#theordore laurence x reader
iridescentprose · 2 years
A Year—Laurie Laurence x fem! reader
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summary; in which you return to your hometown after a year and run into Laurie at a social event; no warnings—just dramatic fluff.
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The sea of flowing dresses and men in buttoned down shirts started to make you feel nauseous. But the wave of adrenaline that coursed through your veins as the music swelled was enough to keep you on the dance floor. You had missed this about your hometown—the people, the nightly dance socials, and the constant feeling of adventure. It was certainly a contrast to [your out of town place of work].
Suddenly, the flurry of people suddenly cheered as the entire dancefloor switched partners.
Your excitement rose, then fell, as you were swept into the arms of the man you had been avoiding ever since you arrived back in town. He grasped your hand gently, his arm snaking around your waist and pulling you to his chest.
You rolled your eyes.
"Well, well, well," Laurie said. "Look who's running back into my arms. I told you that I'm irresistible, didn't I?"
"You didn't tell me you were back in town."
"That was intentional," you said, glancing off to the side at your potential partner who met your gaze with a disappointed expression. Had it not been for Laurie disrupting the dance routine, you would've ended up dancing with a man who looked wise beyond his years—the local blacksmith with a nonexistent hairline.
You were relieved yet highly annoyed.
Oblivious to the passing man's deadly glare, Laurie pouted at you. "It's been a year. Are you still angry at me?"
He spun you around—a little too quickly for your liking—but the dizziness stopped abruptly when you were back in his arms. You stiffened as your fingers dug into the fabric of his shoulder.
"That's putting it lightly, but yes, I am still angry at you," You said, your foot accidentally scraping his shoe as he waltzed backwards, pulling you along with him. He pretended not to notice as you carried on with the conversation. "I could've gotten hurt!"
"But that was years ago!" A few nearby couples glanced in your direction at his sudden exclamation that rose above the music. Laurie used a finger to guide your chin back to him. "The pond was shallow—"
You swiped his hand away playfully, resisting the smile that tugged at your mouth, before resuming the dance. "My dress was in ruins. And need I remind you the tadpole that nearly swam in my ear?"
He did nothing to stifle his laughter and all you could do was stand there and bite the inside of your jaw. Suddenly, the music changed and the audience switched partners again. As someone skipped towards you to grasp your arm, Laurie spun you and you were once again stolen away from a new suitor.
"It's been a year—"
"You said that already," you pointed out, impatience lacing your tone as you tried catching up with everyone else.
"And you keep avoiding the obvious question."
You two were circling each other now, palms touching, fingers pressed together in a parallel fashion.
"It just didn't work out," You said with a shrug, before you both circled each other in the opposite direction. "I missed home too much."
Laurie beamed. "By home, you mean me?"
"I mean, everything but you, Theodore Laurence."
His footsteps stalled, temporarily putting you both off beat. It took a moment before you two got steady again, switching hands and walking forwards and backwards in time with the music.
"What are you saying?" His voice conveyed a sense of hurt that you hoped to never hear again. You almost felt bad for coming on a little too harsh with your words.
"What I'm saying is...it's a little hard to miss someone who you feel is always with you." In the pocket of your overflowing skirt, you pulled out a smooth stone.
His eyes widened. "You kept it?" He inquired, his steps slowing again. You ran your thumb over the stone that had been eroded countless times into a smooth pebble. Laurie had given it to you as an apology for pushing you into the lake. You thought the gesture was stupid—if not a desperate attempt to get you to surrender your silence.
He swore he found it by the shallow end of the lake, but you were certain he had been holding it in his pocket after he found it by the shores of the beach—your least favorite place due to all the annoyingly rough sand.
"I carried it around with me every so often," You said, before slipping it back into your pocket. It was the only physically small object you could carry in your pocket. Your parents worrisome letters weren't small enough to stash away in your pocket.
Stunned by this revelation, he smirked. His eyebrows quirked upwards in curiosity.
"So you thought of me the entire time you were in [insert out of state place of work]?"
"I didn't say that—"
"You did, actually" he said, matter-of-factly. "And to that, I say I missed you, too, [your name]."
Unwilling to let this moment pass, he took a step forward to close the gap between you two. The cheek kiss was quick, miniscule— though all you could ever dream about since you left home.
He pulled back slowly, however, his smile was slightly diminished. "That still doesn't explain why didn't you come find me the moment you got back."
You felt your cheeks grow warm, the temperature in room starting to rise. Your eyes darted around you, but there was no room for escape. The dancefloor was too crowded and Laurie's grip on your hands, though gentle, was firm and unrelenting.
You had left home to pursue your dreams of being a [insert dream job] and without so much as letter of warning to him. It was for the sake of your guilt and the fact that if you had told him person (or given him your new address) you would've been hesitant to leave.
Laurie, as of now, had no plans of letting you leave him like that again.
You swallowed any lies resting on your tongue. "Because I didn't want to come back and find out that you moved on without me."
It was a reasonable admission—a rational fear of yours since you stepped out on faith to follow your dreams outside Massachusetts. But it was no excuse. There was no way you could return home and ignore the years of friendship—and dare you say, more—with the person in front of you.
He grinned, though it was devoid of arrogance and laced with understanding. You smiled subtly, though the guilt didn't melt away until he tilted your chin towards him, leaving a quick, breathless kiss on your lips. No further words were needed as he stepped back and offered his arm. Gingerly you took it with a humble curtsy and the both of you skipped and jumped around.
The two of you danced for hours, not bothering to switch partners while doing so.
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lovelylaurie · 5 years
The Perfect Day
Laurie Laurence x (March) Reader  Words: 1,846  Summary: The reader finds herself very much bored on a slow morning, but luckily Laurie shows up to make things interesting. 
     It’s mid-morning. The sun shines warm and bright through the window and you sit calmly and contentedly on the couch in the sitting room with your feet pulled up under your skirt and a book lying open on your lap. Beth is on the floor beside you, caring for and playing with her dolls. She lovingly caresses their dresses, ties on their bonnets, and speaks to them softly. Meg is across the room, having settled into Marmee’s chair with an air of motherly domesticity that becomes her. Jo is up in the attic, writing, and you can hear her pacing every now and again, shouting or exclaiming when she’s particularly moved or wants to reenact a scene. Amy declared earlier that she was going to get an early start for the day and left right after breakfast with a pad of paper and her pencils. A warmth comforts and fills you as Beth’s whisperings put a small smile on your face.        Yet something keeps drawing you away from the story in front of you, a restlessness that will not be ignored. The air is calm, but still, stagnant, and it makes you want to open a window, or just do something. 
    Not a second later, you see a figure flash in front of the window. The front door bursts open and Laurie flies through, slamming it shut after him. Everyone turns to look and Meg starts to get up, “What was that?” she cries. A wide smile spreads across your face, and a matching one spreads across Laurie’s. He’s standing flush against the door as if hiding. “It’s Laurie,” you tell her, shutting your book and standing up to meet him. Beth, wary, returns to her dolls. Laurie leans forward and peeks out of a window, before snapping back to face you, “Okay, listen, you can’t tell anyone that I’m here.” “So what trouble have you gotten yourself into now?” “Nothing!” he exclaims, but you don’t look convinced, “Nothing, I promise.” “As if your word is worth a damn.” Meg gasps from the other room, “(Y/N)!” You elect to ignore her, as you notice someone else walking up the path from the Laurence house. “Is that Mr. Brooke?” Laurie grabs you by the shoulders and explains quietly, “Yes. And I beg you, (y/n), not to give me away. I’ll explain later-” There’s a knock at the door and Laurie turns, slightly startled. You take a moment to compose yourself, making sure not to glance over at Laurie. The preposterousness of the situation would have you keeling over with laughter in an instant.     Opening the door you find, as expected, John Brooke. He’s holding his hat in front of him in his hands, his face twinged with mild worry. “Good day, (y/n),” he says politely, “have you by any chance seen Laurie? Maybe he came by here?” “Oh no, haven’t seen him all day.” Meg shifts uneasily in her chair. Laurie, standing still as a statue beside you, clamps a hand to his mouth and his dark eyes screw up with restrained laughter. Brooke looks a little surprised, “Really? I could’ve sworn…” but he trails off and glances away, searching elsewhere for the wayward boy. Trying to drive him off, you ask, “Are you all right, Mr. Brooke?” It works. “Yes, quite. Good day, Ms. March.” He puts his hat back on and bows slightly before turning to leave. “Good day, Mr. Brooke.” You close the door as quickly as possible and face Laurie expectantly. He bursts with laughter and you have no choice but to join in the joyous uproar. The creeping boredom of the slow morning is long forgotten, and you are glad for it. Laurie’s boisterous presence has brightened your day. The guffaws die down, but then he smirks again and snickers and it begins all over. He holds onto your arms and you lean into each other for support. His eyes glisten and his smile sends flutters to your heart. You have to look away, leaning your head onto his shoulder. Pulling apart a few minutes later, he waltzes into the sitting room before you, proclaiming, “Beth! Meg! Lovely morning, isn’t it?” Beth grins and Meg looks reproachful. “It is, and I trust you haven’t been up to too much mischief, Laurie?” she says politely. He feigns offense, with a hand on his chest and a raise of his eyebrows, “Never!” and walks past her into the dining room, with you following close behind. He sits on the table, legs dangling down, hands clasped in his lap, and with a very pleased look on his face. You stand in front of him and try to straighten his collar as he cocks his head to the side and smiles at you. “Explain yourself, Mr. Laurence,” you tease. “Oh, (y/n), you have to forgive me. Brooke was being even more of a dull bore than usual and I couldn’t stand it anymore. He left for a moment to grab a drink and I threw open the window and bolted the second he was gone.” He’s clearly trying to look apologetic, but just appears incredibly amused with himself instead. And without a moment’s hesitation, “You are forgiven.” Laurie is rowdy, handsome, and arrogant. His eyes twinkle at the very hint of fun and his smiles are infectious. His hair is messy. Unruly, dark curls tossed around his face. He is also, as you now notice, without a coat or tie, and this sign of casual comfort brings a rosy flush to your cheeks. “You’re blushing,” he says, unabashed. Well, that certainly didn’t help, and you can feel yourself grow even redder. “From laughing,” you lie. “Uh-huh… of course.” His smirk steals your heart, and you rush to change the subject so you don’t accidentally do something stupid. “So! Laurie, if you aren’t going to study, what would you like to do today.” He raises his eyebrows, “Well, I was thinking-” “That’s a first.” “-we could go on an adventure.” He appears amused by your interruption and the corners of his eyes wrinkle as he grins. “I would love to.” “But,” he glances off to the side and leans away from you slightly, “we’ll have to go out the back door because, well-” “You’re a convict on the run,” you finish. “Absolutely.” He jumps off the table bows, “After you, Madame.” “Why thank you, Monsieur.” You lead him out the back door, walking together towards the woods behind your house when you hear someone call after you.  “Laurie! Laurie!!” It’s Brooke, coming back from down the lane, “(y/n), wait!!” You believe for a moment that you’ve been caught and that it’s all over, but then Laurie grabs your hand in his and says, “Run!”     And so you run, hand in hand, into the woods, tearing down the path as fast as you can. You know you’ve lost Brooke within less than a minute, but Laurie keeps on running. Your heart only beats faster and faster. Whether from the running or the feeling of his hand in yours, you can only guess. Suddenly, he swerves to the right, behind a large oak tree. He pulls you in, holding you close. “Laurie-” you gasp, but he puts a finger on your lips. “Shh, (y/n), or he’ll catch us!” You giggle, knowing that Brooke definitely lacked the audacity to follow, and probably just went to tell Marmee and Mr. Laurence instead. Then you grow silent as you realize what just happened, how Laurie simply pretended you were still being chased in order to… in order to do whatever this is. His arms are around your shoulders, and your hands are on his chest. You can feel his heart beating under your fingertips, wild and alive. His smile is triumphant, but you try not to read into it too much. You pull away after a few minutes, reluctantly, having reveled in his warmth and his embrace. And so your day of adventure and fun begins.     Late in the afternoon, the sun shines golden through the hills, heralding the approach of sunset. The air is warm and smells sweetly of moss and grass. You are positively beaming, after traipsing through the trees and jumping over streams, pretending that they were foggy, haunted moors and deadly rivers. You find a tall tree with low branches and, in a burst of initiative, begin climbing. After a short while, you sit down on a branch to take off your shoes and can continue much faster. You finally find a nice spot to sit in and peer down at Laurie, many feet below you. He holds out a hand dramatically, “Dear maiden! I will rescue you!” “But oh, valiant knight, this maiden needs no rescuing.” He breaks into a charming grin, “Of course! But will she grace this poor fellow with her hand and perhaps a kiss on the cheek.” He looks mischievous, and somehow elegant, balanced precariously. Laurie, as always, adopts an air of graceful nobility with ease. “Only if he can catch her.” His eyes flare and he immediately chases after you, climbing up and around as you descend nimbly. You jump down as quick as you can without risking any broken bones and take off into a run. Not long after, you hear Laurie touch down and take off after you. It’s great fun to make him give chase, but he’s faster than you and quickly catches up. For the second time today, he wraps his arms around you. But this time they’re around your waist and he hoists you up, twirling you around for a few seconds before setting you down. You find your hands on his shoulders and his face near yours. It’s intoxicating and it’s heavenly and before you know what you’re saying, you blurt out, “You’re wonderful, Theodore Laurence.” He smiles wider, if that was even possible, and murmurs, “So how about that kiss?” You can’t find the right words. Instead, you lean closer and closer, and he does the same, having to lean his head down slightly. And then his lips meet yours and you think your heart might just burst. You wrap your arms around his neck and he pulls you closer still, smiling into the kiss. “You’re wonderful, (y/n) March,” he whispers. You almost cut him off, kissing him again with relief and delight. Then, breathless, you lean your head against his chest. He is comfortable and welcoming and you want to stay here forever.      But all good things must come to an end, even days full of adventure and new love. You return to the edge of the woods, behind your house, having said nothing about the kiss. It didn’t need words, it felt so right, so perfect. He takes your hand in his and gives it a small kiss, “That was splendid.” “I agree.” Grinning, he turns down the road to the looming mansion. “Goodbye, Laurie!” “Au revoir, madame (y/n)!” He struts away, hands in his pockets, glancing back to see you disappear into the house.
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somebodytolovesx · 4 years
How You Get The Girl - Laurie Laurence
Summary - Laurie arrives home after spending his last month in France and rushes to the place of his hearts content in the rain.
Warnings - Fluff.
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The day brought little warmth for the clouds in the pale sky did not allow the sun to peak through and the rain had started to drizzle in the early afternoon, it had not been a surprise when the weather was not pleasant, November never brought warm days and rarely allowed the flowers to flourish in the March garden. The horrible weather, it had shortened all of the March girl’s day besides Jo’s who was prepared to go out under any weather circumstances as long as she brought a hat with her and didn’t stay out too long to catch a cold and although not among the March girls and only a close friend of the sisters, Y/N’s day had too been shortened when her mother had made the ungodly decision to keep her in for the day instead of allow her to proceed to her plans with Jo March.
The two girls were going to go and sit behind the mountain, on the edge of the little river and conjur up tales for Jo’s stories and then thread the daisies planted in the grass for Beth at home to say thank you for running into town when both of them were busy with work. It would have been a lovely day and perhaps Laurie would have come and found them as he was meant to be returning from France after her had been gone for there for the entire month, undoubtedly he would have been lonely and would need some livening up by some of his favourite girls.
But Y/N Y/L/N, instead, sat by her chair in the window for the afternoon as the rain got heavier and heavier and read quietly to herself as her mother sat in the other corner of the room with a sour look upon her face, knitting with elegant and slender fingers. She would have usually enjoyed being buried in her books for the whole day but when there was no work to be done or she had different plans, reading seemed like a chore to pass the hours until dinner then bed.
She held her hand shut over her mouth and her shoulders came up to her ears as a figure appeared on the other side of the glass window, distracting her from her wonderous book, but Y/N knew better than to make such a sound when her mother was in so deep with her knitting.
Laurie stood tapping on the glass with the back of his hand with a pale complexion and soaked through with rain clothes. 
Y/N hurried over to the door with a giddiness about herself and on the other side, Laurie followed her way. She opened it and gasped at his wet curls sticking across his forehead, the sheerness of his shirt underneath his damp coat, he was shaking from the coldness of the day. 
“You must have been raised a mad man, Laurie Laurence” Y/N stepped out of her home and closed the door behind her for there was no letting him in with her mother behind them. 
“I had to have come to see you otherwise what would my return have been?” Laurie grinned at the young lady before him. Y/N embraced him with a fondness whilst there was no one else to be seen. 
“Oh, it’s been so long, Laurie” Y/N felt as if weeping as she had done in his absence for the first two weeks he was gone and then their exchange in letters was enough to get her through the weeks until he would return home, “I do not know how I had not lost my mind without you here”. 
“Tell me everything” Laurie pleaded. 
“I cannot right now my dear boy, my mother is in the house and she has never been so approving of me associating with boys, even as a fine, young, gentleman such as you are” Y/N fussed. 
“Well come over to my house then where we will have the rest of the afternoon to ourselves” He spoke and with that, Laurie hurried Y/N back into her home to grab her coat, going red in the face and having to cover his mouth with his hand as he admired Y/N’s wrongful ability to sneak around her mother so well.
They walked arm in and arm over the first half of the field and caught up with one another with discussion of Laurie’s adventures in France and how he had sworn life was not quite as joyful without the little women and Y/N by his side and Y/N told Laurie of all the wonderful designs that had sprung upon her for her menswear clothing line that someday she hoped to sew together. She promised that when her first and most important, statement piece was complete, that Laurie would be the first to have it.
When they were on the other side of the hill, close to the March house, they ran behind the tree and stayed there for a while giggling amongst themselves and keeping watch that none of the girls were about and then they chased each other to the Laurence House.
The house was as it always had been even before Laurie had left and in her usual manner, when they entered into the main lounge room with all of Amy’s favourite paintings, Y/N fell into her corner of the sofa in the centre of the room with a deflated sigh of relief and the back of her hand on her forehead.
“I don’t think I ever want you to go without me again, Laurie” Y/N grumbled.
“I am sorry, I was too afraid to ask. I did not think you would want to come with me”.
“Nonesense, we hardly ever stop taking about it, don’t we?”.
“I apologise but I’m sure that I can put back together your heart with my gift”.
Y/N jumped to her feet from the sofa as Laurie held a book in his hands, she had already started to scold Laurie for his thoughtfulness and chivalry; she had asked him to bring back something small but something he didn’t have to buy with his money.
The book in his hands was plentiful of sketches of which Amy March had drawn of her two close friends and taped onto seperate pages in between, were tokens from different days they had spent together.
“Is this by your hand?” Y/N asked.
“The book, I had to buy but the sketches are those that Amy promised me in return for a few car rides and the tokens are what I have kept” Laurie blushed. He pointed to a wilted lavender flower from when they had spent the afternoon picking at the flowers that grew along the bank of the river. On the page besides that token was a sketch Amy had drawn in a rapid urge to capture the moment from Y/N’s birthday when she had kindly given Laurie her fourth kiss on his cheek. The first time she had kissed Laurie had been her first time kissing anyone besides her mother and the girls and from then she gave them rarely to him only in spurs or when it was only them.
Laurie pointed to the next page Y/N flipped onto, a letter he stuck in from Y/N. She recognised it to be the first one she had sent, a rather angry one demanding an explanation for where he had vanished too and why he had abandoned her without any inclatation to tell her before. There was a blank page on the next page where Laurie had written in his straggerly writing, ‘for my explanation’.
“Oh, I’ll have to make sure to go and get it for you tomorrow, it’ll be so sweet. Thank you, my dear boy” Y/N beamed from cheek to cheek and embraced him, pulling him close to her chest.
“It is yours to keep” Laurie beamed from cheek to cheek himself and let Y/N keep the book close on her.
“And I shall cherish it for the rest of my time here on this Earth” Then as she always did, no matter the many times she had seen the lounge room that they stood in, she wandered around it, inspecting every wall with curiosity.
Out of the fallen silence then, “Y/N, I want you to marry me. Say you will and if you haven’t the answer now, I will wait for ever and ever until you do.” Laurie spoke.
“I beg your pardon?” Y/N asked, flabbergasted but with a grin.
“I want to be man and wife with you, for worse or for better” He poured out his heart’s yearnings.
“Is this how you will get the girl you claim to love so much?” She asked.
“Say you will marry me, Y/N, I want you too cherish and too love if you will allow me too. Just say you will marry me and if not now, soon.” Laurie had spoken.
“We are still so young. I don’t think either you or I know what we want”.
“That’s how we work Y/N! Please...marry me”.
Y/N turned towards him with water brimming behind her eyes but she did not cry for this was such a time that she only ever wanted to happen once, she would not spoil it with silly tears.
“Well, Laurie Laurence, I suppose I have no other choice to and I simply do love you” Y/N ran to him - with the book tucked behind her crossed arms - and when she stopped in front of Laurie, he braced his arms around her and she was pulled up against him. Her feet off the ground.
“I ask nothing else of you other than you kiss me, please” Laurie pleaded then felt the soft kiss of his wife’s lips against his own, if he could he would have her lips on his the whole of the day but that would not be appropriate in many situations.
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