#there are hints that elias wants her to be the next apocalypse bringer ofc
yaboyspodcastpalace · 3 years
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[send me a 📓 and I’ll explain the plot of a fic i daydream about!!]
to you ill talk about the martelias :::D
long story short: martin x evil single father elias, co-parenting, enemies to lovers, a dash of web!martin
long story long:
after martin puts him on jail elias reveals his secret weapon card thats that he has a 9 year old daughter that HAS to stay w/ martin bc taking care of her its the least he can do, cue the tug and pull of childhood trauma and seeing this kid who has a TERRIBLE person of a father (although, surprisingly, does seem to care about her) and wanting to take care of her yknow? he's not great with kids and the kid is kinda difficult sometimes but he can listen to little amelia infodump about whatever she's been reading, and he takes a lot of pride whenever she says he's better than elias at something lmfao
eventually though elias is released and amelia goes back to living with him but she misses martin :(((( and elias father of the year goes sure i'll buy you a pony and basically tells martin to go live w/ them, to which hes obviously like what the actual fuck, but! he does care about her, he doesnt trust elias to not turn her into a monster, and, well, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, right?
now here's where the story becomes three different things:
1. martin and elias living together, martin being ascended (again) to head of the institute's assistant after jon manages to free himself from the archives (smth smth eyes smth smth tim being alive and them running away together at the end of s4, w/e, details) and just... trying (to varying degrees) to balance living under the same roof for his (w/ an increasing their) daughter while tormenting each other, that results sometimes in giving her contradicting advice for life and for people n stuff or martin being at his throat whenever she's not around, that gets... manageable with time... elias might have babytrapped him for his own amusement for a bit but the reality is that martin is much better dealing w/ the kid than him, and the prospect of kicking him off would make amelia much less malleable to him.
Anyway these kinda powerplays between the two, the weird sexual (and maybe... romantic?) tension that i always write martin and elias with, plus their mostly genuine mutual care for the kid and the fact that they both see different sides of the other slowly puts them on the weirdest middle ground u_u
2. martin and amelia!!! as i mentioned before, the trauma of having a terrible childhood and wishing this kid to have a better one than him, the grapples, fears, (and joys!) of parenthood, being able to take care of someone not because you have to but because you want to :) i think martin deserves something nice!! but also:
3. the scene of lil amelia asking martin to look under her bed bc she's scared of monsters and martin realizing that, well, there ARE monsters, not under her bed but in general, her father is a monster and the world they both live in is full of people and entities that wish to harm. And so he tells her that nothing will happen to her and that he'll keep her safe :) which kicks martin's descent into the web bc he WILL do anything for love, let him become a monster so his daughter doesnt have to, let him try really hard so she becomes a good person instead...
STAN AMELIA BOUCHARD-BLACKWOOD / BLACKWOOD-BOUCHARD, she's besties with a weird girl marked by the hunt, but thats part of the tma ocs extended universe jdkfghjdfg
real talk the last point is heavily hinted at many places but never outright stated, until at the very end where something happens in the Institute and elias gets blinded (shoot-fucking-out to there will come soft rains the best martelias fic) and the very last scene is martin checking on elias whos laying on their bed and he says to him that he might be blind but he feels the strings in the house and running up his skin and martin smiles bc yeah, yeah, he meant it when he said he'll keep amelia safe from the likes of elias, him very much included, and then they have a convo reminiscent to an earlier conversation bc i love ironic echoes lmfao (and also kiss, probably, bc at this point they're both fucked up, and elias is arrogant enough to believe he can get back to him)
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