#there was a time i learned too much about black mambas because i love kill bill bye
wishpact · 2 years
the inside of vasuki’s mouth is inky black like a black mamba’s because i said so
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juliandev0rak · 3 years
Cadmus Durand ⚔️
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the charming assassin on the run
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Full name: Comte Cadmus Orion François Durand
Meaning: the title Comte is the same as a count or an earl (Cadmus is specifically an earl) his first name comes from Greek mythology:
In Greek mythology Cadmus was the son of the Phoenician king Agenor. He was sent by his father to rescue his sister Europa, who had been abducted by Zeus, although he did not succeed in retrieving her. According to legend, Cadmus founded the city of Thebes and introduced the alphabet to Greece. He also famously slayed a dragon. 
source 1 source 2
Cadmus also translates to “one who excels” 
Gender: male, he/ him
Birthday: April 10th
Age (start of story): 29
Orientation: bisexual
Magic: illusions, light
Occupation: assassin
Familiar: Agatha the black mamba snake, named after Agathodaemon, a mythological personal companion spirit often pictured as a snake
Love interest: Julian Devorak, no canon route
Shippable?: very!
Theme song: Take Me Out- Franz Ferdinand
(the perfect song for him, lyrically and because the band is named after the famously assassinated Archduke)
full playlist
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Zodiac signs: 
Sun: aries
Moon: aquarius
Rising: capricorn
MBTI: entj
Element: fire
Major Arcana: The Chariot
UPRIGHT: Control, willpower, success, action, determination
REVERSED: Self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction
Minor Arcana: 9 of Wands
UPRIGHT:  Resilience, courage, persistence, test of faith, boundaries
REVERSED: Inner resources, struggle, overwhelm, defensive, paranoia
— Illusions: Can create minor illusions such as fake walls to hide behind or temporarily changing his appearance  (hair color, facial features etc)
— Light: Can create a ball of golden light, for flashlight or distraction purposes usually 
Other abilities: espionage, speaks multiple languages, skilled in various types of weapons including swords of all kinds and archery, skilled dancer
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Personality: Cadmus is direct, confident, and decisive. He’s quick thinking and resourceful and always has a plan. He’s outwardly very charming, though he uses the information he learns from others to figure out the best way to take them down. Always vigilant and observant, Cadmus tends to see people in terms of how they can be of use to him.
He’s got a talent for making people feel like they know him, even though they don’t. He makes friends easily, though whether he would consider them friends is another matter. He also makes enemies easily, both through his job and family affiliation and through his boastful attitude. He has a bad temper and his pride is easily hurt. He likes to be the best at everything he does, and he usually is. Cadmus will rise to any challenge and has to hold himself back from fighting every battle. 
When he does genuinely care for someone he is loyal, protective, and can be kind. The only people to earn this treatment so far are his younger sister Daphne, and occasionally his best friend and Captain of the Guard, Alexander Garreau.
Mental health: Cadmus is very emotionally closed off, he deals with PTSD from his childhood and vocation but generally does a great job of never letting anyone know he’s upset. His attention ranges from hyperfocus to being completely unfocused with little in between. He also has very bad coping mechanisms and tends to be self destructive in his relationships 
Likes: dancing, sunny days, playing games (of any kind), sleeping in
Dislikes: indecision, lack of control, travelling by boat
Fears: small spaces (he’s claustrophobic), losing his sister
Quirks: walks with a bit of a limp from previous injuries
Favorite food: crème brûlée
Favorite drink: gin
Favorite flower: larkspur
Favorite color: black and gold
Most likely to: consider sword fighting first base
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Height: 6’, 183 cm
Eyes: blue grey
Hair: honey blonde, curly, he often lets it grow to his shoulders
Other: has freckles everywhere, and a multitude of battle scars ranging from tiny ones on his arms to a large one on his torso, his left shoulder has a tattoo of a dragon that stretches onto his arm, he also has pierced ears
Color theme: black, gold, silver, royal blue
Fashion sense: described as “fancy goth prince / part time pirate”, his clothing is expensive, detailed, and always impeccably tailored, he comes from money and his wardrobe shows it. Cadmus wears mostly black, especially on missions, but at special events will branch into colors, usually blue or gold. He’s a fan of a classic puffy sleeve and tight pants combo. 
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The Durand Family Motto is “ex gladio vita” from the sword, life
Augustin Durand - father- alive | relationship: bad
Helene Durand - mother - alive | relationship: nearly nonexistent
Alastor Durand - younger brother - alive | relationship: bad, pretty much mortal enemies
Daphne Durand - younger sister - alive | relationship: best friends, slightly paternal 
Born and raised in the city of Avronne, Cadmus was trained as an assassin from a young age to protect his family’s political and business ventures. He’s used as a weapon, a pawn to his father the Comte d'Avronne, and sent across the world on missions to take out anyone who could threaten the family. Cadmus never questioned the things he was asked to do, simply doing as he was told to protect his life and out of a sense of duty and loyalty to his family and city. 
He grew up in the luxury of the castle, going on missions as commanded until he was forced to reconsider his morals and family loyalty. He’s sent to assassinate the princess of a neighboring city to allow his family to control the line of succession in their favor. When he arrives, he finds that the princess is only 16 years old and reminds him too much of his own younger sister Daphne. When the time comes to kill, he chooses to spare her instead and faces his family’s wrath. 
On the run from his family and their army of trained assassins (some of them Cadmus’ own friends and relatives) he flees to Vesuvia, a city big enough to hide in. He plans to stay for a few weeks at most, but plans change when he meets an old friend (or enemy depending on who you ask) His stay in Vesuvia is cut short when he receives word that his sister is in terrible danger. 
Now Cadmus must choose whether to walk into his father’s trap to save his sister, perhaps at the cost of his own life. With the help of a certain red haired doctor he might just be able to pull it off- but sacrifices must be made.
Five facts:
he’s allergic to nuts which has nearly killed him on at least 2 occasions
he loves his horse, he’s the male equivalent of a horse girl but he’d never admit to it
he has a chipped front tooth and it gives him a slightly crooked looking smile
his familiar Agatha has deadly venom and has assisted him with taking down targets before
he fights with a sword left handed for the tactical advantage, even though he’s right handed
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note: Hi hello here is my newest child, I’m very excited to share him! Special thanks to @leila-of-ravens​ because I stole her oc bio template lol, and thank you to all of my lovely mutuals who have listened to me gush about him  💗
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edengarden · 3 years
Hello and if asks are still open may I have a regular match up for BNHA?
Name: Nox
Gender: FTM
Occupation: Student (16 almost 17 yrs old. Jan 4th is b-day)
Sexual orientation: Omniromantic Asexual (male/masculine leaning)
Quirk: Transformative/Mutant, "Zoologic shift" (This quirk allows the individual(s) to transform into multiple animals, but the individual has to have a emotional/special connection or feeling towards the animal and to know it's physical structure to properly shift into the said animal (mythical/made up creatures can be acquired but it is extremely difficult due to the fact of anatomy and bone structure). The user only has a limited time to be in their animal form before they start going feral, if the person is angry or has a different strong negative emotion in animal form, the fast they can become feral (once the user becomes feral they will not remember anything until they have calmed down or are somehow distracted), if the user becomes feral for too long they will not be able to transform back unless they are hurt tremendously or their hatred may take a physical form and eventually kill them from the inside (I guess look at the demons from Princess Mononoke to get an idea of what that is).)
Animals acquired: White Dire wolf, Raven, Orca, Clydesdale, Black Mamba, Barn Owl, Russian Blue House cat, Ram, Fire Dragon, Phoenix, Snake Basalisc
At least 3 positive attributes:
Empathetic (emotional and animal, riots and civil conflict bring me to tears as well as I can feel my friends' pain I and want to cuddle ever dog, cat, etc. I see)
Intelligent (at least in certain subjects like language, art, biology, and physical/hero training), serious (it may come off as intemidation but I just usually mess around)
Diplomacy (I try to avoid any physical fights that can but I will fight as a last resort)
Calm (in most situations I try to keep a level head and it works since when most people need serious help they come to you for advice or to vent)
Justful (kinda speaks for itself)
Soft Blunt and Soft Honest (I am honest with people as well as blunt, but I am not mean or hurtful when I say it)
At least 3 negative attributes:
Anger issues (even though usually calm and serious, when pushed over the edge I can become furious and using my quirk will not help at all)
Self sacrificing (since due to personal circumstances I have started to put other people above me (my friends mostly) and I would do anything, even get myself physically or emotionally hurt for them. It is sorta in a way for having approval for those I care about but mostly is just showing that I care for the people I care about)
Self deprecating with imposter syndrome (it's mostly a form of humor, but I take it far enough where people start to worry)
Dark humor (idk I just like it)
Confrontational (if someone confronts and tries to provoke me I will tell them off but never physically fight back)
Self Righteous (The righteousness is good but usually my self righteousness comes up when it comes to someone's safety or when revenge and anger cloud my judgement)
Children (I don't care for children, but I'm afraid my anger will get the best of me and I'll lash. So that's why I stay away from kids as much as possible for tr he fear of accidentally hurting innocence)
Hahahaha...daddy issues...
Hiking in the woods
Drawing (it's usually vented or dark in some way, but sometimes I like drawing people and animals or characters)
cApTuRinG sOuLs-
Learning about Witchcraft/Supernatural/Celestial
Music Taste:
Viking Chants
Sea Shanties
Celtic instrumentals
Death metal
Old Rock
Bands/song writers: Skillet, SKÁLD, Faun, Black Briar, MARETU, Steampianist, Temporex, Penelope Scott, Mirical Music, Alice Cooper, Pink Floyd, Angel Maker, Forest Music, Panic! At the Disco, MESA works design, , Harrison (not too much into bands but here are the general ones I listen too)
Eyes: Brown/Black has bags under eyes
Hair: Red (henna dyed), it's frizzy at the tips and it's long (cab length) and thick (I hate it's length, but parents...)
Skin: Pale (warm tone)
Body type: In between Skinny and overweight, wide shoulders, actually muscular
Anything else?: Teeth have tiny canines, sometimes can have wolf ears and tail showing, kinda thick thighs-, 5'6ish, usually wearing school uniform. Hero uniform includes a black Cape with under it being a black mechanical suit that is bullet and elemental proof, boots are sharp and steel toed resembling a wolf's paw, wears a head mask that looks wolfish as well in the front but in the back of the mask has fur in the back (look towards some reference of the princess mononoke headgear) (not completely like a wolf but sorta resembles one), the mask also helps with muffled hearing and sight because I am sensitive to those things.
Traits I look for S/O: Empathetic, kind, cooperative, someone who also finds comfort in darkness or the shade, someone that knows how to take things seriously but also having a humors side, trusting and loyal, someone that can work with others (I'm usually a loner but I try to work with others), someone that would at least like to have a relationship that includes physical affection (I am a touched starved peep-), I guess someone that works, likes, or even somehow resembles an animal, some that doesn't get angry easily and is patient, introvert an extrovert doesn't matter to be (I guess if I had to choose maybe someone in between the 2?), and I guess someone that just tolerates my presence and doesn't or call me a piece of shit.
Traits I cannot be around with a S/O: Anger...I can't be around angry people because they scare me to the point I become panicked, people that work towards apathy (I may be empathetic but with someone that can't or won't return the same comfort when needed, they exhaust me), untrusting, someone who is a dick to everyone except me (it just seems suspicious and hurtful), someone who is closed minded, someone that has joy in hurting other maliciously, someone who loves bright lights/areas/lives by the sun, guess someone who wants a 24/7 therapist (again it can become exhausted and I know how it is...it isn'tthat nice.)
Star sign: Capricorn (sun), Gemini (moon), Cancer (rising)
Personality type: INTJ, Lawful Neutral
HP House: Hufflepuff that isn't afraid to kickass
Fun facts!:
I'm somewhat of an animal whisperer
Obsessed with herbs and Crystals
I know it seemed edgy with my hatred towards light, but in all honesty the late does infact bother and irritate me, especially when it's hot
Intrested in the celestial and supernatural
I look at horror and nature documentaries
I've trained my dog to come when I howl
I guess if loving spicy food counts as a fun fact then count that in
Ehhhhh...switch sub-
cAndLe bOi-
I must apologize if this is a lot, I just wanted the matchup as accurate as possible, but again thank you for having the ask box open and I hope you have a good day!
Honestly while I read your description, all I could think of was Tokoyami!
I think it’s pretty obvious why?? You two share a lot of things in common. The two of you are very calm individuals, and I can see you both being voices of reason not only to the people surrounding you, but to each other as well. In a way, I think you can even tend to challenge each other and even push (to a healthy extent) the other to become the best version of themselves.
The VIBE you two have. It’s almost too good. And while Tokoyami isn’t affectionate in public, he’d be more than happy to indulge in your starvation for touch behind closed doors! Don’t tell anyone, but he’s a straight up cuddlebug. And I can totally see him digging the spiritual/celestial stuff?? Maybe he won’t actually know anything, but he’d be so hyped if you were willing to teach him omg I can totally see this as your go-to type of date, that’s so sweet 🥺
- Breathe (In the Air), Pink Floyd (I honestly see you and Tokoyami straight up vibing to Dark Side of the Moon like no other to be honest)
- In the Lap of the Gods, Queen
- Sense of Doubt, David Bowie (THIS VIBE IS SO DARK AND URGH I CAN SEE THIS AS A V I B E FOR YOU TWO - However, Neuköln could be a close second to portray this vibe!)
- Killing a Little Time, David Bowie
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Straight Shot (Malcolm Bright x Reader)
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 When Malcolm didn’t come home that night you’d just figured he was working late, it was Halloween and Gil had called you about the case they were on, warning you Malcolm might be out late.
So, you went to bed thinking he’d be there when you woke, but that wasn’t the case.
It was about 3:30 in the morning when the ringing of your phone startled you awake. You’d only been asleep a few hours, and when you saw Gil’s name flash across your screen, a feeling of dread settled in your stomach.
Quickly grabbing the phone from the nightstand, you answered the call, “Gil? What’s wrong?” you asked, concern obvious in your tone.
“Y/N, it’s uh…it’s Malcolm, he got shot, he was in a junkyard in the Bronx, we’re on the way to the hospital right now,” Gil told you.
You were already out of bed now, pulling your jeans back on and grabbing a hoodie from the closet.
“Which hospital?” you asked, grabbing your purse and shoes.
It only took a short taxi ride before you were at the hospital, you gave the driver a little more money to step on it, this was literally life or death.
Hurrying into the emergency room, you found Gil sitting in a chair, he looked exhausted. More than likely because of Malcolm’s obvious lack of self-preservation.
“Gil!” you called, quickly hurrying over to him.
The older man stood from the chair, holding his arms out, immediately engulfing you in a hug. You returned the hug, holding back the tears already threatening to spill over.
Maybe it wasn’t even that bad and you were already freaking out, Gil didn’t say where Malcolm was shot.
“I-Is he okay?” you asked, pulling away from Gil.
Gil gave you a weary smile, “He lost a lot of blood, he’s in emergency surgery right now,” he explained.
You bit your lip, sitting down in the closest chair, you felt like you were going to pass out any second.
Gil sat down beside you, taking your hand in his, “He’s Malcolm, he’ll get through it,” he tried reassuring you.
“He better, or I’ll kill him,” you said, making Gil chuckle.
You both sat in those chairs for at least another two hours before a doctor finally came out, “Malcolm Bright,” he called to the nearly empty room.
Both you and Gil quickly stood up, “Is he alright? Did he pull through?” you asked hastily.
The doctor held up his hands, “He lost a lot of blood as I’m sure you know, we managed to remove the bullet and patch him up, he’s asleep but in recovery now if you’d like to see him.”
You nodded quickly, looking back to Gil, “I’ll make a few calls and then I’ll be there,” he told you.
“I’ll text you the room number,” you said before following the doctor to Malcolm’s room.
When you entered the hospital room, you weren’t exactly prepared for the sight of Malcolm in that bed, hooked up to different types of monitors, an oxygen mask over his face.
He was going to freak when he woke up, he hated being in the hospital almost as much as you hated just sitting in one. They smelled like old people and whenever you went there that meant something bad had happened.
Plus, they’ve no doubt drugged him up to make him sleep, you saw they’d already strapped him down in the bed with restraints, probably learned their lesson about a month ago when he got bit by that Black Mamba and then nearly attacked a nurse when he woke up.
“Thank you,” you told the doctor, who nodded politely before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.
You sighed, grabbing a chair and pulling it next to the bed before plopping down in it.
Pulling out your phone, you texted Gil the room number before slipping your phone into your pocket and reaching out, taking one of Malcolm’s hands in your own, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles.
“You probably can’t hear me right now,” you began, “but if anything goes wrong…you better not die on me Malcolm Bright.”
The tears were coming again, and you let them this time, a sob escaping your lips.
He looked horrible, he was so pale and was almost cold to the touch. The doctor didn’t confirm if he was really going to be okay, who knows, maybe he’d never wake up.
The bullet had pierced his stomach, just barely missing his spine, at least that’s what Gil had told you. It’d torn him up inside though, and considering it took first responders nearly twenty minutes to get there, it only got worse as he waited.
There have been so many close calls, a few grazes here and there, but he’d never actually been shot, he’d never been injured this badly.
It was everyone’s worst nightmare, that call in the middle of the night saying a loved one’s been shot, not even knowing if they’ll be alive when you get to the hospital or if it’s already too late.
Wiping at your eyes, you took a few shaky breaths, trying to calm down. If Malcolm woke up and saw you like this then he would freak out, and no one needed that right now.
Sighing, you laid your head down on the bed, resting your head on your arm, keeping your eye on Malcolm’s heart monitor, the steady beeping a comfort to you, he was still here.
You must have fallen asleep because you were rudely awakened by the sound of a woman’s voice.
Sitting up in your chair groggily, you took in your surroundings, the details of the night before hitting you like a truck. Quickly, you looked to Malcolm, he was still asleep, it looked like he hadn’t moved.
“Hey kid, you okay?” you heard Gil ask and you looked up, seeing Gil and a woman you recognized as Jessica Whitly standing there.
You rubbed at your eyes, nodding, “Yeah, what time is it?” you asked.
“9 a.m.” Jessica said, her voice sharp, and Gil here decided to finally let me know that my son was shot and in the hospital about an hour ago.”
“He doesn’t need a whole group of people here, he’s asleep first of all, and Y/N was here to watch him, it’s fine Jessica,” Gil said, trying to reassure Malcolm’s mother.
“It’s not fine!” Jessica shouted.
“Shhh!” you and Gil both said, you looked over to Malcolm, thankfully still soundly asleep.
“Look, come on, we can talk in the hall,” Gil said, taking Jessica’s arm gently, but she looked towards Malcolm, worried.
“I’ll stay with him,” you reassured.
Jessica sighed, “Fine,” she said curtly, following Gil into the hall.
When they were both gone you stood up, stretching, you walked around the room for a while, trying to decided if maybe you should try and sleep some more or maybe find some food.
Before you could decide anything, one of the machines behind you started beeping rapidly, you turned sharply, Malcolm’s eyes were wide open, and he was struggling against the restraints now. His heart monitor was going wild.
“Malcolm, Malcolm, hey, hey, it’s okay!” you said quickly, rushing to his side.
You gently pushed him back onto the bed, “Calm down, it’s okay, you’re in the hospital,” you explained.
Malcolm had stopped the struggling but was breathing hard, face contorted in pain.
A few nurses came rushing in, “Ma’am, we can help, please move,” one of them said.
You did as told, going into the hallway, Gil and Jessica were no where in sight, which was probably a good thing, Jessica would no doubt be freaking out, demanding to be in the room.  
It was only a few minutes later when the nurses came back out, “He’s calmed down, you can go back in,” one of them told you, giving you a soft smile.
You nodded, “Thank you,” you told him.
Heading back into the room, you saw they’d taken off the oxygen mask and removed the restraints, he didn’t really need them, as long as he wasn’t trying to rip out the IV in his arm.
“Hey,” you said softly, smiling.
“Sorry,” Malcolm spoke, his voice hoarse.
“It’s okay,” you told him, sitting down in your chair and taking his hand. Malcolm smiled softly, gripping your hand a bit. “Do you remember what happened?”
“I got shot,” Malcolm said, “in a junkyard.”
You nodded, “Did you see who it was?” you asked him.
Malcolm shook his head, “Too dark,” he told you.
Reaching out, you brushed a bit of hair from his forehead, “Your mother and Gil are here somewhere too, they’re both freaking out, your mom more so than Gil of course.”
Malcolm groaned slightly, “She’s going to give me an hour long lecture no doubt,” he told you.
“I can keep her out if you want,” you joked.
Your boyfriend shook his head, “No, it would make everything worse.”
“True,” you answered, sighing.
It was silent for a few moments before you spoke again, “Don’t ever do that again, when Gil called…I thought you…” you trailed off, not even wanting to think about it.
Malcolm smiled sadly, “I won’t, and I’m sorry, I never should have went alone.”
“Should have thought about that before you got shot by a random junk man,” you told him.
Malcolm looked tired, still pale from the loss of blood, but nevertheless he was trying to make you feel better, he put everyone first.
“C’mere,” he said, pulling you towards him.
You smiled, leaning forward and kissing him softly, when you pulled away, he tugged you too him.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” you told him, he was trying to pull you onto the bed.
“Fine, don’t cuddle with your wounded boyfriend,” he said, making you laugh.
“Gonna pull the victim card now?” you asked, making Malcolm nod.
Sighing, you gave in, lying next to him on the bed, careful to not go anywhere near his patched-up abdomen. You rested your head on his shoulder as he laced his fingers with yours.
At least you could finally relax, Malcolm was alive, he woke up. Now the only bad thing about this was going to be the recovery, Malcolm was the biggest baby when he was sick, so you could only imagine how this was going to be.
It was better than picking out his casket though, that’s for sure.
He’d also probably get some sleep now given the fact he was going to be off duty for a while.
You both ended up falling asleep in the bed, and Gil made sure to snap a picture and showed it to the entire station, giving them all fuel to embarrass Malcolm when he came back to work a few weeks later.
 A/N: Well, hope you enjoyed this one, even if it was a bit angsty lol. Requests are open so feel free to send something in! Thanks for all the love! ~ Sara :)
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I see that the askbox is open now bro \( ̄▽ ̄)/. I'll re-state my ask bro, in case tumblr ate it~ Tell us headcannons 'bout the swap and swapfell skele lamias~ Lamias are great bro, gotta love 'em. (*¯ ³¯*)♡
Hello friend ;) Yes! Please love the lamia babs!♡
I’m trying to decide what type of snake I think all of them would be. So far I’ve decided that UT and US should be nonvenomous while UF and SF are venomous. But I haven’t picked a type for everyone yet. All I have so far is that Edge should be either a king cobra or type of rattlesnake. I’m considering a death adder or another type of rattlesnake for Red. And I’m pretty set on Blackberry being a black mamba. Or maybe Edge should be a reticulated python…
I need to do more research. There’s actually a serpentarium near where I live I’m planning to go to for research and because I like snakes. I find them fascinating. This will probably be like the 5th time I’ve been there.
He’s very active.
He’s stronger than he realizes.
But despite his strength he’s actually very gentle when interacting with others.
He’s always curious about humans, sometimes getting too close to them before his brother drags him back to safety.
He always has a sweet disposition. The only time he gets hostile is if his nest is messed with. He’s rarely ever protective because his brother is busy being the protector.
His nest is always tidy and he has a few human trinkets he’s collected and decorated the place with. He’s kind of like Ariel from The Little Mermaid.
He can understand human language and speak it but only in broken sentences because Stretch is dragging him away all the time. He’s a fast learner and would be fluent if given the chance.
As expected, he’s a lazy boy. He can often be found sleeping in trees if he’s not in his nest. 
He’s strong and he knows it but doesn’t often use his full strength unless he needs to.
He’s kind of in between rough and gentle but leans more towards gentle because of his mild nature.
He doesn’t quite trust humans unless they earn his trust. He does find them kind of interesting but not nearly like Berry. He’s very wary of them. The only time he ever gets hostile is if any humans get too close to his brother or if someone he cares about is hurt.
Otherwise he’s very mild mannered.
His nest is messy. He sleeps out in the trees more than he ever goes in his nest. Berry cleans it for him occasionally.
He can understand human language but doesn’t care to speak it. He might learn some of the basics if a human manages to befriend him though.
He’s as active as Berry but a little more intense.
He’s strong and knows it. He knows how much pressure does or does not hurt. He uses this to his advantage, especially if he feels like toying with his prey.
He can be gentle if he tries but usually leans more into being rough.
He finds humans interesting but doesn’t trust them and won’t get anywhere near them.
He seems fairly mild mannered but will turn hostile in a heartbeat if something he doesn’t trust gets too close. Or if you disturb his nest.
His nest is even tidier than Berry’s. He also has a few trinkets he’s found but he’s picky about what he collects.
If a human managed to befriend him he would be able to understand and speak their language perfectly. He’s a fast learner.
He’s lazy but a little more active than Stretch. He likes taking his naps closer to the ground.
He’s strong but rarely ever uses his strength unless he absolutely needs it or he’s killing prey.
He’s almost as gentle as Berry.
He’s also fascinated by humans. He doesn’t trust them but he’ll get closer than his brother will. He’s very good at being stealthy.
He’s mild mannered and friendly if you earn his trust but if you hurt someone he cares about you’ll see a side of him he rarely ever lets show.
His nest is messy but a little tidier than Stretch’s. He cleans it up occasionally to make Black happy.
He can understand human language and speak it but only in basic, broken sentences.
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mastcomm · 4 years
Kobe and Gianna Bryant’s Bond Was Made of Love and Basketball
Playing against Kobe Bryant for 17 years convinced Jason Terry of one thing: He needed to prepare zealously before coaching against him for the first time.
So two weeks ahead of a January trip from Dallas to Southern California, Terry obtained video of Bryant’s Mamba Sports Academy girls’ basketball team for film study. Then he watched Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, and the rest of Team Mamba in person the day before the showdown.
“All I’m thinking is, ‘We’ve got to be really ready for this game,’” Terry said. “So I’m scouting them hard, taking my notes. Because if it’s going to be anything like the way he competed, he’s going to try to tear my heart out.”
The scouting mission was last Saturday, Jan. 25. The next morning, Terry’s Lady Drive Nation squad was in a van on its way to the Mamba Sports Academy in Thousand Oaks, Calif., for a noon tipoff. Word soon began to circulate that a helicopter transporting Bryant to the area had crashed into a Calabasas hillside.
Tournament play in the first-ever Mamba Cup came to a sudden halt, even before it was confirmed that the crash had killed all nine people aboard: Kobe and Gianna Bryant, two of Gianna’s teammates, three other parents, one assistant coach and the pilot.
“Being right where he was coming to, and knowing what he was coming for, is what I’m struggling with,” Terry said.
Terry, who played in the N.B.A. from the 1999-2000 season through 2017-18, is hardly alone. The basketball world is grieving like never before in the wake of a crash that claimed the life of the retired Kobe Bryant at 41, robbed Gianna Bryant of her promising future and shattered at least five families.
And then there’s the N.B.A. family.
February is always a marquee month in the N.B.A. The annual trade deadline falls on Thursday this season. All-Star Weekend, the league’s midseason party, commences a week later in Chicago. Yet neither occasion is generating anything close to its usual hoopla or anticipation amid the deep sorrow that has gripped those who play and work in the N.B.A. — with no way to forecast how long the pain will be felt so acutely.
“It’s sad every day,” Clippers forward Kawhi Leonard said.
As recently as August, Leonard and his new Clippers teammate Paul George were at the Mamba Sports Academy for their own sessions with the self-styled “Black Mamba,” seemingly as eager to learn from Bryant as Gianna and her teammates, including Alyssa Altobelli and Payton Chester, who also died in the crash.
“We grew up here,” George told reporters in Los Angeles. “He was our hero. He was our G.O.A.T.”
On Friday night at Staples, before the Lakers’ first game since the tragedy, LeBron James made a powerful four-minute speech in Bryant’s honor and then led his former team against the visiting Portland Trail Blazers — after the Lakers convinced the league office that Tuesday’s game against the Clippers had to be postponed.
It was too much, Lakers officials insisted, to ask players and club employees to stage a nationally televised game just two days after Bryant’s death.
Friday was still too soon for Portland’s grief-stricken Carmelo Anthony, who asked to skip the game at Staples. He had been scheduled to have dinner with Bryant in Los Angeles on Thursday night.
Terry understood completely. Upon returning home to Dallas, he found it difficult just to coach two games this week, for his high school girls’ team at North Dallas Adventist Academy.
“I was shaking going back into a gym,” Terry said. “My hands were literally shaking. I don’t know how the Lakers are going to do it.”
N.B.A. teams have confronted sudden death before. But they have done so sporadically, rarely during the season, and never on this scale — with a legend, children and family members involved.
The Boston Celtics lost their prized draft pick Len Bias to a drug overdose in 1986, before Bias ever played a game for them, then were rocked again in July 1993, when Reggie Lewis collapsed and died of a heart ailment during an off-season practice.
Bobby Phills of the Charlotte Hornets and Malik Sealy of the Minnesota Timberwolves were both killed in car crashes four months apart in 2000.
The ballhandler extraordinaire Pete Maravich, five times an N.B.A. All-Star in the 1970s and one of the most entertaining showmen in league history, died during a pickup game in 1988 at age 40 from a previously undetected heart defect. Maravich, like Bryant, was already retired.
In perhaps the closest parallel, the Nets’ star guard Drazen Petrovic was killed in a car accident in June 1993 while he was traveling abroad with the Croatian national team.
After a slow start to his N.B.A. career amid the league’s first wave of European imports, Petrovic, at 28, had just broken through to earn a spot on the all-N.B.A. third team for his play during the 1992-93 season. Petrovic was snubbed by Eastern Conference coaches for selection as a reserve in the All-Star Game, but the all-N.B.A. honor from the news media established him as one of the league’s top 15 players — to go with his status as the most feared player in the international game at the time.
“It was very, very difficult,” said Dallas Mavericks Coach Rick Carlisle, then an assistant coach with the Nets. “It happened overseas. It happened time zones away. Information wasn’t traveling as fast in those days.”
Carlisle, in fact, was among the Nets’ personnel who did not learn of Petrovic’s death until the day after it happened, two days before the start of the 1993 N.B.A. finals. A moment of silence in Petrovic’s honor was observed before Game 1 in Phoenix
Yet there is simply no blueprint to consult for coping with a sudden death like Bryant’s, given his stature as a singular force in the sport — basketball’s bridge between Michael Jordan and LeBron James — and how much more immediacy can be felt in a world made smaller by the day by technology.
Bryant may have been retired for nearly four years, but he had remained synonymous with the Lakers, with whom he spent his entire 20-year career and won five championships. Although a felony sexual assault charge in Colorado in July 2003 damaged his reputation and briefly appeared to threaten his career, Bryant would go on to establish himself as one of the most popular (if polarizing) players in the sport’s history and perhaps the world’s most prominent supporter of women’s basketball.
“It’s heartbreaking for all of us, but I’m not the only one dealing with something,” Nets guard Kyrie Irving said in a postgame interview with ESPN on Wednesday.
It was Irving’s first time back in the lineup since he had skipped Sunday’s game against the Knicks mere hours after the crash. Close to Bryant for years, Irving did manage, despite his grief, to call it “a beautiful thing” that the tragedy was “connecting all of us.”
Terry was certainly grateful for the connection with his old rival on the day before Bryant’s fateful helicopter ride. He hugged Bryant before that Saturday game, then sat courtside to scout.
“It was just amazing to see Kobe and Gigi interact, not only as father and daughter but as coach and player,” Terry said, using Gianna Bryant’s nickname. “She had his mannerisms. She had the same competitive drive.
“A lot of times at the eighth-grade level, there’s a lot of, ‘Go over here, go over there, pass the ball, shoot the ball.’ Kobe was doing none of that. There wasn’t a lot of yelling. You could tell he had spent a lot of time with those girls. They already knew what he expected of them.”
Terry, who began coaching girls’ basketball while he was still an N.B.A. player, has five daughters with his wife, Johnyika. Three of them made the trip — Jaida (15), Jasa (12) and Jrue (5) — but none were on the team that was to play Kobe’s.
Jaida Terry plays on a different high school team from the one her father coaches, but Jason Terry has been hoping to persuade her to at least play for him in summer ball.
“Originally we weren’t going to bring Jaida on the trip, but I surprised her at the last minute,” Terry said. “She really came to see Kobe in person, but this trip was also to ‘see how Dad coaches and see if I can play for him.’
“I’ve been trying to get her to play for me for about two years, because my older daughters played for me. When we got home, immediately, Jaida was like, ‘I’m playing for you this summer — no matter what.’”
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/kobe-and-gianna-bryants-bond-was-made-of-love-and-basketball/
0 notes
Masters of Speed
And GO QUICKLY, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you. Matthew 28:7
And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a censer, and put fire therein from off the altar, and put on incense, and GO QUICKLY unto the congregation, and make an atonement for them: for there is wrath gone out from the LORD; the plague is begun.
Numbers 16:46
Most snakes are feared because of their venomous bites.  But the black mamba , which has been called ‘death incarnate’ by some biologists, has an even more fearsome reputation.  It has been called the most dangerous snake in the world because of its aggression and speed.  Certainly the black mamba is the most feared snake in Africa. Why is that?
The black mamba is very fast and agile.  A group of people are usually required to kill it. When cornered, it strikes in all directions while a third of its body is suspended above the ground. Over short distances it can move at up to 5.4metres per second which is almost 20 kilometres per hour and faster than most people can sprint. The black mamba can travel with a third of its body raised off the ground and can move quickly on trees, on the ground or in water. The speed and aggression of the black mamba make it one of the most successful snakes of all time. You will achieve great success if you learn to do things aggressively and with speed.  Speed is a very important quality and most races and competitions exist to determine how fast you can go.  
The strike of a snake is so fast that you may just feel the prick but never see the snake itself.  Some vipers can go from being coiled up to opening its mouth, unfolding its fangs, lunging, biting and injecting venom to folding its fangs back again, closing its mouth and returning to a coiled up position in a fraction of a second.   Like I said, the human eye cannot follow the strike.  It is so swift! So, what is the speed of your strike?  What is the speed of your response to God’s call?  What is the speed of your obedience to the will of God?  How swift are you when you are responding to God? 
Most competitions exist to uncover and discover people’s capacity for speed: the speed of dogs, the speed of horses, the speed of cars, the speed of planes and the speed of human beings!  A lot of money can be earned if you are fast. In the ministry, a lot of things also respond to speed.  The slower you are, the more unsuccessful you will be in the work of God. To be wise as a serpent you must increase your speed!  You must increase your speed in the many different areas of your life and ministry.    In the next section, I want to show you certain critical areas where speed is important.  You must critically increase your speed in all these areas. 
Ten Areas to Increase Your Speed
1.Increase your speed by responding to your call quickly. If God has called you, you must answer the call quickly and you must obey what God has said.  Everything changes when there are delays. 
Everything changes when you do not respond quickly. If you read the bible you will discover many people who obeyed God immediately.  I have been a pastor for twenty-five years and I have encouraged many people to work for the Lord. Actually, my ministry has hinged around encouraging people to serve the Lord. 
The reality I have observed over the years is that people who do not quickly respond to the call of God eventually do not respond at all. All kinds of delays, slowness and excuses are the reasons why people do not end up in the ministry.  You need to be quick to accept that God has called you. You need to be quick to obey His will for you! 
When the apostle Paul received the call of God, he immediately began to preach.  All those who do not start immediately end up not starting!  A thousand excuses are given for not doing what is right, but the end result is the same.  No speed, no ministry! 
So Ananias departed and entered the house, and after laying his hands on him said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road by which you were coming, has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
And immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he regained his sight, and he got up and was baptized; and he took food and was strengthened.  Now for several days he was with the disciples who were at Damascus, and IMMEDIATELY HE BEGAN TO PROCLAIM JESUS in the synagogues, saying, “He is the Son of God.” Acts 9:17-20 (NASB)
2. Increase your speed by responding quickly to visions.
A vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing and appealing to him, and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” WHEN HE HAD SEEN THE VISION, IMMEDIATELY WE SOUGHT TO GO into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them. So putting out to sea from Troas, we ran a straight course to Samothrace, and on the day following to Neapolis; Acts 16:9-11 (NASB)
When the apostle Paul had the vision to go to Macedonia he responded immediately. What has God told you? What has He asked you to do?  How many years are you going to take to do what you have been told to do?  I am glad I obeyed the call of God when I was twenty-five years old.  There have been many reasons why I should have done something else.  Within a year of my medical training, I moved quickly into full time ministry.  I have been in full time ministry all my working life.  I have no regrets for starting early.  There are many people who wish they had done what I did twenty years ago.  They contemplated, they dreamt, they imagined but they never took the step. Speed is important if you are to fulfil the will of the Lord.  
3. Increase your speed by quickly leaving the world behind you quickly. Notice how Andrew and Peter left their fishing nets and followed Jesus.   They did it immediately. “ 
 As He was going along by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew, the brother of Simon, casting a net in the sea; for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” IMMEDIATELY, they left their nets and followed Him” (Mark 1:16-18).  
Don’t hesitate to leave your worldly friends behind.  Don’t hesitate to leave your old school mates behind. Don’t hesitate to leave your old career behind. It is nothing! It is nothing! It is dung!   I walked away from the world as soon as I finished my internship.  I have no regrets that I did it so quickly. 
4.Increase your speed by starting your ministry quickly.  
Speed is most important when it comes to the start of your ministry.  Ministry is a long road with many painful hurdles.  No matter how you delay the start of the journey, the hurdles will remain in place, waiting for you to arrive there.   If you wait too long, you will get to those hurdles by the time you are a worn out old man. The hurdles will not have pity for you. The hurdles will not be lowered because of your age.  The hurdles will not be reduced because you had a late start. The earlier and quicker you begin your ministry, the earlier and quicker you will get past certain hurdles. I am grateful to God for the chance I had to start a church whilst I was a student.  Although I was just following my zealous love for the Lord, I did not know that I was making one of the wisest moves of my whole life by starting quickly. 
When Peter’s mother in law was healed, she rose up and immediately began ministering.  All examples of successful ministry involve people who rise up and start their ministry immediately. Then He got up and left the synagogue, and entered Simon’s home. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Him to help her.
And standing over her, He rebuked the fever, and it left her; and SHE IMMEDIATELY GOT UP AND WAITED ON THEM. While the sun was setting, all those who had any who were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and laying His hands on each one of them, He was healing them. Luke 4:38-40 (NASB)
5.Increase your speed of recognizing anointed people.
When they had crossed over they came to land at Gennesaret, and moored to the shore. When they got out of the boat, IMMEDIATELY THE PEOPLE RECOGNIZED HIM, and ran about that whole country and began to carry here and there on their pallets those who were sick, to the place they heard He was. Wherever He entered villages, or cities, or countryside, they were laying the sick in the market places, and imploring Him that they might just touch the fringe of His cloak; and as many as touched it were being cured. Mark 6:53-56 (NASB)
In the passage above, we see how the multitudes recognized the anointing and the anointed one.  Because they recognized the anointing, they received their healing. Those who did not recognize the anointing, did not come out of their houses to receive a blessing.  
Over the years I have treasured certain people because I recognized them as anointed men.  People have wondered why I make a fuss about certain anointed men.  If you are spiritual, you will recognize and respect people just because of the anointing on their lives.  Sometimes it is not easy to recognize a great anointing.  You must become sensitive to the anointing and recognize it quickly. Why is that?  When you do not recognize anointed people quickly, you may criticize them instead.  Anointed people are sent into your life at a particular season. They are also sent for a particular reason.
Kenneth Hagin was sent into my life so that I could receive an anointing and a ministry.  Through the anointing on his life, I received a ministry and became anointed to do what I am doing.  I loved his tapes so much and I enjoyed listening his messages. I would share them with others but no one seemed to find them as special as I did.  One night, in 1988, whilst listening to Kenneth Hagin, the power of God fell on me and I became anointed to teach.
That teaching anointing has given me the opportunity to build churches, have conferences, conduct crusades, raise up pastors and do many other things.  I pray for you that you will recognize anointed people when they are sent to you.  You will miss your blessing if you do not quickly recognize people that are sent into your life.
6.Increase your speed of tackling the harvest. And He was saying, “The kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; and he goes to bed at night and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts and grows -- how, he himself does not know. “The soil produces crops by itself; first the blade, then the head, then the mature grain in the head. “But when the crop permits, HE IMMEDIATELY PUTS IN THE SICKLE, because the harvest has come.” Mark 4:26-29 (NASB)
Why was the Holy Spirit given?  So that we will go out and be witnesses to the ends of the earth!  When the church stops winning souls it falls into darkness and the Holy Spirit departs.
The harvest is waiting for you and for me.  As Christians have dedicated themselves to rejoicing in affluent cities, other religions have crept in unawares and taken over vast regions of forgotten souls.  Many pastors do not do any evangelism or crusades.  ‘When I am as rich as those famous American evangelists, I will also do such things’ they say.  Be careful my friend.  The blood of many unsaved people will be required at your hand.  Souls are parting as we live today! Souls will part as the days go by! How many really will die in Christ? How many really will live again?
7. Increase your speed by quickly moving away from those who reject you.
Then the whole multitude of the country of the Gadarenes round about besought him to depart from them; for they were taken with great fear: and he went up into the ship, and returned back again. Luke 8:37
Many people will not believe in you.  Not everyone will believe in your call. You must be quick to turn away from those who do not believe in you, otherwise your real ministry will be quenched.  There are always some people who love you, who like you and who want to hear you. Be quick to turn in that direction and avoid those who despise you. 
8. Increase your speed by being quick to detect disloyalty
Immediately Jesus, aware in his spirit that they were reasoning that way within themselves, said to them, “why are you reasoning about these things in your hearts? “Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, “Your sins are forgiven’; or to say, “Get up, and pick up your pallet and walk’? Mark 2:3-9 (NASB)
Another area you must develop swiftness in is your ability to detect disloyal, disgruntled and discontented people.  Jesus Christ sensed the rejection and despisement in the Pharisees.  When you do not detect and diagnose disloyalty quickly, it grows and infects others. Your whole church and ministry can be destroyed because you do not detect disloyalty quickly.   To be quick at detecting disloyalty, see my book Loyalty and Disloyalty, especially the chapter on Signs of Disloyalty.  
9. Increase your speed by being quick to identify potential leaders Another important area where you must be fast is in identifying potential leaders.  The leaders of tomorrow are all around you.  The wonderful people you will need are all around you.  In order to do well in ministry, you must identify potential leaders and great people around you. If you do not recognize them, another ministry will.  Other people will identify the people you rejected and use them for great things. When you meet them, you will be amazed at what they have been trained to do.  For more on how to identify potential leaders see my book, The Art of Leadership. 
Going on a little farther, He saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who were also in the boat mending the nets.  IMMEDIATELY HE CALLED THEM; and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and went away to follow Him. Mark 1:19-20 (NASB)
10. Increase your speed by being quick to root out   foolishness
“Call now, is there anyone who will answer you? And to which of the holy ones will you turn?  “For anger slays the foolish man, and jealousy kills the simple.  “I HAVE SEEN THE FOOLISH TAKING ROOT, AND I CURSED HIS ABODE IMMEDIATELY. “His sons are far from safety, they are even oppressed in the gate, and there is no deliverer. Job 5:1-4 (NASB)
It is important to root out foolishness quickly.  Disorderly, rebellious and disobedient people are dangerous because they have a way of spreading their poison.  Many under-developed countries are poor because of a culture of allowing foolishness to take root.  All sorts of things are allowed in the name of not offending people. 
Visit a poor country and you will find roads meant for cars that are used as markets. Kiosks and containers line the pavements, forcing the pedestrians to walk on the roads. 
Slums of shacks, kiosks and containers are allowed to expand and take over the city because politicians, fearing they may lose popularity, refuse to root out disorderliness.
In such countries, you will find the city authorities come up years after they should have prevented the development of these slums, to demolish and destroy poor people’s homes, treating the people like animals.  This unfortunate style of leadership is due to a lack of speed in those who lead.
by Dag Heward-Mills
0 notes
mastcomm · 4 years
Kobe and Gianna Bryant’s Bond Was Made of Love and Basketball
Playing against Kobe Bryant for 17 years convinced Jason Terry of one thing: He needed to prepare zealously before coaching against him for the first time.
So two weeks ahead of a January trip from Dallas to Southern California, Terry obtained video of Bryant’s Mamba Sports Academy girls’ basketball team for film study. Then he watched Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, and the rest of Team Mamba in person the day before the showdown.
“All I’m thinking is, ‘We’ve got to be really ready for this game,’” Terry said. “So I’m scouting them hard, taking my notes. Because if it’s going to be anything like the way he competed, he’s going to try to tear my heart out.”
The scouting mission was last Saturday, Jan. 25. The next morning, Terry’s Lady Drive Nation squad was in a van on its way to the Mamba Sports Academy in Thousand Oaks, Calif., for a noon tipoff. Word soon began to circulate that a helicopter transporting Bryant to the area had crashed into a Calabasas hillside.
Tournament play in the first-ever Mamba Cup came to a sudden halt, even before it was confirmed that the crash had killed all nine people aboard: Kobe and Gianna Bryant, two of Gianna’s teammates, three other parents, one assistant coach and the pilot.
“Being right where he was coming to, and knowing what he was coming for, is what I’m struggling with,” Terry said.
Terry, who played in the N.B.A. from the 1999-2000 season through 2017-18, is hardly alone. The basketball world is grieving like never before in the wake of a crash that claimed the life of the retired Kobe Bryant at 41, robbed Gianna Bryant of her promising future and shattered at least five families.
And then there’s the N.B.A. family.
February is always a marquee month in the N.B.A. The annual trade deadline falls on Thursday this season. All-Star Weekend, the league’s midseason party, commences a week later in Chicago. Yet neither occasion is generating anything close to its usual hoopla or anticipation amid the deep sorrow that has gripped those who play and work in the N.B.A. — with no way to forecast how long the pain will be felt so acutely.
“It’s sad every day,” Clippers forward Kawhi Leonard said.
As recently as August, Leonard and his new Clippers teammate Paul George were at the Mamba Sports Academy for their own sessions with the self-styled “Black Mamba,” seemingly as eager to learn from Bryant as Gianna and her teammates, including Alyssa Altobelli and Payton Chester, who also died in the crash.
“We grew up here,” George told reporters in Los Angeles. “He was our hero. He was our G.O.A.T.”
On Friday night at Staples, before the Lakers’ first game since the tragedy, LeBron James made a powerful four-minute speech in Bryant’s honor and then led his former team against the visiting Portland Trail Blazers — after the Lakers convinced the league office that Tuesday’s game against the Clippers had to be postponed.
It was too much, Lakers officials insisted, to ask players and club employees to stage a nationally televised game just two days after Bryant’s death.
Friday was still too soon for Portland’s grief-stricken Carmelo Anthony, who asked to skip the game at Staples. He had been scheduled to have dinner with Bryant in Los Angeles on Thursday night.
Terry understood completely. Upon returning home to Dallas, he found it difficult just to coach two games this week, for his high school girls’ team at North Dallas Adventist Academy.
“I was shaking going back into a gym,” Terry said. “My hands were literally shaking. I don’t know how the Lakers are going to do it.”
N.B.A. teams have confronted sudden death before. But they have done so sporadically, rarely during the season, and never on this scale — with a legend, children and family members involved.
The Boston Celtics lost their prized draft pick Len Bias to a drug overdose in 1986, before Bias ever played a game for them, then were rocked again in July 1993, when Reggie Lewis collapsed and died of a heart ailment during an off-season practice.
Bobby Phills of the Charlotte Hornets and Malik Sealy of the Minnesota Timberwolves were both killed in car crashes four months apart in 2000.
The ballhandler extraordinaire Pete Maravich, five times an N.B.A. All-Star in the 1970s and one of the most entertaining showmen in league history, died during a pickup game in 1988 at age 40 from a previously undetected heart defect. Maravich, like Bryant, was already retired.
In perhaps the closest parallel, the Nets’ star guard Drazen Petrovic was killed in a car accident in June 1993 while he was traveling abroad with the Croatian national team.
After a slow start to his N.B.A. career amid the league’s first wave of European imports, Petrovic, at 28, had just broken through to earn a spot on the all-N.B.A. third team for his play during the 1992-93 season. Petrovic was snubbed by Eastern Conference coaches for selection as a reserve in the All-Star Game, but the all-N.B.A. honor from the news media established him as one of the league’s top 15 players — to go with his status as the most feared player in the international game at the time.
“It was very, very difficult,” said Dallas Mavericks Coach Rick Carlisle, then an assistant coach with the Nets. “It happened overseas. It happened time zones away. Information wasn’t traveling as fast in those days.”
Carlisle, in fact, was among the Nets’ personnel who did not learn of Petrovic’s death until the day after it happened, two days before the start of the 1993 N.B.A. finals. A moment of silence in Petrovic’s honor was observed before Game 1 in Phoenix
Yet there is simply no blueprint to consult for coping with a sudden death like Bryant’s, given his stature as a singular force in the sport — basketball’s bridge between Michael Jordan and LeBron James — and how much more immediacy can be felt in a world made smaller by the day by technology.
Bryant may have been retired for nearly four years, but he had remained synonymous with the Lakers, with whom he spent his entire 20-year career and won five championships. Although a felony sexual assault charge in Colorado in July 2003 damaged his reputation and briefly appeared to threaten his career, Bryant would go on to establish himself as one of the most popular (if polarizing) players in the sport’s history and perhaps the world’s most prominent supporter of women’s basketball.
“It’s heartbreaking for all of us, but I’m not the only one dealing with something,” Nets guard Kyrie Irving said in a postgame interview with ESPN on Wednesday.
It was Irving’s first time back in the lineup since he had skipped Sunday’s game against the Knicks mere hours after the crash. Close to Bryant for years, Irving did manage, despite his grief, to call it “a beautiful thing” that the tragedy was “connecting all of us.”
Terry was certainly grateful for the connection with his old rival on the day before Bryant’s fateful helicopter ride. He hugged Bryant before that Saturday game, then sat courtside to scout.
“It was just amazing to see Kobe and Gigi interact, not only as father and daughter but as coach and player,” Terry said, using Gianna Bryant’s nickname. “She had his mannerisms. She had the same competitive drive.
“A lot of times at the eighth-grade level, there’s a lot of, ‘Go over here, go over there, pass the ball, shoot the ball.’ Kobe was doing none of that. There wasn’t a lot of yelling. You could tell he had spent a lot of time with those girls. They already knew what he expected of them.”
Terry, who began coaching girls’ basketball while he was still an N.B.A. player, has five daughters with his wife, Johnyika. Three of them made the trip — Jaida (15), Jasa (12) and Jrue (5) — but none were on the team that was to play Kobe’s.
Jaida Terry plays on a different high school team from the one her father coaches, but Jason Terry has been hoping to persuade her to at least play for him in summer ball.
“Originally we weren’t going to bring Jaida on the trip, but I surprised her at the last minute,” Terry said. “She really came to see Kobe in person, but this trip was also to ‘see how Dad coaches and see if I can play for him.’
“I’ve been trying to get her to play for me for about two years, because my older daughters played for me. When we got home, immediately, Jaida was like, ‘I’m playing for you this summer — no matter what.’”
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/kobe-and-gianna-bryants-bond-was-made-of-love-and-basketball/
0 notes