#there are already hints of komahina or kamukoma
theamityelf · 2 years
Soooo, this might be testing my readership's tolerance for certain things a little early on, but I feel like the first two chapters already set up that fresh-out-of-the-simulation Nagito is kind of a piece of work, so I hope everything still feels like it tracks.
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collegiate-trash · 5 years
Stack the Deck | Cardverse AU
“It’s just like chess, y'know?” she tilted her head as she played with his king. “Once the king dies…”
The Queen of Spades stared as the white king fell down the board with a resounding click, the stillness only making his hollow voice echo more. “Everything ends.”
“Exactly.” Then, as if she was the friend she wanted everyone to think of her, she reached out to him, “So what do you say? Deal?”
This au is my first work in this fandom and pretty much continues to haunt me up to this day. It’s all about magic, kingdoms, and to what lengths someone will go for to be with someone. It’s kamukoma with hints of past komahina (obviously), and other minor ships like Naegi and his imperial harem (dont worry he doesnt want it), and practically all monarchs with each other.
This is a really ambitious au of mine due to how deep I found myself in world-building. I can’t seem to finish it due to how every time I finish one part of it, another part pops out and I just... “please stop”
So far, the main focus of the story is Kamukura’s personal journey on finding out the truth of his existence, along with figuring out just what the Four Patron Gods are planning. If you’ve already read the published works for this, you’ll see that it’s kinda heavy on the mythos and yeah... I’m not sorry lol
As for the wips, there’s tons of it lol and those were just the ones in that doc. They’re all over my drive and I’m lucky if I managed to find one I want haha. So far, the most likely to be posted some time soon are:
Hajime (Memoirs of the Lost Time) - where it focuses on Hajime, a young boy dreaming of being a knight and suddenly becoming the inexperienced retainer of a snotty, unwilling monarch. This serves as the prequel for the entire series and pretty much lays down everyone’s motives for Kamukura’s time
Red, White, Black - you’ve heard of Hinata’s side, now you get to learn who Komaeda is before he became crowned as the new King of Spades. It focuses on Komaeda’s childhood so yeah... angst is imminent.
Nights are for Sleeping - not really important plot-wise but it does help build up kamukoma’s relationship by bonding over their shared inability to sleep comfortably. Not sure if it’s teeth-rotting fluff but it is fluff
Ends and Beginnings - the epilogue of the entire series. I know. But yeah, it’s the ending and as the title suggests, it’s also the prequel of a brand new au. How is that possible? Simple. Because this is “ “everyone is now reincarnated in modern day Japan” au
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magioftheseas · 8 years
1,2,4,5,6,8-12,14-17,19-23,25-28 for komahina, basically the rest of the questions still not asked i guess, if you're up for it. and 6,7,9,28-30 for kamukoma if you're still fine with it and im not being a bother. sorry! i just like reading things you write about them
I have no self-control.
For KomaHina
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Komaeda is really clingy so he gets really affectionate, especially since an embarrassed Hinata is really cute.
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
Typically Hinata/Komaeda. Sometimes it’ll switch depending on if Hinata’s asleep first and if Komaeda’s feeling really cold.
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
They enjoy silence with one another, but Komaeda’s also quite fond of their domestic routine. Hinata also likes taking Komaeda to see pretty things because of the way Komaeda’s eyes sparkle when he’s impressed.
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
Hinata has the strength to and doesn’t mind flaunting it. Komaeda lacks the strength and struggles for it. (When he tries, it’s like a baby deer trying to stand.)
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Komaeda’s the kind of person to say “everything” but he really likes Hinata’s warmth and his smile. Also his chest and abs are not half-bad.
Hinata finds it hard to pick favorites, but if you twisted his arm, he’d probably say he favors Komaeda’s hands, his eyes, his calm smile, and his thighs and hips.
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Hinata likes the sound of Komaeda’s given name too much to use a nickname. Komaeda’s not one for them either (It’s just “Hajime”/”Hajime-kun”) but sometimes when he likes to make Hinata flustered by playing the role of loving, doting cutesy house husband, he’ll use stuff like “darling” or “honey”. Hinata can’t ever take him seriously.
9. Who worries the most?
Komaeda in general, but Hinata worries more about Komaeda in particular than Komaeda does about Hinata
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Komaeda because Hinata’s the kind of guy who always orders the same thing.
But Hinata remembers the weird stuff Komaeda experiments with.
11. Who tops?
They switch more as Komaeda’s stamina improves.
12. Who initiates kisses?
Hinata, usually. Komaeda when he’s more comfortable.
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Hinata worries about bruising Komaeda’s mouth, so Komaeda.
15. Who wakes up first?
Typically Komaeda, but Hinata has a lot of responsibilities.
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Komaeda wants Hinata to stay in bed a little longer. He doesn’t mind if he himself gets up early.
17. Who says I love you first?
Indirectly, Komaeda. Directly, Hinata.
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Hinata, since Komaeda doesn’t really have anyone to tell about it and especially since he doesn’t want Komaeda getting called a clingy creep by Souda when it takes Komaeda so long to get comfortable with showing even the subtlest hint of affection. No one is actually surprised. Souda’s weirded out, but…he’s not surprised.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Weirded out at most but approval nonetheless. Hinata’s been asked “are you sure? that guy? THAT guy?” more than a few times and he gets irritated so it’s accepted pretty quickly that yes, Hinata is sure. THAT guy.
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Neither, unless Hinata is drunk.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Komaeda cooks surprisingly well when the kitchen doesn’t collapse on him. But usually it’s Hinata because he’s strict about Komaeda getting the right about of nutrients in their meals.
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Hinata tries them. Gets flustered. Komaeda loves them, because it gets Hinata even more flustered.
25. Who needs more assurance?
You’d think it was Komaeda but Komaeda swears up and down it’s Hinata. Hinata also thinks it’s Hinata.
26. What would be their theme song?
….They don’t share the same taste in music, lawl.
But it’s still zanka.
27. Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
Who the fuck would let these two raise a child. They’re already raising themselves and each other.
It’s Komaeda because Hinata can’t hold a note for shit.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Komaeda’s used to being alone so he usually just carries through chores, assignments, duties, and on leisure times he just reads and maybe walks. Sometimes if not periodically, he sends Hinata stupidly cute texts throughout the door if Hinata’s off doing important work.
Hinata, meanwhile, ever a workaholic throws himself into work when Komaeda’s not around and only keeps himself from losing his shit with quick breaks to properly focus and check his phone and sometimes check on Komaeda and pulls through because Komaeda sent him this stupidly cute text about a pinecone that looked like him thanks Komaeda but immediately afterwards he throws himself back in. He gets antsy when awake and alone so he usually naps if he can or tries and often fails to force himself to relax and read. He pulls through when Komaeda sends him a picture of a daybreak sky with the text message “Hinata Hajime!” and also a winky emoticon.
For KamuKoma
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Kamukura’s the type of person who says “everything” and means it. But Komaeda really does have nice hips and is quite endearingly affectionate, both traits that Kamukura is quite fond of.
 Komaeda wants to say “everything” and mean it. But he gets the most chills at Kamukura’s imposing presence and sharp gaze. And yeah, dat chest. Dem abs.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Komaeda thinks nothing of it because it’s Kamukura Izuru, of course he’d fall in love with someone like Kamukura Izuru.
But Kamu, curious at how these feelings came to be, observes Komaeda more closely to see just what it was exactly that invoked such feelings. He confesses pretty quickly because that’s the logical and most effective way of dealing with these feelings.
9. Who worries the most?
Pfffft. Kamukura denies being even capable of worrying. 
It’s Kamukura.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Komaeda’s much the same as he is when away from Hinata, except maybe more absent-minded, if that makes any sense?
Kamukura is all business even more so than Hinata and even more singularly-focused, so he does whatever tasks at hand he’s supposed to do without worrying or stressing the way Hinata would. But in times of leisure without Komaeda, Kamukura just gets so bored that he’ll either sit and stare at a wall or wander aimlessly. If Komaeda’s sending him cutesy texts, he goes on a mission to find and text Komaeda pictures of things he know Komaeda will like.
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
While in SHSL Despair together, Kamukura has seen what Komaeda looks like broken and hysterical. Sometimes, he’s been the cause of it even when the other was begging him. While he’d been interested in the sight due to Komaeda’s usual demeanor being completely shattered in a way he’d never quite seen before (because he knows few people as well as Komaeda), that face ate away at him in a way that was definitively unpleasant and decidedly best avoided. He hated Junko for wanting to see more and more of it.
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
Kamukura’s prone to being unspeakably gentle with Komaeda, and when Komaeda wants to be consoled or comforted, Kamukura doesn’t mind providing him with solace. The way Kamukura expresses his care through words is always matter-of-fact and firm in a way that there are no disagreements. Kamukura will say without hesitation or even the slightest lowering in his voice that Komaeda is precious to him and is someone who not only deserves his protection but is entitled to it. :B
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