#then they should have reused the designs made for them 14 years prior
coockie8 · 5 months
Okay but like Disney theorists know they literally show Tarzan's parents and they are objectively not Elsa and Anna's parents, right?
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Tarzan's mom is a redhead while Elsa and Anna's is a brunette; Tarzan's dad is a brunette while Elsa and Anna's is fucking blonde. Given that Disney very much knows how to work an Easter Egg, if the intent was always that Tarzan is Elsa and Anna's brother, I think Disney would've given their parents the correct hair colours, at the very fucking least.
I straight up do not care what the director said; he's a fucking idiot. If "Tarzan is Elsa and Anna's brother" is what that dumbass was going for he should've made sure these characters looked at least vaguely fucking similar to each other.
No, assuming the article I read about him confirming this was accurate, this fucker saw a cool fan theory and retroactively decided that actually that's 100% what he intended, when that is either painfully obviously not the case, or it was an Easter Egg of such extreme low-effort, that it may as well not even be there.
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mahdi-sabour · 6 years
Key Reinstallation Attacks: Forcing Nonce Reuse in WPA2
Mathy Vanhoef imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven [email protected] Frank Piessens imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven [email protected] ABSTRACT We introduce the key reinstallation attack. This attack abuses design or implementation flaws in cryptographic protocols to reinstall an already-in-use key. This resets the key’s associated parameters such as transmit nonces and receive replay counters. Several types of cryptographic Wi-Fi handshakes are affected by the attack. All protected Wi-Fi networks use the 4-way handshake to generate a fresh session key. So far, this 14-year-old handshake has remained free from attacks, and is even proven secure. However, we show that the 4-way handshake is vulnerable to a key reinstallation attack. Here, the adversary tricks a victim into reinstalling an already-in-use key. This is achieved by manipulating and replaying handshake messages. When reinstalling the key, associated parameters such as the incremental transmit packet number (nonce) and receive packet number (replay counter) are reset to their initial value. Our key reinstallation attack also breaks the PeerKey, group key, and Fast BSS Transition (FT) handshake. The impact depends on the handshake being attacked, and the data-confidentiality protocol in use. Simplified, against AES-CCMP an adversary can replay and decrypt (but not forge) packets. This makes it possible to hijack TCP streams and inject malicious data into them. Against WPATKIP and GCMP the impact is catastrophic: packets can be replayed, decrypted, and forged. Because GCMP uses the same authentication key in both communication directions, it is especially affected. Finally, we confirmed our findings in practice, and found that every Wi-Fi device is vulnerable to some variant of our attacks. Notably, our attack is exceptionally devastating against Android 6.0: it forces the client into using a predictable all-zero encryption key. KEYWORDS security protocols; network security; attacks; key reinstallation; WPA2; nonce reuse; handshake; packet number; initialization vector 1 INTRODUCTION All protected Wi-Fi networks are secured using some version of Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/2). Moreover, nowadays even public hotspots are able to use authenticated encryption thanks to the Hotspot 2.0 program [7]. All these technologies rely on the 4-way handshake defined in the 802.11i amendment of 802.11 [4]. In this Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. CCS’17, October 30–November 3, 2017, Dallas, TX, USA. © 2017 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-4946-8/17/10. . . $15.00 https://doi.org/10.1145/3133956.3134027 work, we present design flaws in the 4-way handshake, and in related handshakes. Becausewe target these handshakes, bothWPAand WPA2-certified products are affected by our attacks. The 4-way handshake provides mutual authentication and session key agreement. Together with (AES)-CCMP, a data-confidentiality and integrity protocol, it forms the foundation of the 802.11i amendment. Since its first introduction in 2003, under the name WPA, this core part of the 802.11i amendment has remained free from attacks. Indeed, the only currently known weaknesses of 802.11i are in (WPA-)TKIP [57, 66]. This data-confidentiality protocol was designed as a short-term solution to the broken WEP protocol. In other words, TKIP was never intended to be a longterm secure solution. Additionally, while several attacks against protected Wi-Fi networks were discovered over the years, these did not exploit flaws in 802.11i. Instead, attacks exploited flaws in Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) [73], flawed drivers [13, 20], flawed random number generators [72], predictable pre-shared keys [45], insecure enterprise authentication [21], and so on. That no major weakness has been found in CCMP and the 4-way handshake, is not surprising. After all, both have been formally proven as secure [39, 42]. With this in mind, one might reasonably assume the design of the 4-way handshake is indeed secure. In spite of its history and security proofs though, we show that the 4-way handshake is vulnerable to key reinstallation attacks. Moreover, we discovered similar weaknesses in other Wi-Fi handshakes. That is, we also attack the PeerKey handshake, the group key handshake, and the Fast BSS Transition (FT) handshake. The idea behind our attacks is rather trivial in hindsight, and can be summarized as follows. When a client joins a network, it executes the 4-way handshake to negotiate a fresh session key. It will install this key after receiving message 3 of the handshake. Once the key is installed, it will be used to encrypt normal data frames using a data-confidentiality protocol. However, because messages may be lost or dropped, the Access Point (AP) will retransmit message 3 if it did not receive an appropriate response as acknowledgment. As a result, the client may receive message 3 multiple times. Each time it receives this message, it will reinstall the same session key, and thereby reset the incremental transmit packet number (nonce) and receive replay counter used by the data-confidentiality protocol. We show that an attacker can force these nonce resets by collecting and replaying retransmissions of message 3. By forcing nonce reuse in this manner, the data-confidentiality protocol can be attacked, e.g., packets can be replayed, decrypted, and/or forged. The same technique is used to attack the group key, PeerKey, and fast BSS transition handshake.
When the 4-way or fast BSS transition handshake is attacked, the precise impact depends on the data-confidentiality protocol being used. If CCMP is used, arbitrary packets can be decrypted. In turn, this can be used to decrypt TCP SYN packets, and hijack TCP connections. For example, an adversary can inject malicious CCS’17, October 30–November 3, 2017, Dallas, TX, USA. Mathy Vanhoef and Frank Piessens content into unencrypted HTTP connections. If TKIP or GCMP is used, an adversary can both decrypt and inject arbitrary packets. Although GCMP is a relatively new addition to Wi-Fi, it is expected to be adopted at a high rate in the next few years [58]. Finally, when the group key handshake is attacked, an adversary can replay group-addressed frames, i.e., broadcast and multicast frames. Our attack is especially devastating against version 2.4 and 2.5 of wpa_supplicant, a Wi-Fi client commonly used on Linux. Here, the client will install an all-zero encryption key instead of reinstalling the real key. This vulnerability appears to be caused by a remark in the 802.11 standard that suggests to clear parts of the session key from memory once it has been installed [1, §]. Because Android uses a modified wpa_supplicant, Android 6.0 and Android Wear 2.0 also contain this vulnerability. As a result, currently 31.2% of Android devices are vulnerable to this exceptionally devastating variant of our attack [33]. Interestingly, our attacks do not violate the security properties proven in formal analysis of the 4-way and group key handshake. In particular, these proofs state that the negotiated session key remains private, and that the identity of both the client and Access Point (AP) is confirmed [39]. Our attacks do not leak the session key. Additionally, although normal data frames can be forged if TKIP or GCMP is used, an attacker cannot forge EAPOL messages and hence cannot impersonate the client or AP during (subsequent) handshakes. Instead, the problem is that the proofs do not model key installation. Put differently, their models do not state when a negotiated key should be installed. In practice, this means the same key can be installed multiple times, thereby resetting nonces and replay counters used by the data-confidentiality protocol. To summarize, our main contributions are: • We introduce key reinstallation attacks. Here, an attacker forces the reinstallation of an already-in-use key, thereby resetting any associated nonces and/or replay counters. • We show that the 4-way handshake, PeerKey handshake, group key handshake, and fast BSS transition handshake are vulnerable to key reinstallation attacks. • We devise attack techniques to carry out our attacks in practice. This demonstrates that all implementations are vulnerable to some variant of our attack. • We evaluate the practical impact of nonce reuse for all dataconfidentiality protocols of 802.11. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 introduces relevant aspects of the 802.11 standard. Our key reinstallation attack is illustrated against the 4-way and PeerKey handshake in Section 3, against the group key handshake in Section 4, and against the fast BSS transition handshake in Section 5. In Section 6 we asses the impact of our attacks, present countermeasures, explain where proofs failed, and discuss lessons learned. Finally, we present related work in Section 7 and conclude in Section 8. 2 BACKGROUND In this section we introduce the 802.11i amendment, the various messages and handshakes used when connecting to a Wi-Fi network, and the data-confidentiality and integrity protocols of 802.11. 2.1 The 802.11i Amendment After researchers showed that Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) was fundamentally broken [30, 65], the IEEE offered a more robust solution in the 802.11i amendment of 802.11. This amendment defines the 4-way handshake (see Section 2.3), and two data-confidentiality and integrity protocols called (WPA-)TKIP and (AES-)CCMP (see Section 2.4). While the 802.11i amendment was under development, the Wi-Fi Alliance already began certifying devices based on draft version D3.0 of 802.11i. This certification program was called Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). Once the final version D9.0 of 802.11i was ratified, the WPA2 certification was created based on this officially ratified version. Because both WPA and WPA2 are based on 802.11i, they are almost identical on a technical level. The main difference is that WPA2 mandates support for the more secure CCMP, and optionally allows TKIP, while the reverse is true for WPA. Required functionality of both WPA and WPA2, and used by all protected Wi-Fi networks, is the 4-way handshake. Even enterprise networks rely on the 4-way handshake. Hence, all protected Wi-Fi networks are affected by our attacks. The 4-way handshake, group key handshake, and CCMP protocol, have formally been analyzed and proven to be secure [39, 42]. 2.2 Authentication and Association When a client wants to connect to a Wi-Fi network, it starts by (mutually) authenticating and associating with the AP. In Figure 2 this is illustrated in the association stage of the handshake. However, when first connecting to a network, no actual authentication takes places at this stage. Instead, Open System authentication is used, which allows any client to authenticate. Actual authentication will be performed during the 4-way handshake. Real authentication is only done at this stage when roaming between two APs of the same network using the fast BSS transition handshake (see Section 3). After (open) authentication, the client associates with the network. This is done by sending an association request to the AP. This message contains the pairwise and group cipher suites the client wishes to use. The AP replies with an association response, informing the client whether the association was successful or not. 2.3 The 4-way Handshake The 4-way handshake provides mutual authentication based on a shared secret called the Pairwise Master Key (PMK), and negotiates a fresh session key called the Pairwise Transient Key (PTK). During this handshake, the client is called the supplicant, and the AP is called the authenticator (we use these terms as synonyms). The PMK is derived from a pre-shared password in a personal network, and is negotiated using an 802.1x authentication stage in an enterprise network (see Figure 2). The PTK is derived from the PMK, Authenticator Nonce (ANonce), Supplicant Nonce (SNonce), and the MAC addresses of both the supplicant and authenticator. Once generated, the PTK is split into a Key Confirmation Key (KCK), Key Encryption Key (KEK), and Temporal Key (TK). The KCK and KEK are used to protect handshake messages, while the TK is used to protect normal data frames with a data-confidentiality protocol. If WPA2 is used, the 4-way handshake also transports the current Group Temporal Key (GTK) to the supplicant.
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johnboothus · 4 years
14 Things You Should Know About Boulevard Brewing Co.
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It all began in the summer of 1984 with a European vacation. John McDonald found himself in Paris at a bar that specialized in Belgian beer. The pints he sipped that day inspired him to make beer himself — but it would be five more years until he opened Boulevard Brewing Co. in Kansas City, Mo. After attending art school, and taking up cabinet making, McDonald proved himself to be a true beer pioneer when he finally opened Boulevard in 1989.
In 2013, Boulevard joined Brewery Ommegang as part of the Duvel Moortgat family (which also includes Firestone Walker Brewing Company and breweries across Europe, such as Belgium’s Brasserie d’Achouffe and Birrificio del Ducato in Italy). McDonald sits on the company’s board, and we imagine he has the opportunity to fly off to Europe, or that bar in Paris, at more regular intervals than he did on that trip so long ago.
When asked why he started the brewery, McDonald says that he was really interested in making things. He’s made something pretty impressive with Boulevard. Here are 14 things you need to know about Boulevard Brewing.
Boring beer paled in comparison to Boulevard’s first ale.
In Boulevard’s early days, McDonald brewed beers he’d been dreaming about for half a decade. Those beers, like Boulevard Pale Ale, a combination of caramel malts and zesty hops, and Unfiltered Wheat Beer, a citrusy American-style wheat beer, would eventually win national attention and awards.
The first keg of Boulevard Pale Ale was sold on Nov. 17, 1989. McDonald threw it in the back of his pickup truck and delivered it in person to the brewery’s first customer: a Mexican restaurant two minutes down the road. (A year later, McDonald convinced an investor to give him the capital he needed to buy a very small, very used bottling line, allowing the Boulevard team to start bottling.)
Boulevard’s saison was many Americans’ first.
After Belgian brewer Steven Pauwels came on board as Boulevard’s brewmaster, he took a stab at Belgian-style saison, a style not common — or well known — in much of the U.S. at the time. Eventually, Boulevard would help popularize the saison style with Tank 7 when it arrived in 2009 (a decade after Brewery Ommegang took the lead by introducing Hennepin Farmhouse Saison).
Brewed with a combination of Belgian yeasts (though not specifically saison yeasts) and dry-hopped with Amarillo, Tank 7 got set aside in the fermentation tank marked “seven” — which reportedly was the brewers’ least favorite tank of the bunch for an undisclosed reason. During quality control, someone took a sip and it blew them away. The brewers named it Tank 7 and incorporated it into its Smokestack Series, a collection of big, bold beers. The dry but spicy beer with notes of grapefruit from the hops immediately found a thirsty audience.
Tank 7 was ‘discovered,’ and became a movie star.
In January of 2020, Tank 7 stepped onto the silver screen — or, maybe more accurately, the aluminum screen. Boulevard decided to can its saison, printing the label onto 16-ounce aluminum cans and tucking them into 4-packs. The fresh packaging came as part of a partnership with Paramount Pictures to promote the release of “A Quiet Place Part II.”
According to Neil Gershon, vice president of marketing at Boulevard, the beer paired well with the film because they were both “scary good.” It also complements a big bucket of popcorn pretty well.
It left the brewery a beer and came back a whiskey.
When Boulevard shipped a tanker of its Unfiltered Wheat to Foundry Distilling Company, in West Des Moines, Iowa, it was the beginning of a two-year-long coming-of-age story. Foundry’s Scott Bush distilled the beer, then aged it for two years in 30-gallon charred oak barrels. The resulting spirit, an 89-proof American malt whiskey that featured aromas and flavors of banana bread, allspice, and caramel, arrived at Iowa retailers in August of 2020. Distribution of the whiskey, Midnight Ritual, would later extend to Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska.
Midnight Ritual was the first in a series of brewer and distiller collaborations that Foundry intends to release. The distillery has teamed up with several other breweries aside from Boulevard. Whiskeys distilled from Stone Brewing Co.’s Arrogant Bastard Ale and Surly Brewing Co.’s Furious IPA, among several others, are slated for release in 2021.
Boulevard’s brewmaster has friends with benefits.
Boulevard’s Unfiltered Wheat wasn’t the first of the brewery’s beers to step into a whiskey barrel. Boulevard brewmaster Steven Pauwels had a working relationship with Bush, having used barrels from the distiller’s previous venture, Templeton Rye, to age Boulevard’s Smokestack Series. The special collection includes bigger, bolder bottle offerings such as a Whiskey Barrel Stout, Bourbon Barrel Quad, and Tank 7.
McDonald brewed, built cabinets, and slept at the brewery.
In order to get the money required to start a new business, McDonald sold his house, moved into an old brick building in town, and operated his cabinetry business in a corner. Meanwhile, he retrofitted the building and installed a 35-barrel vintage Bavarian brewhouse. The building, originally a laundry for the Santa Fe Railway from 1859 to 1995, operated as the Boulevard headquarters until an expansion in 2006. (McDonald eventually moved out.)
Boulevard crossed the road.
By 2004, that original 35-barrel vintage Bavarian brewhouse was working overtime, producing nearly 100,000 barrels of beer per year. Boulevard had grown too big for its original brick building. That’s why in 2005, the brewery broke ground on a new headquarters across the street.
The three-story, 70,000-square-foot construction took advantage of urban land use to minimize its  footprint and also featured a sustainable design. In the years following the completion of the new brewery, Boulevard installed solar panels and adopted a zero landfill policy, meaning that the entire company either recycles or composts all of its waste.
Boulevard beer is a stadium staple.
For the last 20 years, seamheads have been able to find Boulevard beers at Kauffman Stadium, where the Kansas City Royals play. In 2020, they took it up a notch by collaborating with two players: Third baseman Hunter Dozier and second baseman Whit Merrifield. Together, the players and Boulevard released Hustle Up!, a 100-calorie blonde ale. T-shirts sold to memorialize the partnership benefit both the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kansas City and the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Kansas City.
Boulevard kicks glass.
As a way to extend its continued efforts to protect the environment, Boulevard teamed up with neighboring companies and organizations in the community to find a better way to recycle the glass used by Kansas Citians. The solution they came up with was Ripple Glass and it started in 2009.
By supporting the construction of a local glass processing plant and setting giant purple bins around the city, the group found a way to recycle used glass more effectively than sending it to a landfill. In addition, a local manufacturer transforms the glass into fiberglass insulation, and other partners have found ways to reuse the glass as well.
As of 2020, more than 80 surrounding communities, like Jefferson City and Branson, have adopted Ripple Glass to help them keep used glass products out of their landfills.
Boulevard practices sustainability, inside and out.
Not only does Boulevard practice sustainability inside, but it’s also gone green on the roof. Literally. The brewery installed a green roof on the top of the brewhouse and packaging building, which basically just means it planted a wide array of greenery and plants up there. It helps insulate the building, lowering heating and air-conditioning needs and minimizes the amount of energy needed to run the facility.
Boulevard needed more room for activities.
In 2016, another expansion added the Tours & Rec center next door to the brewery. It included a 10,000- square-foot beer hall and acted as a hub for brewery tours. The building included exhibits about Boulevard and its beer. The Rec Deck, an outdoor space, was added to the fourth floor in 2019. The 2016 expansion also gave Boulevard a 3,600-square-foot facility for six more 1,000-barrel fermentation tanks. It increased the brewery’s fermentation capability by 40 percent.
Boulevard fills cans the fancy way.
A $10 million canning line arrived at the brewery in April of 2018. It was Boulevard’s extreme entry into canning. The brewery, which had primarily relied on glass prior to this time, could now fill 350 12-ounce cans in a minute with its new fancy high-speed contraption.
The other interesting thing about this canning line? It fills cans warm. More technically, it uses a warm filling process to allow secondary fermentation after packaging. While Boulevard had been doing this with its bottles for years, it was relatively unheard of for cans.
To sell its own beer, it had to make wine.
Part of the 2006 expansion included a suite above the brewery where Boulevard hosts private events. Because of local laws, the brewery quickly learned it couldn’t sell its own beer in that suite during certain events — but discovered through research that wineries in the state had the ability to get permits that allow selling their own products on-premise. So, after a rigmarole with a lawyer, Boulevard got the permits it needed and started its own wine brand: Boulevard Wine. It would result in McDonald planting a small vineyard on two acres in Truman Lake, Mo. The Boulevard house wines are still served at on-site events.
Eat, drink, and be married at Boulevard.
Speaking of that event suite, couples get married there. The Muehlebach Suite, on the top floor of the brewery, can be reserved for wedding receptions, along with corporate and non-profit events. The package includes Boulevard beer and wine, a gorgeous view of Kansas City, a custom pint glass for each guest, and of course, a good story.
The article 14 Things You Should Know About Boulevard Brewing Co. appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/boulevard-brewing-tank-7-guide/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/14-things-you-should-know-about-boulevard-brewing-co
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dainiaolivahm · 6 years
12 Marketing Experts Reveal How to Crush Your Competition in 2019
With the new year in full swing, my wonderful colleagues — the marketing experts here at Convince & Convert — came up with 23 ideas for making your marketing and customer experience AMAZING in 2019.
In no particular order, here are our favorite recommendations for making 2019 your best year yet. These are the things that not many companies are doing well, but if you do, you will be sure to crush your competition this year. Let’s go!
Jay Baer, Founder, Convince & Convert
1. Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of your content marketing.
2019 will be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their content marketing, using tools like Ceralytics and others.
2. Create experiences that are talkable to cost-effectively grow your business.
2019 will be the year that a meaningful number of companies truly embrace the notion that customer experience is the most powerful form of customer acquisition. Yes, you need to be good at content marketing and social media and all the rest. But if you deliver an experience that’s talkable, your customers become volunteer marketers, and word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective (and cost-effective) way to grow any business.
3. Boost your social media performance with artificial intelligence too.
2019 will also be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their organic and paid social, using tools like Pattern89 and others.
Zontee Hou, Senior Analyst
4. Perform consistency audits to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story.
In the high-paced digital world of 2019, your customers will scrutinize all of your touchpoints as part of their customer experience. Be sure that you’re performing consistency audits in the new year to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story that serves your audience. Your CX isn’t just the message though, it’s also the load time, the smoothness of hand-off, and the ease of use. Make sure that your team understands how your audience uses your products, so they can make them even better. For instance, web hosting service Bluehost’s pop-out help module actually activates a layer on top of their website to guide you step-by-step to the right tool, when you select a question. That’s forward-thinking customer experience.
5. Connect with your audience in social media with conversations and based on their interests.
Conversational marketing is going to impact customer expectations in social media. Yes, chatbots are going to continue to grow, but it’s also about social media marketing that responds to the customers. Do your ads retarget your customers based on their interests, not just their purchase history? Does your social customer care team use customers’ information to give them more thoughtful service? Best-in-class brands are already in these spaces. Are you?
Anna Hrach, Analyst
6. Create experiences that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
Stop thinking like a marketer. Instead, take a step back and look at customer experiences you genuinely appreciate or were pleasantly surprised by. Think about why it made an impact on you and how it made your experience with a brand better. Then, try to replicate those feelings and experiences by translating them in ways that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
7. Your content marketing should focus on doing more with less.
It’s time to do more with way less. Over the last 10 years, companies have been investing more and more in content marketing to create more and more. Instead of racking your brain for new ideas, spend time figuring out what you can reuse, repurpose or remix. Is there an old blog that has become relevant again? Republish it and bring it to the top, so new audiences can see it. Have an outdated ebook that still has some solid content? Refresh it with some light updates, instead of starting from scratch. Have a huge piece of content that took a ton of time and money? Break it up into smaller pieces, like an infographic, designed quote, webinar and more.
Jenny Magic, Analyst
8. There’s a goldmine of great marketing ideas and stories in your company — they just might not be in the marketing department.
2019 will be the year that we finally bring the ops teams into marketing — no longer just tapping our customer-facing employees for story ideas and inputs, but asking them to BE the story. Companies will begin looking to employees who are challenging scripts and breaking the mold in how they do their jobs and serve customers. These insights should be the fuel for innovations the CX and marketing teams scale.
9. Tap into your best influencers: your employees.
In 2019 companies will finally realize that their best influencers are right under their nose – their employees. Millennials already are the largest segment in the workplace. Within the next two years, 50% of the U.S. workforce is expected to be made up of Millennials. It will be 75% by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These employees want to work somewhere they can make an impact (over 3/4 would take a pay cut to work somewhere that matches their values), and companies that can get their staff connected with their why and excited about the story will find an army of influencers willing to proudly do the word of mouth/influencer work they’ve had to beg for (or pay for) in years past.
Kelly Santina, Head of Operations & Media
10. Remember, customer experience starts with employee experience.
As we work with more and more brands and partners in the customer experience space, it has opened my eyes that the customer experience is very much influenced by the employee experience as the first step. Ensuring your organization is investing in the resources, tools and personal connections of your employees will in most cases do more for your customer experience than any other effort. At C&C, we are a virtual company, and we place extreme importance of personal relationships and through tools that help us stay connected across time zones. When our team is happy and satisfied, our client work exceeds expectations.
11. Social media success starts with planning and organization.
Invest the budget and training time into a great social media monitoring tool and a content calendar tool. Finding one that fits your organization and team is worth the investment in time and money, trust me!
Mary Nice, Senior Analyst
12. Get back to the roots of what makes your company remarkable.
2019 is going to bring people back to the roots of what makes hour company awesome. Take time to understand that your operation is what makes your organization awesome, and the experience is the one thing you can control. In turn, marketing and operations teams should become closer than ever.
13. Have your organic and paid social teams work together.
2019 is going to bring the integration of paid and organic social teams. As organic continues to decline, social marketers have to know paid and paid teams must know what content makes social advertising successful. These can no longer be done in a silo.
Anthony Helmstetter, Analyst
14. Get more email unsubscribes—really.
Yes, that’s counter-intuitive. But the truth is, list size is a false metric. (Yes, you may have to explain that to your boss.) The one exception would be businesses who derive revenue based on CPM advertising, but for most organizations, there are more important metrics, like engagement and corresponding KPIs.
A bloated list of disengaged subscribers messes up your email performance metrics. Those who are truly disengaged are just diluting the actual metrics you use to optimize your performance. Ten thousand disengaged subscribers will completely obfuscate the real learnings for the 100 that are engaged. If there has been no click-through in the prior 12 months, initiate a last-chance re-engagement campaign, and if still no response, purge and archive them
15. Your customers’ expectations are increasing. The most competitive companies will exceed them.
Tesla. If you are unfamiliar, this fledgling (15-years actually) automobile manufacturer does almost everything differently than their long-established competitors. Yes, their cars are all electric, they have no dealerships, and they want to own their customer relationship, start to finish. Between start and finish, there is service. Unlike the traditional auto dealership service and repair facilities, Tesla does not intend to make a profit from the servicing of their vehicles. It’s designed to NOT be a profit center on the books. Heresy, most experts would say.
Instead, Tesla provides a gambit of services at no cost to the owners, even out of warranty. They come to your house or business for a majority of service calls. Stop and read that again. For example, a Tesla Ranger (mobile service technician) comes to your house at a scheduled time to repair or replace some part that needs attention, and often, there is no cost to the owner.
Customers like that. And by raising that bar of customer service, we customers soon wonder—or even expect–other industries to behave in a similar fashion. Customer service is rapidly evolving from what is customary and convenient for the business, to what is convenient and expected by the customer. The businesses that most rapidly embrace this will have a competitive advantage over their competitors… for a while.
Donna Mostrom, Analyst
16. Show you’re present in real time and connect with your customers.
Use Instagram Stories to connect with your audience and customers. Sara Blakely’s account is an excellent example of how to do this well. She showed up in Stories on Cyber Monday, and she jumped on Spanx’s customer service online chat and recorded people’s reactions.
I bought a bunch of unplanned stuff from Spanx that day just so I could talk to her. It was incredible. If you can authentically show you’re present in real time doing things for your customers, it will make a positive impact on how they interact with you and your brand when you’re not there.
17. Turn unhappy customers into your best, loyal customers.
Focus on service recovery. (Jay calls this “hugging your haters“). You can’t always provide a stellar experience for your customers, though that should be your top priority. We live in a commoditized world full of substitutes, where it’s easy to lose a customer over one bad experience. And forgiveness from your customers is not easily won. Companies must have service recovery plans, combined with an employee empowerment culture to carry out those plans, to correct mistakes. Service recovery experience could then be turned into a talk trigger, too.
Lauren Teague, Analyst
18. Use nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns.
Sometimes we need to look to the past for inspiration. Millennials have a clear preference for experiential marketing. Tap into their memories of adolescence, just like Google did with Macaulay Culkin’s Home Alone Again advert for the Google Assistant product. The ad was seasonally relevant (launched at the holidays, like the original movie setting) and became a viral hit, earning over 70M views and being named the top holiday campaign of 2018. Using nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns, marketers can benefit from a long history of affinity for beloved memories from the past.
19. Commit your social strategy to the 3 C’s: clarity, content and connections.
Social media strategies need to commit to 3 C’s in 2019: clarity, content and connections. Is your approach to social media specific and clear to the audience (and internally, amongst your team)? Clarity allows you to be purposeful with the content produced and published. Content is the engine of all social media activity, paid and organic. When audiences understand the intent of a brand on social, and consume content that aligns with that purpose, they are more likely to Connect with the brand. Connections between your audience and brand can be in the form of reactions, conversation or opting in as a follower/subscriber.
Kim Corak, Head of Business Development
20. Activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey.
Many SaaS companies (and often B2B in general) have a difficult time standing out from their competitive set. Rather than trying to throw money or advertising at the problem, develop a strategy to help activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey. Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin, who quite literally wrote the book on this strategy, lay out exactly how to do this and why in their book Talk Triggers, as well as throughout various (and free!) ebooks and webinars throughout the site.
21. Invest in continuous training and education to stay up top of what works and what doesn’t.
It’s very hard for content teams to stay up to date on all things digital — channels, formats, tools, atomization etc. — so be sure to pepper education and training throughout the year. With the water hose of information available and changes occurring in the industry, ongoing education works better than a “one and done” approach. For snippets of a wide range of topics, attending a conference is great but to go deep on a certain area or heavily customize it for your team, onsite workshops or web-based training modalities work best.
Chris Anderson, Media & Partnerships
22. Meet your customer’s needs quickly with chatbots and other related technology.
2019 will see an increase in the usage of chatbots and other related technology to communicate with customers and meet their needs quickly. However, it’s mission critical to support the technology with the most human influence..
0 notes
fairchildlingpo1 · 6 years
12 Marketing Experts Reveal How to Crush Your Competition in 2019
With the new year in full swing, my wonderful colleagues — the marketing experts here at Convince & Convert — came up with 23 ideas for making your marketing and customer experience AMAZING in 2019.
In no particular order, here are our favorite recommendations for making 2019 your best year yet. These are the things that not many companies are doing well, but if you do, you will be sure to crush your competition this year. Let’s go!
Jay Baer, Founder, Convince & Convert
1. Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of your content marketing.
2019 will be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their content marketing, using tools like Ceralytics and others.
2. Create experiences that are talkable to cost-effectively grow your business.
2019 will be the year that a meaningful number of companies truly embrace the notion that customer experience is the most powerful form of customer acquisition. Yes, you need to be good at content marketing and social media and all the rest. But if you deliver an experience that’s talkable, your customers become volunteer marketers, and word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective (and cost-effective) way to grow any business.
3. Boost your social media performance with artificial intelligence too.
2019 will also be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their organic and paid social, using tools like Pattern89 and others.
Zontee Hou, Senior Analyst
4. Perform consistency audits to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story.
In the high-paced digital world of 2019, your customers will scrutinize all of your touchpoints as part of their customer experience. Be sure that you’re performing consistency audits in the new year to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story that serves your audience. Your CX isn’t just the message though, it’s also the load time, the smoothness of hand-off, and the ease of use. Make sure that your team understands how your audience uses your products, so they can make them even better. For instance, web hosting service Bluehost’s pop-out help module actually activates a layer on top of their website to guide you step-by-step to the right tool, when you select a question. That’s forward-thinking customer experience.
5. Connect with your audience in social media with conversations and based on their interests.
Conversational marketing is going to impact customer expectations in social media. Yes, chatbots are going to continue to grow, but it’s also about social media marketing that responds to the customers. Do your ads retarget your customers based on their interests, not just their purchase history? Does your social customer care team use customers’ information to give them more thoughtful service? Best-in-class brands are already in these spaces. Are you?
Anna Hrach, Analyst
6. Create experiences that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
Stop thinking like a marketer. Instead, take a step back and look at customer experiences you genuinely appreciate or were pleasantly surprised by. Think about why it made an impact on you and how it made your experience with a brand better. Then, try to replicate those feelings and experiences by translating them in ways that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
7. Your content marketing should focus on doing more with less.
It’s time to do more with way less. Over the last 10 years, companies have been investing more and more in content marketing to create more and more. Instead of racking your brain for new ideas, spend time figuring out what you can reuse, repurpose or remix. Is there an old blog that has become relevant again? Republish it and bring it to the top, so new audiences can see it. Have an outdated ebook that still has some solid content? Refresh it with some light updates, instead of starting from scratch. Have a huge piece of content that took a ton of time and money? Break it up into smaller pieces, like an infographic, designed quote, webinar and more.
Jenny Magic, Analyst
8. There’s a goldmine of great marketing ideas and stories in your company — they just might not be in the marketing department.
2019 will be the year that we finally bring the ops teams into marketing — no longer just tapping our customer-facing employees for story ideas and inputs, but asking them to BE the story. Companies will begin looking to employees who are challenging scripts and breaking the mold in how they do their jobs and serve customers. These insights should be the fuel for innovations the CX and marketing teams scale.
9. Tap into your best influencers: your employees.
In 2019 companies will finally realize that their best influencers are right under their nose – their employees. Millennials already are the largest segment in the workplace. Within the next two years, 50% of the U.S. workforce is expected to be made up of Millennials. It will be 75% by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These employees want to work somewhere they can make an impact (over 3/4 would take a pay cut to work somewhere that matches their values), and companies that can get their staff connected with their why and excited about the story will find an army of influencers willing to proudly do the word of mouth/influencer work they’ve had to beg for (or pay for) in years past.
Kelly Santina, Head of Operations & Media
10. Remember, customer experience starts with employee experience.
As we work with more and more brands and partners in the customer experience space, it has opened my eyes that the customer experience is very much influenced by the employee experience as the first step. Ensuring your organization is investing in the resources, tools and personal connections of your employees will in most cases do more for your customer experience than any other effort. At C&C, we are a virtual company, and we place extreme importance of personal relationships and through tools that help us stay connected across time zones. When our team is happy and satisfied, our client work exceeds expectations.
11. Social media success starts with planning and organization.
Invest the budget and training time into a great social media monitoring tool and a content calendar tool. Finding one that fits your organization and team is worth the investment in time and money, trust me!
Mary Nice, Senior Analyst
12. Get back to the roots of what makes your company remarkable.
2019 is going to bring people back to the roots of what makes hour company awesome. Take time to understand that your operation is what makes your organization awesome, and the experience is the one thing you can control. In turn, marketing and operations teams should become closer than ever.
13. Have your organic and paid social teams work together.
2019 is going to bring the integration of paid and organic social teams. As organic continues to decline, social marketers have to know paid and paid teams must know what content makes social advertising successful. These can no longer be done in a silo.
Anthony Helmstetter, Analyst
14. Get more email unsubscribes—really.
Yes, that’s counter-intuitive. But the truth is, list size is a false metric. (Yes, you may have to explain that to your boss.) The one exception would be businesses who derive revenue based on CPM advertising, but for most organizations, there are more important metrics, like engagement and corresponding KPIs.
A bloated list of disengaged subscribers messes up your email performance metrics. Those who are truly disengaged are just diluting the actual metrics you use to optimize your performance. Ten thousand disengaged subscribers will completely obfuscate the real learnings for the 100 that are engaged. If there has been no click-through in the prior 12 months, initiate a last-chance re-engagement campaign, and if still no response, purge and archive them
15. Your customers’ expectations are increasing. The most competitive companies will exceed them.
Tesla. If you are unfamiliar, this fledgling (15-years actually) automobile manufacturer does almost everything differently than their long-established competitors. Yes, their cars are all electric, they have no dealerships, and they want to own their customer relationship, start to finish. Between start and finish, there is service. Unlike the traditional auto dealership service and repair facilities, Tesla does not intend to make a profit from the servicing of their vehicles. It’s designed to NOT be a profit center on the books. Heresy, most experts would say.
Instead, Tesla provides a gambit of services at no cost to the owners, even out of warranty. They come to your house or business for a majority of service calls. Stop and read that again. For example, a Tesla Ranger (mobile service technician) comes to your house at a scheduled time to repair or replace some part that needs attention, and often, there is no cost to the owner.
Customers like that. And by raising that bar of customer service, we customers soon wonder—or even expect–other industries to behave in a similar fashion. Customer service is rapidly evolving from what is customary and convenient for the business, to what is convenient and expected by the customer. The businesses that most rapidly embrace this will have a competitive advantage over their competitors… for a while.
Donna Mostrom, Analyst
16. Show you’re present in real time and connect with your customers.
Use Instagram Stories to connect with your audience and customers. Sara Blakely’s account is an excellent example of how to do this well. She showed up in Stories on Cyber Monday, and she jumped on Spanx’s customer service online chat and recorded people’s reactions.
I bought a bunch of unplanned stuff from Spanx that day just so I could talk to her. It was incredible. If you can authentically show you’re present in real time doing things for your customers, it will make a positive impact on how they interact with you and your brand when you’re not there.
17. Turn unhappy customers into your best, loyal customers.
Focus on service recovery. (Jay calls this “hugging your haters“). You can’t always provide a stellar experience for your customers, though that should be your top priority. We live in a commoditized world full of substitutes, where it’s easy to lose a customer over one bad experience. And forgiveness from your customers is not easily won. Companies must have service recovery plans, combined with an employee empowerment culture to carry out those plans, to correct mistakes. Service recovery experience could then be turned into a talk trigger, too.
Lauren Teague, Analyst
18. Use nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns.
Sometimes we need to look to the past for inspiration. Millennials have a clear preference for experiential marketing. Tap into their memories of adolescence, just like Google did with Macaulay Culkin’s Home Alone Again advert for the Google Assistant product. The ad was seasonally relevant (launched at the holidays, like the original movie setting) and became a viral hit, earning over 70M views and being named the top holiday campaign of 2018. Using nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns, marketers can benefit from a long history of affinity for beloved memories from the past.
19. Commit your social strategy to the 3 C’s: clarity, content and connections.
Social media strategies need to commit to 3 C’s in 2019: clarity, content and connections. Is your approach to social media specific and clear to the audience (and internally, amongst your team)? Clarity allows you to be purposeful with the content produced and published. Content is the engine of all social media activity, paid and organic. When audiences understand the intent of a brand on social, and consume content that aligns with that purpose, they are more likely to Connect with the brand. Connections between your audience and brand can be in the form of reactions, conversation or opting in as a follower/subscriber.
Kim Corak, Head of Business Development
20. Activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey.
Many SaaS companies (and often B2B in general) have a difficult time standing out from their competitive set. Rather than trying to throw money or advertising at the problem, develop a strategy to help activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey. Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin, who quite literally wrote the book on this strategy, lay out exactly how to do this and why in their book Talk Triggers, as well as throughout various (and free!) ebooks and webinars throughout the site.
21. Invest in continuous training and education to stay up top of what works and what doesn’t.
It’s very hard for content teams to stay up to date on all things digital — channels, formats, tools, atomization etc. — so be sure to pepper education and training throughout the year. With the water hose of information available and changes occurring in the industry, ongoing education works better than a “one and done” approach. For snippets of a wide range of topics, attending a conference is great but to go deep on a certain area or heavily customize it for your team, onsite workshops or web-based training modalities work best.
Chris Anderson, Media & Partnerships
22. Meet your customer’s needs quickly with chatbots and other related technology.
2019 will see an increase in the usage of chatbots and other related technology to communicate with customers and meet their needs quickly. However, it’s mission critical to support the technology with the most human influence..
0 notes
mercedessharonwo1 · 6 years
12 Marketing Experts Reveal How to Crush Your Competition in 2019
With the new year in full swing, my wonderful colleagues — the marketing experts here at Convince & Convert — came up with 23 ideas for making your marketing and customer experience AMAZING in 2019.
In no particular order, here are our favorite recommendations for making 2019 your best year yet. These are the things that not many companies are doing well, but if you do, you will be sure to crush your competition this year. Let’s go!
Jay Baer, Founder, Convince & Convert
1. Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of your content marketing.
2019 will be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their content marketing, using tools like Ceralytics and others.
2. Create experiences that are talkable to cost-effectively grow your business.
2019 will be the year that a meaningful number of companies truly embrace the notion that customer experience is the most powerful form of customer acquisition. Yes, you need to be good at content marketing and social media and all the rest. But if you deliver an experience that’s talkable, your customers become volunteer marketers, and word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective (and cost-effective) way to grow any business.
3. Boost your social media performance with artificial intelligence too.
2019 will also be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their organic and paid social, using tools like Pattern89 and others.
Zontee Hou, Senior Analyst
4. Perform consistency audits to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story.
In the high-paced digital world of 2019, your customers will scrutinize all of your touchpoints as part of their customer experience. Be sure that you’re performing consistency audits in the new year to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story that serves your audience. Your CX isn’t just the message though, it’s also the load time, the smoothness of hand-off, and the ease of use. Make sure that your team understands how your audience uses your products, so they can make them even better. For instance, web hosting service Bluehost’s pop-out help module actually activates a layer on top of their website to guide you step-by-step to the right tool, when you select a question. That’s forward-thinking customer experience.
5. Connect with your audience in social media with conversations and based on their interests.
Conversational marketing is going to impact customer expectations in social media. Yes, chatbots are going to continue to grow, but it’s also about social media marketing that responds to the customers. Do your ads retarget your customers based on their interests, not just their purchase history? Does your social customer care team use customers’ information to give them more thoughtful service? Best-in-class brands are already in these spaces. Are you?
Anna Hrach, Analyst
6. Create experiences that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
Stop thinking like a marketer. Instead, take a step back and look at customer experiences you genuinely appreciate or were pleasantly surprised by. Think about why it made an impact on you and how it made your experience with a brand better. Then, try to replicate those feelings and experiences by translating them in ways that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
7. Your content marketing should focus on doing more with less.
It’s time to do more with way less. Over the last 10 years, companies have been investing more and more in content marketing to create more and more. Instead of racking your brain for new ideas, spend time figuring out what you can reuse, repurpose or remix. Is there an old blog that has become relevant again? Republish it and bring it to the top, so new audiences can see it. Have an outdated ebook that still has some solid content? Refresh it with some light updates, instead of starting from scratch. Have a huge piece of content that took a ton of time and money? Break it up into smaller pieces, like an infographic, designed quote, webinar and more.
Jenny Magic, Analyst
8. There’s a goldmine of great marketing ideas and stories in your company — they just might not be in the marketing department.
2019 will be the year that we finally bring the ops teams into marketing — no longer just tapping our customer-facing employees for story ideas and inputs, but asking them to BE the story. Companies will begin looking to employees who are challenging scripts and breaking the mold in how they do their jobs and serve customers. These insights should be the fuel for innovations the CX and marketing teams scale.
9. Tap into your best influencers: your employees.
In 2019 companies will finally realize that their best influencers are right under their nose – their employees. Millennials already are the largest segment in the workplace. Within the next two years, 50% of the U.S. workforce is expected to be made up of Millennials. It will be 75% by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These employees want to work somewhere they can make an impact (over 3/4 would take a pay cut to work somewhere that matches their values), and companies that can get their staff connected with their why and excited about the story will find an army of influencers willing to proudly do the word of mouth/influencer work they’ve had to beg for (or pay for) in years past.
Kelly Santina, Head of Operations & Media
10. Remember, customer experience starts with employee experience.
As we work with more and more brands and partners in the customer experience space, it has opened my eyes that the customer experience is very much influenced by the employee experience as the first step. Ensuring your organization is investing in the resources, tools and personal connections of your employees will in most cases do more for your customer experience than any other effort. At C&C, we are a virtual company, and we place extreme importance of personal relationships and through tools that help us stay connected across time zones. When our team is happy and satisfied, our client work exceeds expectations.
11. Social media success starts with planning and organization.
Invest the budget and training time into a great social media monitoring tool and a content calendar tool. Finding one that fits your organization and team is worth the investment in time and money, trust me!
Mary Nice, Senior Analyst
12. Get back to the roots of what makes your company remarkable.
2019 is going to bring people back to the roots of what makes hour company awesome. Take time to understand that your operation is what makes your organization awesome, and the experience is the one thing you can control. In turn, marketing and operations teams should become closer than ever.
13. Have your organic and paid social teams work together.
2019 is going to bring the integration of paid and organic social teams. As organic continues to decline, social marketers have to know paid and paid teams must know what content makes social advertising successful. These can no longer be done in a silo.
Anthony Helmstetter, Analyst
14. Get more email unsubscribes—really.
Yes, that’s counter-intuitive. But the truth is, list size is a false metric. (Yes, you may have to explain that to your boss.) The one exception would be businesses who derive revenue based on CPM advertising, but for most organizations, there are more important metrics, like engagement and corresponding KPIs.
A bloated list of disengaged subscribers messes up your email performance metrics. Those who are truly disengaged are just diluting the actual metrics you use to optimize your performance. Ten thousand disengaged subscribers will completely obfuscate the real learnings for the 100 that are engaged. If there has been no click-through in the prior 12 months, initiate a last-chance re-engagement campaign, and if still no response, purge and archive them
15. Your customers’ expectations are increasing. The most competitive companies will exceed them.
Tesla. If you are unfamiliar, this fledgling (15-years actually) automobile manufacturer does almost everything differently than their long-established competitors. Yes, their cars are all electric, they have no dealerships, and they want to own their customer relationship, start to finish. Between start and finish, there is service. Unlike the traditional auto dealership service and repair facilities, Tesla does not intend to make a profit from the servicing of their vehicles. It’s designed to NOT be a profit center on the books. Heresy, most experts would say.
Instead, Tesla provides a gambit of services at no cost to the owners, even out of warranty. They come to your house or business for a majority of service calls. Stop and read that again. For example, a Tesla Ranger (mobile service technician) comes to your house at a scheduled time to repair or replace some part that needs attention, and often, there is no cost to the owner.
Customers like that. And by raising that bar of customer service, we customers soon wonder—or even expect–other industries to behave in a similar fashion. Customer service is rapidly evolving from what is customary and convenient for the business, to what is convenient and expected by the customer. The businesses that most rapidly embrace this will have a competitive advantage over their competitors… for a while.
Donna Mostrom, Analyst
16. Show you’re present in real time and connect with your customers.
Use Instagram Stories to connect with your audience and customers. Sara Blakely’s account is an excellent example of how to do this well. She showed up in Stories on Cyber Monday, and she jumped on Spanx’s customer service online chat and recorded people’s reactions.
I bought a bunch of unplanned stuff from Spanx that day just so I could talk to her. It was incredible. If you can authentically show you’re present in real time doing things for your customers, it will make a positive impact on how they interact with you and your brand when you’re not there.
17. Turn unhappy customers into your best, loyal customers.
Focus on service recovery. (Jay calls this “hugging your haters“). You can’t always provide a stellar experience for your customers, though that should be your top priority. We live in a commoditized world full of substitutes, where it’s easy to lose a customer over one bad experience. And forgiveness from your customers is not easily won. Companies must have service recovery plans, combined with an employee empowerment culture to carry out those plans, to correct mistakes. Service recovery experience could then be turned into a talk trigger, too.
Lauren Teague, Analyst
18. Use nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns.
Sometimes we need to look to the past for inspiration. Millennials have a clear preference for experiential marketing. Tap into their memories of adolescence, just like Google did with Macaulay Culkin’s Home Alone Again advert for the Google Assistant product. The ad was seasonally relevant (launched at the holidays, like the original movie setting) and became a viral hit, earning over 70M views and being named the top holiday campaign of 2018. Using nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns, marketers can benefit from a long history of affinity for beloved memories from the past.
19. Commit your social strategy to the 3 C’s: clarity, content and connections.
Social media strategies need to commit to 3 C’s in 2019: clarity, content and connections. Is your approach to social media specific and clear to the audience (and internally, amongst your team)? Clarity allows you to be purposeful with the content produced and published. Content is the engine of all social media activity, paid and organic. When audiences understand the intent of a brand on social, and consume content that aligns with that purpose, they are more likely to Connect with the brand. Connections between your audience and brand can be in the form of reactions, conversation or opting in as a follower/subscriber.
Kim Corak, Head of Business Development
20. Activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey.
Many SaaS companies (and often B2B in general) have a difficult time standing out from their competitive set. Rather than trying to throw money or advertising at the problem, develop a strategy to help activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey. Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin, who quite literally wrote the book on this strategy, lay out exactly how to do this and why in their book Talk Triggers, as well as throughout various (and free!) ebooks and webinars throughout the site.
21. Invest in continuous training and education to stay up top of what works and what doesn’t.
It’s very hard for content teams to stay up to date on all things digital — channels, formats, tools, atomization etc. — so be sure to pepper education and training throughout the year. With the water hose of information available and changes occurring in the industry, ongoing education works better than a “one and done” approach. For snippets of a wide range of topics, attending a conference is great but to go deep on a certain area or heavily customize it for your team, onsite workshops or web-based training modalities work best.
Chris Anderson, Media & Partnerships
22. Meet your customer’s needs quickly with chatbots and other related technology.
2019 will see an increase in the usage of chatbots and other related technology to communicate with customers and meet their needs quickly. However, it’s mission critical to support the technology with the most human influence..
0 notes
conniecogeie · 6 years
12 Marketing Experts Reveal How to Crush Your Competition in 2019
With the new year in full swing, my wonderful colleagues — the marketing experts here at Convince & Convert — came up with 23 ideas for making your marketing and customer experience AMAZING in 2019.
In no particular order, here are our favorite recommendations for making 2019 your best year yet. These are the things that not many companies are doing well, but if you do, you will be sure to crush your competition this year. Let’s go!
Jay Baer, Founder, Convince & Convert
1. Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of your content marketing.
2019 will be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their content marketing, using tools like Ceralytics and others.
2. Create experiences that are talkable to cost-effectively grow your business.
2019 will be the year that a meaningful number of companies truly embrace the notion that customer experience is the most powerful form of customer acquisition. Yes, you need to be good at content marketing and social media and all the rest. But if you deliver an experience that’s talkable, your customers become volunteer marketers, and word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective (and cost-effective) way to grow any business.
3. Boost your social media performance with artificial intelligence too.
2019 will also be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their organic and paid social, using tools like Pattern89 and others.
Zontee Hou, Senior Analyst
4. Perform consistency audits to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story.
In the high-paced digital world of 2019, your customers will scrutinize all of your touchpoints as part of their customer experience. Be sure that you’re performing consistency audits in the new year to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story that serves your audience. Your CX isn’t just the message though, it’s also the load time, the smoothness of hand-off, and the ease of use. Make sure that your team understands how your audience uses your products, so they can make them even better. For instance, web hosting service Bluehost’s pop-out help module actually activates a layer on top of their website to guide you step-by-step to the right tool, when you select a question. That’s forward-thinking customer experience.
5. Connect with your audience in social media with conversations and based on their interests.
Conversational marketing is going to impact customer expectations in social media. Yes, chatbots are going to continue to grow, but it’s also about social media marketing that responds to the customers. Do your ads retarget your customers based on their interests, not just their purchase history? Does your social customer care team use customers’ information to give them more thoughtful service? Best-in-class brands are already in these spaces. Are you?
Anna Hrach, Analyst
6. Create experiences that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
Stop thinking like a marketer. Instead, take a step back and look at customer experiences you genuinely appreciate or were pleasantly surprised by. Think about why it made an impact on you and how it made your experience with a brand better. Then, try to replicate those feelings and experiences by translating them in ways that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
7. Your content marketing should focus on doing more with less.
It’s time to do more with way less. Over the last 10 years, companies have been investing more and more in content marketing to create more and more. Instead of racking your brain for new ideas, spend time figuring out what you can reuse, repurpose or remix. Is there an old blog that has become relevant again? Republish it and bring it to the top, so new audiences can see it. Have an outdated ebook that still has some solid content? Refresh it with some light updates, instead of starting from scratch. Have a huge piece of content that took a ton of time and money? Break it up into smaller pieces, like an infographic, designed quote, webinar and more.
Jenny Magic, Analyst
8. There’s a goldmine of great marketing ideas and stories in your company — they just might not be in the marketing department.
2019 will be the year that we finally bring the ops teams into marketing — no longer just tapping our customer-facing employees for story ideas and inputs, but asking them to BE the story. Companies will begin looking to employees who are challenging scripts and breaking the mold in how they do their jobs and serve customers. These insights should be the fuel for innovations the CX and marketing teams scale.
9. Tap into your best influencers: your employees.
In 2019 companies will finally realize that their best influencers are right under their nose – their employees. Millennials already are the largest segment in the workplace. Within the next two years, 50% of the U.S. workforce is expected to be made up of Millennials. It will be 75% by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These employees want to work somewhere they can make an impact (over 3/4 would take a pay cut to work somewhere that matches their values), and companies that can get their staff connected with their why and excited about the story will find an army of influencers willing to proudly do the word of mouth/influencer work they’ve had to beg for (or pay for) in years past.
Kelly Santina, Head of Operations & Media
10. Remember, customer experience starts with employee experience.
As we work with more and more brands and partners in the customer experience space, it has opened my eyes that the customer experience is very much influenced by the employee experience as the first step. Ensuring your organization is investing in the resources, tools and personal connections of your employees will in most cases do more for your customer experience than any other effort. At C&C, we are a virtual company, and we place extreme importance of personal relationships and through tools that help us stay connected across time zones. When our team is happy and satisfied, our client work exceeds expectations.
11. Social media success starts with planning and organization.
Invest the budget and training time into a great social media monitoring tool and a content calendar tool. Finding one that fits your organization and team is worth the investment in time and money, trust me!
Mary Nice, Senior Analyst
12. Get back to the roots of what makes your company remarkable.
2019 is going to bring people back to the roots of what makes hour company awesome. Take time to understand that your operation is what makes your organization awesome, and the experience is the one thing you can control. In turn, marketing and operations teams should become closer than ever.
13. Have your organic and paid social teams work together.
2019 is going to bring the integration of paid and organic social teams. As organic continues to decline, social marketers have to know paid and paid teams must know what content makes social advertising successful. These can no longer be done in a silo.
Anthony Helmstetter, Analyst
14. Get more email unsubscribes—really.
Yes, that’s counter-intuitive. But the truth is, list size is a false metric. (Yes, you may have to explain that to your boss.) The one exception would be businesses who derive revenue based on CPM advertising, but for most organizations, there are more important metrics, like engagement and corresponding KPIs.
A bloated list of disengaged subscribers messes up your email performance metrics. Those who are truly disengaged are just diluting the actual metrics you use to optimize your performance. Ten thousand disengaged subscribers will completely obfuscate the real learnings for the 100 that are engaged. If there has been no click-through in the prior 12 months, initiate a last-chance re-engagement campaign, and if still no response, purge and archive them
15. Your customers’ expectations are increasing. The most competitive companies will exceed them.
Tesla. If you are unfamiliar, this fledgling (15-years actually) automobile manufacturer does almost everything differently than their long-established competitors. Yes, their cars are all electric, they have no dealerships, and they want to own their customer relationship, start to finish. Between start and finish, there is service. Unlike the traditional auto dealership service and repair facilities, Tesla does not intend to make a profit from the servicing of their vehicles. It’s designed to NOT be a profit center on the books. Heresy, most experts would say.
Instead, Tesla provides a gambit of services at no cost to the owners, even out of warranty. They come to your house or business for a majority of service calls. Stop and read that again. For example, a Tesla Ranger (mobile service technician) comes to your house at a scheduled time to repair or replace some part that needs attention, and often, there is no cost to the owner.
Customers like that. And by raising that bar of customer service, we customers soon wonder—or even expect–other industries to behave in a similar fashion. Customer service is rapidly evolving from what is customary and convenient for the business, to what is convenient and expected by the customer. The businesses that most rapidly embrace this will have a competitive advantage over their competitors… for a while.
Donna Mostrom, Analyst
16. Show you’re present in real time and connect with your customers.
Use Instagram Stories to connect with your audience and customers. Sara Blakely’s account is an excellent example of how to do this well. She showed up in Stories on Cyber Monday, and she jumped on Spanx’s customer service online chat and recorded people’s reactions.
I bought a bunch of unplanned stuff from Spanx that day just so I could talk to her. It was incredible. If you can authentically show you’re present in real time doing things for your customers, it will make a positive impact on how they interact with you and your brand when you’re not there.
17. Turn unhappy customers into your best, loyal customers.
Focus on service recovery. (Jay calls this “hugging your haters“). You can’t always provide a stellar experience for your customers, though that should be your top priority. We live in a commoditized world full of substitutes, where it’s easy to lose a customer over one bad experience. And forgiveness from your customers is not easily won. Companies must have service recovery plans, combined with an employee empowerment culture to carry out those plans, to correct mistakes. Service recovery experience could then be turned into a talk trigger, too.
Lauren Teague, Analyst
18. Use nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns.
Sometimes we need to look to the past for inspiration. Millennials have a clear preference for experiential marketing. Tap into their memories of adolescence, just like Google did with Macaulay Culkin’s Home Alone Again advert for the Google Assistant product. The ad was seasonally relevant (launched at the holidays, like the original movie setting) and became a viral hit, earning over 70M views and being named the top holiday campaign of 2018. Using nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns, marketers can benefit from a long history of affinity for beloved memories from the past.
19. Commit your social strategy to the 3 C’s: clarity, content and connections.
Social media strategies need to commit to 3 C’s in 2019: clarity, content and connections. Is your approach to social media specific and clear to the audience (and internally, amongst your team)? Clarity allows you to be purposeful with the content produced and published. Content is the engine of all social media activity, paid and organic. When audiences understand the intent of a brand on social, and consume content that aligns with that purpose, they are more likely to Connect with the brand. Connections between your audience and brand can be in the form of reactions, conversation or opting in as a follower/subscriber.
Kim Corak, Head of Business Development
20. Activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey.
Many SaaS companies (and often B2B in general) have a difficult time standing out from their competitive set. Rather than trying to throw money or advertising at the problem, develop a strategy to help activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey. Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin, who quite literally wrote the book on this strategy, lay out exactly how to do this and why in their book Talk Triggers, as well as throughout various (and free!) ebooks and webinars throughout the site.
21. Invest in continuous training and education to stay up top of what works and what doesn’t.
It’s very hard for content teams to stay up to date on all things digital — channels, formats, tools, atomization etc. — so be sure to pepper education and training throughout the year. With the water hose of information available and changes occurring in the industry, ongoing education works better than a “one and done” approach. For snippets of a wide range of topics, attending a conference is great but to go deep on a certain area or heavily customize it for your team, onsite workshops or web-based training modalities work best.
Chris Anderson, Media & Partnerships
22. Meet your customer’s needs quickly with chatbots and other related technology.
2019 will see an increase in the usage of chatbots and other related technology to communicate with customers and meet their needs quickly. However, it’s mission critical to support the technology with the most human influence..
0 notes
byronheeutgm · 6 years
12 Marketing Experts Reveal How to Crush Your Competition in 2019
With the new year in full swing, my wonderful colleagues — the marketing experts here at Convince & Convert — came up with 23 ideas for making your marketing and customer experience AMAZING in 2019.
In no particular order, here are our favorite recommendations for making 2019 your best year yet. These are the things that not many companies are doing well, but if you do, you will be sure to crush your competition this year. Let’s go!
Jay Baer, Founder, Convince & Convert
1. Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of your content marketing.
2019 will be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their content marketing, using tools like Ceralytics and others.
2. Create experiences that are talkable to cost-effectively grow your business.
2019 will be the year that a meaningful number of companies truly embrace the notion that customer experience is the most powerful form of customer acquisition. Yes, you need to be good at content marketing and social media and all the rest. But if you deliver an experience that’s talkable, your customers become volunteer marketers, and word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective (and cost-effective) way to grow any business.
3. Boost your social media performance with artificial intelligence too.
2019 will also be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their organic and paid social, using tools like Pattern89 and others.
Zontee Hou, Senior Analyst
4. Perform consistency audits to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story.
In the high-paced digital world of 2019, your customers will scrutinize all of your touchpoints as part of their customer experience. Be sure that you’re performing consistency audits in the new year to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story that serves your audience. Your CX isn’t just the message though, it’s also the load time, the smoothness of hand-off, and the ease of use. Make sure that your team understands how your audience uses your products, so they can make them even better. For instance, web hosting service Bluehost’s pop-out help module actually activates a layer on top of their website to guide you step-by-step to the right tool, when you select a question. That’s forward-thinking customer experience.
5. Connect with your audience in social media with conversations and based on their interests.
Conversational marketing is going to impact customer expectations in social media. Yes, chatbots are going to continue to grow, but it’s also about social media marketing that responds to the customers. Do your ads retarget your customers based on their interests, not just their purchase history? Does your social customer care team use customers’ information to give them more thoughtful service? Best-in-class brands are already in these spaces. Are you?
Anna Hrach, Analyst
6. Create experiences that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
Stop thinking like a marketer. Instead, take a step back and look at customer experiences you genuinely appreciate or were pleasantly surprised by. Think about why it made an impact on you and how it made your experience with a brand better. Then, try to replicate those feelings and experiences by translating them in ways that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
7. Your content marketing should focus on doing more with less.
It’s time to do more with way less. Over the last 10 years, companies have been investing more and more in content marketing to create more and more. Instead of racking your brain for new ideas, spend time figuring out what you can reuse, repurpose or remix. Is there an old blog that has become relevant again? Republish it and bring it to the top, so new audiences can see it. Have an outdated ebook that still has some solid content? Refresh it with some light updates, instead of starting from scratch. Have a huge piece of content that took a ton of time and money? Break it up into smaller pieces, like an infographic, designed quote, webinar and more.
Jenny Magic, Analyst
8. There’s a goldmine of great marketing ideas and stories in your company — they just might not be in the marketing department.
2019 will be the year that we finally bring the ops teams into marketing — no longer just tapping our customer-facing employees for story ideas and inputs, but asking them to BE the story. Companies will begin looking to employees who are challenging scripts and breaking the mold in how they do their jobs and serve customers. These insights should be the fuel for innovations the CX and marketing teams scale.
9. Tap into your best influencers: your employees.
In 2019 companies will finally realize that their best influencers are right under their nose – their employees. Millennials already are the largest segment in the workplace. Within the next two years, 50% of the U.S. workforce is expected to be made up of Millennials. It will be 75% by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These employees want to work somewhere they can make an impact (over 3/4 would take a pay cut to work somewhere that matches their values), and companies that can get their staff connected with their why and excited about the story will find an army of influencers willing to proudly do the word of mouth/influencer work they’ve had to beg for (or pay for) in years past.
Kelly Santina, Head of Operations & Media
10. Remember, customer experience starts with employee experience.
As we work with more and more brands and partners in the customer experience space, it has opened my eyes that the customer experience is very much influenced by the employee experience as the first step. Ensuring your organization is investing in the resources, tools and personal connections of your employees will in most cases do more for your customer experience than any other effort. At C&C, we are a virtual company, and we place extreme importance of personal relationships and through tools that help us stay connected across time zones. When our team is happy and satisfied, our client work exceeds expectations.
11. Social media success starts with planning and organization.
Invest the budget and training time into a great social media monitoring tool and a content calendar tool. Finding one that fits your organization and team is worth the investment in time and money, trust me!
Mary Nice, Senior Analyst
12. Get back to the roots of what makes your company remarkable.
2019 is going to bring people back to the roots of what makes hour company awesome. Take time to understand that your operation is what makes your organization awesome, and the experience is the one thing you can control. In turn, marketing and operations teams should become closer than ever.
13. Have your organic and paid social teams work together.
2019 is going to bring the integration of paid and organic social teams. As organic continues to decline, social marketers have to know paid and paid teams must know what content makes social advertising successful. These can no longer be done in a silo.
Anthony Helmstetter, Analyst
14. Get more email unsubscribes—really.
Yes, that’s counter-intuitive. But the truth is, list size is a false metric. (Yes, you may have to explain that to your boss.) The one exception would be businesses who derive revenue based on CPM advertising, but for most organizations, there are more important metrics, like engagement and corresponding KPIs.
A bloated list of disengaged subscribers messes up your email performance metrics. Those who are truly disengaged are just diluting the actual metrics you use to optimize your performance. Ten thousand disengaged subscribers will completely obfuscate the real learnings for the 100 that are engaged. If there has been no click-through in the prior 12 months, initiate a last-chance re-engagement campaign, and if still no response, purge and archive them
15. Your customers’ expectations are increasing. The most competitive companies will exceed them.
Tesla. If you are unfamiliar, this fledgling (15-years actually) automobile manufacturer does almost everything differently than their long-established competitors. Yes, their cars are all electric, they have no dealerships, and they want to own their customer relationship, start to finish. Between start and finish, there is service. Unlike the traditional auto dealership service and repair facilities, Tesla does not intend to make a profit from the servicing of their vehicles. It’s designed to NOT be a profit center on the books. Heresy, most experts would say.
Instead, Tesla provides a gambit of services at no cost to the owners, even out of warranty. They come to your house or business for a majority of service calls. Stop and read that again. For example, a Tesla Ranger (mobile service technician) comes to your house at a scheduled time to repair or replace some part that needs attention, and often, there is no cost to the owner.
Customers like that. And by raising that bar of customer service, we customers soon wonder—or even expect–other industries to behave in a similar fashion. Customer service is rapidly evolving from what is customary and convenient for the business, to what is convenient and expected by the customer. The businesses that most rapidly embrace this will have a competitive advantage over their competitors… for a while.
Donna Mostrom, Analyst
16. Show you’re present in real time and connect with your customers.
Use Instagram Stories to connect with your audience and customers. Sara Blakely’s account is an excellent example of how to do this well. She showed up in Stories on Cyber Monday, and she jumped on Spanx’s customer service online chat and recorded people’s reactions.
I bought a bunch of unplanned stuff from Spanx that day just so I could talk to her. It was incredible. If you can authentically show you’re present in real time doing things for your customers, it will make a positive impact on how they interact with you and your brand when you’re not there.
17. Turn unhappy customers into your best, loyal customers.
Focus on service recovery. (Jay calls this “hugging your haters“). You can’t always provide a stellar experience for your customers, though that should be your top priority. We live in a commoditized world full of substitutes, where it’s easy to lose a customer over one bad experience. And forgiveness from your customers is not easily won. Companies must have service recovery plans, combined with an employee empowerment culture to carry out those plans, to correct mistakes. Service recovery experience could then be turned into a talk trigger, too.
Lauren Teague, Analyst
18. Use nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns.
Sometimes we need to look to the past for inspiration. Millennials have a clear preference for experiential marketing. Tap into their memories of adolescence, just like Google did with Macaulay Culkin’s Home Alone Again advert for the Google Assistant product. The ad was seasonally relevant (launched at the holidays, like the original movie setting) and became a viral hit, earning over 70M views and being named the top holiday campaign of 2018. Using nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns, marketers can benefit from a long history of affinity for beloved memories from the past.
19. Commit your social strategy to the 3 C’s: clarity, content and connections.
Social media strategies need to commit to 3 C’s in 2019: clarity, content and connections. Is your approach to social media specific and clear to the audience (and internally, amongst your team)? Clarity allows you to be purposeful with the content produced and published. Content is the engine of all social media activity, paid and organic. When audiences understand the intent of a brand on social, and consume content that aligns with that purpose, they are more likely to Connect with the brand. Connections between your audience and brand can be in the form of reactions, conversation or opting in as a follower/subscriber.
Kim Corak, Head of Business Development
20. Activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey.
Many SaaS companies (and often B2B in general) have a difficult time standing out from their competitive set. Rather than trying to throw money or advertising at the problem, develop a strategy to help activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey. Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin, who quite literally wrote the book on this strategy, lay out exactly how to do this and why in their book Talk Triggers, as well as throughout various (and free!) ebooks and webinars throughout the site.
21. Invest in continuous training and education to stay up top of what works and what doesn’t.
It’s very hard for content teams to stay up to date on all things digital — channels, formats, tools, atomization etc. — so be sure to pepper education and training throughout the year. With the water hose of information available and changes occurring in the industry, ongoing education works better than a “one and done” approach. For snippets of a wide range of topics, attending a conference is great but to go deep on a certain area or heavily customize it for your team, onsite workshops or web-based training modalities work best.
Chris Anderson, Media & Partnerships
22. Meet your customer’s needs quickly with chatbots and other related technology.
2019 will see an increase in the usage of chatbots and other related technology to communicate with customers and meet their needs quickly. However, it’s mission critical to support the technology with the most human influence..
0 notes
rodneyevesuarywk · 6 years
12 Marketing Experts Reveal How to Crush Your Competition in 2019
With the new year in full swing, my wonderful colleagues — the marketing experts here at Convince & Convert — came up with 23 ideas for making your marketing and customer experience AMAZING in 2019.
In no particular order, here are our favorite recommendations for making 2019 your best year yet. These are the things that not many companies are doing well, but if you do, you will be sure to crush your competition this year. Let’s go!
Jay Baer, Founder, Convince & Convert
1. Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of your content marketing.
2019 will be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their content marketing, using tools like Ceralytics and others.
2. Create experiences that are talkable to cost-effectively grow your business.
2019 will be the year that a meaningful number of companies truly embrace the notion that customer experience is the most powerful form of customer acquisition. Yes, you need to be good at content marketing and social media and all the rest. But if you deliver an experience that’s talkable, your customers become volunteer marketers, and word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective (and cost-effective) way to grow any business.
3. Boost your social media performance with artificial intelligence too.
2019 will also be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their organic and paid social, using tools like Pattern89 and others.
Zontee Hou, Senior Analyst
4. Perform consistency audits to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story.
In the high-paced digital world of 2019, your customers will scrutinize all of your touchpoints as part of their customer experience. Be sure that you’re performing consistency audits in the new year to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story that serves your audience. Your CX isn’t just the message though, it’s also the load time, the smoothness of hand-off, and the ease of use. Make sure that your team understands how your audience uses your products, so they can make them even better. For instance, web hosting service Bluehost’s pop-out help module actually activates a layer on top of their website to guide you step-by-step to the right tool, when you select a question. That’s forward-thinking customer experience.
5. Connect with your audience in social media with conversations and based on their interests.
Conversational marketing is going to impact customer expectations in social media. Yes, chatbots are going to continue to grow, but it’s also about social media marketing that responds to the customers. Do your ads retarget your customers based on their interests, not just their purchase history? Does your social customer care team use customers’ information to give them more thoughtful service? Best-in-class brands are already in these spaces. Are you?
Anna Hrach, Analyst
6. Create experiences that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
Stop thinking like a marketer. Instead, take a step back and look at customer experiences you genuinely appreciate or were pleasantly surprised by. Think about why it made an impact on you and how it made your experience with a brand better. Then, try to replicate those feelings and experiences by translating them in ways that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
7. Your content marketing should focus on doing more with less.
It’s time to do more with way less. Over the last 10 years, companies have been investing more and more in content marketing to create more and more. Instead of racking your brain for new ideas, spend time figuring out what you can reuse, repurpose or remix. Is there an old blog that has become relevant again? Republish it and bring it to the top, so new audiences can see it. Have an outdated ebook that still has some solid content? Refresh it with some light updates, instead of starting from scratch. Have a huge piece of content that took a ton of time and money? Break it up into smaller pieces, like an infographic, designed quote, webinar and more.
Jenny Magic, Analyst
8. There’s a goldmine of great marketing ideas and stories in your company — they just might not be in the marketing department.
2019 will be the year that we finally bring the ops teams into marketing — no longer just tapping our customer-facing employees for story ideas and inputs, but asking them to BE the story. Companies will begin looking to employees who are challenging scripts and breaking the mold in how they do their jobs and serve customers. These insights should be the fuel for innovations the CX and marketing teams scale.
9. Tap into your best influencers: your employees.
In 2019 companies will finally realize that their best influencers are right under their nose – their employees. Millennials already are the largest segment in the workplace. Within the next two years, 50% of the U.S. workforce is expected to be made up of Millennials. It will be 75% by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These employees want to work somewhere they can make an impact (over 3/4 would take a pay cut to work somewhere that matches their values), and companies that can get their staff connected with their why and excited about the story will find an army of influencers willing to proudly do the word of mouth/influencer work they’ve had to beg for (or pay for) in years past.
Kelly Santina, Head of Operations & Media
10. Remember, customer experience starts with employee experience.
As we work with more and more brands and partners in the customer experience space, it has opened my eyes that the customer experience is very much influenced by the employee experience as the first step. Ensuring your organization is investing in the resources, tools and personal connections of your employees will in most cases do more for your customer experience than any other effort. At C&C, we are a virtual company, and we place extreme importance of personal relationships and through tools that help us stay connected across time zones. When our team is happy and satisfied, our client work exceeds expectations.
11. Social media success starts with planning and organization.
Invest the budget and training time into a great social media monitoring tool and a content calendar tool. Finding one that fits your organization and team is worth the investment in time and money, trust me!
Mary Nice, Senior Analyst
12. Get back to the roots of what makes your company remarkable.
2019 is going to bring people back to the roots of what makes hour company awesome. Take time to understand that your operation is what makes your organization awesome, and the experience is the one thing you can control. In turn, marketing and operations teams should become closer than ever.
13. Have your organic and paid social teams work together.
2019 is going to bring the integration of paid and organic social teams. As organic continues to decline, social marketers have to know paid and paid teams must know what content makes social advertising successful. These can no longer be done in a silo.
Anthony Helmstetter, Analyst
14. Get more email unsubscribes—really.
Yes, that’s counter-intuitive. But the truth is, list size is a false metric. (Yes, you may have to explain that to your boss.) The one exception would be businesses who derive revenue based on CPM advertising, but for most organizations, there are more important metrics, like engagement and corresponding KPIs.
A bloated list of disengaged subscribers messes up your email performance metrics. Those who are truly disengaged are just diluting the actual metrics you use to optimize your performance. Ten thousand disengaged subscribers will completely obfuscate the real learnings for the 100 that are engaged. If there has been no click-through in the prior 12 months, initiate a last-chance re-engagement campaign, and if still no response, purge and archive them
15. Your customers’ expectations are increasing. The most competitive companies will exceed them.
Tesla. If you are unfamiliar, this fledgling (15-years actually) automobile manufacturer does almost everything differently than their long-established competitors. Yes, their cars are all electric, they have no dealerships, and they want to own their customer relationship, start to finish. Between start and finish, there is service. Unlike the traditional auto dealership service and repair facilities, Tesla does not intend to make a profit from the servicing of their vehicles. It’s designed to NOT be a profit center on the books. Heresy, most experts would say.
Instead, Tesla provides a gambit of services at no cost to the owners, even out of warranty. They come to your house or business for a majority of service calls. Stop and read that again. For example, a Tesla Ranger (mobile service technician) comes to your house at a scheduled time to repair or replace some part that needs attention, and often, there is no cost to the owner.
Customers like that. And by raising that bar of customer service, we customers soon wonder—or even expect–other industries to behave in a similar fashion. Customer service is rapidly evolving from what is customary and convenient for the business, to what is convenient and expected by the customer. The businesses that most rapidly embrace this will have a competitive advantage over their competitors… for a while.
Donna Mostrom, Analyst
16. Show you’re present in real time and connect with your customers.
Use Instagram Stories to connect with your audience and customers. Sara Blakely’s account is an excellent example of how to do this well. She showed up in Stories on Cyber Monday, and she jumped on Spanx’s customer service online chat and recorded people’s reactions.
I bought a bunch of unplanned stuff from Spanx that day just so I could talk to her. It was incredible. If you can authentically show you’re present in real time doing things for your customers, it will make a positive impact on how they interact with you and your brand when you’re not there.
17. Turn unhappy customers into your best, loyal customers.
Focus on service recovery. (Jay calls this “hugging your haters“). You can’t always provide a stellar experience for your customers, though that should be your top priority. We live in a commoditized world full of substitutes, where it’s easy to lose a customer over one bad experience. And forgiveness from your customers is not easily won. Companies must have service recovery plans, combined with an employee empowerment culture to carry out those plans, to correct mistakes. Service recovery experience could then be turned into a talk trigger, too.
Lauren Teague, Analyst
18. Use nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns.
Sometimes we need to look to the past for inspiration. Millennials have a clear preference for experiential marketing. Tap into their memories of adolescence, just like Google did with Macaulay Culkin’s Home Alone Again advert for the Google Assistant product. The ad was seasonally relevant (launched at the holidays, like the original movie setting) and became a viral hit, earning over 70M views and being named the top holiday campaign of 2018. Using nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns, marketers can benefit from a long history of affinity for beloved memories from the past.
19. Commit your social strategy to the 3 C’s: clarity, content and connections.
Social media strategies need to commit to 3 C’s in 2019: clarity, content and connections. Is your approach to social media specific and clear to the audience (and internally, amongst your team)? Clarity allows you to be purposeful with the content produced and published. Content is the engine of all social media activity, paid and organic. When audiences understand the intent of a brand on social, and consume content that aligns with that purpose, they are more likely to Connect with the brand. Connections between your audience and brand can be in the form of reactions, conversation or opting in as a follower/subscriber.
Kim Corak, Head of Business Development
20. Activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey.
Many SaaS companies (and often B2B in general) have a difficult time standing out from their competitive set. Rather than trying to throw money or advertising at the problem, develop a strategy to help activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey. Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin, who quite literally wrote the book on this strategy, lay out exactly how to do this and why in their book Talk Triggers, as well as throughout various (and free!) ebooks and webinars throughout the site.
21. Invest in continuous training and education to stay up top of what works and what doesn’t.
It’s very hard for content teams to stay up to date on all things digital — channels, formats, tools, atomization etc. — so be sure to pepper education and training throughout the year. With the water hose of information available and changes occurring in the industry, ongoing education works better than a “one and done” approach. For snippets of a wide range of topics, attending a conference is great but to go deep on a certain area or heavily customize it for your team, onsite workshops or web-based training modalities work best.
Chris Anderson, Media & Partnerships
22. Meet your customer’s needs quickly with chatbots and other related technology.
2019 will see an increase in the usage of chatbots and other related technology to communicate with customers and meet their needs quickly. However, it’s mission critical to support the technology with the most human influence..
0 notes
maryhare96 · 6 years
12 Marketing Experts Reveal How to Crush Your Competition in 2019
With the new year in full swing, my wonderful colleagues — the marketing experts here at Convince & Convert — came up with 23 ideas for making your marketing and customer experience AMAZING in 2019.
In no particular order, here are our favorite recommendations for making 2019 your best year yet. These are the things that not many companies are doing well, but if you do, you will be sure to crush your competition this year. Let’s go!
Jay Baer, Founder, Convince & Convert
1. Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of your content marketing.
2019 will be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their content marketing, using tools like Ceralytics and others.
2. Create experiences that are talkable to cost-effectively grow your business.
2019 will be the year that a meaningful number of companies truly embrace the notion that customer experience is the most powerful form of customer acquisition. Yes, you need to be good at content marketing and social media and all the rest. But if you deliver an experience that’s talkable, your customers become volunteer marketers, and word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective (and cost-effective) way to grow any business.
3. Boost your social media performance with artificial intelligence too.
2019 will also be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their organic and paid social, using tools like Pattern89 and others.
Zontee Hou, Senior Analyst
4. Perform consistency audits to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story.
In the high-paced digital world of 2019, your customers will scrutinize all of your touchpoints as part of their customer experience. Be sure that you’re performing consistency audits in the new year to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story that serves your audience. Your CX isn’t just the message though, it’s also the load time, the smoothness of hand-off, and the ease of use. Make sure that your team understands how your audience uses your products, so they can make them even better. For instance, web hosting service Bluehost’s pop-out help module actually activates a layer on top of their website to guide you step-by-step to the right tool, when you select a question. That’s forward-thinking customer experience.
5. Connect with your audience in social media with conversations and based on their interests.
Conversational marketing is going to impact customer expectations in social media. Yes, chatbots are going to continue to grow, but it’s also about social media marketing that responds to the customers. Do your ads retarget your customers based on their interests, not just their purchase history? Does your social customer care team use customers’ information to give them more thoughtful service? Best-in-class brands are already in these spaces. Are you?
Anna Hrach, Analyst
6. Create experiences that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
Stop thinking like a marketer. Instead, take a step back and look at customer experiences you genuinely appreciate or were pleasantly surprised by. Think about why it made an impact on you and how it made your experience with a brand better. Then, try to replicate those feelings and experiences by translating them in ways that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
7. Your content marketing should focus on doing more with less.
It’s time to do more with way less. Over the last 10 years, companies have been investing more and more in content marketing to create more and more. Instead of racking your brain for new ideas, spend time figuring out what you can reuse, repurpose or remix. Is there an old blog that has become relevant again? Republish it and bring it to the top, so new audiences can see it. Have an outdated ebook that still has some solid content? Refresh it with some light updates, instead of starting from scratch. Have a huge piece of content that took a ton of time and money? Break it up into smaller pieces, like an infographic, designed quote, webinar and more.
Jenny Magic, Analyst
8. There’s a goldmine of great marketing ideas and stories in your company — they just might not be in the marketing department.
2019 will be the year that we finally bring the ops teams into marketing — no longer just tapping our customer-facing employees for story ideas and inputs, but asking them to BE the story. Companies will begin looking to employees who are challenging scripts and breaking the mold in how they do their jobs and serve customers. These insights should be the fuel for innovations the CX and marketing teams scale.
9. Tap into your best influencers: your employees.
In 2019 companies will finally realize that their best influencers are right under their nose – their employees. Millennials already are the largest segment in the workplace. Within the next two years, 50% of the U.S. workforce is expected to be made up of Millennials. It will be 75% by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These employees want to work somewhere they can make an impact (over 3/4 would take a pay cut to work somewhere that matches their values), and companies that can get their staff connected with their why and excited about the story will find an army of influencers willing to proudly do the word of mouth/influencer work they’ve had to beg for (or pay for) in years past.
Kelly Santina, Head of Operations & Media
10. Remember, customer experience starts with employee experience.
As we work with more and more brands and partners in the customer experience space, it has opened my eyes that the customer experience is very much influenced by the employee experience as the first step. Ensuring your organization is investing in the resources, tools and personal connections of your employees will in most cases do more for your customer experience than any other effort. At C&C, we are a virtual company, and we place extreme importance of personal relationships and through tools that help us stay connected across time zones. When our team is happy and satisfied, our client work exceeds expectations.
11. Social media success starts with planning and organization.
Invest the budget and training time into a great social media monitoring tool and a content calendar tool. Finding one that fits your organization and team is worth the investment in time and money, trust me!
Mary Nice, Senior Analyst
12. Get back to the roots of what makes your company remarkable.
2019 is going to bring people back to the roots of what makes hour company awesome. Take time to understand that your operation is what makes your organization awesome, and the experience is the one thing you can control. In turn, marketing and operations teams should become closer than ever.
13. Have your organic and paid social teams work together.
2019 is going to bring the integration of paid and organic social teams. As organic continues to decline, social marketers have to know paid and paid teams must know what content makes social advertising successful. These can no longer be done in a silo.
Anthony Helmstetter, Analyst
14. Get more email unsubscribes—really.
Yes, that’s counter-intuitive. But the truth is, list size is a false metric. (Yes, you may have to explain that to your boss.) The one exception would be businesses who derive revenue based on CPM advertising, but for most organizations, there are more important metrics, like engagement and corresponding KPIs.
A bloated list of disengaged subscribers messes up your email performance metrics. Those who are truly disengaged are just diluting the actual metrics you use to optimize your performance. Ten thousand disengaged subscribers will completely obfuscate the real learnings for the 100 that are engaged. If there has been no click-through in the prior 12 months, initiate a last-chance re-engagement campaign, and if still no response, purge and archive them
15. Your customers’ expectations are increasing. The most competitive companies will exceed them.
Tesla. If you are unfamiliar, this fledgling (15-years actually) automobile manufacturer does almost everything differently than their long-established competitors. Yes, their cars are all electric, they have no dealerships, and they want to own their customer relationship, start to finish. Between start and finish, there is service. Unlike the traditional auto dealership service and repair facilities, Tesla does not intend to make a profit from the servicing of their vehicles. It’s designed to NOT be a profit center on the books. Heresy, most experts would say.
Instead, Tesla provides a gambit of services at no cost to the owners, even out of warranty. They come to your house or business for a majority of service calls. Stop and read that again. For example, a Tesla Ranger (mobile service technician) comes to your house at a scheduled time to repair or replace some part that needs attention, and often, there is no cost to the owner.
Customers like that. And by raising that bar of customer service, we customers soon wonder—or even expect–other industries to behave in a similar fashion. Customer service is rapidly evolving from what is customary and convenient for the business, to what is convenient and expected by the customer. The businesses that most rapidly embrace this will have a competitive advantage over their competitors… for a while.
Donna Mostrom, Analyst
16. Show you’re present in real time and connect with your customers.
Use Instagram Stories to connect with your audience and customers. Sara Blakely’s account is an excellent example of how to do this well. She showed up in Stories on Cyber Monday, and she jumped on Spanx’s customer service online chat and recorded people’s reactions.
I bought a bunch of unplanned stuff from Spanx that day just so I could talk to her. It was incredible. If you can authentically show you’re present in real time doing things for your customers, it will make a positive impact on how they interact with you and your brand when you’re not there.
17. Turn unhappy customers into your best, loyal customers.
Focus on service recovery. (Jay calls this “hugging your haters“). You can’t always provide a stellar experience for your customers, though that should be your top priority. We live in a commoditized world full of substitutes, where it’s easy to lose a customer over one bad experience. And forgiveness from your customers is not easily won. Companies must have service recovery plans, combined with an employee empowerment culture to carry out those plans, to correct mistakes. Service recovery experience could then be turned into a talk trigger, too.
Lauren Teague, Analyst
18. Use nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns.
Sometimes we need to look to the past for inspiration. Millennials have a clear preference for experiential marketing. Tap into their memories of adolescence, just like Google did with Macaulay Culkin’s Home Alone Again advert for the Google Assistant product. The ad was seasonally relevant (launched at the holidays, like the original movie setting) and became a viral hit, earning over 70M views and being named the top holiday campaign of 2018. Using nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns, marketers can benefit from a long history of affinity for beloved memories from the past.
19. Commit your social strategy to the 3 C’s: clarity, content and connections.
Social media strategies need to commit to 3 C’s in 2019: clarity, content and connections. Is your approach to social media specific and clear to the audience (and internally, amongst your team)? Clarity allows you to be purposeful with the content produced and published. Content is the engine of all social media activity, paid and organic. When audiences understand the intent of a brand on social, and consume content that aligns with that purpose, they are more likely to Connect with the brand. Connections between your audience and brand can be in the form of reactions, conversation or opting in as a follower/subscriber.
Kim Corak, Head of Business Development
20. Activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey.
Many SaaS companies (and often B2B in general) have a difficult time standing out from their competitive set. Rather than trying to throw money or advertising at the problem, develop a strategy to help activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey. Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin, who quite literally wrote the book on this strategy, lay out exactly how to do this and why in their book Talk Triggers, as well as throughout various (and free!) ebooks and webinars throughout the site.
21. Invest in continuous training and education to stay up top of what works and what doesn’t.
It’s very hard for content teams to stay up to date on all things digital — channels, formats, tools, atomization etc. — so be sure to pepper education and training throughout the year. With the water hose of information available and changes occurring in the industry, ongoing education works better than a “one and done” approach. For snippets of a wide range of topics, attending a conference is great but to go deep on a certain area or heavily customize it for your team, onsite workshops or web-based training modalities work best.
Chris Anderson, Media & Partnerships
22. Meet your customer’s needs quickly with chatbots and other related technology.
2019 will see an increase in the usage of chatbots and other related technology to communicate with customers and meet their needs quickly. However, it’s mission critical to support the technology with the most human influence..
0 notes
kraussoutene · 6 years
12 Marketing Experts Reveal How to Crush Your Competition in 2019
With the new year in full swing, my wonderful colleagues — the marketing experts here at Convince & Convert — came up with 23 ideas for making your marketing and customer experience AMAZING in 2019.
In no particular order, here are our favorite recommendations for making 2019 your best year yet. These are the things that not many companies are doing well, but if you do, you will be sure to crush your competition this year. Let’s go!
Jay Baer, Founder, Convince & Convert
1. Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of your content marketing.
2019 will be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their content marketing, using tools like Ceralytics and others.
2. Create experiences that are talkable to cost-effectively grow your business.
2019 will be the year that a meaningful number of companies truly embrace the notion that customer experience is the most powerful form of customer acquisition. Yes, you need to be good at content marketing and social media and all the rest. But if you deliver an experience that’s talkable, your customers become volunteer marketers, and word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective (and cost-effective) way to grow any business.
3. Boost your social media performance with artificial intelligence too.
2019 will also be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their organic and paid social, using tools like Pattern89 and others.
Zontee Hou, Senior Analyst
4. Perform consistency audits to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story.
In the high-paced digital world of 2019, your customers will scrutinize all of your touchpoints as part of their customer experience. Be sure that you’re performing consistency audits in the new year to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story that serves your audience. Your CX isn’t just the message though, it’s also the load time, the smoothness of hand-off, and the ease of use. Make sure that your team understands how your audience uses your products, so they can make them even better. For instance, web hosting service Bluehost’s pop-out help module actually activates a layer on top of their website to guide you step-by-step to the right tool, when you select a question. That’s forward-thinking customer experience.
5. Connect with your audience in social media with conversations and based on their interests.
Conversational marketing is going to impact customer expectations in social media. Yes, chatbots are going to continue to grow, but it’s also about social media marketing that responds to the customers. Do your ads retarget your customers based on their interests, not just their purchase history? Does your social customer care team use customers’ information to give them more thoughtful service? Best-in-class brands are already in these spaces. Are you?
Anna Hrach, Analyst
6. Create experiences that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
Stop thinking like a marketer. Instead, take a step back and look at customer experiences you genuinely appreciate or were pleasantly surprised by. Think about why it made an impact on you and how it made your experience with a brand better. Then, try to replicate those feelings and experiences by translating them in ways that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
7. Your content marketing should focus on doing more with less.
It’s time to do more with way less. Over the last 10 years, companies have been investing more and more in content marketing to create more and more. Instead of racking your brain for new ideas, spend time figuring out what you can reuse, repurpose or remix. Is there an old blog that has become relevant again? Republish it and bring it to the top, so new audiences can see it. Have an outdated ebook that still has some solid content? Refresh it with some light updates, instead of starting from scratch. Have a huge piece of content that took a ton of time and money? Break it up into smaller pieces, like an infographic, designed quote, webinar and more.
Jenny Magic, Analyst
8. There’s a goldmine of great marketing ideas and stories in your company — they just might not be in the marketing department.
2019 will be the year that we finally bring the ops teams into marketing — no longer just tapping our customer-facing employees for story ideas and inputs, but asking them to BE the story. Companies will begin looking to employees who are challenging scripts and breaking the mold in how they do their jobs and serve customers. These insights should be the fuel for innovations the CX and marketing teams scale.
9. Tap into your best influencers: your employees.
In 2019 companies will finally realize that their best influencers are right under their nose – their employees. Millennials already are the largest segment in the workplace. Within the next two years, 50% of the U.S. workforce is expected to be made up of Millennials. It will be 75% by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These employees want to work somewhere they can make an impact (over 3/4 would take a pay cut to work somewhere that matches their values), and companies that can get their staff connected with their why and excited about the story will find an army of influencers willing to proudly do the word of mouth/influencer work they’ve had to beg for (or pay for) in years past.
Kelly Santina, Head of Operations & Media
10. Remember, customer experience starts with employee experience.
As we work with more and more brands and partners in the customer experience space, it has opened my eyes that the customer experience is very much influenced by the employee experience as the first step. Ensuring your organization is investing in the resources, tools and personal connections of your employees will in most cases do more for your customer experience than any other effort. At C&C, we are a virtual company, and we place extreme importance of personal relationships and through tools that help us stay connected across time zones. When our team is happy and satisfied, our client work exceeds expectations.
11. Social media success starts with planning and organization.
Invest the budget and training time into a great social media monitoring tool and a content calendar tool. Finding one that fits your organization and team is worth the investment in time and money, trust me!
Mary Nice, Senior Analyst
12. Get back to the roots of what makes your company remarkable.
2019 is going to bring people back to the roots of what makes hour company awesome. Take time to understand that your operation is what makes your organization awesome, and the experience is the one thing you can control. In turn, marketing and operations teams should become closer than ever.
13. Have your organic and paid social teams work together.
2019 is going to bring the integration of paid and organic social teams. As organic continues to decline, social marketers have to know paid and paid teams must know what content makes social advertising successful. These can no longer be done in a silo.
Anthony Helmstetter, Analyst
14. Get more email unsubscribes—really.
Yes, that’s counter-intuitive. But the truth is, list size is a false metric. (Yes, you may have to explain that to your boss.) The one exception would be businesses who derive revenue based on CPM advertising, but for most organizations, there are more important metrics, like engagement and corresponding KPIs.
A bloated list of disengaged subscribers messes up your email performance metrics. Those who are truly disengaged are just diluting the actual metrics you use to optimize your performance. Ten thousand disengaged subscribers will completely obfuscate the real learnings for the 100 that are engaged. If there has been no click-through in the prior 12 months, initiate a last-chance re-engagement campaign, and if still no response, purge and archive them
15. Your customers’ expectations are increasing. The most competitive companies will exceed them.
Tesla. If you are unfamiliar, this fledgling (15-years actually) automobile manufacturer does almost everything differently than their long-established competitors. Yes, their cars are all electric, they have no dealerships, and they want to own their customer relationship, start to finish. Between start and finish, there is service. Unlike the traditional auto dealership service and repair facilities, Tesla does not intend to make a profit from the servicing of their vehicles. It’s designed to NOT be a profit center on the books. Heresy, most experts would say.
Instead, Tesla provides a gambit of services at no cost to the owners, even out of warranty. They come to your house or business for a majority of service calls. Stop and read that again. For example, a Tesla Ranger (mobile service technician) comes to your house at a scheduled time to repair or replace some part that needs attention, and often, there is no cost to the owner.
Customers like that. And by raising that bar of customer service, we customers soon wonder—or even expect–other industries to behave in a similar fashion. Customer service is rapidly evolving from what is customary and convenient for the business, to what is convenient and expected by the customer. The businesses that most rapidly embrace this will have a competitive advantage over their competitors… for a while.
Donna Mostrom, Analyst
16. Show you’re present in real time and connect with your customers.
Use Instagram Stories to connect with your audience and customers. Sara Blakely’s account is an excellent example of how to do this well. She showed up in Stories on Cyber Monday, and she jumped on Spanx’s customer service online chat and recorded people’s reactions.
I bought a bunch of unplanned stuff from Spanx that day just so I could talk to her. It was incredible. If you can authentically show you’re present in real time doing things for your customers, it will make a positive impact on how they interact with you and your brand when you’re not there.
17. Turn unhappy customers into your best, loyal customers.
Focus on service recovery. (Jay calls this “hugging your haters“). You can’t always provide a stellar experience for your customers, though that should be your top priority. We live in a commoditized world full of substitutes, where it’s easy to lose a customer over one bad experience. And forgiveness from your customers is not easily won. Companies must have service recovery plans, combined with an employee empowerment culture to carry out those plans, to correct mistakes. Service recovery experience could then be turned into a talk trigger, too.
Lauren Teague, Analyst
18. Use nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns.
Sometimes we need to look to the past for inspiration. Millennials have a clear preference for experiential marketing. Tap into their memories of adolescence, just like Google did with Macaulay Culkin’s Home Alone Again advert for the Google Assistant product. The ad was seasonally relevant (launched at the holidays, like the original movie setting) and became a viral hit, earning over 70M views and being named the top holiday campaign of 2018. Using nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns, marketers can benefit from a long history of affinity for beloved memories from the past.
19. Commit your social strategy to the 3 C’s: clarity, content and connections.
Social media strategies need to commit to 3 C’s in 2019: clarity, content and connections. Is your approach to social media specific and clear to the audience (and internally, amongst your team)? Clarity allows you to be purposeful with the content produced and published. Content is the engine of all social media activity, paid and organic. When audiences understand the intent of a brand on social, and consume content that aligns with that purpose, they are more likely to Connect with the brand. Connections between your audience and brand can be in the form of reactions, conversation or opting in as a follower/subscriber.
Kim Corak, Head of Business Development
20. Activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey.
Many SaaS companies (and often B2B in general) have a difficult time standing out from their competitive set. Rather than trying to throw money or advertising at the problem, develop a strategy to help activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey. Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin, who quite literally wrote the book on this strategy, lay out exactly how to do this and why in their book Talk Triggers, as well as throughout various (and free!) ebooks and webinars throughout the site.
21. Invest in continuous training and education to stay up top of what works and what doesn’t.
It’s very hard for content teams to stay up to date on all things digital — channels, formats, tools, atomization etc. — so be sure to pepper education and training throughout the year. With the water hose of information available and changes occurring in the industry, ongoing education works better than a “one and done” approach. For snippets of a wide range of topics, attending a conference is great but to go deep on a certain area or heavily customize it for your team, onsite workshops or web-based training modalities work best.
Chris Anderson, Media & Partnerships
22. Meet your customer’s needs quickly with chatbots and other related technology.
2019 will see an increase in the usage of chatbots and other related technology to communicate with customers and meet their needs quickly. However, it’s mission critical to support the technology with the most human influence..
0 notes
mariasolemarionqi · 6 years
12 Marketing Experts Reveal How to Crush Your Competition in 2019
With the new year in full swing, my wonderful colleagues — the marketing experts here at Convince & Convert — came up with 23 ideas for making your marketing and customer experience AMAZING in 2019.
In no particular order, here are our favorite recommendations for making 2019 your best year yet. These are the things that not many companies are doing well, but if you do, you will be sure to crush your competition this year. Let’s go!
Jay Baer, Founder, Convince & Convert
1. Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of your content marketing.
2019 will be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their content marketing, using tools like Ceralytics and others.
2. Create experiences that are talkable to cost-effectively grow your business.
2019 will be the year that a meaningful number of companies truly embrace the notion that customer experience is the most powerful form of customer acquisition. Yes, you need to be good at content marketing and social media and all the rest. But if you deliver an experience that’s talkable, your customers become volunteer marketers, and word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective (and cost-effective) way to grow any business.
3. Boost your social media performance with artificial intelligence too.
2019 will also be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their organic and paid social, using tools like Pattern89 and others.
Zontee Hou, Senior Analyst
4. Perform consistency audits to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story.
In the high-paced digital world of 2019, your customers will scrutinize all of your touchpoints as part of their customer experience. Be sure that you’re performing consistency audits in the new year to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story that serves your audience. Your CX isn’t just the message though, it’s also the load time, the smoothness of hand-off, and the ease of use. Make sure that your team understands how your audience uses your products, so they can make them even better. For instance, web hosting service Bluehost’s pop-out help module actually activates a layer on top of their website to guide you step-by-step to the right tool, when you select a question. That’s forward-thinking customer experience.
5. Connect with your audience in social media with conversations and based on their interests.
Conversational marketing is going to impact customer expectations in social media. Yes, chatbots are going to continue to grow, but it’s also about social media marketing that responds to the customers. Do your ads retarget your customers based on their interests, not just their purchase history? Does your social customer care team use customers’ information to give them more thoughtful service? Best-in-class brands are already in these spaces. Are you?
Anna Hrach, Analyst
6. Create experiences that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
Stop thinking like a marketer. Instead, take a step back and look at customer experiences you genuinely appreciate or were pleasantly surprised by. Think about why it made an impact on you and how it made your experience with a brand better. Then, try to replicate those feelings and experiences by translating them in ways that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
7. Your content marketing should focus on doing more with less.
It’s time to do more with way less. Over the last 10 years, companies have been investing more and more in content marketing to create more and more. Instead of racking your brain for new ideas, spend time figuring out what you can reuse, repurpose or remix. Is there an old blog that has become relevant again? Republish it and bring it to the top, so new audiences can see it. Have an outdated ebook that still has some solid content? Refresh it with some light updates, instead of starting from scratch. Have a huge piece of content that took a ton of time and money? Break it up into smaller pieces, like an infographic, designed quote, webinar and more.
Jenny Magic, Analyst
8. There’s a goldmine of great marketing ideas and stories in your company — they just might not be in the marketing department.
2019 will be the year that we finally bring the ops teams into marketing — no longer just tapping our customer-facing employees for story ideas and inputs, but asking them to BE the story. Companies will begin looking to employees who are challenging scripts and breaking the mold in how they do their jobs and serve customers. These insights should be the fuel for innovations the CX and marketing teams scale.
9. Tap into your best influencers: your employees.
In 2019 companies will finally realize that their best influencers are right under their nose – their employees. Millennials already are the largest segment in the workplace. Within the next two years, 50% of the U.S. workforce is expected to be made up of Millennials. It will be 75% by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These employees want to work somewhere they can make an impact (over 3/4 would take a pay cut to work somewhere that matches their values), and companies that can get their staff connected with their why and excited about the story will find an army of influencers willing to proudly do the word of mouth/influencer work they’ve had to beg for (or pay for) in years past.
Kelly Santina, Head of Operations & Media
10. Remember, customer experience starts with employee experience.
As we work with more and more brands and partners in the customer experience space, it has opened my eyes that the customer experience is very much influenced by the employee experience as the first step. Ensuring your organization is investing in the resources, tools and personal connections of your employees will in most cases do more for your customer experience than any other effort. At C&C, we are a virtual company, and we place extreme importance of personal relationships and through tools that help us stay connected across time zones. When our team is happy and satisfied, our client work exceeds expectations.
11. Social media success starts with planning and organization.
Invest the budget and training time into a great social media monitoring tool and a content calendar tool. Finding one that fits your organization and team is worth the investment in time and money, trust me!
Mary Nice, Senior Analyst
12. Get back to the roots of what makes your company remarkable.
2019 is going to bring people back to the roots of what makes hour company awesome. Take time to understand that your operation is what makes your organization awesome, and the experience is the one thing you can control. In turn, marketing and operations teams should become closer than ever.
13. Have your organic and paid social teams work together.
2019 is going to bring the integration of paid and organic social teams. As organic continues to decline, social marketers have to know paid and paid teams must know what content makes social advertising successful. These can no longer be done in a silo.
Anthony Helmstetter, Analyst
14. Get more email unsubscribes—really.
Yes, that’s counter-intuitive. But the truth is, list size is a false metric. (Yes, you may have to explain that to your boss.) The one exception would be businesses who derive revenue based on CPM advertising, but for most organizations, there are more important metrics, like engagement and corresponding KPIs.
A bloated list of disengaged subscribers messes up your email performance metrics. Those who are truly disengaged are just diluting the actual metrics you use to optimize your performance. Ten thousand disengaged subscribers will completely obfuscate the real learnings for the 100 that are engaged. If there has been no click-through in the prior 12 months, initiate a last-chance re-engagement campaign, and if still no response, purge and archive them
15. Your customers’ expectations are increasing. The most competitive companies will exceed them.
Tesla. If you are unfamiliar, this fledgling (15-years actually) automobile manufacturer does almost everything differently than their long-established competitors. Yes, their cars are all electric, they have no dealerships, and they want to own their customer relationship, start to finish. Between start and finish, there is service. Unlike the traditional auto dealership service and repair facilities, Tesla does not intend to make a profit from the servicing of their vehicles. It’s designed to NOT be a profit center on the books. Heresy, most experts would say.
Instead, Tesla provides a gambit of services at no cost to the owners, even out of warranty. They come to your house or business for a majority of service calls. Stop and read that again. For example, a Tesla Ranger (mobile service technician) comes to your house at a scheduled time to repair or replace some part that needs attention, and often, there is no cost to the owner.
Customers like that. And by raising that bar of customer service, we customers soon wonder—or even expect–other industries to behave in a similar fashion. Customer service is rapidly evolving from what is customary and convenient for the business, to what is convenient and expected by the customer. The businesses that most rapidly embrace this will have a competitive advantage over their competitors… for a while.
Donna Mostrom, Analyst
16. Show you’re present in real time and connect with your customers.
Use Instagram Stories to connect with your audience and customers. Sara Blakely’s account is an excellent example of how to do this well. She showed up in Stories on Cyber Monday, and she jumped on Spanx’s customer service online chat and recorded people’s reactions.
I bought a bunch of unplanned stuff from Spanx that day just so I could talk to her. It was incredible. If you can authentically show you’re present in real time doing things for your customers, it will make a positive impact on how they interact with you and your brand when you’re not there.
17. Turn unhappy customers into your best, loyal customers.
Focus on service recovery. (Jay calls this “hugging your haters“). You can’t always provide a stellar experience for your customers, though that should be your top priority. We live in a commoditized world full of substitutes, where it’s easy to lose a customer over one bad experience. And forgiveness from your customers is not easily won. Companies must have service recovery plans, combined with an employee empowerment culture to carry out those plans, to correct mistakes. Service recovery experience could then be turned into a talk trigger, too.
Lauren Teague, Analyst
18. Use nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns.
Sometimes we need to look to the past for inspiration. Millennials have a clear preference for experiential marketing. Tap into their memories of adolescence, just like Google did with Macaulay Culkin’s Home Alone Again advert for the Google Assistant product. The ad was seasonally relevant (launched at the holidays, like the original movie setting) and became a viral hit, earning over 70M views and being named the top holiday campaign of 2018. Using nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns, marketers can benefit from a long history of affinity for beloved memories from the past.
19. Commit your social strategy to the 3 C’s: clarity, content and connections.
Social media strategies need to commit to 3 C’s in 2019: clarity, content and connections. Is your approach to social media specific and clear to the audience (and internally, amongst your team)? Clarity allows you to be purposeful with the content produced and published. Content is the engine of all social media activity, paid and organic. When audiences understand the intent of a brand on social, and consume content that aligns with that purpose, they are more likely to Connect with the brand. Connections between your audience and brand can be in the form of reactions, conversation or opting in as a follower/subscriber.
Kim Corak, Head of Business Development
20. Activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey.
Many SaaS companies (and often B2B in general) have a difficult time standing out from their competitive set. Rather than trying to throw money or advertising at the problem, develop a strategy to help activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey. Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin, who quite literally wrote the book on this strategy, lay out exactly how to do this and why in their book Talk Triggers, as well as throughout various (and free!) ebooks and webinars throughout the site.
21. Invest in continuous training and education to stay up top of what works and what doesn’t.
It’s very hard for content teams to stay up to date on all things digital — channels, formats, tools, atomization etc. — so be sure to pepper education and training throughout the year. With the water hose of information available and changes occurring in the industry, ongoing education works better than a “one and done” approach. For snippets of a wide range of topics, attending a conference is great but to go deep on a certain area or heavily customize it for your team, onsite workshops or web-based training modalities work best.
Chris Anderson, Media & Partnerships
22. Meet your customer’s needs quickly with chatbots and other related technology.
2019 will see an increase in the usage of chatbots and other related technology to communicate with customers and meet their needs quickly. However, it’s mission critical to support the technology with the most human influence..
0 notes
christinesumpmg1 · 6 years
12 Marketing Experts Reveal How to Crush Your Competition in 2019
With the new year in full swing, my wonderful colleagues — the marketing experts here at Convince & Convert — came up with 23 ideas for making your marketing and customer experience AMAZING in 2019.
In no particular order, here are our favorite recommendations for making 2019 your best year yet. These are the things that not many companies are doing well, but if you do, you will be sure to crush your competition this year. Let’s go!
Jay Baer, Founder, Convince & Convert
1. Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of your content marketing.
2019 will be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their content marketing, using tools like Ceralytics and others.
2. Create experiences that are talkable to cost-effectively grow your business.
2019 will be the year that a meaningful number of companies truly embrace the notion that customer experience is the most powerful form of customer acquisition. Yes, you need to be good at content marketing and social media and all the rest. But if you deliver an experience that’s talkable, your customers become volunteer marketers, and word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective (and cost-effective) way to grow any business.
3. Boost your social media performance with artificial intelligence too.
2019 will also be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their organic and paid social, using tools like Pattern89 and others.
Zontee Hou, Senior Analyst
4. Perform consistency audits to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story.
In the high-paced digital world of 2019, your customers will scrutinize all of your touchpoints as part of their customer experience. Be sure that you’re performing consistency audits in the new year to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story that serves your audience. Your CX isn’t just the message though, it’s also the load time, the smoothness of hand-off, and the ease of use. Make sure that your team understands how your audience uses your products, so they can make them even better. For instance, web hosting service Bluehost’s pop-out help module actually activates a layer on top of their website to guide you step-by-step to the right tool, when you select a question. That’s forward-thinking customer experience.
5. Connect with your audience in social media with conversations and based on their interests.
Conversational marketing is going to impact customer expectations in social media. Yes, chatbots are going to continue to grow, but it’s also about social media marketing that responds to the customers. Do your ads retarget your customers based on their interests, not just their purchase history? Does your social customer care team use customers’ information to give them more thoughtful service? Best-in-class brands are already in these spaces. Are you?
Anna Hrach, Analyst
6. Create experiences that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
Stop thinking like a marketer. Instead, take a step back and look at customer experiences you genuinely appreciate or were pleasantly surprised by. Think about why it made an impact on you and how it made your experience with a brand better. Then, try to replicate those feelings and experiences by translating them in ways that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
7. Your content marketing should focus on doing more with less.
It’s time to do more with way less. Over the last 10 years, companies have been investing more and more in content marketing to create more and more. Instead of racking your brain for new ideas, spend time figuring out what you can reuse, repurpose or remix. Is there an old blog that has become relevant again? Republish it and bring it to the top, so new audiences can see it. Have an outdated ebook that still has some solid content? Refresh it with some light updates, instead of starting from scratch. Have a huge piece of content that took a ton of time and money? Break it up into smaller pieces, like an infographic, designed quote, webinar and more.
Jenny Magic, Analyst
8. There’s a goldmine of great marketing ideas and stories in your company — they just might not be in the marketing department.
2019 will be the year that we finally bring the ops teams into marketing — no longer just tapping our customer-facing employees for story ideas and inputs, but asking them to BE the story. Companies will begin looking to employees who are challenging scripts and breaking the mold in how they do their jobs and serve customers. These insights should be the fuel for innovations the CX and marketing teams scale.
9. Tap into your best influencers: your employees.
In 2019 companies will finally realize that their best influencers are right under their nose – their employees. Millennials already are the largest segment in the workplace. Within the next two years, 50% of the U.S. workforce is expected to be made up of Millennials. It will be 75% by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These employees want to work somewhere they can make an impact (over 3/4 would take a pay cut to work somewhere that matches their values), and companies that can get their staff connected with their why and excited about the story will find an army of influencers willing to proudly do the word of mouth/influencer work they’ve had to beg for (or pay for) in years past.
Kelly Santina, Head of Operations & Media
10. Remember, customer experience starts with employee experience.
As we work with more and more brands and partners in the customer experience space, it has opened my eyes that the customer experience is very much influenced by the employee experience as the first step. Ensuring your organization is investing in the resources, tools and personal connections of your employees will in most cases do more for your customer experience than any other effort. At C&C, we are a virtual company, and we place extreme importance of personal relationships and through tools that help us stay connected across time zones. When our team is happy and satisfied, our client work exceeds expectations.
11. Social media success starts with planning and organization.
Invest the budget and training time into a great social media monitoring tool and a content calendar tool. Finding one that fits your organization and team is worth the investment in time and money, trust me!
Mary Nice, Senior Analyst
12. Get back to the roots of what makes your company remarkable.
2019 is going to bring people back to the roots of what makes hour company awesome. Take time to understand that your operation is what makes your organization awesome, and the experience is the one thing you can control. In turn, marketing and operations teams should become closer than ever.
13. Have your organic and paid social teams work together.
2019 is going to bring the integration of paid and organic social teams. As organic continues to decline, social marketers have to know paid and paid teams must know what content makes social advertising successful. These can no longer be done in a silo.
Anthony Helmstetter, Analyst
14. Get more email unsubscribes—really.
Yes, that’s counter-intuitive. But the truth is, list size is a false metric. (Yes, you may have to explain that to your boss.) The one exception would be businesses who derive revenue based on CPM advertising, but for most organizations, there are more important metrics, like engagement and corresponding KPIs.
A bloated list of disengaged subscribers messes up your email performance metrics. Those who are truly disengaged are just diluting the actual metrics you use to optimize your performance. Ten thousand disengaged subscribers will completely obfuscate the real learnings for the 100 that are engaged. If there has been no click-through in the prior 12 months, initiate a last-chance re-engagement campaign, and if still no response, purge and archive them
15. Your customers’ expectations are increasing. The most competitive companies will exceed them.
Tesla. If you are unfamiliar, this fledgling (15-years actually) automobile manufacturer does almost everything differently than their long-established competitors. Yes, their cars are all electric, they have no dealerships, and they want to own their customer relationship, start to finish. Between start and finish, there is service. Unlike the traditional auto dealership service and repair facilities, Tesla does not intend to make a profit from the servicing of their vehicles. It’s designed to NOT be a profit center on the books. Heresy, most experts would say.
Instead, Tesla provides a gambit of services at no cost to the owners, even out of warranty. They come to your house or business for a majority of service calls. Stop and read that again. For example, a Tesla Ranger (mobile service technician) comes to your house at a scheduled time to repair or replace some part that needs attention, and often, there is no cost to the owner.
Customers like that. And by raising that bar of customer service, we customers soon wonder—or even expect–other industries to behave in a similar fashion. Customer service is rapidly evolving from what is customary and convenient for the business, to what is convenient and expected by the customer. The businesses that most rapidly embrace this will have a competitive advantage over their competitors… for a while.
Donna Mostrom, Analyst
16. Show you’re present in real time and connect with your customers.
Use Instagram Stories to connect with your audience and customers. Sara Blakely’s account is an excellent example of how to do this well. She showed up in Stories on Cyber Monday, and she jumped on Spanx’s customer service online chat and recorded people’s reactions.
I bought a bunch of unplanned stuff from Spanx that day just so I could talk to her. It was incredible. If you can authentically show you’re present in real time doing things for your customers, it will make a positive impact on how they interact with you and your brand when you’re not there.
17. Turn unhappy customers into your best, loyal customers.
Focus on service recovery. (Jay calls this “hugging your haters“). You can’t always provide a stellar experience for your customers, though that should be your top priority. We live in a commoditized world full of substitutes, where it’s easy to lose a customer over one bad experience. And forgiveness from your customers is not easily won. Companies must have service recovery plans, combined with an employee empowerment culture to carry out those plans, to correct mistakes. Service recovery experience could then be turned into a talk trigger, too.
Lauren Teague, Analyst
18. Use nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns.
Sometimes we need to look to the past for inspiration. Millennials have a clear preference for experiential marketing. Tap into their memories of adolescence, just like Google did with Macaulay Culkin’s Home Alone Again advert for the Google Assistant product. The ad was seasonally relevant (launched at the holidays, like the original movie setting) and became a viral hit, earning over 70M views and being named the top holiday campaign of 2018. Using nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns, marketers can benefit from a long history of affinity for beloved memories from the past.
19. Commit your social strategy to the 3 C’s: clarity, content and connections.
Social media strategies need to commit to 3 C’s in 2019: clarity, content and connections. Is your approach to social media specific and clear to the audience (and internally, amongst your team)? Clarity allows you to be purposeful with the content produced and published. Content is the engine of all social media activity, paid and organic. When audiences understand the intent of a brand on social, and consume content that aligns with that purpose, they are more likely to Connect with the brand. Connections between your audience and brand can be in the form of reactions, conversation or opting in as a follower/subscriber.
Kim Corak, Head of Business Development
20. Activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey.
Many SaaS companies (and often B2B in general) have a difficult time standing out from their competitive set. Rather than trying to throw money or advertising at the problem, develop a strategy to help activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey. Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin, who quite literally wrote the book on this strategy, lay out exactly how to do this and why in their book Talk Triggers, as well as throughout various (and free!) ebooks and webinars throughout the site.
21. Invest in continuous training and education to stay up top of what works and what doesn’t.
It’s very hard for content teams to stay up to date on all things digital — channels, formats, tools, atomization etc. — so be sure to pepper education and training throughout the year. With the water hose of information available and changes occurring in the industry, ongoing education works better than a “one and done” approach. For snippets of a wide range of topics, attending a conference is great but to go deep on a certain area or heavily customize it for your team, onsite workshops or web-based training modalities work best.
Chris Anderson, Media & Partnerships
22. Meet your customer’s needs quickly with chatbots and other related technology.
2019 will see an increase in the usage of chatbots and other related technology to communicate with customers and meet their needs quickly. However, it’s mission critical to support the technology with the most human influence..
0 notes
christinesumpmg · 6 years
12 Marketing Experts Reveal How to Crush Your Competition in 2019
With the new year in full swing, my wonderful colleagues — the marketing experts here at Convince & Convert — came up with 23 ideas for making your marketing and customer experience AMAZING in 2019.
In no particular order, here are our favorite recommendations for making 2019 your best year yet. These are the things that not many companies are doing well, but if you do, you will be sure to crush your competition this year. Let’s go!
Jay Baer, Founder, Convince & Convert
1. Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of your content marketing.
2019 will be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their content marketing, using tools like Ceralytics and others.
2. Create experiences that are talkable to cost-effectively grow your business.
2019 will be the year that a meaningful number of companies truly embrace the notion that customer experience is the most powerful form of customer acquisition. Yes, you need to be good at content marketing and social media and all the rest. But if you deliver an experience that’s talkable, your customers become volunteer marketers, and word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective (and cost-effective) way to grow any business.
3. Boost your social media performance with artificial intelligence too.
2019 will also be the year that artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged by a meaningful number of companies to reverse-engineer the success of their organic and paid social, using tools like Pattern89 and others.
Zontee Hou, Senior Analyst
4. Perform consistency audits to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story.
In the high-paced digital world of 2019, your customers will scrutinize all of your touchpoints as part of their customer experience. Be sure that you’re performing consistency audits in the new year to make sure that your entire digital ecosystem is telling a complete, compelling story that serves your audience. Your CX isn’t just the message though, it’s also the load time, the smoothness of hand-off, and the ease of use. Make sure that your team understands how your audience uses your products, so they can make them even better. For instance, web hosting service Bluehost’s pop-out help module actually activates a layer on top of their website to guide you step-by-step to the right tool, when you select a question. That’s forward-thinking customer experience.
5. Connect with your audience in social media with conversations and based on their interests.
Conversational marketing is going to impact customer expectations in social media. Yes, chatbots are going to continue to grow, but it’s also about social media marketing that responds to the customers. Do your ads retarget your customers based on their interests, not just their purchase history? Does your social customer care team use customers’ information to give them more thoughtful service? Best-in-class brands are already in these spaces. Are you?
Anna Hrach, Analyst
6. Create experiences that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
Stop thinking like a marketer. Instead, take a step back and look at customer experiences you genuinely appreciate or were pleasantly surprised by. Think about why it made an impact on you and how it made your experience with a brand better. Then, try to replicate those feelings and experiences by translating them in ways that will be meaningful across your own customers’ journeys.
7. Your content marketing should focus on doing more with less.
It’s time to do more with way less. Over the last 10 years, companies have been investing more and more in content marketing to create more and more. Instead of racking your brain for new ideas, spend time figuring out what you can reuse, repurpose or remix. Is there an old blog that has become relevant again? Republish it and bring it to the top, so new audiences can see it. Have an outdated ebook that still has some solid content? Refresh it with some light updates, instead of starting from scratch. Have a huge piece of content that took a ton of time and money? Break it up into smaller pieces, like an infographic, designed quote, webinar and more.
Jenny Magic, Analyst
8. There’s a goldmine of great marketing ideas and stories in your company — they just might not be in the marketing department.
2019 will be the year that we finally bring the ops teams into marketing — no longer just tapping our customer-facing employees for story ideas and inputs, but asking them to BE the story. Companies will begin looking to employees who are challenging scripts and breaking the mold in how they do their jobs and serve customers. These insights should be the fuel for innovations the CX and marketing teams scale.
9. Tap into your best influencers: your employees.
In 2019 companies will finally realize that their best influencers are right under their nose – their employees. Millennials already are the largest segment in the workplace. Within the next two years, 50% of the U.S. workforce is expected to be made up of Millennials. It will be 75% by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These employees want to work somewhere they can make an impact (over 3/4 would take a pay cut to work somewhere that matches their values), and companies that can get their staff connected with their why and excited about the story will find an army of influencers willing to proudly do the word of mouth/influencer work they’ve had to beg for (or pay for) in years past.
Kelly Santina, Head of Operations & Media
10. Remember, customer experience starts with employee experience.
As we work with more and more brands and partners in the customer experience space, it has opened my eyes that the customer experience is very much influenced by the employee experience as the first step. Ensuring your organization is investing in the resources, tools and personal connections of your employees will in most cases do more for your customer experience than any other effort. At C&C, we are a virtual company, and we place extreme importance of personal relationships and through tools that help us stay connected across time zones. When our team is happy and satisfied, our client work exceeds expectations.
11. Social media success starts with planning and organization.
Invest the budget and training time into a great social media monitoring tool and a content calendar tool. Finding one that fits your organization and team is worth the investment in time and money, trust me!
Mary Nice, Senior Analyst
12. Get back to the roots of what makes your company remarkable.
2019 is going to bring people back to the roots of what makes hour company awesome. Take time to understand that your operation is what makes your organization awesome, and the experience is the one thing you can control. In turn, marketing and operations teams should become closer than ever.
13. Have your organic and paid social teams work together.
2019 is going to bring the integration of paid and organic social teams. As organic continues to decline, social marketers have to know paid and paid teams must know what content makes social advertising successful. These can no longer be done in a silo.
Anthony Helmstetter, Analyst
14. Get more email unsubscribes—really.
Yes, that’s counter-intuitive. But the truth is, list size is a false metric. (Yes, you may have to explain that to your boss.) The one exception would be businesses who derive revenue based on CPM advertising, but for most organizations, there are more important metrics, like engagement and corresponding KPIs.
A bloated list of disengaged subscribers messes up your email performance metrics. Those who are truly disengaged are just diluting the actual metrics you use to optimize your performance. Ten thousand disengaged subscribers will completely obfuscate the real learnings for the 100 that are engaged. If there has been no click-through in the prior 12 months, initiate a last-chance re-engagement campaign, and if still no response, purge and archive them
15. Your customers’ expectations are increasing. The most competitive companies will exceed them.
Tesla. If you are unfamiliar, this fledgling (15-years actually) automobile manufacturer does almost everything differently than their long-established competitors. Yes, their cars are all electric, they have no dealerships, and they want to own their customer relationship, start to finish. Between start and finish, there is service. Unlike the traditional auto dealership service and repair facilities, Tesla does not intend to make a profit from the servicing of their vehicles. It’s designed to NOT be a profit center on the books. Heresy, most experts would say.
Instead, Tesla provides a gambit of services at no cost to the owners, even out of warranty. They come to your house or business for a majority of service calls. Stop and read that again. For example, a Tesla Ranger (mobile service technician) comes to your house at a scheduled time to repair or replace some part that needs attention, and often, there is no cost to the owner.
Customers like that. And by raising that bar of customer service, we customers soon wonder—or even expect–other industries to behave in a similar fashion. Customer service is rapidly evolving from what is customary and convenient for the business, to what is convenient and expected by the customer. The businesses that most rapidly embrace this will have a competitive advantage over their competitors… for a while.
Donna Mostrom, Analyst
16. Show you’re present in real time and connect with your customers.
Use Instagram Stories to connect with your audience and customers. Sara Blakely’s account is an excellent example of how to do this well. She showed up in Stories on Cyber Monday, and she jumped on Spanx’s customer service online chat and recorded people’s reactions.
I bought a bunch of unplanned stuff from Spanx that day just so I could talk to her. It was incredible. If you can authentically show you’re present in real time doing things for your customers, it will make a positive impact on how they interact with you and your brand when you’re not there.
17. Turn unhappy customers into your best, loyal customers.
Focus on service recovery. (Jay calls this “hugging your haters“). You can’t always provide a stellar experience for your customers, though that should be your top priority. We live in a commoditized world full of substitutes, where it’s easy to lose a customer over one bad experience. And forgiveness from your customers is not easily won. Companies must have service recovery plans, combined with an employee empowerment culture to carry out those plans, to correct mistakes. Service recovery experience could then be turned into a talk trigger, too.
Lauren Teague, Analyst
18. Use nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns.
Sometimes we need to look to the past for inspiration. Millennials have a clear preference for experiential marketing. Tap into their memories of adolescence, just like Google did with Macaulay Culkin’s Home Alone Again advert for the Google Assistant product. The ad was seasonally relevant (launched at the holidays, like the original movie setting) and became a viral hit, earning over 70M views and being named the top holiday campaign of 2018. Using nostalgia to inspire content and campaigns, marketers can benefit from a long history of affinity for beloved memories from the past.
19. Commit your social strategy to the 3 C’s: clarity, content and connections.
Social media strategies need to commit to 3 C’s in 2019: clarity, content and connections. Is your approach to social media specific and clear to the audience (and internally, amongst your team)? Clarity allows you to be purposeful with the content produced and published. Content is the engine of all social media activity, paid and organic. When audiences understand the intent of a brand on social, and consume content that aligns with that purpose, they are more likely to Connect with the brand. Connections between your audience and brand can be in the form of reactions, conversation or opting in as a follower/subscriber.
Kim Corak, Head of Business Development
20. Activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey.
Many SaaS companies (and often B2B in general) have a difficult time standing out from their competitive set. Rather than trying to throw money or advertising at the problem, develop a strategy to help activate word of mouth during various points of the customer journey. Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin, who quite literally wrote the book on this strategy, lay out exactly how to do this and why in their book Talk Triggers, as well as throughout various (and free!) ebooks and webinars throughout the site.
21. Invest in continuous training and education to stay up top of what works and what doesn’t.
It’s very hard for content teams to stay up to date on all things digital — channels, formats, tools, atomization etc. — so be sure to pepper education and training throughout the year. With the water hose of information available and changes occurring in the industry, ongoing education works better than a “one and done” approach. For snippets of a wide range of topics, attending a conference is great but to go deep on a certain area or heavily customize it for your team, onsite workshops or web-based training modalities work best.
Chris Anderson, Media & Partnerships
22. Meet your customer’s needs quickly with chatbots and other related technology.
2019 will see an increase in the usage of chatbots and other related technology to communicate with customers and meet their needs quickly. However, it’s mission critical to support the technology with the most human influence..
0 notes
House Moving Dublin Things To Know Before You Buy
Let's face it: Unless you're a minimal, moving is just one of the biggest family jobs there is and it can be incredibly frustrating. However if you could obtain a head start and stay organized, you ought to make it through this mammoth process ready and unscathed to appreciate your brand-new house. Here are 21 tips in order to help you avoid moving day disorder. 1. Get organized early Stay clear of leaving anything up until the eleventh hour. Unless you need to evacuate and leave in a hurry, chances are you have in between 30 and 60 days to make a strategy and guarantee that moving day runs efficiently. Develop a countdown checklist and detail whatever you have to achieve week by week. 2. Identify your move approach Just how are you getting from factor A to point B on moving day? For much shorter relocations, you'll either have to construct some very great close friends with trucks or think about renting a truck for the day. If you have a big family members to move or you'll be moving a cross country, you'll wish to price out moving firms. 3. Keep your moving companies in the loophole Boxes are one thing, yet when you get to the big, heavy stuff, it's crucial to allow your moving companies know just what to anticipate. "Communicate with your moving company and explain all the expectations and needs before reservation," suggests Andrew Ludzeneks, founder and existing president of iMove Canada Ltd. "Your moving company has to know all those minor details in order to estimate your overall move time and price, and have appropriate equipment available." That includes educating the company regarding any type of obese items (i.e. a piano or refrigerator), gain access to constraints (tiny elevator, walk-up just, narrow driveway) and whether you'll need assist with disassembly or assembly of furniture. 4. Pick the right transport You could be able to get away with making even more compared to one journey if you're moving a brief range. But if you do not have that deluxe, you'll should ensure you have the appropriate dimension of truck to haul your possessions in one go. "Choosing the ideal size is specifically important when moving farther away, as making a number of trips could be an issue," says Andrew, Top Removals who recommends utilizing the adhering to guidelines when determining the dimension of your truck: • In basic, the contents of bachelor and one-bedroom homes will fit in a 16' dice truck readily available at your neighborhood rental company. • Two to three fully furnished bed rooms will certainly call for a 24' -26' truck to ensure your move is finished in one lots. • The contents of many homes can be moved in the same 24' truck flat removals dublin with 1 or 2 trips. 5 Seize the chance to purge Moving is a fantastic opportunity to arrange your personal belongings and eliminate items you no longer usage. Hold a backyard sale if the time of year permits. Or, make the effort to kind and contribute delicately put on garments to Goodwill, placed furnishings up for sale on a site like craigslist.org, recycle old publications and catalogues and shred old documents. 6. Assembled a packing set Remain arranged by establishing a system if even more than one person is packing. Have blank inventory sheets prepared so a single person can deal with each location or room. Arm each packer with a pen, black marker, and packaging materials, like paper, a sealing tape dispenser and boxes. 7. Eco-friendly your move Moving day can create a terrific bargain of waste like cardboard, bubble cover and newspaper. For items you'll be storing even as soon as you've moved in, opt for the recyclable plastic containers you could purchase at stores like Home Depot or Solutions. 8. Reuse boxes
You could still require a few cardboard boxes to round out your moving more info set. A few weeks prior to you begin loading, get hold of a couple of each time you check out the grocery store. Smaller boxes are simpler to bring when facing stairways and narrow paths, states Andrew. 9. Take stock This is particularly required if you're employing a moving company. Having a record of your house things serves if something goes missing out on. Consider maintaining a spreadsheet of the contents of each box. Then, designate each box a number and all you need to do is write that number on each side (possibly with the suitable space provided, too). 10. Label whatever! Label all sides of package (prevent the top). Whoever is lugging in your boxes may not ensure all labels are facing one means for your very easy retrieval. Attempt labeling each side in pen so you can easily discover exactly what you require in a stack. 11. Learn your condominium regulations Moving right into a condo isn't as very easy as drawing up to the front door and filling your boxes into a lift. Be sure to inspect the moving plan before scheduling your moving day. According to Andrew, you could need to schedule a service elevator and a time frame for moving in. 12. Cram in points you have to pack Why not use it as a box? "For delicate garments that you do not desire to fold, making use of a mobile closet box is the way to go," advises Andrew. 13. Prepare a moving day package Keep one box aside of "basics" that you'll need on moving day: cleaning products, light bulbs, bathroom tissue, trash can, an adjustment of clothes, your toiletry bag, and so on 14. Be ready for your moving companies, whether employed or close friends Whether you have family members or specialist movers turning up at your door, await them when they get here. With a moving company, unless you hire packers, be packed and prepared prior to the team shows up, encourages Andrew. "Scrambling for boxes will postpone your move and boost your price." 15. Shield your prized possessions Discover a refuge to keep your valuables on moving day. If you're making use of a moving company, guarantee anything that's breakable or useful. And if you're moving a computer system, do a quick back-up of important files simply in case something takes place en route. 16. Delay deliveries If you've made some new acquisitions, such as a couch or dining-room collection, schedule the distribution after moving day. That will aid you focus your interest on moving day itself and will prevent any type of blockage between shipment people and the movers. 17. Do not error personal belongings for garbage Aim to prevent packaging points in garbage bags. Well-meaning good friends or family might accidentally throw them out on moving day. 18 Hook up important services Make sure you comprehend just how utility expenses (gas, water, power) will be transferred over to you from a previous proprietor. Organize to have your phone line, internet and cable television functioning if needed. 19. Discover a pet dog caretaker for the day If you have an animal that could be shocked by a move, prepare to have them remain somewhere throughout moving day. Be certain to organize your pet dog's risk-free transport to your new house if you're working with movers for a long-distance move. 20. Make nice with your new neighbours Beginning off on the ideal foot by educating your instant neighbours that you'll be moving in and what kind of moving vehicles you're using. If you're moving on a weekday, make sure your truck isn't blocking anyone's leave. 21. Treat your moving companies Whether worked with buddies or moving companies and household, make certain to have food and drinks readily offered for everyone. "On a hot summer season day, your team will value a cold beverage," Unless you have to load up and leave in a hurry, opportunities are you have in between 30 and 60 days to make sure and make a plan that moving day runs smoothly. For shorter relocations, you'll either require to set up some really great close friends with trucks or think about leasing a truck for the day. If you have a huge household to move or you'll be moving a long distance, you'll desire to value out moving firms. Be sure to check the moving policy before scheduling your moving day. Start off on the appropriate foot by educating your immediate neighbours that you'll be moving in and just what kind of moving vehicles you're utilizing.
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The Ultimate Guide To Storage Dublin
Let's face it: Unless you're a minimalist, moving is among the biggest home tasks there is and it can be very frustrating. If you could get a head begin and remain organized, you need to make it via this monstrous process ready and uninjured to enjoy your new house. Right here are 21 tips in order to help you avoid moving day mayhem.
1. Get arranged early Prevent leaving anything till the eleventh hour. Unless you have to evacuate and leave in a hurry, opportunities are you have between 30 and 60 days to ensure and make a strategy that moving day runs smoothly. Develop a countdown listing and http://topremovals.ie detail everything you should accomplish week by week. 2. Determine your move method Exactly how are you going to get from factor A to factor B on moving day? For much shorter relocations, you'll either have to assemble some extremely nice friends with trucks or take into consideration renting out a truck for the day. You'll desire to price out moving firms if you have a big household to move or you'll be moving a lengthy range. 3. Maintain your movers in the loop Boxes are something, but when you get to the large, heavy stuff, it's important to allow your moving companies know what to anticipate. "Communicate with your moving company and explain all the assumptions and needs prior to reservation," encourages Andrew Ludzeneks, founder and existing president of iMove Canada Ltd. "Your moving company needs to be aware of all those minor details in order to approximate your total move time and cost, and have proper equipment readily available." That consists of informing the company regarding any kind of obese products (i.e. a piano or refrigerator), accessibility limitations (small elevator, walk-up only, narrow driveway) and whether you'll need help with disassembly or setting up of furniture. 4. Choose the appropriate transport If you're moving a brief distance, you could be able to get away with making more than one journey. But if you do not have that luxury, you'll should make certain you have the best dimension of truck to cart your belongings in one go. "Choosing the ideal dimension is specifically essential when moving farther away, as making a number of journeys could be an issue," claims Andrew, who suggests using the complying with guidelines when determining the size of your truck: • In general, the materials of bachelor and one-bedroom apartment or condos will certainly suit a 16' cube truck available at your local rental company. • Two to 3 well-appointed bedrooms will need a 24' -26' truck to ensure your move is finished in one load. • The contents of most residences can be moved in the same 24' associate 1 or 2 trips. 5 Seize the possibility to purge Moving is a wonderful chance to organize your personal belongings and do away with things you no more usage. Hold a yard sale if the time of year authorizations. Or, make the effort to kind and give away carefully worn clothes to Goodwill, placed furniture for sale on a site like craigslist.org, recycle old magazines and catalogues and shred old papers. 6. Put together a packing kit Stay organized by developing a system if more than one person is packing. Have empty inventory sheets prepared so someone could take on each location or space. Arm each packer with a pen, black marker, and packing products, like newspaper, a sealing tape dispenser and boxes. 7. Green your move Moving day can produce a terrific bargain of waste like cardboard, bubble wrap and paper. For products you'll be keeping even once you've moved in, opt for the multiple-use plastic bins you could purchase at stores like Home Depot or Solutions. 8. Reuse boxes You might still require a couple of cardboard boxes to complete your moving kit. A few weeks prior to you begin loading, grab a few each time you check out the food store. Smaller sized boxes are easier to bring when facing stairs and slim pathways, says Andrew. 9. Take supply This is particularly needed if you're hiring a moving company. Designate each box a number and all you have to do is write that http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=HOUSE REMOVALS number on each side (maybe with the suitable area detailed, as well). 10. Tag every little thing! Tag all sides of package (stay clear of the top). Whoever is bring in your boxes may not make sure all labels are facing one means for your simple retrieval. Try labeling each side in marker so you can quickly locate exactly what you need in a stack. 11. Learn your condominium rules Moving right into an apartment isn't really as very easy as bring up to the front door and packing your boxes onto an elevator. Make sure to inspect the moving policy before scheduling your moving day. For instance, some condominiums do not enable move-ins on Sunday. According to Andrew, you might need to book a service lift and a period for relocating. "On a lot of celebrations, your condominium will ask for a down payment in order to schedule a service elevator. That could vary from $100 to $500 depending upon your condominium regulations." 12. Cram in points you should load Why not utilize it as a box? "For delicate clothing that you do not want to fold up, using a mobile closet box is the way to go," recommends Andrew. 13. Prepare a moving day kit Maintain one box apart of "basics" that you'll require on moving day: cleaning up supplies, light bulbs, toilet tissue, garbage bags, a modification of clothing, your toiletry bag, etc. 14. Await your movers, whether worked with or buddies Whether you have family or specialist moving companies turning up at your door, TopRemovals await them when they arrive. With a moving company, unless you hire packers, be prepared and jam-packed before the crew shows up, suggests Andrew. "Scrambling for boxes will delay your move and enhance your cost." 15. Shield your valuables Discover a refuge to save your belongings on moving day. Guarantee anything that's important or breakable if you're using a moving company. And if you're moving a computer, do a quick back-up of crucial documents just in case something occurs en route. 16. Postpone deliveries If you've made some brand-new acquisitions, such as a sofa or dining room collection, schedule the distribution after moving day. That will aid you focus your focus on moving day itself and will prevent any type of blockage between shipment people and the moving companies. 17. Do not error personal belongings for garbage Attempt to stay clear of packing points in garbage bags. Well-meaning close friends or family members can mistakenly toss them out on moving day. 18 Hook up important services See to it you recognize exactly how utility expenses (gas, water, electrical energy) will certainly be transferred over to you from a previous proprietor. Set up to have your phone line, web and cord functioning if required. 19. Discover a pet dog caretaker for the day If you have a pet dog that could be shocked by a move, organize to have them stay somewhere during moving day. If you're working with moving companies for a long-distance move, make certain to arrange your family pet's risk-free transportation to your new residence. 20. Make nice with your new neighbors Beginning off on the ideal foot by educating your immediate neighbours that you'll be moving in and just what kind of moving vehicles you're making use of. If you're moving on a weekday, make sure your truck isn't really blocking anybody's leave. 21. Treat your movers Whether worked with moving companies or good friends and family, make sure to have food and beverages easily offered for everybody. "On a hot summer season day, your team will certainly value a cold beverage," Unless you have to load up and leave in a rush, chances are you have in between 30 and 60 days to make a plan and make sure that moving day runs smoothly. For shorter relocations, you'll either need to assemble some really nice buddies with trucks or take into consideration leasing a truck for the day. If you have a huge family to move or you'll be moving a long distance, you'll want to price out moving companies. Be certain to inspect the moving plan prior to arranging your moving day. Beginning off on the best foot by informing your prompt neighbors that you'll be moving in and exactly what kind of moving vehicles you're making use of.
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