#there Do Young fully expected Dong Soo to join him and Oh Jae went along with that and Dong Soo took the opportunity and—
theinfinitedivides · 11 months
when Do Young told Dong Soo 'let's grab a drink' after his law firm opened and they cleaned up the competition and had the corporate dinner...... the way Dong Soo's entire face changed. the way Do Young got in the backseat of the car and left the door open and Oh Jae came towards him like he always does and Dong Soo looked at him the same way he looked at Do Young. the way they drove straight to Do Young's house for that nightcap i'm clawing up the walls
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multifansky · 4 years
Scenario - Knowing Bros Episode 200
 Anon - can you do a chapter on knowing bros ep 200 with sky and the members. Thank u!!!
I did my best and tried to only get Sky content with the members of course. I hope you like it!
The credit belongs to the show, with my little twist here and there!
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Sky’s P.O.V~
Another episode of Knowing Brothers. The 200th episode to be exact. And what better way to celebrate it by having the members join. Just like the 100th episode, the members are back. All 10 of us and I couldn't be happier. 
Today I’m in a different schoolgirl outfit than I usually am for filming because I’ll be on the other side. 
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All the knowing bro’s cast was wondering where Heechul and I were since we aren't at our seats. They kept yelling our names and Heechul and I decided to walk through the door of where the guest comes in. The cast looks confused, “We’re here as singers today.” I said. “Yeah, We’re not about of Knowing Bro’s today.” Heechul then said after me. The cast kept wanting us to sit down, not liking the sudden change. 
 “We brought some friends today,” Heechul said.
“Indeed we did. Come out here!” I said and the rest of the Super Junior members came along. I stood back, pushing lightly at the members to all stand at the front. Heechul and I are standing on opposite ends. Us members and the cast all clapped and cheered as we all gathered around the front. 
“We’re from “We are Back After 100 Episode″ High. We are Super Juni-” Leeteuk said.
“Or!” All us members said and did our hand poses. Everyone cheered again and I smiled proudly. The Knowing Bros cast tried to copy us, but instead of Super Junior, it was Knowing Brothers, which turned out... not good at all.
“Wow, that was a fail. Glad to say I’m with the members and not the cast.” I said and smiled after everyone laughed. 
“It seemed like they made it up,” Leeteuk said.
“I got a shock. It seemed a little rushed” Heechul said after. 
Kang Ho Dong then started to explain how amazing the group Super Junior is and how we released a new song called “Super Clap” and are now joining them for their 200th episode. Then Kyuhyun explained how we all came here not knowing it was the 200th episode, we just found out before we started recording. 
“I honestly didn't expect this show to reach 200 episodes,” Leeteuk said. 
Then Shindong and the cast began to talk about how the show would have gotten canceled because of how risky it was at the beginning. Then, of course, Shindong got cocky and said he was the one that made the show alive after he danced with JYP perfectly. 
Then, of course, Lee Soo Geun talked about how Leeteuk looked like a tour guide especially with the bag. Leeteuk then proceeded to act like one, which got a huge reaction from our reaction man, Siwon.
Finally, we got to introduce ourselves and Shindong came up with the idea of doing it like how we used to in debut years since our album title is called “Timeslip”.
“Hello, I’m “Cinderella” Kim Heechul,” Heechul said. Then he explained that it was his social media username in the past and that he had to go home in the past and that he had to go home or go out at 12:00 AM.
“Hello, I’m a special leader of this world, the angel who lost his wings, Teuk, Teuk, Leeteuk!” Leeteuk said, even doing his old hand gestures. I giggled to myself, thinking he is still cute to this day.  
Then Before Yesung started, Ho Dong said he lost weight and Yesung began saying that his face his swollen today. Then we all made fun of him about how he has no face at all making everyone laugh. “Hello. I’m the lead vocalist of Super Junior, with the voice of an artist. I’m Yesung. Nice to meet you.”
“Hello. I’m Donghae, who is cuter than the animation Finding Nemo. ” Everyone laughed and I smiled wide, nodding my head in agreement. He sure looks like him.
Everyone was curious about Siwon’s introduction and how he is handsome. What will come to them is a surprise, but to them, not to us. “Hello. I’m Choi Siwon.” And that was it. Nothing more to explain about him, making me roll my eyes in a joking matter.
Since Shindong was on Popopo at the time, the name of his character was “Dongridong” so he used it in his introduction. “Hello, Donridong, Dong, Dong... I’m Talented Shindond,” He did, with his hand movements as well. 
“Hello, I’m self-illuminating handsome jewel, Lee Hyuk Jae.” 'Everyone chuckled because it wasn't his stage name, he then explained that he often forgot his stage name and just used his regular name instead. “He really is stupid, huh?” I pointed at him, looking at the cast, making them laugh. Eunhyuk just staring me down, trying to get through an episode without us ending up arguing. 
“Hello, I’m Super Junior’s vocalist, one of the youngest member’s Ryeowook.” Everyone forgets that he is older than Kyuhyun and me, especially since he looks young as well. 
It was finally Kyuhyun’s turn and he stepped back, “ I used to kind of hesitate. I was introverted and lacked confidence. When we were standing, I would stand slightly behind.” Everyone laughed. “I swear he did this and I felt bad all the time. I tried to bring him to the front and he would always just find someone to slightly stand behind.” I explained to everyone. Kyuhyun got into his act, looking at everyone first, then began talking with no eye contact with anyone and talking quieter, “ Hello, I’m Super Junior’s new member, Kyuhyun.”
Finally, it was my turn. I bowed and said energetically, “Hello, I’m the only girl who’s the cutest of them all, Ji Sky!” Also adding my poses was putting a peace sign to my eyes, with a wink. Everyone awed, “She’s still cute now, oh gosh!” Heechul said. Everyone agrees. 
After introductions, Ho Dong explained about our album concept and how almost all of our hair colors are different, and about how we picked our own style this time around. Which made everyone to proceed to attack Eunhyuk because of his bright ass hair that no one wanted to see. “I sometimes wonder if Leeteuk is the attention seeker or Eunhyuk,” I said, making the members laugh. Then we also talked about Siwon’s hair and how it’s the rich hairstyle of a young businessman, which also targeted Seo Jang Hoon who has the same hairstyle.  
We then proceeded to talk about how it's our first time back with all the members back from discharge. “Sky, how did you feel when the members kept coming and going because of their military service?” Lee Sang Min asked me. I thought for a moment, already feeling a little emotional, “They are my brothers, almost my whole lives have been about them. Seeing the members come and go was very hard. I knew they were doing a great job, but I couldn't help but feel selfish. I get lonely easily and sometimes I go to specific members for different things, so at times when I needed them for that certain thing, they weren't there. It took me a while to process it and understand. After more members started to leave, I accepted it more. When we were on our hiatus that’s when it hit me hard. Because for a couple of years we went and all did our own thing. It was very weird. But I’m happy, we’re all back together because now they get to deal with me again.” I laughed at the end, making sure tears didn't fully come out. Everyone chuckled, “She tried to make it funny so she didn’t cry,” Kyuhyun said, laughing and giving me a side hug. I smiled and leaned into him, “She learned that from me” Heechul said. 
After we proceeded to talk about other topics. Such as; Leeteuk being the most complicated when it comes to our upcoming tour because of how much he messages us, Us members saying happy birthday to Ryeowook in a group chat that he isn't even a part of, Who visited Ryeowook in the military, Heechul and I suddenly becoming awkward because we aren't in our original spots on the show, Leeteuk being popular among elders even J-Hope’s family, after Yesung’s confession about Ho Dong other victims came and talked about their trauma with ho dong which led to Kyuhyun talking about that one incident with yesung and Ho Dong, Siwon having a bad experience with Jang Hoon when he was a kid, and Kyuhyun being the Genie on Masked Singer.
 Eunhyuk got to do his interpretation of our song “I think I” by dancing and he never fails to impress me. In which not many people know right now, but we just started dating recently and it’s so hard for me to not have a bigger reaction like I wanted.
After we got to talk about Shindong and how he is the best at dancing of all of SM and even trainees use this one video to audition or do a cover of it. Shindong then proceeded to redo that dance, which had a great storyline. During towards the end of the song, the old Dance Line used to be a part of it, So Eunhyuk, Donghae, and I stepped up with Shidong, Leeteuk being close behind. We danced with him. 
After we all got to sit down with each other, Ryeowook with me, Yesung with Heechul, Eunhyuk with Kyung Hoon, Siwon with Jang Hoon, Donghae with Young Chul, Kyuhyun with Ho Dong, Leeteuk with Soo Geun, and Shindong with Sang Min. 
We are playing the game, “I am sorry, I love you.” It’s basically where we get something off our chest about someone else. The other person should apologize after one says something and then, in the end, both say “I love you.” It seems simple enough. 
After Leeteuk and Kyuhyun went first, Heechul replaced Kyuhyun’s spot, which got us, members, freaking out not wanting another Incheon battle. So, we went over dramatic with our reactions whenever they said anything about each other. Eventually, they did makeup and no battle happened. Everyone got to confess and misunderstanding and on now asking questions and trying to guess the answer. 
After Shindong, it was my turn. “Everyone Listen up, I’m asking the question now,” I said, holding the hammer in my hand and raising an eyebrow, looking at everyone. “Oo~ she thinks she tough,” Eunhyuk said, looking away, which earned a well-deserved glare from me. The members then gasped, “Don’t fight!” they all started to say and the cast was confused. “When they are on a show together they start to sometimes fight and cause an actual argument,” Shindong explained. 
“Anyways! I’ll start.” I start reading the card, “Everyone knows I was really young when we debuted, yes?” I looked at everyone, then went back to reading, “What did I use to hate about myself but now I love?”
Everyone “ooo'd” and I examine all of them, everyone looked at each other then started laughing, “Min Kyung Hoon is growing his beard back!” Heechul yelled out. I looked at him and held my hammer ready to fire at him, “What are you thinking about, huh?!”
I walked over to him, hemmer ready in action. “B-breast?” He stuttered laughing and looking away with his face red. I laughed and hit him with the hammer lightly, “Wrong even though that is a good answer.”
I smiled and went back to the front. “I Got it!” Eunhyuk yelled loudly with his hands up. “Your dancing skills?” I glared and walked over to him and hit him hard, making the sound of the toy hammer echo in the room. “Wrong. Plus, I’ve been better than you since trainee years and I was 11.” I walked away from everyone and the boys all laughed. 
“I got it! Was it your chubby cheeks? ” Shindong yelled out and I hit him on the shoulder lightly. “Wrong,” I said. 
“Kyung Hoon was the closest to it.” The boys started to think.
“I-i got it!” Kyuhyun stood up and I looked at him, “Was it your body figure in general?” he asked.
“You got it!” I said and everyone clapped. 
“W-why?” Everyone started to ask.
“Back then I was really young and obviously was still growing. I’ve hated myself for years. My first relationship made it worse for me. And when I am stressed, I eat a lot and then not eat for days because I was scared of my image. My weight would function weird and go to places that made me feel unattractive. Now that I’m older and things balanced out, I enjoy how my body looks. The fat goes to the right places.” I winked at them and sat back down, getting a hug from Ryeowook. 
The last segment of today was the Super Scholarship Quiz where we find out who is the best in variety by playing some games. It was very chaotic as usual when it comes to us. I was with Leeteuk, Shindong, and Ryeowook. With Ryeowook and I together. It was an easy win. Us, Super Junior,  won the Ice Cream which I was so excited to bring home, I saw Kyuhyun in the corner of my eye, smiling at me.
 During one of the questions, Kyuhyun was asked what his girlfriend's name was, which of course was asked by Lee Soo Geun. He wasn’t supposed to ask that, but that man wanted to win. Kyuhyun said “No one” which meant he didn't have one. Then we all bagged on him because he didn't say E.L.F. Leeteuk made me laugh as well when he said, “She must be disappointed” which was funny enough until Heechul slightly mumbles, “At least it wasn’t to a different member then we’d be in trouble. “ And at that moment all the members started yelling and hitting him because we all knew who he was talking about. 
In the end, Super Junior is the best of variety shows. We got some good food and then we promoted our new song “Super Clap.” Overall this has been the best time I’ve had since episode 100 of Knowing Bros. Not only am I with my Knowing Brother’s cast family, but I’m also with my Super Junior family. 
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