#fucking pulled a sike on us
snoozefm · 1 year
the thing that make any blood boil is not even that he ended up with the long time crush it’s that the author spent ALL THOSE CHAPTERS DEVELOPING SUCH AN INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JAEWON AND JUNSEO ONLY FOR THEM NOT TO END UP TOGETHER
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lovelyhan · 1 year
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— inflection point ⟢
pairing: jeonghan x reader x seungcheol
summary: things make a turn for the worse (or the better?) when jeonghan leaves you with the most insufferable person on earth. but maybe a few weeks alone is exactly what you and seungcheol needed after all.
word count: 8.3k words
tags: unresolved emotional tension, established relationship, angst, smut
warnings: implied alcohol consumption, graphic sexual content (minors dni!!)
notes: here's part two! this is mostly cheol and mc unknowingly picking up the pieces from their past breakup while jeonghan is away. nothing like getting to know someone you used to love all over again, right?
additional notes: the first part has been flagged so it's virtually invisible now :| you can go visit it in my masterlist if it still hasn't showed up in the tags!
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part one - part two - part three | masterlist
To say that you’re nervous is a terrible understatement.
Today is the day you’re supposed to meet Jeonghan’s boyfriend, who’s technically your boyfriend as well, now that you’ve agreed to this odd arrangement. You fidget with your phone beneath the table when Jeonghan excuses himself to fetch him from the restaurant’s entrance. 
It should be fine, right? Your boss already took you to dinner before, and he has a knack for setting an atmosphere comfortable for everyone in attendance. Jeonghan just has this charismatic air to him that makes him easy to be with. A mediator of sorts. 
He reassured you before you both left the office today that his lover is the most accommodating person you’d ever meet. Though, Jeonghan hasn’t really mentioned his name at all—saying he wanted his boyfriend to tell it to you himself. 
So there you are, not-so patiently waiting for them to return to your table. 
When Jeonghan finally comes back with another person in tow, you perk up with curiosity, running over all the introductions you practiced in your head.
Hi, it’s nice to meet you! Thanks for letting me exclusively join your relationship!
Fuck. That already sounds so bad in your head, what more if you say the words—
“Here he is,” Jeonghan says, while pulling out the vacant seat on your table, smiling fondly at his lover. “I really do hope you get along.”
Five minutes ago, you hoped that, too.
Except when you finally see the face of the other man you’re supposed to be in a relationship with, your heart nearly drops into your stomach. 
“Hi,” Choi Seungcheol says with that stupid dimpled smile of his. “I’m Seungcheol. It’s nice to meet you.”
What’s the protocol for when you unexpectedly land yourself into a relationship with the same person you spent literal years getting over? You have no idea. What you do know is that, from the hopeful smile that Jeonghan flashes at the both of you, and the obviously practiced grin plastered on Seungcheol’s face, the former isn’t privy to your relationship with the latter.
Erm. Past relationship.
You take a deep breath through your nose—forcing down all those years of heartbreak and longing and loneliness—and give him a smile of your own.
“It’s nice to meet you, too,” you say, and if either of them notice how your voice cracked, they don’t say anything about it.
“Let’s take care of each other, yeah?”
“So what you meant to say is,” Jihoon starts, and it takes every ounce of willpower to keep holding his accusatory stare, “the guy who dumped you after taking your virginity, the legendary shitty ex, is the same guy you’re dating with Jeonghan now?”
“Say sike. Like, right now,” Soonyoung scowls once Jihoon lays out his deduction, but you can’t really take the guy seriously with his cheeks stuffed with popcorn.
“I would if I could, and you know it, Soonie.” 
In your defense, you didn’t mean to come clean about Seungcheol’s identity to them during game night at their apartment. But one of the reasons why you begged them to hold your monthly hang-outs here is that Jeonghan is leaving for Busan tomorrow morning, and you’re a little over your head with the fact that you’re spending two weeks alone with Seungcheol.
Sure, he’s become marginally less of an asshole after upgrading the furniture in their bedroom to cater to you specifically, but you’re not about to let your guard down. God knows when Seungcheol will switch back to being the prissy jerk that’s been tormenting you for the past two months. Especially with Jeonghan out of the picture, your sanity is free fucking real estate.
“Okay, let’s skip the part where we talk about how weird that is, and what a small goddamn world we live in.” Thank the heavens for Jihoon, really. Always the logical one. “But why didn’t you tell us your ex-boyfriend is a star football player. What the fuck?”
…Or not.
“Really? After everything I just told you, you’re choosing to focus on that ?” You shoot him a grimace before dipping your hand in the popcorn bowl for a quick bite. “For the record, I haven’t heard anything about Seungcheol until he walked into that restaurant and introduced himself as Jeonghan’s boyfriend. I only found out that he was a big shot athlete a week after we started dating, too!”
“Isn’t that a good thing, though?” Soonyoung wonders before kicking his feet up on the coffee table. “Never mind the fact that he’s the same guy that took you ten years to get over, but you’re dating two filthy rich, and ridiculously hot men now! What more could you ask for?”
You groan, burying your face in your palms. “Did you two seriously not listen to a single word I said? Jeonghan has no idea that we’re exes, and we have to act like we don’t hate each other whenever he’s around!”
Jihoon raises an eyebrow. “But didn’t you say Seungcheol explicitly told you last night that he doesn’t hate you?”
“Oh, so you were listening after all.” You huff.
“We listened to the whole thing, you know.” Soonyoung pouts. “But honestly, all I heard was ‘I’m an idiot who can’t swallow her pride, so I’ll just act like I despise him because it’s easier than having to admit that I’m still in love with him.’” 
Jihoon practically cackles as he leans across the couch to give Soonyoung a high five—like the bestest fucking friends in the universe. You shoot both of them a chilling glare with your tail between your legs, not liking how they dissected your dilemma in under five minutes.
“Okay, okay. We’re sorry,” Jihoon placates, offering you some more popcorn as a peace offering. “It’s just that you’re probably making this whole thing more complicated than it actually is. I mean, yeah, he was kind of a dick for ditching you like that, but weren’t you also a dick for deciding that you could only choose one or the other? Seungcheol or Seoul?”
“Yeah, haven’t you heard of long distance relationships?” Soonyoung wonders before snapping his fingers like an idea just occurred to him. “Actually, maybe you didn’t have to keep up the LDR for long? He ended up living in Seoul just like you did, right?”
Once they’ve laid those ideas on the table, Jihoon and Soonyoung both cast you another round of disbelieving stares—making you want to crawl under their couch and just rot with the dust bunnies. 
“Fine! I was a bit too hasty back then, I admit that!” You chew on your bottom lip, unable to come up with anything in your defense. “But, but…”
Soonyoung rises from his seat with a long sigh, walking over to your spot to engulf you in a tight hug. You resist his affection for a few seconds, not wanting to give in too easily, but you end up caving into his touch either way.
“Hey, you fucked up, and that’s okay,” he murmurs as he smooths down your hair. “But don’t you think it’s unfair for Seungcheol if you keep acting like he’s the only one who messed up? It’s just like Jihoon told me once: relationships are a two-way street. Well, a three-way street in your case, but that's not the point.”
You sniffle, surprised at the tears that are pooling along your lashes. “But he always acts so hostile. It didn’t make sense to me when he said he didn’t hate me because whenever Jeonghan isn’t around, it’s obvious that he still hasn’t forgiven me…”
“What if he’s just giving you back the same energy you gave to him?” Jihoon hypothesizes. “Be honest, who fired the first shot?” 
“...Right after we had dinner at that restaurant, I kind of told him I’m only doing this for Jeonghan. Might not have been too nice about the delivery either.”
Again, your two best friends share a look—like they don’t know what to do with you anymore. 
That makes three of you then.
“Okay, from what you’ve told us, I can say for sure that Seungcheol probably wants to fix things with you,” Jihoon offers with a reassuring smile. “One hundred percent. The only thing that’s stopping him is…well, you.”
Soonyoung nods. “He can’t make things right if you don’t let him, silly.”
“It’s actually better that Jeonghan is going away for a while ‘cause the two of you can have some time to sort everything out.” You’re about to sharply ask how in the world that makes things better, but Jihoon puts up a hand to shut you up. “If Jeonghan is there, you two will be too busy trying to butter him up with lies to actually sit down and hold a proper conversation.”
“Just…just try to hear out what the guy has to say, yeah?” Soonyoung suggests while squeezing you in his arms again. “While you’re at it, you can explain to him that you were young and hasty and overly-emotional—”
“—and let’s see where we can go from there.”
Silence fills the room as your best friends stare at you with equally expectant looks—hoping that you wouldn’t fuck this up now that a rare second chance has been granted. You sigh as your gaze lingers on the forgotten UNO cards on the coffee table. 
Still, maybe going to them for advice might’ve been the best decision you’ve made so far.
“Okay, I’ll try,” you grumble as you push Soonyoung away. “No promises that I’ll do it without any blunders though…”
“And that’s more than enough for us,” Soonyoung says cheerily before picking the cards back up. “Now let’s team up and destroy Jihoon this round, yeah?”
You absolutely despise having to get up and out of bed earlier than the time your alarm goes off. But when the day of Jeonghan’s business trip finally comes, you find it easy to prepare for work despite the fact that it’s only four in the morning, and you don’t have to time in for another four hours. 
Jeonghan texts you that they’re right outside your apartment, and it only takes one glance at your window to confirm the presence of Seungcheol’s car idling by the curb. After going over all the things you’re set to bring to their house, you text him back, saying that you’ll be down in three minutes.
“Morning, sweetheart,” Jeonghan greets from the passenger seat with a relaxed smile. “You really didn’t have to come. I know how much you hate getting up early.”
“I’d hate it even more if I didn’t get to kiss you goodbye, though,” you chuckle as Seungcheol takes your travel bag and helps put it inside the trunk. 
The moment he pulls it shut, you blurt out:
“Good morning, Seungcheol.”
He looks so surprised, you wonder if what you said was remotely offensive. But after reminding yourself of how you’ve treated each other for the past two months, you suppose the reaction is completely warranted.
Baby steps, you muse. You’ll both make things right one day. For Jeonghan and for yourselves.
“Good morning,” he grumbles, and for some reason, his words send a fluttering sensation blooming across your chest.
Okay, what the fuck?
You think you did a pretty good job ignoring the strange reaction that Seungcheol unknowingly pulled from you in the next thirty minutes. Well, mostly because you spent the entire ride to Jeonghan’s station fast asleep, but that’s besides the point.
Though as you drift in and out of consciousness, you can hear bits and pieces of conversation coming from the front. Not like you’re conscious enough to make sense of any of their words, though. 
“You sure you’ll both be okay while I’m gone?” Jeonghan pouts when you’re literally right in front of the entrance—looking more like a needy puppy than the boss of a reputable corporation. “Call me if anything comes up, okay?”
You roll your eyes playfully. “Weren’t you the one who insisted that we’ll be just fine, Hannie? Now, get in there before you’re late for boarding.”
Jeonghan continues to surprise you by pulling you closer by the waist, pressing a long, fervent kiss on your lips. Your eyes widen at the suddenness of his gesture, but this is Jeonghan. You can never resist him if you try. 
“I love you,” he murmurs against your lips. “Try to get along with Cheol while I’m gone, yeah?”
You shoot him a puzzled look before pressing another kiss on the corner of his lip. “What do you mean? We get along just fine.”
He flashes you a tight-lipped smile before turning to Seungcheol. “You, mister, are going to take care of our princess here. Got that?”
“Copy,” Seunghceol lets out a low, deep laugh before pulling Jeonghan closer to plant a soft kiss on his forehead. “Take care over there. Earn us enough money for a comfortable retirement for three.”
“Oh, you bet I will.”
You and Seungcheol linger by the entrance until Jeonghan disappears into the bustling crowd of commuters en-route to other, far-away places. But you only notice how closely you’re standing next to each other when he catches your attention by tapping your wrist.
“What is it?” you ask, swallowing awkwardly. 
Seungcheol takes a moment to glance at his smartwatch, 5:24 A.M flashing on-screen.
“You want to grab breakfast before I drive you to work?”
If he asked you the same question a month ago, you would’ve spat something along the lines of in your dreams before stomping off to the nearest taxi bay. But you remember that you’re a fully functioning adult who still has mistakes to make up for. 
So, with a deep breath, you say:
“Sounds like a plan.”
By ‘breakfast’, you expected Seungcheol to just drop by a McDonald’s Drive Thru so you could both munch on burgers and stale french fries in the parking lot. But you’re reminded of the fact that he literally earns about seven digits’ worth of won whenever he’s playing in a season. 
You’re suddenly grateful for having enough foresight to dress smart casual—not the oversized hoodie and sweats you intended at first—because Seungcheol thought it was a good idea to bring you to a five-star restaurant at the crack of dawn. 
“Mister Choi, it’s nice to have you back,” the waiter at the front desk greets with a bow. 
Seungcheol nods. “Table for two. Al fresco.”
“Understood. Some of our staff will be with you shortly.”
You’re not completely unfamiliar with all these fancy settings. Your line of work requires you to follow Jeonghan and his secretary, Joshua, around for a lot of pretentious business dinners. This is just one of the many places you’ve felt out of place, but you like to think you’re already used to blending in.
When a waitress leads the two of you towards the balcony, where you’re granted a panoramic view of the city just before dawn, you nearly forget to breathe.
“Nice view, isn’t it?” Seungcheol’s voice suddenly snaps you out of it as he helps you into your seat—making your cheeks glow red with embarrassment. “Our coach likes coming here whenever he needs to meet us. Thought you’d appreciate the ambience, too.”
“Gotta say, it’s a huge upgrade from those old ice cream parlor dates,” you tell him a bit too loosely, and when you realize what you just said to him, it’s a little too late. 
You try to gauge Seungcheol’s reaction from the corner of your eye—looking for any signs of offense—but if anything, he even looks pleased by the reference. The lanterns hanging overhead bring forth the small smile on his lips, and you don’t like how Seungcheol is starting to make your heart race the same way Jeonghan does.
The same way he used to all those years ago. 
In a poor attempt at dismissing these strange sensations, you bury your nose into the menu instead.
You wonder what’s wrong with you all of a sudden. You’ve spent weeks fueled by anger alone whenever you and Seungcheol are at each other’s throats. But now that you’ve psyched yourself out with the determination to make things right, you’re at an impasse.
With the disdain that you wore like armor having been stripped away, you’ve never felt more vulnerable. Seungcheol isn’t even doing anything except scrolling through his phone, but you feel like your heart’s going to explode in the next few seconds.
Suddenly, you’re a teenager again, but this time the boy you're catching feelings for is actually a fucking football player who can buy out your entire existence.
“Stare at me any more, and you might just put a hole through my skull,” Seungcheol says without glancing up from his screen—making you flinch and hide your face behind the menu again. “Oh, and if you can’t decide on what to eat, their waffles are pretty good.”
That makes you raise an eyebrow, lowering your makeshift shield. “How would you know? Don’t you hate waffles?”
Seungcheol shrugs. “Don’t you love them? I’m just saying because one of my teammates gave me a bite last time, and it wasn’t too bad.”
You try not to think about the implications of why both of you still remember that about each other, flipping through the pages of the menu instead. When you do spot a delectable preview of the waffles, though, you’re immediately sold.
The waitress comes by to take your orders a few minutes later. As she asks if both of you wanted to order coffee in advance, Seungcheol speaks on your behalf.
“Just one coffee and your best hot chocolate.”
Your mouth hangs agape even when the waitress makes her leave, and Seungcheol glances at you with brows raised. “Oh, shit. Do you not prefer hot chocolate over coffee anymore?”
“No, I still do,” you mumble. “I was just…surprised you still remembered.”
Seungcheol doesn’t reply, but you don’t miss the way his ears turn red as the dark sky begins to light up behind him.
There’s nothing remotely romantic about that breakfast run, really. The waffles are good, so is the hot chocolate. But not even those little recollections from the past could ease you and Seungcheol back to normalcy so easily. Worst part is, this is the first time you’ve eaten outside without Jeonghan, so the entire meal is spent in the most awkward of silences.
But…when the sun finally rises in the far east, you and Seungcheol find a momentary common ground. Both of your gazes are trained on the way it peeks above the high rise buildings and skyscrapers—the iridescent rays breaking through both the clouds and the darkness of the night.
Before you knew it, it was a brand new day.
The fascination brought about by the sunrise doesn’t last all that long. You and Seungcheol are back to finishing your food in the ear-splitting silence like usual. However, you can’t help but sneak a few glances every now and again—especially with how the sunlight makes him look even more vibrant than he already is.
No one would catch you admitting to it, but he looks gorgeous like this. Gorgeous enough to make you wonder where everything went wrong.
Except you do know, and you’re hell-bent on fixing…whatever this is before Jeonghan comes back.
“If you don’t mind me asking…”
Seungcheol’s dark eyes flicker to meet yours with an inquisitive stare. “What?”
Chewing the inside of your cheek, you continue, “When did you move to Seoul? Actually, when did you even start playing professionally?”
He swallows down his food before reaching for a glass of water. You try not to pay too much attention to how his throat bobs with each gulp. It’s way too early to get your head into the gutter—
“Right after college, I got scouted to train under the professional league in Seoul,” he explains. “I only started playing in official games about…three years ago, though.”
You nibble on your bottom lip, unsure of how he’ll take your next question.
“Why didn’t you come find me then?”
There it is—silence even more awkward than the last. Seungcheol affixes you with an unreadable stare that makes you want to squirm beneath his gaze. But instead of prolonging your suffering, he simply lets out a soft sigh. 
“I didn’t think you’d want to see me again after what I did,” he says honestly. “Besides, it’s been…years since we split up. I thought you would’ve already moved on by then.”
It took me ten fucking years to move on from you but okay.
You nod before taking a sip of your hot chocolate. “I see. How did you meet Jeonghan?”
“Friend of a friend,” Seungcheol tells you. “Kind of thought he was a nuisance at first, but you know how he gets when he wants something.”
That, you can agree on. “Unstoppable.”
“I was at his mercy,” he attests with a soft laugh. “It took a while, but I fell in love with him eventually. Then we moved in together. Then—”
“He suddenly brings up the fact that he’s attracted to one of his employees?” you supply with an uneasy smile.
Seungcheol shakes his head. “Jeonghan has more tact than that, you know. But he was honest about how he felt about you, and asked if I was open to the idea of going for the set-up we have now.” 
“Were you?”
You thought he’d exercise some caution answering that. Or at least show you a hint of hesitation. But Seungcheol is surprisingly not taken aback by your question, and answers with, “Strange enough, yeah. Normally, I’m really possessive of him, but when he came up to me that day and proposed the idea…I was completely alright with it.”
Your brows scrunch together. “Is it because you knew it was me?” 
“God, no,” he sighs. “If I knew it was you, I would’ve disagreed right away. When I saw you at the restaurant that day, I had to keep myself from running back outside.”
“Ditto,” you chuckle. “It was like the universe giving me the biggest fuck you in existence.”
For the first time in years, the two of you share an easygoing laugh—the morning light making you feel even warmer than you already are. 
You and Seungcheol finish up with the rest of your meals after that. It’ll take a while for you to reach the office since this particular restaurant is a bit out of the way. You don’t blame Seungcheol for his urgency as he leads you back to the parking lot, seeing as you only have about an hour left before Joshua marks you off as a latecomer.
The drive back is quiet, but it’s, by no means, awkward or uncomfortable. Seungcheol talks to you every now and again, asking if he should sort out your stuff for you once he takes your suitcase home or if you wanted to organize it yourself. His thoughtfulness flusters you so much, you end up not giving him an answer at all.
When you’re finally in front of your office building with ten minutes to spare—never underestimate rush hour traffic—Seungcheol tugs on your elbow before you get out of his car.
“Did you mean it?” he asks. 
You tilt your head, confused. “Mean what?”
“When you said you were only doing this for Jeonghan?”
Oh. He still remembers what you said at the restaurant, the first time you saw him after years.
You consider it for a moment—only a moment, since you’re burning daylight here. Back then, you’re sure you meant every single word. You were shocked and hurt by Seungcheol’s mere presence in front of you, but because you loved Jeonghan so much, you were willing to make a few compromises just to be with him.
Now, though?
“I…don’t know,” you admit. 
There’s a first for everything—and this is the first time you’ve ever seen Choi Seungcheol’s face light up in the face of uncertainty.
Your arrangement is pretty simple. 
Seungcheol drives you to and from work whenever he doesn’t have games, and you agree to cook him some dinner as compensation.
Tonight, though, your chaperone has a practice match that’s running a little late, so you decide to hang back in the office even later than Joshua, who’s usually the last person who times out for the day. You reassure him that Jeonghan is going to keep you company through FaceTime while you wait for Seungcheol to come pick you up, and it seems that your boyfriend’s secretary is more than convinced with that line of reasoning.
“He took you to that fancy breakfast place?!” Jeonghan squawks from the other side of the screen. “He hasn’t even taken me there!”
“Well, whose fault is it for going on a sudden business trip?” You stick your tongue out at him as you do some last-minute paperwork on your laptop. “Better luck next time, Hannie.”
“Hmph. I’ll go there by myself when I get back to Seoul! Who needs companionship anyway?”
You roll your eyes, stifling a laugh of your own. “That’s funny coming from a guy who has two partners.”
“...Okay, good point.”
Jeonghan always proves to be excellent company even when he isn’t physically here with you. Your boyfriend does an excellent job in keeping you entertained—from stories about who’s having an affair with who in the conference he’s attending to all the delicious food he wants to eat with you and Seungcheol one day, he tells you all of it.
But about an hour into the call, Seungcheol still hasn’t texted you, and your eyelids are starting to droop. 
“I think you should take a nap first, sweetheart,” Jeonghan suggests, concern lacing his delicate features. “Go on, I’ll keep watch.”
“As if you can do anything if some lunatic tries to murder me in my sleep.”
“Hey, I’d still be an important eye witness if that was the case.” He chuckles. “Now go to sleep. I’ll tell Seungcheol to text me once he’s there so the guards can let him up.”
Normally, you would’ve argued but…
Seungcheol has only gone inside yours and Jeonghan’s office building twice in his life. The first time was to surprise him on his birthday, and the second was after an argument so bad, they almost broke up.
On his third time, the other employees have long since left the building. It’s only the security guards and…well, you.
He didn’t mean to make you wait so long, really. But what was meant to be just one practice match turned into three as extra preparation for his game tomorrow evening. Seungcheol felt a familiar bout of déjà vu at the thought of having to make you wait longer than you’re supposed to. 
In short, he didn’t like it, and when his teammates requested for a fourth match despite it already being ten o’clock in the evening, Seungcheol was ready to bail. 
Even the guilt that roots itself into his chest once he sees you dozing off in front of your laptop is familiar. He doesn’t deserve your patience, really, but he’ll gladly accept it.
To his surprise, he notices that you’re in a FaceTime call with Jeonghan, who he just texted a few minutes ago so he could come fetch you from the office. His lover waves at him from the other side, casting him a smile that Seungcheol has grown to miss with each day he’s away.
“She waited for two hours, you know,” Jeonghan scolds.
“I know. I’ll make it up to her later,” Seungcheol laughs before leaning closer to wake you—
Perking up at the sound of Jeonghan calling his name, Seungcheol glances at your phone with a puzzled expression. “Yeah?”
He opens his mouth as if meaning to say something, only to close it again and shake his head.
“It’s—it’s nothing,” he laughs, almost like he’s embarrassed. “I love you. Both of you.”
Seungcheol feels his chest pang with warmth, eyes flickering from Jeonghan then to your peaceful form, hunched over the desk. 
“I love you, too,” he says, voice barely above a whisper.
“Both of you.”
Jeonghan [5:15 P.M.]: love, can you bring cheol his favorite energy drink before his game?
Jeonghan [5:15 P.M.]: it’s kind of his pre-game tradition, but they won’t let food deliveries past the gates. gotta give it to him in person.
Me [5:20 P.M.]: sure thing. cheol already asked me to do that tho, so i told joshua i’m timing out early. 
Jeonghan [5:21 P.M.]: ah, that’s great news <3 take care on the way!
Jeonghan [5:30 P.M.]: wait. cheol ASKED you to?
Like Jeonghan had requested, and like you promised to Seungcheol, you handed him his favorite energy drink—a niche brand that wasn’t available in any of the vending machines, picky little bastard—ten minutes before they had to do their warm-ups. He stared at you like he didn’t expect you to actually follow through with what you said, and nearly killed you with a bone-crushing hug.
“Thanks,” he whispered breathlessly into your ear before planting a wet kiss on your cheek. “I’ll clean up quickly after the game so we can go home and have dinner.” 
Immediately after, Seungcheol bolted at the sound of one of his teammates calling for him, leaving you standing there, red-faced.
It’s almost the same thing each time you meet him before all of his games. Seungcheol spends a few seconds convincing himself that you’re not a mirage before taking the drink you personally got for him. Then, like some sort of good luck ritual, he kisses your cheek and heads back to the field just in time for warm-ups. 
You honestly didn’t think you’d be so willing to run all these errands on his behalf. Hell, you didn’t think you’d find yourself seated amongst thousands of spectators as one of your boyfriends kills it on the field. 
You’ve been to Seungcheol’s games back then, so you thought you were already prepared for the audience’s loud cheers once you settled into your seat. But you completely overlooked the fact that the open field in your old high school is insurmountably different from the biggest indoor stadium in the country.
So when Seungcheol’s team rakes in victory after victory, you feel just the slightest bit of pride swelling in your chest. Who knew that the same guy who often ditched football practices to go on dates with you in the past would become such a rising star in only a few years?
On their last game for the week, Seungcheol gets hailed as the MVP of the season, and you tell yourself that he absolutely does not have to know that you nearly screamed your lungs out when his name was announced on the big screen. Definitely not.
Seungcheol ends up finding you before you can find him once the awards ceremony has been concluded—making a show of biting the piece of 24-carat gold hanging from his neck. You roll your eyes before taking out something you’ve expertly hidden in a wide tote bag.
“Congrats on beating their asses, I guess,” you say sheepishly before handing him a perfectly arranged bouquet of—
“Gladiolus?” Seungcheol smirks when he accepts your gift. “You sure did your research, huh?”
“Hey, the info is easily accessible on the internet,” you huff, yet still pose accordingly when Seungcheol fishes out his phone to snap a picture. “Not much effort was required to pull this off.”
“Sure it didn’t.”
When he finally stops teasing you about the present you got for him, Seungcheol proposes to have dinner somewhere fancy—an idea you might’ve flat-out rejected at first, but choose to consider. Just this once. 
But before you can give him the green light, a couple of his teammates come up to the both of you with congratulatory smiles. You recognize them as Kim and Jeon—two players who also caught your eye on the field. Seungcheol introduces them as Mingyu and Wonwoo respectively, and out of the blue, Mingyu invites the two of you to the team’s victory party happening at a nightclub just across the street.
You expect Seungcheol to immediately agree. After all, he’s the star of the season. His presence there is practically tantamount. But instead, he glances at you with a questioning look. 
“We don’t have to show up if you’re tired,” he says. “I know my games have been keeping you up late.”
Wonwoo nods in agreement. “True. Besides, we can have more exclusive celebrations once our coach has given us this season’s payroll. Tonight is more of a free-for-all than a victory party, actually.” 
“No, I’m good.” 
Mingyu cheers at your response, while Seungcheol’s eyes widen just a fraction. “You sure?”
You know he’s only being this way because Jeonghan probably told him about the Myeongdong Incident, A.K.A., an office party from a few years back, where you made an absolute fool out of yourself for downing one weird shot too many. Your boss-slash-boyfriend hasn’t let you live it down since.
“I’ll be fine,” you reassure him. “Besides, this is your night. What kind of fiend would that make me if I hog you all to myself?”
Wonwoo lets out a very loud wolf whistle that has the tips of Seungcheol’s ears turning pink with embarrassment, and it takes all your self-control to keep yourself from snapping a pic.
“Fine,” he sighs. “Don’t expect me to take care of you if you go overboard, though. Got that?”
Except he does take care of you when you inevitably go overboard.
Like in every instance where you find yourself wasted beyond belief (move over Soonyoung, someone has taken the crown), the details are a bit muddled in your brain. You just remember seeing a bunch of women in skimpy outfits crowding your boyfriend right after he gave his MVP-of-the-season speech, and it was all over for you. 
You’re not very sure, but you might’ve put on a bit of a…territorial display out there. You also might’ve done a body shot on Seungcheol before kissing him in front of everyone just to prove a point. 
Again, you’re not sure, so you’re innocent until proven guilty.
“Cheol, ‘sso hot,” you mumble as he props you upright on the king-sized mattress back home. “Turn on the…air conditioner, please.” 
You hear him laugh. What’s so funny?
“Baby, it’s twenty degrees outside,” he says. “That’s just the alcohol. Come on, drink this so you can sober up a little. You can’t take a shower if your head’s still spinning.”
Your eyes are still screwed shut, so you don’t know what exactly it is he’s offering. Still, you say, “Don’t wanna.”
Seungcheol sighs. “Please? Jeonghan said your hangovers get worse when you don’t freshen up before sleeping.”
Jeonghan… The mere mention of your lover has you writhing on the mattress, chasing after the remnants of his scent on the sheets.
“I miss Hannie…” you whine, unconsciously letting Seungcheol prop you back up as he places whatever drink he’s forcing you to ingest in your hands. “When’s he coming back?” 
“In a week or so, baby,” he reassures. “Now, drink. Please?”
You’ve never felt more thirsty at that first drop of water in your mouth, downing the entire glass like you did with those shots back at the party. Seungcheol chuckles again, and you open your eyes a bit to shoot him an unamused look.
“There we go,” he commends. “That’s my good girl. You want some more?”
Oh… You might be in the ninth circle of intoxication right now, but you heard those words come out of Seungcheol’s mouth loud and clear. And they are not doing your poor underwear any favors.
If you were sober, you think you would’ve had an internal meltdown about that…inappropriate reaction you had to Seungcheol’s completely harmless words. But you tell yourself not to overanalyze every single thing for once and just let your not-ex-boyfriend take care of you.
“Yes, please.”
About an hour later, you’re fresh from the shower and tucked in bed—body still weighted by both fatigue and the leftover intoxication. You don’t see it when he does, but Seungcheol’s stare lingers a second too long once he climbs on the other side of the mattress.
King size is huge, especially without Jeonghan sharing the same space with both of you. But Seungcheol hasn’t tried to close the distance that your lover’s absence has introduced. He doesn’t want to be the one to come onto you, especially with the way he left things between you in the past. 
But on nights like this, when he hears your soft snores on the other side, he wants nothing more than to reach out and hold you in his arms. Just like he used to.
Before he lets those introspective thoughts consume him, Seungcheol turns off the lamp on the bedside table—hopefully turning off his brain in the process.
In the right time, maybe.
You can’t sleep. 
The burn of inebriation has long been flushed out of your system, but your skin still feels like it’s on fire. When you turn to the side to face the man you’re currently sharing this too-massive bed with, that’s when you realize that your body is being engulfed by a different kind of heat.
Eyes parsing through the darkness, you figure that Seungcheol is still fast asleep as you move over to scoot closer to him—taking your pillow and comforter with you. 
You would’ve been more reserved with your actions on any other day, but now you wrap your arms around the broad circumference of his bicep—breathing in the fresh scent of his shirt like a well-known comfort. It helps you relax a little, but you know this isn’t nearly enough to address the throbbing between your thighs.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” 
Your heart lurches at the realization that you woke him up. Seungcheol moves to glance at you with sleepy yet concerned eyes—wondering what on earth possessed you to cling to him like this. You can’t even bring yourself to meet his gaze without crumbling from embarrassment.
He hums. “What? I didn’t hear you.”
“I can’t sleep,” you mumble. 
Seungcheol nods. “Okay. Why?”
You press your forehead into his arm, letting out an internal scream.
Are you really going to tell him?
“...’m aching.”
“Aching?” he asks, brows raised. “Well you kinda danced your heart out earlier. Where does it hurt? Maybe I can help.”
You take what might be the deepest inhale you’ve taken in your entire life before untangling your arms around Seungcheol’s—using your free hand to guide him lower, lower, until his hot fingers are resting above the apex of your thighs.
He’s quiet—maddeningly so. 
You don’t think your pride can handle it if he gets out of bed and leaves you again. In fact, you might just flee the country altogether. Change your name, and start anew in some faraway land. But Seungcheol is quick to recover from the absolute stupor you just subjected him to. 
The next thing you know, he’s manhandled you in a way that has you trapped between his broad frame and the bed—gaze boring into you so intensely, you nearly moan.
“Look at me,” he commands sternly. “Are you serious? You’re not still drunk, are you? Do you really want to…?”
Despite yourself, you roll your eyes. “Cheol, if I was drunk, I would’ve already jumped you without a second thought.”
“That doesn’t answer the question.”
God, you forgot how insufferable he can be. 
Now that the drowsiness has long left your body, replaced by something more untamable, more volatile, you lace your fingers around Seungcheol’s neck—pressing your foreheads together.
“Choi Seungcheol,” you whisper. “I can’t sleep because I’m horny as hell. If you don’t do anything about it, you’re sleeping on the goddamn couch.”
That’s all the confirmation he needs.
Seungcheol smashes your lips together like he’s been deprived of your kiss for lifetimes and more—one hand going to the back of your head, and the other beneath your waist so he can press your hips impossibly closer. You thought those makeout sessions back in the high school locker rooms were the hottest ones you’d ever get to experience from him, but apparently, marinating in ten years’ worth of longing charges the air with enough sexual tension to make you dizzy. 
You breathe his name against his lips as he explores every inch of your mouth—mapping it out with his tongue as if relearning something he never thought he’d get to relive again. When you feel him grinding his hardening length against your thigh, you take his bottom lip between your teeth in heady anticipation. 
You want him so badly. Wanted him all this time, and you’re just realizing how much of an idiot you were for depriving each other for so long.
“Cheol,” you whimper, mouth still hot against his as you roll your hips. “Need— Need you.”
“I’m right here, baby,” he whispers. “I’m never leaving again.”
In your lust-drunk daze, you couldn’t completely comprehend the meaning behind those words, but your heart responds in kind—racing in your ribcage so quick, you thought you’d pass out.
However, Seungcheol is intent on keeping you wide awake and completely aware of every single thing he’s going to do to you. He’s quick to take off your shirt, and you’re an all-too willing accomplice. A rush of pride surges through you when Seungcheol groans at the sight of your bare tits. 
“You have no idea,” he starts, voice husky with arousal as he peppers your breasts with hungrry kisses, “how much I missed these. Knowing Han gets to play with them while I can’t drove me fucking insane.”
“They’re all yours now, Cheol,” you chuckle before your breath hitches all of a sudden once he bites down harshly on your skin. 
“All mine,” he growls.
His shirt is gone the next moment, and the reaction you have to seeing him completely shirtless isn’t so different to how he took the sight of your breasts for the first time in a long time. This man is fucking huge—all bulging pecs and rock hard abs. You would’ve laid him down on the bed just to take your time to worship his ridiculously fit body (thank God for their tireless training), except Seungcheol doesn’t look like he has any plans on relinquishing control tonight. 
Not after he’s waited for you all this time.
Even if you tell him you’re too goddamn horny for foreplay, Seungcheol isn’t having any of it. He splays himself between your thighs—a sight that’s all too new to you. Back then, you’d simply experimented on occasional fingering and a handjob, but oral was foreign territory. 
And just thinking of having the mouth that just won’t stop running on you is enough to drive you up a wall.
Seungcheol doesn’t need any words to make you feel good. Once he’s bruised the inside of your thighs with his rough, biting kisses, he tears through your underwear before tossing it to the side. Before you can even utter out a single word in complaint, though, he’s flattening his tongue along your slit—licking a long, broad stripe that has you preening on the mattress.
He spreads you open with his fingers, making sure there’s no inch of your pussy untouched by his greedy tongue. When Seungcheol moves to press a single finger at your entrance, the sound you let out is unholy. You nearly hide your face out of shame, but Seungcheol reprimands you the second you move away.
“Keep those eyes on me, baby,” he growls. “Watch how I fuck you on my fingers. Watch how I’ll make you fall apart with my mouth.”
You practically buck your hips along with the shallow thrusts he makes with that long, thick digit. You can’t even begin to imagine how good it’ll feel once he sticks his throbbing cock inside of you, but you tell yourself that patience is a virtue. Seungcheol has always had a mean streak, and you’d rather not get teased to death tonight.
When he slides in the next finger, you can already feel the stretch. Seungcheol distracts you from it with his tongue—flicking it against your clit in a way that has your toes curling with the preciseness of his movements. It makes you wonder how many women he’s done this to get this good, but the thought leaves a sour taste in your mouth.
Still, you can’t complain. After all, you’re reaping all the benefits from whatever past experience he’s had over the last ten years. You’d be a fool not to take complete advantage of that.
“So fucking wet for me,” Seungcheol sighs before spitting on your cunt—lathering his spit with your dripping essence—and the sight makes you tug at his hair in your horny delirium. 
“You’re going to kill me,” you whisper hoarsely.
Seungcheol snickers condescendingly before pulling out his fingers from your sopping cunt. Then, he raises them to your lips. “Open.”
You part your lips to make way for his fingers a bit too easily, lathering the underside with your tongue as the tangy taste of your essence fills your senses. There’s a dangerous look in Seungcheol’s eyes as you lick his fingers, and something tells you that, despite the heavy fatigue from his past games, this one still has a lot more vigor to offer.
Seungcheol moves to discard his boxers, and you try not to look too desperate for his cock—pressed firmly against his toned stomach before he pumps it with his fist. 
“On your knees, sweetheart,” he sighs. “Raise that ass for me.”
He frowns, obviously not used to his authority being tested in bed. “And why is that?”
Like a bullet straight through his skull, you rest back on the plush comfort of the pillows, spreading your legs so tantalizingly, Seungcheol almost pounces at you without thinking. You’re posed so sexily on the same bed he’s dreamed of taking you on countless times—offering your sweet cunt for him to take.
“I want to see you, Cheol,” you tell him with a bossy undertone that makes him fall in love with you all over again as you beckon him closer.
“So are you just going to stare at me all night, or are you going to fuck my soul out of my body?”
You’re so fucking daring. And Seungcheol is so fucking whipped.
There’s something so new yet so familiar with the way Seungcheol handles your body. Each touch is imbued with all the time he wishes he could have spent with you; each moan, a timeless rendition of all the words he wanted to say to you. You can’t even let yourself go to the feeling of him ramming his thick girth into your pussy because you’re overwhelmed by the surge of emotions he quietly imbues into your body.
When Seungcheol notices you crying, he immediately halts each and every movement—panic eclipsing the hunger he’s been keeping down for weeks. But when he realizes the tears aren’t from pain, his eyes soften.
“I’m sorry,” you sob, tugging him back down into a messy kiss. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Fuck. He isn’t sure what to feel right now. Bliss because you’re clamping down on his cock so deliciously tight? Relief because he doesn’t seem like the only one who’s still tormented by the past? 
I love you, he wants to say. I never stopped, and I never will.
But he won’t say it. Not yet. He doesn’t want you to think he’s saying it in the spur of the moment, or because his emotions are especially high-strung now that he’s balls-deep inside you. 
He’ll tell you when Jeonghan is back, and the three of you can all start this strange, strange relationship from scratch. 
When you finally reach the high you’ve desperately been clawing after—as evidenced by the angry red marks on Seungcheol’s back—he commits the sight of your eyes rolling to the back of your head in the pinnacle of release into memory. It renders him completely fucking wrecked for you, spilling into your awaiting heat as he fucks himself into completion.
You’re both sweaty and sticky by the time Seungcheol collapses back on the mattress, but you don’t care. Though he’s frayed every single nerve-ending beneath your skin with that blistering orgasm, you let yourself bask in the encompassing warmth of his body. 
For the first time in years, you fall asleep in Seungcheol’s arms—like a quiet forgiveness you’ve decided to afford both him and yourself.
Jeonghan arrives back in Seoul a week ahead of schedule. 
After hearing about all the records that Seungcheol has broken for himself this season, he wanted nothing more than to hop on the first train back home and be with the two people he cherishes the most. 
So, like the natural schemer he is, he asked his beloved secretary if there was any way to cut this gruesome business trip short. Long story short, after learning (through completely legal means!) that his annoying business partner has a troublemaking son that’s been laundering money behind his back, Jeonghan is quick to pull some strings. 
Once the news reached said business partner, he was immediately apologizing to Jeonghan for having to postpone the deal because of a personal matter. 
Now, he’s back home—closing the front door to their house as quietly as he could. 
It’s no later than six in the morning, and while you’d usually be up and about as you got ready for work by this time, he remembers that it’s Saturday, and how you loved to sleep in. 
As Jeonghan places his luggage somewhere in the living room, however, he notices that the flower vase on the coffee table—strategically placed for aesthetic, yet is usually empty—has an assortment of colorful blooms spilling out. 
Gladiolus flowers. Seungcheol’s birth flower.
When he opens the door to the bedroom with curious eyes, his heart is put at ease at the sight before him. You and Seungcheol lie there without an inch of distance separating you—limbs tangled together with the sheets in a way Jeonghan has only dreamed of seeing.
He breathes out a soft laugh, smiling to himself.
“It’s about time, my two beloved idiots.”
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part one - part two - part three | masterlist
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whyse7vn · 9 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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this is like super short pls forgive me tan twitter tl for context
tan on twitter!!!
8 participants - 8 online
tae: yoongi pls unblock me on twitter
yoongi: kill yourself
tae: i tried guys why doesn’t he love me 💔
y/n: that was a pathetic try
tae: guess what
y/n: what?
tae: ligma man..
y/n: ligma??
jimin: no way 😭
jk: baby…
namjoon: really
y/n: WHAT???
jin: i’m with her
wtf you guys on about??
hobi: this is a sad day
y/n: drown
jimin: ur fault tbh
hobi: real
y/n: leave me alone
jin: look you made her upset idiots
hobi: cheer up baby ❤️
namjoon: it’s okay tae upsets me all the time
y/n: im fine
hobi: bts song
jk: i know bts
tae: me 2
y/n: i want to stab you with a pencil
tae: watch out namjoon
namjoon: she is definitely talking to you
tae: proof?
hobi: bts?
jimin: i’m gonna bts outta you shut the fuck up
hobi: aw man :/
jk: bts?
jin: beat the shit
tae: beat MY shit
jk: woah
yoongi: he actually needs to kill himself wow
tae: @y/n u 2
jimin: she’s mad
y/n: I’M NOT MAD
jin: y/n are you still with that scoups guy?
namjoon: didn’t we just find out they we’re together like a week ago?
jk: WE DID????
jin: she moves on fast tho so idk
y/n: NO I DONT????
jimin: yoongi mingyu jk scoups mark wonho minho san all of us
there’s more hold on i’m thinking
hobi: all of us?
jk: say sike…
jin: woah major slut alertttttt
namjoon: shut up
jk: what
yoongi: she’s a grown woman
y/n: RIGHT
sorry i’m hot as fuck and pull bitches it’s not my fault
jin: u mid
y/n: ur 30
jin: ok please leave me alone i’m sorry
tae: my body count is also 2
jimin: -2
tae: ummmm?
jk: i’ve killed no one
i could of but don’t worry
namjoon: ??
hobi: fyi she did not deny being with scoups
jimin: TRUE
jk: NO
y/n: i deny it
jimin: too late we know
jin: SLUT
pls i’m sorry i didn’t mean it pls don’t be mean to me
please oh my god i’m sorry it slipped out
love u
namjoon: it’s okay if ur with him
y/n: IM NOT
tae: who have you fucked
yoongi: are you stupid?
tae: no i’m curious
wow i love shinee
y/n can you please start talking to minho again and then get married to him so i can be at his wedding and we can be forever connected
y/n: you guys know so much about my relationship life it actually makes me want to throw up
jimin: ur easy to stalk
hobi: she’s fucked jk and yoongi
tae: and me
jin: in dreams doesn’t count
yoongi: lol
yoongi: L
tae: no
yoongi: O
yoongi: L
tae: 6pm seoul south korea apartment block C floor 7 door number 279 a ak47 a man a mask and a fucking dream
namjoon: wow ok that’s great!!
nice vogue shoot btw jungkook!
namjoon: oh my fucking god
hobi: scottish pride!!
jimin: ???
hobi: was he not wearing a kilt?
jimin: a what?
hobi: killing myself
jin: why they put you in that dirty ass bathroom omg?
tae: dirty shoot for a dirty man
jin: ?
tae: what?
jin: just a bit crazy coming from u
y/n: tae you need to shower
tae: you in love
fucking bitch
jin: do you fuck her or fight her damn?
jimin: right he’s pissing me off
tae: can you leave me alone i’m going through a lot rn
jk: dick
tae: ??
jk: a lot of dick
yoongi: lmao
namjoon: he likes men?
hobi: ewwwwwwwwwwww
jimin: homophobia?????????
jk: yes so he’s going through them
cuz he does not like y/n
yoongi: you say this like every 2 weeks
jk: because it is true
y/n: thank god
jk: no thank men
hobi: thx men
jin: so it’s not jimin?
jimin: what??
tae: i’ve never touched another man let alone sleep with one
hobi: amen
y/n: now that is just not true
namjoon: who cares
tae: I DO
hobi: no one will ever say those words to you
jin: i will
tae: fr 🥲?
jin: LOL
tae: ok kys
and fuck that bitch y/n
yoongi: have
tae left “tan on twitter”
hobi: cuteness overload ^_^
y/n: what crawled up his ass today tf
jk: hi do you need me do you want me do you love me
namjoon: can we just talk about life or like
jin: let me guess trees?
jimin: weed?
hobi: life is a downward spiral noting matters we are all slowly dying the government hates us money is worthless drugs are all around our water is running out
jk: where is it running out of
let’s catch it
y/n: tae was being super weird right?
hobi: super shy
namjoom: what’s new
hobi: new hair
namjoon: stop
hobi: forgive me master
namjoon: i’m at my breaking point
jimin: breaking bad
jin: drugs?
jimin: it all links back to namjoon…
jk: omgggggg namjoon is this true……..
pls lmk if you like the twitter concept idk if i’m feeling her yet but if you guys are i will do more idk trying to be different 🙈
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love-toxin · 7 months
yes pls tell me all ur thoughts on blade, luocha, gepard, jingyuan and kafka 😳 the eng va and trailers for jingyuan and kafka in particular got me acting up—just smthing about jingyuan’s lil smirk and laid bk countenance and how i know he can fuck the daylights out of anyone effortlessly—and kafka? yes ma’am anything for u pls slam ur foot against the wall behind me 🙏🏻
god bless im literally in love w/ all of them anon. would give my left nut for blade, luocha or jing yuan, gepard and kafka carry my team so hard. also bc i want them to step on my face.
also i wanna be toxic rn so under the cut ⬇️⬇️
blade -> prrrrrrrrr. big daddy. idk why but he gives me discord kitten daddy dom vibes. he manspreads. he gets pussy. he probably doesn't shower as often as he should. he's unapologetically a rude bitch. he absolutely girlbosses you into being his baby, he pulls out the "i feel nothing but you give me a taste of life" and keeps you so close you're basically part of him. handsy and off-putting in public for passersby but you can't get his hands off you, it's a losing battle babe. nd he's nasty freaky slimy and rubs his cock against you as a sign he wants to go home or just find someplace quiet. he doesn't like fucking you out in the open but he'll do it if the need arises--like if you "forget" that your body & soul belongs to him and need a harsh reminder. you're just his delicate little kitty after all, so if anyone's gonna break you it should be someone you love unconditionally. right?
kafka -> gatekeep. gaslight. girldaddy. beats you up and makes you say thank you. you're her pet so get used to it, but she'll feed you once in a while so you should be glad, puppy. she's the mean tall girlfriend who babies you and then spits in your mouth for a treat. her & blade treat you like a pet and if she's feeling extra mean she strips you down and makes you kneel between them with nothing to cover yourself. if you're good and give them a lil show they'll let you go early, they promise (lie). humping kafka's pillow to get your scent all over it becomes a nightly ritual to help her sleep, no it is non-negotiable, it is in your spouses' contract that she signed with your hand while you slept. it also states that your face may be used in any and all leisure activities at her discretion--mainly for her to push your head between her legs and lazily give you an order as she sifts through documents. you might be her pet, but that doesn't mean she doesn't love you. at least as far as you can tell.
luocha -> ngl idk that much about him yet but he's immediately unhinged bf-shaped. stupid and drunk on thoughts of you & gives you his credit card details on the first date. he's gross and wants to bite your thighs. begging to be drowned in pussy/choked with cock. you're so pretty and he's so dirty by comparison. he can't blame you for not wanting his gross dick anywhere near you, guess all he can do is eat you out <33 oh noooooo! what a tragedy! sike. he loves that shit. he's got meds to make you squirt too. ik he's not that kinda healer but don't tell me unhinged luocha wouldn't have a ball drugging you both up and taking you for a ride. he wouldn't even know his name once the high dies down, just the feeling of your lips leaving stray kisses all down his face as you try to stay awake.
jing yuan -> daddy 2.0. a dilf with no kids. 1000% goes into husband mode the second you're within reach. chill & soft & uwu until everyone's outta the office, then he becomes a menace to society and your underwear. he cums in them before you leave for the day so you don't forget him <3 you can have a cheeky one in your mouth on his lunch break if you're good. ♀️ he beats your pussy up cock-first for hurting his bbg with your period. he still doesn't get enough of you in the day so he creeps on you at night, rubs one out on your thighs while you sleep and flips over to go right back to snoring afterwards. you can never have too much cum on you--that's his wisdom and as your superior general you should probably believe it, no? don't worry, he can fuck with your job and your life and your friends and your money and your heart until you find it within yourself to agree.
gepard -> dummy boy goody-two-shoes. he likes fuckin in the uniform and being called "captain" i am not taking criticism at this time. dumb little captured stellaron hunter & horny silvermane captain roleplay. moans in your ear during sex. he moans like a girl and he hates it but it's hot and he cums 10x faster if you tell him just how hot it is. he's so big & tall he just makes you feel like a little bunch of grapes when he picks you up, nd he's self-conscious about how weird it is that he likes seeing your face scrunch up in pain when he eases you on his cock but it's just too big. the gravity makes it all feel too much when he sits you on his lap like that but you just wiggle around on it rather than get off, and he's a fiend for it. also consider clean, prim, missionary-lover gepard falling in love with rimming you & feeling like a dirty mutt for enjoying it so much & begging you for it when he's in need. asking him to take a shower with you turns into code for "let's do anal against the tile please" real quick.
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mindingmybidness12 · 1 year
Settling Differences [Jenna Ortega x GN! Reader]
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Summary: You and Jenna were having a bit of a dispute and you two go about solving it like any normal couple would.
Warnings: Fluff, banter, no editing
“Ok, it’s your turn to do the dishes.”
“BULLSHIT! It’s your turn! It was my turn last time.”
“and I had to do it for a month straight before that!”
“Oh. So what you’re telling me is that you’re too Hollywood for the dishes? Dawn and Mr Clean just couldn’t fit into your schedule?”
“Oh. SHUT. UP."
"Oh? Has this worthless peon spoken out of turn? Forgive me Lady Hollywood."
"Oh will you stop being a petty little asshole? Geeeeez!!"
Despite the back and forth, your girlfriend Jenna had the biggest smile on her face. Even when she was continuously rolling her eyes she had nothing but fondness and slight exasperation on her face. This was how you guys worked. The banter was always lively and always came from both sides even though you were the one to instigate things more often then not. Jenna caught on to your bullshit quick and decided to roll with it by sometimes acting as your straight man on purpose. This is only one of the many things you love about her. She could take a joke.
"Hey if I was being petty I would have call you Miss Almost Golden Globe."
That's to say that you wouldn't try to push the envelope every now and then.
Jenna's eyes bugged out of her head and her jaw dropped as a laugh of disbelief escaped her lips.
"No you fucking didn't!"
"I didn't! I could've, but I didn't."
"You just did!"
"Nooo that was a hypothetical situation that could've happened in an alternate timeline. Sooo...."
"I'm gonna fucking kill you now."
"That would be rude and - oh god!"
You started booking it out of the kitchen with a pissed Ortega on your hills. You two would then reenact a Scooby doo ass chase scene throughout your shared living space. Eventually though she got a hold of you and would now exact her revenge.
"Take this you little shit! And this and that!"
She had you pinned down and straddle and was delivering a merciless assault of pinches all over your face. She got your cheeks and your ears. She grabbed at your hair and twisted it around and stuck two fingers in your nose and pulled. She wasn't mad still. She knew you were playing around. Didn't mean she couldn't give you hell though.
"Ow! Ouch! I give, I give! Uncle. I'm sorry!"
"That's right," she grinned while wiping her hands on your shirt. "Now prove to me your sorry by cleaning the kitchen."
"Oh alright..."
You threw her off you and she let a cute yelp.
"Y/N, what the fuck?!"
"I refuse to concede defeat." you said as you climbed to your feet while dusting yourself off.
"You just did though?"
"Hush child." You started off before going into a "dramatic" monologue all the while ignoring the mutter of an "Oh brother..." that came from the girl behind you. "We now find ourselves at a crossroads. Neither one of us willing to budge."
"Just do the dishes, dude."
"Best 2 out of 3?" At this point Jenna had gotten up and looked at you with a deadpanned stare but the amusement was clearly dancing in her eyes for anyone to see.
"Best 2 out of 3."
"Dammit loose already!" You cried.
"Never!" Jenna shouted back laughing.
You and Jenna sat at the dinner table with crumpled up paper all around you. One sheet of paper was laid out between the two of you with a myriad of x's and o's across it.
"Ok. Rock, Paper, and scissors is one thing..." You began, "But how the hell do you tie in tic-tac-toe? 20 times in a row?"
"Maybe you should just get a clue and lose already." Jenna shrugged while playing with her hair. She wasn't winning but she still had a smug air about her. She was stopping you from winning so she couldn't help but feel smug. You wanted to wipe that smirk off her face.
"Alright you little garden gnome, this next game will be your last."
Y/N : 2000 LP
Jenna: 1200 LP
"I tribute my two monsters and summon my Blue-Eyes White Dragon." You cried in glee.
"FUCK!" Jenna wasn't feeling the glee.
"I'm gonna wipe out the puny monster of yours and-"
"Nope!" Jenna interrupted with a "Negate Attack".
"I can nope too." You said while activating a "Trap Jammer" to cancel her Trap card.
"Nope!" Jenna said again while activating her own "Trap Jammer".
"Right back at yah, kid." Activating your second "Trap Jammer" and she just gave you a look as you grinned cheekily at her. You were about to resume your attack before she flipped over her last trap card.
"Ring of Destruction? AH SHIT!"
That card would destroy a monster and deal damage to both equal to its attack points. Your Blue-Eyes was the target and with its 3000 attack points that means....
"Draw" You and Jenna sighed at the same time.
You were now on what would potential be the last chance of victory for the both of you. A fighting game. Specifically the fighting game the both of you played together all the time. This game would always get competitive one way or the other and would often become a way to settle all disputes that got too far. Really something as petty as dish washing didn't need to call for all of this but the two of you were having way too much fun and both of you wanted to win.
It was a martial arts game that had a good move pull and several good mechanics and fun little gimmicks in the game. Like being able to show respect to your opponent.
"Ok let's begin with a bow of respec- DAMN!!"
Respect seemed to be the furthest thing from your opponent's mind. You were immediately interrupted by Jenna, who at the word "begin", threw a mean roundhouse kick at your character who was halfway into a bow. The poor bastard had no choice but to eat shit.
"Oh! You said begin! So I just... got to work I guess. My bad."
She didn't sound too sorry. Neither did she stop giving you the business either. You then quickly got into as well. Despite the cheap shot from Jenna (You were secretly proud as hell) you were able to catch up in terms of damage.
Soon you were both on your last legs and with one hit, there would be a winner. You both mashed your controllers and!!!
knocked each other clean the fuck out.
"DRAW!!" the game called out.
"BULLSHIT!!" You both raged.
"Well there's only a few more ways this could go." You said after you both had time to cool off.
"How?" Jenna asked whiled looking towards you.
"Either you or I could be the bigger person and volunteer to clean the kitchen."
Jenna raised a delicate eyebrow.
"Or.... the one to last longest in bed wins and doesn't have to clean the kitchen for two weeks?"
It was tie. You both lost. But you ended up cleaning the kitchen in the morning and making her breakfast in bed so really you lost.
You didn't feel like much of a loser though :)
A/N: And that's that. Went a little longer than I thought it would but I had fun. Leave a like and comment and I'll see you when I see you!
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holybatgirlz · 3 months
Had to do another response to bridgertonbabe’s spouses groupchat
(All credit goes to @bridgertonbabe)
🐝 The Children Group Chat 🐝
Eloise sent a picture.
Eloise: I think we should submit this to Merriam-Webster to put in the dictionary next to the word ‘heavenly’ because holy shit what happened last night was the closest I have ever had to a religious experience.
Eloise: And yes, I already created and bought matching sweatshirts with this image on it for everyone. They say ‘I survived the Pictionary Incident of ‘16’ on them.
Hyacinth: I swear to god if you two idiots scared Sophie off I’m going to finish what she started.
Anthony: Do I have to remind everyone that both Colin and myself were assaulted last night?? Or did you not see the photo Eloise just sent??
Violet: Do I need to remind you both that you purposefully dropped a keg on your brother’s hand?!?
Colin: Mini. It was a mini keg.
Colin: We’re not stupid enough to drop an actual keg on Benedict.
Violet: Well, you could have fooled me.
Violet: The doctor told me your poor brother broke two fingers and was a millimeter away from needing to have surgery on his hand. And in his dominant hand no less.
Violet: Do you have any idea how this is going to impact your brother? His painting? His upcoming gallery showing? He still has three paintings he needs to finish before next month and I have no idea how he’s going to complete them now that you two have gone and done this to him.
Colin: Yes, yes mother. We know. Benedict’s your precious little baby. Heaven forbid he do anything wrong. Like yelling at his girlfriend because she nearly made him lose Pictionary.
Colin: A girlfriend who, I would like the record to reflect, slapped me.
Anthony: Sophie also gave me a black eye. Kate has spent all of this morning laughing at me every time I walk into a room and she sees it so I think we’re even.
Violet sent a picture.
Violet sent a picture.
Violet: What did you not understand about almost needing surgery? You practically shattered his hand!! You nearly destroyed your brother’s art career!
Hyacinth: If Sophie stops talking to me because of the shit you two bozos pulled omg I’m going to end you both.
Colin: I’m surprised the coke can you nearly hit her with didn’t already do that.
Daphne: Hey. We may have a situation happening.
Francesca: What’s wrong?
Violet: Is everything alright?
Daphne: Simon’s panic pacing in our living room right now and I heard him say something about Sophie. I’m trying to figure out what happened. Give me a second.
Daphne: Hold on.
Francesca: What??
Eloise: Say sike Daphne. Say sike right now.
Gregory: Seriously??
Colin: Oh shit. For real?
Francesca: How do you know?
Daphne: Simon and Kate are texting with her right now. I only figured it out because Simon’s stutter comes back when he’s stressed and mutters to himself to stay calm.
Daphne: But Sophie’s said she’s going to break up with Ben when he wakes up because she thinks we all hate her!!
Violet: I need to get back to the hospital right now.
Hyacinth: YOU IDIOTS!!!
Colin: Gregory. Since I know u r with her. Scale of 1-10 how pissed is Hy right now?
Gregory: Hy right now:
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Gregory sent a photo
Gregory sent a photo
Colin: Ah. 100 then.
Gregory: Yeah
Colin: Well it was nice knowing everyone
Anthony: Why on earth would she think we hate her?? You were all cheering her on when she was assaulting us.
Eloise: By far the hottest thing I've ever seen. I think watching her throw that punch rewired my brain chemistry. Watered my crops. Cleared my skin. Ended my depression. And helped me finish my graduate applications. I’ve never felt so alive.
Eloise: Fuck Wollstonecraft. Fuck Steinem. Fuck Atwood. Their works do not even compare to the straight prose Sophie was shooting last night while she was yelling at you two.
Eloise: And if we lose her now because you two idiots made her think we despise her I am going to HELP HYACINTH BURY YOUR BODIES!!!
Francesca: Mum, how close are you?
Violet: 30 minutes out. John is driving as fast as he legally can to get me back there.
Violet: I knew I shouldn’t have left her there alone. I knew something was off. She was far too quiet to have been okay with all of this.
Daphne: Do you need us to come meet you there?
Violet: No. The last thing we need to do is overwhelm her.
Violet: This is all my fault. I should never have picked Pictionary. I shouldn’t have even allowed a Game Night to begin with!
Violet: I forgot that I have wolves for children. That you all were swapped with changelings as babies.
Hyacinth: Why didn’t anyone stay with Sophie???
Eloise: Because she’s a grown woman who knows how to handle herself. She seemed fine last night.
Francesca: She seemed pretty overwhelmed to me. I found her crying in the bathroom after Benedict yelled at her.
Violet: She was crying?!!!
Francesca: I think she was just taken by surprise and she told me Danbury had called her earlier about the lawsuit with her stepmother so I thought she was probably already stressed before she arrived at the house last night. I told her Benedict didn’t mean any of it. And after the beat down she gave Colin and Anthony I thought she would be okay.
Hyacinth: Mum you need to get there!!
Violet: Sweetheart, I’m trying to get there as fast as I can.
Hyacinth: Omg Mum hurry up 😩😩😩 My sanity is on the line here.
Gregory: Anthony and Colin’s asses are literally on the line right now. Hyacinth might actually commit to killing them.
Hyacinth: I swear to God I’m going to actually lose it if Sophie leaves. We finally were about to have a cool in-law in the family and now you IDIOTS RUINED IT!!!
Gregory: We were almost able to say we had a felon in the family 😖😖😖
Daphne: Gregory. Sophie nearly going to jail is not something to strive for.
Francesca: She also isn’t a felon. She would have had to have been convicted for that to be true.
Hyacinth: Firstly, she was falsely accused and this has been a known fact for weeks now. Keep up. Secondly, and according to the police report, Sophie almost outran the cops and got away. Like they chased her seven blocks before they caught her. Full sprint the entire time. And then she elbowed one of them while they were arresting her so they nearly hit her with an assaulting police officer charge because of it.
Hyacinth: Thirdly, Ben said Sophie completely decked her stepmother once it was revealed that Armabitch lied about her stealing from her (which honestly should have been a heads up for tweedle dumb and tweedle dumbest not to FUCK with her)
Hyacinth: And FOURTHLY, she literally got broken out of jail by Mum and Ben because yours truly was smart enough to make sure her location sharing was on.
Hyacinth: She’s a literal icon of icons 😍😍😍
Daphne: Hyacinth, you never answered this the last time we asked. But did you hack Sophie’s phone?
Hyacinth: No
Hyacinth: I just made sure she was sharing her location with me while I was putting my number in her phone. That’s all.
Violet: Alright I’m back at the hospital.
Hyacinth: Mum you need to find Sophie! You need to stop her!
Violet: Oh I plan to. Not going to allow all my hard work to go to waste. I’ll text you once I’ve spoken to her.
Eloise: Are you two idiots happy with yourselves now??
Eloise: Was this worth dropping a keg on Benedict??
Colin: Again
Colin: Mini keg.
Colin: And right now, since I am currently praying to every God in existence to make sure Sophie and Benedict don’t break up, the answer is no.
Anthony: If she was bold enough to hit me in the face, then she was a perfect fit for this family.
Anthony: Mum, if you don’t stop her, tell me. I’ll come out there and speak to her myself.
Hyacinth: Anything?
Daphne: Oh my god this wait is killing me.
Francesca: Mum any updates yet?
Benedict sent a picture
Benedict: I lived.
Daphne: Benedict! Where’s Sophie? Is she with you?
Benedict: She here ❤️
Benedict: she finance
Eloise: ????
Benedict: Soap finance
Daphne: Benedict what are you trying to say
Eloise: What the hell does this mean???
Benedict: Soap
Benedict: Finance
Benedict: soap finance
Benedict: Duck
Francesca: Benedict are you still high??
Benedict: No. Typing 1 hand. Hard
Eloise: I think we should all take that as he’s still high.
Benedict: Soap Bucket my finance
Gregory: This is some fucking DaVinci code level shit.
Francesca: Are you talking about Sophie??
Benedict: Yes
Benedict: Finance
Benedict: She finance
Francesca: She’s fine?
Eloise: What about Sophie’s finances??
Violet: Fiancée. He means fiancée.
Violet: Sophie and Benedict are engaged!! Well, technically, engaged. Sophie told him he has to propose again once the drugs wear off but I got here just in time to see Benedict asking her to marry him after he woke up and hearing Sophie tell him yes. We’ve all been celebrating. It was quite lovely 🥰🥰
Benedict: Mum cryin rite now.
Eloise: No doubt ecstatic she no longer needs to worry about you dying alone.
Colin: Oh thank Christ.
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Francesca: 🥳🥳 Congratulations Benedict
Daphne: Congratulations!!
Hyacinth: This is literally the best news I could receive 😭😭😭
Benedict: Thank you ☺️
Benedict: V happy rite now.
Eloise: V high 2
Benedict sent a photo
Benedict: High on life 😌😌😌 On love 😍☺️🥰
Eloise: Omg 🤢🤮
Eloise: Freak
Eloise: No one asked to see your kissing selfies.
Violet: Benedict. Sweetheart. Since I apparently have to text you this as well. Put the phone down and go back to sleep.
Benedict: NO
Benedict: Engaged!
Benedict: Every1 celebrate me b engaged
Anthony: Congratulations brother.
Benedict: Asshole. Hat u. U no celebrate.
Benedict: Hate other asshole 2. Were Colin?
Colin: Hey Benedict. How’s your hand?
Benedict: Duck u
Benedict: Fuck u
Benedict: Hate u both so much rite now.
Colin: Listen. Ben. I’m really sorry for almost crushing your hand.
Benedict: Hand no long matter. U hurt Soap. I kill u.
Colin: She slapped me!
Benedict: Deserved. U deserved. Drop keg on me n face Soap wrath.
Benedict: God she was so hot 4 that.
Eloise: So hot
Benedict: So hot. My gf is so hot.
Benedict: Finance! She finance now.
Anthony: Benedict. Please tell Sophie how sorry we are for last night and that we are all incredibly happy for her. For both of you.
Anthony: You can also tell her she has an impressive right hook.
Anthony: …
Anthony: Benedict?
Anthony: Benedict are you there?
Violet: He’s not going to answer. Sophie finally took his phone away. But I’ll tell her.
Daphne: Everyone say thank you to Kate and Simon. They spent almost an hour trying to talk Sophie out of leaving Benedict while we were all freaking out.
Francesca: Do they know?
Daphne: I told Simon
Anthony: Kate knows
Gregory: Kate and Simon right now probably
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Eloise: Anthony. How much did you just drop on ‘thank you for saving my ass’ jewelry for Kate?
Anthony: Fuck off.
Francesca: I texted Kate. She’s checking the bank account.
Francesca: About 5k by the looks of it. And he’s taking her to Paris.
Anthony: I hate all of you.
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ Sleepovers w/ Team Stan [Headcanons] ✧.*
✧.* tags: comedy, college au
✧.* Charactions: stan marsh, kenny mccormick, kyle broflovski, butters stotch
a/n: I haven't had a sleepover in years and this has made me want to have one with my friends so badly.
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Monthly sleepovers are a friend group requirement
Cartman is invited on a month by month basis depending on how much of a bitch he’d been in the past month
It’s a great way to keep him in line
“Why do the gays get a pride month and there’s nothing left for us straights?”
“That’s strike 3.”
“WHAT! I didn’t even do anything this month! Who the fuck died and made you king of the sleepover?!”
“Uh- I don’t know. The sleepover behavior etiquette contract that you signed with blood.”
“God fucking DAMMIT.”
You all go to Stan’s usually since it’s outside of town so you can be loud if you want
And get blasted but thats a tale for another time
After the sun sets, the real party begins
Aka eating pizza and talking shit 
“Clyde doesn’t know how to do laundry”
“You’re kidding.”
“I’m literally not. I was at Tweek Bro’s and he spilled some of his drink on his shirt and he goes ‘Now I’ve got to throw this away.’ and I almost choked on my drink, I swear to god. I told him he just needed to wash it and he deadass goes ‘How do you do that?’”
Butters gets so much tea just from overhearing it or people complaining to him 
He LOOKS like a nice guy who empathetically listens
But Professor Chaos on the other hand is remembering every juicy detail about what Bebe sai to Nichole at the mall last week 
Just saying- when the gossip girl south park account comes out, you know who’d behind that shit
Just Dance competitions FOR SURE
Butter is a kpop stan i can feel it
Yall do dynamite and he’s DEMOLISHING 
I said before than stan is the type to only move his arm
But that’s totally kyle
Kenny and Stan go ALL OUT 
That guitar hero gave him mad rhythm
But they get so into the full body dancing that the remote doesn’t pick up the right movements and they end up with like 30 points 
They always TRY the tetris one 
But their ambition outplays their actual ability and it ends with them falling into a pile on the floor
I feel like New Girl would be a group favorite binging show 
“Stan you’re so nick miller coded”
“If I’m nick miller, kyle is the most schmidt to ever exist” 
“Schmidt is fucking hilarious so that’s a compliment. Nick is just an alcoholic.” 
“Okay man fuck off you’re just mad that you can’t be winston.”
“Yeah that’s because I’m winston and Butters is Jess.”
“Yn you’re fucking Robbie.”
“Kenny say sike right now before I throw your soda out the window.”
You all DEFINITELY try to play true american 
And it goes TERRIBLY
Why would you play a game where you have to jump from surface to surface with someone prone to dying 
After the 3rd time Kenny falls off a chair you guys stick to uno or some shit
Midnight taco bell adventures 
they know your fucking order and get annoyed whenver you pull through the drive through
Like god these dumb fuckers again
But you give them a nice tip
And feast on the taco bell in the parking lot while laughing at whoever did the dumbest thing during the night
Wonderful vibes, truly immaculate
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not-a-big-slay · 4 months
Until it doesn't hurt
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kaz brekker x fem!reader
summary:betrayal leaves some wounds behind, but even more questions when you can't figured out from whom it really came from.
warnings: violence, cursing
type: fluff
part: 12/13
previous part: part 11 masterlist
a/n: please, please, PLEASEEUHH im SO SO SORRY! it has been almost a FUCKING YEAR SINCE THE LAST CHAPTER?! HELLO?! WHO TF DO I THINK I AM? i need to keep myself in line cuz this aint normal! i have been hiatus for soo long i need to pull it together. anywayy, its finished finally. its long ahh hell and im gonna be working on another part immediately so it wont be another 50 years dw. dont mind any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language and i have written one half of this in 2023, so i really dont feel like redoing it lol. i dare you if you can recognize where exactly i picked this draft up again. anyway, pleasee enjoy!!
also, sike, its not the last part hehe, there will be part 13 AND an epilogue
taglist (hi yall :'))
She had lost again.
That would be the third time tonight. Her change was getting thin and she predicted it would take one more game before she had to go kill someone for free again. So much for making a ton of money with this job. The girl watched her opponent spoon the coins from the table with one hand, laughing: "One more game and I'll have to dig up another grave, Y/N." Others laughed, so she wasn't the only one thinking that after all. It was logical, she really had to stop playing with grown men, they wasted away their old nights playing poker at this very table and she had other, young people things to do. It would be wise to get up and leave, no one would judge her for that. They would maybe even cheer her on, finally making a rational decision, no one ever seen that before when it came to her. Yet the thought of doing so was being blocked by a high indestructable wall, one that never goes away and will only be built higher.
If she does leave, she has to go home.
Her mother is probably fast asleep already, it is possible she could go to bed unnoticed and leave early in the morning. This option she used very little as Y/N never wanted to come back there. A year ago, after her mother left her blood soak through the wooden floor, Y/N made promise into her scars that she will never lay eyes on mother again. She successed in that for a year so far, becoming a hitman that was quite infamous in town. But her fame started growing from mockery, as she was really addicted to poker.
Her eyes gazed on Tim, the cemetary worker, the buryer as she liked to call him. He was one of the granpas at this table, but one of the peaceful people in town. He never wanted her to kill, just to help him with his work, although Y/N hated it more than the murders, she didn't like the aftermath of her work. Tim, being satisfied, started organizing the coins on the table. No, she cannot go home tonight.
"So what's it gonna be, kid?" asked the other player, Miyka. Her green eyes stared on Y/N's face, her wrinkles scrunched in excitment. Oh, how she hated all of them. The girl faked thinking about it before tossing dramatically her last money onto the table. "I bet 20." It didn't sound as good when she started that low, but it was all she had left. Intstead of the usual giggle and witty lines and jokes they threw her way before following up on her bad choices, they sighed, almost in dissapointment. It frustrated her, it seemed like they cared what she does instead of what amount of money she holds. It seemed like they cared about her. A wave of fear pushed her like a tsunami at this thought. People that cared ended up hating her, hurting her.
"What!" she snapped. Miyka looked at Lios, her brother, in concern, while Tim silently reorganized his coins. She looked around the table, frown getting deeper and frustration blooming wider. What was wrong with them. "Well, Y/N" Lios began, "We are just kinda...worried about you. That's all." Miyka took the word next- her previous question has been an obvious tease, the girl was dissapointed. "You clearly have nowhere to go, so you are spending your time here which is.... we get it, but." She sighed, trying to find the right words. "It's not good." Tim helped her and smiled at Y/N as if it would calm her. It did not in fact, she felt more and more anxious about their care, anxious situations made her angry. She wondered why she didn't kill them all instead of those free targets, she would never have to pay another debt again, because there would be no poker players left to play and her addiction would dissapear. "So that's it, huh? You ain't gonna play because you are scared I could actually win?" she said in her defense. Nonsense, she knew, but her heart was sweating and she was glad it didn't blow up yet. "We just care, Y/N, that-"
"Care?! Remind me Lios of just how many people I killed for you, then talk about caring for someone's life!" she spat as she stood up. Lios was more than content to her way of paying, she had no idea why he apparently cared when he could have another enemy at his feet if he just played one more game. Miyka tried to calm her down, touching her hand softly only for Y/N to flinch, hard. Her vision began to blur, the floor shook beneath her and sweat poured on her face. It was like the room was on fire, but she was the only one feeling it. Other people at the pub, being entertainted by the game or simply just hanging ot there, looked worried, some even disturbed by her behaviour.
What was happening to her?
She leaned on the table with her palms, the wood trying to ground her as she closed her eyes to not feel theirs. Voices of the players echoed her head as sounds in a cave and they felt distant, but still could make her more nervous with their caring attitude. They soon fell in whispers, driving her insane. Then, she caught one voice that silenced all the muttering, it was clear, quiet yet she felt as if its breath was in her ear. "Why play, when you can take a life for the exact amount of money laying on this table?"
She recognized the voice, it belong to the fourth player, Haltt. His voice was known only in the game. Hearing him say a sentence was unusual and therefore very powerful. It was deep, low, hard. It had authority and respect and it didn't need to ask for it. He had everyone's attention, he controlled the room with only his silent voice.
Y/N's eyes looked into his dark ones, she had to find them in the shadows floating around him, as if he commanded to them as well. "What are you saying?" she asked carefully, not knowing why. Haltt observed the table, his salt-and-pepper- although more salt than pepper- short beard surrounding his mouth as it counted the cash, then let out a little chuckle that brought goosebumps to everyone close to him. "920 Neredi. Being a hitman, a respectful hitman, would make this amount your pocket change." He grabbed the rest of her money she threw on the table and looked over to Tim. The buryer shook his head hesitantly, knowing what Haltt wants to do, but all it took was the man's neutral gaze for Tim to fold. Y/N watched him slowly scooping the money and anger took over. She pinned his hand to the table, not looking away from his face. She could hear people drawing breaths in fear, but she was free from all the anxiety now, she was grounded by his scary presence, she liked it even.
Haltt's head slowly turned to her direction, his eyes creating a straight path to hers, his eyebrows climbing up as he said softly: " You want this?" When she didn't respond, he stood up, took her hand off of his gently, not letting go as his freed hand reached behind his back, pulling out a gun. She observed quickly, it was an older model, it was small and only one bullet fit into it- however she knew a man like Haltt would only ever need one bullet- he then rotated her hand and placed it in her palm. He released her only when she seized it. Y/N let her hand warm the handle before looking up at Haltt again. "Then go make it." he finished his statement and sat back down in the shadows. Y/N checked the inside of the gun and she confirmed her knowledge about it.
She scoffed. "One bullet" Haltt nodded as if he answered to her statement. "That's all you need, I know your skills." his glass clincked when his rings touched it, raising it to his lips. She waited until he drank the remainings of his whiskey, having the suspision he might continue. "You kill the target, you'll get double of this." Her surprise was voiced by everyone around her, gasping and unbelievably whispering. Lios looked at Haltt, telling him he cannot do this. But Haltt only looked at her. "No one here wants you to play. You made them care, something a hitman shouldn't do." She squeezed her free hand into a fist, knowing his eyes are reading her like cards on the table. He leaned in: "Take your reputation back, make them fear you instead." he said quietly and it seemed only she heard it. He retreated back into his seat, letting her simmer in his words.
She knew people stopped perceiving her as a threat, a force to be reckon with, a fearful killer, and started to look at her as a 15 year old that sometimes threw tantrums. People smiled at her, old men laughed at her when they drank beer at the bar, as if she was their granddaughter doing silly things. Once, she was feared, but now she behaved like an old woman trapped inside a teenage body with gambling addiction and alcoholism. Everyone treated her as a kid she never was, but Haltt seemed to remember who she was 6 months ago, to trust her potential, her skills she never lost, but used them to not drown in debts, not to her job. She suddenly became so connected to him, she was hypnotized. The sound of the chatty room blurred again as she explored the gray ocean behind Haltt's eyes. He let her, grinning as he watched her back straighten and her nose breathing in deeply. Then came the question:
"Who is the target?"
Halt's smile stabbed through his cheeks as he answered.
Inej didn't allow herself a break until she got the that exact building Y/N told her to. She was nervous to say the least. If everything goes right, Pekka Rollins will be dead. It was unbelievable to even think about. The moonlight caressed her back and the salty wind danced around her in excitment. Ketterdam is cheering for them, it will be better off without Rollins. She thought of ways how to carve his heart out, she wanted to make a heart-shaped hole, but it was too complicated making the curves, it would take too long and she didn't want him to die before she was finished. She needed something quick, but symbolic. After all, when the stadwatch will find his body, her work should be admired. Or Deln's work, she hated he will take credit for it, but it's definitely for the best.
Soon, the spider heard two sets of footsteps beneath her. She looked down carefully, confirming it's Y/N. In the dark, she couldn't much see her 'friend', but she could feel the disgust and fear Y/N had from above, suspecting he might not be an actual friend after all. Another secret of hers she wished to uncover after this is over. The way Jesper talked about this girl is riling up an interest in her. She wanted to get to know her better, her fate might not much differ from her own and she would like to hear her story, she would like to see why Kaz seemed to hate her so much. She also hoped Y/N will stay with them after this. For Jesper's sake and maybe for Nina's nerves as she looked worried about her.
As Y/N dissapeared into the alley, Inej grabbed her knife, Sankt Petyr, that she sharpened moments before. The wind picked up and she stood motionlessly at the edge of the building. She watched lightened windows in the Smeet Residence, hoping no one will think about looking outside tonight. The house reminded her of one she encountered at the southern colonies of Novyi Zem. It was in a horrible shape compared to this, but it was a haven for the citizens there, they admired it like people in Ketterdam admire The Exchange. It was luxurious given the state of the land.
Her train of thought stopped before it reached a station, because her ears picked up a subtle voice, then a laugh. The sounds got louder as they slowly approached her. Rollins must be pretty nervous of the meet-up if he talked to himself, or he was not alone. A slight panic rose in Inej's chest and she prepared to make the uninvited dissapear. If Rollins truly had some company, she would have to wait until he saw Y/N to take it out, otherwise he might see her and change his mind. If we won't do it, somebody else will brought out fire in her stomach. The girl was right, if they won't try the lovely dessert of revenge, others might eat it whole with no crumbs left. She suspected Pekka is the main character in many unfinished death threats and planned out vengeances.
The Wraith took a deep breath as her eyes closed, slowing down her rapid heartbeat filled with excitment. When she opened them, the bright windows from the residence, along with the dimmed lights on the streets aluminated two beings walking. One was definitely the leader of one of the most dangerous gangs in Ketterdam.
And so was the other one.
She silently gasped, panicking again, her heartbeat picking up. What the fuck is Kaz doing here? And why was he bent over with Rollins' hand around his neck. Even though they were right across her, Inej was oblivious to their conversation- well, monologue if she was more accurate- because she was way too busy feeling the plan fall apart. This wasn't supposed to happen, Kaz was meant to know nothing and then just cheer and celebrate once they'd be done. Why did he always took matters into his hands?.
When she came back to reality, they were almost in the alleyway. The spider quickly followed them, never taking her eyes off of Kaz's helpless form. Her hands always gently grazed any surface she incountered, her feet always landing on the tips of her toes, her moves inspiring every ballerina in Kerch, yet now her hands were sliding off roughly and she had to bent her knees to make the landing silent. Her fear of her friend manipulated her body and she almost fell over the edge when the sharp turn of the building made an appearance, luckily she awokened from the feeling and stopped herself.
She was above the meeting place now.
On her right was Y/N with the strange man. Y/N was anxiously pacing around, obviously worried as they all were, even the man next to her who stood still as a pole was taking almost unseeable shuttered breaths. When the girl faced her direction, Inej wanted to warn her of the unexpected turn of events, but she wouldn't be seen anyway. As it turned out though, she also wouldn't have the time to catch her attention in time as the target slowly showed up on her left side, Kaz still in his grasp. Up close she could see the knife he held to his neck, already cut into the flesh. The man on her right stopped breathing and tried to hide his widened eyes, Rollins smirked as he saw him, shaking his head in disbelief. But the tension really sparked up when Y/N finally saw them, her eyes instantly digging into Kaz, while his were already screaming at her. Only two words bound them all together as they appeared on every present mind.
Oh fuck.
Silence started perhaps being uncomfortable for Deln, yet Y/N only cared about the boy 5 meters in front of her. He wore blood, a lot of blood. His face showed bruises for every Barrel rat and every drop of blood that fell next to his feet tore a piece of her heart. But the worst thing was his expression, it was no longer hateful, nor angry. His eyes sinked into her and they washed her with almost a relief-like feeling, like he was happy to see her, or maybe upset to see her here, in a dangerous street that will be painted red by more than one person. His gaze was soft, almost pleading her to either run away or get closer to him.
He was worried.
"I told you to come alone if my memory is still serving right." Deln began the conversation, dragging both of their attention to him. He earned a chuckle from Rollins and a response as he squeezed Kaz's neck, straightening him up: "Well, I thought I might get the lovebirds back together, eh?" The knife retreated back to his pocket, revealing a red line on the boy's neck. Y/N allowed herself to let one tear roll down her cheek as an apology to him. Pekka must have kidnapped him, because there was no other explanation on why was he present. Deln was confused, he didn't know Dirtyhands as far as she knew, nor about her time with Hertzoon. "Aw, look at 'em, already pining for each other." Rollins mocked and pushed Kaz off of his hand. Y/N had a hard time keeping it together.
Deln sighed annoyingly and the hitman was glad he kept the plan on track. It was hard to admit he was actually a big help to her. "Whatever, let's talk business shall we? It's cold tonight. Don't wanna be out late." he said offered and Rollins laughed in his face again: "What, gotta read the slaves a goodnight story?" If she wasn't still in shock from Kaz, the plan would skip to the killing part very quickly. "Well, not anymore since you took 'em all away, didn't you." the slaver stated and wiped the smile off of Pekka's face quickly. Y/N had to admit he played the role she made for him perfectly and let the conversation rest in his hands, as she continued to worry silently about the bloodied boy.
The Dime Lions' leader seemed to get upset about Deln's forwardness, he probably thought he could talk his way out of it with his disturbing charm. He put his hands on his hips and shrugged. "It ain't my problem you keep 'em in a dirty warehouse. I offered them a room with a comfortable bed and good money if they were willing to smile. That ain't no crime, lad."
"I'm not interested in your architectural opinion on my slave-keeping. I am upset you stole my property." Y/N was very invested in the conversation she almost forgot her role was against Deln. Her tied hands turned him to her side by the shoulder and pierced him with her eyes. "Don't speak of them like that." she warned and he simpy scoffed her off. It wasn't much, she must admit, but it was enough to voice her stand in this matter. "HA! And what do you think you'll be after we're done here? You will be lucky if I allow you to work in my brothel." the last sentence was a warning, he could be so much cruel to her, like he was in his house. She was present finally, all worry stepped aside to make space for the anger she held and the focus she held earlier tonight sat back down on her mind.
"You won't touch her."
Ready to speak, Y/N was taken aback by his raspy voice with scary undertone. He spoke to her like that, not long ago. It was almost unreal he was defending her. As much as it brought shivers down her body, Rollins was unfazed by the threat. "You can barely stand, boy. What can you possibly do to me." he stated the obvious and continued once he looked her way again. "Besides, she really isn't worthy of your protection." He put one foot in front of the other slowly, walking over to her. She was on alert, if she had the opportunity, she wouldn't wait anymore and strangle him with her tired hands and her desire to dig his grave. He stopped few steps from her and reached into his pocket again, pulling out something else than a knife this time. "Lost this?"
A thin, almost not visible in the dark, black string was held between his fingers. The bracelet she lost. The one Kaz gave her on the last day they saw each other. She lost it in Rollins' office. Her temptation to reach for it was unseen by Y/N as her first instinct was to look at Kaz, who also drowned in the vision of the string. She broke her promise, a childish one, sure, but it destroyed her still. It always served as a reminder of her failure. How she failed to warn him and Jordie, how she wrapped his heart around her finger without knowing it and allowed Hertzoon to shatter it. The girl promised herself to not mess up this promise, at least one thing she could keep. In the end, she lost it too.
How does she deserve to live after destroying all good in her life?
"Yeah, cruel isn't she? Do you really think she cares about you, or anyone for that matter?" he talked to Kaz that was still mesmerized by the sight in Rollins' hand. Deln was silently watching the scene, the situation out of his hands now, the plan off of track. "You don't know anything about her, boy-". " You're wrong." she interrupted him. He turned to her, waiting to elaborate, the string still lifted between his fingers as if he was trying to hypnotize them. "I told him everything." Y/N continued as she silently wished with the last bit of hope he would take the bait. He didn't:
"Everything, eh?" he echoed as he turned his back on her and focused on Kaz fully. As he reached his personal space, his hand streched to him, giving him the bracelet. The boy fixated on it, swaying with the wind due to his trouble standing on the one good leg for this long. Rollins watched him closely, feeling Kaz's hand taking it almost immediately. When his coffee-like eyes reached his snake ones, Pekka uncovered Y/N's lie:
"Do you remember Ms. Hertzoon?"
"...You what?"
"Don't you dare be offended, you manipulated her and then left us. You're as bad as I am."
That made them punch her strongly in the stomach. Funny, Rollins wanted to watch her suffer, but was too lazy to torture her himself. They were on this for 2 hours now, or she at least thought so, she couldn't tell if the ringing was only in her ears. Rollins had her sit on a chair and then asked questions. The first were stupid and simple, almost like a small talk: Did she rob him, why is she back, when did she get back, etc. She earned 5 different punches in this round. Then the latter began. They wanted to know what happened after the con trick- as he called it- which resulted in her split lip and first blood drawn. Then another small talk, remembering all their time together and then, the truth. "Where is your mother?" it began and ended in countless of other painful things she couldn't be bothered to remember.
"How." he almost whispered, it was so dramatic that Y/N would laugh if she wasn't wheezing with every breath. "Oh, please. Like you care." she fully expected the hit for that one, though it still hurt like hell. "How!" he ordered her and watched her grow a grin with her painted-red mouth. She could still feel the little gun in her little hand, standing at the foot of her mother's bed. She watched her sleep for a moment before she truly aimed. Haltt was right, it did get back her reputation. He gave her the money and she counted every single coin to make sure it really was doubled. Fortunately, he was an honest man.
"One bullet was all it took."
To say she regretted it would be a lie, the biggest one in history maybe. She second-guessed it on her way home, sure, but she more doubted Haltt's promise than her actions. However, once she really saw her mother's chest rise and fall, nothing was easier than to pull the trigger. If she was a monster in her eyes, she would become one in her memory.
"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" was the last thing she heard from him, then her ears were filled with ringing and also pain when her nerves couldn't take it anymore. Everything went dark after a while, she was sure she couldn't breath and her eyes zipped themselves tightly, but even though she lost consciousness, she was sure she never stopped smiling while it lasted.
He always suspected some part of her story was left out, it would be unwise to tell him everything and she was not stupid. While Kaz did predict that something happened with the mother, he didn't expect this. He answered her eyes as they asked for connection and tried to assure them of his unchanged opinion. So what? He also done horrible things, they all have, especially Rollins. Such a hypocrite, that man. When he finished re-telling the story of Y/N's torture, he retreated from the boy's space, fortunately for him, because Kaz would have no hesitation in twisting Pekka's neck. Everything was silent for a while, the wind whispered cold around them as they all studied each other. Kaz looked at the building's roof next to them, seeing only darkness, but feeling her presence. He hoped that whatever Y/N planned to do with Inej would be useful. And what did he know, maybe this situation is going extremely well for them.
"Well, that is truly shocking, but unfortunetely, Y/N's dead mom won't solve this conflict. So let's solve it ourselves, shall we?" The slaver spoke and grabbed the girl next to him by the bicep, dragging her with him closer to Rollins. Kaz took a small, unnecessary step forward as a move to help her. Seeing Deln's hand on her made the water rise around him, he could feel her discomfort and felt it himself. They stopped and he threw the girl in front of him lightly, so she wouldn't fall, but aggressively enough, so she would sway. "Pay me for the slaves and she's yours, as promised." the boy's fist turned white at that, wishing he could hang Deln's organs at the lamppost. "Hmmm" groaned Rollins in thinking. "How much do ya want?"
"3000 kruge."
Deln rolled his eyes. "It was 100 slaves you stole from me, every slave is expensive and believe me, I'm giving you a discount right now." Rollins nodded at his explanation. At this point, Kaz thought about getting out of there. He was being ignored and would be forgotten in a while. Rollins couldn't see him, Deln could, but he doubted he would care. However, she could too, and his heart radiated an unfamiliar feeling at the thought of dissapearing without Y/N. If this situation happened with anyone else, he'd be already at the Slat, drinking shots and drowning in silence of his room. Dirtyhands planned the escape, Kaz refused to go through with it. He refused to leave her. "Alright, alright. How about this." Rollins spoke his thoughts. "I'll give you half of what they make me from now on and if you ever wander in the Sweet Shop, you won't have to pay." Deln was silent, but he was clearly concidering it.
"Huh? Sounds good?" Smiling Pekka streched out his hand and waited for a handshake. Every set of eyes watched Deln's movement, from his step closer, closer to Rollins, closer to Y/N, until he squeezed Pekka's hand, reflecting his expression. "That's a deal, then." said the robber. "Deal." said the slaver. Kaz didn't know what that meant and from the girl's face, he could tell the confusion was shared. Although, he truly realized this wasn't part of their plan after Deln quickly reached for Y/N's belt with the same hand that just closed a deal, pulling out a small gun, one that could barely fit a bullet, and aiming it at the hitman. She was frightened, taking steps back, but she didn't got very far when Deln grabbed her by the collar, holding her close to his body.
"Like mother like daughter."
He was instantly on the move, as fast as he could, trying to prevent what was about to happen. The bullet was faster though. Before hearing the gunshot, they heard Deln's scream. Y/N felt to the ground and Kaz was at her side immediately. His eyes panicking, trying to find the wound while his heart sounded the alarms and awakened fear. Not like this. He couldn't lose her like this. He soon found the gunshot and without thinking threw his hands to press it down. They never made contact with it, Rollins' knife already found its way back to his neck, pulling him away from her. "You didn't think I forgot about you, did ya?" he laughed in his ear before Kaz threw his head back, hitting him in the nose. The grip got loose and he turned around, sending his anger and frustration in his fist. Rollins tumbled and he kicked him on the ground, getting him closer to the place he belongs.
Deln moaned in pain and the boy finally saw the reason. Below his bent over form, a puddle of blood formed and in it swam his thumb, right above Sankt Petyr. The corners of his mouth lifted a bit, he couldn't remember how did he survive all this time without Inej watching over him and the crows, it made him grateful she is back for now. His eyes were set to find Y/N again, but he only saw a red trace from where she laid. She must've gotten away. Good girl.
He couldn't follow her steps, because Rollins already got up from the cobblestones, ready to strike. He breathed heavily, supporting the place Kaz kicked him in with his hand. He couldn't understand why Rollins always came back into his life. He tried to avoid him all his time in Ketterdam, yet life always brought them together. Or death, he wasn't sure, maybe they were destined to destroy each other. Pekka Rollins was like a mosquito bite: itching to be noticed and when Kaz does so, he feels a brief satisfaction before the itch comes back and is worse than before. He was also as annoying. It needed to be finished right here and tonight
The boy braced himself and waited on the mosquito's move, straightening himself. Little did he know, the shadow from above already closed in on the man. Kaz watched as she kicked his knee from the back and caught his hair, stopping him from falling fully on the ground again. Sankta Lizabeta could be soon visible above his heart, the tip waiting to be pushed in. Only then, Dirtyhands quietly sighed in relief.
"He still can't do it without ya, huh? Tell me boy, when will you start being a man and do things on your own?" Rollins mocked them as he recognized the face, which currently held the future of his heartbeat. Kaz limped slowly closer, feeling Inej's eyes on him. He lowered his head once he entered Pekka's personal space dangerously deep. "When my brother will get his revenge in hell."
As soon as the menacing words reached Rollins, his lips twitched up at the sight of Sankta Lizabeta slowly painting an imaginery outline of the man's heart, being applauded by his blood-curling scream. Inej wasn't the one for torture, but he could see the bit of joy in her eyes and the relief on her face. She deserved to be the one that would free Ketterdam from this parasite and he let her have it, already searching for the bloody trail Y/N left behind.
His eyes alerted him when they caught it and he began to follow the path, slowly, limping as Deln's whines cheered him on.
The stars were with her, sometimes changing their position or widening in her eyes as they waited to claim her. Salty waterdrops tapped her tired legs, reminding her of where she sat. She imagined death many times, it wasn't unusual for someone in her profession. She remembered Tim talking about the peace that comes with it, saying it is kind, so it would be easier for the soul to leave the body. For her, it was obvious. Everything would be kinder than life. However, nothing could prepare her for the last moments. Y/N realized that no matter how much you imagine it, it will always surprise you. The knowing that this is the last time she is going to exist in wasn't something her brain could comprehend. Maybe that was the mystery death held, that was the fuel for the fear in others, not understanding until it was too late.
Wind played softly with her hair while it kissed the bruises of her now untied hands, and she tried hard to feel everything at the same time. The clothes touching her skin, the numbness in her feet, her shaky breath as it entered and left her system, but mostly, she tried to memorize the pain in her stomache and the bullet inside her body. It was an intense feeling, so she wanted to feel it as much as possible, before it would fade and with it her heart.
The hitman got hit.
This is how her victims probably felt. She brought this feeling to numerous lives. Her mother felt this way too. Y/N couldn't decide if dying felt good or disgusting, but she could be certain it was lonely. Even if people surrounded her, it wouldn't be better. It was an experience for her soul, no one from the outside could empathize.
She wondered where her grave would lay as the slow footsteps got closer. Y/N heard him limp next to her and it seemed like the stars noticed him too, because they stopped moving once he sat down, as though they only wanted to be seen by her. He was visibly tired, still bleeding from his neck.
Maybe he was feeling the final presence too.
Maybe her starts would take them both.
Silence and the waves crashing made the space between them comfortable, maybe too comfortable for her liking. His breath was disrupting hers as it naturally tried to match the rhythm. The moment became so peaceful, she almost forgot about their history. It felt like nothing happened between them, they were just kids, sitting by the port, watching stars and listening to the ocean. They weren't Dirtyhands and Saskia. They weren't the Bastard of the Barell and Snowflake.
They were Y/N and Kaz. As they were always meant to be.
"Do you believe in faith?"
It felt like yesterday since he asked her that question. Every shared memory of them felt so close to her now, as if time was all messed up. Maybe death was already doing its job. Kaz was taking his time with the answer, breathing heavily, as if the air had to fill his words first before she could hear them.
"Yes...I do."
He exhaled, his low empty voice responding. Her lips lifted into a messy smile, her muscles were losing their power all over her body, but that didn't stop her from reaching into her coat and pulling out a folded, bloodied paper that her fingers swiftly grabbed from her slaver's back pocket before he could shoot her. It was almost bizzare, how a small, easily rippable piece made her revisit the demons of the past. She wondered if Deln wanted this all along. Maybe he wanted Rollins to kill her, so he could make his deal with him. Or maybe it was just faith, wanting to see how far she would go for a false sense of freedom.
"It doesn't mean anything." Y/N stated as she felt Kaz looking at the release paper. "I just needed proof that I'm not under anyone's influence anymore, but..." her eyes followed the ongoing waves. They looked like on a leash, as if someone released them, so they could explode onto the harbor's walls, only to pull them back again shortly after, reminding them they were still being controlled. It seemed torturous, humiliating. It looked like her. "...I will never be free of him."
Y/N couldn't look at the boy, even if his burning gaze could only be extinguished by an eye contact. He was right, she was a monster. She could see it now and she wouldn't hide from this fact. She would accept herself before her heart would stop singing. It was the least she could do with the very limited time, coming to terms with her own self.
The stars started moving again slowly as Kaz spoke: "He can't control you anymore..." His tone showed certainty. Inej had to claim her souvenir of revenge by now, but he still managed to squeeze out a scoff from the hitman. She couldn't believe he allowed himself to be so naïve. Rainbow won't repair the damage done by storm, same as killing Pekka Rollins won't erase his actions and the following conciquences. His influence made her do things beyond his leadership. It scarred her for life, and those scars bled onto others without the possibility to heal. She bled on him too. She killed his brother for fuck's sake.
"The things he caused precedes him." Y/N finally looked at Kaz, his eyes seemed to be glowing in her hallucinating mind. "I can't be changed." She whispered, knowing he would hear every single letter. The moon illuminated him perfectly. His features casted a soft look under its light and Y/N was glad this would be the appearence of him she would take to her grave. She was happy to become one of the stars that would continue to shine on him.
Suddenly, death seemed very pretty.
The girl saw his hand on hers before she could feel it. It was weirdly warm, even though he barely touched her. His eyes demanded her ears' attention as he spoke, slowly, so she could feel the words. "You don't need to be changed."
Her mind was confused. How could he even speak such things?
"I am a killer." she reminded him.
"Not by choice." he argued.
"I killed my own mother and enjoyed it." she was restless in making him hate her.
"Your mother's conciquences of her own actions." he dodged her attempt.
"I killed your brother." was when she knew she would win. It wasn't excusable. Nothing could possibly erase this from Kaz's mind, no apology was enough, she was certain. That was the reason she couldn't understand why Kaz's hand began to hold hers more tightly as his eyes studied the wound in her stomache, covered by her arm that desperately tried to prevent the blood from pouring out, but it became more and more hopeless. "You're dying and not doing anything about it." he aknowleged. Y/N smiled briefly, from pain and also from his slow understanding of her plan.
"I deserve it." she spoke weakly, every word felt heavy on her tongue and she was about to give in to their weight. He only observed her, as her body was slowly losing the ability to move, as her energy was being sipped by the waves below. It suddenly felt a bit scary for her, she was in the process of dying and it strangely ignited the last bit of her will to live.
Kaz did nothing, he only asked: "Why?" She looked at him, her eyes shooting fear. She guessed she would engage with every emotion before turning off. Maybe the nature granted this privilege to every person, so they would get to have the proper goodbye to their body.
"I never done anything good, I only brought pain." her lips responded, making Kaz nod slowly. Y/N gasped softly as the fear intensified. This feeling was unlike any before, like her life was slowly slipping through her body, through the wound. Her arm pressed tightly, as much as she could to slow down the inevitable, but it was too late. "Maybe it's time to change that." Kaz spoke. She wouldn't be able to change her ways if she died, the only thing she would remember about this life was how she made it difficult for everyone else.
Y/N sighed, death was almost touching her, heart was losing its music. She no longer felt the waterdrops on her legs and the stars dimmed their light. "It's too late."
The port beneath her began to sway, as if it would tip over to the ocean anytime. She gripped the concrete edge, slipping her hand from Kaz's to do so, trying to stop it from moving, only for it to sway more. She picked her eyes up at the sky, seeing only her five stars in the black treacle sky, as her body pushed closer to the waves.
Death awaited her.
Like those waves, Y/N was suddenly pulled back by someone's hands, feeling her body lift up from the port, supported in the air. Her form bounced with every other step and another warm breath kept mixing with hers. She imagined those arms were of an angel, bringing her to heaven. Or a devil, bringing her to hell. She gave into its touch nonetheless.
"I know you're not very good at keeping them, but would you promise me one last thing?" a voice asked her, a low and a tired one. One that could only belong to an angel the way it kept her dying heart beating. The girl could only hum, agreeing to the angel's request. The voice sounded serious, threatening almost, but she could hear the worry hidden behind it, as it spoke.
"Don't make me lose you."
Nina whined, having trouble with breathing as her hands shook from the need to be put down. She saved the Dregs numerous times from a certain death, yet Y/N exceeded her expectations. The heartender tried her very best to wake her heart up, while Jesper and Wylan panicked to pull out the bullet and seize the wound, so no more blood would be lost. What wasn't helpful, though, was Brekker, constantly yelling at them for trying harder. She understood that his anger was powered by the fear for that girl, but that didn't put out the urge to fill his face with more wounds, maybe a broken nose even.
"I swear, Nina. If she dies.." he exclaimed again, not helping the situation in any way.
"It will be on you!" Nina barked at him, frustration clearly visible not only on her tone, but her tired features. Her eyes shot to Jesper and Wylan an apologizing look as she saw their hands bloodied and faces worried. The door swinged open behind her, revealing Inej. Nina felt relief wash over her as she saw her. Kaz would maybe stop being such an asshole in her presence.
"Is she breathing?" Inej asked and immediately moved to Y/N's lying form, putting her cheek above her nose. "Barely." Wylan answered stressfully. Kaz's worry shifted to fear, Nina could sense that, even when her full focus was on the hitman's weak heart. She was barely alive, but the heartender was still surprised it could beat. She was strong and Nina hoped she would continue to fight.
Jesper gasped heavily and looked at her. "The wound's sealed!" he sounded so hopeful and it brought Nina some strenght to see him like this. She had to take quick breaths before tightening her hands in the air one more time, fastening Y/N's heartbeat. Fortunetely, it worked. "She's breathing again!" Inej said with a small smile, causing Kaz to limp closer to see for himself. His own wounds weren't yet treated, but Nina didn't even try to convince him. He had trouble looking after himself when one of them was hurt, she could imagine how much worse it was in this case, where his heartbeat's fire was on the brink of death.
She could feel the heartbeat pick up to a slow pace. It wasn't yet normal, but at least she didn't have to control it now. Nina put her hands down and fell down on an armchair beside her. Everyone in the room fell victims to exhaustion, Nina closed her eyes for a moment, just focusing on her breathing. Wylan was the first to stand up and slowly make his way out of the room with the words she'll be alright, Nina, you did a great job. Jesper followed, squeezing Nina's shoulder and nodding shortly at Kaz, before the door closed after him too.
"You either let me treat your wounds or you will go and get some sleep." she offered to the man, her eyes fixated on Y/N. She was glad he, at least, wrapped his neck in a bandage during this hard time, but he had other quite serious wounds she had to treat sooner or later. Kaz allowed himself to be predictable as he stared at the hitman and then slowly limped out of the room. Before he did though, he surprised her after all.
"Thank you."
Nina's head snapped his way and watched him leave, she didn't expect that. Inej sat next to her on the armrest, following her eyes to the laying girl. "You should rest as well, I know how tired you are." the heartender studied her features with a caring look. Her friend fought the sleep well so far, which she hated to see. "I'm not leaving you alone." the spider said with a decisive eyes connecting with hers. She knew the heartender couldn't sleep herself, as she had to look out for Y/N's heart. Nina flashed a defeated smile. She was grateful for her presence, she missed her a lot, but it would ease her mind if she went to sleep. However, knowing her stubborn mind, she scooted over to the very side, creating a tiny space for Inej to sit, which her friend accepted with a smile.
"Alright then. Tell me how you killed Rollins and DON'T spare any details."
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amabeeze3al · 6 months
Y'ALL why the FUCK are the Mappa animators showing of the CORPSE of a DEAD FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL like teenage boys show off their Bugattis on tiktok. They got her ass at EVERY angle. They even added an INTERNAL SHOT from inside her popped fuckin' eyesocket PLEASE.
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Mappa really dropped this at our feet like a cat brings dead fucking birds. That's the energy this emits. They're so proud of themselves.
If you REALLY want to dig in they even added "that one random item that's here for some reason that has literally nothing to do with cars but why not". Like people will just. Set their cat or a bottle of some expensive fancy brand of alcohol on top of their car and have a shot of it for. . . I don't know? An attention grab or something, EXEPT THE RANDOM ITEM IS JUST HER EYEBALL AFTER IT GOT SUPER SOAKERED OUT OF HER HEAD?? That's VILE man. This shit requires a life sentence MINIMUM. DAMN.
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And then they have the AUDACITY to tease us that she might come back. I'VE SEEN THE NEW MANGA CHAPTERS they are NOT bringing her ass back (unless they pull a SIKE at the very end or something but come ON) but he looks so HOPEFUL I'm SICK.
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mattholicguilt · 1 year
I think part of Jon really wanted Helen to be working directly with Elias, and to have some master scheme she was planning the whole time (the same part of him that HAS to believe there is nothing of Helen Classic in this Helen). like he wanted a better reason to kill her. he wanted her to pull the rug out from under him and go, "Sike! I'm not your friend and I've been playing you the whole time!"
because it's so much messier when it turns out she genuinely likes him. he tells martin "she DID want to be our friend, she just didn't want to be a GOOD friend." which is SO MUCH MORE COMPELLING then "oh yeah she was 100% playing us." she wants the world to stay fucked-up but she wants martin and Jon there to enjoy it with her.
like Helen being a monster and a villain and a killer and still managing to be a TRAGIC CHARACTER... the way Jon was clear from the start that he didn't like her and would stop her if he had to, and you know he's doing the right thing but killing her still feels like some sort of betrayal... because it's all twisted up....
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panie-wanie-dean-bean · 9 months
I'm very tired and now my brainworms want to know about morning cuddles with cult town boys. Who lets us sleep in and snuggle? Who's gone when we wake up? Who is not letting us get up cause it's cuddle time? 🧡
Well let's get one thing clear, Jack will try to wake you up on time if you're sleeping together, but if you pull out the puppy eyes and maybe call him dad a few times he'll get back in and cuddle with you. Though, he's wide awake now, and his hands are already starting to wander
Rory's all about sleeping in and cuddling but he almost always wakes up hard. He won't make you deal with it obviously, but if you want to cuddle he needs to either be grinding on your thigh or sleepily fucking you
Jean is barely a person in the mornings. He needs a good cup of coffee before he can do anything so he can be easily talked into staying and cuddling with you. He's really soft like this actually, so long as you turn the heat up slow you could make him do anything, so long as neither of you have to get up
Joseph is so. fucking. warm. in the mornings. A huge cuddle bug too, in both senses. He'd love nothing more than to stay with you and cuddle the day away, and he'll say as much. He doesn't have all his anxiety in the mornings so he'll actually tell you what he wants, it's a great time to ask him what he would like from you since he's not trying to spare your feelings as much (Like he'd say anything upsetting anyway)
Bo is almost always the one you wake up to unless you spent the night with one of the other guys, and almost every morning is a struggle to make your cute pup let you go so you can start the day. A few kisses will make him relent or the promise of showering together, other wise you're staying in cuddle town until Bo wakes up enough to have to start moving
Nick makes sure he wakes up before you so he can watch you sleep. Once a stalker always a stalker, he just loves the thought of you being unaware of him looking or touching you, with consent of course. Though, if you have consented to that don't be surprised when you wake up to him giving you head
Shaun is a slow riser, he needs a solid 15-30 minutes just lying in bed to sike himself up for the day and what better way to spend that than cuddling! He's got a good grip on him and he has his kitty eyes so don't expect to be let out early either
Ian is not Ian before he's had his coffee. You know just as much when you try to get up and he slams you back down on the bed for a make out session. You'll have to tell him no if you'd rather not have your insides rearranged first thing, but then again, when else are you going to get rough dom Ian?
Barry is long gone by the time you wake up. He's got shit to do and the guy hardly sleeps anyway, you'll be hard pressed to get him to stay in bed long enough to cuddle let alone sleep
Sorry this is so horny but all of them are horn balls and I'm in a mood
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chadillacboseman · 3 months
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Summary: SIKE I wrote the full thing. Alex has an asthma attack, Alora suffers through his disgusting room. Featuring Kate (@thesingularityseries) and Alora (@bihanspookies). Just a quick little piece.
Very few people in the Black Dragon know about Alex's asthma.
It's a secret he holds close to his chest, knowing it could be used against him. The mask, he tells them, is just to look cool.
It's a shame the asthma doesn't care.
He can always feel an attack as soon as it starts; the tightening in his chest and throat, the sudden panic that grips him. He's seated with Kate and Alora at a workbench, tweaking the latest pipe bomb he's designed.
Then he feels it.
This one is quick; before he knows it, he's rising from his seat with wide eyes. Kate glances up at him, then does a double take.
"Alex, what's wrong?"
He opens his mouth to speak, but when he takes a breath, there is a crackling wheeze at the cusp of it. Kate's eyes widen- she knows that sound.
"Get his inhaler!" Kate cries to Alora, panic painted over her words.
"His what??" Alora is lost entirely, her eyes fixed on Alex.
"His inhaler! In his room!"
Alex drops to his knees, one hand planted on the floor, the other still clutching helplessly at his chest as his breaths become more shallow.
Alora turns on her heel and sprints off down the hallway, her braid bouncing erratically against her back. Kate kneels beside Alex and tries to calm him, but the wheezing is getting worse. He reaches for her, finding her arm and grabbing blindly at it. His mismatched eyes are full of fear as he struggles for air and clings to her shirt sleeve.
Alora reaches his room and tries the handle.
She swears under her breath and levels her boot into the door near the handle. It splinters open and bangs back against the wall. She'll apologize later. It suddenly strikes her that she's never been in his room before.
It's a disaster.
"Christ, Alex-" she begins rifling through his possessions; C4, semtex, "dynamite?" she asks the empty room incredulously as she tosses the fused cylinder aside.
Inhaler. Inhaler. Where would he keep it?
She begins pulling open drawers, her frustration at his terrible housekeeping growing with every roll of fuse and can of lighter fluid she throws across the room. Nothing in the dresser.
Alora moves to his bedside table. Six half empty cans of some knockoff energy drink decorate the surface alongside what she has to assume is a live grenade.
"Alex, you fucking idiot," she yanks the drawer open and the cans rattle, threatening to spill.
The drawer is full of gunpowder. Alora feels as if she is going to explode.
She slams the drawer shut and a plume of gunpowder erupts in her face. One of the cans tips and the half-finished liquid joins his already stained floor.
"Mierda!" Alora rubs her face, but it only serves to smudge the splash of powder that now adorns it.
She drops to the floor and searches frantically under his bed; a crate of ammo, a half handle of some cheap vodka, C4-
Not the explosive, the cat.
He must have been startled by the door. The orange tabby hisses and takes a swat at her that she barely manages to dodge.
"Jodete pues!" she rises from the floor; if his inhaler is under there, he's just going to have to die.
She moves next to the small table at the center of his space; kevlar plates, schematics for a flame thrower, a picture of Kano that appears to have been stabbed-
Alora lets out a triumphant 'ha!' as she snatches it from the table and sprints out of the room.
Back at the workbench, Kate panics, but tries her best to soothe Alex as he struggles for air.
"Breathe, Alex," she mimics slow breaths and he lets out a pathetic noise as he attempts to copy her.
What is taking Alora so long?
As if speaking of the devil, the redhead appears, looking as if she'd been through hell. Her hair is in disarray and her face is covered in black powder that she's managed to smudge for additional coverage. Kate rakes her eyes over her face and gives her a confused look.
"Don't ask," Alora snarls as she thrusts the inhaler into her hands.
Kate brings the mouthpiece to Alex's mouth and hits the cartridge once, then twice. He breathes, inhaling the medication frantically, then gives her a worried look. She does it a third time.
Finally, his breathing begins to regulate and the wheezing fades. With Kate's help, he rises from the floor and gives a relieved smile to the two of them. He cocks his head as he looks at Alora, whose blackened face is twisted in some kind of righteous fury he's never seen before.
"Gunpowder drawer?" he asks as he gestures to the stain.
Alora's next words are in Spanish, but they transcend the language barrier.
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do you think Metatron was bullshitting Azi or feeding him flattery when he said “you’re a leader, you don’t just tell people what they want to hear”? I feel like that’s going to be a Significant Moment when Meta is unmasked as the Big Bad in S3 and uses it against Aziraphale, scoffing and saying he just told Aziraphale what he wanted to hear, that he’s so pathetic and lonely that he would bend over backwards and abandon Earth just because he got a few crumbs of praise from a higher power. I feel like it’s really going to fuck Aziraphale up too, and Crowley will have to rebuild his self-confidence.
hello my lovely!!!💕
oh i definitely think whether it was flattery or bullshit, or both, they both knew it to be... incorrect. when you take into account that they both know what went down in their last interaction with each other, the whole of metatron's spiel to aziraphale in ep6 feels patently false.
the crux of their conversation in s1, ep4:
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put this interaction next to what he says to him in ep6, and almost every line is comparatively a lie:
"You're a leader, you're honest, you don't just tell people what they want to hear- it's why Gabriel came to you in the first place, I imagine..."
the only time that aziraphale, to my mind, truly acts like a leader specifically is at the end of s2. not really even at the airfield in s1; sure, he comes up with a way to make the angels doubt the great plan, but it's not evocative of leadership and moreso an employee springing their superiors with some convoluted (albeit valid) logic. and yes he gets his bamf-face on during the demon raid, but he's still very unsure and dithery, especially when he's pulling himself up by the bootstraps when telling shax to leave - and she then promptly puts him back in his place. and then consider every interaction he's ever had with the archangels; yeah, not quite leadership qualities, to my mind.
but the way he commands the room in the bookshop, when the demons and angels are squabbling and hissing like cats on a hot tin roof, is for me the first sign where aziraphale could actually lead. and the intriguing thing for me is that the metatron wasn't actually there for it; he was outside waiting in line and ordering his coffee from nina, but that's a different conversation.
as for whether metatron will reveal that it was bullshit/flattery in s3... would aziraphale much care? that's a little harder for me to riddle out. because here are some things that i have in my head:
there is a clear line drawn for aziraphale - imo - in s1. before the above conversation with the metatron, aziraphale is still largely loyal to heaven and the archangels, regardless of his own private dislike/apathy towards them individually. he is praised by heaven for his work, and actually - for what it's worth - i feel like gabriel's compliment is somewhat genuine (i could write a Lot about gabriel and aziraphale's dynamic but that's another ask). but anyway; at this point in the story, aziraphale still seems to put stock into the archangels' opinion and appraisal of him:
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but afterwards, after the metatron drops the nuke that everything aziraphale believed about what heaven should be is a lie (and that they will not just not intervene in, but are actively encouraging, the apocalypse so they can finally have it out with hell), aziraphale breaks from heaven entirely by the time we enter s2. they want nothing to do with him, and he wants nothing to do with them.
as i said before, aziraphale doesn't display leadership qualities - and i daresay that he's never really wanted it. he expressed to the metatron explicitly that he doesn't want to return to heaven, and at no point has he indicated that he's ambitious, or power-hungry, or essentially that he covets the supreme archangel position for himself. so, with that in mind, would he be really upset if the metatron turned around with "sike! you're an awful leader and i was lying to you all along"?
i mean, possibly. because yes, okay, in ep6 metatron is essentially telling aziraphale - "all these qualities that others have told you are heinous and laughable as an angel? yeah i actually want that exact kind of angel running heaven." and maybe yeah, aziraphale would buy into that; take all of the insecurities he has about himself - and if those qualities make him a good angel or not - and suddenly start seeing them as things that are in fact valuable.
but we've seen aziraphale be self-conscious, or take a knock to his self-esteem, and they have almost always been linked to things he genuinely cares about, and tie him to earth and humanity. he loses confidence in 1941 over his magic act. he feels self-conscious about being soft/his love of food. he is knocked back by the notion from shax that crowley only values him as a source of support. all of these, i think, are tied to aziraphale's idea of angelhood, but again - idk if aziraphale doesn't see through what the metatron is flattering him with in ep6. he certainly doesn't look flattered:
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all that to say; i don't think aziraphale would be blown to pieces by being told by the metatron that it was all a lie, all flattery to get him back in the fold. in s1, aziraphale has a very clear view that the metatron and god are not the same; the metatron is just a spokesman, aaaaaand the metatron just played his hand in telling aziraphale that they're plotting the second coming. which aziraphale definitely recognises as a Thing. his last look outside the lift would signify that he knows he's walking into the lion's den, and he's not on board, but has no choice but to follow now and play the game.
so personally, i think for him to suddenly regress to begging off the heavenly table for scraps would be to erase quite a bit of his character journey so far. depending on how you view the final fifteen, aziraphale is nonetheless going back to 'make a difference'... but i'd put money on that 'difference' being worlds away from what the metatron had intended.
if anything - given how he's replaced heaven's place in his life with crowley in s2 - i feel like crowley may instead be the source of aziraphale needing to confront himself about a few things. and not in a 'crowley will be an arsehole and rip aziraphale a new one just because he can' way, but a 'there are a lot of things that the both of them have refused to acknowledge about themselves, as well as each other, that have to be reckoned with before they can even begin to repair the rift'.
personally, i think that has the potential to fuck up aziraphale more than anything the metatron could ever do or say - and vice versa, for crowley - but also be significantly more empowering and completing than crowley being the one to pick up the pieces, if that makes sense?💕
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minhosimthings · 7 months
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Hold Me Without Hurting Me
Chapter 10: Gladiolus and Gemstone memoirs
A/N: In which an old friend fills your life with flowers again, along a bumpy sided road.
Pairings: Ceo!Jay × Ceo!fem!reader, includes rest of Enhypen and certain other groups
Warnings: angst-fluff, hurt/comfort, friends to enemies to fake dating to enemies to lovers, Mentions of food and alcohol, swearing, jay comfort, nothing much but it's a bumpy story.
Story prompt: If I had a flower for every time I fell in love with you, I would walk in my garden forever. (This story is based on the language of flowers.)
"So where to today?" You slammed the car door close and adjusted in the familiar seat. "The flower markets. They're a big part of this city and it would be a pity if I didn't show my girlfriend who came all the way from Seoul, why Seattle is called The Flower Garden of America." "Fake girlfriend." You corrected him, a cheeky smile peeking up on your mouth. "Sure sweetheart." Jay shot back a quip, making your heart skip yet another beat. It sure had been skipping too many beats today since you laid your eyes on him.
"So how is Mr Choi by the way after the whole 'slamming him into his own chair' incident?" You quizzed Jay who rolled his eyes at you and pulled out his phone. Scrolling to the end of it, he shoved it into your hands and continued looking out the window, silently grumbling as if he was a sage who had been interrupted midway his meditation.
"He did what?" You basically screamed at Jay, looking at him with widened eyes. Jay recoiled from the sound and pressed his fingers to his ears dramatically. "He fucking forgave you? That easily?" You squealed like an excited child at Jay, bouncing up and down on the seat. "Keep screaming like that and I'll stuff your face with manure." Jay glared at you. "Oh really?" You raised an eyebrow, "Really Mr Dung?" You laughed hysterically. "Yah that was twelve years ago!" Jay looked at you, flabbergasted, "One time Y/Nnie. One time!" He raised a finger to increase the effect. "Y/Nnie?" You questioned, "What happened to addressing each other by our actual names?" "Caught in the moment darling." Jay adjusted his watch again. God he was attractive when he did that. "Oh we're here."
Jay stepped out the car door first before you could and swiftly moved across to open yours. Something felt like it burst in your heart, seeing Jay open the door for you, just like he always used to do.
"Ta da." Jay said, underwhelming tone beseeching his voice. Your world seemed to have stopped for a moment as you layed your eyes on the sights in front of you. Your mother had always said that flowers were how God decorated Earth. You never believed that theory but you were coming to the realisation now that she was right.
Hundreds of thousands of flowers decorating every nook and cranny of the earth in front you. It was a beautiful panorama of colours and textures and happy faces, heads decorated with straw hats, women dressed in pretty dresses which reached their knee, while the men preferred blue overalls. The prettiest sight ever, in your opinion. The air around you gave a pleasant scent, probably of the tons of sage leaves burning here and there.
"Like it, my yarrow?" Jay looked at you with uncertainty. Your face must have been one of eager awe, but you were far too engrossed in staring at all the flowers like a child scanning a candy store.
"It's so beautiful." You breathed out finally, feeling a lump form in your throat, not caring whether it was of sadness or just of pure wonder. "I knew you'd like it." Jay chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist. He didn't say it out loud, but he felt comfort, when you didn't flinch at his touch like you usually did. Progress, he thought.
"Anyway we're not here to buy flowers, we're here to plant them." "Say sike right now." You looked at Jay with an excited expression clouding your face. Adorable, Jay thought, the same adorable flower girl he knew. "Calm down Persephone." Jay chuckled, "Oh look there's our teacher." He raised his hand and waved frantically at someone in the corner. You saw a hand wave back, and a figure rushing towards you.
A woman, a pretty one at that.
Her skin was one of chestnut trees and leaves in autumn. With hair that shone so brightly in the afternoon sun, she looked like a Greek goddess.
"Mr Park!" She said jovialy, her deep voice surprising you. Jay shook her hand and pressed a small peck to her cheek, making your stomach turn. "It's so nice to finally have you and your girlfriend here!" She clapped her hands together excitedly, "Well don't just stand there come on the plants aren't gonna plant themselves!" With that she turned on her heel and marched into the market.
"Shall we go darling?" Jay said in a honey sweet voice, "Y-yeah" you stuttered out, still intoxicated by his cologne. It smelled like pine wood and honeycomb on a pleasant evening sky.
The market place was more prettier inside than out. Lines of flower shops selling one particular flower were all busy with women bargaining loudly and sniffing all the flowers to check if they were fresh or not. One thing that surprised you was the fact that everyone here seemed to know Jay, as they waved their hands happily with 'Good morning Mr Park!" coming out of everyone's tongue like a memorised script.
"Are you famous here or something?" You questioned Jay as an old woman selling pink camellias blew a sprightly kiss to him. "Well yeah I am the person who started this place." Jay casually responded, not taking his eyes off of all the flowers, as if he was inspecting them, "I think it's fair for everyone to know who gave them this heaven." "You started this?" A whisper rang out of your mouth, as you looked at him in disbelief. It felt like a sweet lie, for him to start this place.
"Hurry up Mr Park we don't want to keep the flowers waiting now!" The woman called out to the both of you. You had crossed most of the market place and had now reached what seemed like miniature greenhouses, not bigger than a one story house, coloured in hues of blue with bright flowers peeking out here and there.
Planting flowers, you thought, easy enough, for the daughter of a gardening expert.
"Now would both of you want to work in the same greenhouse then?" The woman questioned, snapping her bright eyes to you, which you were taken aback by. You glanced at Jay, who seemed to have done the same thing and turned back to the woman. "Yes we would." You replied shooting her a wide smile, "Perhaps Gladiolus? I noticed there were bags of those flowers lined up outside one of the greenhouses." The woman laughed heartily and led you over to the greenhouse where you had seen the bags. "You certainly have a good eye Mrs Park." She said, making your stomach leap into butterflies at 'Mrs Park'. She didn't seem to know your last name, so she resorted to calling you Jay's. "You know Gladiolus has a very special meaning behind it." The woman started, carefully lifting the bags and carrying it into the greenhouse. "It means victory right?" You followed her eagerly like a child, Jay trailing behind you. "Ah I see you know your flowers." The woman chuckled, "It's known as the flower of the ancient Gladiators. It is mostly rewarded for integrity and strength and as you said, victory."
"I think we can take it from here Sally thanks." Jay bowed to the woman. Sally, so that's her name, you thought. Sally bowed back to Jay and quickly scampered out of the greenhouse, leaving you and Jay alone.
"Should we get a start then?" Jay stepped forward to you, as you knelt down to check the soil. The soil was softer than it looked, with a lingering grainy texture. "This is really good soil." You commented, keeping your hand on the ground to stand up. What you hadn't expected was to accidentally bump into Jay's chest and have his arm wrap very tightly around your waist.
Oh crap, this can't get any worse, you thought.
It seemed like eternity in those few seconds that your eyes bored into Jay's. His arm still rested on your waist, preventing you from falling to the ground. Romantic right?
"Oh sorry." You apologised, feeling your ears turn warm. Jay cleared his throat awkwardly and pointed his head towards your right. "I was gonna get those gloves behind you." He mumbled sheepishly, looking at the ground, "sorry."
You had always been a fan of k dramas, especially the romantic ones, where the lead female character would accidentally bump into the male character and then they would frantically apologise, when their faces would be an inch close to each other and their stomachs would erupt into butterflies. It never really seemed plausible to you, until now, as you watched Jay get the black gloves and hand a pair to you, carefully taking off his watch and putting it in his pocket. If your guardian angel was watching you right now, she would have definetly told you that you were still stuck in your stupid teenage love sick phase.
"Alright wanna do this then?" Jay clapped his gloved hands together and kneeled down, carefully reaching to take a gladiolus out of the bag. "Jay wait no!" You cried, kneeling down quickly, making Jay stop and look at you with widened eyes. "What now?" "The roots idiot." You slapped his head gently and reached to get a watercan. You slowly poured the water into the mud surrounding the gladiolus and then poked holes in it.
"Gladiolus is a special type of flower, remember?" You lifted the flower into your hands and patted it down to the soft earth below you, "Always needs water before it gets food."
Jay was speechless. As he looked on at you gently tapping the earth and adjusting the pretty gladiolus flower into the soil, your hair falling onto your face, and your necklace dangling like a wild flower from your neck, he was completely without words. You looked exactly like the flower obsessed girl he knew fifteen years ago.
"Hey your dress is gonna get spoilt." Jay softly mumbled, as his eyes fell upon what colour of dress you were currently wearing. White, a stupid choice, he thought, a stupid choice for someone who already looked like an angel. "It's alright." You gently hummed, "It washes off easily."
"Well if it washes off easily then-" Jay smirked at you, and picked up a handful of mud in his hand, "Can I do this!" He flung the mud at your dress and flung back, holding his stomach as he laughed raucously. You looked down at your, now brown dress and glared at him, scooping up a handful of mad and throwing it at his white pants.
"YAH MY PANTS!" Jay screamed, frantically rubbing the mud off. "You ruined my dress!" You screamed back, picking up another cake of mud and throwing it at him. "It doesn't wash off Y/N!" Jay cried in between fits of joyous laughter as both of you had a mini war of throwing mud at each other.
By the end of the war, in which many white clothes were lost, you two slumped back against the greenhouse wall, panting and giggling from all the childish actions.
"Sally's gonna be real mad that we didn't do anything productive and just played around like children." "Oh so what? We had fun didn't we?" Jay giggled, getting up slowly and extending a hand to you, which you took gratefully and hoisted yourself up.
"Wanna explore the market a bit? Buy some flowers?" Jay offered, depositing his gloves before putting his watch back on. "Sure." You nodded, keeping your own gloves aside, "I wonder what Jungwon and Kayla are doing."
"Oh they're having ice cream together and exploring Seattle." Jay quipped to which you looked at him bewildered as to how he knew what your assistants were doing. "What? Kayla's a nervous wreck she keeps texting me frantically about how handsome your assistant is."
A giggle erupted out of your mouth at Jay's statement to which he chuckled in respond. It made your heart a bit sad, to hear two people doing all the things you used to do with a certain someone. Young love again isn't it?
"Do you want to go off and explore on your own?" Jay questioned, "I gotta go check the money buisness with Sally." You hummed in response to Jay's offer and smiled him goodbye as he went off in the other direction.
The honeycomb scent of the air seemed beautiful as you took a deep breath. It was almost evening now and as you had expected, tiny dragonflies flew in and out of the pretty painting of the atmosphere.
"Ah you're Mr Park's girlfriend aren't you?" An old lady approached you. She reminded you of your mother, hair tied tightly in a bun, an apron stained with dirt probably from experimenting with flowers, and fingers are marked with scars from thorns. "How did you know?" You asked to which the old lady laughed. "Ah our Jay talks about you all the time you know? He showed me your picture once!" The lady laughed again, "you're more prettier in real life I must say!"
You smiled widely at her compliment and bowed, thanking her. She had a piece of gardenia in her hair, which brought her face to life. "You are really pretty as well Ma'am." You said, to which she pressed her hand to her heart. "You're such a sweetheart aren't you? I can see why Jay fell for you." She winked at you.
You spotted Jay coming in behind her and waved to him. "Ah Jay!" The old grandma tottered over to him. Jay extended his arms widely and pulled her into a big hug. "How are you grandma?" Jay said, as the old woman kissed his cheek. "Ah I'm doing as I always do." She waved her hand, "you should have told me you were going to bring your girlfriend here! I would have whipped up something!" Jay laughed at the old lady's words, which melted your heart into pieces. His laughs sounded like the same melody you had relished for seventeen years.
"How did the money talk go then?" You questioned Jay as you gently stroked the flowers in your hands. "They're doing good as always." Jay hummed, not looking up at you, fiddling with his fingers. "Interesting choice for a bouquet Jay." You glanced at him, seeing that he had finally looked up at you. "What's wrong with them?" He quizzed, raising an eyebrow. "Oh come one now don't pretend." You rolled your eyes, "Blue salvia, sorrel and dwarf sunflowers." You counted the flowers in the bouquet, "Everything here screams adoration." You leaned closer to him, "Are you trying to tell your ex best friend that you love her?" Jay gasped dramatically to your words and crossed his arms, "as if I could ever love your dumbass." "Yah park Jongsoeng." You slapped his arm, "Don't forget who got you your first date in eight grade."
Jay smiled gently at you and turned his body towards yours, the mere five inches of bouquet separating both of you. "Well your highness who I am ever so grateful for, for getting me a date when I was thirteen mind you-" Jay said sarcastically, "- We have a party to attend tomorrow, so our deal might be ending sooner than we thought."
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luvlyhyunjin · 2 months
BESTIE SAY SIKE RN?????? NOT YUNA????? when the words of a sister come back in whispers that prove she was not in fact what she seemed not a twin from your dreams she's a crook who was caught..... ooooo not you hitting us with that old familiar body ache damn :-(
i hate to say this but this makes so much sense :-((( with how yuna was so excited and eager to be y/n's friend even when y/n didn't know her at all and had no business at all with her omgggg :-( and woo is such a real one btw i don't think i ever gave him the credit he deserves but damn he's REAL
and can we talk about hyune referring to y/n as "the girl i love" and her being the last straw for him to beat up changbin bc he's as loyal to her as he's loyal to his family like omgggg i know this isn't the main focus of the chapter but im such a sucker for this type of trope ik i have issues but he really sounds like he called the amateurs and cut 'em from the team 🥹🥹
also did we just witness woo and felix finding out they were in love with a person who hurt both their respective best friends bc :-((( i want to be mad at this but you pulled this plot twist so gorgeously like okayyyy angie christie!!! we see you and we love you 🩷🩷 also the way yuna knows damn well y/n is head over heels in love with hyune but still offered woo her help to win y/n over.... like that's your so-called best friend, her man AND the man you're supposedly into who's also your so-called best friend's best friend that you're trying to play with like that's sooo not 💀 i was like omg yuna is on a silly goofy mood rn lol she's so funny but omg????
anyways this is getting too long and i'm sorry but you got me bad. it's almost midnight and i can't lay down bc i'm so gagged i'm afraid i'll choke in my sleep. i love you sm and i'm sending you the biggest hug ever 🫂
i wish i could say sike babe😔😔 i know yuna was so sus from the start yess woo is A REAL ONE woo defender till the day i dieee the only character that was 100% honest from the start 🙏🏻 my girl yuna really came into their lives to fuck everyone over helpp
not you calling angie christie helpp🥲🥲 thank you so much my love i’m so happy you stuck around for so long and enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed writing it! you’re so always so kind and funny with your notes fhat i find myself smiling along without meaning to ajakwna and please don’t apologize i dont mind lonf asks at all🩷🩷🩷 I LOVE YOU🥹🥺
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star-shapedfruit · 11 months
Alright lets talk about THAT scene
Honestly I'm still processing all of it and I don't even know if this is even gonna be coherent or more like
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This is long. LETS GO
So it's still very much up in the air as to whether that was really Hiyori or not because of the whole illusion thing that Father has going on in this domain but I'm going to assume this is actually her. It just seems kinda weird for Adachitoka to pull that and then go 'Haha SIKE! Jk!' in the next update. Like, if you're gonna pull a scene like that- you gotta commit to the bit ya know?
So let's assume it's all real. Cord snapped. Kapow. She's dead. Now what? God I wish I fucking knew because Adachitoka LOVE to throw curve balls at us so no matter what we predict it'll probably be wrong 🙃
But I think this might have something to do with it.
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Kofuku was the one to originally tie the plaques together (uh oh) but then Ookunushi was the one to place them back and bless them with happiness. So you've got a disaster god dooming them but a god of fortune blessing them. Those poor plaques are so confused lol. But either way, Yato and Hiyori are bonded for life and that's an already pretty strong bond they've got. They're two idiots in love and call it silly and cliché but perhaps it's that bond that will save them.
Hiyori is a special case. She's a half-Ayakashi with ties to both the Near Shore and the Far-Shore and we have no idea what happens to someone like that when they die. Do they lose their memories? Will she forget Yato, Yukine, and everyone else from the Far Shore? Will she forget her name? Again, a tricky one but since she treads the lines between the two worlds and her soulmate is a god, maybe not. It could be possible that she retains all those Far Shore memories and forgets a lot of the Near. She remembers her name but can't recall her parents or friends faces.
(That then brings up the huge elephant in the room of what other shinki will think of that and then start to ponder their own deaths leading to the GGS (the likes of Daikoku, Bishamon and Ebisu's shinki etc) but let's just put that to one side for a minute. I can only have one panic at a time)
I think one thing is for certain at this point though. Noragami won't exactly have a happy ending. Either Hiyori somehow lives and Yato is forced to cut her ties and she forgets everything or she dies and permanently joins the Far Shore, leaving her life, ambitions, friends and family behind. And yeah, neither of those are good. But it looks like they're the only options. Now shoot me for this but I seem to lean towards the latter. I really hate endings where someone forgets the entire journey they just went on and it ends up in a sort of 'it was all a dream' ending. They just make me angry lol. Person has this amazing story and adventure and it ends with a literal I forgor meme? Lame. It's more impactful if both parties suffer 😈 (Why I always get more emotional watching the S2 finale of Doctor Who than the S4 finale. I hate that Donna had to forget everything to save her. But that's a completely different kettle of fish).
I went on a tangent there oops. ANYWAY. If we go down the route that Hiyori is dead then it seems like only two things can happen; she'll become a shinki or she'll be deified. She can't be dead dead I refuse to believe that 😤 Not only because she's my favourite character but I really can't see Adachitoka killing her off for good.
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Now call me a hopeless romantic (and my Yatori brain going ding ding ding) but the immediate answer that came to mind when I saw this passage at the end of the chapter is love. Perhaps it'll be Hiyori's love for Yato (and Yukine of course) that will be the Deus ex machina that will ensure that she can come back and that she comes back with her memories in tact, maybe even bypassing the GGS. With that, she may be the secret weapon to destroying Father (did Ebisu and Take even destroy the shrine? Honestly can't remember). Whether that means Yato will name her and the three of them will completely whoop his ass or something else entirely, but I think that post-death Hiyori will be the final piece needed to end Trash Dad and the crisis on earth.
Horrific as it is, It would be fitting for her character to make that sacrifice. She's always been brave and selfless and if she knew that in order to save everyone she loves on earth and the rest of the population by fighting by Yato's side, even if that meant that she had to die, she'd do it.
Yes this isn't the perfect ending but there is no perfect ending. Hiyori has been doomed ever since she jumped in front of that bus.
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