#there are. at LEAST four dispensaries within walking distance of my front door
just-about-nothing · 11 months
love living in a state w legal weed & with such an unbelievable amount of legal weed i haven’t actually paid for pot since last summer. just saw a post that was like ‘whys the weed man hearting my texts’ well have u considered making friends w your local organic sun-grown marijuana farmers who’ll just give you really good pot without you asking bc the cure was slightly off & they can afford to be obsessive perfectionists because the market’s so hot?
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jadehqknb · 7 years
Kuroo – At the Café
Running in from the torrential downpour that erupted, Kuroo shakes the water from his head and shirks his now soaked Nekoma team jacket.
“I thought the forecast called for sunshine today,” he grumbles, wringing the drenched garment over the nearest potted plant. Shaking it out, he places the cold material over his forearm as he readjusts the bag hanging on his shoulder. Looking around he smiles. He’s never been to a place like this before but he’s heard Kenma talk about them. Thanks to the sudden storm he’s found himself stranded in a book café. Usually lacking any spare time to read for pleasure, he’s never had reason to seek one out but it will do as a haven in this tempest.
Turning his head, he notices a chalkboard with the “perfect pairings” of the day. Looking closer he sees these are recommendations of books to read and which drinks to enjoy while you do.
“How clever,” he thinks reading over the list:
A Study in Scarlet – Lapsan Souchong Tea
Sense and Sensibility – Earl Grey Tea
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – Butter Beer Soda
The Hobbit – Hot Rum Coffee
Chuckling to himself, Kuroo makes his way further into the café, eyes trailing around to take in the décor. The walls are, unsurprisingly, lined with shelves of books stretching all the way to the ceiling of the rather tall building with ladders that have signs saying, “PLEASE ASK FOR ASSISTANCE.”
In the center of the room are various chairs, couches, chaises and stools all exceptionally comfortable looking. In the very back, around another shelf of books, lies an almost hidden alcove are four pods nestled within the shelves where one can stretch out if they so desire. Finding them empty, Kuroo takes advantage of his luck, slinging down his bag and crawling into one of the spaces.
He’s surprised to find he fits and commends the establishment for considering their taller patrons. Placing his hands behind his head he’s just about to close his eyes when a giggle carries down the rows of make believe causing his eyelids to fly open and himself to catapult out of the comfy nook. Neglecting his bag, he rounds the corner to find the source of the noise.
In little time, he comes across the drink and snack dispensary and it’s there he finds what, or rather who, he’s looking for. He’d know that giggle anywhere, no matter how many years it’s been since he last heard it. His eyes widened when they land on your profile. You’re talking to a customer, a regular from the looks of it, your eyes shining and grin confident. You always were so sure of yourself, it was one of the things which attracted Kuroo to you in the first place even at a young age.
He can’t help but stare at you because the last time he saw you, when you both were twelve years old, he thought you were the cutest girl in the world. Now…now you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. Your hair is perfectly styled but at the same time has a natural look to it and his hand itches to run his fingers through it. Your smile is bright and wide, one of his most favorite features you possess. He’d always try to come up with ways to make you smile, whether it was at his expense or the expense of others. He’d loved making you blush, learning to craft his art of provocation based on your reactions. He’d be lying if he didn’t admit he’s tried a time or two to make other girls react the way you did when you were together, but it never is quite the same.
And now, after 6 years, he can finally talk to you again. That is, if he can get his legs to move or his mouth to work. He wasn’t expecting this reaction to seeing you again. It’s like you’re the same person and someone completely different at the same time. His teenage hormones aren’t helping the situation either but that’s neither here nor there; there’s no way he’s leaving without at least talking to you and hopefully getting your number.
He realizes he’s never fully let go of the crush he had on you and just seeing you again has brought those feelings all the way to the surface frighteningly quick. Despite his nervousness, he finally gets his feet to work, striding to the counter now that the other customer has left.
Your back is to him as you arrange their order and when you turn back around he’s smirking in the teasing manner he’s known for.
Your eyes grow exceptionally wide as you inhale a breath of surprise. Then, before he knows what’s happening, you’ve launched yourself over the counter, throwing your arms around his neck. His body moves on autopilot, arms wrapping around your waist as you say rather loudly, “Oh my god, Tetsukuroo!” The old nickname makes his heart warm further and he squeezes you tightly.
“Hey ______-chan, fancy meeting you here,” he says chuckling.
When you finally pull back you’re blushing like mad, mostly due to the snickers coming from behind by your co-worker. Extracting yourself from Tetsuro, you smooth out your apron and shirt trying to calm your heart. It’s been ages since you last saw him. You don’t quite know how you lost touch when you moved but all the years seem to melt away when you look in his eyes. Time has done him well. You always thought he was cute but now…damn!
“So, how long have you been back?” he asks, hands in his pockets.
“Um, not very long, just under a month,” you reply tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
Just as he’s about to ask another question a throat clearing catches both of your attention. Turning around you see your manager looking pointedly at you and then the cash register. Squeaking out an apology, you grab a napkin and hastily scrawl your phone number.
“Call or text me later, I’m off at 4:00,” you say hurriedly and then dash back behind the counter.
Clutching the napkin like a life line, Kuroo makes his way back to his stuff. The nook is still open so he lays back down. He’s thrilled to have run into you again and even more happy at how happy you looked to see him. Having you in his arms wasn’t bad either. Glancing at your number he puts it in his phone but he has no plans of calling you. He’s going to wait here until you’re done with your shift.
Pulling a random book from the shelf next to his head he begins reading, finding the story surprisingly interesting. Before long two hours has gone by and it’s time for you to get off. Gathering his stuff Kuroo waits around the corner from where you have to walk to exit the food and drink area. As you pass him he slinks up behind you and says, “Boo.”
You squeal turning around rapidly and almost dropping the load of books in your arms. Helping to steady you, Kuroo laughs. “Still such a scaredy cat,” he teases making you blush.
“And still such the schemer I see,” you retort with mock irritation.
He grins and ruffles your hair. Again it’s like no time at all has gone by and nothing’s changed save for the thundering in your heart when you look at him.
Kuroo, unbeknownst to you, is having similar thoughts and feelings. What he believed to be a childhood crush is rapidly growing into a firm attraction for you.
“Get a grip Kuroo,” he thinks as he walks with you to the exit, “You literally just found each other again. Don’t scare her off by coming on too strong.”
“You didn’t have to wait for me you know,” you say as you put the stack of books onto a cart that says RETURNS on it.
“Who said anything about waiting for you? I got wrapped up in a book,” he quips smirking at you. It’s not entirely a lie, he really did get sucked into the story he was reading but he can’t pass up an opportunity to tease you.
You roll your eyes, shifting the bag on your shoulder. Looking outside you can see it’s still raining cats and dogs out there and the thought of rushing to the train stop in this downpour is less than inviting. Looking back at Kuroo you say, “Well, since you’re here anyway we may as well catch up. At least until the rain stops.”
“Sounds good, how about over there?” He points to a couch near a hearth where a pleasant fire is burning. Nodding you follow him over, the two of you placing your bags down before taking a seat facing one another.
Over the next two hours you talk about everything. What you’ve been up to in your new home before coming back, how he’s the captain of the volleyball team and all the preparations and practice the team is doing to make it to Nationals. You talk school, friends, family, anything and everything.
Eventually both of your stomachs rumble louder than the thunder crashing outside.
Looking sheepish Kuroo asks, “I don’t suppose that little place in the back does dinner?”
You laugh shaking your head. “No, just drinks, pastries and simple snacks. I’m afraid if we want actual food we’re going to have to brave the storm.”
Gathering your stuff, you make your way together to the front door. Neither of you have an umbrella so you’ll have to make a run for it. Dashing out the door you’re both soaked within seconds but are laughing as you scamper towards the train station. Looking at Kuroo with his wide silly grin makes you fall for him even harder. How can you feel so deeply for him after only a couple of hours?
When you finally reach the station and look at each other you burst out laughing at the same time. Kuroo’s hair is completely plastered against his head and face and you doubt you look much better. The train hasn’t arrived yet and as you wait you shiver. It’s quite cold in addition to being wet. Suddenly you feel strong arms around you and turn into them, wrapping your arms around Kuroo’s waist.
As your head settles on his chest you listen to his heart. It’s beating fast and you can’t help but wonder if that’s due to the run or because he’s holding you.
When you look up you find him already looking down at you. Your eyes meet and a thousand words pass without a sound. You tilt your head up, your face inching closer to his.
“_____-chan,” he says lowly, his warm breath caressing your face. All you do is nod and he closes the distance, kissing you softly at first. Then, as if setting a match to a tinder box, his arms move from your shoulders to your waist tugging you against his firm torso. His lips are insistent, hungrily massaging your own until you yield, allowing his tongue to graze yours. Instant heat floods your belly moving outward to your limbs. This is now your most favorite way of warming up.
For need of oxygen, you pull away inhaling deeply before opening your eyes. Kuroo’s own are wide and dilated, his cheeks a rosy red and his mouth curling up into his signature grin.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you like me _____-chan,” he says nuzzling your nose.
You giggle giving him another peck. “You always could read me like an open book, Tetsukuroo.”
He groans. “Argh, you and your puns!”
Then his eyes turn a little serious, his hand cupping your cheek. “But that won’t stop me from liking you. I mean, really, really, really liking you.” He pauses, taking in a deep breath before asking, “Be my girlfriend?”
You nod and he kisses you again, the perfect end to your fairytale day and the perfect beginning of a grand new adventure.
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