phcenixgirl · 4 years
@theprofesscr​ liked for an XMCU starter
“I said I don’t want to talk!” Rachel yelled as she curled in a ball with her arms over her head. “I’m not talking! Stop trying to make me!”
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xmarksthescott · 4 years
“ we all have sins to pay penance for. ”
misc emotional prompts // ACCEPTING
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HE CAN REMEMBER a time when he would have done anything to hear charles’ voice, his simple reassurance and fatherly advice. death has never been a stranger to scott, but after killing xavier, he learned what it meant to lose a father…to take something for granted for so long, he forgot that he needed it. and now that he’s back, those words feel more like a sharp barb into his heart, a reminder that he has never once deserved charles xavier’s forgiveness. 
❛  myself more than most, sir. killing you…for starters.  ❜ because he can never apologize enough. his fault or not, it was his hands that killed him. his voice that cut through the silence as he declared he was not his father. he who was unable to control the dark phoenix, the very same being that killed his wife not too long ago. his burden to bare. ❛  i’ll never be able to make it right, but i’ll spend my whole life trying. i was given a gift, sir –another chance at life. and you, jean, the kids, and emma are at the top of my list for people i need to apologize to. i’m sorry…for all of it.   ❜
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themerrymutants · 4 years
In which jay tries to convince his pops to do a dumb
continued from here @theprofesscr​
He should have known his pops wouldn’t buy the reassurance but he did have his ways by which he meant just ensuring caramelldansen got stuck in his head for the next week and while he prayed for a miracle.
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“You underestimate me pops! I happen to know plenty of songs that get on both your and dad’s nerves. Get several stuck in my head and keeping you out is easy-peasy,” he said with an air of confidence that could only come from an Xavier. “Ok so I got my hands on some ghost pepper hot sauce from a trusted source. Now I had planned on tricking Wolvie into playing never have I ever but I kinda forgot yours is a bit more bitey than ours. So instead I thought maybe we could play. Family bonding and all that. Rules are simple: we go back and forth with questions on what we have or haven’t done phrased as ‘never have I ever: blank’. If you actually haven’t you’re safe. If you have: spoonful of hot sauce. Usually this is a drinking game but this is a school and I’m trying to cut back. You in?”
He wasn’t expecting his pops to say yes but to be honest he kind of wanted to see if he’d go for it. Admittedly he mostly wanted to see the kind of face his pops made at the hot sauce but it genuinely was a good bonding technique.
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dontcallmewheels · 5 years
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“This is a turn of events I’d never considered before. I’m looking myself in the mirror...the only question is...will I like what I’m looking back at?” He looked at the man as he wheeled his chair forward.
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toshapeshift · 4 years
theprofesscr : ❝ I’d wondered why all the birds had suddenly stopped singing. ❞
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❝ Ha ha , Charles . ❞ It was more than obvious by the tone of her voice that she was already over the witty comments. She was sure there were more, and she tried to steer clear of them. Her index finger trailed along the spines of the books in his library, reading them to herself before turning to him.  ❝ I know you’ve missed me , but let’s skip the introductions . I assume you know why I’m here ? ❞
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tapewormking · 4 years
"This is all my fault."
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“Ah, yes. Isn’t it always?”
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“And do you know why that is, Charles? It’s because you cannot see past your own mind. You think the world revolves around you. You think you are the hero of this little story, that these people you ‘help’ will worship the ground you walk on for it. And yet they never do, do they? You have no idea what people are really like, outside of the stories you tell yourself.”
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pcsitivibee · 5 years
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positivity for theprofesscr : I want to send some love to @theprofesscr, she's an amazing writer and such a wonderful person. I know that she's been going through a hard time, and I just wanted her to know that she's loved and truly appreciated. A blessing to my dash and I'm so thankful to have found her.
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greeter for @theprofesscr​
“… I have heard that you have certain… abilities for dealing with minds that have been… altered from their natural state––suppressed, rearranged, and conditioned to suit the needs of those who would do such things…” he begins, his expression grave and almost pained as he looks at the man.
All of the turmoil and unrest in his mind might be clear in his eyes and the bags beneath them, in the drawn lines of his face. And if the Professor were to venture to look further, he needn’t look far to find the dissonance and chaos that has so unsettled one who is usually so calm.
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“… I come to ask… for your help.”
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negotiiator-a · 5 years
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Charles had known this day would come, when whispers had spread that there was someone taking in androids who had deviated, beings that so many had come to fear - had come to hate. But the telepath had seen so more than that, he couldn’t look into their minds, couldn’t seep into their souls, yet that didn’t mean he was blind to what lay before him, the minds - the miracle that these beings could be if only they were allowed to break free, to - flourish.
As soon as he’d seen them for himself, he’d begun taking them in, filling the school with not only mutants, but androids too, whether they needed help, guidance - or simply a roof to hang over their heads. Whatever they were, he refused to turn them away, offering classes to both, where they each learned of both themselves and the world around them, watching as mutant and androidkind stood side by side, learning, growing, proving that such integration was not only possible - but beautiful.
Answering the front door, the telepath had known it was no human, but an android, given that he couldn’t sense their presence, couldn’t sneak a peak at their intentions. Though as soon as he opened the door, smartly dressed, a formal and confident stance firmly held in his straightened spine, the creation’s words were more than a little concerning. He paused for a moment, offering the unit a gentlemanly smile, while he spoke to his students in secret. ‘Hide them, all androids must congregate in the lower levels. They must not be found.’ The mutant warned his students, calling into their minds as he stalled the visitor at the front door. “Of course, the police department’s android liaison.” He commented lightly, the Queen’s English slipping over his tongue. “Now, how can I be of service? After all, I assume this to be no leisurely visit.”
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                 While the idea of a human professor taking in deviated machines to work alongside his pupils seemed... far fetched, to Connor, the department had received enough incoming reports to warrant him coming down here. If anything, now they’d at least have a paper trail confirming that they’ve already checked this out. It wasn’t as though the location wasn’t big enough to hold as many said androids that have been reported spotted here, so Connor continues to hold out hope of the possibility that this may not be a complete waste of his time. 
                   When Charles provides Connor with a smile - he attempts to mirror the action, the smile tighter and a little more awkward than intended.   “            I’m following up on a report that was made in regards to frequent deviant sightings in this area.”  he’ll explain, attempting to guide his attention past the professor as he looks into the building - as if he’d be able to catch any suspicious activity from here.  
                  “ ... may I come in?” 
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serviant · 5 years
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Daniel wasn’t used to wearing a suit after all this time of running around in circles to get by on his own. So that was it; he was a mutant? To be completely honest, he’s never even had the idea of maybe being a mutant. He’s rather felt like an alien. Both within his family and out in the world. Perhaps even here, at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. Only walking into the building, Daniel came in contact with countless of gifted youths, being able to turn invisible, make things float and even more impressive deeds. But he was neither young nor particularly gifted --- cursed would have been his word for it; to feel the pain of the world around with no barriers. But here, he could have been of use. At least Xavier had told him that much.
He had unpacked his suitcase almost completely and managed to settle himself into the room Xavier had provided him before the professor in person came to his room to check on him. “Oh...Hello, Charles. I’m, um... doing quite well. Getting all my things set,” he said with tears welling in his eyes that he tried to force back as best as he could. “Don’t mind me. It’s just,” he flails around with his arms, smiling through a deep exhale, “someone in the building seems to be having a heartache over relationship problems. It’s... kind of strong.”
    @theprofesscr    |   plotted starter
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kojiscorner-a · 5 years
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Is it cool if I smoke in here?”
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telegion · 6 years
@theprofesscr  gets  his  son  travelling back  in  time  like  an  idiot!
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 the  tips  of  his  fingers  still  feel  numb    .    are  they  supposed  to  feel  numb    ,    after  travelling  through  time  ?  and  his  head                     his  head’s  sorta  fuzzy  (  not  that  it  hasn’t  ever  been  fuzzy  before    ,    yeah  ?  )    .    but  he’s  here    .    he  can  tell  he’s  somewhere  in  the  past    ,    at  least    ,    cause  the  building  he’s  in    ,    which  he’s  pretty  sure  is  a  house                    honestly    ,    he  doesn’t  even  care  where  he  is  at  this  point    ,    as  long  as  he  can  find  who  he’s  looking  for                    has  a  bunch  of  rugging  and  hard  knocks  that  don’t  look  like  anything  from  his  time    . 
 perfect    .    now    ,    to  find  them    . 
 he  hurries  through  the  hall    ,    one  ear  tilted  up  to  the  air  so  he  can  hear  when  someone  comes  by  (  can  people  see  me  ?  don’t  think  so  !  )    .    there  are  other  people  in  this  place    ,    he  knows    ,    but  he  only  needs  to  find  one    .    or  maybe  two    .    not  that  he  knows  whether  or  not  his  mother  and  father  were  together  when  …  anyways    ,    if  he  and  switch  had  calculated  correctly  …  then  he’s  in  the  right  place    .    another  step                    and  then  he  hears  footsteps    .    instinctively  (  dude    ,    future  guy    ,    they  can’t  see  you  !  )    ,    david  steps  back    ,    ducking  into  a  nearby  room  and  moving  around  the  door    .
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CONT. @theprofesscr
Simon was well aware that the question he had asked was very personal and he should have held back, kepping it on his tongue, as this was another topic that weren’t quite his business. He was glad enough that Charles agreed that the two of  them stay outside for some time in the big gardens of the hospital. The day was beautiful and sunny, the sky blue and full of white clouds that the two men admired for a longer moment, spotting and naming forms in them. The caretaker had previously wondered what would happen if someone from the doctors were in his place and analyzed what Charles did and saw in this very moment. He would probably have said that dragons are creatures of chaos and that's why Charles recognized a dragon. It would be like a kind of Rorschach test just ... nonsensical. A moment where the blonde unit could finde himself being happy about the fact to be Charle’s caretaker and, in a form, also his supervisor. But now, in the peaceful silence and relaxation of the two men, The CyberLife droid could not help himself and had to ask, since he had to admit that this question had been buzzing in his mind for some longer time.
Simon had to admit from the first day they met that the former soldier was a very handsome man who was still in his early years. Only fate brought his broken soul into these walls, where he hoped for healing and recovery. But even after that time, the blondehaired knew as good as nothing about his newfound friend. The information about his family, friends ... if he was a father already by any circumstances. There was a lot that Simon desired to know about, but he did not want to impose it, because the android himself had to carry a bag of secrets himself. But he hoped his question was not rude in a form or somehow infuriated the patient. In retrospect, Simon even regretted his question a little and would not have liked to ask Charles first. His gaze shifted slightly as the synthetic being’s clear blue eyes stared at the grass for a while and either awaited nothing but silence or an unexpected answer to his curious but innocent question.
And indeed, he actually received an answer. Simon's stare almost reflexively threw itself back to Charles to eye him again, as he sounded a bit nervous when answering ... was that Simon's fault? But nonetheless, Charle's words made the caretaker partially ... relieved, almost happy. But this should not be the main toppic in his mind about this very information he received, after all, the PL600 hardly knew Charles to feel any form about it, such as relief. “Maybe you did not have time for that during the war. I mean, you don’t look bad ... I mean- that's what I think from my perspective. Perhaps, when you get out of here, you could find someone and be happy.” answered the android with a kind smile and nodded a little towards his friend. It was weird enough that Simon felt the urge to ask, so at least he could make the situation less embarrassing by more or less circumventing the subject.
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All the more it surprised the blonde that Charles actually threw the question back to Simon and left the android speechless for a moment as he never really spoke about things like this. “I... to be honest, I have never had a relationship. I never really had a sense of it before I became a deviant. We PL600's are not programmed to love in a romantic sense. But, well. In November of last year, before the revolution began, our leader Markus came to us and ... I had never been someone who believed in or thought of love at first sight or anything like this, perhaps attraction, but nothing else. But what can I say, it only lasted three days and I felt something inside of me that I had never had before. It was not love, at least I believe that, maybe a crush as you call it. Markus is living a life with someone from our community and I'm happy about it and for them, since the feelings went back and I was less sad that Markus had no interest. But I didn’t know what I felt, or if there was more. I am very inexperienced in something that is so normal for humans and easier to understand.” Simon's voice was very calm as he tried to explain what his current emotional situation was, but he remained silent that the feelings he already had for Markus felt similar, but weaker, whenever he was looking at Charles. It confused him and he knew he had to find out a lot about himself and his new emotions.
“I’m living by myself for a year only, it’s too short to fully grasp what I am capable of in an emotional spectrum. But.. perhaps one day I will find it out.”
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themerrymutants · 5 years
Continued from x @theprofesscr​
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The soft sound of wheels on hardwood was a comforting one for her. Charles was the one she’d always felt most comfortable around likely thanks in part to his being a fellow telepath. It always felt like he just got it even when she didn’t. He’d become a steady fixture in her life albeit a rather confusing one at times.
“You know you’re really good at finding me when I'm trying my best not to be found,” she chuckled softly.  “I don’t even recognize the world anymore, not that I’ve recognized myself all that much in the past 2 decades either, it’s like I was tossed into another world for a while and then dragged back again. The nightmare’s over but why do I still feel asleep? I want to prove them wrong but I still think like a weapon, make plans like a weapon, hell I’ve had to stop myself from patrolling more times than I’d care to mention. Fighting, missions, death. It’s all I know anymore. Well that and a man who’s, thankfully, far too stubborn for his own good and seems to not know how to give up. Maybe someday I’ll join you in that stubbornness, take one look at the world who tells me that I’ll never be more than a weapon and show them they’re wrong. I’d say that’ll be when pigs fly but I seem to remember non-humans are also starting to crop up with mutations and you strike me as the sort who’d go out to find one.”
Sometimes all she needed was to just blurt out the tangles in her mind rather than letting them get further knotted. It didn’t make things seem any less impossible but at least she didn’t feel quite as much like crying.
“If you’re not too busy could you maybe stay for a bit?” she asked her green eyes finally glancing up to meet his blue. “Please?”
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mister-dxctxr · 5 years
@theprofesscr liked for a one liner !!  
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               ❝ Professor !! It is a pleasure to see you again,how have you been ?? ❞  
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dontcallmewheels · 5 years
It was a simple mugging they said, but he knew it was more than that. He’d been on Hank’s medicine for a day and a half and he was able to walk. He was able to hear his own thoughts but that’s the thing. He wasn’t able to hear other’s thoughts. And they seemed to be more malevolent in nature this time. He’d tried to steer the young men in another direction but they seemed to think he had drugs and money. 
It had left him in a sore state. He’d been left on the ground, unable to move as they kicked and beat the hell out of him. The worst part was the medication was wearing out and he lost ability of his legs. In the middle of the street without his wheelchair and now he was bloodied to a pulp.
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