@theneverendingthirst and I are being bad influences on each other
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vonschweetz · 6 years
FMK, Shield edition: Roman, Dean and Seth. ;P
My answer hardly deviates from this when it comes to these three:
Fuck: Seth (He’d be all sorts of flexible, strong, and stamina from crossfit. All kinds of freaky)
Marry: Dean (His personality irl and even in character is the one I’d most easily be able to spend the rest of my life with)
K-iss...: Roman (He’s always the odd one out lol and he reminds me too much of my major ex who I am still friends with)
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wrestlewriting · 6 years
Insolence // Be Here Now are my favorites. BC I don't even like Adam Cole, like at all... But I am seriously rooting for him and for your oc in this story bc there's something about the way you write him that makes him a little more.. Tolerable? For me? Anyway, yeah.
He is so insolent…
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But so endearing…
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And if I can get that across in a story…then I AM SO DAMN PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!!
(Also. I’m slowly slowly SLOWLY  trying to get the next chapter up for BHN. It’s always a work in progress.)
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beardedbarba · 6 years
so basicallly.. Jimmy havoc is involved somehow, in your ao3 tag fic thing? Live your best life, bb! Live your BEST life!
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dreamlikemusings · 6 years
83 through 86.
83. Have you ever glued your hand to something? basically every time i ever mess with superglue yes.
84.Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? i’ve never been one to put my tongue where it doesn’t belong so thankfully no (i’ve gotten stuck to many a popsicle though)
85. Have you ever gone to school partially naked? no?????? is this a thing that happens???????
86. Have you ever been a cheerleader? once for halloween when i was like 6 but never in the real lifes.
send me a number and get in my business 
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jellybelly30 · 6 years
Baron, Pete or Dean Ambrose.
That’s an interesting one; I don’t really see Baron that way, lol!
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calwitch1969 · 6 years
Masquerade 7
So excited here people...! Seriously..... I really am happy to put this chapter out finally. I had some trouble trying to figure out the direction I wanted but, I think I got it.
Almost three weeks later Aleister escorted her outside. Her arm tucked in his as they stepped onto the grass. Brigid blinks a little at the sunshine as she smiles, closes her eye's and takes a deep breath. Aleister watches her and smiles softly.
  "Are you ready for your surprise?"
  Opening her eye's she looks at him returning his smile. "I'm happy to just be outside."
  His smile widens. "Then you will truly enjoy what's next."
  Facing the backyard he chants something as he waved his hand in a circle. Brigid held her breath as there was a soft green glow as he opened a doorway to somewhere else.
  Looking at her he could see the excitement and some slight apprehension in her gaze as she lightly chewed her lip. He raised her hand to his lips to place a gentle kiss across her knuckles getting her to look at him.
  "I will not let anything harm you liefde. This is something you will enjoy."
  She gave a slight nod smiling. "Alright Aleister. I am quite curious."
 They walk the few feet and step through the portal. As they step through she couldn't help but gasp softly as she looked around in wonder. They were in a lush forest as natural noises surrounded them.
  Aleister felt his heart swell as he watched her look around smiling. Placing a hand on her lower back he gestured in front of them. 
"This way Brigid."
  They walked slowly enjoying the view before coming across a rock face with a wooden bridge attached to the side of it. They walk along it enjoying the comfortable silence.
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  Brigid had to ask. "How did you come across this place? It's beautiful."
  "My pack mates and I came here by chance and felt at peace. We had no concerns or worries while we were here." 
They heard the roar of waterfalls as they finished crossing the bridge.
 "And we loved it even more after discovering this."
  They went around a bend as the trees seemed to open before them revealing an incredible waterfall that emptied into a fair size oasis.
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  Brigid gasped at the sight as she held onto Aleister's arm.
 "This is absolutely beautiful Aleister!"
  They walked closer to the waters edge and she noticed a blanket laid out and waiting with a basket. Stopping she looked at him slightly puzzled. Aleister faced her grinning.
  "I thought we could have dinner here. If you wish."
  Her eye's sparkled as she smiled. "I would love to." She loved how his eye's light up at her words as they crinkled at the corners as his smile widened.
  He escorted her to the blanket and helped her carefully sit down before joining her. Opening the basket he pulled out two bottles of water, cheese, cold chicken, potato salad and candied smoked salmon. He watched her eye's light up at the salmon and chuckled.
  "Ember let me know it was your favorite." 
He then pulled out a purple rose causing her to gasp softly before reaching out to take it as he handed it out to her. He watched her close her eye's smiling softly as she smelled the rose.
  Opening her eye's she looked at him as she lowered the flower. "This is absolutely wonderful Aleister. Thank you for bringing me here."
  "I wanted to bring you to a special place that means something to me in hopes that you would like and appreciate it as well. Aside from my handful of friends, no one knows about this place."
  Brigid lays a hand on his forearm smiling softly at him. "Thank you for sharing this with me. When we get back I'd like to show you one of my favorite spots."
  He returns the smile as he covered her hand with his. "I'd like that."
  Hours later they returned to his estate talking and laughing. As the portal closed behind them they both stiffen at the sudden change in the atmosphere. Brigid clung to his arm as her heart jumped.
  He covered her hand with his while he scanned the area, his wolf snarling inside him itching to get out to protect their mate.
  "It will be alright leifde. We are prepared for this."
 Fog started to roll towards them from the trees. Aleister gave a silent snarl while stepping in front of her to protect her from what was coming.
 Brigid could feel the magick in the air and recognized the underlying power. Closing her eye's she took a deep breath and started to chant as she began to weave her hands behind his back. She felt the familiar energy flowing to her to reside inside her to be used when needed.
  A familiar figure walked out of the forest towards them. Aleister snarled as he recognized Billie.
  "You! You dare to come onto my property!"
   Billie simply smiled not concerned with his anger. 
"Of course I dare Aleister. We were meant to be together. Remember?"
Soft whispering reached his ears trying to confuse him. He gave his head a brief shake as she continued talking.
  "Remember how good it felt to have Peyton and I giving you your every desire? How it felt to fuck the both of us in any way shape or form. How it felt to fill us with your seed over and over again? You'd ask us to do anything and we did. Even after Peyton slept we just kept going at it like the animals we are until dawn as your lust would overcome you?" .Billie smirked
  Aleister felt Brigid falter in her words behind him as his heart clenched in his chest.
  He snarled loudly at her, his eye's changing. 
 Billie paused in her steps as she saw the rage in his eye's. He pointed a finger at Billie. 
"You have pushed your luck to far Billie! What was done then was when I was at my weakest! Even then it was almost a year ago! I don't remember much of that night only that I woke with my head hurting."
  His eye's narrowed at her smirk.
  "What kind of drug did you use? Were's are hard to drug."
  She continued to saunter towards them. "Werewolves ARE hard to drug Aleister. So, I sought out someone to help me find a way to continue to seduce you. I was hoping for you to 'accidentally' claim me as your mate." She paused frowning slightly.
  "If we mated we could have had lavish orgies. We could have ruled through sex to get us anything we wanted."
  Aleister frowns as he heard Brigid continue her chant. He never took his eye's off of Billie.
  "You would have continued to drug myself and others to achieve power. Sex isn't the answer Billie. Wolves won't mate with anyone. Even in that state my wolf wouldn't have mated with you. Sex is one thing but finding ones mate surpasses that. Now, you are a part of a war and betrayal that you helped bring here."
   He looks at her sadly as he continued. "Sadly, you will never know the joy of finding your other half."
  Brigid faltered at hearing what Billie was saying about herself, others and Aleister. Then hearing what Aleister said about one's mate filled her with warmth as she picked up were she left off. Feeling confident she kept at it until she finally took a deep breath, stepped around him to shoot her arms out to her sides. Her hands glowed brightly with the power she was harnessing and released it.
  "Aperio illa abditus...!"
  Aleister felt her power go inwards a moment before releasing outwards in a sudden burst. The fog was pushed back slightly at the force as the energy waves revealed those who were indeed hidden.
There was a fair size group spread in a loose semi circle before them with Matt leading the way. He stopped beside Billie before taking her hand and kissing the back of it.
  "Thank you for showing us the way Lady Billie. As per your request, Aleister will be spared death on this day so you may lay claim to him and bind him to you."
  Aleister growled loudly behind her as she felt it go through her as he fought the change for a moment longer as Matt swung his gaze to Brigid.
  "You Brigid will be deleted! And it will be done slowly and painfully. For retribution for what happened to my brother Nero!"
  Brigid looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps, but first, you must answer to them." She gesture behind Matt and his crew.
  As they all turned to look, Aleister, with the exception of Matt, gently put her behind him while he spoke softly.
  "It is time leifde." He felt her place a hand on his lower back.
  "I know Aleister. Be careful of Billie. She may have something to drug you with."
  Roman stepped forward in full battle armor as his heated gaze swung over the people Matt brought with him before settling on the demented man himself.
   "Mathew of the Hardy Clan! You have harmed someone who is under the full protection of the Reigns Family. You were told any acts would be considered an act of war."
  Roman snarls. "Consider this the war." With a battle cry he gave the signal to attack.
*Aperio illa abditus* should be reveal those hidden. In Latin. If I'm wrong, please let me know. Also, for those who don't know, it is I calwitch! Lmao.... oh, I need a goodnight sleep....
I tag @theneverendingthirst @wrestlingfae @iwritewwe @riottruby @flightofthefantasies @m-a-t-91 @andie01 @xfirespritex @glowrioustrash @empress-with-the-crown @scuzmunkie @hanaslay @ellothelongwaydown @imaginexwwe @phenomemal-forearm @theprestigious0ne @reignmyworld @roman-reigns-princess (this is just in case the tags below wouldn’t take everyone)
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calwitch · 5 years
That's it...!!!
I'm officially adopting everyone I know on here! Whether it be new people or people I've known for awhile. You are all wonderful, amazing & talented people! You are now my Tumblr children! @writinglionqueen @wrestlingfae @unicorns-and-fairy-dust @brooklyn-boy @andie01 @flightofthefantasies @theneverendingthirst @scuzmunkie @theprestigious0ne @xfirespritex @hanaslay @empress-with-the-crown @irefusetoacceptreallife @helluvawriter @demonkingsangel @snarkandsarcasmwrites @wrestlingxbalorxrollins @bitsandbobsandstuff @ellothelongwaydown
If I forgot anyone, I am sorry.😢
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ghostsoapgirl · 6 years
This was already posted, well a version of this. I’m tagging my people in this because this is the updated, longer version.
@kittysilver86 @theneverendingthirst @queenofthearchitect @darktammy @baron-thirst-club @thegloriousdisaster @jinouchi @antidiva
Baron Corbin/OFC
Rating: Explicit (If you are under 18 years old, please do not read)
Words: 4.2K
Baron and her had been seeing each other off and on for a few months. They didn’t discuss if they were exclusive or not because they were honestly too busy to dedicate enough time to a relationship but the agreement was that if they were in the same town, they were together. 
At least that’s what it was supposed to be. She had texted Baron earlier in the week saying that the promotion she was working for was going to be in the same town as Raw and they had agreed to meet up after his show and spend the time they could together. So when she walked around the corner, heading to his hotel room, to see Baron shoved against the wall with some blondes tongue down his throat, she felt a piece of herself break. She tried to back away, not wanting him to know she’d seen. She’d almost made it too, when she tripped over a stray bag in the hallway, falling down and her own bag hitting with a hard thud. 
Baron looked up then, shoving the girl away from him, before walking towards her. She didn’t wait for him to reach her, getting to her feet and snatching her bag off the ground and hightailing it out of there. Her room was a floor below his, and instead of waiting for an elevator, she slipped her heels off her feet, taking the stairs to her floor as quickly as she could. 
When she finally reached the safety of her room, her face was wet with tears and and her chest was heaving with quiet sobs. She tossed her shoes and bag somewhere in the room before sliding down the door, allowing the heartbreak she felt to wash over her. 
Why now, did he have to decide he wanted to see someone else? She was planning to tell him how she really felt, that she was crazy in love with him, and that she wanted to be with him but seeing his hands all over that girl washed those dreams down the drain. 
She had no idea how long she’d been curled against the door when a fist began pounding on the other side. She had a feeling she knew who it was, and even if it wasn’t him, she was going to ignore it anyway. She stood, the knocking still persistent, and flipped the latch at the top of the door closed. He must have heard it because he began calling out to her through the door. “Will you just let me explain? It’s not what you think.” He continued knocking and honestly, she didn’t have the patience to deal with a noise complaint so she opened the door, not bothering to wipe her face or hide her hurt. “I swear to god if you come at me with some excuse, I will slam this door right into your nose.” He could tell she was serious so he held his hands up in surrender. “Can I come in?” He made to walk past her into the room; but she closed the door a little, only allowing enough room for her to stand there. “Fair enough,” he said, backing away. He was about to speak again when she interrupted him. “You knew I was in town. You knew I was at the hotel. You knew our arrangement. What the hell happened, Corbin?” He could tell then that she was really upset. She never called him by his last name, barely even used his first. Most of the time he was just “Bear” and he preferred that anyways. “Look. It isn’t what you think. I was coming to look for you when she stopped me. We were talking and the next thing I knew she had her tongue down my throat.” “You didn’t seem to mind it,” she spat, shutting the door a little more. “What you saw was exactly what it was. It just started when you found us. I was pushing her away when you tripped.” His face looked sincere and she wanted to believe him but she was still just too hurt. “You didn’t push her away until you knew I was there.” Her voice was raw, her crying making her throat sore. “No, I was pushing her away and then you fell. You just saw what you wanted to see.” For some reason, she believed him. She could always tell when he was lying because he had a nervous tick where he rubbed his neck. He had never lied to her, not about anything serious, but he wasn’t ever able to keep a secret because she called him on it and he caved. Now though, both hands were resting on the door frame while he was leaning down to face her. Without saying anything, she opened the door and allowed him to come in. When she shut the door behind him, he was standing at the end of the bed just looking at her. She noticed she was still in her ring gear and decided she’d change. She found her bag, grabbing shirt and sweatpants, before heading to the bathroom. When she was changed, she returned to the room, Baron still standing at the end of the bed. She put her ring gear in her bag before finally turning to face him, her hands shoved in the sweatpants pockets. “You have my clothes,” Baron noted with a smile and she looked down. Sure enough she was wearing one of his End Of Days shirts and a pair of his sweatpants she had borrowed months ago. She shrugged, as if it meant nothing, but the truth was, this was always her go to outfit when she wasn’t with him. Even though they’d been washed a hundred times she could swear she could still smell him on them. Baron sat on the bed and she sat next to him, leaving plenty of space between them. “I have something I want to ask you.” Baron nodded, motioning for her to go on. She took a deep breath and tried to prepare herself for the answer. “Have you been with other people when we aren’t together?” He dropped his gaze to the mattress and that was all the answer she needed. She felt a knot forming in her throat but she needed to hear the truth.
“Yes,” he answered honestly and her entire body went numb.
“What about when we were in the same town?” Why couldn’t she just tell him what she had to say? Why was she torturing herself like this. She was the one who said they weren’t exclusive, that they could sleep with whoever they wanted when they weren’t together, yet her heart was aching at the thought of another woman in his arms.
“No, never. That’s always just been me and you.” She offered a sad smile, fidgeting with a loose string on her pants. “What about you?”
“No,” she whispered, her eyes looking anywhere but his face. If she looked at him now, her walls would break and she would crumble right before his eyes. All she had to do was make it another few minutes and then she’d ask him to leave. “There’s never been anyone else. Just you.”
“Look, I can explain,” he tried but she cut him off.
“I need you to go. I just need to think. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Baron looked like he was about to object but when she whispered please he stood from the bed, giving her a last long look before he walked out of her door.
The second the door was shut, she curled up where she was on the end of the bed and sobbed. She knew she was being ridiculous, he had no reason to think him being with someone else would hurt her, yet here she was trying to drag breath into her lungs when it felt like she was being crushed. She thought back to the first time they slept together, leading to their current arrangement. “Yeah, just when we are in the same town,” she had said and god did her words come back to bite her in the ass.
They talked almost all the time when they weren’t together but she had made it clear that if he was with other women, she didn’t want to hear about it. For the first few months, the thought of him with other people didn’t bother her. But after the third time they were able to spend an entire week together, she was completely lost. Of course, she never said anything. Baron was constantly on the road and what they had going was great, it really was, and she knew that he wouldn’t be ready for something as serious as i love you.
So, she kept her feelings to herself and continued their arrangement. That was almost six months ago and she just couldn’t take it anymore. She was going to tell him tonight but now she didn’t know if she would ever be able to tell him. It’s her fault and she knows that. Baron is absolutely gorgeous and if she didn’t want him with other people, she should have said something. Instead, she kept quiet, too afraid of losing the time they did share together.
She was still crying, still curled in a fetal position, when she decided she didn’t have any other choice. She had to tell him, he had to know and depending on what he says, she would have an answer. She stood, collecting herself as best she could, before heading to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face. She dried off with one of the hotel hand towels before heading back to the bed, climbing beneath the covers. She’d tell him tomorrow, right now she just needed sleep.
She couldn’t find a comfortable position, so she tossed and turned, played music to lull her to sleep, even tried the television but it was no use. Her body seemed to know Baron was in the same hotel as her and that’s where it wanted to be. Her heart wanted it to but she wasn’t going to cave tonight. She just wanted some damn sleep.
She wasn’t sure if she ever actually fell asleep but the next time she looked at the clock, it was nearing four in the morning. She had kicked Baron out of her room almost three hours ago and yet, her she was, wide awake, her heart aching and all she wanted was to be in his arms. She lifted her phone from the nightstand, opening her contacts, her thumb hovering over Bear. Instead of calling, she sent a text instead. All she said was please come back.
A half hour had passed and she hadn’t heard back from him so she assumed he was asleep. She knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep now so she stood from the bed and grabbed her bag, lugging it into the bathroom and flipping on the light. She dug through it, looking for her workout clothes. When she found them, she slipped the sweatpants off first, about to step into her shorts when there was a soft knock at her door.
She dropped the shorts she was holding, hurrying to answer the door. She didn’t even look through the peephole to see who it was, just wrenched the door open. She felt the tears prick her eyes again, because there was Baron, sleepy eyed and in a pair of shorts and a tank top, standing in her doorway. She stepped aside, noticing he hadn’t even bothered to put shoes on, and let him in.
When he was sitting on the bed again, she had so many things she wanted to say but couldn’t find the right words. Baron just looked at her with a mildly confused expression, not saying anything to break the silence. She walked to him until she was standing right in front of him. He opened his legs, just wide enough for her to step between them before reaching out and pulling her to him. She collapsed into his embrace, her arms wrapping around his torso and before she knew it, she was practically cradled to his chest.
She tried not to cry but there were just so many emotions going through her, the tears fell anyways. She felt his hands on her back, rubbing her bare skin under her shirt and she relaxed into the touch. When she was able to catch her breath, she tried to explain.
“I’m sorry I reacted how I did, I just, i have so much to say and I don’t know how to start.” Baron pulled back then, adjusting her so that she was sitting across his lap now, looking her in the eyes.
“You can start by telling me why you’re so upset.”
“I should have told you a long time ago. I just, I remember you walking away and thinking that I don’t want to live without you. I should have told you but,” she was interrupted when Baron pressed his lips to hers, both hands gripping her face now holding her in place. He kissed her with so much passion, she could do nothing but open her mouth and follow his lead.
He nipped her bottom lip before pulling back, his eyes blown with want and she was sure hers looked the same way. There was also something else in his deep brown eyes, something deep and powerful. “I love you, Bear,” she found herself saying, not able to keep it to herself anymore. “I want to be the only girl for you.”
“You have been, for sometime now.” She looked at him puzzled, didn’t he just say there were others. She was about to ask him when he pressed a finger to her lips, successfully shushing her. “Remember that last week we spent together? It had to be almost six months ago?” He looked at her questioning, and she nodded because she knew exactly what he was talking about. “There hasn’t been anyone since then and even then, there were only a few before that.”
“That girl in the hall,” she allowed her voice to trail off, knowing he would know what she was asking.
“One of them from the past. She thought there was something more there  but there never was. When I pushed her away, the hurt on your face, I knew I had to tell you how I felt. I told her to never contact me again and that I was taken.” She felt herself smile then, but she still couldn’t get rid of the ache in her chest.
“I know I said I didn’t care but, why?”
“You’re the one who said we’d sleep with other people. I never wanted that. But thinking you didn’t want me like that, thinking I was just another person to sleep with, that shit hurt. So yeah, when it got really bad, I found someone who made me feel wanted. It was never enough and it never felt right.” Her eyes were wet again and that’s when she noticed his were too. How could she have been so blind?
The entire time they’d been doing this, every chance they had more than a few hours together, Baron was showing her around whatever city they happened to be in, taking her to nice restaurants and always getting her flowers. At the time, she didn’t want to get her hopes up so she just chalked it up to him being thankful for the time they did spend together.
“I’m an idiot,” she mumbled, pressing her face into his neck to hide her face. She felt his chest rumble with laughter, before he laid his head on top of hers.
“We both are. How about we fix that now?” She lifted her head so fast she caught Baron’s chin, a very unmanly noise coming from his throat.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” she hopped from his lap, lifting his face to survey the damage. She was standing now, while he was still seated, and she enjoyed having him look up at her. There was so much emotion in his eyes, she wanted to drown in it. She looked over his chin quickly. “You’ll have a red mark, but other than that, you’ll live.”
“Good,” he replied standing, forcing her to take a step back. “That means I can do this.” Before she could ask what this was, Baron’s hands were on her hips, lifting her into the air, pressing her flat against his chest. She wrapped her legs around his waist and that's when she remembered she was only in her panties and his shirt, not that she minded at the moment. He turned then, laying her on the bed and raised her shirt, placing a kiss just below her navel.
She tried to keep still, but he kept pressing kisses into her skin, licking her skin when he reached her panties. Her fingers were gripping the sheets beneath her as Baron removed her panties, tossing them over her shoulder to land somewhere in the room. He kissed the dip in her hip, nipping at the skin before soothing it with his tongue, paying the same attention to the other side as well. He shifted down the bed, his mouth level with the apex of her thighs, and placed a kiss to each thigh.
She couldn’t contain the noises she was making, her hips arching off the bed in search of his mouth. She heard him chuckle as he placed a hand on her hip, effectively holding her in place. She was about to tell him to get on with it when he licked a wet stripe up her folds, a keen falling from her lips. He used the fingers on his other hand to spread her open, finally pressing his tongue to her clit.
She cried out, one hand leaving the sheets to rest against the top of his head. Damn him for shaving his head, she couldn't get a handful of his hair anymore. She kept her hand there though, keeping him exactly where he was. He continued eating her out, swirling his tongue around her clit on every upwards lick before going back down again. He was avoiding giving her the pressure he knew she needed and she felt like she was going to cry.
“Please, Bear, please.” She knew she was begging but at this point she didn’t care. Baron seemed to approve, a rumble vibrating through his chest, before he sucked her clit into his mouth, slipping a finger into her at the same time. She arched her back, the noise coming out of her nearing a scream. He pumped his finger in time with the strokes of his tongue and only minutes later, she felt her walls clamping around his finger, her orgasm washing over her in waves. She cried out his name, but he kept up his ministrations until she shoved at his head, the sensitivity overwhelming.
She tugged at his shirt until he climbed up her body. She grabbed the back of his head, pulling him down into a kiss and moaned when she tasted herself on his tongue. “You are wearing far too many clothes,” she breathed when they pulled apart. Baron smiled before climbing off the bed, removing his shirt quickly and tossing it behind him. She took a moment to just admire his body, his colorful tattoos on his chest and arm, down to the V of his hips. She scotted until she was sitting on the edge of the bed, directly in front of where he was standing. He just watched her as she grabbed the hem of his shorts, shoving them and his boxers to the floor, his cock bouncing free.
She wasted no time, getting a hand on him, not even giving him time to step out of his shorts. She leaned forward, and licked the head, Baron's hand coming to rest in her hair. She loved this, pleasing him until he couldn’t think straight. She swirled her tongue around the head a few times before taking him into her mouth, pushing down as far as she could go. Baron groaned above her when he hit the back of her throat, and if her mouth wasn’t full of him, she would have smiled.
She started bobbing her head, using her hand on what wouldn’t fit in her mouth. He hit the back of her throat on every stroke and she had to fight the urge to gag. Finally, she relaxed her throat, taking him even deeper, the hand in her hair tightening when she swallowed around him. Baron pulled her off with a wet popping sound, wasting no time stepping out of his shorts and urging her to lie back on the bed.
“Condoms?” His voice was so full of lust, she wanted to climb him like a tree. She shook her head before reaching towards him.
“As long as your clean, I don’t want to use one.” She watched as understanding dawned on him, and then he was climbing onto the bed, covering her body with his own.
“Always used protection,” he mumbled into the skin of her neck, nipping at the sensitive area before sucking a mark there. She turned her head, giving him more room, and he groaned in satisfaction. He pulled back, eyeing the bright red mark before kissing her lips. “I love the way you react to me, the noises you make.” She reached between them, grabbing his cock and positioning it at her entrance and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Impatient much?”
She offered him a sly smile before digging her heels into his ass, urging him to get the memo. He slid all the way into her in one easy thrust, her excessive wetness aiding the slide. He stopped, lifting himself on his elbows to watch as she adjusted to his size. When she nodded, he pulled out slowly before slamming back into her. She gasped, her head thrown back and he did it again. He set up a steady pace, hard and fast, and she felt another orgasm approaching.
Baron whispered sweet nothings as he fucked her, i love you and all mine falling from his lips after every thrust. He adjusted their position, tossing one leg over her shoulder, the other still around his waist, changing the angle. WIth every snap of his hips, he was nailing her spot and it took everything she had to keep her noises to a minimum.
“Don’t hide those from me,” Baron grunted, a particularly hard thrust following his words. When she cried out, not even attempting to keep quiet, he smirked, angling his hips to hit that spot over and over again. “Come on baby, I’m so close.” She tried to mumble out a me to but just moaned instead. She grabbed his hand, guiding it to where there bodies met, and Baron got the hint, licking his thumb before rubbing meticulous circles around her clit.
She felt her walls beginning to clench and tried to warn him, but all she managed was a scream of her name as her orgasm hit. Her fingers were gripping into his biceps, and she felt his hips begin to stutter, signaling the approach of his own orgasm. He thrust one, two, three more times before he stilled, spilling himself inside of her.
He dropped to his elbows, still supporting his weight so he didn’t crush her, and kissed her breathless once again. When they pulled apart, they were both smiling. “I’m gonna get something to clean us up, okay?” She managed a small nod before Baron was slipping out of her before standing and heading to the bathroom. He was only gone around a minute before he came back, cleaning her up with a warm washcloth. He tossed it behind him with a shrug, pulling the covers down and allowing her to climb under them, before he climbed in himself.
“I don’t think I told you I love you,” he said as she curled into his chest. She settled in with a sigh and he marveled at how well she fit next to him, almost as if she was made for him. He wrapped his arm around her waist, the other finding her hand before lacing their fingers together. She looked at him, trying to convey all the emotions she was feeling into her expression before kissing his chin.
“You didn’t have to.” He smiled, leaning down to kiss her forehead and pulled the blanket up over them.
“Yeah, but I do. I love you.”
“I love you too, Bear.” She kissed him one more time before laying her head on his chest, her eyes already beginning to close. She was almost asleep when a hand found its way into her hair, massaging her scalp. Baron assumed she was asleep, her breathing even and her entire body relaxed.
“I’m gonna marry you one day.” She hummed into his chest and Baron tensed. She didn’t say anything, letting him think she was sleeping. He relaxed, flicking the light off next to them before he too was drifting off to sleep. She hoped that was a promise but for now, she was just going to enjoy being in his arms, knowing he felt the same way as her.
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I’m hijacking @theneverendingthirst‘s google doc and never in my life did I think my nonsense would be added to her fic.
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vonschweetz · 6 years
Where do you buy the Mox caps? I'm in need.. Do you think I could like.. find a floppy lil black beanie? Because a black Mox beanie would make me v.v happy...
I went to a Lids store and got my custom made on a whim.
I know if you go to Lids online they have an option to customize a beanie I think. I was legit thinking about getting a custom beanie done at some point.
I like to make custom hats on the website first to get a visual on what the real hat might look like, then I went to the store on a whim when my parents were busy so they wouldn’t know I was spending “allowance” they gave me for something silly. Totally worth it. I love my pastel Mox hat.
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wrestlewriting · 6 years
I had to search and search and decide on a ‘random’ section to talk about...
The section of Insolence towards the end where Bren & Adam discuss his meeting with WWE. 
“Alright, what couldn’t wait?” Adam gazed at you, his blue eyes searching your brown ones briefly. He was quiet for the moment, observing you. It occurred to you that he seemed almost…nervous? Uncertain?
“When we get to Florida, I uh…I’ve got a meeting with WWE.”
“…I figured you would.”
“I want you to come with me.”
That part you hadn’t expected, and you knew your face said as much.
“Because…you’re…far better at thinking all possible parts of a situation through. I need you to do that. You see things differently than I do.”
“OK… But you realize that I kind of, on a personal level, don’t care about all sides of this, right? Like, I’m not going to be objective with this.”
“I know,” he ensured. “And I want that. I want you to be that way. Because that means you’re gonna hear things that maybe I don’t. Or read between the lines in a way I won’t.”
“You sound very distrusting of your possible future employers.”
“All business is distrustful, on some level,” Adam replied. You couldn’t really argue him. Almost every wrestler had at one time or another dealt with shady business and being screwed by promoters.
“Fine….” you reluctantly agreed. “I guess I’ll be the devil on your shoulder.”
Adam looked pleased with your response, and drew you into a kiss to show it.
“You know where else you can be a devil for me?” The slow smirk that came to his face said it all. Part of you wanted to roll your eyes, and the other part of you wanted to blush.
“You are too much,” you muttered. “I’m literally on top of you right now.”
“On top of, under…I’m not gonna be picky. As long as it’s you with me.”
“You and me, huh?”
“You and me,” he affirmed. “I think we’ve got a good thing going here.”
This was the turning point for them. This was the point where who they were mattered for their future. This is the time where what I wanted was made real.
This is the part I struggled with SO MUCH to make it transition into something more and future.
This is the embodiment of Bren & Adam. 
Partners. Supporters. Lovers. Friends. Believers.
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beardedbarba · 6 years
@theneverendingthirst i feel the need to inform you that playlist has 3 different cover versions of “everybody wants to rule the world” on it
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ghostofviperwrites · 6 years
Requested by: @dawnie39uk
Featuring: Naito
Word Count: 348
Warnings: fluff
47.          “I want to take care of you.” And 48.      “That’s why I fell in love with you.”
Naito could feel the stupid smile on his face, and as much as he wanted to wipe it off, he was powerless to do so.   It seemed to happen more often than he cared to admit when it came to you.   He had tried fighting it for far too long before giving in and accepting that he was smitten with you.   It went against everything he believed about himself to fall in love, but he couldn’t deny it.  
“Are you going to sit there staring at me all day?” 
Naito started as your teasing voice appeared at his ear, shaking his head to clear it.  Apparently he had been daydreaming and completely missed your approach.  
“Why wouldn’t I want to stare at you all day?”  Naito said pulling you around to his front to press a kiss to your lips.  “You’re absolutely gorgeous.” 
“Stop it.”  You blushed swatting at his shoulder.  “You already got me Naito, you don’t have to keep trying to charm your way into my pants.” 
“I will never stop.”  Naito said emphatically.   “I’m going to spend every day for the rest of my life making sure you know just how special you are.  I want to take care of you.  I want to be there for you and support you and never let you forget how much you mean to me.” 
Throwing your arms around him you buried your face in Naito’s chest feeling your cheeks burning.  Even after all these months you still weren’t used to the fact that notorious playboy Tetsuya Naito was head over heels in love with you and never failed to remind you how much he cared. 
“That’s why I fell in love with you.”  You murmured into his shirt.  “You’re so sweet and you make me feel like the only woman in the world.”
“You’re the only woman in my world.”  Naito professed, his lips pressing into the crown of your head.
@laziestgirlintheworld​​ @xiuhanforthewin​​ @flickkick​​​ @dawnie39uk​​ @monstersmaid​​ @ghoulsister1​​ @roman-the-rat​​ @keltic-goddess​​  @blondekel77​​ @mrkittyinmytree​​ @littlebluespoon​​ @paganbabe​​   @willalwaysprotectyou​​ @i-ship-it-okay​​ @dahlia-blossom​​  @earl-01​​  @fabulousrockstar​​ @theneverendingthirst​​ @littlemissvillanous​​ @gold--gucciempress​​@melodiousmindsweep​​ @artemisapalla316​​​ @princesstoniii @switchxqueen
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queenofthearchitect · 6 years
Meeting the big dog
This was a request
Warnings: cussing
A/N: this is going to be short so yeah lmao, I have a new series coming out, and parent fics are coming I swear so ILY guys. Also sorry if the punctuation isn’t that great lmaoo
A/A/N: sorry if the punctuation is bad it’s 4:04 am lol but now it’s 4:16 am lol so yeet, but more is definitely coming thanks for the support I love you guys.
I walked in the area adrenaline filled my vains hearing the thousands of other fans including my fiancé and myself. I seen the merchandise table and looked at a few things, I finally decided to buy the new Roman T-shirt. I went to the bathroom and slipped it on while my fiancé waited outside the bath room, I walked out and checked my alarm went of letting me know raw was about to start. I grabbed my fiancé’s hand while we walked to the stand that sold food a beer I got a beer and paid.
We walked to our seats that were near the barricade we sat down and raw started. Well it was 10 o’clock and Drew McIntyre came out and we I started booing, well drew noticed me and in my roman shirt and walked over and smacked my beer out of my hand which caused it to spill all over me and my shirt, well my fiancé stepped in front of me and got in Drew’s face. He laughed in my fiancés face and walked to the ring.
He got in it and started talking shit, when security walked up to us and asked us to follow him which we did, suddenly I was nervous. We got put in a room with a couch so I sat down I groaned when I smelled myself, “For God’s sake I smell like a sloppy drunk thanks to Drew.” I sighed and sat back when the door opened and my heart dropped, none other than Roman Reigns walked in. I spoke up “can I help you Mr.reigns?” He looked at me “no I’m sorry i was just watching what happens between Drew and y’all and I just wanted to make sure y’all were okay.”
I gave him a reassuring smile “yeah just a little shaken honestly but I smell like a bar and who wouldn’t want that?” He laughed “well I can understand your frustration I’ll get you both shirts on me.” He smiled and I quickly stood up “there’s no need for that I can just wash it.” He smiled “no it’s fine let me make y’all a raw a little better.” My fiancé smiled “well that would be great thanks I’m Y/F/N and this is Y/N.” He shook his hand and said his hello and told us he would be back and walked out the room.
He came back with two shirts and a sharpie and sighed my phone case and my fiancé’s, I told him we had to get going sadly and he took a picture with us and we thanked him for his kindness. He told us we didn’t need to thank him which we did anyways and we parted ways. I would never forget this moment with my fiancé.
A/N: sorry this is short and garage it’s literally 4:04 am and I wanted this to be good. If only ideas came to me for the longer fics I would be caught up lol. But I hope y’all enjoyed it.
@instantbouquetdestinysblog @vonschweetz @zombiewerewolfqueen @1dluver13xx @morgunsilver @imaginexwwe @m-a-t-91 @squirrel666 @ladytea19 @wolfiegal98 @mnrtw @itsreigns @nerdlife0612 @wwesmutandstuff @clarawwe @romansrgn @theneverendingthirst @roman-the-rat @moshsafely @wrestling-edits-af @thelonelunatic @dirtywrestling @inkteller-17 @thepalaceofmelanie @haven-raven012591 @queenofthekingslayer @sethsuniverse @desstehhnee @writing-reigns
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calwitch1969 · 5 years
Masquerade 12
First, I do apologize for the delay. It was not my intent. Now, onward...
  Two nights later the four of them wanted to surprise her. The twins filled the girls in on their discovery of finding Aleister at Brigid's home/store as well as letting them know what he said. 
Ember wasn't thrilled with the idea of getting them to get together so they could talk. As far as she was concern Aleister deserves everything he gets. So, when the time came to take Brigid somewhere Ember swore she'd keep an attentive eye on her and told the twins that if Aleister even so much as looks at Brigid funny she'll rip his throat out.
  Brigid was excited as to where they were going. They wanted to surprise her for her first outing. When they got closer to their destination they blindfolded her.
  Her heart was beating with excitement as they led her up some steps and through a door. After a couple of minutes they stopped as Ember spoke.
  Brigid gave an excited nod.
  Naomi took the blindfold off causing her to gasp in amazement. They had taken her to the nearby observatory. Before her was the gigantic telescope they'd use. A man in a jacket approached them smiling warmly.
  "Welcome! I hope you like the surprise your friends set up for you. They let me know that you enjoy the night sky."
  Brigid nods as she looked at everyone who were grinning before looking at the man who pushed his glasses up a bit.
  "I do. I love the night sky!"
  His smile broadens as he extends his hand to her.
  "By the way, my name is Thomas End." He gestured towards the telescope not noticing her slightly stiffen.
  "Let me show you the stars."
  Her friends look at each other a little concerned at the mention of his name but pushed it aside for the time being as he showed her the telescope up close and got her to sit in the special chair. Her smile came back ten fold as he showed her how to operate it.
  Brigid was overjoyed as well as in awe of looking at the universe and neighboring planets. The milky way. Soon everyone taking turns looking at the sky before Thomas took them outside as it was clear out. Blankets were already laid out for everyone to lay on so they could be comfortable.
  Thomas was discretely watching Brigid's face and the joy that filled her gaze and couldn't help but smile softly before joining her on the blanket. He cleared his throat slightly as he sat down.
  "I hope you don't mind that I join you."
  Brigid shook her head as she smiled slightly.
  "It's okay."
  "I hope you enjoyed yourself tonight? Your friends wanted to make you feel better. Yet, it seems there are still shadows hiding inside."
  She looked at him shocked before drawing her knee's up to her chest to hug them as she looked up.
  "No offence, but it is not your concern."
  "None taken. I did not mean to make you upset."
  A prickle of awareness shot down her spine at his tone.
  "It's alright. Thank you." She frowns slightly at him. "You seem familiar."
  He smiles softly."Perhaps we've met before in another time." With that he laid down on the blanket beside her.
  Brigid looks at him a moment before doing the same as she turned her focus to the night sky. She sighed softly as she let the stars mesmerize her. After a little bit she started to feel sadness fill her as she swallowed hard before realizing the sadness wasn't coming from herself. Turning her head she saw Thomas laying there, eye's closed as tears fell.
  "May I ask why you're sad?"
  Opening his eye's he looked at her as he sat up before wiping his eye's smiling wryly while taking a deep breath.
 "I wasn't even aware I was broadcasting myself or even crying." He took a deep breath, his gaze stays on his folded hands that were draped across his bent legs.
  "I made a very bad mistake and it may have cost me the one I came to love." He gave a dry chuckle. "The funny thing is I never got to tell her. I got self absorbed and lost sight of what was most important."
  Brigid smiles softly. "Have you tried to talk with her?"
  He shook his head. "She doesn't want anything to do with me. Not that I blame her. Because of my actions she was injured by my hand.  My heart aches at what I've done and I wish to make it right no matter how long it takes. I just don't know where to start."
  Brigid could tell easily tell that he was sincere. "Perhaps have her friends help you to do something she'd enjoy and act as chaperones. If you explain yourself like you just did with me although minus the disguise."
Her gaze stayed straight ahead as he stiffened beside her in surprise before swallowing hard.
  "What disguise?"
She looks at him resting her head on her folded arms as she sat like he did smiling softly as her eye's were soft and sparkling with un-shed tears.
  "I can understand how you'd be unsure of my reaction to seeing you Aleister. I'd be unsure also."
She chuckles at his shocked expression.
  "How did you know?" The facade drops away revealing his true form.
  Brigid shrugs. "A couple of things raised a flag that Thomas End was not quite who he seemed. The words you spoke and how they were said reminded me of you. Your grief is as real as mine when you projected. I picked up on your vibes, so to speak, and that confirmed it for me."
  He looked at her with sadness and remorse. "I truly did not mean to push you away Brigid. I was so consumed with anger and hate that I hurt you so deeply where you were losing yourself."
  Her heart jumped slightly at seeing his tears fall. "You did hurt me very badly Aleister. It seemed like you rejected me and everything that we were building together." She tilts her head slightly as she looked at him. "You've been suffering also."
  He nodded. "I have. I experienced what you did. For the past 2 weeks I can understand what you've gone through and wish for everything to be the way it was. To even change my reaction to Balor finding Billie to you. Perhaps in time you can forgive me mijn geliefde."
  She smiled softly at the endearment. "Perhaps we can start over slow."
  Her heart jumped as his eye's light up slightly while a small smile formed.
  "I would like nothing more Brigid." He goes to stand and offers his hand to help her up also before clearing his throat slightly he bowed to her.
  "Good evening. I am Aleister Black and I was wondering if you would join me for dinner say tomorrow night?"
  Brigid couldn't help but smile as she blushed.
  "I think I would like that. Say, 6..."
  He smiles softly. "That sounds perfect Brigid. May I pick you up?"
 She gave a shy smile as she gave him the address.
Finally!!! I am sorry for taking so long with this. I hope my muse stays with me for longer this time. As I haven't watched WWE in 2 months or so now. I still see little blurbs here and there about it but as for actually watching it, I have no desire to see wonderful, talented people get miss-treated. And I mean everyone.
I tag @theneverendingthirst @thirstiswet @m-a-t-91, @glowrioustrash @andie01 @hanaslay @imaginexwwe @kh2o @xfirespritex @theworldiscolorfull @theprestigious0ne @irefusetoacceptreallife @ellothelongwaydown @reignmyworld @scuzmunkie @empress-with-the-crown @riottruby @roman-reigns-princess @phenomanal-forearm @haven-raven012591 @hardcorewwetrash @concussed-to-pieces
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