#there is also this lil scene on 13x2 where he says that 'not all unsubs are Scratch'
snarkylinda · 11 months
Honestly one of my favorite CM scenes period gotta be that little dialogue on s10 where Spencer mentions what happened with him after the whole LDSK thing sank in. I love me some empathic/compassionate characters, those are MY FAVORITE and it was the main reason why I gravitated so much toward boy Genious at the first place (namely The FisherMan part 2. And ofc, Revelations.) Give me the characters that feel STRONGLY for those in pain regardless of what side they are on, show me how much it TEARS THEM APART to be unable to save someone, to be the ones to take someone's life for the greater good, gimme more experiemented and so- more jaded teammembers try to talk sense onto the cinnamon roll, to look worried as their precious innocence is, slowly, wasting away and they are paying their price for their naivity, for their good nature, that is the good shit.
Compassion is a slippery rope. It's maybe because I watch too much shonen anime, but everytime I see an empathic hero coddle a literal terrorist I just sit there all ".....what the hell-" like there is a limit bro that dude killed innocent people lmao so it goes from compassion....to self-righteousness, and me dislikes 🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏼‍♀️
So yeah, super kudos to have this little line where Spencer literally says "I only got over killing this dude because I started focused on the people HE killed, they had lives too" made me give him a cookie and a headpat.
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