#there was always just so much drama rumors leaks conspiracy theories
alistairlowes · 4 years
Okay you really (obviously) do not have to answer this if you don't want to but i've been wanting to watch vld but the i've seen people refer to it as the "v slur" or like tagging their posts with content warnings? I was just wondering why and what happened with the show but it's 100% okay if you don't wanna answer
hi! i’m fine with answering it’s under read more because idk how to explain without writing an essay
contains spoilers!
i’m giving an overview because it’s been a while and it would take me 3 days to explain everything that actually went down with that show and it’s production.
first things first, i think most of the fandom will agree first 2-3 seasons of vld were actually good. the animation, art and music were always on point. generally majority of the problems could be tracked to showrunners joaquim dos santos and lauren montgomery. if you watched the show without much background context and focused purely on storytelling… like it would still suck but it probably wouldn’t make you as angry. as someone who actually followed interviews and production and can’t look at it inside vacuum, i’ll summarize it like this:
plot had no sense of direction. jds and lm said they didn’t have a plan instead the writing was done as the show went on. which is why the plot is all over the place.
too many characters. none of them properly developed. even main characters were eventually stripped to their main traits (ex. hunk making food jokes; lance being comic relief), not addressing any trauma characters experienced and you can actually tell which characters were prioritized.
shiro was originally supposed to die. but because his toys were selling and capitalism always wins jds and lm had to keep him alive which resulted in some very weird and non logical arcs for him.
queerbaiting. this one will vary depending on who you ask because a lot of people pointed out show did bating with “certain” scenes. now listen, EVEN if we ignored that this is still where they fucked up the most. big part of the older audience consisted out of either lgbt fans or shippers and production was very aware of that (ex. they tagged trailers with #klance and they also sold merch which had only keith and lance on it which is…yeah). now the worst part. during season 7 promotion they announced we would meet shiro’s love interest that season. said love interest was a man and shiro (you know character they previously wanted to kill) was actually gay and suddenly very important representation. so naturally fans were excited. that ended up with them killing off love interest (ex-fiancé) in the first episode of the season. also i remember two voiceover version existed, one being more censored. the show ends with shiro marrying a guy (which should be a big win for kid’s cartoons). however those screenshots leaked before final season aired and by the time it did they changed guy who he married from one random bg character to another one. instead of owning up to having lgbt characters they put wedding scene at the end which made them avoid any potential backlash of financial loss. there was also some wlw baiting but it doesn’t matter they killed them off too.
forced tragedy porn. in an interview jds and lm stated they wanted to kill and hurt more of the characters but the weren’t allowed to. allura (one of only 2 main female chars) dies in the end as some kind of heroic sacrifice and i can’t even begin to unpack everything wrong with that. after 8 seasons of lance pinning after her they got together just before she died which left him heartbroken and he decided to become a farmer because you know makes sense. lotor who was off and on villain died melted in a chair (this is still technically kids cartoon and that scene was terrifying). there’s also constant shiro torture.
toxic fandom. although not exclusively fault of the shippers they did bring the bad name to the fandom. constant ship wars, people asking ship questions on every panel, harassing everyone involved, showing nsfw art to voice actors (yes really). by the end actors didn’t wanna do anything with the show either. they usually did panels after the new season but s8 was so bad not even jds or lm dared to do one <\3
there was more drama and a lot of rumors but i won't include those because i don't know how true they are. voltron is basically what happens when you have a big demanding fandom and tone deaf showrunners. there is few video essays on it on youtube if you want to know more about issues with the plot and other stuff. censoring tags and trigger warning became like one of those fandom things as a result of fans who were disappointed. vld became he who must not be named basically lmao.
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sanderssideswriting · 4 years
Youtuber life chapter 7
“Ships: familial sleepxiety and eventual Prinxiety
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Summary: Remy Sanders is a famous beauty vlogger and just moved to LA with his teenage son Virgil after their location was leaked by fans. Remy AKA CoffeeAddiction has several million subscribers. Virgil also has a secret Drama channel, where he doesn’t show his face and uses a voice modifier. He just hit a million subs and grows more everyday because of the level of production his videos have, the mystery around who he is and the fact that he ALWAYS has the latest information regarding youtube drama.
The drama took awhile to really gain steam. But once it did there was no stopping it. 
Drama channels all over the place were talking about the different theories. 
most where along the lines of Remy manipulating Virgil in some way or another.
Virgil didn’t pay the theories any attention those rumors and theories they tended to die out fast and there’d been speculation on who he was before.
but this time that didn’t happen, because fans where digging up more and more proof. It’d become a conspiracy between the beauty vloggers to hide the intern’s identity so there must be a reason for it.
People kept asking Virgil to talk about it, he ignored all requests and carried on with his life.
Until it was finally solved. And Virgil didn’t know.
But everyone at school did and when he arrived people kept giving him funny looks.
Except for his friends who’d all decided that it was absolutely stupid and ignored it.
Lunch was a mess, Virgil knew something was up. But he didn’t know what until someone flat out asked him “are you CoffeeAddiction’s sugar baby?”
Which freaked him out and he sprinted off to the bathroom. With several people in pursuit who’d overheard and saw Virgil run off at the question.
Roman, Patton and Logan found Virgil hiding in the bathroom.
“Virgil, are you ok? What’s going on kiddo?” Patton asked.
Virgil was trying to text Remy but his hands where shaking to much.
His phone fell to the ground.
“I’m coming in Virgil” Roman said opening the door.
Virgil looked up “need to text my dad. Spilled tea” he said getting his phone off the ground.
Logan took it from him “I can do it. What do you need to tell him?”
“Spilled tea, he knows what it means. Then I need to get outside so he can take me home.”
“Patton, Logan can you two make a distraction? I’ll go with Virgil,”
They agreed on a plan. Patton and Logan went first. A few minute Later Roman left with Virgil after Remy had texted he was close.
The fire alarm went off and Virgil and Roman left to get to the front of the school.
Remy was there “get in Virgil! We need to go. I’ll need to make some calls for damage control,” Remy said.
Virgil and Roman got in the car.
“so you’re-?”
“CoffeeAddiction one of the most well know beauty vloggers on youtube? Yes gurl. I’m also Virgil’s dad. You’d think people wouldn’t care so much about my son. I’ll be so pissed if we have to move again.”
“this whole time you said you didn’t watch CoffeeAddiction when you’re the intern!” Roman said to Virgil.
Remy laughed “yes gurl. It was a cover.”
“yeah, at least they don’t know where we live... yet”
“Yes, but Virgil come on. You know I don’t like James Charles, and gurl I’m not making another video about it. You can do that yourself.”
“Dad! Come on!”
Remy cackled.
Roman looked so confused.
“Sorry babe I keep forgetting you don’t know. Virgil is Storm Cloud, that’s his drama channel, and Virgil WILL be making a video debunking the whole ‘ like James Charles’ thing.”
“Dad can we just get home please?”
Roman left a few hours later.
Virgil didn’t come to school for a week, he was out sick and Logan, Patton and Roman all said the same.
At the end of the week Storm Cloud posted a video.
“It’s time to talk about CoffeeAddiction’s “intern”“
“Hey bastards, today the video will be a bit different. Everyone’s heard of what’s going on with CoffeeAddiction and his intern. And I’m here to debunk everything and tell everyone what’s really going on. I am also privy to the intern’s identity as are many other beauty youtubers who have done collaborations with CoffeeAddiction. There is no crazy conspiracy. CoffeeAddiction is not a predator or anything that people think has been happening.”
“Are you done being dramatic?”
“Are you?”
“I wasn’t being dramatic. That’s your job.”
There’s a dramatic gasp. “everyone and their dead grandma knows about this.”
“Change of topic! I’m going to be talking about why CoffeeAddiction definetly had a crush on James Charles at one point in time and now refuses to talk about it because CoffeeAddiction is super gay and doesn’t want to talk about it because it’s cringey,”
Someone started laughing.
“Never mind we’re doing it on my channel.”
CoffeeAddiction posted a video titled “addressing the recent allegations and coming clean”
“ah fuck time to come out.” Virgil said.
“Hey bastards, I’m gay.”
Remy started laughing “but on a serious note, I need to address the recent allegations against me.”
“Oh fuck did they find out you have a crush on James Charles?”
“Let. It. Go.”
Virgil started laughing.
“Today everyone will learn the truth about my intern.”
Virgil stopped laughing “yeah fuckers, thanks for this mess. Really it was so fun getting chased around my school and asked if I was a sugar baby.”
Remy choked on his coffee “they WHAT? You have to tell me that stuff! Ugh now I have to make a phone call.”
“Anyway this is Virgil! My teenage very emo son. Who I have not been extorting. We came up with the intern excuse so that he could be in videos and not have people know who he was. Now stop with the conspiracies'.” Remy lectured.
“yeah they’re fucking annoying. Well I have homework and a life so byeeee,” Virgil left.
Remy sighed “so that’s it babes, a teenage son that I’ve been calling my intern. I have an agreement with other youtuber who do collabs with me not to say anything about my kid to their fans for privacy reasons. I’m not someone who uses my kid for views. Now that that’s explain I’ll see you soon babes!”
the video ends.
Virgil was able to go back to school a while later, he’d been taking online classes in the mean time. He’d also gotten together with Roman. Remy had said “it took you long enough Virgil.”
Remy also posted cute hom videos of him for the soul purpose of embarrassing Virgil.
Virgil of course refused to let that stand and made the exposé on Remy having a crush on James Charles.
This went back and fourth and fans LOVED it.
Virgil also did many of his won videos with Roman and his other friends.
The most popular one was one Remy did on his channel called “Me and my son do his boyfriend’s make up while watching horror movies”
AN: this ending was very rushed, bc I know that it’s taken so long to write this, I wanted to finish and didn’t have much motivation to do so and honestly I also forgot about it, so I hope the ending is ok.
taglist:  @athenashipsthings @thezestywalru @decadentscissorsapricotdeputy @toadink2005
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