#there is SO MUCH THERE and to just go ‘’bangel sucks’’ is so BORING like DIVE INTO IT
theajaheira · 1 year
i feel like at some point i have to write my latest bangel plot bunny just to counterbalance all the violent hatred of them??? like they’re FASCINATING. y’all just think the show doesn’t know that this is a deeply fucked up relationship, which is sorta fair bc the show can’t decide + wants to have its cake and eat it too (buffy and angel are somehow simultaneously Teenage True Love and Genuinely Fucked Up Power Dynamic) BUT “the show can’t decide” is so hugely different from “the show doesn’t know it’s fucked up and thinks it isn’t” and so sometimes i will see bangel hater takes and they will actually hurt my soul
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jamalexlee · 5 years
Ask me: FANDOM EDITION: Allll of them, please!?
To clarify its for Brooklyn 99
A - Your current OTP: Ok so I have to cheat right out the box - cos I have two. Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago and Captain Raymond Holt and Kevin Cozner. They’re just perfect for each other, so complimentary and so in love - but real you know?
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind Jake and Doug Judy. They are a friendship otp (mostly) but yeah lifelong togetherness. And it was tumblr that got me wondering on this.
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will Jake and Amy with anyone that isn’t each other during the show. Brooklyn 99 is better at this than most tv shows but the people introduced solely to keep the will-they-won’t-they couple apart will always annoy me - its just taking air time from the bits of a show I like and forces so much jealousy and stuff - and I’m not into that
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t Rosa Diaz/Adrian Pimento. They just never clicked for me as a couple and she is so out of his league its painful. Not that I’m against Rosa having a boyfriend I actually liked her with Marcus and was upset when they broke up. But yeah…
E - Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what I don’t think I’ve offered much to the 99 fandom - I mostly reblog others bits and agree or add silly comments.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? 22 years. I was with Buffy from the get go - and while its got its issues and bits of it hasn’t aged very well I wouldn’t have been the same without this show in my life.
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it? Bangel. The combinded high romance and excruciating pain had me hooked. I still feel it when I watch it all these years later.
H - Do you prefer characters from real action series or anime series? My anime interest has grown over the last few years but action still wins overall - especially since I can’t help loving seeing my favourite characters in pain - and the live action means we get to see the actors and actresses hurt and cry for the sake of the drama - anime can’t compare.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? I try not to let tumblr do that to me if I can help it (these days anyway) but (and I realise I could die for this) I have started to dislike corners of the Star Wars fandom due to their treatment of certain characters.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr. Oh god so many - but… sense8. It was advertised no where so I wouldn’t have known it existed or watched it without tumblr giffing the hell out of it - and wouldn’t that have been a shame.
K - How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom? I’m assuming this is Brooklyn 99 so… I love them. Honestly. Their love kept the show going when it was cancelled allowing us to continue enjoying this wonderful funny show.
L - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for? @lupismaris please please more chapters for But Alone is Alone (Not Alive)
M - Your favorite fanart or fanartist? I’m so bad with names - but I’m hoping the upcoming Silverflint Big Bang and rarepairing weeks will teach me the names better.
N - Your favorite fanfiction or fanauthor? See above - I have so many I love but I suck with names.
O - Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you of? Only Love Can Hurt Like This - Paloma Faith -  and Silverflint. Seriously there’s a fanvid to this on Youtube that fits them so well.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas): Black Sails - Thomas comes to Nassau instead of Flint going to him. There are so many characters I need him to meet on that island. Feel free to have him arrive in earlier season to meet characters that totally didn’t die (vane cough cough) - and p.s. I’m total Silverflinthamilton trash so yeah…
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why? Destiel. I hung on to this for far longer than I should have mostly because I couldn’t handle the truth of this pairing - that it was world-class queerbaiting of the highest degree - mind you I stayed with Supernatural for longer than was sane too (9 seasons god help me)
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships. Is there actually a ship in any fandom that no one has ever thought of before? I mean even as Crack!fic it’ll have been done. I guess my closest is Joshua Donovan and Steve Jinx from Warehouse 13 - I don’t know if anyone ever put those two together and its a small fandom
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon:  I don’t really have a personal headcanon for Brooklyn 99 - I agree with a bit of fanon that’s gotten popular - Bi!Jake. Honestly I kinda love the idea of Jake having been oblivious and accidentally had a boyfriend without him realising - and it being played by John Mulaney.
T - If you mostly have homoships, do you have any heteroships? Bangel, Peraltiago, Willow/Oz, Fred/Gunn - though I should mention that I headcanon one or both of these couples as bi so… not totally hetero.
U - If you mostly have heteroships, do you have any homoships? I mostly ship queer ships - its just a fact. And if I ship it I’ll reblog about it - probably more than people would like honestly.
V - Are you one of those fans who can’t watch anything without shipping? Don’t be daft. But on the same token - why’s it bad if you do? Shipping is just another part of fandom. Another avenue of interest and discussions to have in your fandom. And why would you deny yourself an extra dimension of enjoyment.
W - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms: Ok so not choosing Black Sails for this because how in the hell do you pick just one favourite character in that? I’m changes several times a day. Honestly I’d struggle to do a top 10. So Tara Maclay, Buffy The Vampire Slayer - I saw so much of myself in her when that show first came out and she was a very important character - and I’m still pissed about what the show did to her. Captain Raymond Holt, Brooklyn 99 - god what a character, so much too long about him and he is a complete character flaws and all. Wynonna Earp - I love this woman soo much - and not just because the actress that plays her is a goddess either (honest), Dave Lister, Red Dwarf - I’m literally watching it right now - and honestly it was the first time I’d heard my own accent on television and I fell in love immediately and The Doctor - honestly a favourite character that can be a totally different character from one season to another? Classic - this character hasn’t been used the best yet (seriously why always white and why so long to be present as female?) The Doctor is still unique and wonderful character I’ve loved many versions of.
X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms: Silverflint - there’s just so much in that relationship so much to work with, unpack, rewrite and do with it - you’d never run out of things to do with it - especially if like me you’re cool with either Hamilton or Madi added in (or all of the above), Holmes/Watson - in all versions in all mediums they are soulmates in all of them and I’ll never get bored of these two together, Posner/Scripps - it never happened in canon but it should have - Scripps is oblivious but totally in love with Posner and Posner knows - Scripps will figure it out in University and they will live happily ever after.
Y - A fandom you’re in but have no ships from:  The IT Crowd - I don’t ship anyone there. Not really anyway.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go: Black Sails is awesome - if you haven’t watched it go do it now - you won’t regret it - but fair warning it’ll ruin all other shows for you.
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melonsmessymusings · 3 years
love your blog btw, you seem like the type of guy to hang out with at 3am staring over a city or something cool like that. good vibes. how do you feel about like discourse? like when people argue over which ship is better or why some characters suck do you like getting involved and sharing your thoughts or are you happy to watch from the wings and see where shit lands? there's loads in the btvs tag atm and wondered if you'd ever get involved because i like your contributions :)
Aww, isn’t that cool. I mean I am up most days at 3am so you’re not entirely wrong :) Love that I give off ‘good vibes’ ugh that’s made my day. We can absolutely hang out if you want.
Overall, I’m very happy to engage in discussions about stuff. Both publicly and via DMs, really not bothered which. Love when people slide into my DMs like “what’s your take on [thing]?” And we end up talking for days straight. As long as the debates are friendly and there’s no flinging shit at each other, it’s really interesting. I find it genuinely pleasant to learn why someone might disagree with something I think, and genuinely respect that. I also really don’t mind being called out either, how else am I supposed to learn? There is a line though. There’s lots of instances where people go too far and forget that they’re talking to real people not bots or whatever. When it starts getting personal and insulting, that’s too much. By all means, let’s talk and compare notes but if making it personal is where this is going, no I’m gone. People acting like they’re literally about to start a war with people online over a difference in opinion is a bit… it’s a bit tacky and distasteful. Mot everyone is going to agree with you, we’re all different and that’s a good thing. Imagine how boring it’d be if we all believed the same stuff?
A lot of the discourse in the tag is stuff like the Bangel/Spike debate which doesn’t interest me so I don’t engage with it. And from what I’ve seen, it’s pretty hairy and quite aggressive from both sides which I’m not a fan of. Keep things civil, you can disagree with people but you don’t need to be a dick about it. There’s no need. I prefer to just stay in my lane and talk about what I want to, obviously if that sparks debate awesome, lets chat. I can offer you tea and biscuits while we discuss. Ultimately with discourse it’s about popular morality. Are certain things right or not because a large enough group of people says so? The problem with this is that it’s an ever evolving concept and it can be very detrimental. Let people enjoy their stuff, if you don’t like it don’t look and quietly move on.
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