theopulenthq · 6 months
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Nothing stays hidden forever. Especially not during rounds of assassinations, and several world leaders tucked under one roof. As an uneasy civility settles in Lal Qila, those at the helm of power decide to assert their effectiveness. In an effort to re-establish their command of Lal Qila and curry favor with those affronted by the memoriam, the Mughal Empire (in collaboration with Madagascar) revealed the findings of their investigation in the grand hallway of an early morning, before breakfast was even served. The following list was revealed to name these individuals as the most suspicious within the court - and their reasoning why.
Egypt’s bookkeeper, Emine Bulut, is not as she seems. Many suspect that she is, in fact, working with the Perisa to investigate the Turkish royal family and may have other experience in espionage. 
Thailand needs to look within its own ranks. It’s been found that military commander, Kinsey Gladwin, is tied to the English forces.
The loyalties of those under the French flag cannot be trusted, fortune teller Delphine Baudelaire’s loyalties are debatable.
Correspondence highlighting Regent Sultan Rostam’s distrust in his family, suspecting them of contributing to his husband’s death. 
Copies of records of controversies related to the Qajar family previously thought to be all destroyed, found in the Sultana Arshiya of Persia’s belongings along with proof of the destruction of other documents.
Some suspicion is thrown towards Ethiopia - their interview scrolls were mysteriously disposed of, and it would seem their rooms were not searched as deeply by the French military as other courts. When pressed, both sides of the conflict admit that they have nothing on Ethiopia, and perhaps it is this lack of information that has left them under closer scrutiny. 
Not ones to be outdone, the vengeance of Thailand is never far behind. The findings of France’s search within the royal apartments and chambers are brought to light by sundown of that same day. Within the very same grand hallway, they call upon those in residence to reveal the following findings, attempting to further destabilize the Mughal Empire.
Evidence of foul play is brought to light against the Dowager Duchess Tatiana Kanto around the death of her ex-husband.
Letters exchanged between the Emperor Kaito of Japan and King Elias of Germany detailing Japan’s secret financing of Germany to ward off China’s motives.
The relationship between the Empresses and their lover is on thin ice, with Empress Eesha seen scheming with her lover against Empress Rashmi.
Growing unrest among the leadership in Scotland, with Commander Cailean suspected to be working with rebellious forces against the Stuart’s. Perhaps they have something to do with the King’s absence?
The Crown Princess of Germany, Eleanor Hatzfeld, is actively planning to overthrow the King and secure herself and her (unknown) lover on the throne.
Amidst the scandal and gasps, kingdoms with their own burning suspicions take the opportunity to reveal their own discontent. Sound floods the grand hallway as accusations are thrown every which way, but one voice was heard loudest. It is the Prince of China, Angelo Tolentino, who steps up to reveal what treason and theft lies within the Chinese Empire. Financial papers showing funds exiting the Emperor of China’s trust with the Princess Kai-Ming of China’s handwriting reveal Kai-Ming to be a suspect in this fight.
Meanwhile, those under the Ortiz’s employment call out the Bonaparte’s growing formidability and glory. Members of the Bonaparte family have been reunited at Lal Qila, and with so many of its former royals finding success and influence… Many Spanish courtiers speculate that they would be better placed to rule than the Ortiz’s. Screaming, fighting, and a perfect Spring storm befalls Lal Qila.
In the five days that follow amidst the rainstorm, the aftermath of spilled motives and agendas plague Lal Qila. What began as a step forward in the investigation instigated a greater divide between the two sides. Fortunately, saner heads prevail. Unperturbed by the revelations; Baron Hugo Von Galen, Viscount Maximilien Gauthier, and Princess Yifei Qing come together to bring reason and calm to Lal Qila. It is apparent that both sides are too consumed by grief and ego to lead the investigation. 
The three strike a plan; a council, run by kingdoms famed for their neutrality, shall lead the investigation forward. Untouched by the drama of the murders, and having notoriety for each going several years without war or exception strife, and the long-standing alliances with most Kingdoms in attendance. The choice of who to bring in to act as the facilitator is simple. The three peacekeepers appeal to the rulers from all sides, until a wary agreement is made and treaties are signed.
Not long after, the ships of Norway and Brazil land at the Mughal Empire’s coast. A sigh of relief can be heard through the halls as everyone comes around to the idea of peace… but who knows what hurt feelings fester beneath the new information brought to lie. Once a secret is told, it can never be untold, and now some may pay the price for their sins. 
Welcome Norway and Brazil to the Opulent HQ! Below the cut you can find additional information.
IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ! The investigative council, manned by the royal advisor of Norway and the commanding officer of Brazil, will consist of one muse per mun to be placed on the council. These muses, selected by each mun, will be given choices periodically to vote on that will change the course of future plot drops. More information, including the submission form for the muse you choose to put on the council, will be coming shortly. NOTE - your muse does not have to be a royal to be placed on the council! Ideally, we hope to see a variety of classes, countries, and personality types on this council.
Due to the sensitive nature of many secrets, some muns/muses did not get a feature (or as heavy of one), but these have been noted and will get recognition in the next plot drop!  
The muse count has been lifted to 8 muses per mun, but be mindful that the 1 week wait between muses is still in effect! That means if you apply for your 7th muse, you must wait a minimum of 1 week from acceptance to take on your 8th and final muse. 
Please visit our KINGDOM PAGE to read up on our newest arrivals to the group - Norway and Brazil! 
You do not need to end or adjust threads to stay in line with the timeframe, but you can if you want! Otherwise, all new threads must take place either within the events of the plot drop (including the 5-day rainstorm after the spilling of secrets) or afterwards. If you have any questions on this, don’t hesitate to reach out!
We understand that this may create a LOT of interpersonal drama. Please feel free to reach out to us if you want to let us know any big changes for your character, or to suggest how to implement any ideas for further drama, especially relating to the secrets that were revealed. We want to work with you to make your ideas come true!
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theopulenthq · 2 months
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Plot Drop: Dishonor In The Court
After rigorous interrogations and pitiful conditions, members of the French and Flortentian kingdoms are released from their prison cells due to there being no conclusive evidence... though, the eyes of court remain on them. Still, there is a number of criminals to bring to justice yet, and the pre-Tribunal awaits. The solicitors build their cases, selected their jurors, and the promise of honor hangs in the air ahead of the pre-Tribunal. For those who have something to hide, this the last night before all bets are off, and every secret stands to be revealed.
But there is dishonor in the court, and it starts the evening before the pre-Tribunal.
(TW: Violence, Murder)
The Night Before the Pre-Tribunal
A seemingly ordinary evening in The Paco Imperial Palace, though guards remain on high alert following the escape of many French criminals. It is well past the witching hour when an organized group of masked mercenaries subvert De Alcantara’s well-positioned prison guards. The ripple effect of the string of escapees force the hand of those who chose violence. The targeted prisoners are roused by swords at their throats. “We have come to enact true justice.” They proclaim, forcing their way into each cell, until Madhavan Parkash and Rishabh Sundar of the Mughal Empire are identified. “Our home sends their regards.” They heed, prepared to execute the two accused, pockets heavy with Indian rupees. A struggle ensues, with the pair fighting for their lives. By the time palace authorities come to investigate, it is too late. The mercenaries are gone, with only a handful of Indian rupees and a Mughal Empire-forged blade found at the scene. Madhavan is dead, and Rishabh is comatose in the infirmary. The Mughal Empire strikes, and from it, comes the unraveling. Were they avenging their former fallen Empresses... or were they protecting their own secrets?
However, it was not only the Mughal Empire who had taken to the cover of night to slate a bloodlust. Undiscovered until the next morning, there was another assassin - one much quieter, clean. Kaiden Nelson of Cardiff was killed at some point in the night, and the scene appears to be entirely undisturbed save for one missing item of the soldier's. A stack of letters & a page of stamps - three missing. In the letters, contained information valuable to the Scottish Rebellion, and one may wonder who received the first three.
The Day of the Pre-Tribunal
Accused and all-but-proven of interfering with justice and acting against the diplomatic will of the countries in attendance, the members of the Mughal Empire are immediately confined to their apartments to sit out the Pre-Tribunal. An investigation will be held, and whoever knew of the violent storm of the prisons would be charged, tried, and sentenced as well. Panic strikes the early morning, and many whisper - “Surely the pre-tribunal cannot happen now!” Despite the panicked sentiment, those most invested in justice following the Reckoning demand to see it through. The Pre-Tribunal will carry on as planned, and the Grand Jury Hall is prepared. Everyone - from royals, nobles, to staff, is required to be in attendance, excluding the Mughal Empire, of course. 
The first of the accused to stand trial is Takuda Toshiko of Japan/Hong Kong. A spy at Japanese court and cousin to the reigning Emperor. After thorough examination of the facts and a lengthy interrogation, Takuda cracks and confesses, shaken by the attack on Rishabh. Takuda confesses to murdering the former Emperor and Empress of Japan, and promises full cooperation in the investigation in exchange for lighter sentencing for Rishabh if she recovers from the night before. When asked for a motive - he said nothing.
Verdict: Guilty - Held in prison, awaiting Emperor Kaito’s decision on sentencing. 
The second of the accused to stand trial is Peter Hermann of Scotland/Germany. A former groundskeeper of Scotland and current resident of Germany. Peter stands accused of involvement in the death of the former generation of rulers; the deceased rulers of Scotland and Germany. The evidence pointing towards Peter's involvement in both the Reckoning and the death of the former German leaders is overwhelming, with little reasonable doubt.
Verdict: While it also appears that Peter was lying about his lack of involvement with the Scottish rulers, as his story continued to change and the details muddled - he was finally found not guilty for the murder of the former Scottish rulers. He was, however, found guilty for the murder of Germany's King & Queen. Sentencing decisions will be left up to the Hatzfeld's - a fact that the Scottish section greatly opposed.
Swords were drawn, shouts rang out, and justice was demanded - Scotland & Germany yelling at one another across the courtroom. Order was barely restored just before blood spilled, with a promise for a further investigation to be held deeper to the crimes against Scotland by Peter's hand.
The third of the accused to stand trial is Meryem Adin of Turkey/China. Long-time mistress to the former, ruling Sultan of Turkey (father to the current generation of Adbul's). Recently, Meryem confessed to falsifying evidence against the former Sultan of Persia to influence Turkey's attack on his life, in order to fan the flames of a Persian/Turkish conflict. She has claimed to have taken refugee safely in China ever since.
Meryem swore to tell the truth, with no motivation to keep secrets any longer. Much to the detriment of Turkey, Persia, China, and even Madagascar. The court waits with bated breath. But a different sound comes; Meryem shrieks in pain, collapsing on the floor and left undone. The guards make haste to her body, quick to inspect the goblet of water placed at the stand. Poison. She was dead. Though first assumed to be of Madagascar origin - it is revealed that is a copycat design, of lesser potency. If Meryem had been in better health, she would have survived and the secrets she had to spill would be known.
Verdict: No verdict. Meryem is deceased before trial can commence.
The shocking spectacle of continued death & murder leads to absolute chaos. Screams of accusation are hurled - finding home mostly with those in Persia and Turkey. Everyone comes to a stand, and all form of order is lost. The remaining prisoners are ushered quickly off to the side, to return to the dungeons. But as panic ensues and confusion reigns, opportunity is seized. Those with a score to settle find their opportunity to do so, as swords clash and tempers rise. A single dagger, undoubtedly from where the Scottish court & staff huddled together, flew with impeccable aim across the courtroom, and found it's lethal target in Peter. Another down.
Amidst the fray of chaos and despair, it is the kingdoms of Egypt and Norway that break through the frenzy. Calling for order, the nations highlight their diplomacy (or perhaps, their self-interest) by putting an end to the violence and demanding stricter punishment. With less than half of the criminals they started the Tribunal with, the decision is made to end the pre-Tribunal. With many terrified and injured, a new curfew is issued to the guests - no one is allowed out of their chambers past 10pm, and to leave the palace, everyone must sign in and out with the guards.
The remaining criminals awaiting trial are Gabriel Cuvelier, Sabino Montez, Lao Patalung, and Pascal Rakotoson - and Rishabh Sundar, if she makes a recovery.
OOC details under the cut!
The events of the plot drop take place in the last week of June. We are still in the month of June in-character. You can continue to write threads during this timeline. Please do not progress your threads more than a week after the pre-Tribunal into the month of July in-game.
If you wish, you can opt for your muses to take action during the chaos of the pre-Tribunal. This includes; getting into a fight, small injuries, causing some mayhem, or taking cover where they can. All we ask is that any major plots, such as; extensive injuries, extensive harm to other muses, or anything that would impact the events following the chaos are discussed with the admin team. We encourage you to come up with your own ideas, theories, and plots to bring to us if this drop inspired you to do so!
Have fun! Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. With the admin team going into a busy season/hiatus in the near future - this will be the major plot event (including mini drops) for a few weeks!
Next up is a location change - expect a vote on our new location in the next week or two!
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theopulenthq · 2 months
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The Prison Break - Mini Plot Drop 3
As interrogations slowly begin to conclude, the guests at Paço Imperial look ahead to the Tribunal, and the pre-trail beginning in one week's time. It was in the early hours of the morning that commotion was once again rising sleepy royals & nobles & staff alike from their beds. Something has happened.
A guard patrol of military leaders from a group of varied Kingdoms marched through the palace gates with the prisoner DUKE GABRIEL CUVELIER in tow; injured lightly, screaming threats, and laughing like a madman. He had been spotted attempting to flee on a private charter boat at the docs of Partay, and was promptly brought back to the Palace by the patrol group.
The action is taken to the dungeons where it is discovered that the Duke was not the only prisoner to have escaped. The cells of his wife, DUCHESS ADELE CUVELIER, and APOLLINE LEFRANCOIS were also empty.
"You are too late!" Duke Cuvelier howled his laughter throughout the dungeon halls as he was chained back in his cell once more. Onlookers shook in their slippers, pulled shawls closer around their arms, or shouted curses towards him & the others involved in the Reckoning. "We will never be stopped. Your efforts are in vain!"
The next few hours of the morning were tense. It did not take long for an investigation to yield results - and it was determined by many of the courts that this had to be an inside job. The cells of the escapees were seemingly untouched, and the guard detail left in charge had been left unharmed, seemingly unable to explain the disappearance.
Kingdom leaders were in an uproar, demanding something be done. The result?
All members of France & Florence's court are placed under arrest for a 48-hour hold in the prison cells - and will undergo intense interrogation. The only individuals excluded from this treatment are, strangely enough, the royal family of Orleans. Instead of cold cells & harsh questioning, they are treated to tea & a gentle interview. Once more, the difference between royal blood & the rest is on display for the world to see. Suspicion runs high, and feathers are ruffled after watching the royal family get such fine treatment - many wonder now... just exactly how Constitutional is France's alleged progressive monarchy? And just exactly how involved are they in the Reckoning?
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theopulenthq · 3 months
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The Accused - Mini Plot Drop 2
With the interrogations underway and weeks counting down until The Tribunal begins, an official dossier of the criminals accused has been released to the public. Up until this point, the criminals at hand had yet to be linked to their specific crimes. However, through the determination of litigators for the upcoming Tribunal, the below information has been uncovered:
Duke Gabriel Cuvelier (from France) - Age 62, former advisor to the French King, accused of ordering the hits against The King of Ethiopia & both Scottish rulers (and personally funding the assassinations). Refuses to give any information other than the simple statement - “It is not yet over.”
Duchess Adele Cuvelier (from France) - Age 59, wife to Duke Gabriel, Close comrade and confidante of Prime Minister Nicolette.  suspected of being the lead organizer of the reckoning attack at lal qila. May be responsible for a number of ordered hits.
Apolline Lefrancois (from France/now Florence) - Age 30, former lady-in-waiting to the Queen of France until marrying years ago & moving to Florence, suspected of being the assassin responsible for the death of the Dowager Queen of Ethiopia. Her husband cannot be located & their Florence residency seems abandoned, though signs show that the King of Norway (oldenburg) may have been held there for a time.
Sabino Montez (from unknown/believed to be Spain) - Age 55, a new cook for the royal Ortiz court, arrested upon arrival in Brazil. Accused of the poisoning & murder of Queen Martina Bonaparte, evidence of correspondence with both French & German rebellion leaders, and evidence of involvement in the reckoning. Is a known loyalist of the Ortiz reign and has been suggested to have ties with the French rebellion leaders.
Takuda Toshiko (from Japan/Hong Kong) - Age 32, distant cousin to Emperor Kaito, suspected of involvement in the assassination of the former German King (pre-Elias reign), believed to be the assassin. Former resident of Hong Kong and known dinner guest of the Viceregal. Evidence points to a spy in the Japanese court still working for Takuda due to recent correspondence written in extensive code from the Toshiko court.
Madhavan Parkash (from India) - Age 40, former financial advisor to the Empresses of India, evidence romantically links them  to 1 or more of the Empress’ lovers, suspected to have been behind the poisoning of the Sharma line. Possible involvement in the attack on Thailand’s heirs based on correspondence with Madagascar.
Rishabh Sundar (from India) - Age 29, evidence found to associate them with Takuda Toshiko, believed they are in a relationship. Suspected involvement in the attacks on Germany, may have been involved in the German Tribunal tampering with evidence.
Peter Herrmann (from Germany and/or Scotland) - Age 51, former groundskeeper for the Stuart's in Scotland, had been working in Germany once more before the attack on the Scottish rulers, evidence suggests they were largely involved in the reckoning. Likely to  have been involved in both Scotland’s & Germany’s tragedies. 
Lao Patalung  (From Thailand/now Madagascar possibly): Age 62, former governess to the Thai King & sibling as children. New evidence places them as the last person to visit the deceased heir’s nursery before their untimely passing. Recent ledgers show payments from the Rakotoson’s accounts into their personal accounts, and evidence supports their residency in Madagascar for the last year. 
Pascal Rakotoson  (From Madagascar): Age 43, Former royal advisor to King Mendrika & the Ratsifi family until banished for the misuse of the royal bank. Since their banishment, Pascal was sighted in both Thailand and Japan courts at the time of attack on their royal families, and is believed to be involved in both.
Kaiden Nelson (From Cardiff): Age 22, soldier for the Scottish army and trained under Commander Cailean for a time. Has since  turned into the “golden boy” of the Scottish rebellion. Evidence found of large sums paid to foreign mercenaries, tied directly to the death of the King and Queen of Scotland. 
Meryem Aydin (From Turkey/now China): Age 68, Long-time mistress to the former Sultan of Turkey (pre-Rahmi’s reign) and figurehead of Turkish court. Disappeared shortly after Rahmi’s trial began, only to reinvent herself under a false name in Chinese court. Confessed to falsifying evidence against Shah Khan of Persia to spearhead the order of his death. However, her confession appears too convenient to be trusted. 
While some mysteries remain, including why they had gathered in Russia & what they were planning there, the information in the report is generally considered to be believed, though some may know that not all accusations are true…
Feel free to headcanon connections your characters have to the npcs, but please just let the admin team know of any significant connection so it be used for future drops!
If you want to be included in a larger plot, have any ideas for the npcs, or want to discuss ideas on mini plot drops related to new, member-driven information, reach out and let’s talk! 
If your character has a secret related to the reckoning you want to play with or have revealed, please reach out so we can link an npc to your character. We are very open to suggestions for progression if you have ideas!
As always, these mini plot drops are entirely designed to be interacted with at your own pace! If your character is not politically inclined nor following closely the tribunal, that is perfectly fine! This is purely to provide character building & contextual information for those who enjoy this type of gameplay.
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theopulenthq · 3 months
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Mini Plot Drop - aboard the Nagler
(tw: death, murder) Brazil's great docks were in sight, and all were eager to finally put to bed the end of their journey. Soon, they would be off their ship, into their estate rooms, and set loose upon the sandy beaches... or so, everyone had hoped. Minutes before floating into the royal docks, a scream is heard from the upper decks, and the ship becomes a flurry of activity. A frantic chase through the helm towards the lower docks, and a body discovered above - The Bonaparte Queen of Northern Spain has been murdered. Before the Nagler even had chance to drop it's anchor, the Ortiz military && security team executed a hasty arrest of the perpetrator, and conducted a thorough search of their room. Within their belongings, startling && disturbing evidence was found... detailed plans upon crumpled parchment outlying certain attacks in Lal Qila during the Reckoning, a crest of the Ortiz smudged with blood, and two full vials of Madagascar poison. Questions fill the frightened minds of those still aboard, awaiting the chance to get off the boat - who were the other two vials for, what does this mean for Spain, and who ordered the assassination? Answers are sure to be revealed in the following weeks as the Tribunal plays out - now adding a new criminal to the list of those to be interrogated && put on trial. One thing is for certain, though... no one will be sleeping easy their first night in Brazil, knowing that traces of The Reckoning still haunt their path, and the violence has not yet ended.
OOC Information:
As mentioned, the event above occurred just as the ships were arriving to the docks of Brazil.
We will still be posting our full, Month of June Events + Locations update tomorrow at 7pm. This will put us in Brazil during the Month of June. We are sharing this piece to build additional context for tomorrow's newsletter.
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theopulenthq · 4 months
The Opulent, Part 2: The Sun Rises in Ethiopia
Everyone knows what happened the last time a nation hosted a "memoriam" for fallen leaders. As to not repeat history, Ethiopia extends a different type of invitation to foreign leaders around the world. The year is 1771, a year after The Reckoning, and the Solomon's of Ethiopia are the first to reopen their borders, surprising everyone. A simple invitation was sent out in bundles, written in the hand of the Regent Queen herself, calling upon those affected by The Reckoning to reconvene and reintroduce their nations to the world.
After all, in the year that followed, several alliances and power regimes came undone. With so many new monarchs and hierarchies, it is only sensible to reconnect and establish trade deals, alliances, and perhaps even a betrothal (or two).
Once all nations have arrived at Fasil Ghebbi (The Palace of the Solomon's), Queen Malaika arranges for a Grand Breakfast to be serves in the Palace's extensive gardens. Local Ethiopian delicacies as well as foreign favorites are readily available, with members of any and all rank invited to partake in the event. The purpose is simple and clear; to mingle, reconnect, and understand what's changed since The Reckoning.
But nothing is ever simple, and every nation knows this is an assessment. Who has come on hard times? Who is buried under the weight of their secrets? What has become of the grand nations, since the traumatic events of The Reckoning?
Welcome Back, The Opulent RP!
A few housekeeping notes:
Our first location is set in Fasil Ghebbi in Ethiopia, hosted by the Solomon's.
It is May of 1771, roughly one year after The Reckoning (Detail of The Reckoning can be found HERE)
Your muses are allowed to wander anywhere within Fasil Ghebbi. There is a wide array of locations to pick from, which can be found HERE.
Threads should take place starting with the Grand Breakfast and can extend as far as a week out from the first event.
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theopulenthq · 7 months
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the castle is crumbling down.
A shrill scream rattled through the courtyard of the Lal Qila palace just as dawn began to crest on the horizon. As guards of all nations rush to the scene of the commotion, panic spreads like wildfire on the sleepy lips of the rest, and talk of an attack flooded through the halls. Abdullah Hasan is the first to intercept the intruders, flanked quickly by Cailean Alexander Fergusson, Otto Estrada, and Ashikawa Satoshi. There was a brief clash of arms, resulting in various injuries to all four of them, until Prince Angelo Tolentino arrived to the fight and recognized some familiar faces, and called for a pause in the violence. By now, everyone had gathered to watch, many still in their nightclothes, clinging to their loved ones, watching from windows and balconies or right there in the courtyard. With the help of Suzume Sõ and Ariyan Banerjee working to smooth the tension between military parties, finally, the royal Chakri family, leaders of the Thailand Kingdom, emerge from the fray. Directly following behind them is the national French military, under the command of the French Prime Minister in conjunction with the royal Orléans family, looking more curious than anything else. 
It is there under the purple and pink-hued sky that the Chakri rulers explain the reason behind their sudden, and forceful, arrival. With heavy hearts, it is announced that the Chakri rulers experienced their own loss; the death of their heirs, two young children. Having little military power of their own, they call upon their French allies to aid in the fight. Attention turns to the Empress Sharma-Thimmana and her spouse Eesha Sharma. They state; "Clearly the Mughal Empire has no handle on things, as we have still suffered, yet received no invitation. The time for frivolous balls and niceties are over." 
With exits blocked and the might of the French military at the helm, the Chakri rulers force a LOCKDOWN at Lal Qila. No one in and no one out, until a thorough search of every apartment is conducted by the French military. All residing in Lal Qila are escorted back to their chambers, held to their seats until all is inspected. Papers searched, trunks overturned, and possessions confiscated by the Thai and French contingencies. The King of Egypt, Achillas Badi, balked at the violation of his family's privacy, questioning the authority of the new kingdoms. After a heated argument and swords drawn in the corridor, Damian Bonaparte intervenes and appeal to his French cousins to bring civility back to the fray. Once the inspection is complete, the residents are allowed to roam Lal Qila once more. Though there is no rest for the wicked, and as nightfall comes, little sleep is had under the siege of enemy kingdoms.
After a long, tense day and sleepless night, the residents are called the next morning to an invitation to dinner that evening in the grand hall. All shall gather to discuss next steps and the true spearhead of the investigation. Neither a pen drop or a breath could be heard, as tense silence filled the grand hall. 
That is, until a scandalized cry echoes through the dining hall. Vinnie Guerrero led a parade of several individuals under arrest and shackled together. With exclamation, princesses Parvati and Raveena Sharma demand the immediate release of the prisoners. Once more, chaos is unleashed as the French rulers refuse to release the “intruders.” Food is thrown every which way, swords are drawn, and the doors are blocked, resulting in more injuries as the confusion takes over. Princesses Kaiming Qing and Ziyi Qing were, unfortunately, closest to the outbreak and were quickly escorted to the infirmary. It was Princess Evelyn Stuart, aided by Leith Cathal, who managed to release the prisoners after realizing that her Lady Eleonora Alderberg had been wrongfully arrested with the others.
Finally, the “intruders” have a chance to say their piece. After introducing themselves as the newly independent royal family of Madagascar, the Ratsifi rulers condemn both France and Thailand for their actions, past and present. They were there on official invitation from the Sharma royal family, to offer support and strength in the investigation. Princess Joanna Stuart is the first to stand, pledging their support against France and Thailand’s demand for leadership in the investigation. Silence fell over the forgotten meal… until Aaliyah Soloman stood to pledge support to the new arrivals, insisting that they be given an equal chance to hunt for answers. To end the disagreement, it was decided that come morning, nations would choose to engage with who they saw fit moving forward. 
When the next morning dawned, there were massive portraits hung in the main hall of each fallen royal - including the two newest deaths of the young heirs. The Chakri royals claim to have commissioned and hung them up as a show of good faith, and to earn the loyalty and trust of those who may still wish to place it otherwise. 
Two investigations. One palace. A number of unearthed secrets. 
What could go wrong?
Welcome to The Opulent, France, Thailand, and Madagascar. Keep your friends close, and your secrets closer - nothing is promised here, and everyone is out for revenge. OOC information is listed under the cut!
Timeframe: The contents of this plot drop take place over two days, with the first day consisting of France and Thailand's arrival and subsequent lockdown. The second day includes the dinner and Madagascar's arrival. Note: you are also welcome to have threads after these two days.
Please check out the KINGDOM LIST to read up the three new kingdom arrivals in the game! 
At this time, the new muse ban is lifted for all members, and our character cap is 6 muses/mun. Please review the diversity rules as you begin applying for new muses. 
You may continue your threads prior to the plot drop, but please ensure all new threads take place either during or after the events that took place!
If your character was listed as having been injured, it is up to you to decide what and how this happened specifically, but please keep it reasonable, as there were no life threatening injuries. Examples include: broken bones, concussions, lacerations, etc. 
Unlisted characters may have minor injuries if you feel it makes sense for where they were during everything unfolded. Please keep these reasonable. Examples include: sprains, smaller cuts/scrapes, bruises, etc. 
If you have any questions and/or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out!
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theopulenthq · 4 months
tw: death, violence, kidnapping
Like all dangerous things; it started with a whisper. Several whispers, spanning days and weeks, about the secrets kept by international leaders and their contingents. Everything from political treason, affairs of the heart, and brutal betrayals came undone in the seemingly-impenetrable walls of the Mughal Empire's Lal Qila (Red Fortress). And the end result? Fragmented alliances, broken families, and vulnerable hearts.
The perfect environment for a much-needed Reckoning.
Like all dangerous things; it ended with a scream. A fortnight after a severe rainstorm, Lal Qila came under siege. Hundreds of people of varying nationalities stormed Lal Qila with pitchforks, blades, and empty stomachs. Hatred in their eyes (the only thing visible to the naked eye, for the rest was covered in masks and armory) and vengefulness on their side. They monarchy itself for the world's problems and factions had vowed in the dark to end the power of the mighty. Within days, Lal Qila was seized - with every royal, noble, and attendee brought to their knees. "The people will have a voice." Their leaders echoed, a promise and a threat encapsulated into one. "Our time is now!"
In an unprecedented and suspiciously organized manner, the captors turned to every nation in attendance. Sparing some lives, condemning others. To this day, few can speak of the brutality of The Reckoning and the lives lost without an ache to their chest. But whoever you were, whoever you supported... At the end, the suffering was all the same. It as an event that would quickly cement itself as the largest, grand-scale attack on the world's most instrumental figures and their closest allies.
Eventually, The Reckoning would have to end. And it did; through the bravery and sacrifice of many in residence. Some escaped, with just the clothes on their back and their closest allies. Other disappeared, lost in the surrounding cities or taken captive by those who opposed the monarchy, still yet to be seen again. And a few, who did not make it out of Lal Qila alive, are mourned. The revolutionaries seemed pleased with themselves; this is how the story was meant to end.
But if the story is over, why are we still writing pages? This past year was not spent in vain; and monarchy is still alive & well, despite the efforts of The Reckoning. The royals must now ensure to cement their glory forever - so the events of the past may never be repeated again...
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