rhodakynmusic · 5 years
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FOREVER O LORD YOUR WORD IS SETTLED IN HEAVEN! Jesus has finished the job and completed the requirements for us to become the sons of God!! As we occupy the earth till Christ returns, We are to Win Souls for His Kingdom by changing the narratives and transforming the status quo at every encounter, using Who We Have (Jesus Christ) to fill the earth. The needful requires that We, The Children of The Most High King, Rise to ascertain the Kingdom and Will of God on earth just as it is in Heaven!!! - So, Why are you asking for what you're asking for🤔? Whose agenda are you minding🤔🤔?? Based on your motives, are you still doing The Father's Will🤔🤔🤔??? Let's remember Who The Real "G" is and use His Gifts for His Agenda!!! #AsItIsInHeaven #TheOneWhoSitsInHeaven #KingdomMinding #ForHisNameSake #FocusOnThePrize #MotivesAndIntentions #TheSupernatural #Impact #Exploits https://www.instagram.com/p/By2eefdHnMV/?igshid=1dx5iid26l03v
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