pixiesnooze · 2 years
the thing that make any blood boil is not even that he ended up with the long time crush it’s that the author spent ALL THOSE CHAPTERS DEVELOPING SUCH AN INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JAEWON AND JUNSEO ONLY FOR THEM NOT TO END UP TOGETHER
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
(TT^TT)  <--Me after finishing a Webtoon I found
Warning: Rant about a Shounen Ai webtoon
My heart is legit crying and aching after I finished reading Unripened Expression which I found on Mangarock. For a 70 chapter series it was good but damn it! The end couple was not who I felt it should had been. \(`A´)/
I know Lee Jae Won and Han Ka Ram were probably already chosen and author wasn’t going to change it but ugh....(◞‸◟)
I mean during the story Lee JaeWon had the most chemistry and relationship development between him and  Ha Jun Seo instead of KaRam. Like seriously maybe if it was longer and it had showed KaRam’s side of the story of him developing his feelings for JaeWon, the realization, maybe talking it out with his childhood friend I would have accepted KaRam a bit more as the male lead. Well that and him developing a more dynamic personality since he was pretty bland through out the series until the end. (´-ι_-`)
Plus I can’t really forgive him for rejecting JaeWon when he finally confessed which lead to JunSeo comforting JaeWon. Which ended up solidifying my choice to stand behind JunSeo as the best suitor for JaeWon. Which didn’t happen and ended up cutting off their friendship instead at the end (ಥ﹏ಥ) I legit cried when I read that.
It was a good story but it could have been even better if developed more and made longer.  I just had to get this off my chest after reading such a frustrating story.
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