology · 2 years
snow and white simply cannot understand figaro, a being whose actions are fundamentally linked to the deep loneliness and detachment he feels whilst they have eachother for everything.
i also believe that snow and white messed up figaro’s perception of belonging: snow and white are EVERYTHING to eachother. they fulfill all roles and they are more than happy to be with eachother and have no other company. figaro had that as a model, and now it shows in how if he isn’t the 100% focus of the person or people he’s trying to find his place with, he leaves them or acts up because he’s upset, jealous.
he wants to belong fully and truly, be amongst people rather than above them, but yet due to what he’s been raised with (+ the shit from y’know, being worshipped in his birth village like a god because he was a wizard) it’s incredibly hard for him to integrate with normal expectations and methods. and you know, the usual thing of “to belong fully you must be known fully” ; the two wizards who have the best grasp on figaro are oz and lennox i believe, because they know of all the sides of figaro and more importantly, they understand and accept them, even when they’re kinda massively unhinged. with faust there’s heavy history tainting that understanding, and the rest of the wizards don’t really understand the more delicate parts of figaro, the parts that care and want to belong, want to help and protect. man I just have a lot of feelings about figgy
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theladydrgn · 6 years
Thanks in no small part to @icibue I just spent the last day crafting RWBY/Pokemon AU headcanons. Please keep in mind that this is 50% funny, 50% serious and 100% self-indulgent!
·         Ozpin gives each new student an Eevee egg to hatch and train as part of their course work.
·         All the schools give different particular pokemon, Ozpin is just very fond of Eevee because of how much it can ‘change’.
·         Mythical and God-like pokes cannot be captured and instead ‘choose’ trainers. Being chosen by such a Pokemon is considered a very high honor but also puts that trainer at risk of being targeted by Salem.
·         Xerneas and Yveltal take the place of the God of Light and God of Darkness.
·         Celebi chose to be Oz’s partner centuries ago and is always the first to find him again after reincarnation.
·         The Xiao-Long family have raised the Kommo-o line of Pokemon for generations and it is customary for a Jangmo-o to be their child’s first Pokemon.
·         The Roses were known for raising Roselia and Roserade for show.
·         The Honchkrows Ozpin and Qrow have are from the same clutch of eggs.
·         Ozpin owns and cares for many pokemon but keeps two teams at the ready. One is a public team that is well known. The other is a private team that contains pokemon he has had through many lifetimes.
·         Because of the presence of Pokemon on Remnant, the world is a little safer for everyday citizens, though Grimm ARE attracted to pokemon just like humans.
·         The Huntsman Academies teach how to hunt Grimm and how to raise Pokemon.
·         Beacon Academy focuses on living in harmony with Pokemon and working together with them. Using pokeballs is optional for Huntsmen who have demonstrated close bonds with their Pokemon.
·         Atlas Academy focuses on Pokemon’s use in military tactics and has an extensive breeding program focused on breeding the strongest Pokemon. Pokemon are not allowed to be out of their pokeballs without military sanction.
·         Haven and Mistral are well known for their Pokemon Contests and shows. Battling is taught at Haven but definitely takes a backseat to the ‘art’ of raising Pokemon.
·         Since law and order is rare in Vacuo, almost anything goes. Having a strong team that can protect you and yours is what gets taught at Shade Academy. Since pokeballs are easily stolen they are very rarely used.
Now for Team Headcanons along with my personal reasoning for why I chose the teams I did. I was getting very tired towards the end of the team building, so I apologize if some teams aren’t as ‘fleshed-out’ as others.
Summer Rose
1.      Shiny Roserade – Obvious choice honestly
2.      Alolan (Menagerie) Cubone – Summer having a poke that lost it’s poke-mom and human mom was too entertaining to not do.
3.      Sylveon – Summer being the ‘heart’ of team STRQ
4.      Blissey – Since Yang described Summer as ‘super mom’ having a pokemon described at ‘nurturing’ seemed fitting.
5.      Gardevoir – The entire Gardevoir line is very sensitive to emotions and I headcanon Summer as being fairly bubbly.
6.      Altaria – I didn’t have any super specific reasons for this one. Just seemed like a poke Summer would have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Taiyang Xiao-Long
1.      Jolteon – Jolteon fits Tai’s color scheme. Sue me.
2.      Pangoro – A fighting type that doesn’t like it when the weak get picked on
3.      Kommo-o – The only fighting dragon pokemon and it just so happens to fit Tai’s color scheme
4.      Herdier – I mean, it’s obvious isn’t it?
5.      Bewear – Another fighting bear but this one loves hugs
6.      Drampa – A dragon that protects kids
Raven Branwen
1.      Mandibuzz – Specifically said to hunt ‘weak’ prey
2.      Salazzle – Rules over similar pokes and fits Ravens color scheme
3.      Weavile – Hunting in small groups to take down larger prey sounds a lot like the Branwen tribe
4.      Umbreon – The only Eeveeloution that fit ravens color scheme ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5.      Hydreigon – Brutal and destructive
6.      Bisharp – Rules over packs of similar pokes and is called ‘pitiless’
Qrow Branwen
1.      Honchkrow – Do you have to ask?
2.      Absol – A pokemon said to bring misfortune/bad luck.
3.      Umbreon – Fits Qrows aesthetic and the twins having the same Eeveeloution is funny to me.
4.      Alolan Marowak – This is actually Summers Cubone evolved and I felt like Summer wouldn’t have brought a young untrained poke on a possibly deadly mission. Also seems fitting that Qrow would take to raising it since Tai would have his hands full raising his own team and the kids.
5.      Staraptor – A loner birb that leaves its flock after growing up fits Qrow pretty fucking well.
6.      Scrafty – A poke that comes off as rude and actually cares about its loved ones.
Ruby Rose
1.      Scyther – It has scythes for hands, what’s not to love?
2.      Roselia – Wanting to keep Ruby’s family legacy going, Tai gives Ruby a Budew as her first Pokemon
3.      Shiny Eevee – I mean silver Eevee… silver eyes… Also, it hasn’t evolved yet cause Ruby and Eevee are unsure of what they want it to be.
4.      Rockruff – A pup that turns into a wolf, nuf said (it will probably turn into the midnight form…).
5.      Electrike – A speedy boi that gives of showers of sparks as opposed to Ruby’s showers of petals
6.      Zigzagoon – Another speedy boi
Weiss Schnee
1.      Glaceon – Obvious is obvious
2.      Alolan (Atlesian) Vulpix – Pretty snow fox for the pretty ice queen.
3.      Dratini – Of course the rich kid would have something really rare
4.      Furfrou – Fancy dog for the fancy girl
5.      Brionne – A pretty poke that sings? 100% Weiss’s aesthetic.
6.      Braixen – You can only have so much blue and white before you need a splash of color and a poke that uses a wand like how Weiss uses her weapon seemed fitting
Blake Belladonna
1.      Litten – A cat that like to be solitary and doesn’t often display emotion… sounds like Blake to me!
2.      Umbreon – Somehow Umbreon just fits for way too many people but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3.      Purrloin – Cute purple cat
4.      Litwick – Blakes shadow clones kinda remind me of a ghosts sooo purple ghost poke?
5.      Frogadier – Blake is a ninja. She absolutely needs a ninja Poke
6.      Noibat – It’s purple and has great hearing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yang Xiao-Long
1.      Jangmo-o – It’s a punchy dragon and fits her color scheme ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2.      Makuhita – Yellow, punchy, never gives up
3.      Flareon – Yang’s hair literally lights on fire. I would be dumb to NOT give her Flareon
4.      Combusken – I mean it’s fire, it’s fighting, and warn when hugged!
5.      Rufflet – Ok SO Rufflet and it’s eventual evolution into Braviary fits Yang really well. Rufflet starts out feeling like it needs to prove itself and fighting everything it can (including it’s own parents). After evolving it still fights like a champ, but for more ‘noble’ reasons, aka to protect friends and loved ones.
6.      Corphish – JuST hear me out on this one. Corphish are said to be REALLY hardy and able to survive in the worst conditions. They also like to fight a lot.
Jaune Arc
1.      Growlithe – Friendly and loyal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2.      Eevee – His Eevee eventually becomes Sylveon because Jaune is a cinnamon roll
3.      Buneary – Won the egg from cereal box tops
4.      Riolu – Riolu and Lucario are described as loyal and having a very strong sense of justice
5.      Honedge – This one has been in has family for a long time
6.      Skarmory – Jaune only had a team of 5, but when Pyrrha died her Skarmory was the only survivor and Jaune took it upon himself to raise it.
Nora Valkyrie
1.      Jolteon – What did you expect?
2.      Rhyhorn – It has the lightning horn ability for obvious reasons
3.      Flaaffy – Happy, fluffy, pink, and electric
4.      Teddiursa – Cute, loves sweet things, and it’s evolution is a rage bear. Nuf said.
5.      Munchlax – They both have bottomless stomachs
6.      Woobat – If Nora’s heart cannons are anything to go by, she would love this Pokemon
Pyrrha Nikos
1.      Magnemite – Polarity… Magnetism… Magnemite… I’m not very original
2.      Eevee – Pyrrha’s Eevee would have become a Jolteon if she were still alive.
3.      Skarmory – Steel types really are obvious choices.
4.      Nosepass – It’s nose is literally magnetic
5.      Victini – With all of the talk of Pyrrha being ‘fated’ for victory, it would be silly to not give her the pokemon that makes that true.
6.      Buneary – Pyrrha ended up being given one of the Pumpkin Pete mascots
Lie Ren
1.      Espeon – When I think of Ren I think of psychic pokes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2.      Natu – Calm and cautious like Ren
3.      Nincada – Only other ninja poke that isn’t Froakie
4.      Espurr – Another calm psychic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5.      Joltik – A cute little critter to remind him of Nora
6.      Zorua – Can hide it’s self which is closeish to Ren’s semblance
Ozpin – Public Team
1.      Espeon – Espeon’s tail fork is said to be able to sense danger so it makes sense Oz would keep one around.
2.      Klinklang – I mean, the gear aesthetic it obvious isn’t it?
3.      Mimikyu – I headcanon that Oz can very easily see the worth in literally anyone so giving him a poke that thinks it can’t be loved was a no-brainer
4.      Shedinja – Pokemon with no soul VS man with too much soul
5.      Honchkrow – Oz having a ‘dark’ pokemon and people think he’s shady? No way! (also, I’m a shipper shhhh)
6.      Ninetales – Of course Oz would have a stupidly long lived Pokemon
Ozpin – Personal Team
1.      Celebi – Of course the one person who can be found in almost any time period ever would be chosen by the literal time travel Pokemon… Also, Green.
2.      Dragonite – Dragonite’s are kind, altruistic, and long lived.
3.      Magearna – Man-made poke that has a gear aesthetic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4.      Metagross – Made from fusing two Metang together.
5.      Aegislash – Despite Ozma being a ‘wizard’ he was also a ‘warrior’
6.      Zoroark – Uses illusions and would even sacrifice its life to protect loved ones.
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tialovestelevision · 8 years
It’s a Buffy Christmas episode! Let’s see what I find. 1. We’re now being reminded of the Evil Angel story. And Xander’s awfulness. 2. And Angel flashbacks. Fun times. 3. “Daniel! Be of good cheer! It’s Christmas!” *chomp* 4. “Vampires probably aren’t that big on Christmas, now that I think about it.” 5. And now Angel sees Daniel. 6. “Xander, enough, okay?” 7. “Tree. Nog. Roast beast.” Love the Grinch reference. 8. Cordy has the best Christmas vacation. Since she comes from a family with serious money, that’s to be expected. 9. Them bringing up Willow’s Judaism raises a salient point. Why do crosses work on vampires? Do other religious symbols? That’s something the show really ought to ask, but doesn’t seem interested in. 10. Hey! Oz came over to talk to Willow. 11. Willow, please stop interrupting Oz. Let him talk. 12. “This is what I do know. I miss you. Like, every second. It feels like I lost an arm. Or, worse, a torso. So I think I’d be willing to give it a shot.” Oz, communicating. 13. “Do you want us to hug now?” “Yeah, I’m good for that.” Communicating and respecting boundaries! They can learn! 14. “Faith and I don’t really hang out, or talk, or make eye contact lately.” You should. 15. “You’re still number one on the guilt trip, mom.” Yes. Yes, she is. That’s kinda essential to why I dislike her so. 16. Joyce doesn’t want to spend Christmas with Giles. Is it because of Anne, or because of Band Candy? 17. A bunch of Christmas trees are dead. That’s probably a bad sign. 18. Blind chanting demons. That’s new! 19. Even the cheap hotels I’ve stayed in have usually had good TVs. Faith must be at a really, really shitty motel. 20. The scene with Buffy and Faith there was kind of nice. 21. Angel is visiting Giles. And asking for help. Giles is not letting Angel in before he has his crossbow. This is understandable caution. Better would be to not invite him in at all - talking across the threshold and going out together, without an invite ever happening. 22. Angel wants to know how he got back. Good question. 23. Angel sees dead people. 24. Now he’s dreaming about his past. We’re going to meet someone else he’s murdered, then he’ll see an apparation of them. 25. And… now Buffy is having dreams instead? About Angel’s past and him eating people? Nothing makes sense! 26. Jenny is visiting Angel. 27. Jenny turned into that other guy Angel killed. 28. “I’m not seeing him any more. I’m trying to put this behind me. And I’m not going to be able to as long as we’re both doing guest spots in each other’s dreams.” 29. “We start, unsurprisingly, with research.” Giles never disappoints. 30. You can’t make Oz trust you, Willow. You can keep showing him that you can be trusted, and he can choose whether and how much to trust you. 31. Angel’s being tormented by more dead people. They’re bringing up his pitiful first life. 32. “I don’t want to hurt you, Angel, but you’ve got to understand. Cruelty is the only thing you ever had a talent for.” 33. If Buffy didn’t have Slayer regeneration she’d be lining herself up for a bad neck pain. 34. Sex flashbacks! 35. This is far more explicit than the first time we saw it. 36. And there’s another one of the no-eyed demons. 37. Huh. Did whatever the dead people are bring Angel back from Hell? 38. Ahh. That’s what I thought was going on. 39. So now Buffy has to fight the Harbringers of the First. 40. Willy likes people to feel all right, even if they threaten him. 41. Willow is dressed all sexy and stuff. 42. Ohgod. She’s playing Barry White. 43. Willow is trying to seduce Oz. She’s not very good at it. But that’s less important than him not being ready. 44. Once again, Oz is Good Communication Guy. 45. Joyce has lit a fire and turned the air conditioner on. And hey, it’s Faith! There for Christmas Eve! 46. And Angel’s in Buffy’s room. She’s terrified of him and worried for him. These are reasonable responses. 47. She’s not wearing her cross. 48. Ah. Here’s the rub. The First will settle for Angel killing himself. 49. Huh. The Harbringers are under the dead Christmas trees. Nice use of Chekhov’s Gun there. 50. Dig a hole, Buffy! Dig a hole! 51. The First couldn’t help but gloat. That’s likely to be counterproductive. 52. Since Buffy found Angel. 53. “Strong is fighting. It’s hard, and it’s painful, and it’s every day.” 54. It’s snowing. It’s the warmest Christmas ever, and it’s snowing. That’s kind of a lovely image, and it works. 55. I love Faith walking out into the snow. 56. Angel is hanging out in the morning in the snow. Overall: That was very, very good. I know the First comes back in the last season of the show, and even beyond the basic concept of the First making it a perfect final villain for the show to use, I can see why they picked it. In this episode, the First both perfectly uses the voices of the various dead people it takes the images of and establishes a distinct personality. It’s a great villain. The thematics, like so often in Buffy, don’t quite land, but they come close enough for network television, and the story is told well enough that it hardly matters. This might have been the best episode so far this season, with the exception of “Faith, Hope, and Trick,” and I’m really in a good mood after watching it. Too bad I’m about to lose that good mood...
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