#there WILL be more tf shrink ocs i swear
transingthoseformers · 10 months
Fuck it, I'm not fiddling with their design more, I've gotta move onto the next Cybertronian therapist because i plan on making more than a few because they need it
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So, Harlequinn (aka, "Quinn")!
So first thing's first i ended up giving them a southern accent in my head and i don't know why. That happens sometimes though, my inner monologue will just switch accents
They're a Decepticon (or at least Decepticon leaning) therapist who is pretty brutal on the battlefield but protective as hell of their patients. Evil and unethical sure but unlike Froid this doesn't translate to their patients/allies. Think like how Tarn is kinda nice to Nickel and the DJD but a motherfucking waking nightmare to everyone else.
Their shapes are directly inspired by various versions of Starscream yes but at first that was chance and they felt naked without wings or doorwings... so they ended up prettu seekerish
I imagine they're a helm or so, maybe half a helm shorter than TFA Starscream.
Yes i tried adding a nose/freckles because if i want to get better at drawing noses i need to practice. ... it's on another layer meaning under it they've got the aligned no-nose look
I think the only thing in common Harlequinn 2.0 has with their initial spinocon designs is the audial shape? And even then i explicitly made them more mini-wing-ish like Armada Optimus's (... i think.) Which yeah i 100% planned on a full design rework.
Today's a ~day~ okay sorry if i seem a bit snippy
I could not get that q to cooperate with me
Fr it's 2.0 design is nothing like their last design iteration.
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