#there are ppl who find small dick inherently shameful and those who do not and we’re not ever gonna agree
likelylarks · 2 years
if i have to read one more time!!! that the maxiel small dick max fic is written by people who hate max!! i am going!!! to lose it!!!!!! don’t say!!!!! you don’t read maxiel/the small dick fics!!!! and then decide you know who is writing it!!!!! bc if you’re not reading it (self admittedly)!!! then how!!!! do you!!! know!!!!!!
you don’t :) and you’re just making shit up :) to justify why you don’t like a kink :) and to shit on people :) who do like it :) when you can just :) not like something :) instead of trying to psychoanalyze strangers :) and willfully coming to the wrong conclusions :) to be a dick :) and then spreading false information :)
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