#look if you like this theory more power to you
lunarliyah · 3 days
venus placements and color theory ౨ৎ
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Aries venus
you guys already know by now. REDS. we love seeing you guys embody any shade of red. From the bloody reds to the burgundy. i also would associate you guys with *burnt* orange. Think of fire, since you guys are so fiery, mostly red and orange. red hair looks amazing on Aries venus. like AMAZING. even, again, burnt orange hair colors as well.
Taurus venus
love browns on you guys. deep dark browns. all i can think of is victoria monet, who is a taurus sun and taurus venus and she really OWNS that color. like you guys really invented brown. quite literally. More wood colors, like dark wood browns. mahogany. *chefs kiss*
Gemini venus
bright yellows. yellow gold jewelry. you all are very open with color and don’t mind wearing variety of colors. but because yellow is such a social color, a more inviting and expressive color, it just works for you guys every time. skin pops with the color yellow with gemini venus people. gemini venus and blonde hair, beautiful. blonde hair fits so well.
Cancer venus
white. because cancers are such a feminine sign, the sign of the mother, such a pure and soft yet bright and shining like the moon, white looks absolutely gorgeous on cancer venus. also i feel like because cancer venus can keep white clean as well. cancer venus people like looking clean and not busy or whimsical.
Leo venus
alright leo venus’s, y’all know how stunning y’all look in orange. but like the original orange color. it’s so lovely on you guys. even men with orange suits. it just works, all the time. silk orange material to represent royalty.
Virgo venus
GREEN. please y’all look so good and rich in green. very grounded color. can even be seen as sensual. deep emerald green makes you guys also look like royalty.
Libra venus
pinks, y’all knew this was coming. light pinks to hot pinks to soft pinks. it doesn’t matter, it makes you guys extremely approachable and inviting. you look very confident in pink.
Scorpio venus
y’all know y’all own the color black. its natural and effortless. its such a power move to wear black to important events for you guys. this color just demands respect. ESPECIALLY when all the black pieces you’re wearing matches. black hair as well.
Sagittarius venus
my sag venus’s yall can never do any wrong in the color purple. dark purle to light lilac purples. you look astonishing in purple clothing. definitely breaking necks with that color choice.
Capricorn venus
grey grey grey. so conservative and stoic like in that color. literally grey looks so dry and boring on others but on you guys it commands attention and it fits so well. silver jewelry as well with dark or light shades of grey. such a effortlessly sexy color choice for y’all.
Aquarius venus
deep royal blues. dark navy blues really demands so much attention when you guys wear it. very attractive and gorgeous on you guys. jewelry with sapphire crystal.
Pisces venus
you guys are very experimental with your appearance. im saying iridescent and light blues. baby blues look so good on you all. very shiny material thats out of this world. eye catching. diamonds looks great on pisces venus’s. multicolor choices. and dreamy light blues. also highlights in your hair looks so good on you all.
*make sure we are giving credit when its due and not stealing other people’s work*
thank you all for reading. to book a reading with me, link in bio
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plutonium-sky · 2 days
So! About the revelation I mentioned with WL and Eden statues- I’m going to give some context first. Me and @halcyon-xxy-art were discussing some Sky DND stuff, and then had an interesting idea- what if there was light corruption, alongside dark corruption?
We immediately establish dark corruption as the crystalized bodies, with the soul (light) trapped inside. The thing is, we wanted to make it so that there wasn’t any weakening of their light- it’s just that there is more darkness. After that got put out, we started thinking about what light corruption would look like, and Aria basically perfectly described a Winged Light. That’s when I had my revelation. What if Winged Lights are sky kids who got light overflow?
I’ll elaborate on that in a bit when I establish another fact we put out right after. Skykid DO have darkness inside them. It’s just hidden in a way no one would expect- it’s right in front of us. A skykid’s darkness would be their physical Body. And, if we go by that logic, their light would be everything else that the body holds- their light and Soul.
And then we added more to the corruption parts. Darkness corruption would work that the soul is trapped inside the body- and cannot return to Megabird (it would slowly weaken inside, losing its power bit by bit as the overbearing darkness drains it.) Light corruption was easy to figure out from there as well. The soul doesn’t have a body to guide it back to the cycle (it had burnt it away, and now the soul is horribly exposed, frozen in time, until a new, temporary vessel guides it back to freedom.)
The skykid’s body needs to walk alongside a delicate balance of light and dark, lest things go to SHIT for them. Too much light will result in being corrupted and overloaded by it, and the body will burn and flake away and the soul be frozen in time and space without the body to guide it back to the cycle. Too much darkness will slow them down, overtake them, eventually turning the skykid into an immovable statue, the soul covered on all sides, and it’s now trapped in a cage of its own making.
Also, absorbing WL (the lost souls of someone else) benefits us instead of harming us because all the overloaded light is still being taken by the other’s soul, not yours. Of course, a little still leaks through- and that’s why it makes flying easier. It’s a sort of…. symbiotic relationship, where the sky kid gives the soul a temporary vessel for it to rest in, while the soul helps the vessel, benefitting it as safely as it can. It takes more WL the longer you have to fly for safety concerns- if they keep on sharing the same amount of energy, the light corruption will happen once more, to a new victim, and now there will be two souls trapped beside each other.
Also, the body and soul theory is further supported by sky kids extinguishing. NORMALLY, we don’t grow crystals. By normally I mean stuff like rain and non-shard crabs. That would be a “normal” death- we aren’t corrupted, the soul and body are still in balance. There’s the pity WL too- you can still be saved. For lore reasons, I’m going to partially ignore the fact that you would still get a pity WL if you lost all of yours to a krill, shard, or shard crabs, because let’s be honest- it’s just ingame things. And, if my memory serves my right (I can’t play sky at the moment to check properly), you would grow crystals for all of those deaths- corrupted by darkness.
There’s then Eden. We run around, giving WL to the lost to darkness bodies of sky kids- or perhaps spirits. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. But, what matters is that somehow, this works in freeing them. My theory for how is that the light corrupted and overloaded soul helps balance out the dark corrupted body, sharing its light with the trapped soul inside. By the point we find the eden bodies, though, the souls are so weakened that they’re barely there- my explanation as to why we don’t see double the winged lights in orbit. They need time to recover.
The last nail in the coffin for this theory, to me, is the cutscene in eden that happens when we finally lose all of our winged light and become a statue ourselves. Where we fall in darkness, as a dark figure, then land. The light and dark of our being in a limbo meet. The light (soul) is sitting there, unmoving, trapped. Meanwhile, us, as the darkness (body) moves, going back to the light, to guide them back. This supports my “the light and soul cannot be guided without the darkness of their body” talk- because it IS the body guiding the soul here. It frees us.
TLDR? Skykids aren’t only light- they are also darkness. The light is their soul and the dark is their body. Without a body, lost because of various reasons (the one I gave is being overloaded/corrupted by light), the soul is trapped and we see this ingame as Winged Light. This creates a delicate balance where there can’t be too much light or too much dark in the soul and body. When you are corrupted by darkness, the soul gets trapped but it is still there. A normal death for a sky kid is when no crystals grow on their body. Eden statues are helped with WL because the overloaded darkness and the overloaded light balance each other out.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, hope it lived up to your expectations.
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mentalmeles · 2 days
Well. While the brain rot has me, I wanna talk about some lines in ‘Trust Love’ that have been bothering me lately. Mostly how they blatantly reference Penny and how she just might return once more.
Yes, it’s that kind of Penny posting. If you don’t subscribe to the Penny 3.0 theory or think she should stay dead, please carry on and let me have my silly little thoughts in peace. Also this is 100% Nuts and Dolts propaganda. I will not apologize.
ANYWAY! Onto the lyrics!
Right now, your hopes are shattered / Just pointless ever after
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This line obviously talks about the loss of hope. Penny, time and again, has been the character to symbolize hope. The most obvious time this has been done was during Jinxy’s auction in Volume 9.
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Ruby is inexplicably drawn to the jade marionette, which we all know turns out to be one of Penny’s swords. (And ofc let’s not forget that weapons are considered an extension of their owners in this world.)
Without knowing why, Ruby wants it and tries to wager for it. But Jinxy asks for something in particular—something Ruby has lost.
“Enough hope to fill [a] jar.”
I also want to point out that the pov making it look like the jade marionette is fitting inside the jar as well as the star charm tied around the top are not at all coincidences. This is the show telling us point blank that Penny is the personification of hope. Or at least Ruby’s hope.
But Ruby just lost her. She has no hope left.
But in time, you'll find / Through love, your power just shines
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(I felt the need to put this gif here since it is exactly what plays during these lines in the Volume 7 intro, so let’s just sit and think about the implications of that for a moment. Cool? Cool.)
When you don't know where to turn to / And you're sure all hope is gone / When the day you waited for won't come / And dark won't yield to dawn / Trust love and open up your eyes
Now these lines are what get me. They talk about Ruby losing hope and direction, caught in darkness. Now, while this is the intro song for Volume 7, it’s clear that Ruby has not lost her hope yet. If anything, she just got a big chunk of it back.
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And I’d argue that even In Volume 8 when shit has hit the fan and it just keeps coming and coming, Ruby hasn’t lost her resolve yet. There are definitely moments when she comes very, very close to it and she falters, but she does end up maintaining it for the most part.
(I can't find it, but imagine the gif where Ruby is looking down at Penny's unconscious body and is tearing up while saying "It's all...too much." Wow. Such a pretty gif.)
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(It's also funny how these moments where Ruby's doubts are the strongest are taking place when Penny is seriously wounded and incapacitated, now isn't it? Surely that's just a funny coincidence...)
But then she and the rest of team RWBY fall into the Ever After and, after learning about Penny's second death, Ruby's mental state just falls deeper and deeper.
But then the lyrics tell Ruby that all she has to do during this dark and harrowing moment is to 'trust love.' Who's love is she supposed to trust? The song has been relating to keeping hope up till now, so it's not a stretch to say that she's supposed to trust the love she had for Penny, platonic or otherwise.
Trust love, the truth is there, but sometimes in disguise
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These lines are certainly interesting when put into the context that they're also related to Penny somehow. Personally, all I can think of is when Penny transferred the Winter Maiden powers to Winter. I'm definitely not the first to mention this, but it's awfully suspicious that the aura glow was yellow and not green, isn't it? Sure, there were motes of green, but that isn't what happened when Fria gave Penny the powers previously. So why the change? Unless the truth, while there, is disguised. The truth is that Penny is dying and giving up her power, but it's disguised somehow...
The way's uncertain but we're together / Movin' toward the light / When we trust in love and open up our eyes
Mention of Ruby being together with someone. Obviously, this could just be referring to team RWBY or the whole group being together, united under the mission of saving Remnant from Salem. But, again, when mostly every other line has been tied to hope--and by extension Penny--, it's hard to believe it's talking about that. So, maybe a reunion with a certain someone that hasn't happened yet? A reunion that will bring Ruby back towards the light--towards regaining her hope--once and for all? I mean, if Ruby's character arc in the second Justice League crossover movie is where her arc will go in the show proper, it's not too far of a stretch.
(The reason I mention the Justice League crossover movies is because Ruby's arc in the first movie was very reminiscent to the arc she had about her leadership role in Volumes 7 and 8. So, since she became very self sacrificing in that movie, diving headfirst into mission after mission with no regard to her safety, maybe that's what will happen in Volume 10 too? Maybe having the potential of getting Penny back will be the thing to make her stop?)
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Anyways... I don't know if any of this really made any sense and I might just be rambling nonsense, but yeah. Some things that I noticed and felt the need to shout out into the ether.
Thanks for reading!
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merakiui · 2 days
Just thought about this the other day for the apocalypse au! Say the leaders succumb to the virus and have to be disposed of for the safety of their communities or pass away of other means. But! There’s a law stating that, in the event a leader passes away, the second in command or the next highest ranking officer has the option of taking on the newly widowed wife as their own along with any children they already had with their predecessor. Or as a means of uniting two communities in a time of desperation for new leadership, the widow is arranged to marry the leader or higher ranking member of a neighboring community. Ooor if the new leader is already married or doesn’t feel comfortable with taking on the former wife of their colleague, they can arrange a marriage between her and a suitor they deem competent and loving enough to care for them and choose a new bride from the existing bachelorettes in the community so they can uphold the reproductive responsibilities of leadership. Looking at you Lilia! Sooo much potential for murder plots, schemes, and power imbalance!
Just a thought of mine! Feel free to add and take away! This is among one of my favorite aus of yours and I wanted to bring it back around!
AAAA YES YES!!!! Apocalypse au is so back!! This is brilliant!!! :O it's a scramble to find an eligible husband for the widowed wife because of so many reasons. Women are essential to the compounds; if one's all alone, who knows what might happen!! >_< but also,, you're a great bargaining chip for the compounds in need of more women or have a low birth rate or, as mentioned, to unite compounds and communities that might not have the best relations.
There is so much potential for dirty tricks and evil schemes and murder!!!! AAAA imagine second-in-command who has been pining for the leader's wife for as long as they can remember, and now the leader position is conveniently open and you're in need of a husband to look after you, breed you, care for the children. :) desperate times call for the most desperate and morally questionable measures, after all. And you suspect something isn't quite right, but who can you go to with your theories when no one's willing to listen or believe you? Your new husband gets away with murder and is allowed to keep a pretty wife like yourself. A win-win for him and a terrible loss for you.
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krispdreemurr · 3 days
Totally random theory that actually has a smidge of support in game: Kris can dance, and either did lessons or self taught. During Jevil's fight, they can do a pirouette, and during the Sweet Cap'n Cakes fight, they can do the prisiadki, that Russian kick dance, both are dance moves that are quite difficult to pull off if you don't have at least SOME experience doing dance.
kris has really strong ddr skills
but no yeah I buy it. my General thought on their like more graceful/agile skills like piano and speedrunning and dance and such is that they're Really Goddamn Good At That Sort Of Thing so long as they're permitted perfect unobserved flow and do not let themselves think about it. as soon as someone looks at them too much or goes "whoa that rules" they immediately get self conscious and lose all their powers
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daitranscripts · 1 day
Iron Bull Cutscene
Dragon Hunting
Iron Bull Masterpost
If the PC kills a dragon and Bull isn’t in the party Iron Bull: So you killed a dragon, and you didn’t bring me along. It’s fine, I know how it goes. You gotta have the team you’re comfortable with for the big jobs. Still, you find another one out there, I’m happy to help. Always wanted to go up against one of the big guys.
If Bull is in the party when a dragon is fought
Approaching a dragon Iron Bull: Looks like Dragon territory. Oh, this is gonna be good.
When the dragon appears Iron Bull: Oh, would you look at that! That is magnificent!
During the fight
Iron Bull: (Shouts)
Iron Bull: Oh, yeah! Look at that! Taarsidath-an halsaam!
When Bull takes damage
Iron Bull: (Grunts.)
Iron Bull: I’m okay!
Iron Bull: Still worth it!
When the dragon is defeated This… is the greatest day of my life! Did you all see that? (Shouts.)
The PC speaks to Bull back at Skyhold
Iron Bull: Inquisitor! Come have a drink!
Iron Bull: To killing a high dragon like warriors of legend!
1 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: What is this? [2]
General: I’m not drinking that. [3]
General: [Drink.] [4] +Iron Bull approves
2 - Investigate: What is this? PC: What exactly am I supposed to be drinking? Iron Bull: Maraas-lok. PC: What does that mean? Iron Bull: It means drink! [back to 1]
3 - General: I’m not drinking that. PC: No offence, Bull, but I think you’re on your own. Iron Bull: Ah, suit yourself. Scene ends.
4 - General: [Drink.] PC: (Swallows.) Iron Bull: I know, right? Put some chest on your chest.
Iron Bull: That little gurgle right before it spat fire? And that roar. What I wouldn’t give to roar like that. The way the ground shook when it landed. The smell of fires burning… Taarsidath-an halsaam. You know Qunari hold dragons sacred? Well, as much as we hold anything sacred.
Iron Bull: Here, your turn.
5 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: What was that Qunari phrase? [6]
General: I’m done drinking. [7]
General: [Drink.] [8] +Iron Bull approves
6 - Investigate: What was that Qunari phrase? PC: That thing you just said. You shouted it during the fight, too. What does it mean? Iron Bull: Oh, taarsidath-an halsaam? Closest translation would be, “I will bring myself sexual pleasure later, while thinking about this with great respect.” PC: You shouted that while it was breathing fire at us. Iron Bull: I know, right? (Grunts.) [back to 5]
7 - General: I’m done drinking. PC: I think I’m finished, thanks. Iron Bull: Really? Really. (Chuckles.) More for me, then. Scene ends.
8 - General: [Drink.] PC: (Swallows.) Iron Bull: Yeah! The second cup’s easier. Most of the nerves in your throat are dead after the first one.
Iron Bull: Ataashi. “The glorious ones.” That’s our word for them. Ataaaaasheeeeeee.
9 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Why are dragons sacred? [10]
General: I’m sorry we had to kill it. [11]
General: Now I feel awkward. [12]
General: They’re just beasts. [13] -Iron Bull slightly disapproves
10 - Investigate: Why are dragons sacred? PC: Why do you think the Qunari think of dragons that way? Iron Bull: Well, you know how we have horns? We kind of look more… dragony… than most people. Maybe it’s that. But a few of the Ben-Hassrath have this crazy old theory. See, the tamassrans control who we mate with. They breed us for jobs like you’d breed dogs or horses. What if they mixed in some dragon a long time ago? Maybe drinking the blood, maybe magic. I don’t know. But something in that dragon we killed… spoke to me. [back to 9]
11 - General: I’m sorry we had to kill it. PC: It’s a shame we had to kill the dragon. Iron Bull: Damn good fight. [14]
12 - General: Now I feel awkward. PC: When you put it like that, I’m worried I killed one of your gods or something. Iron Bull: Nah. One of Tevinter’s gods, maybe. They worshipped dragons, right? Kill the shit out of them all you like. [14]
13 - General: They’re just beasts. PC: Dragons are big and powerful, but they’re just animals. Iron Bull: They’re more than that. Shit, the Vints used to worship the damn things. [14]
14 - Scene continues.
Iron Bull: Dragons are the embodiment of raw power. But it’s all uncontrolled, savage… So they need to be destroyed. Taming the wild. Order out of chaos. Have another drink.
Dialogue options:
General: I’m really done. [15]
General: [Drink.] [16] +Iron Bull approves
15 - General: I’m really done. PC: I’ve had more than enough already. Iron Bull: Your loss!
16 - General: [Drink.] PC: (Swallows.) Iron Bull: (Laughs.) Nice! To dragons! (Swallows.)
Dialogue options:
Flirt: To you. [17] +Iron Bull slightly approves
General: To good fights. [18] +Iron Bull slightly approves
General: To bringing order. [19] +Iron Bull slightly approves
General: To bad drinks. [20] +Iron Bull slightly approves
17 - Flirt: To you. PC: To the Iron Bull. Iron Bull: And his ass-kicking Inquisitor.
If romanced/slept with Bull Iron Bull: Hey. Hey, kadan, listen. I always want to say this, and I never can when we’re off saving the world.
Iron Bull (female PC): You’ve got fantastic tits. Iron Bull (male PC): You’ve got a fantastic ass.
PC: Awwww. Scene ends.
18 - General: To good fights. PC: To finding the biggest, baddest things in the world and showing them that we’re badder. Iron Bull: Anaan! Scene ends.
19 - General: To bringing order. PC: To building order out of chaos… even if it means killing some dragons along the way. Iron Bull: Even. “Even if?” Especially if! Scene ends.
20 - General: To bad drinks. PC: To whatever this is, and the hangover it’s going to give me tomorrow. Iron Bull: Anaan! Scene ends.
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I have a theory about why almost all monsters are okay with destroying all humans, despite one of Asgore's kids being a human...
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What if it's because they thought that Chara wasn't a human?
I'm probably wrong, cause it's a theory.
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But it would explain so much and somewhat fix the problems I have with Undyne, who was probably the closest thing Asgore had to a child after losing Asriel and Chara.
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Because you think someone close with the king would know how much Asgore still cares about Chara, thus that someone wouldn't enjoy attacking a human child so much, especially one that looks similar to Chara.
But if Undyne didn't know that Chara was human or didn't know Chara's existence at all, then her somewhat sadistic behavior would make more sense.
In her point of view, her kingdom had lost their freedom cause of humans... her king lost both his kids (one of them an adopted monster) cause of humans... humans were NEVER kind to monsters as far as Undyne knows!
But why would Undyne and the other monsters believe that Chara isn't human?
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Because of Gerson (and Asgore not doing anything to stop it).
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After Asgore's war declaration, many monsters cheered, but like the queen a great fraction of them aren't happy with going to war with the same species that Chara was.
To solve this, Gerson (with the help of other ancient monsters) got rid of most books about monsters and humans once getting along, leaving only the war books, then created books that paint humans in a more negative light while making monsters look like complete victims.
As it slowly began to work, Gerson also created a history book about the origins of Asgore's war declaration, including the death of his children, saying that Chara is adopted but leaving out that Chara is human.
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When depressed Asgore eventually found out about this, he is outraged at Gerson tricking the kingdom, but Gerson says that it's a necessary evil because the kingdom will be less motivated for war, if they all knew Chara was human.
And this war is giving them hope, something to live for.
Asgore doesn't like this but goes along with it, because he knew the kingdom will get into conflict against each other, if they knew the truth.
Asgore hides all pictures in his house that have Chara's face in them, except for the one where Chara's face is hiding in flowers.
Asgore's depression kinda made him a pushover, since he didn't stop Mettaton from messing with a statue (which could've been about Asriel).
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By the time Undyne was born, everyone believes that Chara was a monster like them.
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Imagine Undyne having a crisis about learning that Asgore had adopted a human... the same species Asgore is planning for war against... and one of her mentors has been tricking her this whole time, while the other did nothing to stop it.
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Gerson could've also tried his best to hide other information about humans and make monsters look like complete victims.
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Like how a monster absorbed 7 human souls, which started the first war.
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Or how some humans most likely died in the war, but the books are covering it up by saying 'no human souls were taken'.
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Or ignoring how humans allowed the monsters to live, even if it's inside of a mountain.
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Or how it's never said that the power of dead souls needed to be used.
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Or how humans are stronger than monsters.
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Or how human souls are made of positive traits.
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And if monsters absorbed human souls before, why didn't they use this power during the war? : r/Undertale (reddit.com)
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coockie8 · 5 months
Okay but like Disney theorists know they literally show Tarzan's parents and they are objectively not Elsa and Anna's parents, right?
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Tarzan's mom is a redhead while Elsa and Anna's is a brunette; Tarzan's dad is a brunette while Elsa and Anna's is fucking blonde. Given that Disney very much knows how to work an Easter Egg, if the intent was always that Tarzan is Elsa and Anna's brother, I think Disney would've given their parents the correct hair colours, at the very fucking least.
I straight up do not care what the director said; he's a fucking idiot. If "Tarzan is Elsa and Anna's brother" is what that dumbass was going for he should've made sure these characters looked at least vaguely fucking similar to each other.
No, assuming the article I read about him confirming this was accurate, this fucker saw a cool fan theory and retroactively decided that actually that's 100% what he intended, when that is either painfully obviously not the case, or it was an Easter Egg of such extreme low-effort, that it may as well not even be there.
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backmarkerr · 28 days
please....can u speak on the conspiracy
So the conspiracy (more like a theory, really) is that Kimi was pushed out of the team starting in 2008 to make way for Fernando, who was more appealing to the big sponsor coming in. Before you click out thinking "Max, that's stupid, no team would throw a championship for a sponsor." I agree! But keep in mind that they didn't throw the championship, they fully expected to win the WDC with Felipe (and almost did) and did in fact win the WCC in 2008 with Felipe and Kimi despite everything. But there were really suspicious things going on. So with that in mind...
It's 2008. Kimi has just won Malaysia, the second race of the season. Three days after his win, there's this:
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Ok, kinda weird, but whatever. F1 runs on rumours, right? Suggesting that Kimi might retire when he's doing so well is silly. And in the article they seem to be pretty ambivalent over whether it would be Felipe or Kimi to leave.
Fast forward to Spain two races later. Kimi scores his second win of the season and takes the championship lead. The season is shaping up pretty well for the defence of the title, you’d think this would be a good time for him, but again, the story du jour is Ferrari wanting Alonso in Kimi’s seat for 2009.
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[x] I guess now we know at least Massa's seat is secure...?
If you’re like me, that sounds stupid. The reigning champion just won the last GP and his contract runs until the end of 2010, so this media narrative makes no sense. Something pretty catastrophic would have to happen for that to ever come to fruition, right?
So anyway, he gets a first row start in Monaco. Great, that's almost a surefire win/points, right? Wrong, he got a drive-through penalty due to the team not fitting the wheels to the car on time before the race start. Not a great race and he ends up outside of the points. Lewis is now ahead in the WDC by 3 points. Not really a disaster, but...
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[x] what on earth...
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[x] again the talk of retirement.... I mean, it's weird, right?
Zero points in Canada due to being rear-ended in the pitlane, which the team can’t control. Then he’s back to being neck to neck with his teammate and Lewis by the time the British GP is done in early July, with all three drivers on 48 points. Good news, right? Just gotta stay on track and not fuck it up somehow.
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[x] sigh... (this one's a little harder to source as it was printed media, but I've seen this exact interview quoted in different pages)
So anyway, they change his front suspension for the next race in Germany. Kimi has always been very sensitive to changes in the car, so he knew something was wrong. Ferrari (via Michael, who was then head of development) say he's just not adapting well to the upgrades. Maybe, sure, but why aren't you bringing upgrades that are geared towards your world champion?
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(an interesting remark from Mark Hughes here if you scroll down to the comments, which adds weight to Kimi not being listened to when it came to car development in 2008)
Bar a podium in Hungary, Kimi scores 0 points in 4 out of the next 5 races. It takes until either Monza or Singapore (hello crashgate!) for Ferrari to put his suspension back as it was.
He proceeds to get 3 podiums in the remaining 3 races but it’s not enough to catch up. By Singapore he was already 27 points behind his teammate (reminder this is the old points system) and very much expected to play the supporting role. In the penultimate race in China he very obviously gave up P2 to his teammate:
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"I know what the team expects." [x] / [x]
Yet the narrative in the media and from Ferrari themselves is that his motivation is bad and he's not assertive. It was so pervasive that to this day people still parrot it and say he just didn’t care after 2007, despite Kimi always stating he was fully committed and clearly getting annoyed whenever journalists asked about his motivation even years later.
Montezemolo at the end of 2008 even 'joked' that "Kimi in the recent races was replaced two or three times by a friend, but next year he'll be back." Basically saying that Kimi wasn't really present, you know? An interesting thing to say when this absent driver scored 18 points in the last 3 races (three consecutive P3s), while the one who was amazing and had the team's full backing scored 20 (P7, P2, P1).
A whole 2 points' difference, maybe someone should hire that "friend"...
So why did they do this?
Well, the theory is that Santander (I promise this isn’t like the dumb Sainztander takes) wanted a Spanish-Brazilian lineup due to financial interests (Spanish bank, big market in South America with a looming IPO in Brazil), so Kimi was basically being pressured out of the team from early 2008 onwards. Like I said at the start, the team weren’t really throwing away 2008, as they expected to win the WCC with both drivers (they did) and Massa to be able to win the WDC, which would of course be beneficial for their new sponsor. And he almost did. Almost.
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[x] they're not in charge of driver selection but this specific driver line-up would good for them. (this archived copy of the article is from 2010, but the text makes it clear it's from 2009)
Of course at this point we have to wonder if a team like Ferrari would bow down to a sponsor's demands. I can't tell you what the internal considerations were or how much money was on the line, but it's also not like Santander were telling them to get rid of Kimi for a bad driver, you know? Fernando is a great driver, so from Ferrari's perspective they were just trading a great driver for another great driver who also appealed to this huge sponsor, and an Alonso-Massa line-up would be solid. And with the previous talk that Ferrari and Alonso had already inked a deal in 2008... It's just difficult to believe there isn't a grain of truth here.
So the alleged initial plan of having Alonso in 2009 was foiled when Kimi activated the renewal option in his contract. It was then that he was bought out of his last year (apparently paid for by Santander).
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[from the book The Unknown Kimi Raikkonen]
As we can see, by the end Kimi was also fed up with what was going on, especially people pointing the finger at him and at his motivation, and his frustration is very clear in interviews like here at 2.35 and here:
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Publicly, Ferrari said they wanted someone more in line with how Michael used to be (ironic since Montezemolo allegedly didn’t like how Michael made the team his), who could communicate with the team and give better feedback (ironic when Todt, Dyer, Stella and others said Kimi was very clear and precise.) Kimi himself has always stated that he wasn’t the issue, that his motivation was never lacking and that the real reason he was pushed out was politics and money.
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If it had only been the mechanical stuff, I’d be willing to chalk it up to just bad luck and incompetence. Shit happens. But with all the rumours around it even before things went bad on the track and Kimi stating that his work and performance weren't the reason he was let go it becomes impossible for me to think there wasn’t an actual push going on to replace him.
Hell, even famed Ferrari fanboy Sebastian Vettel didn't think it was realistic for Kimi to return to Ferrary in 2014 precisely because Kimi isn't one for "bullshit" and "politics". Why would he choose to say that specifically? And according to Finnish media Kimi’s 2014 Ferrari negotiations included Montezemolo personally apologising to him. Now why would he apologise if they hadn’t done something wrong?
Personally I think Kimi's "certain people did certain things" refers to this. He never trashed anyone and always said he had no ill-feelings. And I believe him. But it doesn't mean nothing happened, lest we forget how well he handled Lotus not paying him.
The thing that really bothers me is that Kimi got the reputation for having low motivation and not caring about what he was doing (I heard that take just last month from an F1 youtuber, how Fernando was hired in 2010 because Kimi had mentally checked out 🙄), when obviously someone who wasn’t motivated and didn’t care would have simply called it quits under these circumstances. Instead he got P3 in the standings in 2008 (I know he’s talented, but he must have been trying at least a little), trained hard to lose enough weight to use KERS in 2009 (why would he do that if he didn’t care) and took the team’s only win that year despite the car being shit. Interestingly, pundits acknowledged his good performance complicated things when it came to Ferrari’s rumoured hiring of Alonso. So imagine how much more complicated things would have been had Kimi done better in 2008?
Anyway, this is long, but if you want something longer then I definitely recommend this post here. You might not agree completely with the original authors (there are parts where I wish there was more info), but I think they offer a lot of good research and information regarding the overall situation back in 2008/2009, and it's a good jump-off point for your own research.
But yeah. 2008 could have been everything. Or at least better.
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svtskneecaps · 10 months
see everyone worried and fretted and panicked and yet quesadilla island looked at pepito and went
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#qsmp#qsmp pepito#this post is not about roier's parenting i PROMISE you don't need to defend your cubito#this is literally about pepito being bobbled between caretakers#bad etoiles foolish forever bagi pac and more that i just haven't seen#just. people who have shown an interest and desire to hang out with pepito and keep pepito safe#pepito went to find parents and look!! look!!!#listen. listen. to me the qsmp is about love. not mystery not roleplay not drama not plot.#the qsmp is at its ABSOLUTE best when it is People Talking To Each Other#purgatory was AMAZING for me as a bolas viewer bc if bolas was in the server THEY WERE IN A CALL they were CONSTANTLY talking and i THRIVED#people adopting each other into their fake families in the most middle school childlike wondrous form of love there is#when you like your friend so much they're your fake spouse. your fake child. your fake parent. your fake sibling.#eggs and parents that's LOVE tubbo and fred that's LOVE tazercraft and walter bob that's LOVE; cellbit and roier; phil and missa#baghera and bad and forever; bad and bagi; pierre and maxo; maxo and EVERYTHING his son his daughter his partner the theory bros#favela six that's LOVE LOOK AT THIS FUCKING SERVER EVEN ELENA WHO WE'VE KNOWN FOR AN HOUR IS ABOUT LOVE. HER PARTNER IS HER DRIVE.#jaiden's story is driven by LOVE the hole from the love of her son and chasing cucurucho's 'love' in return it's LOVE it's UNDERSTANDING#there's so much love and i'm biased to my povs but holy shit i will repeat it until y'all roll your eyes seeing me on the dash#like NOT THIS ANIME POWER OF FRIENDSHIP BULLSHIT AGAIN no i'm right u can't fight me#block game brainrot#shut up vic
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i think you have mentioned this already but for the mk is related to the underworld theory/eldritch mk theory in his kaiju form/war form there are like. these odd little floating things that look like souls?? and they're all very creepy looking with smiles on their faces and it's so very unsettling
(Post anon is talking about)
Dude literally like
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And they just put that there for a second, didn't explain anything (like usual) and expected me to be normal about it
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tenrose · 3 months
People nowadays are so used to get what they want from TV writers that when they are wrong they throw tantrums like toddlers.
#misc#me too i wanted her to be some special woman#but it's good to be reminded about ordinary people#mind you I see some plot parts that remain obscure and it's frustrating#but im certainly not pissed about the ordinary mother part#like the whole point of making theories is to stimulate imagination#not being right#i don't want a writer to change their plot just cause i want my theory to be the right one#oh and also#i grew up with the chosen one trope#but opening myself to new stories#it really got old#and not just because it's being overused#but cause it kinda feed individualism and shit#also it makes no sense in dystopian worlds to have one girls destroying the system by herself#that's what capitalism wants you to believe#but we need more community stories#anyway i lowkey derailed from the original post lmao#this was originally about dw as you can guess#and like i said yes some stuff is frustrating#like ruby making snow isn't explained at all and it's??? meh#but the reveal about her mother is great imo#obviously you can disagree#but people complaining especially about the 'she's just a random woman' part#when it has been rtd writing dna the whole time????#rose tyler the ordinary human looking into the tardis to save the man she loves#and not being able to handle it without risking dying cause you know she is an ordinary human#martha jones saving the world spreading stories with the help frop the resistance all across the world#donna fucking noble the most important woman in the universe#being the most ordinary forgetful woman also risking her whole life for a power her human body cannot contain
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
All For One and Yoichi plus Light and L standing across from one another, each thinking they know which person they'll get along with best, only for them to be wrong and switch conversation partners fairly quickly
Ten minutes later and L and All For One are fist fighting on the floor because There Can Only Be One and Light is coaching Yoichi through his I Might Be Kind Of Evil Actually breakdown
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
naur seriously can we talk about how allura was even like 'the lions were made to be piloted by you and you alone'referring to the fact they are the only five people in the entire multiverse to have pure quintessence corresponding to the colors oftheir lions....
if one paladin is MIA then that lion should be inactive, benched. you dont simply play musical chairs with the lions. if it waa that easy then ANYONE could be the paladins at ANY time and theres no reason for the human paladins to be there at all especially if they dont want to be. but no the human paladins are NEEDED or else keith and allura would have no problem with pidge leaving in the first two episodes. nor would they mind if lance went home. but they DO mind. they PREVENT pidge from leaving and they make lance believe going back to earth isnt an option at all--that it isnt even on their iternary.
So no. i refuse to acknowledge the lion switching as canon.
#i feel like i should also bring up my headcanon that altean markings correlate to quintessence colors.#this is why lance has PURE blue meanwhile coran has teal.#coincidentally coran also embodies characteristics of the green and blue lion (loyal compassionate curious eccentric)#so allura having PINk markings?#she aint the blue paladin.#i know that theory falls apart quickly when you look at alfor--the red paladin who has blue markings#but still#it also makes zero sense to have the only person who can create a wormhole and PILOT THE ENTIRE CASTLESHIP be#in a lion fighting a battle that they could die in any second--therefore stranding everyone who needs the castleship to escape#allura being the blue paladin would-in reality- lead directly to the galra winning the war.#it only takes five seconds to put her and blue out of commission. simply fire an ion canon or two directly at her and then the other#paladins + coran are stranded and completely helpless.#after that it would be a piece of cake for the galra to capture every single lion and their paladins.#from that point they could go into the castleship and go through any + all information about rebels#the coalition and the blades of marmora. all because allura wanted to be RVEN MORE in the spotlight than she already is#the rntire war against the galra would be irreparably destroyed. the galra wpuld win flat out to the point#that no amount of rebellion would even make a dent in their power.#meanwhile if they simply just stayed in their proper lions and fought without shiro (with allura still manning the castle)#they would take lots of blows and it would be very hard-but at least they would win.#voltron#rant
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hauntingblue · 6 months
Strong world is the nami and luffy twins manifesto written by oda this is my one piece.
You see luffy's finishing attack with his giant hammer being fueled by lightning which is nami's main weapon with her clima tact and she even made the guy steer the islands towards the cyclone so even if the lighting isn't produced by her the lighting is provided by her either way so luffy AND her finished that guy and even luffy attacked after nami announced how he will lose which also means nami knew and trusted luffy to end him after that and of course he did and
Oh my god luffy making nami explain herself about the message he left on the tone dial and being pissed that she didn't trust him to save and protect her but he got so mad and didn't hear the whole message and she asked luffy to save her omg....... she knew after all that they will come and win..... I love this ending I am going to walk into the sea now goodbye.
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Why are whitebeard and ace on the ending credits I already cried. Watching aces part again cause he looks so good. Hello alive dead wife
#the animation in this one..... hell yes.....#img little luffy i missed you!!!! robin doesnt look like herself in this one and franky doesnt have his voice 😞😞 what a disrespect in his#first movie appearance....... franky i will avenge you. your fit is hard tho. well his voice could be his va with a cold. its weird#why is brook smoking a blunt ajdhsksj and sanji tease......#the 3d is too good here.... and someone wants nami bc of her abilities instead of like well everything else.... i might accept this#sanji going insane ajdksjsk zoro what are you wearing on your head......#love the duck following nami like well a baby duck... omg i thought if the duck electrifies the animals in the water nami is fried too#and indeed he was i didnt expect it to follow logic ajdhsj nami found luffy of course#why is nami on top of luffy ajdhsjs doesnt she trust the bird to fly or what#THE BARTENDER FROM THE PIRAGE RACE MOVIE IS HERE TOO!!!!#nami getting arlong flashbacks but now worse#kinda love the crew being protective over her and not to fall into stereotypes but it goes off every time.... they got her away form arlong#nami and usopp omg...... nami once again sacrificing herself... suffered more than jesus.... also her bracelet... i didnt know that#luffy is so mad.... he gets so mad when people leave.... (he gets sad but ofc he cant be sad so next best thing)#NAMI GOT SICK FROM THE TREES!!!! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!!#they got changed and everything..... did robin tell them they had to follow the dress code and they all did?? qjsjaka luffys first cape also#luffy that was such a slay. why are they all carrying fire power. he called them a suicide squad... and well a lot of them actually#wasnt expecting this to turn into a mafia movie. surprised luffy knows how to shoot one of those.#nami isnt gonna sacrifice herself luffy said... while she rigs epxlosives in a place she cant move.... luffy she needs an intervention#oh my god. nojiko telling her to have fun.... every time i remember luffy promised gen san to keep her happy i die a little#luffy is gonna get a stroke he is so fucking mad 'nami ill beat this guy and well go back together' ok 🥺🥺#sanji understands perverted gorilla 😭😭#brook got robin instead of sanji.... sick ennies lobby reference bro#also how come franky didnt get his own movie.... like in this one franky AND brook join. confirming my theory that brook doesnt let franky#get confortable in the crew and be with them as the new one for a while bc brook joins immediately after and he doesnt get time to breathe#nami don't cry omg.... she was ready to never see them again omg#i thot nami was gonna electrocute him..... or make him eat the cyclone or smth.... well she said her peace at least#talking tag#watching one piece#watching one piece movies
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xcziel · 11 months
i am not kidding BLESS those jeans
if someone is somehow reading my blog and sharing last night's critique of the baggy pants vs choreo precision issue i would just like to say you are doing the work of the gods thank you SO much
#jeon jungkook#there is nothing i embrace more than an all-black wardrobe and the lines on this times square look are just *chef's kiss*#bless the piercings bless the tattoos bless the black palette is all i can say#i know it's too cold on an outdoor stage rn to do the bare arms but fck if that didn't make the choreo pop even harder#i wanna get a still from that one instant with his right arm gesturing right before The Shoulder Move#bc it's insanely hot - just the line of his extended tattoed arm and his shoulder like#it CANNOT be overstated how expressive his gestures are and how the sleeveless look really highlighted that#have i watched the mv a disgusting amount of times? i have indeed#i'm sorry it's just EVERYTHING i have been asking for from a pop song for so long#the BASS the live instruments THE BRASS SECTION .... the *BASS*#if you have followed me for more than two seconds you've probably run into me expounding on my 'horn theory' of good pop music lol#i.e. if you want a really good power hit pop song you need a goddamn brass section#evidence: the 70s and 80s. ... even beyonce knows this#but also funk/disco bass trumps everything else and i would kill to have an extended remix done by AN ACTUAL BAND#the current remixes don't add anything for me - i want an actual bass player going to town a la the disco extended plays of yore#maybe in the concert version ... kinda hoping jk takes inspo from yoongi's concert setup#i feel like that might have been part of the impetus behind recording with actual musicians#i can't believe that's so unusual these days - it's sad that i watched a reaction clip and the person was like#what sample is that?? what is that from??#and i'm like yelling at the screen it's an actual band that's how it's *supposed* to be#also can i say i love how he (and all the maknae line now that i think of it) makes it so clear when he's singing and when it's#the backing track - like no lip syncing/pretending just sticking to the bts standards for live performance vs like music show#thinking on it part of it may be that like the rap line *can't* really coast over a backing track so then vocal line doesn't either#(i say maknae line only in reference to this last year's recent live performances bc there've been multiple from each of them)#and he's outside and it's cold - that is HARD on the vocal chords#most of your diva singers - not that jk is a diva but he does have the range of one - like mariah or ariana would never#do that to their voices - i think he's just used to being the indestructable bunny#he better have people babying him tonight and giving him hot soup and tea with honey and vitamin c and idk ginseng#having the humidifier going and getting as much rest as possible to keep healthy
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