#there was one point the bots took over fr tags
miente-fr · 4 years
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.I keep forgetting to post about these two. My newest gened gen ones, Elipsus and Poppy. Poppy is my first snapper ever, and I am really diggin her. Elipsus isn’t my first guardian but boy does he have my heart right now.
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My very first crackship (Max and Lola) in skam fr tag and also first time since forever of posting a fanfic under this tag too. Nonetheless, hope you all enjoy it!
Disclaimer : English isn’t my native language so there’s gonna be grammar error here and there and if any of you think Max or Lola’s characters are a bit ooc, then I apologised in advanced but these all based on my imagination about them
Please be kind if you want to make a critic about it💕💕💕
“I know you’re probably tired of hearing this, but I’m very proud of you and your progress, Lola.” says the therapist. And yes, she’s been getting the same positive words from the people around her regarding to that, but it still makes her smile nonetheless; it feels nice. Truly.
It’s crazy how this small, gloomy office is becoming one of the most important and prominent thing that ever happened in her life. It used to be a torture, just by thinking about sitting here, facing the same therapist over and over again, pouring her heart out like she wanted to do it and not feeling obligated at all. Crazy how those feelings happened less than a year ago. But it doesn’t mean she never feels like the old times again, it’s just... less and less brutal, if she might adds. The fact that Daphne and her step-dad also going through therapy making her feel less lonely. When she’s too absorbs in her thoughts, her stomach suddenly begins to make a grumbling sound. Loud one too!
The therapist laughs, “ah! want an apple?”
Lola shakes her head, a bit embarrassed. She hasn’t eat anything for breakfast because she was in a hurry to get here. Damn that broken alarm clock!
“No, thank you. I’ll be going with my friend to have some lunch after this.”
“Then, I’ll be sending your report about your progress by e-mail as usual, later tonight?”
“Thank you very much.”
“No no, Lola,” the therapist smiles softly. “Thank you for being here, thank you for helping me helping you.”
After saying goodbye, Lola leaves the office and stops her step to take out her phone. Just before her fingers begin to type, a familiar and gentle voice greets her.
“I’m already here.”
Lola looks up and sees Max making his way to her. His steps aren’t slow, aren’t fast either; they’re perfectly balanced, won’t making you feel left out. Walking besides him, even in silence, brings her a lot of comfort; something she never felt before, not even with her old crush Maya, whom she’s still a good friend with by the way.
“Good. You saved me from wasting my time typing.”
Max gives her a little smile that could make Lola’s heart doing this funny sommersault like in the WWE. How could that happened? How did he do that?
Poker face, Lola. Poker face, she thought to herself while her heart is screaming “lies!” every seconds. Putain!
“Glad I could be your saviour then,” he playfully adds. “Shall we go eat now? I’m starving.”
Remembering the embarrasing incident at the office not long ago, Lola nods and walks beside Max. It feels almost natural to be besides him like this. One of the wonder she can’t grasp why, yet.
“Where and what do you wanna eat?”
“Anything will do,” Lola shrugs. “But better be affordable, though.”
Max takes a glance at the girl beside him when she’s not looking. Her hair is slightly swept by the wind. His nose catches the smell of strawberry and cream altogether.
“I know just the place. Not far from here. Come on!”
The place where Max was talking about located only five blocks from the earlier place. Because it’s lunch time, of course it’s crowded but somehow they manage to find an empty spot outside. Not gonna lie, Lola’s a bit intimidated when she’s looking at the menu.
“I told you to go to the affordable place and this ain’t it, Max!” she hisses while pointing at the book menu.
“Well, it’s affordable for me, though,” he grins, and before Lola can speaks again, he continues, “it’s on me.”
“I never give you anything, as long as I remember and now I got the chance. Believe me, it was an impromptu idea.”
“No?” Max repeats, brows furrowing.
“No,” Lola shakes her head, also a bit annoyed now. “You don’t need to buy or give me anything. I still have money.”
“I know but it’s just for one meal. I promise. No ulterior motives whatsoever.”
Because her stomach is making a nasty sound again, Lola unwillingly says yes to Max’s offer and without thinking, she orders spagetti marinara with extra cheese on top because he says it’s one of the best dish this restaurant have. They eat in comfortable silence, and as Max has said before, the spagetti is indeed, sublime. Even better than the one Daphne’s usually making—Lola silently apologised to her about this. Less than fifteen minutes later, her plate is already clean.
“Glad you’ve been enjoying the food.”
“You’re right. This is amazing!”
Seeing Lola smiles brightly, especially at him, makes Max’s heart soars. Sometimes Max can’t help but laughing at her dry jokes, looking at her way or stealing some moments just to talk to her for few minutes. The rest of the Lamifex is suspecting about his feeling about Lola, but he never says a word about it. Yes, he wasn’t really liked her at first. Yes, he was being cold towards her. But like most people in the world do, his perspective of her changed almost drastically when both of them shared bits of their life’s journey while waiting for the other Lamifex members to showed up at the usual place many months ago. From his eyes, Lola is actually funny without even trying, brave enough to own her mistakes and apologises for them too, really caring about the people she loves and cares about—sometimes Max wondering to himself if he’s one of those people, if he could ever be one.
“It’s too early to daydreaming, no?”
Max blinks rapidly, “sorry. Too lost in thoughts.”
“What were you thinking, then?”
You, “nothing.”
Lola crosses her arms while leaning back to her seat, “usually when someone says nothing, it’s actually everything.”
“You’re not wrong,” Max replies, as the corner of his lips is going upward. “Let’s go somewhere else, shall we?”
“Where?” Lola’s eyes and voice are in full alert mode now. If he’s taking her to a rather expensive place again, she swears to God! No matter how she’s having a crush him, there’s no doubt that she’ll throw darts if he dares to do it again.
Wait! A crush on him? On Max?! As in the romantic way? Oh putain! No no no! This is bad! Red flags!
But even though her head screaming no, her feet are following Max’s steps to the place none other than the riverbank of Seine.
“My second favorite place in the whole city. Probably the world too.” Max proudly declares as he stares into the calm river.
“You’re usually coming here, then?”
“A lot, yeah,” he nods, sitting besides Lola. Not too close, yet not too far to touch either. “Maybe the only place that I can make myself to think clearly. It’s even more beautiful at night.”
“I know. Sometimes I’m also going here alone, just because.”
The wind is exceptionally strong today. It makes her hair feels like flying all over the place, slapping her face here and there. When Lola tries to shield the hair from the wind, the next thing she knows, Max puts his usual black snapback on her head and brushes few strands of her hair off of her lips and cheeks, then places them behind the ears. This is the very first time they’re making physical contacts like this, and surprisingly, Lola doesn’t mind it.
As if Max is strucks by lightning, he quickly making a distance between Lola and him; a bit farther this time. He also fully realises that it was their very first physical touch and the last thing he wants is for Lola feeling uncomfortable, even just a slightest bit.
“Why do you sit so far this time?”
Max can’t look at her, “no reason.”
“Thank you for the meal.”
Still can’t look at her, “It was nothing, Lola.”
Something utterly familiar catches his nose, but stronger this time and suddenly feels something touches his right shoulder—it’s Lola’s head. For split seconds, Max is too shocked to comprehend the whole situation; wanted to slaps himself, to make sure that this isn’t a cruel dream but it’s not a dream. Pretty much real. As real as the sun in the sky right now and they’re both basking underneath it.
“You don’t mind me doing this, do you?” Lola asks, slowly without tearing her gaze from the Seine.
“Not at all. Stay as long as you need.”
Lola smiles at this, “I might hurting your shoulder for resting my head too long.”
“I don’t mind.” Max gently replies. His hands are itchy to brush Lola’s... just for a second, or less than that. But he can’t. He doesn’t want to ruin this small precious moment between them, have to control his desire or else, she’s gonna pulls back again.
“By the way, metaphorically speaking of course,” Lola starts to speak again after five minutes being quiet. “If I tell you that I have a crush on you, what would you do?”
“Then I’ll metaphorically answer that I’m flattered and honored.”
Lola doesn’t say anything, but somehow her face looks solemn.
“Can I ask something in return?”
Max isn’t sure if it’s a good idea, but the hell with that. It’s now or never, “if I tell you that I want to hold your hand, even for a minute or so, what would you do?”
There’s a sudden pause between them again, and Max instantly regretting the things that he said. What a stupid buffoon!
When he’s about to apologise, Lola’s voice stops him.
Neither of them knowing that both of their hearts are palpitating and doing flips. Stomach begins to churning, a whole zoo inside it too. Though somehow, someway, both are also managed to stay calm; as calm as the water flow in the Seine. Instead of answering, Lola takes Max’s hand and entwining it with hers. So this is how it feels of finding the the perfect puzzle piece in someone.
“Then I’ll literally gonna answer why it took you so long to ask me that.” Lola says as she rests her head again on Max’s shoulder, who’s now also puts his head on top of hers and inhales its pretty scent.
Both are lost in their own thoughts. Is it going to be a new start of their relationship? Maybe not. Is it going to change almost everything between them? Probably. But those questions about time and other endless possibilities aren’t exactly proper right now. There are only them, the chilly autumn weather, Seine as far as the eyes can see, the warmth of their bodies sitting close and uncertainty of life—and sometimes, it’s all that really matters.
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