#there are some other kairi and tifa parallels too. like how kairi piecing sora back together reminds me of the lifestream scene from ffvii.
oveliagirlhaditright · 5 months
So... I've been meaning to make this posts for years, but fear kind of kept me from doing so (I thought I'd be raked over the coals for making this comparison, but maybe not). But you know what? I no longer care.
Kairi's treatment in KHIII somewhat reminds me of early Tifa Lockhart. And if Square Enix has any brains, they'll follow through with making her proper-Tifa Lockhart-esque.
Why does KHIII Kairi remind me of early Tifa Lockhart? Because a young Tifa started her training (martial arts training), and had so much promise, but took on Sephiroth before she was ready (who, to be fair, is a super-soldier for those who don't know: a SOLDIER. She was also grief-stricken there, after Sephiroth had burnt her village to the ground and murdered her father, so it was not a fair fight), and he nearly murders her (she's fatally wounded by him, that is, and only quick surgery time saves her).
And it reminds me of how in KHIII, Kairi gets training--has lots of potential--but fights in this war she really shouldn't be in at all (based on her skills at that point), and is thus killed.
Years later, Tifa has gotten much stronger and isn't going to make the same mistakes from before. And guess what? She gets to help bring down the man who has traumatized her so much, and nearly killed her before--as she fights to save the world:
Reminds me of how in Re:Mind (pun intended), after Sora brings Kairi back, she gets to fight alongside Sora (much stronger than she was the rest of the game), and end the evil reign of the man who had murdered her.
No one would ever put down Tifa Lockhart... so why are we so quick to demonize Kairi before her own arc is done?
I understand a lot of it is because how she's been treated in the past, truly I do. I'm right there with you in hating most of that. There's even so much in KHIII I don't like, and would have written so much differently. But we're about to start a new saga, and have some new writers on the scene, so let's cross our fingers that with some new eyes on the script, Kairi could finally get her dues.
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