#there better not be any typos in here because you can't edit poll posts apparently
icebluecyanide · 2 years
AR book fandom poll
Short descriptions of each chapter are under the cut if you need them. Feel free to add your own favourite chapter in the tags if it's not on this list!
Stormbreaker, chapter 17. Yassen: Alex has his debrief with Alan Blunt and Mrs Jones, leaves, and is promptly kidnapped by Sayle, who takes him to the rooftop where he tries to kill Alex. Yassen shoots Sayle and he and Alex talk before Yassen flies off in his helicopter.
Skeleton Key, chapter 13. Heartbeat: Alex explores Sarov's villa with his guard and attempts to escape by hiding in the boot of one of the Russian president's cars. He is caught and Sarov terrifies him by making him listen to his own racing heartbeat before cutting out the microphone.
Skeleton Key, chapter 15. Security Nightmare: Alex and Sarov land in Edinburgh Airport to refuel and Alex makes an escape attempt. He tries to call the police, but is stopped by a security guard who doesn't believe him and holds him up for long enough that Sarov and Conrad find him again, forcing him to pretend to be Sarov's son to the guard.
Skeleton Key, chapter 17. After Alex: The aftermath of the events in Murmansk. Mrs Jones and Alan Blunt discuss what happened and the (emotional rather than nuclear) fallout. Alex is depressed but goes out for a walk, thinking about how he'll never have a father. Sabina catches up with him, making the day look a bit brighter.
Eagle Strike, Prologue: Fifteen years before the current story, two professional assassins, code names Hunter and Cossack, travel through the Amazon rainforest to kill a man called the Commander. A black widow spider nearly kills Cossack, but at the last moment Hunter shoots it and the target with a single bullet, saving Cossack's life and giving him a rather distinctive scar.
Eagle Strike, chapter 17. "Fasten Your Seat Belts": The nuclear missiles shoot up into space and we get a glimpse of the innocent people living in the areas Cray plans to destroy. Air Force One starts to take off, but Cray tells Yassen to kill Sabina and Alex. Yassen refuses and is shot. Cray tries to kill them, but Alex and Sabina manage to push him out the door with a trolley. Sabina disables the missiles and Alex has a conversation with a dying Yassen, who tells him the truth about his father.
Eagle Strike, chapter 18. Richmond Bridge: Alex tries to process what he learned from Yassen while sitting by the Thames waiting for Sabina. Mrs Jones stops by for his debrief but Alex is not interested. Sabina and Alex say goodbye because Sabina's family is moving to San Fransisco and Alex suspects he will never see her again.
Scorpia, chapter 20. A Mother's Touch: An assassin has been paid to kill a fourteen-year-old boy stepping out of the MI6 headquarters. Alex is shot by a sniper and falls to the ground, seeing his parents as he lies dying, and he closes his eyes.
Snakehead, chapter 12. The Silent Streets: Alex and Ash leave Bangkok for Jakarta. While on the plane, Alex asks Ash the story about his parents and Yassen Gregorovich, and learns about what happened during the mission on Malta.
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