#honestly the constant (gasp) x took care of y as a child??!?!?!?
toestalucia · 2 years
(twirls hair) have u considered the found family in mhyk
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hey, i was wondering if you could do a lupin x daughter!reader headcanon when he’s a pressosor in the readers 3rd year. maybe she’s friends with the golden trio and dating draco and lupin tries to attack her on the full moon when they find out ab sirius and peter pettigrew and it just progresses throughout lupin being protective if reader joins the order and maybe lupin dies saving reader in the battle of hogwarts? also please some sirius x reader moments where sirius is like a protective uncle !!
(also would you mind adding me to your taglist??)
Remus with a daughter
Best dad ever
Kindest man to you.
Absolutely adores you and makes sure you're safe
It's just the two of you though, your mother passed during childbirth
Remus blames himself but the truth was your mom just was so sick and having a child was too much
It breaks Remus' soul when he had to separate from you for the full moon so he wouldn't hurt you
It didn't help that the two parents who usually watched you while Remus was going through this were killed when you and Harry were a year old.
Sirius wanted to confront Peter but he didn't because his godchildren needed him then and there.
Sirius raised Harry alongside you and the two of you were honestly like siblings.
You called Remus "Papa" and he called you "Pup" or "Puppy"
Sirius was "Uncle Padfoot"
You two grew up in the wizarding world and stuck together
When you were finally able to go to Hogwarts it was exciting for you.
Harry met Ron and you met someone yourself
A blonde boy with silver eyes.
You barely noticed him but he certainly took notice of you.
He started teasing you in the halls when he saw you, you taking any insult he threw at you with a grain of salt
Especially once you were sorted into Gryffindor
Then came one insult about your dad
Harry had to separate you from potentially killing him.
You gradually began to dislike him more and more.
Harry began to really hate him once quidditch started too
Like strangulation was almost used
Then weird things started happening throughout Hogwarts.
Absolute bonkers shit happening around you and then
One thing led to another and Slytherin's house ended up having to stay with Gryffindor
You made tea to hold you over
Earl gray
And because you don't like being mad with people you made some for Draco
You sat at a table and put the mug next to him.
"What the hell is this?" Draco asked.
"Earl grey. To calm the nerves. Asshole." You said sharply.
He took it and was surprised that it didn't taste terrible
"... You know how to make tea?" He asked
"It's not hard... Plus my dad's an absolute addict to the stuff." You said.
Draco looked at you.
"Why did you bring me this?" He asked.
"I don't like being mad with people and I think we need to deal with whatever hatred you have formed against me." You said.
"I don't hate you." Draco muttered.
You rose a brow.
"You don't?" You asked.
"No. I don't." He said.
"... So why the hostility then?" You asked.
"You're a Gryffindor. And aren't you a half blood?" He asked.
"No my mum was a wizard too, you're striking out here" you said.
"was?" Draco asked.
You shifted. "Mum died after I was born... She was sick." You muttered.
Now Draco felt like an asshole.
He eased up on his constant insults but if any one else teased you he'd hex them later
Your relationship with him now was very strange
Like he was a jerk but not as big of a jerk.
Then came the end of the year.
You walked up to him and gave him your address, telling him to write to him if he felt like it
He didn't.
At first.
Then one day he found himself pacing his room debating an opening line.
Then one day when you were getting the mail from your owl you found a fancy letter.
It looked so official and it was addressed to you.
Then you saw the "M" on the side of the envelope and blinked.
Draco actually wrote to you.
You walked back into the house, this perplexed look on your face.
"Something wrong Pup?" Remus asked.
"Hmm? No... No just... Something weird is all." You muttered.
"Who's that from?" Harry asked.
"Draco." You said earning a look from him.
So you read it when you were alone and you were shocked
Like he could write
Even though this was a simple "hi how are you?" It was still so well written you felt strangely connected
You began to understand the whole romanticized idea behind letters
You and him started writing back and forth and you actually found yourself liking him.
Like. Like liking him.
Remus could tell.
You had this smile on your face every time you got a letter
Then came a very strange letter
You opened it at the breakfast table and it was a warning
"Something strange is going to happen at Hogwarts, warn Harry."
You looked up and frowned.
"Harry." You said.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Draco sent something weird... He said something's going on at Hogwarts and to warn you." You said.
"He cares what happens to me?" Harry asked.
"apparently. And he seems pretty serious about this." You said making Remus and Sirius exchange a look.
The two of you went back to school with caution
Draco was always with you, acting strangely paranoid.
Then the chamber of secrets opened
And Draco wrote to Remus himself, practically begging him "TAKE. HER. HOME."
Remus almost did but he couldn't just disrupt your life because he was anxious.
Draco never left your side, he kept close to you and the trio was noticing it
When they asked him "why are you suddenly being nice to us" he gave an answer that made you fall harder.
"Honestly, Y/n has become my best friend and I don't want to lose her by pissing her off"
So the group just kind of accepted him
Oh he'd still make comments
And Harry still bickered with him
But it was like Draco was like a brother to the group
Yeah he'd talk shit
But he obviously cared.
Things were happening around campus making Draco very paranoid that something was going to happen to you
You kept assuring him that you were being careful but he still NEVER left you or Hermione’s side
Well until the night something actually happened
You and Hermione were adamant about researching whatever was causing all of this
You spent a late night in the library with her when you arrived at an answer. 
“Basilisk!” You both gasped in unison before you heard something fall behind you. 
You had a gut feeling that it was the basilisk
“Run, I’ll stall as long as I can.” You told her
“What-- Y/n I’m not--” “Hermione, someone has to tell a teacher, that someone is you now GO!” You yelled before she nodded. 
She handed you a mirror and bolted as you got up, walking and being sure to make a lot of noise to deter the snake. 
And then you saw those eyes and everything went black
You were found a few minutes later, Hermione getting the news to Mcgonagall 
Draco was pissed.
Because he knew exactly who was behind this.
And they had a deal actually. 
A deal that was “as long as none of my friends get involved, do what you please” with Lucius
Well Lucius did not account for Draco actually liking the golden trio and you.
He couldn’t voice the problem but when Lucius came with the ministry to handle the Basilisk, the trio noticed a strange tension
Students were temporarily sent home while the problem was being handled. 
Well the ones that weren’t petrified. 
Sirius picked up Harry but Remus stayed with you in the wing
When students finally were able to return you were finally okay. 
Draco walked into the Great Hall and saw you, practically tackling you to the floor. 
The summer was odd, Draco actually spending it with (wait for it) the Weasley’s 
Harry and you both spent the first three weeks of summer with them, befriending the two legendary pranksters in the process
whilst also getting closer to Draco
Things definitely changed between the two of you
in a good way but something changed
It was the night before you were going back home and you couldn’t sleep.
You walked downstairs and sat in the doorway, looking at the stars
Draco had the same idea, sitting next to you with a blanket. 
“Couldn’t sleep?” you asked. 
“Nope.” He muttered. 
You seemed fixated on the moon.
Very fixated on it.
It was full and it seemed to almost... Make you sad?
“I wonder what dad is doing.” You muttered. 
“Well it’s like two in the morning so my guess is sleep.” Draco joked.
You tensed up and he noticed. 
“What?” Draco asked.
But then it’s like he got it on his own, figuring out what you weren’t saying.
“...Remus is a werewolf?” He asked.
You looked over shocked 
“How did--” “I just figured it out.” He said. 
You sighed turning back to the sky. 
“No one can know.” You said.
“No one will know Y/n, you have my word.” Draco said softly.
You looked at him and he moved his arm as if to say “Join me under this blanket” and you scooched closer
When your dad came to pick you up that morning he found you asleep against Draco in the doorway
He kneeled and tapped your cheek.
You yawned, realizing that it was Remus and hugged him 
Harry was staying, it was just you leaving 
Draco wrote to you as much as possible
Something changed though, the morning Remus dropped you off at the station
Remus got on the train with you
You blinked.
“Dad... I know we’re close but this is the first day of kindergarten all over again.” You said
“...Pup I’m a professor this year.” He snorted. 
Harry, who just got on the train with the Weasleys paused. 
“You’re totally riding with us.” You said excitedly
So there you were in cart with your dad, Harry, Draco, waiting for Hermione and Ron who were chasing Hermione’s cat
Draco kept giving you this cute little smile. 
You two never said anything to each other but you still exchanged this smile. 
Remus of course noticed this but said nothing 
Ron and Hermione finally showed up 
“Crookshanks did not--” “YES IT DID!” 
You all looked over 
“What’s going on?” You asked
“Ron’s rat ran off!” Hermione said
“More like your cat ate him!” Ron fired back.
“What does your pet look like so we can find him?” Remus asked
“He’s a brown rat.” “He took off the second we got close to the cart.” Hermione explained.
That raised an alarm in Remus’s brain. 
“...Ron how old is your rat?” Remus asked.
“Oh he’s old. Like twelve years old.” Ron said. 
Remus stood up and drew his wand
“Dad?” You asked. 
“Lock this door the second I leave. If you find the rat one of you come and find me.” 
You guys didn’t find the rat, however there was this strange new tension on campus.
There were a few aurors walking around, one of which was walking you and Harry to classes
That auror was (wait for this one) Sirius 
People of course were speculating that 
A: your father was a professor 
and B: The Sirius Black was escorting you out of all people around the school
See, the weird thing was that four different people were walking Harry to class.
Neither you or Harry were fully alone. 
But that wasn’t the only weird thing going on.
You and Mcgonagall seemed to be discussing something at every free moment
Two weeks into school you seemed to be taking some sort of advanced skill
Don’t get me started on the group noticing you chewing something for a solid month 
Ministry members were also talking to you
not even Harry knew what was going on
Then came the trip to Hogsmeade
You all went and for the most part it was fun
 until Harry got the bright idea to eavesdrop on a conversation
He found out everything.
Peter, the betrayal, why staff was acting odd. 
all of it. 
He didn’t say anything either, he walked out of the three broomsticks, walked over to the shrieking shack and threw up
You listened to him sob and that night was hard
Draco sat at the foot of your bed while you sighed. 
“He’s going to be okay Y/n, he has us.” He reminded. 
“I know... But still... Jesus... I can’t imagine what must be going through his head” You breathed. 
Draco put a soothing hand on your leg and you smiled 
“I’m always here Y/n... Always.” he said softly 
You both exchanged this look.
Something in you just leaned forward and he kissed you.
then you heard a small pattering noise... like rat feet
You both split apart and you grabbed your wands
“MCGONAGALL!” you yelled.
She ran in and noticed the alarm on both Draco’s face and then heard the noise.
She found the rat but it was the wrong rat.
“Maybe it is best that you sleep out in the common room like mister potter. Draco you should go back to your--” “While that killer is roaming campus, I am not leaving my best friend alone.” He said. 
Mcgonagall sighed, but understood his worry before it registered that he knew.
“You know about Pettigrew?” she asked. 
“My father doesn’t keep me completely out of the loop professor.” Draco answered
She sighed. 
but she agreed to let him stay as long as he wasn’t completely alone with you.
You two didn’t bring up the kiss at all. 
But things certainly got weirder between you two.
Both of you would get extremely flustered if you even looked in the same direction
then came the night you snuck out.
it was a full moon and you were staying in Hermione’s room due to the fact that the guys snored so fucking loud.
You snuck out, tip toeing past the sleeping boys and meeting Sirius outside of the common room.
“Are you sure you want to help?” Sirius asked quietly.
“I’m sure.” You nodded before both of you took off. 
What you didn’t realize was that Hermione followed you.
Along with the guys.
You slid down the whomping willow, walking into a room with Sirius where he gave you a talk of “be careful, avoid being in direct line of his vision and stay safe.” 
The group was hearing all of this, along with the pained groans of someone. 
“He’s turning.” Sirius noticed. 
“Did he drink his potion?” you asked. 
Sirius noticed the potion’s contents on the floor. 
“Shit.” You both said in unison before hearing the snarling
“Y/n, change, now!” Sirius said before taking on his dog form.
You took on an Animagus form.  
It was a hawk, a loud screech emerging from you as you took flight
The group watched you and Sirius basically herd Remus into a room from a door crack.
“She’s an animagus?” Ron whispered. 
“From the looks of it, yeah.” Harry muttered. 
“Remus is a werewolf?” Ron asked
“No shit sherlock.” Draco muttered. 
Then Remus had an outburst, a rat scurrying by his feet.
Sirius immediately took his human form and sprinted after it, leaving you alone with your father. 
The rat stopped at Hermione’s feet that was blocking the way out.
The group was caught. 
“What in the blazes are you doing here!?” he asked. 
Remus lunged at you, you dodging the attack
He snarled and you tried to stand your ground
“I--” Harry picked up the rat and frowned.
Remus slammed you against the wall before you took your human form
“dad, it’s me--”
Sirius used the reversal spell and sure enough it was Peter.
“You son of a--” 
Then everyone heard a scream.
Your scream.
Sirius dropped everything, sprinted back in the room before seeing you with a bite mark on your shoulder
So the group now was not only holding a wand to a fugitive, they also had a potentially dying girl with them
Draco was sprinting as fast as humanly possible with you in his arms
The rest of the group was trying to get Pettigrew to the ministry 
Sirius was trying to keep your dad from going ballistic
Two hours later you were in a bed passed out with Draco pacing
Pettigrew fucking escaped and the ministry was high tailing it after him
You, thank god, weren’t a werewolf but you were unconscious
no one could pry Draco away from you.
You unconscious for about five days
Remus was a wreck
When you woke up Draco and Remus were both asleep at the foot of the bed
You shifted and Draco’s head shot up.
“Professor she’s awake” Draco said 
Remus looked at you with tears almost bombarding his face.
“Y/n, I’m so sorr--” “Dad it’s okay. I knew what I was getting into, I almost expected it.” you stated.
Remus was still very hesitant to even look at you
Summer was spent at the Weasleys, Draco again being present for it.
neither of you still talked about the kiss and it was driving both of you crazy
You both were 10x more jumpier around each other
Draco was so scared he was losing you as a friend 
So Fred gave him some advice because he knew you liked him.
“dude. Just hit on her. Let her know you’re still interested-- fucking show that you care!” Fred said. 
“But what if it fails--” “It won’t!” 
So Draco started being smooth as hell
You were reaching for a glass and he stood so close to you and grabbed it for you
You almost dropped the glass the second it was in your grasp
You’d be so focused on something, look over and see Draco staring and literally fuck it up within seconds. 
He lends you his jacket, all the time
You love it but are too chicken to admit that you do though
And then came the tournament
Draco left about three days before the tournament
He left you his jacket though
but you all ended up going 
As you were walking to the portkey Cedric seemed to have his sights set on you
Fred and George had to literally stand between you because they did NOT want Cedric making moves 
Course, all the boy was interested in was friendship though and you knew that because you knew he liked Cho
You thought that Draco wasn’t going to be there but you were pleasantly surprised.
Well, until you saw his father
and you realized what jacket you were wearing in front of him
You were a fumbling mess, stuttering over your words
However Lucius is a civil man and assured you it was fine (while also giving a look to Draco)
Let’s just say Lucius wasn’t exactly thrilled with his son’s choice
You were practically shaking when you were in your seat and eventually just sat near concessions.
Cedric found you and calmed you down, you thanking him
For the most part you enjoyed the game after you calmed down
You had to listen to Ron’s big speech on Krum afterwards though and you were rolling your eyes
Draco met you guys back in the tent
“Y/n, are you alright? I noticed you looked really pale when you left.” He asked
“Your father is terrifying.” You said before hearing what you thought was a scream of celebration
You took a long sip of water before Arthur ran in. 
“Everyone, grab your things, we need to leave.” He said
“What’s going on?” You asked 
The sense of alarm on Arthur’s face made everyone worried. 
Draco immediately pulled you close to him, neither of you letting go when you got to safety.
“Are you alright?” Cedric asked.
Draco immediately seemed jealous
“I’m okay Ced, don’t worry. I’m more worried for Harry.” You muttered looking over at the boy.
“Wait... Draco, where’s your dad?” Hermione asked.
He frowned, looking around the camp grounds to see no trace of his father. 
“....Don’t tell me he’s--” “I don’t know. He stopped keeping me in the loop after our second year.” He muttered.
“....Why?” You asked. 
Draco seemed so tense because of that one little question.
“I think he had something to do with the chamber of secrets.” Draco said
“What?” The group asked in unison.
“he carried around this black journal, I don’t know if you remember that girl from Slytherin, Pansy? We’re friends with her family and I think he snuck it into her luggage or something. Either way when the ministry found her she was unconscious and the journal was on the ground next to her.” Draco explained
Everyone was shocked. 
“Your father almost killed a student!?” Ron whisper shouted
“I didn’t know, it wasn’t until last year that I started piecing shit together man!” Draco whispered
“Are you insane-- you have to be” “Ron calm down” Hermione whispered
“He almost got someone killed!” Ron said
“Draco is not his father!” You snapped. 
Everyone was surprised by your reaction, especially Draco
You sighed and looked away, looking at the scene in front of you 
That’s when a flash of green light practically blinded you and there it was
the dark mark
Draco grabbed your hand, staring at it with a frown. 
“Do you think he’s--” “I don’t know.” Draco whispered
You all went back to the Burrow, Molly mortified that her adoptive sons  (and daughter) went through that
Remus was also there, for the first time in months he hugged you. 
“I thought the worst.” He muttered.
“I’m okay papa.” You whispered.
You all were cautious when you went back to school
Cedric was happy you were okay, Cho was too
Cedric was also talking to you more, mainly because you had crossed paths multiple times at campus.
Believe or not, you were actually really good friends.
Draco still was having no luck in asking you out
Fred and George witnessed him nearly lose his mind during the first few hours of school because you touched his hand
He went from smooth to a nervous wreck.
Then the introduction dinner started
And everything was odd.
You watched the Beauxbatons dance with ease
You watched Durmstrang march forward
You listened to Ron’s squeal when he saw Viktor Krum
And then a Durmstrang boy seemed to immediately take a liking to you
Which made Draco want to stab him
You seemed completely oblivious to the guy’s flirting though
You all found out about the goblet of fire
Draco actually was considering joining the competition but you seemed to have a negative reaction to it.
Then they announced the age restriction on it and everyone but you seemed to hate the idea of that.
Then Harry ended up getting roped into it and you were arguing 24/7 with the ministry workers on why he was involved 
Then mad eye moody assured you that he’d be fine. 
Mad eye moody freaked you out.
Seriously, he seemed awfully fixated on you and Harry
Draco hated seeing you with that Durmstrang boy.
He was always there, smiling at you, laughing at something you said.
Draco was over all in a sour mood when he was around
You didn’t mind Nikolai but you needed a break so you found yourself sitting at the lake
A blonde French girl sat next to you
It was Fleur
she didn’t always like being in the center of attention and needed a break
So the two of you became close friends
She taught you French, you taught her English
You and her became very close, Draco taking notice of your friend
not in a romantic way. Actually, she noticed his interest was not with her
No, she knew he was in love with you just by the way he looked at you
“So how long have you and Draco been... seeing each other?” Fleur asked.
“Oh we aren’t... Dating.” You muttered, throwing a pebble into the water
“Really? He looks at you as if he was in love, I just figured--” “He doesn’t--... Does he?” You asked.
“Oh my goodness does he, he seems completely head over heels.” She said.
So then you started thinking about this more and more. 
something was clearly bugging you and Draco could tell
It was that damn dance class
Draco and you were paired up and you seemed so distracted.
“Y/n?” Draco asked.
“Hmm? Oh sorry.” You muttered.
“Are you alright?” He asked, the glint of concern in his eyes
“Yeah, I’m fine...” you said
You two were dancing great actually, smiling and laughing before you noticed it
the loving look that Fleur was talking about
“Draco I need you to be 100% honest with me.” you began
he nodded
“Do you love me?” you asked. 
Draco froze as did Fred and George who were listening. 
Draco swallowed hard. 
“I-I” He stuttered. 
“Draco?” You asked.
“...Yes.” he answered
You didn’t hesitate in kissing him
You simply yanked his tie, pulling him to you and you just...
kissed him
He kind of locked in place for a minute and Fred groaned. 
“KISS HER YOU GIT!” George said.
finally his shock subsided and he put his arms around your waist. 
he kissed you back and boom
you two were dating
You both were so in love and it was nice for the friend group to see you so happy. 
You two were inseparable and of course Fred and George took full credit
The second challenge came along
You were all sitting on the docks when you noticed missing people that didn’t make sense
Cho wasn’t present for her own boyfriend
Ron wasn’t there either
and neither was Gabrielle.
You frowned, walking over to her 
“Fleur, where’s Gabi?” You asked. 
“She’s not with the girls?” She asked. 
You shook your head and she frowned.
“Fleur, what was this challenge?” You asked. 
“...retrieving... something...” she said before both of you realized what was going on.
“Y/n?” Draco asked. 
Fleur’s pale face combined with your shocked expression concerned him
“Love what’s wrong?” He asked. 
“They’re down there.” you whispered. 
Draco frowned. 
“....Are you sure?” he asked.
“Hermione would never miss this.” you muttered.
The contestants had to line up and you frowned, watching them all jump in
You noticed Neville give Harry Gillyweed 
You sat and waited, seeing Krum come up first with Hermione.
You ran over, seeing her cough .
“Are you alright?” you asked. 
“I’m fine, have you seen Ronald?” she asked. 
“He wasn’t down there?” you asked. 
“I...Don’t know, I couldn’t see.” She said.
Cedric came up with Cho and you looked over. 
Finally, Harry came up with Ron
You were relieved when they showed up
But anxiety filled you back up when Fleur came back empty handed.
“The mermaids, I-I couldn’t get her back--” 
You looked over 
“Neville, hand me the rest of the Gillyweed.” you said 
He handed it to you and you took off your shirt. 
“Y/n, what the hell are you doing!?” Draco asked. 
“Saving my friend..” you said before jumping into the water
Draco nearly went in after you but Moody stopped him.
“If she’s in danger, we’ll know.” He said
Soon, you popped out of the water with Gabrielle and Fleur sprinted over.
You were cold, naturally
Draco was just happy to have you back, wrapping you in a towel.
the ministry was pissed with your involvement now, but because you were a Hogwarts student points were given to Cedric and Harry.
Durmstrang insisted that that was bullshit and that points should've been docked but uh...
Dumbledore rlly said "No fucks given"
So that good old Yule ball.
You didn't really plan on going but Ginny AND Hermione insisted.
As far as Draco knew, he was aware it wasn't your scene but didn't get the memo that his friends were dragging his girlfriend to the dance.
His plan was to show up for looks, raid the cookies, leave, sneak to you and just spend time with you.
So imagine that boy's shock watching you walk Hermione down the stairs looking beautiful.
He just was there really to make his parents happy by keeping up appearances, but now that you were there it was a reason to stay.
You and him couldn't take your eyes off each other.
You did dip out pretty quick once things got loud but you also raided the snacks, sitting on the steps.
You laughed at some silly little joke he told you.
He smiled, brushing the hair out of your eyes
"Draco..." You said.
"Hmm?" He hummed.
"do you ever consider a future... With me?" you asked.
He smiled, kissing your knuckles.
"All the time my love." He replied.
"Like what?" you asked.
"Well I know that I want us to live in a nice house... And I'd like a dog." he said.
You laughed, making him raise a brow
"My uncle is a dog, my father is pretty damn close to one, aren't you aggravated with all the canines?" you asked, making him smile.
"I've always found basset hounds to be adorable, sue me." He said.
You laughed harder.
"What is with you?" he asked.
"It's hard to imagine you with a dog like-like a basset hound! A great Dane, maybe but a small little basset hound is amusing!" You said.
He shook his head with a smile.
"One day I hope that we grow old together... Maybe have children if it doesn't make you uncomfortable... Our son's name would be Charles... Our daughter would be named Violet." He finally said.
You blinked, feeling this beautifully intense emotion of love.
"Draco I love you." You said.
He smiled, kissing you. "I love you too."
And you almost kissed again until you heard shouting from Ron and then Hermione.
"I have to handle these morons, I'm sorry." You told him.
"Go. I'll see if I can talk sense into Ron." He nodded.
So the night ended with you comforting Hermione and Draco bitching at Ron for not seeing what was SO CLEARLY IN FRONT OF HIM.
The final trial began, Ron of course having tension with Hermione
You had this bad feeling.
Draco could tell too.
"What's wrong?" Draco asked.
"I just... It feels off. Something about this. It feels off." You said.
And then it began.
As players returned back to the start you started asking questions.
And then Fleur said something.
"When I turned a corner, I swear I could hear a rat!"
Your heart dropped and you BOLTED to the ministry workers, BEGGING them to pull the rest of the students out.
Their exact words were "We can't just do that based on a 'paranoid whim'."
And then it happened.
Harry and Cedric came back.
Only one of them wasn't alive.
You sprinted down to them, pulling Cedric's chest to your ear, praying you heard something.
The silence in his chest was so loud.
You let out this pained cry that alerted the crowd something was wrong.
You and Harry were both dragged back to Moody's office
You had this feeling again.
Uneasy, like something was wrong.
As Moody talked, you kept noticing the weird tongue thing he was doing.
As he revealed more and more... It made sense.
"You put Harry's name in the Goblet of fire!" You realized, Harry looking over shocked at your accusation.
He was searching frantically for something.
You didn't even dare to reach for your wand.
You knew he'd kill you in a instant
"For a girl so caught up in a ridiculous romance, you catch on quick, Lupin." He said.
"Harry won because I made it so. He ended up in that graveyard because it was meant to be so and now the deed is done." He told you, leaning close to your face.
He walked to the cabinet looking at you and Harry.
"Imagine the reward I'd get for finally silencing the great Potter. The girl... Well the girl would just be a plus." He chuckled, whipping out his wand.
"EXPELLIAMUS!" was shouted.
You and Harry backed to the wall, hearts pounding.
"Are you alright?" you asked him.
He nodded "You?" He asked.
"Yeah." You breathed.
Dumbledore, Mcgonagall and Snape all joined you, Snape pouring something in Moody's mouth.
The truth was revealed.
Moody was actually not Moody, in fact, he was Barty Crouch Jr.
And the real Moody was what was in the mysterious chest he kept in the office.
Once you and Harry were released, you both went to the common room where the group was waiting.
You hugged Draco.
You explained everything, deeply unsettling the group.
"do you know what this means?" Ron asked.
You watched the fire in the fireplace with a blank stare
The banners of Cedric went up.
Harry felt too much guilt keeping the prize money.
So he gave it to Fred and George for their business.
You seemed very depressed over the summer
You hardly left your room.
Then something happened.
Draco showed up at your house in the middle of the night.
"What in Merlin's beard are you doing here, it's four in the morning?" Remus asked.
"I need a place to stay sir." He said.
a family meeting was called.
Naturally everyone was half awake until Draco explained what was going on.
Not only did Draco confirm your suspicions of his father being a death eater. He was allowing Voldemort to stay with them.
Draco saw him enter, apparently said he was going for a walk and then just... Took off.
Remus, while reluctant to let his daughter's boyfriend to stay in the same house as them, allowed it.
You all told the Weasleys of course
Once the school year began, Sirius made a attempt to alert the ministry of "hi, guess what, the guy we all feared would come back is in fact back... And staying at the Malfoy manor"
This was waved off.
Remus tried.
waved off.
waved off.
Once you got to school, something odd was going on.
there was a ministry worker there
As a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher
and everyone was claiming that Cedric's death was a accident.
This. Made. You. Livid.
You and Harry were both pissed that actual magic was no longer being practiced
"Don't you think we should actually PRACTICE the magic, especially now that 'You know who' is back?" you asked.
"He. Is. not. back."
You glared.
"You're fucking joking right?" You asked.
By this point you were UNBELIEVABLY fed up with everything.
Weeks of refusing to acknowledge the death of Cedric or the many warnings of a war brewing made you no longer care.
"You are saying this in a class room with two children who has been attacked multiple times by his followers-" "Miss Lupin, be quiet please." "one of which SHOULD'VE died, his parents, DID die." Miss Lupin, sit. Down." "Another student's parents were tortured to a point where they can't even speak and he's aware of what's really going on!" "Miss Lupin I will not be spoken to like this-" "You might be terrified of even acknowledging what is happening, but it won't stop the fact that it is." " Miss Lupin-" "How in the hell do you think Cedric ended up dead!?" "WHAT HAPPENED TO CEDRIC WAS AN ACCIDENT!" "BULLSHIT!"
You of course got detention.
And that's when you discovered how truly crazy this woman was.
When you came back, you immediately told Mcgonagall what she did.
She did what protocol suggested.
She asked the ministry to remove her.
and basically got a "no❤️"
Dumbledore was AWOL and it was clear that this was going to be a LONG year.
Rules kept being added, lessons were being ignored
So you and Harry started the next "Dumbledore's army."
You used this 'room of requirement' a student showed you.
She was sweet actually
kind of on the hippy side but you liked her.
Draco and you both felt so tired of this woman.
Draco knew that if he just asked his parents they might do something.
But probably at a high cost.
You told him not to do anything.
"Why? Y/n, you've been injured by this woman. Harry's been injured. We've contacted everyone we know in the ministry, nothing's been DONE!" he asked.
"I have full confidence in Dumbledore." You said simply.
He didn't get that one at all but when along with it anyway.
FINALLY it reached a new point.
You were pissed, Cho revealed where the Room of Requirement was.
So you finally wrote to your dad.
"Dad. I might not finish school. Sincerely, your loving daughter."
Fred and George noticed your anger and decided to help you direct it somewhere.
They showed you a plan.
You agreed and explained it to Draco.
He was sad you wouldn't be graduating with him.
But he handed you a matchbox, kissed your head and told you to go to town.
and so you did
You set off fireworks with them and Draco smiled.
Once the three of you finished the handiwork you watched it all explode together.
"Regret any of this?" Fred asked.
You smiled at the boy.
"Never Freddie."
And so you left Hogwarts, the three of you opening up the shop.
Remus wasn't too happy with your... Unethical way of handling Umbridge.
But he was proud.
Then came a day when Bill came into the shop saying he met someone.
He would mention little things about this charming blonde girl he met
apparently English wasn't her first language so she spoke with an accent.
When you asked the name you nearly died
it was Fleur!
Your dad came in the shop one day asking all of you to close early and that it was an emergency.
you all went with him, you going to a house you had only stayed in once in your life, shortly after James and Lily died.
It was Sirius' parents' house.
The real moody was there, as were all of the Weasleys and Draco.
then there was this girl with pink hair.
You'd notice the look your dad would give her, making you realize he liked her.
You all joined the Order that night and would report back to them pretty regularly.
Then came a meeting where Draco came back.
He and Remus had been discussing something.
And Draco agreed to something
You were working in the shop one day
Draco came in and he said he had to speak with you
You sat there and listened to him
"The Order thinks we need a spy." He said
"What is Moody cooking up over there?" you asked.
"The only one with an opening is me Y/n." He said
You froze.
"No. No, tell me you didn't-"
"as far as my family knows, me and you have broken up-"
"Draco that is too dangerous, why the fuck would you ever agree to do something like this?" You asked.
"Because I want a future with you Y/n... And this is a war we have to fight." He said.
You accepted the situation but hated all of this.
And then Harry had a vision.
Something was wrong, Arthur was in danger
So you all went to the Ministry
Turns out he was right.
You ended up saving Arthur's life.
Then there was another vision
Sirius was in danger.
So you all went.
This was one of the worst decisions to make
You all went, finding out why Death eaters were there
A prophecy
you guys beat them to the punch however...
Which led to death eaters running after all of you
You all ended up in a battle, your dad, Tonks and Sirius coming to you all.
You fought as strong as you could, actually packing a real punch
and then it happened.
You all thought you were in the clear
Sirius stumbled back.
Your eyes widened as you bolted away from Ginny and Remus held Harry as he screamed
Then Voldemort came
you felt true terror
Dumbledore resurfaced
The Death Eaters took off
You all grieved the loss of Sirius.
You were right there... You should've done... Something.
Draco finally managed to sneak off and tell you that something WORSE was brewing
An attack on Dumbledore
So you all warned him
He didn't have much of a reaction to finding this out, which didn't completely shock you, the man was one of the most powerful wizards , he had a lot of enemies
To Voldemort, that was what was standing in his way.
You all started training more, though you still felt this depression due to the inability to see Draco or the inability to be at Hogwarts. \
However your father's new girlfriend always seemed to check on you.
You loved her, she had this sense of humor you just seemed to vibe with
Your dad referred to you two as his girls
finally one day Remus came by the shop.
He was rambling a lot about something changing and fiddling with something in his pocket
"Dad." you sighed
"And if you have any problems with Nymphadora-"
"I really want to hear them because your opinion matters-"
"You're proposing to her, aren't you?" You asked.
He paused but nodded.
"I'm so happy for you two dad." You said, sincerely.
He smiled and hugged you "Thank you pup"
So the two got married, you and Harry being the witnesses to it
Not long after the wedding though, Tonks kept getting sick
Remus was TERRIFIED he did something
You however noticed a series of patterns
Foods that Tonks used to love she now hated, she craved some off putting things and then it hit you
You pulled her into another room
"You're pregnant." You told her
"No, no I can't be- Oh my god I'm pregnant."
"you're WHAT!?" Remus asked, walking in at precisely the wrong time
"Uh.." "Sur...prise?" you said confused.
Your dad handled it real weird.
He was panicked at first
then he sat down with a calculator and was pricing things just saying "Oh god."
then he finally said he was happy
You started getting this feeling though
this feeling of being watched
Draco was visiting less and less and you figured maybe that's why you felt weird.
Then something happened.
Harry and Draco came back to the Order one day, both looking sick to their stomachs
"Love... Are you alright?" You asked Draco
He was shaking, Harry just looked shocked
Remus came in, looking at the boys.
"So it is true." He muttered.
"What's going on?" You asked.
"....Dumbledore he's.... He's dead."
This felt like such a shock.
One of the most powerful people... Gone
Just like that.
"Who killed him?" You asked
Your heart dropped.
the whole wizarding world now grieved
You all felt so.. Weird.
Then... You got a letter
Fleur asked an odd question
"Will you be my bridesmaid"
You happened to be drinking coffee and reading this next to the boys
"BILL PROPOSED!?" you asked
Fred and George both looked up
So that's how you all found out.
Then your lil bro was born!
Then there was a slight... Problem
Harry was going to be attacked
So seven people devised a plan, drinking polyjuice potion to avoid having harry killed
Fred, George, Fleur, Bill, Ron and Hermione all drank the potion
You stayed with Molly and Ginny
When your father came back he was pissed.
Someone in the Order betrayed them.
And then came George
Who was now missing an ear
Oh no
You all helped nurse him back to health
then when he was lucid he said the iconic lines of
"I'm holey"
You and Fred rolled your eyes but were glad he was safe
Then... The next days came
The prime minister of the wizarding world showed up
He had things of Dumbledore to give to all of you
and he gave you all a quest
to destroy some horcruxes
You all went to a wedding
Fleur and Bill! WOOHOO!
Draco of course went
He loved seeing you again
"I've missed you." You whispered to him at a table.
"I've missed you too." He said.
He smiled, watching the happy couple dance.
"...Do you think we'll have something like that?" You asked
"Well for one we're not getting married in a tent." he said making you laugh
then all hell just seemed to break lose
The wedding turned into Harry, you and Hermione all going on the run
Hermione of course came prepared
You all went to some random shop and devised a plan
You all got attacked (they failed)
You all went back to Grimmauld Place, figuring clues had to be there
you ended up sleeping there, finding Sirius's room.
You found his old things... His leather jacket being right on a chair
"Take it." Harry told you.
"But Harry you-" "You always loved that thing growing up... I'll take his lighter." He told you
Then you had a thought
"Wait, what were the initials in the book?" You asked
then it clicked with both of you
Sirius didn't mention his home life to you guys, but he did talk about his little brother
Regulus Arcturus Black
You found this little locket in his room
And then you met that creepy ass house elf
Then you had to go to the ministry
Oh god.
You all snuck in
and there was Umbridge.
You stood there in a court room
and you learned that that feeling of being watched was more than valid.
You, your families... They were all being watched by the bitch in pink.
before they started to figure out what was going on and saving a woman in the process
Then others started chasing you and next thing your ass knew, you were in the woods
You all made a attempt to destroy the locket
it failed.
you all had to walk
for days
then Ron got jealous
Then he took off on his own
You all had to keep going
Hermione was noticeably more sad
"how do you do it Y/n?" she asked
"Do what?" you asked
"fight so hard without him next to you." She asked
You sighed
"I have to keep going Hermione. If we want any shot at a future... We need to keep going." You said
"...Right." She nodded
"Plus, I found that binge drinking helps." You added making her snort
After days of traveling you found clues that led you all to a grave yard in a place that felt vaguely familiar.
You found a grave with a symbol on it
But that's not what made this familiar
You looked up and saw him at a grave
you and Hermione walked over to see James and Lily's headstone.
You conjured a lily to place while Hermione put a wreathe on it
You all ended up in a house with an old woman.
Well an old woman that ended up being a snake
A literal snake
So you bolted.
Then you ended up on the road
While you were asleep, Harry managed to find the sword of Gryffindor
...And RON!
So you broke the horcrux
you all made up but now you needed to figure out what to do next
After more traveling you ended up with Luna's dad
Mans was cryptic
and then you were all attacked
you all took off in the woods, magic was in fact used to hurt harry but only enough to conceal his identity
you ended up in the malfoy manor.
Draco's face dropped once you were put in front of him
"Y'know.. I bet the girl will have answers." Bellatrix suggested.
"Which one? There's two." Lucius said, staring at you
"...Lover girl here, who's been makin' eyes at your boy." she said.
His heart pounded in his ears as you were handed over to Bellatrix.
Harry shot a look to Draco and he had to bite his tongue
"So... pretty pretty girl" She began
you swallowed hard, looking at Draco.
"What did you take. Hmm? From the vault?" She asked
You shook your head.
"I wasn't with them-" "LIAR!" She yelled making you jump.
"Last chance. What did you take-" "I don't know--" she pinned you to the floor, winding you.
and then she started the torture.
You let out bloocurdling screams, begging for her to stop Draco having to look away, he was on the verge of tears
Then the group managed to escape.
As the group prepared to fight and you were shaking from...everthing, you all heard this metal squeak
You looked up to see
Draco looked at him, then you, then as the chandelier fell, he grabbed you, ran to Harry and you all apparated out of there
You all were safe
...Until Dobby stumbled forward.
And then Draco caught him
"D-Dobby is sorry Master Draco.." He muttered
Draco let tears fall
"You will die, a free elf Dobby." He told him.
"Dobby... Is..Free" were the last words of Dobby
You and Harry buried him, you feeling this intense guilt
"This isn't going to be the last person we bury, will it?" you asked.
"...No." Harry muttered.
Hermione went through her bag, pulling out your jacket.
You put it on, holding your wrist in pain
"What did she write?" Ron asked.
"...Blood Traitor." you muttered.
Draco pulled you to him, kissing your head
"I should've reacted-" "You could have died." you said.
he hugged you tightly, you sobbing into his chest
You were so tired.
and this wasn't even halfway done.
Well after a few days of rest they all asked what Bellatrix wanted to know
You told them it was something about a vault
The group decided to investigate said vault.
You told them you weren't joining them
Neither was Draco.
Instead you stayed with Bill and Fleur, away from everything
Fleur noticed you being so... Out of it
She sat next to you in a chair
"What's on your mind?" She asked
"Was that how they felt?" You muttered.
"What?" Bill asked, looking up from a book as Draco washed dished
"Neville's parents. Was... What I went through... That terror... Was that how they felt?" You asked.
Draco stopped what he was doing and hugged you.
Draco never stopped feeling that guilt
You and Draco took a break after the events at the manor from the Order.
Your time however came when the battle started.
Everyone showed up, first years were evacuated,
Shit was going to hit the fan.
So you all buckled up
You wore Sirius's jacket, standing next to your dad and Draco
you held Draco's hand, watching McGonagall's force field slowly break.
"THEY'RE COMING!" Ginny shouted, sprinting down the bridge with her group.
You all fought, screams around you as you sprinted down halls to find Fred and George
"Fred!" You called.
"BEHIND YOU!" He yelled, Draco blasting a rock away from you.
"Fucking trolls!" Draco coughed.
Fred and George never left your side after that.
You looked around the battlefield and frowned.
"Where's dad?" You asked
Draco looked to the twins.
You all took off again, before seeing your dad and Tonks
relief washed over you seeing him
and then
A spell was fired behind him, the entire area collapsing
Draco took your hand, sprinting away as you watched the area collapse where your father was.
When you were safe, you fell to the ground.
"We- we have to go back" You whimpered
"We can't Y/n..." Fred said.
"We-we have to--" You sobbed into George's chest, him holding you
they were gone...
Your dad
Draco looked around, hearing students yell
"We're not safe here darling, we have to go" He said
you nodded, but were still crying
Fred and George met back up with you in the infirmary, before seeing something gut wrenching
Percy was dead.
The whole family grieved, Ron sobbing into Hermione's shoulder, Ginny hugging you
Fred and George felt like the worst people on earth especially after Arthur mentioned something
Percy, stuck up, hard ass Percy's last words
was a joke.
You and Draco stayed near the infirmary, guarding the son of a bitch with your lives
you saw Hermione and Ron, both with Harry.
You ran over, looking at them
"How many more are there?" You asked.
"One. I don't even know what it is." Ron huffed.
Harry said nothing, hugging you tightly.
"You and I may not be related by blood. But we are family." He mumbled in your ear
You originally assumed his sincerity came from the fact you were surrounded by war
And then it hit you
Harry could read Voldemort's mind
Harry could read Nagini's mind
Harry could speak Parseltongue
He ran off before you could speak
"No... no no no--"
"What's wrong?" Draco asked.
"Harry's the last horcrux." You said, your voice breaking.
Everyone froze as they realized what had to happen
It didn't help either when the battle just seemed to stop
and they saw Hagrid holding someone.
Ginny let out a cry that nearly broke you
Fred and George out their hands on your shoulders as you sobbed
You lost...
You all... You were doomed from the start, you all lost
And then... they asked you all to pick sides
Draco's family motioned for him to come but he didn't move an inch from your side
But then something unexpected happened....
You walked forward.
"...This is quite unexpected miss Lupin. But I'm sure there's a place for you--"
"I’d like to say something." you said, looking at him.
"I don't care that Harry's gone. People die everyday, my dad. My stepmom. My friends. My family. My brother now has to live in a world where he doesn't have his parents. So I don't care that Harry is gone. Because he’s still with us…in here. So is my dad, Tonks, Cedric…all of them. They didn’t die in vain! I won't fucking let them. I refuse to let them. But you will, because you’re wrong. Harry’s heart did beat for us. For all of us! It’s not over!” you told the dark Lord.
Draco gripped his wand ready to counter whatever spell was about to be fired
And then something very very surprising happened
Harry was alive.
Intense relief washed over him before you snatched his wand back from Lucius and threw it to him
Lucius had the last straw with you
so he started to attack you
what he didn't account for was you having serious strength before you socked him in the jaw
Draco and you took off before you saw flashes of red and green
You watched as Harry overpowered Voldemort, destroying him once and for all.
You did it.
You hugged him, along with Draco, Hermione and the Weasleys
Harry broke the elder wand, doing away with it so no one would have a chance to use it for evil ever again
You went to sleep, finally feeling safe.
You felt empty though, having to come home to your house now without your dad or Tonks
Andromeda was staying with Teddy, sure not to wake you
When you woke up that morning you could smell something specific.
Your dad's pancakes.
you bolted up, sprinting to the kitchen to see
Disappointment coursed through you and he turned around, hugging you
"I'm so sorry." Draco whispered.
You whimpered and let the tears fall before
"Tell me you didn't burn the one thing I left you in charge of."
You turned around, Remus standing there.
"DAD!" you screamed, hugging him
He winced but hugged back.
"Oh! Hello, this is a strange start to a morning." Tonks said before you yanked her into a hug
Turns out a few of the Slytherins were around the campus on their brooms as Sentry's for Mcgonagall.
When the collapse took place, they saved them from any lethal damage
A few cracked ribs and a collapsed lung? Yes, but at least they were alive.
You all had a proper funeral for Sirius.
You, Fred and George all completed your time in Hogwarts.
Once you did, you became healer, but something WILD happened on graduation day
You smiled, looking at your family.
Draco cleared his throat, standing next to you.
"hi there stranger." you said, earning a chuckle.
"can we talk, I do have a question to ask." he said.
You nodded, turning to him.
"You remember the future we wanted together?" He asked.
"Kids, a small house and the dog? Yes, I remember." You said.
"what if I had a plan to make it happen?" He asked.
"Y/n, what if... we got married?" he asked.
Your mind imploded
"YES YOU FUCKING MORON!" you said, hugging him.
So you two ended up getting married.
You ended up having a son and the basset hound your husband just had to have.
Buddy was the dog's name
Scorpius was your son's name.
One day you were doing the dishes when Scorpius came up to you
"mummy, I have a question." he said.
"What is it dear?" You asked.
"My teachers mentioned you left hogwarts in your fifth year. What happened?" He asked.
You smiled.
"Well my little lad... That's quite a story."
Taglist: @amhyeah @newtaholic-staygold @bbeauttyybbx @fleurho @yodeadxss @mariah-can-dream
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shotofire · 4 years
hello ! hru ? plz if you dont mind, levi ackerman x reader (modern) doing to him "wipe away kisses prank", they're watching tv, his girlfriend kiss his lips then wipe it away acting like nothing happend xd thank you take care of yourself 🖤🖤
Hi!!! I’m great! Awe this is such a cute idea! and i’ve been wanting to write a modern fic. thank you so much for requesting my sweet! <3 you take care of yourself as well :p I sorta changed up the prank part a bit but it’s the same concept, I hope you enjoy.
•Warnings: cursing here and there, very very very slight mentions of smut
•Season: Not set within the show
Levi Ackerman wasn’t big on affection. So when he starting dating (y/n) it was a huge surprise for everyone. She had to be the most touchy person on the face of the Earth. Hugging people was a hobby of hers, and she liked to poke peoples sides for the fun of it.
The first time he’d met her was at a gathering Hanji had dragged him to with a few friends. The last thing he wanted to have to do was make small talk with some people he worked with. He was taken aback when a girl he’d never seen before was coming up to him with a sweet smile and arms open wide.
It was obvious that Levi acted different around her. Someone would do something little as put their arm around his shoulder and he’d flinch away. Then someone like her wrapped their arms around his middle and Hanji literally gasped out loud when he hugged (y/n) back.
After months went by of him seeing her at friend events, he asked her out on a proper date. The man hasn’t dated since he was in his early twenties so this was a game changer for him. No one saw the pair getting together, they were polar opposite.
That’s why Levi took such a liking to the women. She was nothing like him and it kept him interested. Everything she did was out of the kindness of her heart, and she was very into speaking her mind. Levi usually just said a simple sentence that was somewhat insulting and went about his day.
(y/n) on the other gave entire speeches of exactly what she was thinking, and wasn’t scared to call somebody out. He admired how big she was on helping anyone that she could. He didn’t even have to worry if the kindness was an anterior motive, he knew she didn’t like seeing people down.
“Are you judging me?” She had asked one day at a table full of their closest friends.
His eyes had narrowed at her question. They hadn’t talked very much at this point, but it was the moment that really drew Levi in. He looked around at everyone else at the table and they were already snickering under their breaths. The whole group thought he found her annoying but it was the complete opposite.
Everything she did had him in a trance. She kept him entertained with everything she said, but it’s understandable why she felt he had a disliking for her. The man never talked unless spoke too, but that was just how he worked. Though (y/n) took it rather personally because she found herself easy to talk to, and she’d never met someone so observant and quiet.
“No, if I did i’d make it obvious,” he had answered with his arms crossed.
She smiled at his words. In a way she found them sweet instead of rude. She was one of the few people who could understand his real meaning behind his words.
“Good,” she said proudly, “cause I would hate for a cutie like you to find me annoying.”
Levi’s mouth had fallen open at her words. Never in his life had someone called him a cutie, maybe when he was a child but not anytime in his adult life. The way her eyes sparkled as she watched his flustered reaction made him realize he liked this girl a lot. That was the night he’d first asked her on a date, and things escalated from there.
(y/n) was different and he liked it. Most people didn’t say straightforward things to him because they were scared for his reaction. But she wasn’t in anyway frightened by him. She actually found it kind of funny that the group find him so scary at times. Sure she could admit his gaze would be rather intimidating at times but that’s the worst it got to her.
He first took her out to eat at a sushi place and she literally squealed when they walked in the door. He couldn’t even hold back the laughter at her excitement, and that was the fist time she had heard his sweet laugh. She’d seen him smile plenty of time, but the fact she got him to go further than that only boosted her confidence.
They had sat there for hours talking about the most random things. (y/n) had never heard Levi spill so much information at once and she was absolutely living for it. She still couldn’t believe the quiet mystery guy of her friend group found interest in her.
“Did you know your quietness makes you more intriguing to me,” she had said with a blush on her cheeks, “It makes me want to get to know you more than anyone i’ve ever met.”
He nervously chuckled at her words and took another bite of sushi. That was the first time in the night he had kinda gone quiet. She began to worry she’d embarrassed him somehow and started to think too much. He noticed her manner change pretty quickly.
“I’m glad i’m interesting to you, no ones ever been interested in me,” he had said with a quiet voice. 
She smiled softly, “You’re too pretty to not be interested in.”
That was the first day she had seen Levi blush so hard. She was also the first person to call him pretty. He had nervously ran his fingers through his hair with a slight chuckle. This women truly was something else and he found peace in her mannerism. He liked the way he felt when he was with her, and he had no plan on letting her go.
“You’re gorgeous,” he’d said on their next date which was a picnic.
It was (y/n)’s idea of course, she wanted to do something different. She told him she already had an idea for another date if he was interested, and of course he was. She smiled brightly at his words, even though she had just taken a bite of her sandwich. The sweet moment made her wonder what their friend group would say about this alternative Levi they had yet to meet.
After a few more weeks he’d invited her to his apartment. There was no alternate motive behind the invite, he just wanted to cook for her. She had told him many times she was a ‘slut for spaghetti,’ which made him laugh harder than he had in years. When he told her he wanted to make her food she absolutely insisted that she get the pleasure of watching.
He didn’t expect her to ask something like that but she was persistent with the question so he allowed it. She’d asked about a million questions as he made it, and everyone who knew him would be surprised to know he found joy in her constant talking. He was so used to silence, but her sweet voice always filled the air and made him feel whole.
When (y/n) had literally moaned as she took a bite of the spaghetti his stomach did a flip. The sound was beautiful and he thought about the day he’d get to hear it over and over again. Though, Levi was in no rush whatsoever. He was an extremely patient man and valued taking things slow. The two had been seeing one another for almost three months now and the most that had happened is hand holding and cuddling.
After dinner (y/n) suggested a movie. Of course she insisted on something romantic, she valued the cliche of it. Levi agreed but wasn’t as excited as she was. But seeing her eyes light up as he said yes was way better than any movie they could watch.
Now Levi sat on the couch with (y/n)’s arms wrapped around his waist and head on his lap. The sight was very heartwarming and he wanted to take a picture of how beautiful she looked, but he decided not too. Sure she had taken many pictures of him and with him but he was still scared she’d find it weird.
She felt his eyes on her and moved her hands from around him so she could lay flat on her back. She raised an eyebrow at him and smirked.
“Do you find me better to watch than the movie?”
A shock ran through him at your straightforward question. She always did things like this to him on purpose. Making his stern self flustered had to be one of her greatest powers. She reaches up to touch his soft hair and he shivers slightly from her cold hand.
The room fell silent and the air began to change. (y/n) gulped at the the feeling and turned her attention back to the movie, acting as if nothing had just happened. He frowned when she did this. Did she not want to kiss him?
That wasn’t the case, though. She wanted to kiss him more than anything. Hell, she wanted to do a lot of things with him. One would think she was straight forward in every department, but not when it comes to kissing. The last time she kissed someone her tooth went into their lip on accident and embarrassed the hell out of her.
She felt Levi’s body become sluggish when she turned away. In that moment (y/n) decided to get over her fear. After all he was different, they had a whole different story line. Her last failed hookup wasn’t anything compared to the bond her and Levi had created.
(y/n) sat up quickly and Levi almost jumped at her sudden action. He turned his head to look at her, and was about to ask what the matter was, but her lips were already being pressed against his. Warmness filled both of their bodies and the softness of her lips were addicting. But as soon as it started, it ended.
He almost whined when she pulled away, then her hand dragged across his lips, and he was beyond confused. Her attention was turned back to the television as if nothing had happened. As if they didn’t just kiss for the first time and she hadn’t just tried to wipe it away.
“Why did you just do that?” he asked confused, but he couldn’t help but smile a bit at her. She was hard to figure out and understand sometimes, but this was different. Was she embarrassed?
“Do what? I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said without even looking at him.
The man had never seen her act this way. He found it funny honestly. (y/n) had never been afraid or reluctant to do something. He guessed he had found her weak spot.
“Oh yes you do,” he said with a laugh, “you think wiping away the kiss is gonna change something? Cause I still want to kiss you again.”
She gulped at his words, “really?”
Levi had never seen her so flustered and red faced. She was an absolute mess of nerves right now and he loved it. He had no idea he could have this type of effect on her. She did everything with confidence and zero fear yet a simple kiss had her second guessing everything.
“Really,” he whispers, and this time she’s the one who’s stomach flips.
His lips reattached to hers and she melts at his touch. Lips move against one another softly and slowly, enough to make her head spin. Delicate fingers squeeze at her waist and she makes a slight noise at the feeling.
That’s when Levi grabs her hips and pulls her on top of him, and the once sweet kiss begins to intensify.
Kissing Levi was already becoming one of her favorite things to do, and they were just getting started.
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Sounds Of Someday - Little Movie Star Chapter One (Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader)
[Actors-Masterlist], [Little Movie Star-Masterlist]
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Summary: Growing up in a children’s home sucked. Big time. Multiple families had taken you in over the years but it always ended the same. You were done with trusting others. So when you found out that there was another family out there who had taken an interest in you, you prepared for the worst. You never thought you would find yourself in Austin, with the Ackles. 
Words: 2,328
Warnings: language, mentions of shitty childhood, angst (?), trust issues, story starts in 2016 (changes in future chapters, you’ll see), for the sake of this story, the twins weren’t born in December but earlier in 2016 (August), (Y/A) = your age IN 2016!!!
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Another boring day in your children’s home. You had been a constant part of it ever since you were born. Throughout the years, you were lucky enough to be sent to multiple foster families. In the end, you always ended back here & quite honestly, you were sick of it. By now, there were no other kids in your room anymore. Every now & then, there had been times where you got a roommate but it always seemed like they stayed for an extremely short time. Like, families wanted them & they had never given them back. You, on the other hand, did not have it that easy. Your file was filled with multiple homes & that usually was an indicator for misbehavior. Yet, you had never, not even once, done anything wrong. Just, your luck with families was not necessarily given. And that was one of the worst things a child could endure. Nobody wanted you. You were never good enough & you promised yourself that, no matter what the future might hold for you, you would never ever trust another family again. The outcome was always the same, why bothering?
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“(Y/N)?” the door squeaked slightly & a man took a look inside. Bill. He was the only real friend you had ever had. Even though you were not quite sure if friend was the right word. He worked at the children’s home, after all. It was his job to take care of the kids here. Still, you liked him & you had a gut feeling that he was fond of you, too.
“Hey there, Billy Boy. What’s up?” you looked up from the book you were currently reading & raised your eyebrows in question when you saw him hesitating. Usually, he only ever came in when something had happened or when you had to be somewhere. Honestly, you did not care about the schedules you were given. Bill made sure you got everywhere on time & you did the chores you were assigned to do.
“Time to pack your bag. Your new family is waiting.” he tried everything to make his voice sound exciting but deep down he knew you despised the idea of having to go somewhere new. The past had not been particularly kind to you but he had a good feeling about these new people.
“Pleeeease tell me you’re kidding…” your head was thrown back out of frustration. Here we go again, you thought.
“Be outside in 10 minutes, we have a long drive ahead.” Bill shot you a sympathetic smile & you let out a groan. As much as you hated the thought of a new family, you knew better than to mess with the employees here. Getting up, you walked over to your closet & pulled your clothes out, throwing them into your suitcase without much care. There were not many things you owned to begin with so you were done in about five minutes. For the remainder of the time, you sat down on your bed & began overthinking. This situation was nothing new to you, yet you found yourself growing anxious. Why did you still care? They would give you back in no time so why worrying about stuff you could not change? Sighing, you got up, took your suitcase & walked outside to Bill’s car. He had already been waiting for you, leaning against one of the doors. No words were exchanged. His tight lipped smile showed you enough. Pity. You shot him a sarcastic smile back.
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You were mad at everyone. Mad at Bill. Mad at your new family. Mad at your parents, who gave you up right after you were born. Mad at yourself. Bill had tried to start a conversation every now & then but you simply told him that you were tired & turned up the volume of the radio to distract your racing thoughts. Time went by slowly, you had no idea how long you had been in this car. All you knew was that your legs were getting tired. Wanting to ask Bill to stop for a while so you could walk around a bit, you were cut off by the car coming to a halt. Huh. Looked like Bill could read your thoughts. The area you guys stopped at was very wealthy, you could tell. The houses were massive & you definitely did not mind walking around the neighborhood for a couple of minutes.
“Where are we?” you could not help but ask. Maybe, if you ever had enough money, you would move to a neighborhood that looked similar to this one.
“Austin, Texas. Welcome home, (Y/N)?” his body turned towards you to wait for your reaction.
“Welcome home?” your eyes widened. “Don’t tell me I’ll live in one of those houses.” there was no way a family this rich would ever want you. Sure Bill had made a mistake & mixed up the addresses.
“I’m afraid you will. This one, to be exact.” he pointed to the one you were parked in front. “Come on, we’re late. They’re waiting for you.” Bill got out of the car & grabbed your suitcase out of the trunk. Right now, you were not sure what to think or what to feel. Surely, this was the biggest house you had ever been to & the fact that you were supposed to live in there? It kind of scared you. Because you were sure that these people expected certain manners from you. And you did not think you could live up to their expectations.
Bill led you to the front door, he was carrying your suitcase for you even though you had told him that you could handle your stuff just fine. He noticed your trembling hands so he simply wanted to help you out a little. Bill nudged your shoulder, signaling that you should be the one knocking. Taking a deep breath, you raised your hand & gently knocked. It was almost inaudible. Literally nobody in a house this big could have heard it. So to say you were surprised when the door opened almost immediately after, was an understatement. One shocking factor followed the other & you gasped when you saw THE Jensen & Danneel Ackles in front of you. Both of them smiled warmly at you & you wished you could have copied their actions but you were too stunned to move. Great, your first impression was awful. It could only get better, right? Bill talked to Jensen & Danneel briefly & before you had time to process what was happening, he hugged you goodbye. Leaving your suitcase standing right next to you & you alone with your new…family? As if the Ackles wanted you? This had to be a mistake. Maybe it was some sort of publicity stunt? It sure left a good impression to take in a foster kid. But if you were not mistaken completely, they had twins not too long ago? A few weeks, you believed.
“Hi, (Y/N), right?” the woman in front of you asked. She was absolutely gorgeous. A nod made her continue. “I’m Danneel & this is my husband Jensen. Wanna come in? It’s better we talk inside.” your eyes switched between her & Jensen & while Jensen had been quiet so far, his smile was convincing enough. Making a move to grab your suitcase, Jensen beat you to it & told you that he got it. You thanked him with a genuine smile. Stop it! Just because you had been a fan of theirs did not change your situation. Soon, they would realize that you were not worth their time & then Bill would come & get you again. Same old, same old.
They walked you to a beautiful couch & told you to have a seat, which you did. Immediately, your hands started rubbing over your thighs, something you did to calm your nerves. Did not seem to work today, though. Both, Jensen & Danneel, placed themselves at either side of you. Their smiles relaxed you a bit & you could feel your breath even out. There was something about their aura that had a calming effect on you.
“It’s a lot right now, I know.” Jensen started, your eyes met his & he continued. “But we’re glad you’re finally here. We’ve been waiting so long for you & the fact that you are now with us makes us incredibly happy.”
“You’ve been waiting for…me?” you were surprised that your voice was so steady.
“Well, you see, there is a lot of paperwork going on before you can actually take in a kid from a children’s home but that doesn’t matter now, you’re here.” Jensen patted your shoulder & you knew he only meant well but you could not help but flinch at his touch. Immediately, he retreated his hand & coughed to brush off the awkwardness. You felt sorry for him but you had never been a fan of physical touch. Simply because you had never really experienced it.
“I think we should show you your room & let you get settled in. What do you say, angel?” Danneel rescued Jensen & you were not quite sure if she was talking to you at first. Did she just call you angel? No one had ever given you a nickname. Smiling slightly, you nodded at her & followed both of them through their house. You wondered if you were staying here long enough to find your way in this labyrinth or if you were sent back before you had the chance to navigate through it yourself.
The three of you arrived in a hallway, a lot of doors on each side & you assumed that was where their kids had their rooms. They still had no idea that you actually knew a lot more about them that you first had shown. For example, that Supernatural had been your favorite show for the longest time. Your plan was to let them in on your little secret as soon as you were in your new room. At the very end of the hallway, & you had to admit, you had never seen such a pretty hallway in your life, Danneel opened the door & ushered you in. Looking around, you were mesmerized. The room was huge, you could not believe that it would all be yours to live in.
“You like it?” Jensen, who was standing in the doorway, asked you. Turning around, you nodded & smiled a little. A rush of overwhelming thoughts came crushing over you & you had to gulp for a second. Deep breaths, you got this. This was too much to ask for. All of a sudden, you felt like you did not deserve any of this. Certainly, you did not deserve to live with a family like the Ackles.
“I assume the kids are in the rooms next to mine?” asking before really thinking what you were about to say. When neither of them answered, you looked up & saw their expressions. Shit, this was not your plan. Knowing the questions were about to start, you quickly continued & explained yourself before things got even weirder.
“I mean, I know you guys have three other kids. A three-year-old & twins, only a couple of weeks old, right?” followed by a quiet chuckle, you hoped they were not regretting their decision of taking you in already.
“You know us?” Jensen came a little closer & took a seat on the comfortable looking bed that was perfectly placed in your room. Already, you could imagine yourself putting effort into decorations to make it look more like yourself, more homely. No, wait. No need to worry about that, you would be gone & then all of your effort would be for nothing.
“Supernatural is my favorite show.” slowly, you took a seat next to Jensen, not too close, there was still a good distance between you two.
“Perfect, now you finally have someone to talk about the show who isn’t Jared.” Danneel joked & crossed her arms over her chest. They seemed…fine with you being a fan? Huh, definitely unexpected. You thought they would throw you out right away.
“Great, so you already know a little bit about us. JJ will love you. She’s been dying to meet her big sis for weeks now.” he sounded genuine. Big sis. You had never been a big sister. Were you ready to take that role? Why did you feel so much pressure all of a sudden? Jensen stood up & walked over to Danneel who handed him a little wrapped box.
“Bill told us you don’t have a phone so this is a welcome gift from us.” gently, you took the box from him & gave him an uncertain look. Yet, your hands moved on their own & you were shocked when you saw what phone they had given you. The newest iPhone? What the fuck? You could not take it, it was too much.
“That’s…nice & all, thank you. But it’s really too much, I can’t-“ you got interrupted by Danneel.
“Sure, you can. We want you to be able to contact us at any time. We’ll leave you to it for now. Get settled in, dinner is at 6 pm. Remember the way to the kitchen?” you only nodded, at a loss for words. The door shutting was the last thing you heard before being left alone in complete silence. The voices in your head the only noise you could make out. Why could you not make them stop? Why could you not just enjoy this? They seemed nice. Like they were actually trying for you. Why did you have to let your past consume you? Silent tears flowed down your face. For a while, you just let yourself feel. Feel whatever emotion your body was experiencing right now. You were alone right now, might as well take advantage of it.
~to be continued~
Next Chapter 
Published (03/20/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @vicmc624, @imaginationisgrowth, @stoneyggirl, @alyispunk, @thevelvetseries, @multifandomlover121, @samsgirl93,, @supernatural3002, @diabetes-03, @prettybubblesintheair (let me know if you wanna be tagged <3)
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Here For You Part 6
Fandom: Chicago PD / One Chicago
Series: Here For You
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 (Final)
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warning/s: none
Word Count: 1,534
Summary: Y/N’s world spun out of control after she got pregnant, uprooting her life and moving to Chicago only for her brother to get involved in a murder trial. Now, her baby is finally here, and with Jay by her side her life feels like it’s finally coming together again, until someone from her past comes back into the picture and threatens to tear down everything she’s tried so hard to build.
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The trial process was nervewracking, multiple interviews, assessing characters, income, stability... You were glad you had Jay to lean on when it got overwhelming, but you knew you were the best thing for Lucas, and you held onto that throughout the ordeal. 
Between juggling raising your son and fighting to keep him, you made yourself think about your own future, not just in terms of Jay, but in terms of a career too. So when Lucas was big enough, you were going to start training to be a nurse. It was a time of near constant fear, but also hope; you could see your life beyond this, all you had to go was get past this colosal hurdle. 
Tommy on the other hand, as you learned in court, didn’t have a job or apartment, and had bailed on two separate court-ordered rehabs, leading to hefty fines he couldn’t afford to pay. Needless to say, the trail was going in your favour.
Eventually, the judge ruled that you were to receive full custody, but adviced you let Tommy have visitation at your own discretion, and at a time when he was in a fitter state and child support was being paid regularly and in full, the issue of custody could be revisited. Tommy wasn’t happy, but it was everything you could have asked for. 
You left the courtroom with your head held high that day, Henry passing you back Lucas as he and Jay led you out towards the elevators. Tommy chose that moment to approach, your smile wiped from your face in an instant. 
“Y/N,” he said with force, making you stop in your tracks and turn to face him. He was angry, and while you couldn’t exactly blame him... wait, yes you could. Tommy was the one who wanted to take this to court, actually having the audacity to put you and Lucas through all that thinking he had a chance. 
Jay put a protective hand on your back, positioning himself so that he was slightly shielding you and your son. “You brought this on yourself,” you told him, watching his eyes flare with rage as you continued, “if you’d have just reached out properly, we might have been able to sort something out without needing it to get this far.” 
It wasn’t a lie, you would have considered it, maybe not when you were lying in a hospital bed with your new born baby obviously, and he never should have expected that, but you could have come to an arangement. 
Tommy rolled his eyes and grumbled something you didn’t care to repeat, Jay tensing beside you. “Who the hell is this guy anyway, seriously?” He asked, gesturing to Jay with indignation, “this guy isn’t Lucas’ dad, I am, and what? He gets to be around my kid whenever he wants while I have to beg you for scraps?” 
Lucas was starting to fuss in your arms as you took a step away from Jay towards Tommy, wanting to show him that you were fighting your own battles. Jay cast you a worried glance but he didn’t stop you. You took a breath, leveling yourself as you felt your blood boil. 
“Yes,” you answered his question, much to his shock and anger, “Jay’s been there for me, for us, this whole time since we met, since you left. He’s a good man, kind and dedicated, and Lucas would be lucky to have Jay for a dad.” 
You heard Jay suck in a small sharp breath, not expecting you to say that; Tommy gasped in surprise, almost looking hurt. Honestly, you were surprised you said that outloud too, but there it was. Henry was smiling in a knowing way, glad his sister was finally standing up for herself.  
“You little...” Tommy hissed, taking a step forward and pointing his finger in an acusatory manner. Instinctively, you took a step back, a protective arm around Lucas as he started to cry. That was all the cue Jay needed to intervene, blocking Tommy’s path.
Security took a step forward, ready to de-escalate the situation if they needed to, but Jay had it under control, sensing the shift in Tommy’s stance and the way he clenched his fist. It was an obvious swing, one that Jay dodged with ease, a slight glint clear in his eyes, gaining all the justification he’d been waiting for as he aimed a well placed punch at Tommy’s nose, knocking him to the ground in one hit. 
Tommy looked daised, steam practically coming out of his eyes as he tried to stand, clearly going for round two before he froze, staring at the badge Jay had just revealed under his shirt. Jay signaled to the guard to pick him up off the floor.
“Congratuations Tommy, you’ve just assaulted a police detective in a court house full of witnesses,” he told him, nodding towards the crowd of people who had stopped what they were doing to witness the commotion. 
Any sympathy you might have had was gone as you looked him square in the eyes. “Goodbye Tommy,” you told him, turning on your heals as you soothed your crying son. You already had an actual baby to take care of, you didn’t need to pile a grown man onto that list. Somewhere down the line, you might consider letting him visit Lucas, but that wasn’t going to be anytime soon. Besides, after this there wouldn’t be a judge around who wouldn’t take your side on that matter.
As the doors shut to the elevator and Tommy was taken into custody, you let out a breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding, grateful when you felt Jay’s fingers slip into your own. You glanced down at his bruised knuckles and ran your thumb over them lightly, squeezing his hand in thanks as Lucas began to calm down. 
It had been satisfying to watch, if you were being honest, you knew Henry agreed by the smirk that had become permanently plastered on his face. Jay definitely enjoyed it a little too much, but you didn’t blame him.
You looked around at the people in the elevator. They were your family, Lucas’ family. You didn’t need Tommy, hadn’t for a long time, maybe now he’d realise that.
“What’s going to happen to Tommy?” You inquired once you were back in the comfort of your own apartment, Lucas finally calmed down and asleep after the ordeal at court. 
“I don’t know, but after that outburst he won’t be allowed near you or Lucas for a long time,” Jay informed you, temporarily putting on his serious detective voice, “I’ll make some calls tomorrow.” You knew he would, he took yours and Lucas’ safety very seriously, Tommy was probably at the 21st right now nursing his nose.
“I didn’t want this, Lucas deserves stability, a good father...” You sighed with frustration, all the emotion you’d bottled up during the day and the trail threatening to boil over. Jay grabbed your hand and you met his eyes, “I meant what I said in there, about you. I want you in his life.”
“I want to be in his life, I love him...” Jay told you honestly, taking a deep readying breath, as if preparing himself for what he was about to say, “I’m kind of in love with you too.”
“Jay-,” You breathed, shocked by his declaration.
“I know you’ve been through a lot and this is sudden, but I love you Y/N, and I want to be a part of your life, both of your lives,” he continued, taking your other hand too. 
His touch was strong, warm, comforting, everything you wanted for yourself and Lucas. Jay had proven time and time again the kind of man he was, without fail, he’d been kind, patient, supportive... everything Tommy had never been, everything you didn’t think you deserved, but here he was, ready to give it all to you without hesitation. 
So you told him the truth, the truth you hadn’t even realised it until this moment, buried deep down as you’d tried to navigate your new life. “I love you too,” you told him, and it was like something cracked open in your chest, and you could breath again. You’d never said those words to anyone, not romantically, but you knew it your heart that you did.
“Yeah?” He asked hopefully, not quite believing that you’d said it back so quickly, or with so much confidence. You took him in as you thought of what to say, every detail.
“Yeah I really do, I guess I’ve been trying to fight it, thinking that it might be selfish to think about a relationship right now, but the truth is you are what’s best for him, and me,” you tried your best to explain, “I love you, and although I don’t know what’s going to happen with Tommy, I know Lucas could never ask for a better father than you.”
“You mean that?” 
"With my whole heart.” 
And then you kissed, and it felt like a promise, a promise of ‘i love you’, a promise of a future, a promise to always been there for each other, whatever came next. 
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The Cries of Lovers (Nobunaga Oda x MC)
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing: Nobunaga Oda x MC
Prompt: ghosts, full moon, ghost stories
Warning: Smut!
Intended Audience: Female Audience
Word Count: 5,632
Requested by: anonymous
Written by: @lordsisterxotome​ (Click here to support me on ko-fi!<3)
Disclaimer: I do not own Ikemen Sengoku or any of its characters. All of that goodness is the property of Cybird. I do, however, own the plot of this fanfic. Please do not repost this on any other website.
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       Something tickled her cheek, her hand batting aimlessly at the sensation as MC turned away in her sleep.
       The tickle came again, more insistent this time, and she made a soft noise of complaint, brows furrowing as she turned over again.
       A soft breeze made her shiver...but had she left a window open? 
       The quiet shattered around a scream, felt more than heard as it set every nerve alight with the urge to flee, violently jerking her from the safety of sleep.
       MC gasped deep lungfuls of air as she shot up, meeting the man beside her halfway as he reached for her. “Nobunaga-!” her voice trembled with fear and adrenaline as she clutched at him, eyes wide as she peered at him in the darkness. 
       “Shh, it was just an owl.”
       “An owl?” Sure, she wasn’t familiar with owl calls, but she could’ve sworn the sound had come from something human...or something that had once been human. She swallowed, shivering as she asked, “Are you...Are you sure?”
       Nobunaga nodded in the darkness, but his reassurance did very little to calm her racing heart, still thumping hard in her chest.
       Settling back into the covers, she shivered as she curled closer to him, seeking his sturdy warmth. His fingers carded through her hair, but her mind refused to calm, still suffused with fear. Every touch against her skin felt like it could have been a thousand spiders, her hands reaching to nervously brush stray hairs away from tickling her cheeks.
       More than anything, MC wished she was back home in Azuchi, in their bed in the tenshu. Hopefully Nobunaga would be able to finish his business with the daimyo who lived here soon. She didn’t like this place. It was colder than Azuchi, a strange loneliness clinging to the walls and making her skin crawl as she walked the halls. Every noise made her jump, her steps quickening as she nearly ran in search of her lover.
       She had never been the superstitious type, but something felt wrong about this place, a strange heaviness to the very air she breathed. The people seemed amiable enough, but it clung to them too, this weight. Sometimes she swore she caught the hint of a more desolate expression beneath their careful smiles, like peeking beneath a mask.
       When she had mentioned it to Nobunaga, hoping he could assuage her anxiety after they had been escorted to their room for the evening, she felt her heart do a little fearful dive in her chest when his eyes had narrowed, lips curling down in a frown as he said, “You noticed it too?”
       Burying her face against his chest, she tried to focus on his steady breathing, on the beat of his heart, letting the comforting, strong sound calm her as she slowly sank back into the sweet embrace of sleep and dreams of home. She wanted to leave soon...
       MC woke from a fitful sleep the next day, stirring when her boyfriend’s warmth left her side.
       “Nobunaga?” she called, searching for him through sleep-bleary eyes.
       “I want to get an early start on today’s business,” he answered, sitting down beside her on the futon, fully dressed. Her head rested on his thigh as he ran his fingers through her hair, almost lulling her back to sleep. “The sooner we’re finished here the better.”
       His hand gripped her chin and she tilted her face to meet his as he bent to kiss her. She was grateful for the affection, for the warmth it spread through her tight muscles. “You may sleep longer if you wish. It’s still early,” he murmured against her mouth.
       “No. I don’t think I could sleep without you.” The thought of being in this strange room alone with the walls was more than enough to drive the last of the sleepiness from her form. “I’ll be with Lady Yamayo all day.”
       “Enjoying tea ceremonies?” he chuckled. The daimyo’s wife was obsessed with tea ceremonies. MC hadn’t even thought that was possible until now.
       “Let me restrain my excitement,” she grumbled. Maybe she would take her chances with the walls and the eyes that seemed to follow her every move. They would be more interesting company, that was for sure.
       “Retreat to me if it gets to be too much,” he said, punctuating his words with another kiss.
       She couldn’t help but smile as he rose from the futon, the constant prickling at the back of her head momentarily forgotten. “I love you.”
       The smile he returned had a pure, delighted edge to it as he answered, “I love you, too.” Nobunaga could deny it all he wanted, but she knew he melted inside when she said it. “I’ll see you later.”
       She waved him out and then rolled over onto her back, blowing out a long breath as she stared up at the ceiling. Even the wooden beams looked too dark, as if damp from the inside out, and she half expected to see centipedes crawling among the shadows.
       It had happened several times throughout their stay that MC had caught sight of some phantom movement out of the corner of her eye, but when she turned to see what it was, there was nothing there. The first few times it happened, she dismissed it as nothing more than her eyes playing tricks on her, but as the occurrences increased, she began to grow more suspicious. A couple of times, she thought she felt a tug at the hem of her kimono or a movement under her foot, but again there was nothing there. It didn’t help her nerves at all, but she wasn’t about to hide away in bed all day like a child and wait for the ghosts to get her.
       Throwing off the covers, she dressed and freshened up, giving her cheeks a few pats for strength. She tried to keep her paces even as she walked down the hall to take her breakfast with Lady Yamayo, a smile on her face as she made small talk with the older woman.
       She only had to suffer through a couple of rounds of tea ceremony before lunch, and then something odd occurred.
       Honestly, she had very little in common with Lady Yamayo, the woman’s values a little more traditional than her own, but she got along with her well enough as long as she didn’t accidentally try to discuss deeper topics like the recent rice shortages in the neighboring province or the new irrigation systems used in the fields bordering Azuchi. No, the most important subjects she discussed with Lady Yamayo included new designs on porcelain, new strains of tea from China, and, worst of all, when she would bear Nobunaga children.
       They were in the middle of a discussion *cough* interrogation *cough* concerning the last topic when MC had taken a glance outside and caught a glimpse of the nearly full moon hanging in the evening sky. A second later a shatter broke the murmur of conversation, making her jump in her seat. Lady Yamayo’s face was stuck in a look of fear and horror, her hand trembling in the air where she’d once been holding her cup.
       “Are you alright?” she asked, making the other woman start.
       “Y-Yes, my apologies,” she stuttered, patting her pale cheeks. “You’ll have to excuse me, Princess, I’m suddenly not feeling well.”
       “Yes, please, I hope you feel better,” MC called after her as Lady Yamayo stumbled from the room, nearly tripping over the hem of her kimono in her rush. She continued to stare after her as a maid came in to take care of the mess, a basket under her arm.
       “You’ll have to forgive my lady,” the young woman spoke softly, an apologetic look in her gaze as she knelt on the tatami floor. “We’re all a little anxious with the tenth full moon approaching.”
       That made MC blink. “The full moon?”
       The maid’s face pinched in a look of confusion as she regarded MC with a mix of surprise and anxiety. “My lady, you haven’t heard the story?”
       Warning bells went off in her mind. Of course there was a story. There had to be a story to add to the creepy feeling. If this didn’t feel like some horror story already, it sure was beginning to feel that way now. She debated whether she really wanted to know as she asked, “What story?”
       The maid busied herself with the bits of broken pottery, fiddling with them as she placed them in her basket. “It happened many years ago. Lady Inume, the previous daimyo’s daughter, was betrothed to the lord of the neighboring province. She was a lovely woman, graceful in all things, so it came as a surprise when she revealed that she had fallen in love with a farmer’s son.” Scooting forward, she helped with the smaller pieces of pottery as the maid continued. It was too easy to see where this was going. “The daimyo was outraged and banned them from ever seeing each other again…” she trailed off.
       “And then?” she urged, her voice quiet.
       “On the day of Lady Inume’s wedding to the lord, the farmer’s son appeared to rescue her, but he was killed by her father in the attempt.” MC felt her jaw drop, her worst fears about where this story was going confirmed. “Lady Inume found out, and, before the priest, her betrothed, and all those gathered, she took out a knife she’d hidden in her wedding robes and laid a curse on the daimyo and this manor before taking her own life.”
       Her heart dropped in her chest, a burn forming in the back of her throat in sympathy for the poor young lovers, driven to such lengths with their love on the line. “That’s awful,” she said, and the maid nodded in agreement.
       “It was a terrible tragedy, to be sure, but no one took her curse seriously...until a month later, on the night of the full moon, the tenth of that year.” The maid’s hands gripped the edge of her basket hard.
       “What happened?”
       “A yurei in blood spattered wedding robes terrorized the halls, tearing up the floors, flinging doors open, and wreaking havoc. Her screams for her lost lover could be heard in all corners of the manor. Lady Inume’s curse embedded itself in the house, in the walls and floors. The daimyo was found dead the next morning, scared to death. Several have tried to destroy this manor to rid it of the curse, but it remains even if every piece is burned to the ground, simply renewing itself when the manor is rebuilt. Holy men have been called from far and wide to try their hand at it but none have succeeded. If anything, they simply irritate Lady Inume’s yurei further. Every year since, on the tenth full moon, she roams the halls again, searching for her lost lover in her wedding garb.”
       “But then that would be this full moon. The one happening in a couple of days?”
       “Tomorrow,” the maid corrected, the word heavy with dread. “Pray that your business here is finished by then, my lady.”
       The maid’s words stuck with her for the rest of the day, and she suddenly felt more in tune to the sense of disquiet that grew among the staff and daimyo’s family as the moon rose higher in the sky, so close to being full. It was a relief when the sliding door of their room finally opened to admit her lover, crimson eyes meeting hers.
       “Nobunaga!” Scrambling to her feet, MC ran to give him a hug, her shoulders loosening in the safety of his hold. Her eyes sparkled as she tilted her head to look up at him, smiling wide. “Welcome back! How was your day?”
       “Fruitful enough.” Leaning down, he gave her a soft kiss. “I imagine we’ll only need to stay here another few days. And yours?”
       A few days? Then they would have to stay through the full moon after all. Parting from him, she sat down on the futon while he changed into his night clothes. “Listen, I heard a story about this place today, about...why it is the way it is.”
       Peering over his shoulder at her, he lifted a curious brow. “Oh?”
       Nobunaga listened attentively while she recounted the story of Lady Inume and her love, her curse, and her ghost, his expression narrowing as he hummed occasionally. “Do you believe it?” she asked when she’d finished the grim tale.
       “Do you?” he responded.
       Biting her lip, she tried to put the feeling she got from this place into words. “I’ve never been the kind to believe in ghosts, but this is a strange place. Something doesn’t feel right here.”
       “I see.” He was silent for a couple moments, contemplating, before he suddenly smirked. “Meet me at the old shrine up the hill at sunset tomorrow.” 
       “The old shrine?” The maid had told her that after the incident with Lady Inume, the structure had fallen out of use, everyone in the area too afraid of the woman’s yurei to care for it. “Why?”
       “I have something in mind, something that might appease whatever rattling spirits may or may not be causing a fuss. Either way, I promise it’ll be enjoyable for us.”
       MC gave him a suspicious look as he joined her at the futon, tugging her into his arms as his smirk widened, turning downright mischievous. “Nobunaga, what do you have planned? You better not be messing around, especially with these poor people scared out of their minds.”
       “It’s a surprise, but I promise you I’m not just doing this for entertainment. You’ll just have to trust me on that.”
       She regarded him through a playfully narrowed gaze for another moment or so before sighing. “Fine. I’ll go along with whatever it is, so long as we don’t get in trouble, okay?”
       “Deal,” he said, satisfied. “So what did you and Lady Yamayo do today?”
       Groaning, she turned her face into the blankets. “You’ll never guess how many times she asked me why I wasn’t with child yet.”
       Nobunaga’s deep, resounding laughter made the room a little less dark, the shadows retreating a little further into their corners.
       Sure enough, the next evening MC found herself climbing the short incline up to the shrine at the top of the hill behind the manor, the trees bathed in an orange-red glow as the sun sank closer to the horizon behind her. The manor itself may have been dreary, but the surrounding forest was actually quite spectacular, animals chittering in the trees turned orange by the amber hold of autumn. No shadows lurked here, no eyes to watch her or phantom hands to reach out to grab at her. She could breathe here.
       “Nobunaga!” she called his name when she reached the end of the overgrown path, beholding what once must have been a beautiful shrine. Nature had since set itself to reclaiming the structure, grass and vines climbing over the peeling red wood. One would never have guessed what terrible event had happened here so long ago.
       “I’m here.”
       She looked over to see her boyfriend rise from where he has been sitting at the shadowed edge of the wooden steps, the setting sun lending his hair a red tint and highlighting his strong, masculine features.
       “Will you tell me what you’re planning now?” MC asked as he came closer. “We should probably get back before the moon rises.” She had barely been able to leave with the maids and Lady Yamayo warning and fussing over her.
       “We won’t be returning to the manor tonight,” he rumbled, and she blinked at him as he offered her his hand. “Come,” he ordered when she looked at it questioningly, “There’s nothing to fear so long as I’m at your side.”
       Without another thought, she placed her hand in his, following as he led her up the creaky steps of the shrine. She half expected to see blood stains covering the floors and walls, overturned bottles and cups hinting at what had occurred here, but the sight that greeted her was much more surprising. A gasp fell from her lips as she took in the room with wide eyes, new colors and scents greeting her with each turn of her head.
       Flowers burst through the wooden floorboards and rotten tatami mats, of every brilliant shade and variety, perfuming the air. Lush vines climbed over the walls and stretched across the ceiling, draped with lengths of sweet, purple wisteria. Butterflies fluttered here and there, resting on the blooms.
       How such a garden had grown, she didn’t know, but everywhere she looked, there was life, growing and vibrant and, most importantly, gentle. The maid had said that the shrine had been abandoned due to the curse laid upon it, but there was no malice here. Instead, all she felt from this place was-
       She spun to look at Nobunaga. “What?”
       “There’s nothing but love in this place,” he clarified. “Don’t you think so?”
       Squeezing his hand, MC leaned into his side. “I do. It’s beautiful.” Heartachingly beautiful.  “How do you think it grew so well?”
       “I imagine it’s simply the course of nature and its mysterious workings, but if you wish to put it in terms of what happened here, I would say this too is part of the curse.”
       “As a remnant of Lady Inume’s love?” 
       Nobunaga nodded. “Precisely.”
       “She laid the curse as a result of her heartbreak, but behind it all was love,” she said idly, before smiling at the man beside her. “I’m surprised you thought of that. It isn’t like you to be so sentimental.”
       He smiled in return, chuckling, “Of course, I don’t believe in such things as curses.” Looking back at the garden, he continued, “But when I realized this was here, I couldn’t help but think of you. When you told me the story of this place, I had to show it to you.”
       She felt the love in her gaze as she looked at him, wrapping her arms around his waist as he encircled her in a strong arm. “Thank you.” The disquiet she’d felt since they’d arrived had all but disappeared, evaporated by the warmth spreading through her chest. All she felt now was love, from the inside and out.
       Leaning up, MC planted a soft, lingering kiss on his waiting lips, feeling him groan when she pulled away.
       “Kiss me more,” he murmured, “as my thank you.”
       “Here?” she laughed, kissing him again. 
       “It’s better than the madness that’ll most certainly take hold of the manor tonight. So.” Taking her hand, he guided her through the flowers to a small back room she hadn’t noticed before. “Will you stay the night with me in this cursed place?”
       “I can’t think of anything I would like more.”
       The back room was dim in the evening light and a little dusty, but warm and comfortable. Some of the wilderness that dominated the main room had spread here as well, growing up the walls and blanketing the floor. The sweet smell of wisteria made her sigh, her muscles loose and relaxed under her lover’s hands as he caressed up and down her body behind her. Leaning into his hold, she reached back to tangle her fingers in Nobunaga’s hair as his hot mouth attached to her neck, sucking and nipping at the skin. Strong fingers smoothed across her hips to her obi, loosening the chords before letting the whole garment fall to the floor. 
       Slipping her kimono down her shoulder, he kissed at every inch of new skin that came into view, leaving love bites in his wake. The kimono soon joined her obi on the floor, and she turned in his arms, completely bare. Her hands went to his haori and slipped it off his broad shoulders as he pulled her close to him, swallowing the soft noises she made as he kissed her, licking past her parted lips.
       Her hands smoothed over the bare skin of his chest as MC parted his robes, letting his clothes join hers. She whimpered as his naked erection pressed against her hip, squeaking when his hands gripped her rear and hoisted her up, instinctively wrapping her legs around his waist.
       Night had almost completely fallen by now, only a smudge of orange light left on the horizon, but the back room was already dark, the shushing sound of cicadas in the forest beyond. The flowers and grass were soft against her back as Nobunaga laid her down, his weight between her legs as he kissed across her jaw and down the column of her throat. She moaned as he lavished her collarbones in love bites before moving on to her breasts, taking her nipple into his mouth as his hand made itself busy with the twin globe.
       His groans vibrated pleasurably against her skin as he sucked the hardened peak, slowly grinding his erection through her dampening heat. A cry fell from her lips when the tip of his cock prodded her clit, her body arching into him as her arms wrapped around his neck, hugging his face closer to her breasts.
       “You make such beautiful sounds for me,” Nobunaga panted, releasing her swollen nipple with a wet pop. He lavished the same attention on the other nipple, teasing the sensitive bud after his fingers had pinched and twisted and rolled it to his satisfaction.
       “Nobunaga, please!” she whined, rolling her hips against his to create more of that delicious friction. An ache was beginning to form in her lower belly, her core clenching around nothing as his thick length slid through her folds and coated the hot, velvety skin in her slick.
       He chuckled, hot breath fanning against her cheek as he nipped at the soft spot beneath her ear. “Patience, fireball, I’ll take you soon enough, but I intend to bring you to the brink of pleasure first, until you’re begging for me to shove myself inside of you.”
       Whining, MC writhed under his hands as he groped down her body, hoisting one leg over his hip while the other spread her other leg to the side. She felt his stare in the darkness, spread open for his taking, and his growl echoed through the small room. “You’re positively glistening, my love. You have no idea how much I desire you.”
       “Then take me!” she whispered, biting her lip. She could feel her arousal seeping through her folds, drenching her inner thighs.
       His fingers brushed through the delicate petals of her entrance, gathering her sweetness on the digits. “So wet for me,” he rumbled as she trembled under the touch, rolling her hips into his hand. “And so sensitive,” he finished, his voice a deep, satisfied purr.
       Without warning, Nobunaga sank a finger deep into her heat, his thumb brushing her swollen clit as her back arched and a cry of pleasure filled the room. MC almost feared disturbing the flowers with the sound, but she could barely bring herself to care with her lover crooking his fingers so deliciously inside of her, rubbing harshly at her clit as he did. The pleasure made stars bloom across the dimness, her hands running through the grass and stems at her sides in search of a handhold.
       “Ah!” His fingers found the sensitive spot inside of her, her hands flying to his shoulders to dig her nails into his muscles. “Yes, right there!”
       She felt his smirk widen against her breast, mouthing at the skin as he continued to rub that spot inside of her, scissoring his fingers in preparation for something much larger. The lewd sounds of his digits disappearing inside of her filled the space, and the grass scraped softly against her back as MC moaned and twisted, the smell of her lover and wisteria filling her senses in a heavenly combination.
       She was getting close, so, so close, her pleasure intensifying as her climax approached. Tears of pleasure beaded at the corners of her eyes as his thumb swiped against her clit again, sending shockwaves through her body. “N-Nobunaga, I’m-!” she whined, feeling herself approaching the brink of her climax, but just as she thought it would overtake her in sweet ecstasy, his fingers pulled out of her, making her cry out in frustration as her orgasm fell away.
       His weight fell over her, skin to skin, and she screamed his name as he sheathed himself inside of her in one smooth stroke, his fingers digging into her hips and rumbling a groan of her name as her clenching heat welcomed him. Sensitive as she was from his foreplay, her climax seized her at the feeling of his thick, hot weight stretching and filling her so perfectly, the vein that ran along the underside of his cock pulsing against her g-spot.
       Nobunaga grunted and growled as she came around him, drenching him in her release. His fingers tore at the grass next to her, dropping his head to the crook of her shoulder as he gasped. Breathless chuckles fanned against her skin as he leaned back to look at her, a bead of sweat running down the side of his neck. “You almost made me come there, fireball.” Reaching up, he brushed her hair away from her sweaty forehead. “So tight and sensitive for me…”
       MC had barely recovered before he pulled away to thrust back into her hard, drawing screams from her in the aftershocks of her climax. “Too much!” she cried, holding on to him for dear life as he plunged into her again and again, pounding her into the soft bed of flowers.
       “Take it,” he grunted, grasping her hips to pull her impossibly closer, impaling her on his cock. His lips captured hers in a sloppy kiss, brimming with passion and need as he dominated her mouth. “Take it all!”
       Here, in this backroom garden, it felt like they were the only people in the entire world, just them and the flowers and the ghosts of a time long passed, the proof of those old lovers’ bond in the air and ground and walls.
       In the arms of the one she loved most, flowers caressing her cheeks and tangling in her hair, MC cried with love and need, her body aglow with the heat and intensity of her ardor. She needed him like the air she breathed, a part of her just as her heart and mind were.
       “I love you,” Nobunaga murmured, his voice heavy with emotion. “I need you. You’re my better half, my reason to do good.” His lips brushed the corners of her eyes in a rare show of tenderness, kissing her pleasured tears away. “Everything good in my world stems from you.”
       There was something desperate in his voice, echoing from a fear of loss buried deep inside of him. Faintly, her mind wandered to Lady Inume and her farmer, to the troubles they were unable to overcome and the tragic ending that awaited them. It was too sad to think they were never able to be together even in the afterlife. She and Nobunaga had been through their fair share of troubles as well, but through pain and love and sheer force of will they’d managed to work their way through it. If she had been in Lady Inume’s position, if Nobunaga had been that farmer’s son, would she have had the strength to do the same?
       Biting her lip, she drew her lover impossibly closer, wrapping him tight in her arms. If she could’ve she would’ve never let him go, kept him safe from everything and everyone that would dare harm him.  “I love you, too,” she panted, gazing into those wide red eyes as she cupped his cheek in her palm. “Never let go of me.”
       “Never,” he vowed, and she mewled and cried his name as the angle of his thrusts changed, turning more forceful as he hilted inside of her, branding his name into the deepest parts of her. She nearly came when the tip of his cock slammed into the sweet spot deep inside of her, ramming into it again and again as he worked her closer to her climax.
       “I won’t last much longer if you keep squeezing me like that,” he growled, his hips moving with primal, wild abandon and his balls smacking against her ass. The sound of skin against skin echoed around the room, almost too loud in the quiet of the night.
       “Please! Hah…! I’m - I’m so close! Don’t stop!” she begged, the heel of the leg wrapped around his waist digging into the base of his spine, urging him to keep going.
       “Give me all of your pleasure,” he demanded, biting at her neck and shoulders, “Give me everything.” With a rough pinch to her clit and another deep thrust, MC came around him, her scream echoing off the ivy covered walls of the small room. Nobunaga followed close behind, rocking into her through his orgasm as he muffled his grunt against her skin, shooting his seed deep into her core.
       Strong arms wrapped around her, keeping her close as he rolled off of her. Neither of them said anything, exhausted, but the soft kiss he placed to her forehead conveyed more than enough. The sweet scent of the flowers and their lovemaking filling the air around them, they fell asleep in each other’s arms, comforted on a bed of flowers.
       Later that night, MC found herself sitting on the steps of the shrine, having left her lover peacefully sleeping in the back room.
       The full moon had risen high in the sky, illuminating the manor at the base of the hill. From here, she could see that there were lights on inside the building, and she wondered if Lady Inume’s yurei had indeed appeared as they had feared, the pain of losing the one she loved reaching beyond the grave. 
       “What are you doing out here?” Turning, she smiled as Nobunaga emerged from the shrine, a frown on his face. “I was cold, sleeping without you.”
       “Sorry. I just wanted to look at the moon.”
       “Hmm.” Taking a seat behind her, Nobunaga wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning forward to rest his chin on her shoulder. “Do you think the yurei appeared?”
       “I hope not,” she sighed, snuggling into the warmth of his hold to fend off the night chill. “And I hope they aren’t worried when they find we haven’t returned.”
       The man behind her scoffed, kissing one of the marks he had left on her neck earlier. “Pay that no mind. Just think of me right now.”
       “As you wish,” MC chuckled, expecting more kisses, but just then she felt him stiffen behind her, his grip on her tightening protectively. “Nobunaga?” A large hand covered her mouth, silencing her. A little annoyed and more alarmed, she raised a brow at him over her shoulder, but he wasn’t looking at her, his eyes fixed on something on the path ahead.
       Turning to see what he was looking at, she gasped and pressed back into him, clutching at his arms around her.
       The forest had gone completely silent except for the sound of dead leaves scuttling across the ground, carried along by a cold wind. Standing on the path, just in sight of the shrine, was a pale figure clad entirely in white. She stood far away, but it was obvious she was looking their way, locks of wispy black hair blowing in the breeze. It was impossible to make out her expression or any features, but a dark smudge marred the front of her white wedding robes, stark in the light of the full moon. 
       The woman stood like that, staring at them, for several moments, and MC thought she could surely hear her heart pounding in her chest, hear proof of the life rushing through her veins. The hairs on the back of her neck stood straight up and she could feel goose bumps rising on her arms. The logical part of her tried to reason that it must be one of the villagers or someone from the manor, out for a late night stroll, but the other, more instinctual part of her screamed, urging her to cower and run from this being that she sensed as inhuman.
       The stillness almost grew to be too much, nearing its breaking point, but as they watched, a second figure appeared from the treeline along the path, drawing the woman’s attention. A tall male approached her without fear, clad in simple brown robes. They seemed to exchange a few words, too distant to hear, and then he took her hand, drawing her close to him. 
       With a last look at Nobunaga and MC, the couple disappeared out of sight down the path, fading into thin air. She held her breath long after they were gone, the sounds of the forest steadily coming back to life.
       When she tried to speak her lover’s name nothing came out, so she turned to curl into him instead, shaking. 
       “Gods,” he invoked quietly, his voice a little strained. “That had to have been one of the villagers,” he grunted, “Or a trick of the eyes?”
       “That we both saw?” she whispered.
       Looking at each other, a couple of heartbeats passed and then they burst into laughter, the kind tinged with adrenaline and relief, hearts beating madly in their chests as a reminder that they were alive and real...even if what they had just witnessed was questionably so.
       Somehow MC didn’t think Lady Inume’s yurei was all that vengeful anymore.
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jkslug · 5 years
foul mouth | kth ceo au
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∷ Cursing out and not recognizing your boss earned you his constant (and annoying) attention alongside a new nickname.
Taehyung x Reader
Words: 4,689
∵ fluff
∵ ceo au ,,, e2l au
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“Um… you,” a hand was pointed towards your face, “photocopy 2 of everything then man the desk,” now a tonne of papers was slammed in front of you, sending a gust of wind backwards and shocking you from the force they were dropped at.
Getting bossed around was something you had to get used to being a junior secretary at a huge up and coming company- a new junior secretary who also only started three days ago.
There were also nicknames; they were rather degrading as most people never bothered to learn your name until they decided you could last at least four months here. Nothing too special; most people opted for: ’hey you!’ or ’thingy’ and the most welcoming- ’newbie’.
You had to take it on the chin, this was your job -a well paying one- that you weren’t planning on losing any time soon. So the workload and rude coworkers are something you’ll have to get used to, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t annoying as shit.
”It’s Y/N,” managing to wrap your tiny hands around the blocks of paper, you lifted up the weight, ”you should know; you’re the one who hired me Amanda,” your boss or head secretary, Amanda, didn’t have time for ’casual’ conversation (somehow, knowing your name was casual) and anytime anyone brought up anything other than work she shut it down. So making friends was out the window.
”Alright then Adrian,” not even close, “can you stop messing around and photocopy these for me quickly. I want to go to lunch,” you did admire her however; the way she managed to talk with you, the person on the phone, the person in front of her, all while clicking the mouse to add another tab onto the already filled screen on her computer was multitasking skills beyond even your own mother. And the fact that she still managed it with impeccable slicked back hair, untouched skin and a perfect pantsuit combo was some sort of sorcery.
”Chop chop,” Amanda waved her hand in your general direction and went back to her multiple conversations.
The sigh that fell from your mouth was heavy enough to even worry the man standing behind the desk, but nonetheless, work was work and you were willing to commit until this job inevitably kills you.
The walk to the photocopy room wasn’t that far, so you didn’t bother thinking about the fact the trip back you were carrying double the weight until you were there, smacking your head against the photocopier for your sheer stupidity of not doing this in two trips.
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”Finally,” Amanda got up from her chair, not to help, but to grab her purse, ”I’m going to get some food and I’ll be straight back as I still don’t trust you here alone. Put the papers on my side of the desk,” oh, that’s a nice feeling.
Being bashed and then ordered around again. You stood there, loads and loads of paper somehow balanced in your hands as you watched Amanda walk away, heels clicking against the tile floors with every self-entitled step.
You set down the papers with a slam next to her computer, the pens laid on her desk dispersed and you didn’t make an effort to pick them up. A favour for a favour.
Expecting a clear desk, you sat down in your chair with the annoyingly squeaky wheel and gasp at your computer screen. You stared at what was normally a flawless sheer black, clean screen that had transformed into a mood board for yellow and pink post-it notes, all similarly decorated with a neat ’A’ at the bottom of the task set on each one of them.
”Fuck sake!” You bang your head onto the keyboard; unintelligible combinations appearing onto your Microsoft Excel and stretching the collum as your profile stays firmly pressed against the board.
”I know the feeling, but maybe keep the language to yourself, you’re in a public space,” an unfamiliar voice ringed in your ears, the tone of was deep, but it was smoother than caramel; you could fall into it and listen to it all day… but once the words registered in your mind your head shot up, hair flying everywhere and out of your pathetically tied bun.
“There you go,” the man watched as you appeared from under the desk like a bunny coming out of a magicians top hat, “you need to let me in. I’ve lost my ID and can’t get through the turnstiles. You have to let me in, I would jump over, but I don’t want to rip this suit.”
Not only were you the secretary for this building and company, you also were the ’gatekeeper’- as you liked to call it. You and Amanda decide who goes in and who doesn’t; people who work here have an ID to get them past the turnstiles, and others, who have scheduled appointments, are given a temporary guest ID to let them in. This guy, however, has neither of those things and Amanda made it very clear: ’never let someone who doesn’t have an ID or appointment through. Or else’.
And as a new employee under her care, you didn’t want to embarrass you or her.
“I can’t do that sir. You don’t have an ID or an appointment so you can’t go through,” you say with a monotone voice a shuffle through papers to make yourself look busy.
The look he fires back to your remark is either completely disgust or shock, ”my face should be ID enough.”
Wow, what a cocky little shit. You scoff and smile, shocked by his attitude.
”Your face? Sorry, but as a person who works here, I’ve never seen you around,” you roll your eyes and turn away, sitting back down in your chair, ”you can’t go through.”
“You’re just a secretary, who have you seen around and what do you do anyway?” You could see the self-entitlement dripping off of him.
Your blood starts boiling and you slam your hands on the desk, rising slowly and building up and ready to burst like a volcano. At first, before you took this job, you would’ve thought the same thing, but finally having the experience of being a secretary and the workload, you were ready to punch this guy square in the face.
”Just a secretary? Sorry, sir,” you over pronounce the sir, ”but i’m not just the fucking secretary, I also manage the damn gates.”
”Revolutionary. You hold the company on your shoulders,” you didn’t much enjoy the sarcasm or smile that this man’s mouth is showing.
“Alright you fucking listen here mister,” you lean over the counter while pointing a finger, officially done with today and this random dude, “I work fucking hard, this job is hard as shit I hope you know that. Also, I’m not letting you in the bloody building, okay?”
The fact that he was still grinning was all the more frustrating; you wanted to slap it off his face.
”You have such a foul mouth,” he speaks softly, but with a teasing smile which aggravates you further.
”You have a foul personality. Don’t come over to me and demand stuff I can’t give you like a spoilt child,” you spit at him. Honestly, if he caught you at any other time, you wouldn’t be this fired up.
”Actually you can because I’m-”
”Mr Kim?”
Both you and the frustrating man turn to see Amanda, standing there, half-eaten sandwich in her left hand, ”are you here for your afternoon meeting?”
Confusion struck; Amanda knew him? Who’s mister Kim? What meeting?
Your confusion wasn’t exactly hidden; it was pretty obvious to Amanda what happened as she clicked her heels back around the desk to your side to look for the guest IDs, all while shouting/whispering in your ear, ”he’s the CEO of the company, Kim Taehyung. And you’ve made him late for a meeting”
The expression on your face was priceless; Taehyung had to let out a small snicker as your eyes slowly but surely widened and your back straightened up. Words were on the tip of your tongue but came out as stupid stutters instead of the calm and sweet, honey voice he had.
Amanda handed over the ID and shook her head, apologizing on your behalf, “sorry, they’re the newbie,” you could feel the cheeks redden and you hoped he wouldn’t point it out, but after talking to him for only 3 minutes, you felt like he’s a person who would.
“Alright foul mouth, think you can remember this face for next time,” the way you tried to hide the incredulous look on your face only made Taehyung smile wider.
Taehyung bid farewell to Amanda and walked over to the turnstiles, letting himself in and running to the elevators.
”Hey y/n,” Amanda nudged your arm; you were expecting a scolding for not knowing who the owner of the company was, but you got, “I think he likes you,” you see her smiling for the first time as she walks back to the seat.
You were left in a daze… he likes you? And Amanda knows your name? It got you blushing even more than usual… Taehyung did, not Amanda.
“What?” You blinked at her. Too many thoughts that ’what’ was the only word you could let out.
“Well, he fired the last secretary because they couldn’t remember his name… so I guess he likes you,” Amanda shrugged.
You visibly gulped. You were in for it. This guy was bad news. And he was your boos.
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“Should I get my dog the banana costume or the Dorothy costume for Halloween?”
It had only been a month since you had started work here and Amanda had taken a complete 180. The two conversation topics you and Amanda fall back on when the awkward silence fills the desk is her dog, Grumples (which you didn’t mind, like, at all) and Taehyung, the CEO (which you did mind, making it Amanda’s favourite subject topic)
”Those Dorothy shoes look like they’re from build-a-bear,” you lean over and give your input as she shows you her phone.
Amanda nods in agreement and keeps scrolling, “banana it is,” she copies you and rests her feet on the desk next to yours.
Over the past month, yours and Amanda’s computers slowly got closer and closer together -as did your friendship- and now you were reading a magazine and resting your feet on the desk.
Old Amanda would’ve erupted if she saw the both of you. Maybe once Amanda found a conversation topic that was mildly amusing (Taehyung, unfortunately) she got attached to you.
At least she knew your name now.
“It’s September, why are you ordering now?” You questioned
“I don’t trust delivery services at all,” Amanda responded.
”I can pay for next day delivery for you,” the deep, honey voice had shocked you once again- at least Amanda was there to flinch too.
As Amanda keeps her cool and places a hand on her chest to calm down her heart, you, on the other hand, jump up in your chair with a, ”what the fuck!”
”Wow, foul mouth has foul feet too,” Taehyung poked your big toe on your foot, which is sprawled out the desk; you flinched away while yelping- his hands were incredibly cold.
There was no one in the lobby and your feet hurt from the heels, who really would blame you for taking them off and relaxing- letting them breathe perhaps.
”W-what are you doing down here? Get back to work!” you struggle to fumble off the chair and stand up, blubbering uncontrollably as you slip slightly while trying to maintain some composure.
”You’re the one who’s resting their dirty feet on the front desk foul mouth!” Taehyung retorted, causing a small gasp to fall past your lips in offence; the nickname and him calling your feet dirty somehow cut deeper coming from his lips.
Amanda, like always, sits at the side and watches you and Taehyung’s usual ’run-ins’ with an amused look on her face.
These ’run-ins’ have been occurring more than you would like them to. It seemed to start happening after you embarrassingly didn’t recognise him as the CEO of the company you work for (you have brushed up your knowledge on the company after that incident) and then cursed him out.
The ordinarily quiet lobby (apart from mornings and rush hour when everyone leaves) now always -what you thought- had a scampering child running around in it. Taehyung was constantly there, popping up unexpectedly to get a reaction out of you- specifically a reaction to get you cursing at him again just to tell you off.
Just when you thought you got rid of the insufferable nicknames, another one came out of nowhere. ’Foul mouth’. So what you had a slight potty mouth? It wasn’t a big deal. But when Taehyung pointed it out, it became some sort of horrible thing you should stop doing. Obviously, you didn’t.
Every time the name dropped from his lips it was always spoken as a hum; a horrible nickname sounded sweet with his voice; like he was singing a beautiful song every time he said it, and you hated it. You were sure he didn’t know your name as that’s all he ever called you.
He shouldn’t even be down here; he should be in his office, a hundred feet away from you.
”Mr Kim, leave before I fucking drop kick you,” you slammed your hand down on the stapler, connecting the two papers and showing hostility in your irises.
”I love it when you talk dirty to me baby,” Taehyung rested his elbow on the desk, cheek resting in his hand as he stared at you lovingly; the look in his eyes was bewildering, it looked so real, but you knew it was just some tease.
“Go upstairs,” you hiss as a warning.
“This is so cute,” Amanda chuckled and was practically eating popcorn as she watched you both. Witnessing you and Taehyung squabble was her new favourite pastime. 
You knew because she told you.
Amanda chirping in was ignored and Taehyung continued the conversation, “if you actually read my schedule, you would know I’m going out to negotiate a business deal so-” Taehyung showed his mature side by flipping you off with both hands.
”Of course I read your schedule!” no, you didn’t. You read ’Mr Kim’s sc-’ and tossed it into the trash.
“I know you didn’t, but i’ll forgive you,” Taehyung flashes a bitter smile as you watch a sleek black car pull up in the street through the lobby windows. You didn’t want to guess how much it was, but it looked expensive. The tinted windows and paint job looked as if they cost more than your monthly rent.
Taehyung notices the car too and starts walking backwards slowly, keeping his eyes on you, “bye foul mouth,” a wink was directed at you, as was a shit-eating grin before Taehyung turned around and left the building, pulling a large coat on to cover his already large frame.
A wink. How cheesy.
”Did you see that? Mr Kim winked at you,” Amanda chirped in, poking your sides playfully.
”It was cringey.”
”Why are you blushing then?”
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“Should I get my dog the elf costume or the reindeer costume for Christmas?”
“Those hoofs look deranged.”
”Elf it is.”
“It’s November, why are you ordering now?”
You and Amanda looked over at each other- you’ve had this conversation before.
Smiling at the infamous deja vu, you loosely chuck your wallet into the handbag that was definitely too big for the things you normally carry and grab your phone, ”do you want anything?”
”No, just be quick y/n,” Amanda’s workaholic side was evident in that sentence, wanting you back from your break as quickly as possible.
You nod and circle round the desk, quickening your pace as you don’t want to face Amanda’s wrath if you’re late.
”Wait! Y/n!” you whip your head around, expecting to be faced with Amanda’s face, but instead, a thick coat harshly smacked into your face and fell into your arms, ”you forgot your coat.”
Saluting to Amanda, you dash out of the door and give her another reason to scoff at you. You carelessly scramble to pull the coat on; the soft fabric touching your skin as you pulled your arm through the sleeve, tips of your fingers visible at the end.
The doors at the exit automatically opened once you were close enough and you swiftly stepped out, smiling to the bodyguards before doing so.
Cold air breathed into your skin once you stepped outside, hitting you like a truck; red cells rising to your cheeks to protect you from the harsh breeze. Your coat was already wrapped around you, adding another layer of protection as your flimsy dress and wool tights are useless against this weather.
It wasn’t unbearable, but you wanted to get out of the bitter weather and find something to warm up your hands; the nearest cafe to the building was a safe bet.
The place was small and quaint, so whenever someone walked in, the bell would ring and almost every face would turn to you, checking the arrival of the new person is acceptable enough to stay here.
That’s exactly what happened to you; not only did the warmth from the heaters hit your face, about 8 different eyes burned holes into you too- effectively heating you up more.
Looking down, you sauntered forward, avoiding the looks as you neared the counter. The man in front who had just finished his order turned around and- oh fuck.
“Mr Kim?”
The egregious smirk etched its way onto Taehyung’s face -insufferable and handsome as always- as he finished his order with, ”-oh, also a latte for foul mouth too,” he spins around, smile still present, ”you like lattes right?”
”I hate them,” you keep lying so he wouldn’t have the satisfaction of being right, ”and you’re not paying for my coffee- why are you even here?”
”It’s my day off. You really don’t read my schedule do you?” Taehyung looked slightly hurt, but the teasing kind that suggests he’s upset you aren’t obsessed with him. Like you’ll be obsessed with someone so full of himself to think like that.
”I did!” that was true. You eventually looked.
You tried resting on your tiptoes, looking past the tall man, but your view was blocked by his annoyingly becoming face, “and cancel the damn latte!” you shout to the barista, unable to get past the wall that is Mr Kim.
You let out a heavy sigh at him rotating his head around and gesturing at the poor barista to make it anyway.
Stumbling back, you finally got a good look of Taehyung in casual clothes. Well, casual enough for a businessman like Mr Kim. A striped, collared red shirt layered with a navy cardigan and a trench coat you really didn’t want to guess the price of.
Everything looked seamlessly exceptional on him, wearing it with so much confidence is what made him all the more attractive; any piece of clothing that was worn by him gained value by 100% just because it touched his skin. You shamelessly got too lost starting at him to notice the hand waving in front of your face.
”Foul mouth?” a look of genuine concern crossed his face, “stop spacing out.”
The nickname brought you back- does he even know your name?
”A cappuccino and latte to go?” the barista called from behind you, holding the plastic cups towards you.
There was no way you were letting Taehyung pay for you; your pride wouldn’t let you- even though it was just coffee.
You swatted his hand away that held a wad of money and dug into your oversized handbag to pull out your flimsy wallet. You handed the barista a 10 and refused the change.
“I was going to pay for that,” Taehyung held up his arms.
“Tough,” you grab onto both coffee cups, harsh pricks of warmth stabbing at your fingertips and tickling up your arm. To say it woke you up a little was an understatement.
Forcing the coffee into his open hand, Taehyung tried resisting, ”but-”
”Just because you’re ‘rich’,” you used air quotes with your free hand, ”doesn’t mean you have to pay for everything.”
Normally, Taehyung was not one to show when certain words affected him -being a businessman it could come in handy- but those small, simple words struck a chord within him. He never noticed; everyone always expected him to pay; everyone always waited until he reached for the bill first. It was refreshing to hear it.
Taehyung just froze up; a smile on his face and coffee in hand, the heat from the plastic cup is not the only thing sending tingles of amiability up his spine.
It took you a second to notice Mr Kim was staring at you. You couldn’t help but tease, waving a hand in front of his face and smiling at him, ”are you having an embolism?”
You had got him to laugh, which you were curiously happy about.
”No… thank you,” Taehyung looked down at the ground while holding up his cup, grinning just to glance back up at you with that boyish smile that would make any girls heart flutter. Including yours.
”No problem,” the air gets awkward so you step back and out of it, ”I should get back to work before Amanda kills me.”
”I could walk you b-”
”No! I’m fine!” you rush out the door; heart at a pace that wasn’t what anyone would call ’normal’ and cheeks completely burning. The cold breeze was barely doing justice in cooling you down.
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”Guess what,” Amanda grins as she looks up at you as she sits on the other side of the desk.
”What?” it was like you knew what she would say, but you ask anyway because you had just arrived and slumped on the customer side of the desk.
”I cancelled the elf costume and went for the reindeer anyway.”
You roll your eyes at Amanda- of course she would.
Amanda greeting you by talking about her dog didn’t cheer you up like it normally would. This morning had been unbearable and it hasn’t even started properly. All it took was one thing -that one thing is waking up late- to screw up the rest of the day.
”We have Mr Kim’s new schedule for this week,” Amanda held out the piece of paper whilst typing on the computer, once again showing off her prodigious multitasking skills.
The paper flew out of her two fingers as you snatched it from her and speed-walked around the desk. Crashing down onto your leather seat you read through it with gleaming eyes that didn’t go unnoticed by your desk buddy.
Things between you and Mr Kim have been… friendly? What was once teasing and cursing back and forth turned into genuine conversations every time he came downstairs, (there was still a little teasing and cursing) becoming significantly uninteresting to Amanda, which was a plus for you- although he did still call you foul mouth, proving your suspicions that he didn’t know your name to be true.
Running your fingers over the ink on the page, you memorized as much as you could on first glance, however, it came to a halt once it landed over the end of today.
Monday 5:30 - Dinner date.
A date? The words tasted strange on your tongue and you haven’t even said it out loud yet. You didn’t even know he had time for dates, but you knew it didn’t sit well with you; a grip was on your stomach and the fact that you felt like that, felt wrong entirely. He was basically your boss.
Your upset face was obviously more noticeable than you first thought as it attracted the attention of Amanda, ”something wrong?” she notices the placement of your finger and smirks.
”Jealous?” she spoke in that annoying mocking voice again.
”No,” you slammed the paper onto your desk, becoming engrossed with your computer screen instead, ”why would I be jealous?”
”Because you secretly like your boss and he’s going out with someone who isn’t you,” she had pinned the tail onto the donkey. The donkey was you and the tail was the cold hard truth.
”Fuck off.”
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”Stop sulking!”
You scoff at Amanda as you continue to indeed, pout.
You promised yourself you wouldn’t get that upset over it, it wasn’t a big deal at all; he could even have a girlfriend for all you know. What you were really pouting over was the fact that Taehyung had not come downstairs at all today. It has become a habit and you had got used to it, getting comfortable with his presence being there.
You let out one big, final sigh as you start packing up; you hurriedly shove everything into your handbag, mumbling curses to yourself when you accidentally dropped your phone to the floor.
Bending over while praying it didn’t smash, you retrieve your phone and stand back up straight to meet a face you say you’re comfortable with, but still get scared of every time it appears unexpectedly.
”Mr Kim!” you place a hand over your chest and try to calm down from another jumpscare, ”what are you doing down here?”
”You really don’t read my schedule, do you?” Taehyung studies your every movement as you walk around the desk, ”I have a date.”
You press a smile together and raise your eyebrows, ”have fun,” lowering your face, you start speed walking for the door.
As you listened to your heels click against the floor rapidly, another sound of steps close-by catches your attention. You stopped abruptly and whipped your head to the side to see Taehyung.
”Mr Kim what-”
”I prefer it if you would call me Taehyung.”
”But you’re my boss-” you tried speaking again, but inevitably got interrupted.
”And you’re my date y/n,” your heart sped up and somehow slowed down at the same time. He said your name and date in one sentence, ”so let’s go,” your hand was taken from you as Taehyung dragged you away; Amanda excitedly waving you out of the door.
”Mr- Kim, what’s going on?” Taehyung somehow managed to get you into his car before answering your constant questions.
You were both in the back seat and you could not be more confused. You were his date? He knew your actual name?
Taehyung slowly reached over you, grabbing the seatbelt and helping you strap in; the close proximity was deadly as you held in a breath. You could feel his breath tickling the peach fuzz on your cheeks, which were bright red by now.
”You’re my date,” you felt the seatbelt click in place, ”because I like you. You stand up for yourself, which is hot, and are more caring than you think… and I wanted to take you out.”
You were a stuttering mess, words failing to get out, but you managed a small, ”w-wh-well what if I-I don’t want to go out?”
By the smirk on Taehyung’s face, you could tell he was planning something, ”tough,” you watched his dilated pupils getting closer and closer to you; hands nervously sweating and gripping onto the seat once his lips collided with force onto yours.
You felt two hands softly hold your cheeks, easily covering each one with how huge his hands were.
Just like everything else, Taehyung effortlessly got whatever he wanted and you relaxed, kissing him back; fluttering your eyes shut, your hands fell on top of his, softly caressing them as your lips worked together as if that was their sole purpose.
Everything was still confusing for you, but this felt right. It felt comfortable.
Taehyung was the first to pull away, causing the tiniest whimper to fall from your lips once he did. Your foreheads gently lean against each other; his cheeky grin still visible as you gulped.
”You know… for such a foul mouth, I didn’t expect you to taste so sweet.”
Taehyung may have got a smack around the head for that, but, he still pulled you back and enjoyed the taste of your lips for the whole ride to the restaurant.
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squishymochisoo · 6 years
four times - angel! changbin
genre : angst, angel! au, heavy mentions of suicide, self-harm, mentions of rape
pairing : reader x changbin
words : 2.5k
sypnosis : four times you tried to end it. but every time you did you somehow stayed alive. the fourth time you tried, someone named changbin, who claimed to be your angel appeared. with changbin around everything felt less less of a nightmare and more like a dream
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you couldn’t believe your eyes. everything came with a price. you knew that. you wanted your shitty life to end so much that karma though it would be funny for you to suffer more. you glanced at the mirror in for the twentieth time. was this real?
you glanced at your wrist was no scars were found on your pale skin. you remembered crying your eyes out hoping that this was finally it. you remembered the black spots that appeared through your vision as you blinked and finally one last cut. you remembered the last thing you saw was your reflection in the mirror, broken and the razor falling from your grasps and clattering on the white floor, falling into your small pool of blood.  you widened your eyes. it couldn’t have been a dream. you shook your head repeatedly trying to remember. you eyes fell on the floor. it was covered in blood.
blood? so it wasn’t a dream. you thought to yourself. but- there were no scars on your wrists.
you were confused. what was going on? you slapped yourself on your cheek. 
“maybe i am really losing my mind.” you uttered not bothering to make sense out of things.
“excuse me miss?” you heard someone tap you on the shoulders. you groggily opened your eyes. sunlight shining brightly.
‘where am i’ was the first thought. a single shadow blocking the sun from directly shining on you, practically saving you from going blind.
“miss? are you okay?” the stranger asked politely. you realized you were sitting down slouching against a building.
“what? what happened?” you asked the stranger. you don’t remember falling asleep on a busy street, where people were walking fast pushing each other. actually, you remembered things very differently.
“erm, honestly i’m not sure ma’am. i just found you asleep. it’s just your going to get a heat stroke if you continue sleeping here. especially in this weather.” your eyes widened. you instantly stood up thanking the random stranger. you wanted the floor to eat you up.
just how long have i been sleeping on the floor? you recognized this busy street. it was just a corner away from your previous office. a job where you got fired at, for doing something you didn’t do.
you had such a good life. but when your boss did something you never thought anybody with a conscience would even think about. you just wanted to stay late at work to finish up the massive pile of work that your supervisor gave that day. but never would you have thought it was the worse decision you ever made.
you remembered every cry you made that night, hoping that your boss would let go of you while he did the unthinkable. you remembered the bruises that stained your body that night. you remembered how you hoped there was somebody else in that office that stayed late.
you filed a police report the next day. hoping that he would never do the same to other women. hoping that he got what he deserved. however, he didn’t get what he deserved. you remembered being blamed for that. how that son of a bitch claimed that you were the one the jumped on him, that he was the innocent one. your colleagues turned against you. soon the press turned against you. next? the whole city turned against you.
of course who were they going to believe? a rich CEO of a booming company? or an employee that dropped out of university because he father passed away and had to take care of her sick mother who couldn’t pay for her tuition fees. which story was more juicier for people to believe?
that office building you despised so much. three months after getting sacked and no one wanted your ass to step foot into their establishment. people were bashing you constantly that jail was the one place you belonged in. your life became a misery, really a true hellhole.
you didn’t remember sleeping on the floor of a building that was just a corner off from your previous office. you remembered yourself climbing off to the twenty-third storey of that building. contemplating if you were really going to do this. you remembered yourself convincing yourself that maybe life wasn’t that bad. you remember to keep an open mind. however, the negative thoughts came swarming back in. you remembered yourself, trying to calm yourself down as you stepped on the ledge of the building. you remembered the keep happy thoughts hoping that it might convince yourself to step down.
when you glanced at the people below you seeing how happy they were, you knew you could never ever be that happy ever again. you knew that you would never see life the way everyone saw it every again. you knew, that you had to do it. not only for you but for everyone who hated your guts.
 that was what you remembered. you remembered taking a deep breath and falling. and falling and falling. the last thing you heard was screaming.
but how could you be here right now, walking back to your apartment? how could you possibly be alive and walking. how are you breathing? how was there no blood? even if you did survive the fall, why were you sleeping on the sidewalk?
your questions were left unanswered as you opened the door to your apartment, the only place you felt comfortable in. the only placed that welcomed you. being alone meant you sought comfort in self-pity. even your own mother believed the very lie that the rest of the city believed. you remembered the very words she said to you when you visited her in the hospital.
“no daughter of mine is rapist.”
but you weren’t one. you were the victim that no one believed.
 everyday you wanted your life to end. the two times you’ve tried to end it. it never ever works. was god asking me to suffer? is my life to pitiful that i can’t even die when i try to? or is this god’s way of saying that nobody will come to my funeral and that nobody would mourn my death?
you stared at the pills sitting on your table as an episode of ‘friends’ played as white noise. if i die in this apartment will people even notice i’m gone? will my own mother realize that her own daughter stopped visiting her not because she banned me from seeing her but because I was dead?
it was said that ten pills of what laid in the bottle could probably kill me. the overdosage of the pills will work with a 100% chance. because the pill was that strong. and that six pills was probably enough to kill a normal human adult. but you wanted to make sure this worked. you wanted to be so sure that this will end your suffering instantly.
taking the pills out of the bottle, you swallowed it up one pill at a time. taking your time with it.
you felt your eyes shifting, your vision getting blurry and dark as you felt yourself throwing up. and finally you thought this was it.
 and for the third time, you were wrong.
 this wasn’t possible you muttered. no this isn’t possible. you blinked and sat up straight. your television was still playing ‘friends’, your table was scattered with the pills you took. and your floor, god your floor was covered in your own vomit.
you remembered yourself taking your last breath, finally being consumed in darkness. how is it possible that your alive and standing? was this a funny game of fate? was i too live this shitty live?
you didn’t understand anything. you couldn’t understand anything.
 three times. three times i tried to kill myself. why am i still here? why am i still alive and not dead.
 what exactly was going on?
if fate was trying to send you a message to stay alive. you certainly didn’t get the message nor did you care.
you wanted to end things. everyday was just a constant reminder. you were struggling with each day. you were surprised how you weren’t in debt yet. even if your mother wanted you gone from her life, you couldn’t help but still pay for her hospital fees. she was still your mother at the end of the day and she has nobody else that could care for her. no matter how ugly and horrible her words were to you. you weren’t a disrespectful child.
you stared at the lake in front of you. could this work? you blinked hoping that maybe you would talk yourself out of it. you didn’t know how to swim. but in this context wasn’t it good that you didn’t know how to swim? you didn’t know anymore. you wanted to cry but at this point of time, you were dried up of tears.
you rarely cry anymore. you just stare blankly.
the water was deep, you remembered submerging yourself in the cold water on that very night. you remembered the pain when water entered your nose in a rush and you gasping for air.
but when you woke? you were lying by the lake, wet but alive. you felt your hot breath on your pale palms are you wiped your wet face.
 how was this possible? four times? four times and i’m still alive. you were so drowned in your thoughts that a voice startled you.
 “are you serious? i have to save you four times? when will you realize you’re not going to die that easily?” a deep voice sounded from behind you. you jumped a little turning back.
there stood a boy around his early twenties? around your age. black hair, tall thin face and eyes a little small., leaning against the tree, looking at you.
“wh-who are you?” you muttered while shivering. the boy walked over to you and held your palm, warming it up. you’re eyes widened.
‘what ?’
 “please stop trying to kill yourself, it’s really giving me a lot of work.” the boy sighed. you furrowed your eyebrows, staring at him, you pulled your hand away from him instantaneously. but pulling away meant you shivering in the cold.
“listen y/n, let’s get you warmed up and settled at home first okay.”
“h-how did you know my name?” you stuttered a little concerned that he was a serial killer, but honestly you really shouldn’t mind since he would be giving you your own wish.
 “i’m not going to harm you… even if that’s what you wished would happen,” the boy whispered the very last part.
once he got you settled at home and sat in front of you on your couch.
 “i’m changbin, your angel.”
 “what? no you’re not, angels aren’t real.” you scoffed.
“yes they are. who do you think saved you the very four times you tried to kill yourself? including tonight?”
“you? you were the one that made me suffer more?” you shouted growing in anger. angel or not, you didn’t care.
“i made you suffer more? look y/n you can’t just end your life so as you wish. you can’t just feel like you’ve had enough of life.” you rolled your eyes.
“yes i can. life has only been hurting me and i am dead tired of trying to live each day. “ you screamed your eyes getting blurry. were you finally going to cry? you felt some tears make their way down your cheek.
 you saw changbin softened.
 “look, live is hard, i agree. and i know you’ve had a lot this past few months. i know you feel like you’re alone. i know everything you felt since that very day was injustice. but trust me when i say, i know you, i’ve seen you grown up. i know very well that you’re stronger than you think. and that this something you can overcome if we do it together. i’m your angel and i’m sorry i haven’t approached you when things were really hard. “ you sniffled.
“but y/n-, please stop. i promise, i’ll help you. i promise that whatever you feel now, it’s going to get better.”
you gulped. more tears trying to make it’s way out of your eyes. you faced changbin. he smiled gently at you reaching out a hand in front of you.
and for the first time in the past few months, you thought
 ‘maybe life was actually worth it’
“changbin?” you called out the angel.
the angel popped his head into the kitchen, where you were cooking at the stove.
“were you assigned me as your human or did you get to choose?” you questioned the angel, the question was roaming through your mind since the day he stepped foot through your door three weeks ago claiming to be your angel.
“well, assigned”
“did you like being assigned as my angel? i’m sorry for being such a trouble.” you asked looking at his handsome face while stirring the pot. you weren’t gonna lie but his presence made your heart skip a beat. a feeling you haven’t felt in a while.
“well, i didn’t really got assigned to you.” changbin shyly smiled at you. you gave him a confused look.
“i was still in training at got tired of training to be an angel. so i snuck off to the hq when they were in the middle of assigning babies to their angels. i saw your face. i just got attracted to it. i don’t know what it was.”
“i took your scroll, which something an angel has when being assigned. and then i was your angel.”
“i didn’t know what i was doing. but watching you suffer through the months, i wanted to hug you and tell you how you weren’t alone. “  changbin sighed and looked down, regretting how he wasn’t a good angel to you.
 “but?” you continued for him intrigued in knowing more.
 “but, i couldn’t. i never completed training but it was the number one rule to never show yourself in front of your human. every time you tried to kill yourself, my heart broke, i cried when you first tried to cut yourself. i couldn’t bear the thought of you dead. i couldn’t even think about how life has treated you. I was never supposed to interfere with your life. i wasn’t supposed to save you. but “
“but i don’t know what came over me. i just wanted you to live happily. i didn’t want you to die thinking life was this cruel thing. i couldn’t imagine my life if you weren’t there.” you stared at him. not realizing throughout the time he spoke you stepped closer and closer to him.
 your silence was torturous for him.
 “y/n?” he looked up and saw you right in front of him.
 without thinking, you grabbed his cheek and gently kissed him. you were expecting him to pull away pushing you off.
 he kissed you back.
thank you changbin
a/n : YEET idk what i was thinking, i should be sleeping or studying yet i’m here writing this! well i hope this was good! also if the keep reading sign is gone blame tumblr
let me know if you enjoyed this! and do leave some feedback? if i could improve!
also! tell me if you want me to write more? because i would honestly LOVE to write more!! 😊😊😊
also credit to the border picture xx
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barnesangel · 6 years
Only You
Summary: Sam finds out that the Reader and Steve finally hooked up after three years of sneaking around one another.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: 1674
Warnings: fluff, brief mention of smut (nothing detailed)
A/N: I honestly had so much fun writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it just as much!
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(gif found on giphy)
An audible yawn echoed through the empty kitchen as Y/N waited for the coffee pot to finish brewing the beverage she craved for after the night she had. She poured the steaming hot liquid into her favourite mug and took in a deep breath, sighing when the smell hit her nostrils.
When she opened her eyes, she noticed Sam walking into the room with a little bit too much energy for her taste this early in the morning. He sent her a toothy smile and greeted her with so much enthusiasm, she had to ask herself how long he’d been awake to be this animated.
“God, Sam,” she groaned, throwing her head back to emphasise her point before looking at him again, “how are you this lively in the morning?”
He only laughed under his breath and shrugged, “Why aren’t you? Didn’t have a good night or what?”
“I actually had a very good night, thank you very much. I guess I’m just not a morning person – frankly, I think no one should be.”
Sam rolled his eyes at her dramatic antics and poured a cup of coffee for himself while Y/N sat down at the table, sipping on her coffee. For a second, she contemplated whether she should get up and eat something. But the fridge seemed too far away for her now, so she’d wait for someone to make too much breakfast and steal some from their plate.
Sam leaned with his back against the sink, facing Y/N and observing her as she seemed to be in deep thought. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and she gnawed on her bottom lip causing it to become swollen.
He was about to ask what was up with her this morning when Steve appeared in the doorway.
In an instant, Y/N’s entire demeanour changed, and Sam watched her closely. She sat up a bit straighter, the corners of her mouth pulling into a small smile that lit up her eyes. Her hands fiddled with the handle of the mug almost giddily as if she were a child aching to open its Christmas gift.
He glanced at Steve and saw almost the same expression on his face. The only difference was that he had his head low and looked up at her, locking eyes. But as fast as this happened, he lowered his head again and a blush adorned his cheeks while he huffed out a laugh that almost sounded like a giggle.
As Sam put two and two together, he couldn’t keep the mischievous smirk off his face which luckily went unnoticed by his lovestruck best friends.
“Hi,” Steve’s soft voice broke the silence and with it Sam’s train of thought.
“Hi, Steve,” she smiled back at him, eyes lingering for a brief moment.
As if they shared the same brain, memories of them locking eyes the previous night came back and they turned their heads away, a blush heating up their cheeks.
This was all the confirmation Sam needed so he decided to bark out a laugh causing their heads to snap in his direction, “Oh wow, guys. Why didn’t you tell me, Steve?”
Steve glanced at Y/N for a moment, eyes pleading to help him out, but she shrugged, silently telling him that he’s on his own, “Tell you what, Sam?”
But Sam ignored Steve’s question in his teasing excitement, “And you, Y/N!” he pointed at her, “How could you also decide to keep this from me? Me out of everyone!”
Y/N’s brows raised when he started ‘accusing’ her of keeping a secret from him and her cheeks burned a deeper shade of red as she tried to hide behind her coffee mug. A silent groan left her lips as she really wasn’t in the mood for Sam’s early morning antics and teasing.
Steve shot her an apologetic smile once she set the mug down on the table again to which she nodded, quietly telling him it was okay. It wasn’t only his fault after all that as soon as they laid eyes on each other, they would ogle each other and get flashbacks from last night.
Sam was now almost jumping up and down as he tried to contain his excitement and suppress all the inappropriate, teasing jokes flowing into his head. He was as – if not more – joyous that his two best friends finally got their act together and made a move on each other. The lingering gazes and innocent yet meaningful smiles created too much tension the longer it went on.
He put his head in his hand, propping his elbow on the kitchen island in front of him -which made him appear like a gossiping hen – and looked between the two blushing idiots in front of him, waiting for an explanation.
But, again, they were interrupted by Natasha entering the kitchen. She was already dressed in her gym clothes and seemed to be in a fairly good mood when the slight spring in her step was any indication. Stopping dead in her tracks as soon as she noticed Sam with bright, excited eyes, a look of confusion crossed her face and she knit her eyebrows together.
“What’s going on here?”
“Nat! Get this! Y/N and Steve finally-“
“If you continue with what you’re about to say, Samuel Thomas Wilson, I’ll rip your wingsuit apart and kidnap Redwing.” Y/N interrupted Sam, sending him a death glare as she took a sip of her coffee, her calmness letting him know she’d go through with her threat.
Sam pushed himself off the counter and pretended to lock his mouth with an invisible key, throwing it away. Despite this, he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face which caused Y/N and Steve to sigh.
Natasha, however, grasped onto what the Falcon wanted to say and gasped, her eyes lighting up. Y/N shot her a warning glower, but the redhead ignored her as she kept switching from looking between the two lovebirds.
“Oh my god!” she squealed, and Steve stared at her in confusion with her uncharacteristic excitement, “When? It finally happened! I can’t believe it!” She laughed as Y/N and the Captain went red once again, this time more due to the constant attention for the past five minutes than the embarrassment of being caught.
Sighing and cursing under her breath, Y/N got up and set her empty coffee mug in the sink. Instead of walking out of the room like she usually would, she went to stand next to Steve and put an assuring hand on his biceps.
She sent him a small smile and a wink causing him to let out a breathy laugh through his nose, biting his lip. Y/N turned to their two friends who still seemed as excited as a puppy – if they had tails, they would’ve been wagging like crazy – and took a deep breath, readying herself for what was about to come.
Y/N and Steve had been dancing around each other for far too long - almost three years to be exact. And yesterday, it got to a point where Steve was laying on her bed as they usually would, and they couldn’t bear the thick tension anymore.
Y/N was the one to start the conversation, she wanted to know what the one thing he wanted in his life was. And Steve, as cheesy as it sounds, stared at her for the longest time, debating whether he should blurt out the first thing that came to his mind.
Once he whispered those three letters, the ones she had been longing to hear for so long, they finally let their hesitations go and kissed each other. It was slow and soft at first, but as the three years of pent-up emotions surfaced, the kiss became more passionate and heated. Clothes were thrown across the room without care and every inch of newly exposed skin was explored.
Shaking herself out of her reverie, Y/N slipped her hand in Steve’s squeezing it. His much bigger hand enveloped hers and the tension in his shoulders left him once she told him it was okay.
“Okay, guys,” Y/N spoke up catching the attention of their friends who were still very much filled with enthusiasm, “you got us. Steve and I slept together.”
As soon as the sentence left her lips, they both clapped their hands together and stormed out of the room. The couple looked at each other in confusion, not sure why they left the room in such a hurry.
They stuck their heads into the hallway, a question on the tip of their tongues. But before they could throw the question at their friends, they heard them call out to Tony, Bucky and Pietro. Once again glancing at each other, they shrugged and decided to go back to the kitchen and prepare breakfast.
But as soon as they turned around, they heard Sam shout something that caused the both of them to burst out into laughter, “Pay up, losers! They finally fucked yesterday!” followed by an evil cackle from Sam.
“I’m glad we have such supportive friends that definitely won’t start bets behind our backs.” Steve chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck in mild embarrassment.
“Can you blame them, though? We took so long, at one point I almost started a bet with F.R.I.D.A.Y.” She giggled, pulling his body against hers and craned her head back so she could look at his face.
“I, unfortunately, can’t,” He mused, wrapping his arm around her waist as the other wound its hand in her hair, closing the gap between their lips. His lips were soft and warm against hers as she let out a small whimper, her knees buckling when he responded with a low chuckle.
You. Only you.
Taglist: @thatsunacceptable - @jitterbuck - @kuro-no-kenshi
Feel free to leave a message or ask if you wanna be added to my taglist!
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jae-bummer · 7 years
Get Festive
Request: Can you please do #5 with Chanyeol? :)
5) Your idol likes Christmas songs a little too much and you’ve had enough.
Member: EXO’s Chanyeol x Y/N
Type: Fluff
Looking up to the sky, you shivered as snow flurries began to fall around you. Oftentimes you forgot how much you loved winter and the idea of snow, but it was an easy memory lapse. It only took a few minutes of actually standing in the weather to remind you just how much you loved to view the season from inside your home, where it was warm and dry. 
You could barely catch your breath as the wind cut through your chest. Gripping onto the oversized sweater Chanyeol had loaned you, you burrowed your chin even deeper into the scarf wrapped around your neck. It still wasn’t enough to keep you from feeling paper thin. At any second, you were certain that a gust of winter air could simply blow you away. You had sent Chanyeol to get his car from the parking garage at least fifteen minutes ago, so where was he?
As if on queue, you saw his large, Mercedes-Benz turn around the corner, towering over the cars around it. Chuckling to yourself, you thought the same thing you always did when he pulled up in his vehicle. It was a mirror of himself; tall, good-looking, and expensive. 
“Do you need a ride?” he grinned, rolling down his window to speak more clearly to you. 
“I know you’re trying to be cute, but I’m freezing my ass off,” you hissed, tugging on the handle of the car. Furrowing your brows, you tugged again, realizing that it was locked. “Unlock the car, Chanyeol.” 
“No one lacking that much holiday cheer is stepping foot into my vehicle,” he nodded serenely, beginning to roll the window back up. “I’ll wait.” 
“Chanyeol,” you said quietly, trying to remain calm. You glanced behind his car and to the growing number of other vehicles beginning to line up behind him in the street. “You’re holding up traffic.”
“No,” he shouted over his music. “You are.” 
You groaned, attempting to hide your face from the increasingly agitated crowd of cars lining the road. The longer you stood on the sidewalk, the more you heard horns and angry shouts directed your way. 
“Sorry!” he continued. “Can’t hear you over my holly jollies!”
“If you don’t let me in this damn car, guess who’s going to be alone under the mistletoe this year?” you hissed. 
“You’re never truly alone if the spirit of Christmas is in your heart-”
“Chanyeol!” you gasped, giving another tug on the car door. 
“Okay, okay,” he chuckled. “You’re going to rip off the handle.” 
“Thank you,” you grumbled, finally launching yourself into his car. You nearly had to take a running jump to get into the unnecessary and huge vehicle, causing Chanyeol to grin even wider. Securing yourself with the seat belt, you felt like a child as your legs dangled from the seat. He honestly owned the biggest car you had ever seen in the entirety of your life. 
“What took you so long anyway?” you pouted. “The parking garage honestly isn’t that far away.”
“Oh, I couldn’t find the Christmas station on the radio,” he hummed happily, pulling away from the curb. “But then I figured I could just pull up a playlist and plugged my phone in instead.” 
“...it was really that urgent?” you asked, lifting your brows. “To find the appropriate radio station?”
“Y/N,” he clucked. “How do you expect me to go Christmas shopping with you if we don’t have Christmas music playing?”
“Who said we’re Christmas shopping?” you huffed. “I thought we were going to pick up a few things from the store and-”
“Silly, Y/N,” he chuckled. “Any shopping done in December is technically Christmas shopping. Everyone knows that.”
“So I’m not touching that argument,” you hummed, rolling your eyes. “But aren’t you sick of Christmas music yet? Every time I come over to the dorm, that’s all that’s playing. And as a side note, there is literally tinsel everywhere, which you need to do something about...but back to the topic at hand, if I have to hear your ringtone one more ti-”
“If you’re about to insult the musical masterpiece that is Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want For Christmas’,” he hissed quietly, sticking a finger into the air to silence you. “I will respectively have to ask you to vacate my vehicle.” 
You leaned your head against the car window and heaved as obnoxious of a sigh as you could. You loved Christmas just as much as the next person, but Chanyeol seemed to take it to a level you would never be able to match. To his core, he was a holiday person. It didn’t matter which one, if there was a holiday on the calendar, you could guarantee that Chanyeol would be celebrating it to it’s fullest. 
“Your ridiculous,” you muttered after a moment of silence. 
“Ridiculously full of Christmas spirit!” he cheered. 
“Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ing, ring-ting, tingle-ing toooo,” Chanyeol sang happily, his hand encased in yours. With his free hand, he balanced several rolls of wrapping paper on his shoulder, and wiggled his hips as he sang. “Take it, Y/N!” 
“Uh...” you trailed, looking up in surprise and confusion. “Come on, something sleigh ride with yoooou.” 
Chanyeol paused before spinning on his heel to face you more directly. “You didn’t even try,” he pouted. 
“How can I try when I legitimately don’t know the words to the song,” you complained, attempting to pull your hand from his. He held on even tighter, gazing at you sternly. 
“Y/N, your lack of holiday-”
“Cheer is really bumming you out,” you grumbled. “Yeah, I’ve heard, Chanyeol. You remind me every time I forget the words to Carol of the Bells, which there are a lot of by the way. Or anytime I don’t dance down an isle with you when Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer starts playing. I just wasn’t made to Christmas as well as you, okay?” 
“That may be the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. Do not put a cap on your Christmas potential,” he hummed. “You’ve just...you’ve just got to try harder!” 
He nodded happily as he turned away from you again and began walking toward the exit of the department store you had somehow wandered into. He really wasn’t lying when he had mentioned that any shopping trip in December doubled as Christmas shopping. You hadn’t planned on it, but ended up buying three rolls of wrapping paper just for your own use, as well as a cat-themed, ugly Christmas sweater. 
“How can I try harder?” you groaned, dragging your feet alongside him. “I’ve accepted my fate. Why can’t you?” 
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” he smiled, glancing at some last minute bargains near the front entrance of the store. “But I am a Christmas person.” 
“You could’ve fooled me,” you croaked. “Really, I had no idea.” 
“Let’s roll back the sarcasm,” he chuckled. “But it is near impossible for me to not spread the happiness that is Christmas to everyone I know. You and the members especially. You’re the lucky ones who I care about the most and see most often.” 
“Side-question,” you nodded. “Not to derail your whole motivational speech about the holiday season, but how does Kyungsoo feel about the constant, blasting Christmas music? Or Sehun? Suho?” 
“We’re musicians, Y/N,” Chanyeol scoffed, abandoning his search for sales and finally leaving the store. 
“You think that answers the question, but it does not,” you chuckled. 
“Alright, they hate it, okay?” he sighed. “Happy?”
Chanyeol’s facial expression immediately melted into a pout as he dropped your hand and began to stalk haughtily to his car. The winter air hit your knuckles and reminded you that his warmth was no longer yours to benefit from. You knew it took a lot for Chanyeol to actually detangle from you, so the idea that you had soured his mood, soured your own. 
“I really want to say ‘no,’“ you said quietly, trailing behind him. “But...uh...I don’t like lying to you.” 
“Why do you all hate Christmas so much?” he groaned, yanking open his car door and tossing in his bags with little care. “What did it ever do to you?” 
“I don’t hate it,” you sighed, sliding into the passenger side. “I’m just not as enthusiastic as you are.”
Turning his car on, Chanyeol instantly plugged in his phone, and dropped it into the cupholder. His Christmas playlist appeared on the screen and immediately began blasting another cover of some miscellaneous song you had only ever heard while spending time with him. Trying to keep yourself from giving him an inevitable side eye, you chose to look out the window instead. 
The snow had already begun falling harder than it had only moments ago, coating everything in a heavy powder. You chewed on your lip, uneasy with the thought that you were taking the wind out of your boyfriend’s sails. You just didn’t know how to get on his level sometimes. 
“I know what you’re thinking,” he grumbled, his disappointed tone cutting through the silence. 
“You don’t,” you insisted. “You are a man of many talents, but being a mind reader is not one of them.” 
“You’re thinking about how exhausting I am,” he nodded. “And how exhausting my music is.” 
“Not YOUR music,” you smiled, turning slowly toward him. “Just your musical taste...your...seasonal, musical taste.” 
Chanyeol stuck out his lower lip as he placed both hands on the wheel, no signs of movement in his motions. You continued to chew on your lip as you sighed and turned toward him. Setting your hand lightly on his arm, with your opposite hand, you poked him gently on his cheek. 
“Don’t be sad,” you cooed, switching your role. You knew you had hurt his feelings, but you were truly overwhelmed with how much holiday cheer he had been throwing at you lately. He wasn’t lying when he said he had a case of the holly jollies, and you just hadn’t caught it yet. 
“I’m not sad,” he whispered. 
“You are,” you nodded. “And that’s okay. I’m being a pain, but you have to be patient with me.”
“I just want you to feel as magical in December as I do,” he said quietly. “When I listen to Christmas music, it reminds me of being a kid. It brings back joy and happy memories...and I guess, I’ve never really considered if it has the same effect on everyone.” 
“I’m sure it does for a lot of people,” you hummed. “Just...take it a little easy. You don’t want to overdose on Christmas. We’re not even two weeks into December yet.” 
“It’s been longer than that,” he argued, shaking his head. 
“For you,” you laughed. “You put up the Christmas tree the week of Chuseok.” 
“...I was all alone in the dorm, what do you want from me?” he grumbled. 
You swallowed and kept your argument in your throat. Since debut, you were certain Chanyeol had spent plenty of Christmases alone, or simply with a few members. It was understandable that the music of the season brought up so many emotions and reminded him of his family. Some years, Christmas music might have been all that he had, and you needed to understand that. 
No matter how much you didn’t want to hear another cover of Silent Night. 
“I want you to continue being the spectacular Christmas tree that is Park Chanyeol,” you grinned. “Whether that means I have to listen to hours of Christmas music or not.” 
“Really?” he asked cautiously. “You mean that?” 
“For the most part,” you winced. 
“Thanks, Y/N,” he nodded, leaning over and placing a light kiss on your temple. “Now let’s get festive.”
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