#then you're probably dumber than bricks
aclosetfan · 1 month
I’ve always liked mixing the colors for ppg/rrb shipping but in particular I love the idea of Buttercup and Boomer
On the surface, I do love the trope of a tough-nut to crack girl and golden retriever boy who doesn’t even realize how much he’s chipping away at that shell
But I also always loved playing with the idea of both of them and their relationships to their gender identity, especially in relation to how they compare to/are treated by their siblings
I know it’s a bit of a cliche and people can ruin Buttercup’s tomboy personality and crank it up to an internalized misogyny archetype, but I think it would be interesting to explore her frustrations she might have with conflicting feelings over how she sees herself vs how she’s perceived by others. Of course she likes and prefers her hobbies of sports and things of that nature, but it bothers her that people then make assumptions about her hating any and all forms of femininity and then seek to deny her her femininity as a whole
Boomer also sometimes gets slapped with the “pretty boy” or really sensitive guy personality in fics not to mention we see in canon that Butch and Brick gang up on him so I think it would also be cool to have Boomer reflect on those toxic masculinity ideals that have always been inflicted on him and deciding for himself that he refuses to be miserable and just wants to be himself (I’d also love if this extended into a catalyst for Butch and Brick to examine their own internalized biases and insecurities and start to really confront and deal with them)
So then together, I’d love if they become each other’s person to talk to about how they feel like they’re expected to perform certain aspects of their gender (with Buttercup, she’s expected to always subvert traditional gender roles while at the same time being criticized for doing so and Boomer being made to feel as if he has to conform or else risk always being socially punished and outcast) rather than being able to just exist as their most authentic selves without having to hear anyone commenting on it or trying to label their entire personality in one word
This could be platonic or romantic but I’ve always loved the idea of this being a huge aspect of why Boomer and Buttercup could potentially click and match each other so well
That's very interesting to read! I usually fuck around with Buttercup's and Brick's gender myself, so thinking about it in the context of Boomer is fun. Typically, I make him pretty secure in his looks/gender.
When it comes to Buttercup/Boomer's relationship, I lean more heavily on them being the "dumber" ones of the trio. (jock x dumbass 100% bros. (If they dated, it’d be one of those things where even they’d forget they were dating.)
Not that I don't see them having a deeper connection than "bros," but I don't like to make Boomer a "golden retriever" or sensitive kind of guy because I think he'd be too manipulatively charming, and Buttercup would be savvy enough to see through the facade. Regardless, in the "bros" scenario, Boomer could be someone Buttercup feels comfortable confiding in when she's feeling like she's walking the line of masc/fem. If Boomer is confident in himself, he'd likely just accept whatever Buttercup wants to be and move on with his life. No if, and, or buts.
Honestly, he'd probably be the personification of "Oh, you're ambidextrous? Congrats, dude, I didn't know you had come out, lol. love is love." and that would be the type of person Buttercup would feel safe around. She wouldn't have to feel the pressure of "performing/masking" when her best friend's a bit of a dumb fuck, which has its pros and cons.
Pro: Buttercup doesn't have to think about herself on any deeper level around Boomer.
Con: Buttercup can hide behind Boomer when she's forced to confront herself on any deeper level.
It could lead to a character conflict between them, as it centers around the concepts of "being known" and "authenticity." Some things have to break eventually—either Buttercup gets mad at Boomer for effortlessly being himself, or Boomer gets mad at Buttercup for using him as a crutch (or being slightly two-faced), forcing them into the cathartic heart-to-heart.
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harpuiaa · 2 years
You are so painfully stupid. I sincerely hope you're a teenager, because of you're an adult that's fucking horrible.
hi radfem anon welcome back, or is this an anon about the ao3 election (lmao) shit ive been reblogging bc if it is I do not give a flying fuck about that site, it could burn in hell for all i care but the discourse surrounding it is so funny
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closeknithearts · 5 years
(Destroy the muse prompt) Nova, you're annoying, you're dumber than a bag of bricks, and your jokes aren't even that good. At least you have one thing going for you with that super power but it hardly makes up for anything else. (I am so sorry. I don't believe any of this. It's just for the prompt. Nova is great.)
Destroy my muse | Accepting
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Well, if they had to put how wrecked they felt on a scale of one to five, it’d probably be six. This hit a lot of their insecurities in one fell swoop, and they hardly had the chance to think of something witty before the weight of the words set in.
“…Thanks, I hate it.” 
There was none of their usual chipper tone in their voice.
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Hear you're gonna be a Daddy Rio: Congrats Buster: Cheers Buster: Who told you? Rio: Nance Rio: but everyone knows, its splashed all over socials Rio: expect the too-late family intervention to be knocking on your door any moment now Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Course it is Rio: She didn't tell you? That's fucked Buster: She is. In the head like Buster: What did Nance say? Rio: Yeah, I told you, you knew. Still impregnated her so that's your shout. Rio: Fucking hell, you want me to sum that up in a sentence? She's Rio: furious and so fucking devestated, how could you? Buster: Don't fucking start. You've told me a lot of things Buster: Yeah well. I didn't plan it Buster: Can't take it back though, can I, so she'll have to handle it Rio: Couldn't take just one on board, no? Rio: Yeah no doubt that was all her, you've obviously not got the brains 'cos you fell right into it Rio: Fucking idiot Rio: Looks like it Rio: What the hell are YOU going to do? Buster: Tell me something I don't know, babe Buster: Fucked if I've got anything mapped out Buster: Nothing I can do, me and her ain't talking Rio: Don't act dumber than you are 'cos you're feeling sorry for yourself Rio: Chained to her for life, well done Rio: Better think of a way to make that bearable fast, and a way to talk to her Rio: or what? you not going to see your kid? Buster: She doesn't wanna talk to me since I said I don't want a kid Buster: And that's how I want it since she's dropped me into a load more convos I've gotta have, like with my parents and sister Rio: Well, a baby won't just be swept under the rug Rio: Jesus Buster: I know that Buster: Fucking hell Rio: Why the fuck didn't you wear a condom? Buster: She told me she was on the pill and I went with it Buster: Didn't have one anyway Rio: Wow Rio: Its textbook Rio: Make a fucking PSA seriously Buster: Shut up Buster: I didn't go out looking to fuck Buster: I don't even remember doing it Buster: Barely Rio: Oh my God Rio: Well, lucky for you, Chloe has a permanent reminder cooking Buster: If it's mine Buster: We'll see Rio: Oh its yours Rio: Without a doubt Rio: You think you're that lucky? Get a grip, fast Rio: Your accident, not hers, remember? Buster: What are you saying? Rio: I'm saying, Buster Rio: she basically targeted you Rio: She's obsessed with you, or something, this is exactly what she wants Rio: You, forever and ever Buster: Bullshit Buster: Why ruin her own life that's fucked Rio: 'Cos what she wants is a hubby and lots of babies to play house and dress up forever Rio: You only have to look at her to know socialite/yummy mummy is all she wants on her fucking CV Buster: She's never choose me for that Buster: She knows I'd never put a ring on it, I don't even like her Rio: She's clearly more than a bit fucking delusional! Rio: I'm not saying normal girls go 'round doing shit like this Rio: She probably thinks she can mould you and you're good looking clay, that's all she needed Buster: Nah, that's too farfetched Buster: It was an accident that's all Rio: Whatever Rio: Believe that Rio: You'll still end up having to deal, mark my words Buster: Whatever Buster: Can you just tell Nance to take my calls? Rio: I'm not going to make her do that Rio: Not 'til she's ready Buster: Come on Buster: I'm asking you nicely and everything Rio: This isn't a joke Rio: She hates Chloe, she made her life hell so much so she had to leave her Home, which you fucking know, knew Rio: and you still did it Rio: Have fun talking your way out of that one when she answers Buster: I'm not laughing Buster: But I'm not about to fucking cry over ancient history either Buster: Not like she was a one woman hate squad Buster: Yeah it was shit but come on Buster: School's nearly over anyway Rio: It isn't ancient history Rio: and it won't go away when School's out Rio: its trauma she's going to have to carry 'round, unpack and deal with, all 'cos of that cunt Rio: who now has an invite back into her life thanks to you Buster: You're being well dramatic now Buster: It was some names and shit Buster: None of us want her around Rio: You best hope for your sake that I find out you don't actually know the full extent Rio: or I'll fucking kill you myself Buster: Big talk, babe Buster: Be pissed off at me all you want but don't make this into a Nancy crusade Rio: What else would this be about? Rio: You wanna ruin your life? Fine but you didn't have to do it with her Buster: You know what Rio: Why would it be about that? Buster: Look, it was a mistake, yeah? I've made plenty of others Buster: That night included Rio: Well, none of those have resulted in a fucking life Rio: Get a clue Buster: Don't talk to me like I don't know that Buster: This is happening to me Rio: Then act like it! Rio: What are you even doing right now Buster: Talking to you Buster: You started the convo like, you should know Rio: By all means, piss off Rio: Not if you're just gonna sit around with your thumb up your arse like you ain't got a clue Buster: I'm waiting for my mum and dad to get home from work so I can have the convo she's forced me into Buster: What would you have me do? Rio: Act like you give a shit Rio: about this, about your sister, about your fucking self Buster: How am I meant to do that over a keyboard Buster: You want me to call you crying or what? Rio: Just drop the fucking act Rio: Yeah, I wanted to check if you were alright too but you know what, fuck it Rio: Better luck smashing my head against a brick wall Buster: All I've done since she told me is give a shit Buster: I've spent all my time trying to talk sense into her about not having this kid Buster: For her fucking sake as much as mine Buster: You think you're the only one smashing your head against the bricks, fuck you Rio: There's no way she'll get rid, is there? Rio: Fuck Buster: No Buster: And I'm shitting myself about it Buster: Happy now? Rio: No Rio: Obviously not, Buster Rio: What are you going to do about Uni? How are you going to do that Buster: I'm still going Buster: She's not gonna want me around on my terms only hers Buster: She'll probably stop me seeing the kid unless I marry her or some shit if what you're saying's right Buster: So it won't matter Rio: You should still try Rio: Don't you want to? Buster: I don't want a kid with her. A kid that'll hate me 'cause it's mum's a fucking headcase Rio: I know you don't but its going to exist regardless if she's going ahead Rio: That's gonna be a fact, even if it shouldn't be like Rio: If you go, you have to commit to it, okay Rio: Or it fucks the kid up Buster: Fuck Buster: I don't want to be like Edie's dad Buster: Around but not Rio: That's what I'm saying Rio: Either way, this is a huge fucking commitment Rio: and I know it isn't fair its being forced upon you but it is, okay? It is Rio: so you have to do SOMETHING Rio: the alternative doesn't bear thinking about Buster: I'm gonna have to get into a London uni Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Shouldn't be an issue for you, should it? Buster: Obviously not Buster: I just had somewhere else in my head Rio: That's shit Rio: Doubt you're getting Chlo outta Chelsea Buster: Yeah Buster: Fuck knows how I'm even getting her back on side never mind anything else Buster: I can't be with her for the kid that never works Rio: No but you've got to at least be able to talk to her Rio: You have rights, no matter how insane she is Rio: If you wanna see your kid, she can't stop you Buster: And she can't stop my parents either Buster: No chance they'll not wanna stick their noses in like Rio: Never Rio: Even though they're going to kill you for making them grandparents, ruining their rep, like Buster: Fucking hell Buster: Can't wait for them to get back Buster: Rio Buster: Fuck it. Never mind Rio: What? Buster: Tell me you don't hate me, yeah? Buster: Everyone else is gonna and I can take that but Rio: I don't hate you, Buster Rio: and no one else is going to Rio: not forever Rio: Nance might for a bit and your parents will definitely be livid for a while too but Rio: you were right about one thing amidst your bullshit, they will have to get over it Buster: Okay Buster: Christ, I wish you were here Buster: I know I shouldn't say it Rio: Yeah Rio: Deal with one mistake at a time, right? Rio: Don't get overambitious about it Buster: Yeah Buster: Sorry Rio: For what? Buster: You know what for Rio: Its alright Rio: Can't be helped Buster: Will you tell Nance I am? Nothing else if you don't want Rio: Yeah Rio: Do my best Buster: Cheers Rio: Any time Buster: You're not just chatting shit when you say that Rio: Nah Rio: Don't make a habit of it unlike you, like Rio: You know I mean it Buster: It'd be fair if you said it to shut me up Rio: Gave up hope of that ages ago Rio: Always chatting, you, McKenna Buster: Says you, babe Buster: You admitted yourself you're as bad like Rio: This isn't about me and my flaws Rio: Thank fuck Buster: It could be Buster: Come over Rio: Don't be daft Rio: I'll hop on a plane, you put on the kettle, yeah? Buster: why not Rio: You know why Rio: Not going to solve anything, is it Buster: I don't care Buster: Everything's fucked anyway Rio: Well I do Rio: and I don't want to be another fucked up thing for your pile of mistakes Buster: You know that's not what you are Rio: That's all it can be Rio: Us Rio: We're not allowed Buster: Like I said, I don't care Buster: I know you don't either Rio: You will when you come to your senses Buster: What have I got to lose? Rio: You want to find out? Buster: Yeah Buster: You know I do Rio: No Rio: Not now Rio: Like this Buster: Then what? You said yourself none of this is going away for me Rio: When you're head's less fucked Rio: when you've got a clue whether you're coming or going Buster: You're making excuses Buster: I know what I want Rio: Stop Rio: You're making it hard to do what I have to Buster: Make me Buster: Tell me you don't want the same thing I do Rio: I told you, not like this Rio: When all you've got on your mind is this bullshit Rio: You just think its going to distract you but it won't Buster: It's not all i've had on my mind Buster: You're not the distraction this bullshit was Rio: Buster Rio: You're not thinking right Buster: Good Buster: We weren't that night either Rio: That shouldn't have Rio: We shouldn't have Buster: Don't Rio: I'm not saying I didn't want it to Rio: you know I did Rio: but why have we been avoiding each other since Buster: Like you said, I'm an idiot Rio: Now you're just trying to say what I wanna hear lol Buster: it's still legit though Rio: I don't know what you want me to do Buster: yeah you do Rio: Alright but Rio: I can't like this Rio: I can't stop thinking about her and you Buster: I swear I don't remember fuck all about it Buster: You don't need to Rio: That doesn't change the fact it happened, like Buster: I know Buster: But forget, I can't now like, but you can Rio: How can I? You're having a kid Rio: I can't just turn a blind eye Buster: Think of her as virgin mary like Rio: You're very unfunny Rio: I hope you know Buster: So you keep saying Rio: You keep proving me right, joker Buster: About a lot of shit, yeah? Buster: Whatever. You love being right Rio: Yeah Rio: and you aim to please, right? Buster: Yeah Buster: You'd know that if you come over Rio: Smooth Buster: Call me then. I won't even touch you. Won't be able to Rio: Alright Rio: Only 'cos no one else will answer your calls, like Rio: No other reason Buster: If you say so, babe
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jordan202 · 8 years
I agree on what you're saying. But its a TV show its meant to be overly dramatic its fiction!! Its greys!!❤️
I agree partially. They are entitled to doing some unrealistic things for the sake of drama (like Meredith being “dead” for long minutes before coming back to life fully functional with no brain damage; Amelia operating on inoperable tumors, etc). But stay accurate to reality. This is not a fantasy show, that’s all I am saying. Grey’s Anatomy doesn’t have White Walkers or dragons or greenseers (yet, probably).
Would you make a law show and have an attorney shit on the judge’s plate? Would you make an army show where the soldiers gang up on their lieutenant? Are people expected to buy absurd things like this hat? You can create some fictional situations but you can’t change the core of reality is what I am saying.
As a doctor I don’t get offended that Grey’s Anatomy portrays every doctor like we’re a bunch of egocentric, oppressive, highly competitive, immature whores. But don’t expect me to buy that it’s okay and safe and normal that an ortho surgeon (who in real life are dumber than bricks) would operate on a kid’s gallbladder or that a trauma surgeon is skilled to be chief of general because that’s not accurate. That’s the same as a law show set in New York changing the constitution for the sake of drama. You can do it but don’t expect me to think it’s good.
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