#don’t y’all ever get tired of trying to police strangers?
likelylarks · 2 years
if i have to read one more time!!! that the maxiel small dick max fic is written by people who hate max!! i am going!!! to lose it!!!!!! don’t say!!!!! you don’t read maxiel/the small dick fics!!!! and then decide you know who is writing it!!!!! bc if you’re not reading it (self admittedly)!!! then how!!!! do you!!! know!!!!!!
you don’t :) and you’re just making shit up :) to justify why you don’t like a kink :) and to shit on people :) who do like it :) when you can just :) not like something :) instead of trying to psychoanalyze strangers :) and willfully coming to the wrong conclusions :) to be a dick :) and then spreading false information :)
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
even more Vanessa headcanons
Doesn’t like having her hair down. It just makes her feel unsafe
The animatronics automatically know something is wrong if she doesn’t have her hair up
I know I’ve said this before but: she suffers from very frequent migraines, which are caused by Glitchtrap constantly trying to take over her body
They range from a 10 on the pain scale to Death
They’re bad
Hates mirrors because she constantly fears seeing her eyes turned purple or worse: Him
Once punched a mirror because she saw Him standing behind her
Will usually ask the worker that comes to take her shift if they can walk her to her car, as it’s still dark at six and she doesn’t like the dark, and they usually agree
Except this one time someone new was there and they refused, saying she needed to not act like such a huge pussy. And to add insult to injury, when she tried to wait in the lobby for it to get a bit brighter, they threatened to call the police, so she had to stagger her way to her car in the dark. It was Not Fun.
Cleans compulsively out of stress
Really doesn’t like when her apartment gets dirty, but sometimes her sink will pile up with dirty dishes because she’s just too tired to do them and she hates herself for it
Hates the utility tunnels. She once got lost in them and had a panic attack because she thought she was stuck down there forever
Calls Freddy and Monty “big guy” or “buddy/bud” affectionately
Has glasses, but doesn’t wear them ever
But also doesn’t use contacts because they hurt her eyes
Says she doesn’t have a favorite animatronic and that is the genuine truth. She likes them all equally.
She has this tradition of throwing her hands up in the air and shouting “DJ MUSIC MAN IN THE HOUSE!!!” when going around DJMM
Chica calls her “sweet pea” and “honeybun” and her attention-starved, mommy issues-lookin ass can’t handle it (also hahaha get it? honeybun? bun? Vanny is a bunny? i’m so clever)
The Worst allergies in the spring
Once sneezed and dislocated a rib
When her nose is stuffed she thinks eating hot foods with help clear her sinuses
Has an acid reflux
Do y’all see how those two things don’t work out
Did I mention touch-starved?
Started beef with Christians on TikTok
Her hair fluffs up after she washes it
Her jaw sometimes clicks when she chews and she isn’t sure what that’s about
Refuses to go to the hospital unless she’s actively dying
Scripts what she’s gonna say before making a phone call
Sleeps in her bra
Not wearing one makes her super uncomfy
Snorts when she laughs too hard and she Hates It because she gets embarrassed
HATES being tickled
It makes her feel vulnerable
Doesn’t know if her back hurts because of her bad posture or if that’s another kidney infection
Sis is built like a shrimp
Has pirated Many Movies
Doesn’t like old movies, but she LOVED Rear Window and Strangers on a Train
She, like. really enjoys beauty blenders
She doesn’t use them. She just likes holding them. They’re soft
Touch-starved again
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Red Rose (3)
Jaebum Mafia Series
one / two / three /  four / five  masterlist
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: mafia, angst, romance, mature plot: im jaebum was your first love in university, but then he disappeared. and now he’s back, and he is a mafia leader? a/n: okay so I got a little carried away, and what about it? lmao jk. hope y’all like it. it’ll get better from next chapter <333 not edited at all
The first time you met Jaebum was on the first day of orientation. Your friend had ditched you last minute, and you didn't know anyone else. You stood off to the side, on the edge of the group wishing to hideaway.
You wondered if you could just go away unnoticed. You probably could, but you were scared to be called, and you also didn’t know what you would do if you walked away. You didn’t come to the city much, and all the streets looked the same. All walking away would have achieved would be endless wandering through the city streets, trying to find some sort of familiarity.
You sighed, checking the time and seeing only twenty minutes had passed.
“Hey, can I sit here?” You looked up to find a dark-haired boy smiling at you as he pointed to the seat occupied with your bag. Your cheeks flushed once you realised you had been staring for a minute too long.
“No. I mean, yes, go for it,” you mumbled, before biting your lip at how awkward you were as you removed your bag.
“I’m Im Jaebum, by the way,” he smiled sitting next to you. You gave him a shy smile back, your fingers a fidgeting mess in your lap.
“Y/n,” you replied softly.
“Are you doing a STEM degree too?” He asked you shook your head before replying, letting him carry you into a friendly conversation. He spent the whole day with you after you told him your friend couldn’t make it.
However, you didn’t get his number, and no matter how much you searched on social media, you couldn’t find him. But then by fate or destiny, you met him again. You were outside the lecture theatre waiting for the class inside to walk out when you felt a presence beside you.
“We meet again,” he smiled at you, and your heart skipped a beat. “Hello, y/n.”
“Let me out of here!” You banged against the door, your fist hurting from the heavy beating against the hard wooden door. “Please!”
You didn’t get a reply. No matter how much you yelled, knocked or kicked against the door, you didn't get a reply.
“Please,” you breathed placing your head against the door. You closed your eyes tight as you pushed back the tears of frustration.
You tried not thinking about what had happened a few hours ago. You didn't want to think about the deafening silence after the gunshot. You didn’t want to remember the red that pooled beneath him, how his limps fell to the floor as the man you had killed slowly bled out.
You had killed someone.
You needed to get out of here.
But you couldn’t. You had woken up in this huge room that belonged to some sort of king. It was magnificent, yet modern and contemporary. It’s how you’d imagine penthouse rooms to be that cost more than your monthly wages. But you knew this wasn’t a penthouse.
The silence, this peaceful, skin-biting silence didn’t exist in the city you lived in. No police sirens were going off every few minutes, no honks, no loud suspicious noises, no screams or yells. There was nothing, absolute quietness, and you were losing your mind.
“Let me out!” You pulled at the door once again, before kicking it once again. You stumbled over to the bed, bringing your knees to your chest as you hid your face into your body.
You wouldn’t cry, you told yourself. You will not cry, not now.
And then, like a miracle, the door swung open and in walked in a familiar boy.
“You,” you breathed, remembering him. He was the card-bearer of the group whenever they walked into the diner. He would be the first to tell of the boys and talk to you as if their behaviour was his responsibility.
“We haven’t been introduced,” he adjusted his black jacket, as he placed a tray of food on the table in front of the empty fireplace. He gestured to the food, raising an eyebrow at you in invitation. “I am Park Jinyoung.”
“I’m y/n,” you replied, not moving from your place, your knees still tucked into your chest. “What am I doing here?”
“How about I explain that while you get some food in your tummy?” He gave you a reassuring smile, as stepped to the side and settled on a chair, gesturing the other to you.
You grudgingly got up and sat in front of him. Jinyoung didn’t say anything, his gaze on you and the food, waiting for you to start eating. You slowly took a small bite of the French toast, “Thank you.”
“It’s no problem, y/n,” Jinyoung softened as he watched you chew your food. “It should be us who should be thanking you for saving our maknae.”
“Oh right,” you placed the bread down, you didn't care to use cutlery, not when you felt so raw and savage. “How is the boy?”
“The boy,” Jinyoung snorted, “is fine. It’s nothing he hasn’t experienced before.”
You nodded, taking it all in.
“So this isn’t new to you? You use guns and hurt people all the time?”
“Only the bad guys,” Jinyoung smiled, offering you a cup of hot chocolate. You took it off his hands and took a small sip.
You welcomed the warmth it spread in your empty tummy, “How do you decide who is good and who is not?”
Jinyoung smirked at that, as he took a sip from his own cup filled with dark coffee, “Sometimes things are cosmically bad. A moral code isn’t required to know and punish those evils.”
“Violence is violence.” You countered.
“Not when it’s to stop a greater evil.”
“There will always be a greater evil,” you held his intrigued gaze, “how do you know when to stop before you become the greatest yourself?”
Jinyoung smiled at that placing his cup down, and just shrugged, “I don’t know.”
You watched him for a few more seconds, before glancing at the open doors.
“How long have I been here?” You asked, meeting his beady eyes.
“You’ve been unconscious for two hours, and then have been sleeping since then, according to our doctor,” Jinyoung replied, smiling as your cheeks began heating up. “It’s been a day. Don’t you sleep?”
“I do. I just...” You trailed off not answering the question. Your leg started shaking anxiously as your mind began to race. “Can I go home?”
“Yes, of course,” Jinyoung replied offended. “We weren't kidnapping you.”
“It seemed like it with the locked doors, and not letting me out.”
“I’m sorry,” Jinyoung laughed a bit, his lips slightly pouting. “We weren’t home, so we didn’t realise you had woken up. And the guys who remained back ended up occupied, that’s on us. Sorry.”
You just nodded. This didn’t seem that bad of a situation, it didn’t seem like these guys would hurt you or wanted to hurt you.
And then you remembered him.
“Jaebum,” you spoke, making Jinyoung’s wide eyes meet yours in surprise. “Where is he? Can I meet him?”
“You know JB?”
You nodded in reply. Your body on edge with nerves with anticipation, as Jinyoung walked out to get Jaebum. Your fingers nervously fidgeting on your lap, your lips turning raw between your lips, and your leg furiously moving up and down.
You didn’t know if you were truly ready to meet him again. You didn’t know how you would act or what you would say. You had seen him at the diner once, and that was it.
That was all you had of him in the past few years. Just those few moments in your small diner avoiding him and his melting warm brown eyes. You didn’t know what to expect, or how he would act.
But in all this mess, he was the only one you could count on. The only one you knew, the only to help you settle your shaking heart and speeding mind.
You heard his footsteps before he walked in and the doors closed. You spun in your seat to see the boy who comforted you in a room full of strangers, standing there staring at you.
“Jaebum,” you breathed raising up from your seat. You didn’t know if you would ever say that name out loud to him ever again. You had said it so many times before, in so many different ways to him.
You whispered it into his ear, you had moaned it, screamed it and warned it. You never got tired of saying his name, you never got tired of him. Before the name could even begin to lose its magic he had disappeared, but now he was here once again.
He stood there. His dark hair a troubled mess, as if his fingers had spent the past hours running through them endlessly. His white button shirt clinging onto his solid muscles, showing his toned abs and strong arms. The first two buttons of his shirt left open, showing soft skin, the bottom of his shirt untucked messily. He looked like a mess, he looked beautiful,
“Jaebum,” you whispered, tears sparkling in your eyes as you gave him a small smile. Jaebum continued to stare at you, but it didn't falter your racing heart. “How are you?”
Jaebum didn’t reply for a long minute. He continued to stare at you, taking you in slowly. His dark gaze swept over you, drinking you in carefully. But he didn’t smile, his tense shoulders didn’t relax. His hands remained tight by his side, as his jaw remained locked.
“I am as good as someone can be when dealing with a meddlesome waitress shooting the right hand of a mafia company could,” he replied coldly.
Your brows furrowed at that. There was no hint of a smile, no warmth, nothing.
You stumbled over your words, as you gulped and took a step towards him, “Is he okay, Jae?
“He isn’t dead, right?”
Jaebum rolled his eyes, annoyed before sighing, “No, unluckily not.”
“Didn’t you say it was trouble that I shot him? How is it unlucky that he didn’t die?” You asked confused, your lips falling into a soft pout. You didn’t like the cold line Jaebum’s lips were drawn into.
“Well, he deserved to die,” Jaebum sighed, finally moving from where he stood. He walked away from you towards the windows looking out over the garden, and forest beyond. “The trouble is now we have a liability.”
“I am the liability?” You asked, watching his back flex as he placed his hands on ledge leaning against it.
He didn’t turn back to you, he looked over his shoulder. His voice tired, irritated as he breathed, “I don’t see any other waitress in this room.”
Your brows furrowed, your lips frowning and you were sure you looked like a ridiculous little kid about to throw a tantrum, but you didn't care.
Before you could speak, the door opened and in walked Jinyoung.
“JB, Derek is on call,” he spoke in Jaebum’s direction. Jaebum just nodded, sighing heavily before he began walking towards the door. You stood there struck by shock at how he was acting.
Was he really going to be like this?
You had just almost murdered someone, ended up in this strange mansion place, near kidnapped, and all he had to say was that you are a nosy waitress who was nothing but a liability.
No hello, or thank you, or how have you been? or I’m sorry for disappearing all those years ago, but surprise! I am now part of this shady bullshit.
Like hell.
“Jaebum!” You called out into the hallway, he stopped a few steps away from disappearing around the corner.
He didn’t reply, he just stood still staring ahead of him. Jinyoung turned to look back at you with raised brows and then gawked between Jaebum and you.
“I am just a nosy waitress?” You snickered, as you strutted towards him. “I am no one else?”
You stopped behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder and twisting him to meet your enraged eyes. “Is that all I am?”
Jaebum smirked back, his eyes so dark and empty, your heart sank, “Are you meant to be anything else?”
“You don’t remember me?” You snorted, your eyes burning with threatening tears. You hated the crack in your voice, but you didn’t care. It didn’t matter what emotions you showed or spoke with, it didn’t take away from what you saying. “You don’t remember me at all? You don’t know me? So what you’re saying is that you never went to a carnival and missed all the targets with the gun game, and then treasured a panda keychain I had won you?”
You could see Jinyoung close his eyes to stop himself from laughing.
Jaebum, on the other hand, was not amused or pleased. He took a step forward, making you tilt your head to meet his furious eyes darkening with every passing second.
“You are no one.” Jaebum spat each word, soaking in every word as it pierced your heart.
You looked away from him and took a step back.
“I want to go home,” was all you said looking at his chest.
Jaebum turned, giving Jinyoung a nod before disappearing around the corner.
Jinyoung bit his lip, and you could feel the questions bubbling inside him.
“Shoot,” you muttered as you followed behind him.
“Did he choose the panda keychain?”
“I could have gotten him the giant teddy, but that's what he wanted,” you shrugged, and Jinyoung chuckled.
You lifted your curtain to find the car remain outside your apartment. The two men in the vehicle reclined, settling as they pulled out snacks and began their little campout.
You sighed, and moved towards the bathroom, stripping the dirty and sticky uniform of your body. You turned the shower on and stared at your reflection, waiting for the water to heat up.
You took in your face, your hair, your lips and your eyes, and wondered how much of it had really changed since you last saw Jaebum. You looked exactly the same; those who knew you would never forget you. Especially, not someone who had spent endless extraordinary moments with you as Jaebum had.
You were exactly the same. Your eyes just a bit more tired, a few lines starting on your face. You didn’t look like a girl anymore, you knew that. The person in the reflection was a woman, a ghost of the past, but still recognisable.
Once the mirror fogged up with steam, you walked into the hot water and let it wash over you.
You didn’t cry.
You didn’t say or do anything.
You turned off the shower, dried yourself and walked into your bed.
You covered yourself in your blankets up to your neck and stared at the wall.
“Didn’t recognise me, my ass,” you whispered, and then finally you let go of the tears.
Luckily, you didn’t have work for the past two days. You had spent one day passed out at Jaebum’s mansion, and the other mopping around in your room. You had spent it watching romcoms, and binge-eating every form of sweet and chocolate in your kitchen.
But reality had caught up, and you were now going back to work at the diner. Your gaze drifted to where the car had remained religiously the past day and found the empty parking spot.
You shook your head and brought your purse closer to you as you walked towards the bus stop. You would normally walk to work, but today you were exhausted.
You felt so drained mentally, that your body actually hurt physically.
You didn’t know what happened next though. You were looking through your purse searching for your bus card at the bus stop, when the next moment, a hand tightly gripped your wrist pulling you forward.
The edge of the van slammed against your shin, making you cry in pain. Your wrist was already burning from the tight grip, while your other hand clawed at the hairy hand, that painfully pulled you into the white van.
“No. Stop.” You pleaded, trying to throw yourself back out into the street and out of the van.
A sharp slap against your cheek made your neck almost snap, as someone pulled your hair, and yanked you inside.
“Shut up bitch.” A man with angry eyebrows warned, your cheeks prickling from the pain. He took your hands and tied your wrists behind you, and duck-tapped your lips.
You let him. You fell back, knowing and waiting.
There were four men.
They threw you into a room and didn't even bother to lock it as they walked out. You stayed quiet and listened.
Finally, after what felt like two hours, two of them went out to get some food. The other one went to take a lap around the building, leaving only one.
One was better than four.
You reached along the edge of your skirt, finding the small flat-blade you always kept tucked away there. Everyone had laughed at you and called you insane when you told them you had been doing this to all your outfits, but jokes on them.
You opened your mouth, darting your tongue out to lick away the adhesive of the duck-tap. You carefully cut the zip-tie, biting back the hiss as the sharp edges painfully dug into your skin. You snapped it free, pulling the duck-tap away, before getting up and stretching.
One guy. You could take one guy.
You looked around the room and found a wooden chair.
You rolled your eyes at how stupid they were. The first thing they should've done was tie you to the chairs, but these idiots underestimated you.
You opened the door slightly, searching for the remaining lad. You found him sitting on a chair facing away from your door. He laughed at whatever he was watching on his phone, and you quietly crept out.
You decided against the chair, picking up a rod on the way instead. The guy must have sensed you, as he began turning around, but before he could, you slammed the rod against the head.
You watched as he knocked out, and began walking towards the area you hoped was the exit.
You were almost out when another figure appeared in front of you.
You sighed, clutching the rod tighter in your hand before raising an eyebrow at him.
“Come and get me, shit-head,” you smirked.
“You’re dead, you fucking bitch,” he growled as he charged towards you. You dodged him as he swung a fist at you. You didn’t have strength, but you had speed, you quickly smashed the rod at the back of his knees, making him fall. You instantly landed another blow on the back of his head.
Once he stopped moving you began running out again.
You didn’t know how long it would be before the others returned, or if any others were loitering outside. You didn't let go of the rod and checked every corner before making a turn.
You could see the parking lot, you were almost out.
You began racing towards the door when a bang echoed from behind you. Terrified, you turned back to find the first guy standing there with a gun pointed at you, “Going somewhere, bitch?”
You cursed yourself, as you tried running faster. You should’ve checked for guns, how stupid could you possibly be.
“I’d stop there if I was you,” he chuckled, enjoying the game. However, despite his warning words and the gun in his hand. He didn't chase after you or shoot at you freely. You guessed his lack of speed to be a result of his bleeding forehead thanks to you. But the missing gunshots, however, were a mystery. Nevertheless, you welcomed the stroke of luck or his foolishness with gratitude.
You were almost at the door when two figures appeared in front of you.
“Really, Ron?” The red-haired one grunted at the man behind you. “Couldn't even take care of a little girl like her?”
Three against one, odds outweigh you by a lot, but you were not going down without a fight.
You continued racing towards them and swung the rod straight onto their face. You land it straight onto the red haired’s face but were too slow for the other.
The other kicked your stomach, making you fall to the floor. The rod slipped out of your hands and fell a few feet away from you. You tried reaching for it, but before you could, your scalp burned in pain as he yanked you up by your hair. His hands folded into your long locks, as he held you still before striking your face with the back of his hand.
Your cheeks throbbed in pain, and you tasted the warm metallic tang of blood on your lips and cheek.
“Asshole,” you cursed before thrashing around. It didn't achieve anything but another slap, making you fall onto the floor and hit your forehead against the cracked tiles. You winced glancing up, to find your rod just a few inches away from your hand. You quickly grabbed it as he dragged you back up.
You crushed it against his head, making him fall to the ground. You heard gunshots resound from the other side of the room. You instantly hit him one more time, swinging the rod, at the other guy coming towards you. He lunges backwards giving you enough time to pull out the gun from the guy crying in pain, holding his nose and mouth.
You pointed the gun to the leg, swiftly shooting his leg, making him cry out in pain. And then turn to the other, who surrenders instantly.
He gets on his knees, holding up his hands.
“Throw out your gun, now.” You ordered, and he did it immediately. You picked it up quickly, before turning to the other guy. His head still bleeding, and his gun still pointed at you.
“I know you can’t shoot me,” you told him, you were just bluffing but hoped it was correct. You shot towards him, missing his feet by a few centimetres. “But I can shoot you. Take out your magazine and throw it over here.”
You shoot one more time, this time higher. He grudgingly fell onto his knees and did as you said.
You picked up his bullets, putting it into your pants, along with the other gun. “If you’re going to chase after me, count to two hundred before you start. It’s the least chivalrous thing you could do.”
You raced onto the deserted road. The moon low and the world surrounded in darkness. You continued running, despite your cramping legs, and burning throat and lungs.
You knew the men would be arriving any second now.
And then, like a miracle, you saw headlights. You threw yourself in the middle of the road. Your arms flailing like crazy; tears, sweat and blood mixing together as you cried for them to stop.
“Please stop!” You cried, and then thinking maybe you should’ve hidden the gun to seem more friendly and less serial killer. “Please! Please!”
It slowed as it neared you, and you carefully made your way towards the driver’s side.
“Please help me,” you cried, your words rushed and breaking. “I was kidnapped, and I somehow escaped, but they’re chasing me- please- just- please just give me a ride just a few distances away from here. I- please.”
The windows rolled down, and you were met with distant eyes blazing with icy fire.
“Get in.” He said coldly.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
White Knight Syndrome: Four
Bucky isn’t sure when you wound up on his chest, your fingers tangled in his shirt and your head on his heart. Somewhere between his 4th beer and the 2nd movie. When the shock wore off and the depression and exhaustion crept in.
He does know, as he holds you there, that he doesn’t mind in the least. If you’re against his chest, you’re safe. You’re comfortable. You’re warm snuggled into his sweats and the quilt from his bed. He adjusts you carefully, shifting your weight just slightly so his erection wouldn’t be stabbing against you. It was a reaction to being this... intimate with someone. Something he’d not had in a long time but. Given everything that had happened that morning, sex was the furthest thing from his mind. He just kept seeing you running around the corner of the house. Barefoot and half-naked. Your shirt had been half torn off in the struggle inside and your shorts were the ones you slept it. 
You’d come home from a long stretch at work. Tired. Hungry. All you wanted was some food and a night of good sleep. It had probably been easy for Rick to catch you off guard. You’d told the police you were changing in the laundry room. Scrubs come off and go in the wash and the first pajamas you grab go on before you walk into the house. He can picture it from what you told the police. He can still see the way your head snapped back when he grabbed your hair. The hair he had his fingers carding through to keep you asleep. 
He hates that that man is already, as you predicted, out on bail. He holds you a little tighter and kisses your head. He promised to keep you safe. He promised you’d be happy. He wanted that for you. He didn’t want to wake you. He didn’t want to tell you he was out. He wanted you to have just a little more sleep. Some more time to let yourself adjust to this new reality. One where your home wasn’t safe anymore. 
The sudden banging on the door isn’t going to let that happen though. You jerk upright and scramble off of Bucky as quickly as you can without hurting him. Every nerve in your body alert. “Stay here, doll,” he says softly, getting up slowly. He pads his way to the door and unbolts it carefully ready for a fight. What he finds is a pair of not quite elderly folks. The man has snow-white hair and his arm around the woman’s shoulders. The woman is wringing her hands and trying to peer around Bucky. “Can I help you?” he asks carefully. “Oh dear, is Y/N here?” the woman asks, “Rick said she would be.” Bucky opens his mouth to tell them no when he feels your hand on his, “Nora,” you say softly, “You and Bobby shouldn’t be here.” The man chuckles, “You know Nora. There was no keeping her away.” You shake your head, “I’m not taking Rick back. Not this time. Not ever again. I love you both dearly but... I can’t go back to that life.”  Nora pulls you into a hug, “I know that, dear,” she said. Bobby sighed, “We tried to keep him in jail. It’s a disgrace what he keeps doing but... You know Rick. Low friends in high places all over the place.” You nod and sigh, “It’s how he got off the manslaughter charge the first time. And how He got out of paying all the medical bills.” 
Nora brushes hair out of your eyes and smiles sadly, “We didn’t raise our boy to be this way,” she said softly. “I know,” you tell her. Bobby cleared his throat, uncomfortable. Bucky can see he’s a good man. The kind that cares but doesn’t show it very well. The only thing that’s keeping him from throwing them off his porch is that they seemed to have decided to side with you in all this. A rare occurrence, but one he’s thankful for. “Listen, Girlie. You’re still the best damn Bronc Buster that I’ve ever seen,” he said, making you snort. “I’m serious. A damn fine horsewoman... Best decision I ever made hiring you out. You coulda gone to the Olympics if you hadn’t had that accident.” You open your mouth to protest and he holds up a hand, “I know damn well we can’t make up for all the hell that boy caused you. But I can do this.” He pulls an envelope out of his jacket and hands it to you, “In there is everything you need. I picked out a real pretty Arabian. Fast as anything. Good blood. You can pick your own tack. We’ll pay to put her up. It’d be a tragedy for you to get all city-fied and lose that talent. All you gotta do is show them the paperwork and give her a name. You can go ride as often as you want... if you ever wind up Back in Montana, well shit. We’ll move her with you.” You tear up, momentarily overwhelmed and he pulls you into a hug, brushing a kiss over the top of your head, “Don’t you cry on me now. Because you’re gonna cry, then Nora’s gonna cry, and we’re gonna miss our flight. And I ain’t haul my old ass all the way out here to listen to no crying. I was too late to grab Rick before he got stupid, but I can do this. So don’t you worry, Girlie... This ain’t no loan either. It’s preserving a goddamn national asset. You got the best head for riding I ever seen. We can’t have you losin’ it.” 
They don’t stay much longer after that. Long enough for you to promise to send them pictures of your garden when it comes in and not to be a stranger if you’re ever in town. They drive away and Bucky puts an arm around your waist, “Y/N, what the fuck?” 
You smile a little, “Nora and Bobby run a cattle ranch. A damn good one. I used to work for them in the summertime. S’how I got the money for my tack and to feed my horse... and how I met Rick. He’s a couple years older than me. We started dating when I was 17. Right before the car wreck where my momma died. Before i was gonna go try and qualify for a spot on the US team.”  Bucky kisses the side of your head, “So. Their son beat the living hell out of you and what? They buy you a horse?” You smile a little, “And knowing Bobby they’ve got a guy headed over to fix the glass and install a security system for me... When Rick. I mean. That first time. When I pressed charges after. After he beat me until...” You trail off and Bucky doesn’t press. He knows what you’re talking about. He gives you a second to get your composure and kisses your shoulder softly. “Nora brought me the divorce papers while I was still in the hospital... They decided to keep me, I guess after it all came out what he’d done.” Bucky nodded slowly. He can’t imagine doing those things to a woman. Any woman. Let alone one he was married to. Supposed to be in love with. The one he wanted to have a passle of kids with.
Bucky held you gently for a moment, “I didn’t even know you rode horses,” he said softly, “got any other hidden talents?” You smile a little, “I’m a damn good shot with a rifle and I’m good with rope,” you answer. Bucky raises his eyebrows, “Got a whole Cowgirl next door... And here I thought you were just a random hippie.” You snort, “Careful. I’ll hogtie you to the bed and leave you for your boys to find.” He chuckles, “You gotta at least take me for a nice dinner, first doll. I’m not that kind of guy... My mama raised a gentleman. I’m not just some whore.” You giggle and he hugs you close for a second, “On that note, Doll,” he said, “Let’s get you fed. You probably didn’t get a chance to eat, did you?” You shake your head. “My wallet is in my glove box if you want my card to pay for something,” you tell him. He shakes his head, “You’re alright. I was just gonna order a shit load of Chinese.” You smile a little and nod, “I forgot, this is y’all’s Club night, isn’t it?” Bucky nods, “When they get here, we’re gonna have a chat about having someone escort you to work. At least until the cops do their fucking job.” You blush and shake your head, “I appreciate it but...”
Bucky grips your shoulders gently and kisses you quiet. “Sugar,” he says, “The scariest moment of my life was hearing you scream. I went to war. I got shot at daily. None of that ever scared me the way that did. I have never wanted to kill a man as much as I wanted to when I saw that piece of shit chasing you through the yard... If Sam and Steve hadn’t got here when they did, baby, I’d be in jail.” He kisses you again softly and smiles, “I made you a promise, Sugar. And I ain’t likely to break it.”
He kisses you again and for a moment, there’s no talking. He wants to tell you he loves you. To ask you to marry him. To ask you about baby names. But the feel of your arms slipping around him and your tongue against his chase all that out of his mind. All there is, is this.
Tags: @lancsnerd​ @stevieang​ @golddaggers​ @blameitonthecauseway @qxeen-of-hearts​ @process-pending​ @xmarveled​ @beautybyfire, @etherealwaifgoddess, @mschellehitt, @mistressoftorture @thorfanficwriter, @ctinadiva, @innerpaperexpertcloud @amalthea9
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angee time
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(i’d put this under a read more, but like. i don’t think all five of you will mind hhhgfds)
“i can’t believe there are people still fans of [pdp, not writing out full name bc tags] like it’s not 2020. aren’t you embarrassed?”
yes. yes i am. i live in a constant state of being embarrassed and ashamed of myself and my likes, and that has weirdly made me able to not give a flying fuck what other people think about my likes. people are going to laugh and make fun of me no matter what and i’m going to feel terrible, so why even bother trying to conform? and like you really think anything you can say to me will ever be worse than the constant vitriol i spew at myself? weak. pathetic. you are tiny baby to me.
but. it did make me realize smth. i really have an issue when people generalize fans of pdp like this, and it finally hit my why today: it’s fucking virtue signaling. you reblog and talk abt how much you hate pdp and that makes you a Good Person bc he is the internet’s scapegoat. because nevermind all the charity he’s donated to or how many times he’s apologized and proven he won’t make those jokes again. like wow, a person of their word who makes an effort to better themselves, how dare i like watching his videos? how fucking dare i like watching someone who makes me laugh and has made me laugh consistently since i was a depressed young teen searching for something, anything, to take my mind off how terrible i felt all the time. y’all just like cancel culture and lumping people into categories based on one (1) trait or thing they like.
and it made me think of when i blocked that mutual for reblogging so many of the “block if you like pdp” posts. and it took me a while to realize that like. it wasn’t that. i wasn’t choosing watching a youtuber over that person. i was choosing not having to feel policed in my likes and beliefs constantly as i was desperately seeking approval from a near stranger on the internet over that person. (which. side note. ironic that that was the person who i defended time and time again from nasty anons because i believed people could change and be better despite what they did in the past. pretty fucking ironic, huh?)
so when my finger hovers over the unfollow button on the person who reblogged that (which... it’s getting so fucking close bc they also reblogged an anti ship for a ship in hp and i just. it’s not that deep. it’s really not. not to be an “anti anti” as the kids are calling it these days, but some things really don’t matter that much in the long run. saying an actress is super problematic now bc she said she could see chemistry between two characters (bc guess fucking what, people love enemies to lovers/good guy-bad guy dynamics) is just like... i’m so fucking tired. some people have real problems. if you really hate that dynamic so much, talk more about how glorification of abuse in fandom culture is problematic, not specific ships, bc there are “good ships” that people can turn problematic in how they portray them bc too many young people think abuse is sexy.) it’s not just bc i like pdp that i want to unfollow. i’m just so fucking sick of virtue signaling and cancel culture.
i’m fucking tired of it.
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brianandthemays · 5 years
Love is a Polaroid Part 7 (Roger Taylor x reader)
A/N Hello, loves! Things are spicing up y’all!  Tell me, do you believe in love at first sight??? ;-)
Of course shout out to @sweet-ladyy who’s been helping me out a lot with this. If you haven’t go check out her stuff. her current fic, Matters of the Heart, is fantastic!
Warning: Drunkness, slight angst, not much fluff but a little
Word Count: 1.7k
Other Parts: 1, 2 ,3 4, 5, 6,
           Getting a call from Brian around 9:00pm was strange to say the least. But then him telling you that Roger needed to talk to you without asking questions was even stranger. You had been excited about the call up until the point where you pulled into a police station. Now, staring at his sorry state in his little holding cell, you felt your heart breaking. 
               “What the hell are you doing here?” 
The harshness in his tone struck you. You could tell he was drunk, he reeked of it. His face was bruised and bleeding, and he wouldn’t meet your eyes. He looked ashamed, feeling guilty for something. 
               “Brian sent me,” you explained. “Told me you wanted to talk.” 
Roger scoffed. “Didn’t tell you it was a jail cell?” 
               “He left that part out, yeah.” You smirked a little, but it was short lived. He didn’t answer, crossing his arms over his chest he looked up at you. 
               “Well, he lied… so you can get out of here.” 
               “You want me to leave?” You raised an eyebrow at him. 
He hesitated. As you had guessed, he didn’t want you to leave. He felt guilty about something he had done, something concerning you or he wouldn’t be acting so oddly. When his silence continued, you glanced around and grabbed a nearby chair, pulling it up to the bars. 
               “What are you doing?” He grunted, watching you intently. 
               “Sitting,” you replied simply. “Is that okay?” 
Again, no answer. 
               “So, you got in a fight?” He nodded. “That happen often?” 
               “He started it, I was just--” 
               “That’s not what I asked,” you interrupted him. “I asked how often it happened.” 
He shrugged, looking to the floor again. You chewed on your lip, considering his actions. 
               “Well… what was it over.” 
Though you asked the question, you weren’t sure you wanted to know the answer. You didn’t want to hear about how he found some girl and fought over her. You didn’t want to hear him think or speak about his drunk habits. You wanted to pretend that the boy who took you on a picnic was real, and true.  The boy who said your name more perfectly than anyone else in the entire world.   
               “It was... “ He glanced up at you. You remained emotionless, trying to mask the fact that your heart was on the verge of breaking. “It was over some girl who’d been hanging on me all night.” 
You thought you could hear it when it shattered. The cracking and tumble of the pieces of your heart by the boy who had promised you so much. 
               “Oh.” Your voice was quiet as your tried not to give away anything. “I see.” 
               “(Y/N)... listen...” 
               “No, we never… we weren’t… we only…” You sputtered, trying feebly to keep your cool. “We weren’t ever exclusive or anything.” Now you were the one to look away. You should have known, you thought, you should have known this would happen. This always happened. You weren’t the girl that the bad boy fell in love with and changed his ways for. You weren’t the girl who lived happily ever after.  You didn’t get that. 
               “But I wanted to be.” 
You looked back up at him. 
               “I wanted it to be you all night.” You were listening to him, but he seemed to be talking to himself. “I kept imagining it was you. But when I opened my eyes and it wasn’t… I needed to forget again. God, I wanted you with me.”  You blinked at him, the blood rushing in your ears. “I’ve never really… been hung up on a girl. I’ve never felt like this. And I don’t… I don’t know how to act. I don’t know what to do.” 
He looked so vulnerable in this moment. The bloody nose didn’t help and you expected some of the alcohol was loosening his tongue. But you thought back to what Brian had to you in the pub before the concert, he was scared. You were scared. 
               “That doesn’t excuse your actions, Roger.”   
               “I know.” 
               “And I’m not going to do his.” 
You stood up, and, surprisingly, he stood up with you. He took a step towards you, his blue eyes searching yours for the answers to his questions. 
               “(Y/N), please,” he whimpered, leaning his head against the bars of the cell. 
               “I’m not going to come to this police station every other week to bail you out,” you started. He opened his mouth to say something, but you ran right over him. “I’m not going to come pick you up when you’re so piss drunk you can’t walk. I can’t do that for you. And if that’s too much for you then maybe we should stop now.”
Neither of you spoke for a long time. You stood there waiting for his response, dreading what he was going to say. But, he brought a hand up and reached his fingers through the bars, stroking your cheek softly. You immediately melted into his touch, feeling his warm hands on your skin. 
               “I would do anything if it meant you could be mine.” 
You heart fluttered for a moment, wanting to believe him immediately.  But you held back, reaching your hand up to wrap around his wrist and pulled it away from your face. You looked him in the eyes, glancing over his bruises and cuts, cringing to yourself. You took a step back from the bars and nodded at him, biting down on your bottom lip. 
A few moments later, a police officer released Roger from his cell. You stood, waiting for him by the doorway outside. He came and stood in front of you, reaching down to grab your hands. He looked at you as he brought one up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss onto your knuckles. He was apologizing for tonight, and you saw that,  but you brought your hand away, pushing the door open and walking outside into the open air. 
Roger stumbled out after you, tripping while trying to keep up. You slowed down and wrapped an arm around his waist to help him steady himself.  He mumbled an apology into your neck, trying to right himself. Once at your car, you helped him put on his seatbelt and sit properly in his chair. You walked around quickly to the other side and slide in. 
               “Now you can’t fall asleep, bub, I need to get you home,” you told him, resting a hand on his knee. 
               “Sure, thing,” he mumbled, his eyes drooping already. You smacked his leg and he jolted forward. “Jesus woman, I’m up.” 
You stifled a giggle and began to pull out of the parking lot. He guided you home pretty easily but, by the time you get there, he was a  tired drunk mess. You helped him up to his flat and guided his keys into the slot. Once inside, you held him as he guided you down to his room. He slumped down in his bed as he began to lazily throw off his clothes. You leave the room to grab him a cup of water and when you returned, he was laying on his bed in a pair of low hanging sweatpants and a loose undershirt. He looked half dead so you tip toed by him to set the water down by his bed. As you turned to leave, his hand reached out and grabbed yours.
               “Don’t go.” His voice was thick with sleep. It was so low and rough and you could barely make out his words. But you kneeled down next to him. 
               “I need to go home, bub,” you murmured back to him, pushing the hair back out of his face. He frowned, his eyes still closed as he furrowed his eyebrows. 
               “Stay here tonight,” he insisted, his hand tightening on yours. You considered it for a moment, wondering the consequences of sleeping with Roger. Not like… sleeping with Roger,  but sleeping next Roger. The idea wasn’t one you despised. You wondered what it’d be like to wake up tucked into his chest, breathing in his warm scent. But quickly, you swatted away that thought. You still weren’t ready for that. You could barely kiss him, now you wanted to be in bed with him? You shook your head. 
               “I can’t, bub,” you said, frowning to your yourself.
                 “I’m sorry.” 
His apology was so soft, softer than anything else. You were sure he wasn’t aware of anything, and would surely not remember any of this in the morning. If he were fully conscious, he’d be dragging you to lay down with him, snuggling his head into your neck to get you to stay. But he just seemed so defeated tonight.
               “This whole night was a load of bollocks,” he continued. “I should have called you. Then I wouldn’t have… done anything with what’s her name.” 
The mention of the other girl made you lean back on your heels. He’d been with someone else. He’s kissed somebody else. The kiss you shared with him was so special to you, and to him it was just another kiss. 
               “Her lips didn’t fit like yours.” He was rambling now, stream of consciousness as he drifted into sleep. “Yours are so perfect for mine. We fit together perfectly.” He held up your linked fingers like it was an example. “Perfect for me.” 
After that, he seemed to drift off, succumbing to the sleep and the haze. You sat there a moment longer, mulling his words over in your head. You wanted it all to be true. To believe that you were perfect for each other. But how could you be perfect for each other? You were nothing alike and you barely knew him. You bit your lip before leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on his temple, rubbing his forehead softly. You placed two aspirin pills next to the cup of water you left for him and stood, leaving the room. 
But something made you stay the night. Some pull in the depths of your heart wanting to make sure he was okay in the morning. You convinced yourself that it wasn’t his request, or any sort of wanting you had but purely concern for his well-being. So you curled up on his couch, and drifted off into your own sleep.
_________ Tell me what you think!
Tag List (open) (crossed out wouldn’t tag): @dove-turned-destroyer @16wiishes @angiefangirlworld-2 @queenismyrealdad @blondecarfucker @cholobo6 @wolverinesbeer @onevisionliz @catnissprior-blog @thewinchesterchronicles @Xienax @perriwiinkle
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aprilbrowines · 5 years
Princess problem
Janaya used his fire magic to grab Morgan and Lucius by the head so they can pay attention to him.
“Care to tell me why Vera is depressed all of a sudden?” said Janaya. His expression to them is a mixture of Stoic and calm manner, but his tone has a hint of anger. And his arms are crossed. “All I ever wanted was to have a normal day and looks what happens.”
Janaya showed them his phone and see the news about how Vera got humiliated. They got nervous Morgan started to sweat while Lucius whistles trying not to make eye contact with Janaya.
“Actually it's quite a funny story you see…” Lucius stammered.
“Lucius wanted to test out his new weapon that he made and I wanted to stop him but…” Morgan interrupted Lucius with an excuse.
“THAT’S BS AND YOU KNOW IT!!!” Lucius exclaimed, shocked that Morgan would throw him under the bus.
“Beside it's not like we hurt her or something.” Morgan said
Janaya glared at the two. He cannot believe that Morgan is blaming Lucius and not taking full responsibility of his own action like Lucius.
Lucius cleared his throat.
“Let me try to clear this story you see.” said Lucius.
“Very well.” Janaya allows as he listens to Lucius' side of the story.
“Me and Morgan were getting parts for some of my weapons and gadgets when suddenly.”
A Flashback starts
Lucius hears a scream coming from the park.  
“Sound like someone in trouble,” said Morgan. They leave the box of spare parts behind. They turn to see the park in shambles trees were uprooted, benches broken in half, and the people were running in fear of getting eaten.
“Okay, I am visualizing the scenario,” affirmed Janaya. “And how does it related to Vera?”
Lucius and Morgan ran into the playground and saw a three-eyed girl demon girl on the ground, her face widen in fear of the monster as her bodyguard struggles to protect her.
Janaya's eyes are shunned.
“The scream belongs to Vera?” questioned Janaya with his mouth dry. Then he's confused. “Wait, where is her bodyguard, Cayenne?”
“That's the thing she was trying to push back the monster while getting innocent civilians out of the way,” Lucius explained.
“I tried to help Vera get to safety you know,”
Morgan uses his magic to pull a fire hydrant and threw it at the monster.
“Hey, ya big warty dork come and get it” taunting the toad it hops toward Morgan when it came closer he slide under its legs as it crashed in a nearby parked car.  
Lucius threw his thunder bolas at the monster shocking the monster to submission, While Morgan carried Vera away from the danger, but she was fighting.
Janaya glared at the ground and tightens his fist. Vera has been fighting the monster by herself? That cannot be. She has been always fighting monsters with her super princess partner, Nia together, well Nia did most of the work. Vera is pretty defenseless without a few karate moves and swordsmanship. She hadn't been using her demonic powers yet due to being sheltered a lot, just looks at her. Caring for the world and making a difference without knowing what it is like to face reality.
Visiting the injured and the poor as the Royal Sweetheart during the battles between Mewmans and Monsters and helping them by using her wealth does not count. She was so stupid to fight on her own.
“What happens next?” Janaya said.
“Well” as Morgan continues to retell the event, carrying Vera to the a nearby alley she wiggles in Morgan’s grasp. The Flashback continues.
“Let me go you do you think you are?” Vera said, pushing him away from her. Morgan tried to impress her with his monologue “My friends calls me the white shadow my enemies a ban to their existence, but you call me Fox Charme.” as he posed in a hasty manner.
Janaya remained stoic as he cannot believe that Vera didn't say “Thank you”. Didn't her mother taught her any manner, but she did learn not to trust strangers. Including those who wanted to kidnap her.
Vera looked at him with an unamused look on her face. “Well, whoever you are, you can let me go I have to find my friend.” she said as she looks for Cayenne. Suddenly Morgan grabbed her arm.
“You mean your bodyguard she's with Lucius, they'll be fine.”
Vera wiggled to get her arm out she cried Cayenne for help and at the same time kicked him in the vital point. Cayenne and Lucius were looking for the two in the chaos of the monster attack. They found them in the nearby alleyway. Cayenne who see Morgan grabbing Vera's arm, causing a huge misunderstanding.
“Hey! Get the f*** out of here and leave it to the professional!” She demanded.
“EXCUSE ME!?!” Morgan said dramatically.
“Lady, I am a professional! I just save this young lady from certain doom.” Morgan said, trying to get some respects from the brash mouthed girl. Lucius putting his hand on his face.
“Morgan don't start.”
Cayenne walks up to him and poke his chest. She furrowed her eyebrows and glare at him.
“Oh Yeah? What group?” Cayenne asked, getting in Morgan’s face.
Lucius gulp. Morgan is going to break the number one rule, never tell anyone about The Synonymous.
“We don't need a stinkin group” Morgan answered as he pokes her chest with his finger in defiance. They broke the next rule, do not interfere with the Vanguard League.
“Well then You’re coming with me” Cayenne said as she grabs Morgan’s arm like a parent dragging their child to shop clothes.
“Hey, let me go.” Morgan tries to wiggle his arm out of the bear trap like grip, seeing this Cayenne change to the fireman’s carry.
“Not a chance bub” Cayenne said as she carries him to the police station. Lucius and Vera watched as the two flies away.
"You were in jailed?" Janaya questioned in a neutral face because Morgan has been in jail for a few times now since joining The Synonymous. He seemed to manage to escape using his vortex manipulation and creation, with his mom's help of bailing him out afterward.
“Technically Morgan was taken to a precinct I was just the neutral party.” Lucius explained.  
“Traitor,” mutters Morgan.
"We are suppose to be doing community service, working on our jobs, and fighting crimes at night. Not doing a superhero team up with the Vanguard League to fight crimes in the morning." Janaya explains pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Well we were suppose to do? Just let the monster go wild?” Morgan asked confusedly.
“Of course it is. You need to leave it to the professional of the day. If you want to help fight monsters. Do it in the night with Lily Greason. Hunting down monsters, capturing them and sometime slaying them is her job.”
“And who is she is?” Morgan questioned.
“Another member of the Arcane and Holly's girlfriend.” Janaya answered as his patience is running thin. Morgan is a newbie the only Arcane members he know and already met are Holly and him. And he never knew that Holly has a girlfriend.
“We’re sorry sir,” apologized Lucius.
“I don't have to apologize” Morgan mumbled under his breath. Hearing the last part Lucius slap Morgan on the back of his head. Morgan rubbed the back of his head.
Janaya put his hand on his face in irritation and tiredness. "You cannot change Morgan, Lucius,”
The tiredness and irritation caused Janaya's fire magic to manipulate a giant lion made of orange flames from the palm of his hands. The lion roared angrily to stop the two from bickering. It lifted it chest up in pride for the Synonymous. Morgan stared at Janaya on how he’s treating him at first and then astonish of what he did. It was amazing. His eyes were sparkling. While Lucius just stood there in frozen in fear on whether the lion was going to kill them if Janaya was not controlling it.
“I am not saying he is not like his father, but he is just a kid. Unlike me, I had to grown up quickly. He is lucky that he is still a kid acting reckless and regrets it until he learnt and grow."
Janaya calmed down for a bit. He took a deep breath and relaxed his face. The fire lion is extinguished.
“I guess you're right.” Lucius said.
“Morgan, are you all right. Lucius didn't mean to slap you or treated you poorly because of your dad.” Janaya asked in concern. He rubs Morgan's back side of his head. His hand glows to icy blue causing his hand to be cold as ice.
“It's fine.” Morgan answered.
Janaya looked at him. “Lucius..... What happened next? After Morgan was taken to a precinct, after Vera was rescued?”
It turns out the monster that Cayenne was fighting wasn't out yet. Vera and Lucius are sitting down at their seat. They watched as Cayenne and Morgan argue against each other to the Police, the monster bust in the building.
“Watch out!” Morgan cried out.
Vera pushed Cayenne, but the monster push them both. Cayenne slammed onto the wall. While Vera fell down to the ground.
“We got to help them.”
“You distract the monster, I'll get the girls.” Lucius explained.
“Starplosion!” Morgan shot an array of white sparks at the monster, It squealed in pain as turn to Vera in hunger.
“Y’all ok?” Lucius asked as he gives his hand to help her up. Cayenne glares and stand up and reject his offer. “Thanks, Now buzz off,”
“Wait... Where's Vera?” Lucius Looked around to see the monster closing in on her. It’s tongue wraps around her pulling her into its slimy, stinky maw, Cayenne, Morgan and Lucius watch in horror as Vera is eaten alive.
“Vera, No! Crap!” Cayenne exclaimed. She just let herself leave Vera for a couple of minutes and the monster ate her. As Cayenne was about to take action. Lucius runs towards it as he takes off his jacket and tackle the monster. “Spit her out ya bastard!” he demanded. Lucius pries the mouth open as he saw a bit of Vera’s head.
Running towards the monster Morgan does a flying kick to the monster's stomach, making it puke out its contents. Car tires, a stop sign, and Princess Vera were all covered in puke as everyone started snapping pictures of her. Cayenne yelled and threatens the people to put their phone and camera down as Vera starts to sob.
“I think we should leave” Morgan said as he threw a smoke bomb and disappear. “Sorry!” Lucius yells as he ran off from the scene.
“Hey, come back here!!! Grrrr I will find you and hunt you down,” Cayenne threatened the two as she keeps the paparazzi from taking more photos Vera crying into her hands
Janaya smack his forehead and groan. "I may not be her bodyguard.... because I am an unofficial and secret bodyguard, but I will get a scolding from Margo," he thought.
“I'm sure people will forget I mean there are plenty of celebrities who get in trouble.” Morgan said, trying to find the bright side of the situation. Janaya cannot believe what he just heard out of Morgan’s mouth. He thinks that Vera is just a celebrity that can be forgotten in one day.
“Vera is more than just a celebrity,” said Janaya. “She is the princess. A princess from another dimension, The Underworld, Mewni.”
“We didn't know that she was of blue blood.” said Lucius, not knowing about that part.
“Well, read the newspaper, watch the news on TV and read the news online next time.” Janaya scolding the two of them. Lucius and Morgan both look down in shame of their mistakes.
Janaya’s face softens as he realized what he said. He let out a sigh. He snatched the reports from their hands, they wrote in their own perspective about what they did.
“I will send these reports to Ethan. I will see you two then. Good job helping the Vanguard League, You two deserves a break.”
Morgan and Lucius smile a little bit as they leave to their room.
Janaya walked away, holding a book. "I see a bright future in these two," he thought. "I am a seer.”
Vera lucitor, Cayenne Jojo belongs to @princesscallyie
Nia Butterfly belongs to @kururu418
Morgan morningstar and Lucius vreedle belongs to @aprilbrownies (that’s me)
Holly test and Janaya Lynn thomas belongs to @froppy-butterflyfan2000
Ethan Corduroy and Lily greason belongs to @ej-cappy-universe
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jaybeartodd · 7 years
Colleagues Pt. 6/17 -- Jason Todd x fem. reader
Y/N finds herself taking on a new job and working late hours. This leads to a late night encounter with Jason.
Warnings: alcohol 
Word Count: 2100
Tags: @sarcasmismyfirstlove @tsctd
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
A/N: Oops, this is long. Sorry for the slow buildup between Y/N and Jason but I did add some fluff in here. I am having a lot of fun writing this and I am hope y’all are equally enjoying it! 
One week. One whole damn week has passed since you learned of Nick’s so-called criminal activities.
“We needed money and and it was a good opportunity,” Nick had sputtered out after you connected the dots. Your little brother; a goon for Black Mask.
After explanation after explanation, he finally admitted to the previous night.so events. 
“I had no idea you were going to be there. He was planning on killing everyone he could, Y/N. If I hadn’t made you appear dead you would be.” he said grabbing at your hands but you pulled back and looked at him with tired eyes.
“Never again. You hear me Nick?” you had said softly. 
“Y/N look,” he tried.
“NEVER AGAIN,” you screamed completely fed up with the situation. He jumped back and looked at you with wide eyes.
“You killed people, Nick,” tears welled in your eyes but you swallowed them away. “I will never forgive you for that. But you’re my brother so I won’t turn you in… on two conditions.” 
His eyebrows raised at this. 
“First, give me all of the information you have on him. If you won’t take him down I will,”
“Y/N, no it’s way too dangerous,” he protested.
“I wasn’t kidding Nick. This is how you’ll repay those poor victims and their families and how I will live with the guilt knowing my brother had a hand in it. But most of all, it’s the right thing to do,”
He hesitated but then nodded.
“Second, you will never be in contact or help that man again.” he opened his mouth but you shushed him.
“Do you accept or am I calling the police?” he looked up with sad eyes and nodded slowly.
Now here you are staring at the notes you had drilled out of Nick for the millionth time under the light provided by the library for late students. He didn’t know where he was hiding out so you are just studying the different hits Nick was hired onto hoping to predict his next move. 
You rub the exhaustion from your eyes and see the few scattered students with matching yawns. You admit you have been avoiding the apartment as much as possible lately. It is hard being around Nick. Without intention you find yourself blaming yourself. You moved in with him to help him out and look where he has ended up.
Through your blurred, sleep-derived eyes you see a tall figure strolling towards you. You lower your head as instinct when a stranger passes by.
“See if they had told me zombies go to this college I might have considered it myself,” an all too familiar voice pipes up next to you.
You look up to see the leather jacketed, handsome tousled man himself. Bruce gave the staff a week off for, well, obvious reasons so you haven’t seen the smug grin in awhile. Yup, as annoyingly charming as ever.
“If they’d told me I’d be approached by assholes while trying to study I would have reconsidered going here,” you say rubbing your face. 
“What are you studying anyways..” he reaches for your notebook but you snatch it away and shove it into your book bag. That would take an elaborate explanation.
“None of your business,” you say grumpily. He raises an amused eyebrow at this. As if on cue, your stomach makes a loud grumbling noise.
Why does your stomach need so much food and all the time?
“Oh ok. That explains a lot,” he bends down and grabs your book bag slinging it across his back.
“Wait, no!” you make a lame attempt at grabbing at it but your tired arms don’t seem as riled as you are.
“Come on, Y/N. I’m taking you to dinner,” he says grabbing your hand and pulling you up.
“Where in the world are we going to go at 11 o'clock?” you ask as he pulls you towards the door.
“Well considering it’s 1 in the morning I find that question irrelevant,”
You pull out your phone. Crap, he’s right.
You are now outside walking down the street. He let’s go of your hand and you secretly miss its warmth. Very secretly. As in so secret the world is never allowed to know.
“When is the last time you ate? Or slept for that matter?” he asks appearing concerned. 
“Somewhere between all of the raves I hit,” you chuckle at your own joke. He turns a curious eye towards you and shakes his head.
“Ok,” he stops in front of a motorcycle and bends down, “You wear this.” He places a large red helmet in your hands.
Oh, hell no.
“Yeah actually,” you place the helmet back in his hands and point behind   you,” I was perfectly fine and you know not risking my life in the library.”
You start to walk backwards and a taunting grin pulls at his lips.
“So you will literally leap under a falling chandelier to save some guy you just met but getting on a motorcycle with a very experience and handsome  colleague of yours is just too much for little Y/N?” he raises his voice at the end which simultaneously, but not coincidentally, raises your temper. He holds out the helmet as a challenge.
You stomp over to him and aggressively take the helmet out of his hands. Placing it on your head you take a hot breath and turn towards him feeling your head wobble with the new found weight.
“How do I look?” you ask with your hands on your hips. Through the tinted eye protection you see him grin widely.
“Like you were born to ride,” 
You put up your hand in a rock and roll fashion. “Let’s rock and roll buckaroo,”
He laughs heartily and puts on his much more proportionately sized helmet. He swings a long leg over the bike and kicks in the stand. If you didn’t feel like you would vomit, pee yourself and have a heart attack all at the same time you might have thought it was hot. 
He pats the seat behind him. “I promise I will take care of you, Y/N.” he says in a soothing voice.
With one more deep breath you climb behind him and grab ahold of his waist awkwardly.
“You’re going to have to hold on a little tighter Doll,” he laughs and you roll your eyes at him.
“Are we going to eat or will my stomach eating itself provide a nice ending to your yapping?”
He makes a growling noise to match your fear-induced cattiness. His growling fades away into the engine’s as he turns the handles. 
“Here is how I die,” you think and he takes off. You let out a yelp, squeeze his abdomen tight and press your helmet on his back with closed eyes. You can just feel the smugness rolling off of him in large annoying waves.
The wind blows hard at the hair escaping your helmet and you feel your stomach drop every time the bike turns slightly. Damned if you open your eyes though. Suddenly you feel the bike slow down and the engine cut off as the bike idles. You pry your eyes open and let out a relieved breath. 
Realizing you still had your arms wrapped tight around him you let go thoroughly embarrassed. You step off the bike and slip the helmet off only imagining the worst when it comes to your appearance. You hold out the helmet for Jason but he is standing there staring at you.
“What?” you swipe at your wild hair self-consciously.
He shakes his head and runs hand through his own untamed hair. “Uh, nothing. Here I will take this,” he grabs the helmet and places it next to his.
“Ready to eat, Dopey?” he asks.
“I’m resenting that nickname.” you grumble and he laughs. You start walking towards a dark, sketchy building.
“Nervous?” he asks clearly amused. You throw a nice pair of daggers at him.
“Well,” he swings open the door and gestures in “ You go first and pinky promise you’ll protect me?” he juts out s pinky but you just stroll past him into the building.
He shrugs and follows you inside. You first notice a dimly lit bar and then the tables to the left come into view. There are a few leather clad individuals that are intimidating but for the most part you feel comfortable.
“Jason Todd. Shouldn’t you be halfway through your 6th drink now?” a female voice emanates from the bar. You turn and see a woman around your height, probably in her mid-fifties and a t-shirt with a logo on it that reads “Gotham Way”.
Jason steps in front of you and takes the spot at the bar across from the woman.
“Aw Francis, that’s less than what you told the last girl. You need to step up your game if you’re going to rope in this handsome bachelor.” Jason makes a lasso  motion with his finger. 
Francis purses her lips. “Yeah, nice try since this is the first time you’ve brought a girl here. Oh and I’ve seen handsome many times in my day, now I’m looking for that slippery bastard commitment,” she winks at you.
“Don’t be shy,honey take a seat.” you sit down next to Jason and he smiles at you. You give a hesitant one in return.       
“I’m Y/N,” you say outstretching a hand. She takes it and shakes it firmly, “Francis.” 
You feel yourself warming up to her in inviting spirit. 
“Two orders of your finest chicken tenders please. And a beer for me,” he looks at you questioningly.
“Water will be fine, thank you,” she smiles at you warmly and makes your drinks. After she paces them on the bar in front of you she goes to the back where you assume the kitchen is. 
“So,” Jason takes a sip from his beer and turns towards you, “How did you enjoy the bike ride?” 
“It was a lot of fun! It was a gorgeous trip,” you lie through your teeth.
He nods humming. “You never opened your eyes did you?”
You shake your head. “Didn’t even consider it. That machinery was handcrafted to be my personal living hell.” 
He laughs at this and you tuck your hair behind your ear feeling your mood being lifted with his. 
The   rest of the conversation continues to flow between  bites of chicken just as it did the  night of the ball. 
You say your farewells to Francis and prepare yourself for the upcoming hell ride. You let Jason know where you live and even manage to peek once during the ride to help him when he gets a little lost only to squeeze them tight in horror.
You pull up to your apartment and Jason parks the bike. You both get off the bike and remove your helmets. Jason’s eyes twinkle from a mixture of exhaustion and adrenaline from the ride. Or so you tell yourselves. 
“Um, thanks again for the ride,” you say biting your lip.
“Uh yeah sure thing,” he says running his hand through his hair. you watch as the white streak you’ve grown attached to falls loosely over his brow. He leans in and just as something you didn’t anticipate is about to happen you are broken away by an angry voice.
“There you are Miss Y/N!” your neighbor, Brady, brings his old wobbling self out.
“Yes Brady?” you ask irritated.
“Your brother and his friends made a lot of racket while I was asleep and-” you tune him out.
His friends?
“I’m sorry Brady I will fix it,” you say now distracted.
“Thanks again Jason,” you say and he looks at you concerned.
You rush up the stairs and shakily unlock your door. Swinging it open you find the entire place torn apart.
You begin frantically searching the apartment. In the kitchen lays your brother in his crumpled form littered with fresh bruises and cuts.
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wannawrite · 7 years
Crystals In The Night
who?: Wanna One’s Lai Guanlin genre: 🌸 type: bullet point, part of Christmas collab wink wonk blog navigator. • last instalment of mine for the collaboration with @onlyjihoons and @hwinkinghwi • you and Guanlin plan to meet at Orchard,,,but as usual, things never really go to plan oh shit, this collaboration has drawn to an end sooner than I expected, oh dear I’ll miss it terribly. It was an amazing experience working with such talent, skilled and competent authors, they are definitely seniors in this field. Thank you to my bebs for putting up with me and never hesitating to help me when I got stuck. Sorry for how messy all my works have been, and how inconsistent my schedule is :( Looking forward to collaborating with you guys again!!!�� If anyone would like to work with us, please reach our dms! - Admin L 
• Orchard Road - the busiest road at this time of the year • I’m doing a lot of explaining in this collaboration but basically, Orchard Road is equivalent to Hollywood Boulevard or downtown • something like that • history: the whole stretch used to be a fruit plantation but that was gone ages ago so now in replacement, a concrete shopping stretch • the most popular outlet for avid shoppers and tourists alike • in summary, Orchard Road is where you go if you want to shop • now • a couple of days ago, your internet best friend - whom you had met in real life a few times - called you to say that he would be in Singapore for work around Christmas time • his name is Lai Guanlin by the way • you had screamed in excitement and immediately, the two of you planned to meet up along the Orchard Road stretch to admire the blinking Christmas decorations • on Christmas Eve • tbh Guanlin was a shady person • he never once mentioned the kind of work he did • you had put your trust in him but still... • he never seemed to be on social media anymore IG, Twitter, private Snap • Guanlin had talked about ‘photoshoots’ and ‘studio time’ so you just assumed he was a model • you wouldn’t bat an eye if he was • how did you get so lucky? your internet friend had turned out to be a the handsomest man you had ever talked to • and probably the sweetest too • the first time you guys had seen each other face to face was in Taipei, Taiwan when you were on a family holiday • disclaimer: I’m not exactly sure which part of Taiwan Guanlin is from but let’s just say he was in Taipei for work ;) • you were stumbling around like a lost sheep on the streets of Ximending - another shopping hotspot - frantically calling Guanlin’s phone • and he was not answering • the bright city lights, the flashing signboards and the bustling busyness of the crowd threw you into worry • a dozen thoughts raced in your mind • ‘was he a real person?’ • ‘what if it was all a scam?’ • ‘do I even know who he truly is?’ • your parents would have thrown a fit but thankfully, your uncle had occupied their time by ushering them into a nearby eatery • and your cousin had accompanied you to search for the Houdini of an internet friend you had • ‘come on y/n, you can’t give up like this! you’ve known him for...2 years? it’ll be worth it!’ she encouraged, elbowing you in the ribs • you shoved through the crowd, still calling his mobile • ‘the number you have dialled is currently unavailable. Please-‘ • an upset groan slipped past your lips yet you refused to give up • suddenly, you heard a familiar voice yelling in the distance • a voice you had heard a thousand times • on Snapchat • wishing you goodnight • telling you about his day when you face timed • Lai Guanlin • your feet thudded in the direction of his voice, ears craning to hear more • you had to find him • and he found you • Guanlin had a slender, fine-boned figure, one any catwalk model would be jealous of. His skin was honey tan, kissed by the warm golden rays of sun. • dark glossy locks framed his sculpted face, his full brows furrowed and his pink lips pursed • he seemed to be speaking furiously to an older teenage girl, a scowl marring his handsome features • but it was Guanlin for sure • and if your guess was right, that teenager would be his older sister • still hidden as a mere face in the crowd, your shaking hands had dialled his number again • his phone was buzzing in the pocket of his jeans • sighing, he turned to his sister. ‘I’m sorry but they’re calling, it’s been four times, I have to answer.’ • ‘hi y/n! ugh sorry I didn’t pick up. where are you right now?’ Guanlin’s hopeful eyes began scanning the crowd but not in your direction. • when all he received back was your heavy breaths, he panicked, fearing you had lost your way • lol I’m just behind you turn around • ‘l-look...behind you’ • puzzlement crosses his face but he obeys nonetheless and that confusion is replaced by pure shock and happiness • y’all do have that warm, massive hug like any internet best friend would have • how cute • just reminiscing about it makes you all soft and warm • to the outside world, you must look like a complete lunatic staring into space, slender fingers curled around the straw of your frothy Starbucks drink and stirring it slowly • strange • ‘oi that person a bit suspicious hor, kuai da dian hua gei mata.’ [quick, call the police] • but you pay those inquisitive eyes no mind and continue breathing your own air • just thinking about your friend makes your heart start to flutter madly again • 💓💓💓 • ooooh ;) • the only thing that stabbed your heart was that you were sitting in Starbucks for a long time now • and it was a Starbucks further away from Orchard Road because you didn’t want to have a first look at the lights without him • so sweet :”) • my friends would be like ‘lol we’re looking at them already you were late’ • hi i’m always late • Guanlin said he could get off at about 7.30pm so you said ‘let’s meet at 8pm’ • the illuminated screen of your phone revealed that it was 8.15pm • *sips tea* • you swiped to check your texts • you: hi lin, i’m here • you: where are you? • you: call me when you reach okay! • the LED screen shut off before there ever was a reply from him • but like the understanding best friend you are, you brushed it off, constantly reminding yourself that he was probably busy at work and would be fired if he checked his handphone for even a second • you stirred the drink on your table again • hmm, it still wasn’t melting • 8.20pm • your lips curved around the top of the straw, taking a sip, eyes darting to locate Guanlin • how interesting would it be to meet a stranger’s eyes as they glared out of Starbucks’ glass window, sitting ramrod straight in the plush booth, shoulders stiff and shoes tapping the ground anxiously • it appeared as if lasers from your eyes could cut holes through the glass • 8.35pm • don’t get mad don’t be mad don’t worry stay calm breathe stay collected • no new messages • hah Guanlin what the hell • you focused on your pleasant surroundings instead of the thing making you lose your temper • it was an appropriately busy time at Starbucks • meaning, the baristas and staff were able to put up with the workload and there wasn’t some kind of ridiculous snaking queue of 30 people • hi i’ve been in one. it was when Starbucks here was offering one for one and the queue went outside the shop and it was all students • me too sis me too • you watched the baristas as they effortlessly mixed delicious drinks • delightful aromas wafted through the air • the smell of ground coffee beans, the fluffiness of fresh whipped cream, all the different types of candied spice made your mouth water • even as the night progressed, the cashiers still took customers order with joy, beaming and wishing them ‘merry Christmas’ • muffins and other sweet and savoury treats were being swiped off the shelf before your eyes • speaking of eyes, your own were tired, a little droopy and glossed over • but you knew that as soon as you saw Guanlin, they would light up like a candle in the night, bright with alertness and burning with energy • he really had that effect on you, goodness • was it love? • CHRISTMAS LOVERS • but you couldn’t give it much thought as the calming ‘tick-tocks’ of the wall clock went by and the delectable smells of the kitchen lulled you into a deep sleep • head buried in your arms on the table, hoodie keeping your lap warm • your dream comprised of you, Lai Guanlin and a mistletoe hanging over both your heads • it made you smile • no new messages 9.45pm • one unread message 10pm • hi I found out that Starbucks at The Cathay is open 24/7 while researching for this fic • finally, your eyelids began to flutter open, brain trying to process all that had happened in a span of two hours • after all, you did have a pretty wonderful dream so all was good • oh • Guanlin • his disappearance and not answering your calls • your face fell immediately, heart sinking to the bottom of the ocean - the worst part was that it had floated to the top of ‘lake happiness’ with your dream • it was only a while after that you realised a man sitting in front of you • well you hoped so • right up to his nose was covered by a cotton black mask that hugged his jaw and he had pulled a red bucket hat over to hide his coloured hair • but it wasn’t Guanlin - his eyes were a different shade of hazel • but this guy was equally cute • ‘oh! hi,’ you greeted awkwardly, face beginning to heat up as you probably looked like a mess • it seemed like he smiled, then realised you couldn’t see through the mask, eyes widened before he pulled it off and grinned again • snaggletooth • ‘hi! I’m Woojin, Guanlin’s friend. He told me to sit with you until he came back.’ • you nod, smiling • wait • golden bronze skin, snaggletooth, large brown eyes..... • coloured hair, trying to hide his identity • you lowered your voice by a notch, creeping closer • ‘a-aren’t you...Park Woojin?’ • pause • explanation: you know bits and pieces of the k-pop world but because you’re kind of slow and oblivious you can’t catch up fast enough, thus, you know nothing about Wanna One other than what your friend’s tell you at school • honestly, I only know two people in my school who stan Wanna One so • you only know Woojin because your best friend has a huge sticker of him on her file • Woojin raises his eyebrows, pleasantly surprised and nods • ‘wow Guanlin never told me you were a fan, hanging out with him must be a dream come true.’ • wait wha- • ‘he most likely won’t ever tell you so I will. Please don’t get mad at him for being late, he had a huge argument with our manager today because even after our shoot was over, he wasn’t letting us go for the free time that was scheduled. So they fought and now he’s probably in deep shit but whatever, at least he has you.’ • manager? shoot? • your throat tightened, chest constricted • oh my god • GUANLIN IS AN IDOL • A REALLY POPULAR ONE AT THAT • ‘he’s outside talking to our manager now. I should go get him.’ • so now you’re kind-of-friends with another idol what is happening • all I wanted was my baby boy Linlin • but hey, you aren’t complaining • hehehe time to text my other best friend >:) • the soft rattle of the bells by the door is picked up by your sensitive ears, it feels as if time stops and all you can zoom in on is Guanlin • before he knows it, you launch out of your seat and right into his arms • thank God he’s tall and strong • he’s a paper fairy irl I’m sure of it • your hands grip his thin shirt tightly, eyes squeezed shut in happiness as your chin rests on his shoulder • ‘you’re here, it’s really you,’ you whisper so it’s only audible to the two of you • and maybe third-wheel Woojin • Guanlin went all out to protect his identity. mask, glasses and a baseball cap • he smiles through his mask, you can practically feel the happiness radiating from him • ‘you didn’t get in too much trouble, did you? I’m sorry.’ you ask, voice low. feet trailing behind as you exit Starbucks • Guanlin’s eyes frost over with sadness. ‘No, no, don’t be. I’ll work it out, don’t worry. I’ve already told hyung...wait, how did you know?’ • he whips round to face Woojin, who casually says, ‘You know I had to.’ • Guanlin can only sigh and agree • however, as you walk down the busy street, cool breeze brushing past, he cheers up • ‘come on, let’s go see those Christmas lights!’ • without thinking, he slips his hand into yours and happily skips towards Orchard Road • MY HEART SOMEONE HOLD ME • Woojin quickly sneaks off to meet Jihoon • you don’t say a word, enjoying the feeling of your hands entwined together • ‘woah.’ the gasp leaves your lips before you can stop it, but it’s safe to say everyone is blown away by the Christmas decorations • government invests in this okay • I think so • a lot of people invest in these things here • there’s a massive arch greeting you at the entrance, calming blue and purple wire Christmas trees illuminate the structure, giving it a ‘wonderland feel’ • HYPE • Guanlin clutches you close, partly afraid of losing you in the crowd, partly because he feels reassured when he’s around you • both of you venture further, admiring all the sights of the busy road • you step through a futuristic portal Narnia entering The Walk Of Wonder, the reflective silver fabric blankets a myriad of blue fairy lights. it feels like magical creatures dancing among you, welcoming you into their universe • Guanlin’s phone camera does all the work • he has an adorable gummy smile on his face as he shows you pictures he took • ‘oh god! delete that! I wasn’t ready!’ • but he doesn’t listen and sets it as his wallpaper • Guanlin looks so amazed by what he’s seeing, like a small child, amusement evident in his cheery gaze • love love love love • you’re busy looking around for mistletoe • The Tree of Time indicates there’s only a couple of hours left before Christmas • maybe a few more hours til your first Christmas kiss • ooh ;) • ‘hey,’ Guanlin calls. ‘What’s that?’ He gestures to what seems like a mini village, warm lights emitting from the set up • shrugging, you venture forward to find Endless Wonder Christmas Village • btw you can find more about all these/if you need a visual representation of all this, click here • exchanging smug grins, you and Lin dash in the direction of delicious food • me too • you guys settle at a white picnic table, feasting under the stars • ‘oh god,’ Guanlin says. ‘I can’t believe I’m eating at this hour. I’m going to get fired.’ • you roll your eyes. ‘Shush, you’re 63kg [profile weight during pd101] at the most you need to gain weight. Don’t worry, I’ll fire your manager then.’ you drop another cookie into his mouth • mouth full, he grins widely, eyes forming slender crescents • ‘i’m happy seeing you eat. Idol life is stressful, take care of yourself.’ • ‘you sound like one of my hyungs,’ he teases playfully • ‘I mean it and I’m sure they do too. You should relax and enjoy yourself.’ • Guanlin daps a napkin on the sides of his mouth, hanging his head to avoid being spotted by fans • then, he meets eyes with you and smirks, reaching for your hand • ‘let’s go have fun!’ • fun? Pop-up amusement rides sound fun • ‘Guanlin I swear if you get me on this thing I’ll-‘ • *screams* • as the Teacup ride starts spinning • he laughs mercilessly. ‘This is a ride for kids, y/n!’ • he tells you ridiculous stories of his hyungs after. ‘Minhyun can’t ride the Viking ship ride, ever. He has nightmares of it.’ • Guanlin visibly loosens up once you know his idol status, but he does worry that someone might recognise him • despite his worries, he throws caution to the wind just to spend more fun times with you • lol fck rumours, fck paparazzi, I deserve to hang out with my best friend and enjoy too • eventually, you two pack up and continue exploring the lights as the night grows darker • ‘mhm, I’ll tell you my whole idol story when we get ice cream at midnight,’ he promises • you seal it with your pinky • a dozen more pictures fill up both camera rolls as you two pose beside candy canes • snowmen • gingerbread men • which Guanlin buys the edible kind for you at the Christmas market • ‘hehehe hyungs must be so jealous of all the good food we’re eating >:)’ • guys, whenever I see this ‘>:)’ it just reminds me of Red Velvet during Peek-A-Boo • I can’t dksjskdksjsbd • ‘omg y/n you’re so evil you bit off his head.’ • GUANLIN’S REFERRING TO THE GINGERBREAD OF COURSE • ‘hehehe >:)’ • also you: ‘stfu Guanlin don’t lie and say you wouldn’t too.’ • walk walk walk • ‘truth or dare lin?’ • ‘dare.’ • ‘I dare you to take an ornament from that tree.’ • PLEASE DON’T ACTUALLY TAKE ANYTHING THIS CHRISTMAS • you ended up with a new purple star ornament in your arms • Guanlin signs it with a heart using a borrowed Tokyo Hands marker • ‘can’t ignore my adoring fans :”)’ • you sigh his baseball cap, which he’s surprisingly thrilled about • after all the excitement has died and the two of are worn out, you settle at an ice cream parlour that’s still open • maybe since its the holidays • you talk while spooning ice cream into each others’ mouths • how romantic • where is mY MISTLETOE GOD DO YOUR THING LET’S GET IT • ‘I enjoyed my time today, it was so good to have a break and spend it with you,’ Guanlin says, honesty in his voice. ‘I’ll miss you so much. You truly light up my life.’ • aha this collaboration cannot end without my puns • you chuckle, placing your hand in his again. ‘Ahh, I’ll miss you too. Please don’t make your manager mad and you can tell me more about your group the next facetime. I’ll be sure to buy your album on iTunes.’ • cue gummy smile before a devilish grin overtakes his cuteness • ‘you better, if not,’ he pauses to launch tickles at your sides. ‘I’ll tickle you to death.’ • laughing, you fight him off, gently pushing his hands away • comfortable silence fills the gaps as you stare out at the streets, still lively, still bright like stars against the midnight sky • ‘go,’ you say softly. ‘go make me proud. go be my star and shine on stage.’ • he nods, heart bursting with love for you. ‘I will. Don’t worry. Ooh, you should come to our performance sometime.’ the sides of his mouth blossom into a smile at the thought of you cheering in the crowd for him • ‘ehhh, does that mean my Christmas gift this year is a Wanna One lightstick?’ • Guanlin puts his hands up in mock surrender. ‘you caught me, what can I say?’ • you both collapse into laughter but truthfully, he knows there’s a prettily wrapped Wanna One lightstick sitting in your P.O box • and maybe, you get his more of his love than usual💖 • MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!💚❤️❤️💚💚❤️❤️💚💚❤️❤️💚💚❤️💚
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
Fic Writers Week Day 3: Small But Mighty
Shine a spotlight on the new/underrated fics you’ve read or written.
Yeeessss it’s rec time! I know there’s also the last day to rec fics in general, but I love the idea behind this day a lot too! There’s so many beautiful fics that I’ve read which don’t receive the amount of recognition/kudos that they deserve! I can’t wait to spread the word about them! Since this might be a longer post, I’m putting it under a read more! Enjoy <3
Also, I want to encourage people to try reading new fics as much as possible! While fic rec lists are a good source to start and get ideas about what to read, often times people rely on them too much, and then overlook newer fics which are just as amazing! So every once in a while, remember to check the ship tags on ao3 for newly posted works, that way you don’t miss any hidden gems! 
Alright, let’s get into it! 
in a flash (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, G
He sees a red beanie covering messy black hair, a soft and boyish smile lit up by the sunlight, and a gray cat.
Okay so this kurotsuki fic definitely needs twice as many kudos/comments, because the writing was downright phenomenal! It was so beautiful and made me feel warm inside all throughout reading it, I couldn’t get enough! The characterizations are excellent, and the whole mood of the fic is so cozy and wonderful. Please check it out if you love kurotsuki! Also make sure to follow @cawnvictofmurder on tumblr! 
a haunting in tokyo (ao3) -- Daisuga, G 
This wasn’t the first time Suga had claimed their apartment had been haunted. However, it was the first time he tried to do something about it. Daichi, as always, is nothing but supportive.
This fic was short, but unbelievably sweet! I loved the mix of domestic daisuga fluff with paranormal shenanigans lmao, it was just a super enjoyable fic which had me giggling constantly. I don’t read much daisuga, but it was definitely a treat, and I’d recommend the fic to all! Please also make sure to follow @bishounen-curious <3
Starved (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, T
Kei can’t make it this week. Next week, maybe, he’ll be here but Tetsurou is all out of patience.
Prompt: “I’m tired of being your secret.”
@ivyfics has too many amazing fics which deserve more attention, but this one I feel especially needs to be read. The writing and emotions are just...incredible, I reread this fic so much because I’m in awe of how well it’s written. It’s the perfect mix of angst and relationship development, and I super appreciate that it’s from Kuroo’s POV! Please check it out if you love kurotsuki! It’s worth the read (and reread lol) ^^ 
Where to Start (ao3) -- TeruShira, G
It's the second date Kenjirou has been on and he can feel Yuuji already figuring him out. He wants to be the boyfriend he wants Yuuji to have, but he doesn't know where to start.
Alright so this author in general just needs more love, yeah TeruShira (or any Shirabu ship really lol) is a rarepair, but gah trust me, after you read this fic you’ll be hopping onto the shipping train so damn fast. The characterizations are so realistic and interesting, and the interactions between the pair are so fun and touching. Please check this fic out, as well as all of SilverAmoebasquid‘s other works! 
A God for Every Season (ao3) -- Matsuhana, T
Mortals have all kinds of foolish tales, like how Hades and Persephone's annual reunion causes the seasons. Matsukawa knows better.
Alright, I don’t have time to get into this because for this fic, I can honestly write a 10 page essay about how much I love it. So lemme just say, the writing and the romance is top notch, like...wow, words cannot describe how beautiful the writing is. You seriously need to read it in order to understand. I also love mythology aus, and this delivered! The retelling of Hades/Persephone reuniting was so creative and enjoyable, I want to reread it all again just from typing this lol. @90stimkon did an incredible job with this fic and all their fics, so please check them all out! <3 
Waiting for Spring (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, NR
Kuroo had only ever been enamored with a person in his lifetime once. And then "The Dream" happened. Everyday, he dreamt of the neighborhood where he lived, and he always saw a stranger with short blond hair, a tall stature, and black-framed glasses in his dreams. He didn't know who he was, but he was determined to find out.
Kuroo had only ever been enamored with a person in his lifetime once. And then "The Dream" happened. That was the second time.
This fic isn’t exactly recent but I’ll never stop reccing it until it’s been read by everyone lmao I swear! It’s a bit on the angstier side, and there’s a warning for mental illness mentions, but it’s a gorgeous fic. It explores Tsukishima’s emotions and character so well, Kuroo’s too! The details about mental health and Kuroo’s feelings/situation are great, it’s definitely a dream fic which flows into reality so well! I loved the ending, I loved the whole fic, so please give it a shot! 
24 Hours (ao3) -- Iwaoi, E 
Iwaizumi, a special investigations agent, finds himself falling in love with someone who may already be dead.
@serviceace is an amazing writer, and this crime au has got me so hooked! If you like crime mysteries and detective!Iwaizumi, this is the fic for you! It’s ongoing, but each chapter is so interesting and fun to read, and the questions keep me on the edge of my seat! Please go read this fic if you’re a sucker for iwaoi and police aus, as I am ;) 
To The Skies (ao3) -- Kacchako, M 
It was supposed to be a typical evening for Bakugou Katsuki. A masquerade ball, a night of serving the royal family as he always did. But when the party goes horribly wrong it's up to servant boy Bakugou to rescue the princess, Uraraka Ochako. His rescue mission is about to change both of their lives completely, and eventually Uraraka will want to reclaim her throne.
Now, older, the two reunite, realizing their lives have gone in very different directions. Ochako, part of the Resistance against the horrible Academy, and Bakugou, a famed sky pirate, traveling the island clusters to find various bounties. Together, they fight to take back the home they once knew and loved.
Okay y’all, lemme tell you, if you love Kacchako, you need to read this! The idea is so damn original, and Rache’s writing is A++ as always. The world she builds and the character relationships that she crafts are so well done. This fic seriously deserves more attention, so please go read! <3 Also follow her writing blog on tumblr @emeraldwaves ! You won’t be disappointed! 
Tacky Shoes and Movie Tickets (ao3) -- Bokuaka, T
Akaashi deals with a lot of stupid people.
He isn't yet certain if Bokuto falls into that category.
In which Akaashi is the manager of a movie theater, Bokuto is the new hire at the shoe store downstairs, and the two of them get along much better than Akaashi could have anticipated.
Okay so I was super surprised that this fic didn’t have more kudos! It’s so light hearted and funny, not to mention perfectly sweet! It’s ongoing, but I can’t wait for more. @worthlesspride writes some of the best bokuaka out there, it’s so fluffy and heartwarming, not to mention the writing flows so well! Please read and support it! 
Alright, so I’m going to do some self promo because why not? This day is for fic writers too after all lmao. 
Perfectly Aligned (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, T
Kuroo didn’t know how he’d made it back here, standing beneath the glistening war machines known as Jaegers. He was the definite outsider, not just at the Shatterdome, but in this world. The world of Jaeger pilots had long since closed its door on him, and now here he was, knocking once again. However, maybe this time, he wouldn’t be alone.
Just a good ol’ Pacific Rim AU. I really loved playing with this universe, and tbh it’s probably some of my best writing?? It didn’t get much attention because I posted it during a busy exchange week, but I’m definitely proud of it and hope more people can read it! 
Ceaseless (ao3) -- Kiyoyachi, E
The life of an assassin isn't an easy one. Devoid of morals and full of the criminal underworld's grime , it's a job Kiyoko has always been weirdly perfect at. She's long stopped thinking about why, but just because she kills without remorse, doesn't mean she doesn't have her own attachments.
I’m including this one because f/f ships do not get nearly enough attention as they should. I live for f/f content, and I hope I can read a lot more in the future and introduce ppl to it through fics like this! This fic did not get many kudos, but I think it was actually pretty good writing/smut, so please give it a try if you like kiyoyachi! 
Let My Love (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, T
For Kuroo, finding love was all about patience. He had no problem with waiting for the right person to come along, no matter how many awkward dinners or weddings he had to endure as a single man until they did. Regardless, meeting Tsukishima was something he’d never been prepared for. The feelings were overwhelming and intoxicating, ones he was sure he’d do anything for. However, it seemed his endless waiting wasn’t over.
While this fic isn’t short on kudos, I feel like it gets overlooked when compared to my siren au for kurotsuki. While this fic is a bit angstier than Slipping Underneath, it’s one of my most favorite that I’ve ever written. Writing slow burn is a challenge, but I think so far I’m doing well lol?? I love writing this fic, so if you want, I hope you can also enjoy reading it! <3
I Search Through the Crowd (ao3) -- Iwaoi, T 
It wasn't uncommon to believe in reincarnation, most people did, but it wasn't some flippant thing. Only people with the strongest of bonds were reincarnated, or so legend put it. Hajime could be dense sometimes, but he didn't miss the meaning Tooru was trying to convey.
"I'll find you."
Lastly, this was my first iwaoi fic, and I was really proud of it even though it didn’t get much attention. It was a struggle to write, but overall, I’m super happy with the result, so I hope you guys can get the chance to read it! I hope I get to write even more iwaoi in the future too! 
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just-a-re-blog · 7 years
Seeking Oenomel
The day has finally come--I am posting my mafia au fic starting today! It features EXO, BTS, SEVENTEEN, and SHINee, plus a few BLACKPINK members, and probably some NCT folks (this is really a smorgasbord, y’all). I have no clue how long this will be, but we’re going to roll with it for a while. Please please PLEASE let me know what you guys think of this work, and I can’t wait to go on this journey with you all!
1 2
This was never the plan. But then again, you suppose it’s never anybody’s plan to end up this way. Some lucid part of yourself in the recesses of your mind could almost make you laugh at how ridiculously ironic the whole affair is, but you can’t pull in enough air around the tightness in your chest. The sounds of ricocheting shots echo in the back of your mind, but all you can focus on is the stream of red dribbling from the lips of the boy laying on his stomach across from you. His mouth moves briefly but it takes a second to comprehend his words.
“Y-Y/N,” Hoseok begs weakly between shuddering breaths. Your hand creeps through the dark puddle between you, searching for an anchor in him; you’ve lost track of whose blood is leaking onto the concrete. “D-Do you h-hear me? Y/N, w-we’re gonna...gonna be...okay…”
Yoongi’s heavy footsteps register dully in your ears, and you are vaguely aware of him dropping to his knees beside you.
“Shit. Jin, Chan, we need to get out of here!”
You don’t feel your head being tilted onto his lap, but you attempt gurgled protest when you are no longer able to see Hoseok.
“Shut up,” Yoongi warns. “Just stay awake and stay quiet. Fuck, she’s not gonna make it. Jimin, grab him. We’re leaving. Now.”
The world tips upside-down, and you feel wetness pool in the back of your mouth. With every bound he takes, your body feels heavier and heavier to you. You can’t feel your arm anymore, numbness consuming you one limb at a time and easing the throb in all the places where your life pulses out of your wounds. Images of Junhui flash lazily through your mind. You watch a blur of colors slip by, and Yoongi’s voice sounds an infinity away as your vision tunnels.
“Damn it, Y/N, look at me.” There is a potent fear breaking through his adrenaline rush. “Come on, stay awake. Hang on, we’re almost there. Stay with me. Stay for him, okay?”
The pain almost vanished, you sigh softly, eyes fluttering shut.
You hear two more gunshots before the world shatters and gives way to a suffocating veil of silence.
Great. Just great.
You stare at the mess on the front of your apron, flashing a practiced smile at the customer who knocked your tray into you.
“No, really, it’s fine! You’d be surprised how often these things happen, really.”
You fake a laugh until the red fades from the woman’s ears before ducking into the kitchen and yanking off your dirtied apron, tossing it into the break room at the back to deal with later. A headache pounds behind your eyes. Your caramel hands, cracked from their many run-ins with hot, sudsy water, threaten to bleed with every glass you clench between your tired fingers. You can’t fight off the sigh that leaves you, your whole body withering in defeat as you take inventory of the pitiful state of your life. It feels like everything in you is rejecting this existence. But when you think about going home to a refrigerator that contains a few avocados and some fruit and a pantry with a single box of pasta and tortilla chips, you know that there is no other option for now.
The day passes in agonizing slowness, and by the time your shift is halfway over, you fear your body may launch itself through the window of its own volition. When you’re finally clocking out, it’s impossible to match the speed of your actions to the speed at which you want to escape your hellhole of a job.
At least it’s Friday.
You let out a laugh of pure bitterness when you find your building’s elevator out of order. “Really?” you question the universe. “Are you really going to be like this right now?” And a part of you half-expects your criticism to force the universe to reconsider and fling open the elevator doors for you. But you’ve never been that lucky.
Trudging up the stairs, your thoughts take on a mind of their own, images of what you had hoped your life would be painfully vivid behind your eyelids. Time after time, you had daydreamed about leaving home to start over in a new city unlike anything you’d ever known, and now it seemed the ruin of boredom and monotony had followed behind you to tell you that you weren’t so special for making it out after all. Key sticking in the lock, you nearly break down your own door in rage. Even in the confines of your personal living space, it seems like nothing can go smoothly; the smell of water boiling in your weathered, no-longer-non-stick pot aggravates your headache while the emptying of your last bit of carbohydrates into the pot sinks the last of your morale.
You pop a few aspirin and slink into your pajamas without bothering to wash the day off, hands grasping at the TV remote in apathetic desperation. The channels all seem to yield the same patterns of flashing lights and disgusting laugh tracks. Finally, you settle on a mindless reality show with a mob of loud women bickering in a bar. You let yourself laugh churlishly at the superfluous lifestyles other people get to lead, and slowly, the tension drains from your body until you are dozing off on the couch.
It’s a few hours of light slumber later when you hear the foot traffic on the stairs, but your groggy brain doesn’t have the presence of mind to realize that even with a broken elevator, there is no way so many people should be moving past your door. The insistent knocking that follows startles you from your half-slumber and has you stumbling to answer the door. A young man with dirty blond hair falling into his wide eyes stands before you.
“Hi?” you mumble, subconsciously adjusting your t-shirt on your shoulders as you take in his sharp, black suit. Normally, you would be scarlet with embarrassment at having a stranger gawk at you in pajamas, but today, the most you can muster is a detached sense that you should feel some degree of shame. 
“Hi.” The man grins, lips spreading into a rounded rectangle. “Are you Y/N?”
Unease breaks through your fatigued logic and has you staring at the visitor a little more alertly. “Who are you?”
He chuckles wryly. “Just the delivery boy. May I step inside for a moment?”
You back up a few steps and start to swing the door shut. “Um, I’m really not interested in whatever it is you’re selling. Thanks, though. Have a nice--”
He shoves his foot past the frame, a hand pushing against the wood of your door as your heart beats faster in your chest, sweat breaking out along the back of your neck. “I promise I won’t stay long. Really only need a few minutes of your time.”
Your voice shakes in spite of you. “You’re not coming in. Please leave.” He pushes through and shuts the door behind himself, leaning against it with his arms crossed.
“So difficult,” he scolds, shaking his head. He runs his eyes over your trembling figure. “Look at you--now you’ve gone and gotten yourself all worked up. Calm down. I’m not going to hurt you.”
You grab your keys in your shaking hand and point them at the stranger before you. As if you could really summon the courage to stab him. “I’ll scream. My neighbors will call the police.”
He laughs, the warm sound marred by his ominous intentions. “Your neighbors won’t hear a thing. They’re either out or…” He looks at you thoughtfully, cocking his head. “Indisposed.”
Your stomach drops. He must be bluffing. You venture a yell, and the man’s irises flash dangerously. He appears right in front of you in an instant, staring down at you in hurt disapproval.
“Oh, dear. I thought you would be able to trust me. Now we’ve got to do this the physical way.” Terror prickles in your lungs at the insinuations resting behind his words. His forearm slams against your chest and pins you against the wall, his feet resting on top of yours; your breath leaves you in a rush as a few tears escape your eyes. You try to pry his arm off of you, wriggling and shouting, but it’s to no avail. His other hand reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a cloth. “You’re making this harder than it needs to be. It’s not going to knock you out, just disorient you.”
So this is it. Brought down by chloroform and a man in black. What a fucking way to go.
Your head and stomach are swimming by the time the man stuffs the cloth back into his suit. He ties a silky black fabric over your eyes, strands of your dark, tightly curled hair getting caught in the knot, and binds your wrists. He hauls you up by your armpits, and you whimper in sheer panic, expecting to be backed against the wall and forcibly exposed any second. But instead, your feet leave the ground as he hoists you over his shoulder and carries you out of your apartment. You know he could still do any number of things with or to you once he gets you wherever he plans to take you, but a sense of immediate relief still floods your limbs and turns your bones to jelly. 
Another man’s high voice speaks somewhere off to your right. “Was she that difficult?” He chuckles.
“More so than expected. But she’s just scared.”
“But we sent you in so you wouldn’t scare her.” He laughs again, the noise made more diabolical by the fact that you can’t see its source.
“Guess we should have sent Jin. Come on. They’re expecting us back soon.”
You hear a swarm of footfalls surrounding you, and your heart sinks with the realization that there is no escape from this sinister entourage. Paralyzed by the number of variables at work in your inexplicable situation, you allow the man to carry you down three flights of steps and sit you in the back of what you assume is his car without a struggle. Engines purr softly ahead of and behind you as your convoy prepares to depart.
“Listen.” The first stranger says softly, almost gently. “We’re not here to hurt you. We wouldn’t do that. In fact, this is to keep you safe. I know it doesn’t make sense now, but just trust us for a little bit, and then we’ll explain everything, okay? Can you do that?” He pats your knee with one large hand, and you shy away from his touch, tears seeping into the fabric around your eyes. “Do you want Jimin to keep you company back here?” A shudder runs up your spine at the thought of all the things that a man could do while “keeping you company.” Your abductor takes your silence as his answer. Oddly enough, he reaches across you and buckles your seatbelt before shutting the door and climbing into the front with the rustle of silk on leather.
“Did we traumatize her?” you hear the other one ask quietly as he opens his own door.
The man starts the car without a word, and as the vehicle speeds away from the safety of your home, you can’t help but cry a little harder. You can’t seem to shake the notion that death itself has its shadowy hands wrapped around your eyes, that this is the beginning of your agonizing final descent into the embrace of restless eternal sleep. You wanted an end to your hardships, but this was never what you had in mind.
Because of the many things you had pictured your life being, short had never been one of them.
Chapter 2 to come soon: c. Jun 30, 2017
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wanderinglotus7 · 5 years
Good Morning, VIETNAM!
Let’s semi cross Vietnam off the list of places I’ve visited outside of Thailand. A group of friends and I traveled to Vietnam these past 6 days. Since our time was limited, we spent our time in the Northern region of the country. Most of our time was spent in Hanoi (the capital city of Vietnam), and we spent 2 days and 1 night in Ha Long. The plane rides and bus/taxi rides weren’t terrible except for the insane traffic. I thought traffic in Bangkok was horrible; Hanoi has Bangkok beaten so far. From land to sea, beeping and honking is the soundtrack of the people. Motorbikes cloistered the streets, alleys, and highways. Vietnamese drivers seem so reckless, but some people are reckless drivers in general doesn’t matter where they come from. I know riding in the taxis, I probably had about 20 mini heart attacks from the close calls we had; almost ramming in the back of buses and other vehicles, almost running over motorbike riders & pedestrians, tour boats crashing into each other coming into or exiting ports. Que the panic attacks.
The natural beauty of the north is remarkable. The rice fields in the midst of urbanization is a metaphor for how man and nature can coexist without one overpowering the other. The weather felt like heaven touching my soul. he average temperatures were between the 70s-low 80s degree Fahrenheit. My type of weather; reminds me of Virginia [which made miss home even more]. It rained a few times cooling things down even more. I’ve never been to places like Washington and Oregon, but from other individuals and some television shows/movies, Northern Vietnam reminds me of America’s Pacific West Coast. Then Ha Long Bay is drenched with multiple islands scattered among the sky blue water with a nice breeze tickling the skin. Like in Kanchanaburi, I felt so at ease and filled with peace. I found my serenity. 
Wondering around Hanoi, we found a quaint and cute vegan restaurant where I had my first authentic taste of vegan food. I discovered my new favorite type of tea: winter tea (fresh lemongrass and ginger tea). I’m a sucker for tea and it I was ecstatic by the many options of tea I could choose from and it wasn’t milk tea or over sweeten tea (not knocking my southern sweet tea or McDs’ sweet tea). My friend Alex could OD from caffeine because there are hundreds of coffee shops covering every inch of Hanoi. I like Thai food, but I’m getting tired of eating some kind of chicken or pork dish with rice. And I love spices, but my taste buds needed another flavor besides Thai spices and seasonings. Vietnamese food is delicious and you can see a Chinese influence within their cuisine which makes sense because Vietnam is so close to China anyway. My heart jumped with glee being able to eat fresh seafood and eating a real breakfast. When I mean a “real” breakfast I mean an IHop or Waffle House breakfast: omelettes, pancakes, french toast, bacon (but don’t eat the pork), cereal, and etc. I say don’t eat the pork because some of the pigs in Vietnam are dying from some disease that got imported into the country from South Africa. Instead of chicken or pork, chicken or beef. The beef is better than the beef sold in Thailand (and seems less questionable...). I recommend everyone who visits Vietnam to eat their Vietnamese sandwich called Banh Mi. They are sub sandwiches made with either pork, chicken, or beef (at some food stalls); they even have a vegetarian option as well.
Reeling it back in, we came across an old cathedral looking church, played a strategic board gamed called Splendor at a tucked away cafe & board game shop. Later that night, we checked out the local night market where we ate more good food and I became impulsive and selfish and bought a bunch of stuff. However, I didn’t do too bad because I purchased reasonable items and the currency (Dong) is cheaper than Thai baht. The goods are cheap, but made decently and in some good quality. I really didn’t have that much money, but having all those smaller bills in my possession made me a big BALLER! Unlike Bangkok, I did not see one pigeon in Hanoi, however, take a look at some of the menus around there and you’ll find the answer to why. I can’t lie, I did catch a case of baby fever; the children were so adorable I wouldn’t mind adopting a couple or I can imagine myself having a little blasian mini me. The locals are nice like the Thai locals. There were street dogs, but not too many that I could tell. Most of the dogs I saw were of pure breeds and on the small side (i.e. Yorkies, Poodles, Corgis, etc.). What made my day was seeing a black and white Husky puppy (that’s the next dog that I want in the future).
Ha Long reminds me of Virginia Beach; the board walk, strips of bars and restaurants, casino, fancy hotels, and a local amusement park nearby (i.e. SunWorld). While there we did the most tourist thing, we payed and enjoyed a 6-hour boat tour of Ha Long Bay. Fun Fact: the recent King Kong movie (with Samuel L. Jackson) was filmed in Ha Long Bay. The tour included a free lunch and snacks, activities, transportation, and many Instagram worthy photo opportunities. During the tour, we physically visited three islands. The first island contained the largest cave in the bay called Surprise Cave. The rock formations are cool and not too depressing. The second island we had two options: tour the island in a banana boat or kayak. I never been kayaking before so, I chose to Kayak. Kayaking gives your arms a good workout and requires teamwork to navigate the waters. I saw more wild monkeys this time nobody was attacked or harmed. The water was for sure cold, and my butt did get soaked but it was okay because I dressed appropriately. We ended the tour at TiTop Island. I was tired and wanted to relax. Instead of hiking to the top of the mountain, I stayed on the beach until it was time to return to our boat. If I google myself in the near future, I’ll probably find my image in various tourist photos. At one point, one woman took mutliple photos of me and Stacey on the beach with the woman’s friends and relatives. Strangely, she had me posing pretending to take selfies while she took photos of me (what ever floats her boat). I took a pleasant nap on the way back to the main port.
Later that evening, we explored the area. Went to some bars and played card games (even received a free beer from our hostel), ate some good pho soup (and other food). Meet a couple whom got engaged earlier that day and their friends, and participated in Karaoke with even more fun-loving strangers. The next day, before returning to Hanoi, we purchased tickets for SunWorld. We rode the world’s tallest cable car system, walked thru a beautiful zen garden, and a rode a mini “roller-coaster” ride (it’s much faster than what it appears to be). The views from the cable car were gorgeous! The journey from Ha Long to Hanoi is about 3 hours (wasn’t too bad); the bus wasn’t crapped and the seats were decently comfortable.
Honestly, I felt a bit more cultured when we returned to the city. We visited some museums: Vietnamese Women’s Museum and the Hoa Lo Prison Museum. I’m a woken feminist, so viewing the women’s museum really perked my interest and Vietnamese contributed and sacrificed a lot for the sake of their country. Through most of Vietnam’s history, women played major roles in fighting and trying to maintain their independence. Who says women can’t be bada****. Some of their most prominent leaders/rulers were women. At the prison, the Vietnamese people were brutally treated by the French. Men, women and children were imprisoned Hanoi’s hell. The prison was a death sentence for all prisoners; some individuals were able to escape, but those who did manage escape wither escaped and survived [which were few] or escaped, but their lives were immediately cut short once they tasted freedom. I also received another perspective on the Vietnam War which my Grandfather Donald Bailey fought. Always be skeptical because history can be interpreted in various ways depending on the person or group retelling the story. Sometimes the truth can hold some biases as well. Always double check your sources and facts. In addition, I made my first investment. I purchased an authentic piece of Vietnamese art signed by the actual artist. Kept in good condition it could be worth more money in the future, but I doubt I will ever sell it. Also, I purchased a handmade bamboo notebook from an indoor market. I can’t forget that I sat through my first jazz performance at a real jazz club. Jazz music isn’t my top choice (R&B/Soul #1), but I like jazz if I’m in the mood. The atmosphere of the club was sick; wish I can remember the name of the club, but it did take us a while to find the location of the club because it was hidden behind the opera theater. And Shannon found a restaurant that sold delicious Mexican food (lucky for us because it was Taco Tuesday).
Beneath the beauty, I witnessed the ugly. Violence against women is real y’all. Walking back to our hostel, we witnessed a group of citizens intervene in a could’ve been deadly situation. A woman was being followed a strange man carrying a knife. I’m not sure of all the details; apparently the man was making unwanted advances towards a passing a woman and she rejected him. I guess he didn’t like that so, he decided to follow her with a knife. Some people noticed what was happening and went after the guy. The woman was unharmed, the group was able to remove the weapon and led the man to a near by police station. On another night, a group of [drunk] 8-10 men try to encircle me; two men had the nerve to grab and yank on my arm. Luckily, I was able to tear myself from them and get away. I was so close to bustin some heads open if they didn’t let go of my arm or kept trying to entrap me (and we were close to an alleyway..I’m not about that life). Seriously, I don’t need anymore trauma in my life. Not just women, but everyone should be careful because anything can happen (hopefully they don’t).
With God’s fortune (grace) maybe in 3 or 4 years I’ll return to Vietnam and explore the Southern region. I can see more of what my grandfather witnessed during the war and learn more the war and the country’s history. I may discover another side of Vietnam (pretty or ugly).
0 notes