#there is just something so endearing concerning and funny about wu not knowing what hes allergic to
avatar-state-kate · 4 years
Workaholic: A Coffee Shop AU
Inspired by reading @mako-being-bi’s prompt before my shift....at a coffee shop. Here is a one-shot I day dreamed at work
“- and Huan is going to the LCBO for Opal and he said he would pick me up whatever I want so that’s just another reason why you should come tonight.” Bolin finished matter of factly. He had been trying to convince Mako to go with him to this party all week.
Mako tolled his eyes as he wiped the steam wand with the sani cloth. “I already told you Bo, after I finish here I have to work on my History paper.” He really shouldn’t have left it so long, but he’d been picking up as many extra shifts as he could, once he turned 18 Mako could become Bolin’s legal guardian and get them out of foster care and he intended to, but they’d need money for an apartment to do that. Bolin reached over the counter to take his finished drink, “hey!”
Bolin knew he shouldn’t do that; he’d dealt with enough of his own annoying costumers. Bolin just waved Mako’s admonition off, “you could have been working on that today and partying tonight if you hadn’t picked up this extra shift.”
Mako was about to retort when Korra and Asami ran into the store from the mall hallway. “You guys will never guess who Asami and I saw at H&M!” Korra gasped, nearly having run her and Asami who she had been dragging behind her, into the counter. “It was the guy Mako saved last week!”
“And why did none of you tell me about this before today!” Asami chimes in, “you can all remember every complicated modification a Karen makes to a drink but you can’t remember Mako saving a guys life?”
Mako tears the next drink order sticker and places it onto a Grande cup. “I didn’t save-“
“Yeah he totally did!” Bolin interrupts, “so this guy orders a pink drink right, but I guess he didn’t know what was in it, or that he was allergic to strawberries, because he starts having an allergic reaction in the store-“
Mako cuts Bolin off to announce the finished order. “I administered an epiden.” Mako looks down at the next sticker “Korra did you seriously just mobile order.”
“What, I came here to see you, not whoever that guy at cash is.” Korra said, putting her phone back into her pocket. “And fine, the guy you administered an epipen to works at H&M, and he goes to school with Asami so he’ll probably be at the Beifong’s party tonight.” Korra finishes with a smirk. “So you should go in case he’s in dire need of medical assistance.”
Mako rolls his eyes, could everyone just stop with this party already, “I already told you I’m not going.”
Korra and Bolin continue talking about the upcoming party while Mako makes the drinks Korra ordered for her and Asami.
“You should think about coming Mako,” Asami says as she grabs her and Korra’s finished drinks. “I love seeing you at work, but it would be nice to see you outside of it.”
The three leave soon after that. Bolin told Opal he would help her hide all of the breakables to prepare for the party tonight and Asami needs to return some shoes and Korra goes with her.
Mako’s shift is going by pretty slowly, the mall isn’t as busy as his drive-thru store and people mostly just get water. The general lack of commotion means he sees him the moment he comes in. He still has his H&M name tag on.
“Hey Hasook, how are you buddy?” Mako remembers him being overly friendly, he wasn’t a regular at Mako’s usual store but he’d gone to the trouble of actually reading the barista’s name tags.
“Hey Wu, let me guess, you want a ‘surprise me’” Hasook rolls his eyes good naturedly, punching in a surprise order.
“There is just so much you can get; I don’t know how anybody chooses!”
Wu continues to chat with Hasook as he pays, Mako waits for the sticker to print before tossing it out and making him an iced white mocha, with cold foam instead of whip- it’s more annoying to make that way but it’s better. Wu’s still talking to Hasook when Mako calls out his drink.
“You need to tell them your allergies when you order a surprise me drink.”
“Huh?” Wu doesn’t look at Mako as he unwraps a straw and sticks it through the sip hole of the strapless lid.
“He wanted to give you a strawberry acia refresher” Wu just looks at him confused. “You know, strawberries...which you’re allergic to.”
That seemed to jog Wu’s memory as recognition flashed in his eyes. “Oh hey! You’re the guy- Hasook did you know,” Wu stops to read his name tag, “Mako here saved my life,” Wu stops again to look at his drink. “Twice now actually.”
“Yeah well you should be more careful.” Mako admonishes.
“Ugh I know I know, I just always forget that I’m allergic to strawberries. I get it confused with bee stings.” Wu says, taking his first sip happily.
A mobile order comes in and Mako moves tog tab the sticker. “How do you get those two mixed up?”
“Do you have any allergies?”
“Um, no”
“Then you wouldn’t understand.” Wu says, taking another sip of his drink. “I really am lucky you were there though, and that you remembered it was strawberries. What are you doing here though, don’t you work at the one downtown?”
“Oh um, yeah I do, but you can pick up shifts at other stores.” This conversation has already gone on a lot longer then any other costumer connection Mako had attempted to make. Making small talk wasn’t exactly his strong suit.
“Wow, so a hero and a hard worker,” Wu raises his brows, “I’m impressed. Let me guess you’re an animal lover too.” Wu grins.
“Oh no, that’d be my brother.” Wu laughs because of course he was teasing and Mako wishes he could hide in the back, “and I’m not a hero either.”
“Well, you definitely fooled me when you kinda saved my life, like a hero would.”
Mako is about to retort when Hasook interrupts from cash“Mako stop flirting with costumers, are you good up here by yourself if I go do the count?”
Mako can feel his face heating up. “I’m not, yeah I’ll be fine.” With a nod Hasook disappears into the back leaving Mako and Wu alone.
A phone alarm goes off, “Shit my break can’t already be over.” Wu pulled his phone from his pocket to stop the alarm.
“Oh well, uh, have fun at work.” Mako winces, he can’t even say see you later like a normal person.
“Yeah you too...” Wu turns to leave before turning right back to face Mako. “… I know this might be kind of, out of nowhere, but umm, your friends with Asami Sato right? Just because she talks about a Mako who works with her girlfriend Korra at Starbucks and, well that seems like a bit of a coincidence if you’re not actually the same person doesn’t it?” Wu speaks faster the longer he rambles, so by the end of it Mako is a little lost.
“Yeah, uh, I am, friends with Asami.”
“Great! So, you’re going to the Beifong’s party then. I would be worried if you weren’t, might die of anaphylactic shock.”
“Oh I’m-“ Mako was about to tell Wu he wasn’t actually going but, well he can always write his paper on Sunday. “yeah, I guess it is a good thing.”
Wu grins. “Great, so I’ll see you tonight then!” And with that he’s off back to work.
Mako wonders if there is still time to have Bolin have Huan get him something- nothing with strawberries though.
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curiosity-killed · 3 years
warm and real and bright
hualian pre-relationship, hualian & lang ying
word count: 3014
on ao3
“Here, gege, let me.”
Before Xie Lian can say a word, Hua Cheng has folded himself down in one elegant motion to kneel at the bottom of the steps. Something about the gesture brushes the back of Xie Lian’s mind, tugs at the corner of the veil shrouding memories from centuries ago—but he can’t place it and brushes it aside as disorientation from seeing Hua Cheng kneel to anyone. Releasing his wrist, Xie Lian smiles and waves his hand to shoo away Hua Cheng’s concern.
“No need, no need,” he says. “It’s only a little sore, it’ll be all better by morning.”
Hua Cheng hums, lips briefly thinning, and then he reaches out to draw Xie Lian’s wrist into his hands. His slender palms cradle Xie Lian’s wrist like something delicate and precious, a flowering branch or a fine blade. They’re cool where they cup the back of his arm, chilly enough to make his skin pebble up in goose flesh despite the hot spring day. His thumbs, when he presses them into the meat of Xie Lian’s arm, however, are firm and sure. A little gasp escapes Xie Lian.
“Oh,” he says.
Lifting his gaze, Hua Cheng peers up at him under his lashes but doesn’t still his hands.
“That feels good, San Lang. Thank you,” Xie Lian says with a smile.
Hua Cheng’s lips quirk up at the corners, as if pleased, even as he ducks his head to focus on the methodical massage.
“It’s just something I picked up,” he says nonchalantly, and Xie Lian puffs out a breath of amusement.
The skills Hua Cheng just happens to have picked up are so numerous and varied that it seems little wonder he could trounce those thirty-three gods. For a moment, Xie Lian wonders if Hua Cheng knows even as much as Jun Wu. A flash of guilt has him quickly shoving away the thought, shamed at thinking so little of his benefactor.
“Ah San Lang must be most popular in Ghost City,” Xie Lian teases instead, “giving massages to anyone he likes.”
“I only like this gege,” Hua Cheng replies with a grin.
That silences Xie Lian. He’s used to being desired or respected or wanted. In his first life, he had dozens of marriage proposals his parents tried to broker, and in the intervening centuries, he’s had a hundred propositions from strangers and acquaintances. He’s good at shrugging them off with a bland smile and polite word. He’s not used to being liked. He’s not used to the shameless, sincere way Hua Cheng will say such things—as if he really does just enjoy spending time with Xie Lian, whether it’s crossing the desert to unravel a conspiracy in the Heavenly Court or helping an old grandma make her way home in Puqi Village.
He’s not sure what to do with it, this easy and abundant affection. Replying in the same fashion, saying “this gege likes San Lang, too” makes his cheeks heat up in embarrassment and his ears burn. His stomach squirms. He can’t even scold Hua Cheng for being insincere, because then he’ll turn that smile up at him again and say something like he had that first night after Banyue, saying he was the most sincere person Xie Lian would ever meet.
“Ah Lang Ying should be home soon,” he says instead, seizing the first thought to cross his mind.
Hua Cheng stiffens, his thumb pressing into the meat of Xie Lian’s arm. His lips thin, and Xie Lian has to suppress a bubble of amusement. Lang Ying has tight-lipped about his feelings toward Hua Cheng, but the two of them resemble nothing so much as two tigers whose territories intersect when they are left in the same space. When he spies them in one of their wary silences, Xie Lian never knows whether to laugh or cry.
“Ah, do you really dislike him so much, San Lang?” he asks. “I know he’s very quiet, but it’s really only because of how he’s been bullied and not out of any kind of conspiracy. He really is a good kid, I promise.”
“Gege is too generous,” Hua Cheng mutters, but he puffs out a breath through pursed lips as he switches to Xie Lian’s other arm. “If it troubles gege so much, this one will do better.”
Huffing out a laugh, Xie Lian shakes his head. He doesn’t understand why Hua Cheng so willingly gives himself over to Xie Lian’s unworthy hands. It makes his heart seize both with awe and fear, like he might trip and shatter such precious trust. He reaches over now to poke Hua Cheng in the middle of his forehead with his free hand.
“San Lang,” he scolds. “You don’t have to agree with me one everything. You wouldn’t start liking Mu Qing just because I asked, would you?”
As expected, Hua Cheng’s expression darkens and his brows furrow.
“The Sweeping General can go fu—”
He stops abruptly, pauses, and clears his throat.
“No,” he says simply, and Xie Lian bursts into laughter.
He’d been so fierce, expression so stormy, before he caught himself. Hua Cheng normally carries himself with such elegance and composure, looking as graceful as a painting even when he’s sweating out in the yard. Hearing a slip into more crass language doesn’t take away from his image only fills Xie Lian with overwhelming endearment.
“To be fair,” Xie Lian says wryly, “unless he’s changed his cultivation path, Mu Qing really can’t go fuck much of anything.”
Hua Cheng looks up, eyes wide and mouth parted slightly in surprise.
“Gege,” he says, a little squeaky.
Lifting his sleeve to hide his mouth, Xie Lian sniggers at the shocked look even as Hua Cheng’s eyes narrow and lips quirk up. He so rarely surprises Hua Cheng; it’s a funny victory when he succeeds.
“Sorry, sorry,” he giggles. “I couldn’t resist.”
“Gege just likes to tease this one,” Hua Cheng sniffs, but the smile still lighting his eyes soothes any worry Xie Lian might have had about really bothering him.
Grinning, Xie Lian tucks his hands into his sleeves and leans against his thighs. Still kneeling at the foot of the stairs, Hua Cheng is the same height as him for once, and so when Hua Cheng looks at him, Xie Lian is hit with the full force of the fondness and delight in Hua Cheng’s eyes. His stomach gives a funny flip, something fizzy and unnamed sparking down his arms.
“I would never dream of teasing the renowned Hua Chengzhu,” Xie Lian replies, mostly for the way Hua Cheng wrinkles his nose.
“Hm,” Hua Cheng says, narrowing his eyes.
Xie Lian grins back at him. The sparks along his skin have settled into something heady and golden in his chest as Hua Cheng makes no sign of moving from this spot, kneeling before Xie Lian and looking at him with all his remarkable attention. For centuries, Xie Lian has shied away from being the center of attention, to being highlighted on any stage—but under Hua Cheng’s warm regard, he finds himself holding still, tentatively unfurling in its light.
“I thought gege’s cultivation prohibited all thoughts of such things,” Hua Cheng says.
Xie Lian shrugs.
“Impure thoughts are discouraged,” he says, “but thoughts are not actions. The only risk to one’s cultivation would arise from fixation on such thoughts that they disturbed one’s mind.”
He pauses and casts a sidelong look at Hua Cheng, amused.
“Saying ‘fuck’ won’t affect my cultivation,” he clarifies.
Shifting to lean back on the steps, Hua Cheng puffs out a breath.
“It might affect mine,” he mutters, but it’s quiet enough that Xie Lian isn’t sure he was meant to hear.
For a few moments, they sit there in comfortable quiet, watching as the setting sun dyes the shrine’s courtyard gold and amber. Contentment is a warm weight through Xie Lian’s chest, like a heavy quilt draped across his shoulders. Leaning forward with his arms pressed to his thighs, he’s close enough to feel Hua Cheng’s hair lift with the breeze and brush against his arm. It’s shorter than in his true form and mostly pulled up in a high bun, but tendrils have escaped and flutter in the evening wind.
On impulse, Xie Lian slips one of his hands out of his sleeve to reach over and tuck a piece behind Hua Cheng’s ear. Hua Cheng looks up in surprise, turning toward Xie Lian as if his name had been called. Xie Lian can’t help smiling as he tucks his hand back into his sleeve.
“I don’t think San Lang has worn this skin around me before,” he comments.
Hua Cheng hums and looks down at himself as if he hadn’t noticed which body he wore today. The thought causes a flicker of amusement to catch behind Xie Lian’s ribs. This one isn’t so different from his skin as San Lang, but it’s a little older, with sharper cheekbones and a shorter chin.
“It’s new,” Hua Cheng admits. “If gege prefers another, I can change.”
Closing his eyes to enjoy the warmth of the sun, Xie Lian shakes his head. A smile still curves his lips.
“I like all San Lang’s forms,” he says peaceably.
In truth, his favorite is Hua Cheng’s true form, but as he once told Hua Cheng, that has little to do with what he actually looks like and more with the fact that he’s willing to trust Xie Lian with it. For nearly the same reason, a bubble of pleasure rises in Xie Lian’s chest at the thought that he’s the first to see this skin.
He opens his eyes, frowning in thought. Casting a sidelong look at Hua Cheng, he hesitates and bites his bottom lip.
“Ah San Lang, could I ask a question?” he asks. “If it’s too personal, of course you don’t have to answer.”
Hua Cheng tilts his head back, leaning so that he can smile up at Xie Lian reassuringly.
“Gege can ask this one anything,” he says.
“Ah it’s just…your other forms have both eyes but your true form,” Xie Lian starts before embarrassment flushes his face with heat. What is he thinking, asking such a prying question? He really has become a nosey old man! “Ah forget it, forget it, I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer, really.”
Hua Cheng snorts, and when Xie Lian peeks through the fingers he’s clapped over his face, Hua Cheng is grinning. His sharp little canines peek out, and his eyes narrow in laughter. Xie Lian groans and covers his face back up.
“Can I see with both eyes?” Hua Cheng guesses. He gives another quiet laugh. “No, it’s just an illusion.”
Peeling his fingers away from his face, Xie Lian looks down at him curiously. He’d guessed as much—Hua Cheng tends to stick to his right side, keeping his left eye nearer Xie Lian, and in his true form, his eyepatch covered his right—but he can’t quell the curiosity that rises in him at having it confirmed.
“It’s less ugly than the real thing,” Hua Cheng says casually, as if guessing the question that Xie Lian doesn’t quite have the face to ask. “Better for going out.”
Xie Lian can’t help frowning at that, bothered by the implication that anyone would insult or make a fuss about Hua Cheng’s true form. No matter what skin he wears, he is charming and handsome, and Xie Lian would like to have a conversation with anyone who might say otherwise.
“San Lang is never ugly,” he mutters since he can’t go interrogate strangers over Hua Cheng’s appearance.
A smile slips over Hua Cheng’s face, more genuine than the look he’d worn a moment ago. It’s softer, more in his eyes than his lips.
“Gege is too generous,” he says, but it’s gentler than when he said it earlier, less mutinous. Stretching his arms behind his head, he hitches his shoulders in a little shrug. “As long as it doesn’t trouble gege, I don’t mind.”
“Hm,” Xie Lian says, gaze catching on the slender column of Hua Cheng’s throat.
He swallows and drags his eyes away. Hua Cheng really is too handsome to think so lowly of himself. Xie Lian can’t imagine anyone looking at him and seeing anything other than beauty.
The gate creaks open, and Lang Ying’s skinny frame slinks in through the opening. Smiling, Xie Lian pulls his hand from his sleeve to wave a greeting. Lang Ying’s gaze skitters toward Hua Cheng before returning to Xie Lian. He gives a little wave and hunches in on himself as he walks toward the shrine.
“Welcome home, Lang Ying,” Xie Lian says.
Lang Ying makes a little noise, ducking his head.
“Hi, Xie-daozhang,” he mumbles, “and Hua Chengzhu.”
Hua Cheng hums in answer. When Xie Lian glances over, he’s still reclined against the stairs, but his shoulders have tightened and lips thinned. Suppressing a laugh, Xie Lian reminds himself that he did say Hua Cheng doesn’t need to worry about changing his mind about Lang Ying. Maybe it’s just a ghost thing.
“Liu-furen sent this for you, daozhang,” Lang Ying says, pulling a box from his sleeve.
Inside is a little circle of buns, pinched into tidy twists and still warm. The sight warms Xie Lian, and he takes the box with a little ‘oh’ of surprise.  
“Oh that was too generous,” he says. “Here, wait right here and I’ll get chopsticks.”
He presses the box back into Lang Ying’s hands and hurries to grab chopsticks for each of them. When he returns, Hua Cheng has shifted to sit up and make room on the steps, and Lang Ying has perched on the very edge of the second step. They don’t seem to be speaking, but there’s less of the taut wariness that usually fills the space between them. Hiding a smile, Xie Lian folds himself down on the top step and offers them each a pair of sticks.
“Thanks, gege,” Hua Cheng says with a grin.
“Thank you, daozhang,” Lang Ying mumbles.
Snorting, Xie Lian waves his hand and gestures for Lang Ying to open the box.
“I haven’t done anything,” he laughs. “Now come, come, eat up before they go cold.”
There are four baozi in the box, pale and fat against the slatted bottom. Xie Lian can’t help sighing in pleasure as he takes a bite, the ginger stinging his tongue. Lang Ying nearly drops his, only saving it by squeezing it tight between his chopsticks. Over the months he’s spent with Xie Lian, he’s gotten a little better at holding them, but it’s clear he went years without practice.
Before Xie Lian can say anything, Hua Cheng gives a little noise of annoyance and reaches out.
“You’re holding them too far apart,” he says. “Like this, see?”
He holds up his own hand to demonstrate. Lang Ying’s eyes flicker up to his face briefly, wide-eyed with surprise, but he swallows and gives a little nod as he readjusts his hand. After a moment’s fidgeting, he picks his bun back up carefully, and Hua Cheng gives a little grunt of approval at the improved grip. Xie Lian hides his smile behind a bite of bun.
They eat in quiet until they’ve each finished. Before he can offer the last to either of them, Hua Cheng folds his chopsticks together and nudges the box toward Xie Lian.
“All yours, gege,” he says.
“Oh no,” Xie Lian says, waving his left hand. “You both worked so hard today, one of you should have it.”
Lang Ying blinks, pressing his lips together.
“Daozhang,” he says slowly, “we’re dead.”
Surprise has a bubble of noise breaking across Xie Lian’s lips, and Hua Cheng gives Lang Ying a long look before tilting his head to grin carelessly up at Xie Lian.
“He has a point, gege,” he says. “Now eat up before it gets cold.”
Huffing out a breath, Xie Lian lets them push the box back to him. He doesn’t bother protesting that he’s gone months with less to eat. Somehow, he has a feeling neither of them would be won over by that argument and that it might just make Hua Cheng’s brow furrow instead.
Neither of them make a move to get up while he nibbles through the last bun. Hua Cheng still leans back on the step, watching as Lang Ying fiddles with his chopsticks as if practicing how to hold them. Pausing with the last bite hovering before his lips, Xie Lian can’t help smiling at the two of them. Gods are supposed to be impartial and beyond worldly tethers, but sitting here with a full belly and sun warming his skin, he lets himself admit that they’re his favorite ghosts.
Lang Ying lifts his hand, frowning down at it, and Xie Lian can’t help himself. Popping the last bite into his mouth, he reaches out to ruffle Lang Ying’s hair.
“Look at you, you’re just about ready to dine in a royal court now,” Xie Lian praises.
Ghosts can’t blush, but Lang Ying ducks his head in embarrassment anyway. Xie Lian laughs, covering his mouth with his sleeve.
“Gege’s home is better than any court,” Hua Cheng says. At that, Lang Ying nods vehemently before stopping short, as if startled by agreeing with Hua Cheng. Xie Lian laughs. He’s not sure what reference Lang Ying has for such an assertion, but he’s oddly touched by his loyalty anyway.
“Ah well,” he says, breathing out a laugh. “I’d rather share with you two than any royal court.”
Hua Cheng’s eyes narrow in pleasure like a cat stroked over its nose, and Lang Ying ducks his head. It’s not quite fast enough to hide the little smile that plays at his lips. Curling his arms around the empty box on his lap, Xie Lian smiles. A ghost king, a fallen god, and an eternal fourteen-year-old—they’re not much by any outer measure, but with them beside him, he feels richer than any king.
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yue-muffin · 4 years
The muffin watches Love and Redemption (insert preemptive crying here)
Aright, I finally FINALLY finished live blogging this episode. @mejomonster my thoughts are aplenty! I actually wrote way too much! 
Edit: I’m an idiot, I forgot to mention a prediction/observation.
Episode 1:
The CGI is actually very nice in this drama, I’m pleased. I will definitely watch dramas with cringe-worthy CGI, but it’s always nice when they manage to integrate it with the actors and set pieces well, which is even harder to accomplish in Xianxia.
Wait, what did the god of war do to deserve the reincarnation out of the heavenly realm punishment? Didn’t she defeat the Asura/Mosha guy? Was it because she used his weapon or something? And in the first place, why does that half of the Mosha guy’s soul qualify as a celestial that can be reborn? I suppose everyone is subject to reincarnation, but this batch is explicitly for those who have committed crimes in the heavens and wasn’t he on the demon/asura side? Or…maybe he was a celestial who betrayed them? Who knows, I’m just wildly speculating…
The scene definitely suggests there is a lot the narration is not telling us about how these two ended up being reincarnated - yet.
If she lacks the six senses, then why can she see and hear just fine? She apparently can’t feel pain, which would count for the deficiency of touch. Hm.
Xuanji, I relate to just wanting to go back to sleep and not deal with visitors so much lol.
HA, that little look of alarm one of the shixiongs (Liuzi?) has on his face when Linglong tries to convince Xuanji it’ll be fun because they get to check out the handsome guys. So is Linglong supposed to be her twin since they’re both 16 years old?
The dragon wolf thing moves a little funny, but at least it doesn’t look glaringly out of place and the camera doesn’t focus on it for too long, as is typical of CGI monsters. Kudos to them!
Cheng Yi is low-key really good looking in action scenes, just putting that out there. I didn’t think I would adjust to him in period clothing and long hair so quickly, since it usually takes me a while to make the switch (after seeing him in The Lost Tomb 2), but nope! He looks really good!
Ah, so this is the ruthless sect. I love how their first rule, which is literally more important than anything else they may value or encourage in their members, is to not show their entire face when outside the sect…also, what’s the point in hiding only half your face?? Sifeng’s mask only covers one eye, his forehead, and cheek on one side…at least have it cover the entire upper or lower half like everyone else in the sect (I know it’s so we can actually see the actor’s face and not supposed to make sense in-universe)?? I actually do like how they designed it though, it’s far less clunky than the full-face masks we saw in the opening sequence, probably due to the curves.
Sect leader…Sifeng is 16, he IS little pfft. Even adjusting for the times, he is a BABY haha. As I grow older, I realize more and more how young a lot of protags in fantasy stories really are. Also, sect leader is a drama queen, like he’s just lounging on his chair with this dramatic laid-back pose, takes a deep breath, and turns his chin up. So extra.
Aw, yes, I want to see more of Cheng Yi’s easy smiles. He’s so serious in TLT2, except when the warmth seeps into this expression when he’s smiling fondly at Wu Xie…
These devil/asura people have a weird bowing pose. I can’t help but think their hands make them look like…eagle claws or something lol.
Ah, a classic ‘I forgot my invitation’ situation. Well, Xuanji doesn’t have to feel too bad, apparently none of the other Shaoyang disciples know how to fly on a sword either lol. Her sister was tied down by that spell, but could none of the others have attempted to chase after the jerk who grabbed her? (Side note: I really love the color of his sect’s outfits.)
:3 I like Xuanji’s expressions, they’re just cute? So cute. Like her little huff when she’s defending her big sister from the jerkass. Also, I love characters who are like little kittens who puff up and try to protect their friends/family even though the one they’re trying to protect is probably more capable than them.
Jerkass really does take it too far when he just DROPS HER FROM THE SKY. Like, I can accept if youthful teasing goes a little far in that he snatched her and took her for a joy ride, but when it’s apparently that she really can’t summon a sword, it’s 100% not okay to just drop her and laugh it off. If Sifeng didn’t catch her, she could’ve died, and how exactly do you plan on explaining THAT to her father, huh Mr. Jerkass? He had like a dozen witnesses too.
Well, what can you expect from a guy who forgot to bring his invitation and literally was too arrogant and entitled to wait for his teacher to come out and let them in. :p Not the smartest cookie, is he. Even if you got in trouble for forgetting your invitation, you’d get in x10 more trouble for murdering a girl. Good thing she has plot armor and Sifeng was conveniently in the right spot to catch her lol.
Small note, he left her on his sword and she fell off after a bit - so…how exactly is HE flying? Can people fly without the help of their sword? Is he able to make more than one?
Lol Xuanji tugs at him like she does to her sister, it’s cute. But he’s so PANIC every time she touches him haha poor guy. He’s so awkward…why is it so endearing…
It took me a second to realize that he stutters, also that he has a voice actor this time! Idk why, Cheng Yi has a good voice. It would’ve fit this role just fine, unless there were parts they were concerned he couldn’t do. They did a good job matching the VA to his lip movements though, it’s really hard to tell it’s not his voice. It’s been a while since I heard Cheng Yi on video, but listening and comparing, now I can tell that it’s not his in this drama. Anyways, this might be my only complaint lol. Both he and his VA do a good job conveying the stuttering though!
Cheng Yi, you’re playing another character who’s good at disappearing in the blink of an eye lol…
Aah, so normally her sister’s personality type is the annoying sort, which is why she works well as a supporting character. I love how she turns her brattiness up to eleven in order to help Xuanji get out of a scolding by their father. I just really love how these two are so supportive and defensive of each other.
Edit: Alright, but Xuanji did you really just raise a flag for yourself so early in the show. ‘I think tears are the most precious things’. I WILL EAT MY HAT IF THIS DOES NOT BECOME RELEVANT LATER.
And instead of holding onto Sifeng’s name tag for like 50 episodes, she remembers she has it and goes to give it back + some birthday snacks because it’s his birthday too! GAH Xuanji is too cute.
I love how the guy who answered the door just his back only to turn around and smoothly give an explanation for his friend’s disfluency lol (so it’s a language thing!). AND THEN HE GOES ‘carry on!’ AND TURNS AROUND AGAIN. Idk why I find this funny but.
? Why all that effort for dew from a peach blossom tree. Is this one a special peach blossom tree. Why is he making tea with it. OH OK it’s good for cultivation.
He’s so vicious ha, he’s clearly perplexed by her - I mean, he’s the top disciple in his sect, so likely he doesn’t get how she can live so carefree and not have any desire to cultivate or anything. It’s perplexing and kind of total opposite to his worldview, so he reacts harshly.
Ah, I really like Cheng Yi’s acting! He goes from flat/indifferent face to reacting angrily to her picking the snake up, then a subtle worry as his eyes drop down from her to the snake.
I don’t know why I like this snake scene but I dooo. xD Also, it’s interesting how she doesn’t feel any strong emotions (she’s actually rather intensely curious tho!), while he puts on a mask literally/figuratively to seem like he doesn’t and yet gets worked up quite easily.
I’m glad she stops imitating him when he tells her to and is explicitly angry/upset, I get enough of people being assholes and making fun of others for things they can’t help like their speech impairments or mannerisms, it’s just kind of a personal thing that irks me.
Why is it always the peach tree forests?? They’re always weird places that trap people. I can think of two other dramas where this happens haha. I know peaches do have significant symbolism in Chinese culture, so maybe that explains it.
Lol he still flips out a bit when she gets close. Poor girl, getting dropped from the air AGAIN.
Ah, this is the lake! Where they sealed part of that Mosha guy’s soul! This can’t be good.
Aw, look at his face, he’s genuinely worried for his little snake. CHENG YI YOUR RANGE OF EMOTIONS. GAH. 
I CAN’T OPEN IT. Oh wait.
Here’s an idea, she finds the snake, you fight the dragon, and then all three of you get out of there.
OH the mask comes off!! Ok, but you have seen like most of his face already…Hahaha the look on his face ‘wait…why do I feel a hand why is she touching me there…OH NO’
Ah, a nice detail I didn’t think they’d think to add in: his stuttering got way worse without the mask on, since he was so upset/shaken.
?? What just happened with her blood lol.
Final Thoughts:
An interesting start, with nice character dynamics revealed and a dangerous situation to move the plot right along. I have been informed the drama really differentiates itself from the typical setup that has been supplied thus far, and I’m excited to see it unfold.
For now, I have a tiiiiny crush on Cheng Yi and I’m interested in where they take Xuanji’s character. Also, what disasters will result from their little excursion into the super lake where a demon lord thing was sort of sealed away a long time ago...
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